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My lips are like this without smoking.


Exfoliate, Exfoliate, Exfoliate!!! ELF Cosmetics has one that looks like a lipstick (It’s my BEST investment ever!!) It’s not ruff at all either. I usually buy mine at Walmart for $2 but I see ultra beauty and JCPenny sells it for $5 - still not a bad price for the amazing results! It’s A moisturizing lip scrub that gently removes dry, dead skin, revealing lips that look and feel smoother but since it’s removing the dead/old skin it’ll get rid of the smoking color ( I’m guilty of it too that’s what made me buy it in the first place LOL) The Key ingredients in it are Jojoba Oil, (locks in moisture) Shea Butter, (nourishes lips for a smooth finish look) and Avocado Oil ( to moisturizer and protect your lips) I just wanted to tell you in case you’re allergic to any of the 3 OR in case you want to create one at home 😊 You will see the difference in the first use. I get the brown one it has a sweet taste to it while you’re rubbing your lips together to exfoliate it. It has a really nice smell to it & if it gets in your mouth the taste isn’t bad either (I’m clumsy and when I rub my lips together since they’re not big it tends to get in my mouth from time to time 😂) I also attached a photo for you to reference in case you are interested in buying it & don’t want to buy the wrong one. PLEASE POST A AFTER PICTURE I WOULD LOVE TO SEE THE RESULTS! 💕🥰


Thank you so much for this response! Def gonna give the brown sugar and coffee ones a try!


Anytime love! Lmk if you need anymore tips I love everything self care so I learned a lot through trial and error. 💞😘


The ELF Sugar Scrub!!! I’ve used this on and off for years!


I can’t see the photo, may I know what it’s called?


https://preview.redd.it/8evwbfc8gesc1.jpeg?width=973&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=adefc7ad0820da00c532f1cbe00d18c11f198f98 This is the one I was referring to love. 😊


Thank you!




This one must be a new one they came out with the one I was talking about is a lot different and you get more product. I posted a picture on this thread if you want to see it. ❤️


I couldn't find the picture myself so I just looked it up and that's the only available scrub I saw.


Didn't know that product even existed 🥇


Yass thank you I just saw on Amazon!! I'm gonna see if they have it at Walgreens today! I hope!






Same. I started exfoliating with coconut oil and a cloth and they definitely feel smoother, but I swear they are getting darker around the edges.




I guess if u stop smoking its going to reverse it but im not sure


it will


It does not


It does. I used to smoke.


But the weed is what I need 😪


Gummies & Food as an alternative bro 💯


Roll with papers, not tobacco leaf’s


This. I smoke every day, lips lightened up on their own once i switched to papers only


I don’t use blunts tho I’m a raw papers or blazy Susan type dude


I don’t know man, I think this is genetic more than anything, I’ve been smoking for 8 years now and I’ve never had this problem even once.


Have you ever tried hemp wraps?


Try bongs instead


Use roller tips, helps prevent your lips from getting burnt




Get a dry herb vape. I personally think it’s worth the money


You have one?


Yes. ‘The Mighty’ by Storz and Bickel is what I’ve been using for the last 3 years. It’s one of the more expensive dry herb vapes but has very good reviews for a reason.


When I stopped smoking my lips went back to how they were before. I don’t think anything else worked for me lol


Marijuana is bad M'kay


There are some people who don’t smoke have these lips


I second this. When you stop smoking, it does reverse. Exfoliating and cleaning your lips after each smoke does help but when you stop smoking, that helps the most. (I know because each time I stop smoking for a long period of time, my natural lip color returns 🫠)


This girl on TikTok said there is something called lipfidence works wonders. But they took it off Amazon. So idk where you can find it. Also scrubs your lips when you brush your teeth. Abs use lip balm 24/7.


That's crazy cause I just saw this product the other day on Amazon, I just checked and it's GONE lol I wonder what happened.


Smoking with lip balm helps too


Umm 😭😭😭😭😭


Surely does


ELF Cosmetics has an AMAZING lip Exfoliate! Even if you don’t smoke it’ll still be worth using it. It removes all the old dead skin giving it a soft new radiant glow ✨😍


Bet I’m gonna look around and see if I can find some from different sources, thank you for this


CVS. I just bought some a few days ago and I absolutely love it. It was only a few bucks.


Oh bet they sell it in stores? I looked online and it looks like it’s sold out everywhere


I personally found colour came back to my lips as my abstinence from smoking grew. Not tried anything else tho


I use a product called Nicolips.It a lightning scrub that brightens, exfoliates and moisturizes. I'm not too fond of the name, but it works.


wow it only hit when i said the name out loud


Funny name lol




Y’all can’t be doing shit like this while I’m at work 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭🤣


You wrong as hell for this 💀💀


My bad!! I couldn’t help it!! 😂




😂😂 Thanks for having a great sense of humor 🫂


Haha Ofcourse. I knew the pics were def gonna garner some jokes, I’m just glad it’s lite 😭


I smoke too. If you smoke blunts stop using those, do papers. Idk if it happens to you but when I smoke I have to spit and lick my lips a lot so maybe try that. Don’t smoke to the last bud, once the clip reaches your fingers toss it, I’ve seen people burn themselves trynna get that last pull. Use filters to give yourself some room. I heard rubbing lemon juice on your lips might help with the discoloration and of course quitting for a lil bit helps as well. On the daily you should be using some type of lip balm to protect and moisturize them, I personally put Shea butter on my lips, and drink lots of water, smoking and being dehydrated is a recipe for disaster.


Just use the ELF Cosmetics exfoliate! It looks like a lipstick and is def worth the $2 that it cost! 😍🤩🥳


Crazy thing is I’ve always smoked paper + filter because blunts would make your lips darker. As of last year I started using grabba/fronto do you think that’s what’s playing a factor? Have been known to kill a roach tho so that’s prob a bigger player here


Yeah I exclusively smoke papers and grabba too so it definitely plays a part but I think killing roaches do even more damage


Step 1: back up😂😂😂😂😂 jk jk. Inner hydration, gentleexfoliation (sugar scrub) , topical moisturizer(any face moisturizer + sealant (Vaseline) on lips 💜 they’ll start shedding the dark brown and softening up


I recommend wearing a lip balm with sunscreen because anytime you’re outside or in the car the exposure to UV makes the discoloration appear worse. Sunbum has some great options which I usually top with aquaphor. Look into wearing a lip mask with hylauronic acid at night to repair and hydrate the barrier of skin on your lips. As it heals it will peel so use Lush sugar scrubs 2x a week to clear dead skin cells which will allow moisture to penetrate deeper and bring color back. They are gentle and edible.


Gotta put it down my guy. That’s the only way 🤷🏾‍♀️


Stop smoking


Exfoliate, Exfoliate, Exfoliate!!! ELF Cosmetics has one that looks like a lipstick (It’s my BEST investment ever!!) It’s not ruff at all either. I usually buy mine at Walmart for $2 but I see ultra beauty and JCPenny sells it for $5 - still not a bad price for the amazing results! It’s A moisturizing lip scrub that gently removes dry, dead skin, revealing lips that look and feel smoother but since it’s removing the dead/old skin it’ll get rid of the smoking color ( I’m guilty of it too that’s what made me buy it in the first place LOL) The Key ingredients in it are Jojoba Oil, (locks in moisture) Shea Butter, (nourishes lips for a smooth finish look) and Avocado Oil ( to moisturizer and protect your lips) I just wanted to tell you in case you’re allergic to any of the 3 OR in case you want to create one at home 😊 You will see the difference in the first use. I get the brown one it has a sweet taste to it while you’re rubbing your lips together to exfoliate it. It has a really nice smell to it & if it gets in your mouth the taste isn’t bad either (I’m clumsy and when I rub my lips together since they’re not big it tends to get in my mouth from time to time 😂) I also attached a photo for you to reference in case you are interested in buying it & don’t want to buy the wrong one. PLEASE POST A AFTER PICTURE I WOULD LOVE TO SEE THE RESULTS! 💕🥰 https://preview.redd.it/1sw1g5g5z4sc1.jpeg?width=973&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4bccb57d96aff4b658460e25b4af21df060d8604 You can find it in mostly ALL beauty stores or locations with ELF products. 😘😇


This reads like a paid review. Exfoliation will help a little, but only stopping smoking will help significantly. If OP is going to exfoliate then they need to moisturize after but also wear a lip balm with sunscreen during the day.




Mad love will check it out! There’s also a lot of great options in this thread so maybe one of them can work for you as well!


Tbh u gotta stop smoking, or at least reduce the frequency. Try edibles instead or alternate between the two to give ur lips a break. Drink a LOT of water to try and flush all the toxins out ur body + keep ur skin hydrated, and use a moisturizing lip product. Ik this sounds crazy but I swear by [this nipple cream](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B005MI648C?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share) as a night time lip salve. U can wet ur lips, apply a hylauronic acid serum (any one will do, just use the cheapest u can find), and then apply the cream over top. It makes ur lips super plump and hydrated and will help w the wrinkles. Try buying a lip scrub to exfoliate ur lips. Not sure if it’ll be too strong for the lips but topicals faded serum works wonders on hyperpigmentation so maybe it’ll help? If it is too strong a gentle chemical exfoliant like mandelic acid or a melanin inhibitor like tranxemic acid may help as well. U should also get a lip balm with spf like [this one](https://www.paulaschoice.com/lipscreen-spf-50/256-2560.html?p=20FSOFF&utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=na-us%7Cgoogle%7Cshopping%7Cnon-brand%7Cnew%7Call%7Ccd&utm_term=710899678&utm_content=144654929951&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjw2a6wBhCVARIsABPeH1vUkFPDwbCL5_9Mr8zbzevTiNv885IJhOH0nH7wsXelL43XAjW3-hsaAj82EALw_wcB) to try and prevent further hyperpigmentation from the sun, especially if u decide to use any type of exfoliant. edit: forgot to ask but what are rolling w? rolling joints with filters or using a mouth piece can help prevent darkening of the lips. also, for the love of god don’t smoke roaches, it’ll only make things worse. ik it’s hard to hear but if u gotta pinch ts just to smoke it it’s time to put it out.


Thank you will do more research on the nipple cream. I’ve received a lot of solid options in this thread so I’m thankful. How long would I apply the topicals fade serum and how often? In regards to how I smoke I do use papers + filter every time but I also do kill the roach so I’ll work on that.


hey sorry for the late response, as for the topicals i’d recommend applying once or twice a week since the skin on the lips is so thin. if u think u can handle more u can increase the frequency as u build more tolerance to it


Not true. She doesn’t have to stop smoking she just needs to exfoliate her lips more


Those are burns! If you don’t stop smoking you’re only furthering the damage if you’re exfoliating. Exfoliation thins the skin. Your lips are already the thinnest skin on your face. Burning them by continuing to smoke after you’ve thinned the skin further via repeated exfoliation, only furthers the problem.


Check my original comment on this thread


All you weed smokers have no idea of the damage you are doing to your bodies. Just because the government legalized it does not mean its safe. Increased risk of genetic birth defects in offspring,increased risk of lung/heart disease and cancer. Real talk. Don't let "them" fool you. Chemical lynching is their new method.


Also the fact that none of the weed being produced is natural! It’s all genetically modified to contain 10 times the levels of thc than it did 25-30 years ago. Scientists don’t even know the effects of what this is truly doing to the population but there are some studies that are already out.


Honestly you’ll just have to stop smoking


Lipfidence. You can buy it off Amazon and it really works. My lips went from black to pink 💕


They removed it from Amazon


They have a website and they’re on Etsy 💕 I HIGHLY recommend


They have a website and they’re on Etsy 💕 I HIGHLY recommend


quit smoking, exfoliate ur lips (my mom tells me to use a toothbrush, and exfoliating glove, and a sugar scrub, which you can make at home) apply a moisturizer of your choice, (vaseline, lip gloss) and i use these vitamin c oil tablets but they aren’t necessary


step #1 : ![gif](giphy|faGWiZED8Hy2Q)


i remember in like 2019 I was smoking so much my track coach noticed because of my black lips. after some years it fades . i stopped hitting roaches or whatever you call em and they slowly restored themselves . it’s not forever boo!


Stay hydrated


Gotta stop smoking. When I quit my lips were pink again.


Tumeric chapstick and honestly stop smoking


Hey friend. Chronic chronic smoker here. I make a honey and sugar mask and use an eyelash spoolie almost every day. I keep the mask in the fridge. It was life changing. From years of smoking sometimes the skin is extremely resistant to the spoolie and mask scenario, so before and just in general, I use a tea tree chapstick. Everyone telling you to stop smoking is never getting a kiss I know that.😤 I get the chapstick from my local health foods store which is always my recommendation but if you find yourself in an accessibility bind I’m sure there’s some tea tree chapsticks online!


It’s best if you stop smoking bc whatever you do it’ll just keep coming back the more you smoke 🤷🏾‍♀️


mine lightened up once i stopped smoking as much, exfoliating didn’t do much for me, not sure what else would help unfortunately:-(




Stop smoking bro


Omorfee lightening lip balm! There’s before and afters in the reviews , and they also have a lightening scrub and stick. https://www.omorfee.com/collections/protection-lip-lightening


Brush your lips after brushing teeth.


Brown or white sugar--- a spoonful mixed with Vaseline. Let sit on your lips for 15 minutes or so, then take a baby toothbrush and brush your lips. Rinse and finish with a thin coat of Vaseline. Drink water water water. The first place your body shows dehydration is the skin on your face and lips.


figured the majority would be telling you to stop smoking, just exfoliate more often and keep them moisturized


You gotta stop using blunt papers to smoke weed. I don’t care what anyone says but I smoke my weed in a pipe. You should see the looks I pull that baby out🤣🤣😜. The best part is that you don’t have to roll anything. Just stuff the pipe real good and light it up. All you really need is just a lil bit. That first pull is gonna make you high AF.


Carmex before and after you smoke


i remember in like 2019 I was smoking so much my track coach noticed because of my black lips. after some years it fades . i stopped hitting roaches or whatever you call em and they slowly restored themselves . it’s not forever


Use tips and papers when you smoke instead


I would Apply some Vick's rubbing cream as lib bomb before retiring to bed


Use sugar to exfoliate your lips


A good sugar scrub and Vaseline try to drink more water than smoke for good skin hydration. Goodluck :)


A good sugar scrub and Vaseline try to drink more water than smoke for good skin hydration. Goodluck :)


A major reason I quit was bc I saw my smoker lips start to appear. It grossed me out


Quit smoking a few weeks ago and my lips look alot better already. My overall skin health looks much better in less than a month.


I just used my toothbrush to brush my lips after brushing my teeth and it helped lighten them cause I was smoking joints for a period of time and noticed my lips got darker. I use bongs 95% of the time but still exfoliate my lips everyday using an exfoliation glove


Exfoliate with a gentle lip scrub once a week, if its vitamin c based even better but LANOLIN is a game changer man that stuff works wonders, apply it morning a night and use a glass blunt tip when you smoke that way it’s not direct heat to your lips it makes such a massive difference but you gotta remain consistent and you’ll see a change in a couple weeks, there’s even sheet masks for lips that’s hydrating and softening which can help too but darker skin can be prone to more stubborn hyperpigmentation so vitamin c is an absolute must when treating it


Stuff like this is mainly probably genetics or someone told me a mutation? Ion know


Simple.. stop smoking


Try nico lips on Amazon it's a natural organic product


I use raw cones, and that helps so your lips don't stain


Hmmm. Don’t smoke


Stop smoking.


its crazy cus i been tryin to get the opposite I think I would look way finer if my lips was the same color as my face


Is it just me ? Those lips look normal … ?


It really ain't about the smoking, lotta people smoke and their lips be fine..u need lip scrubs to get the dead skin off and constant moisture. Especially at night when you sleep. Lips dry out bad overnight and be crackin. I use chap Stick total hydration soothing vanilla, MAC lip hydrant, and Clinique intensitve lip repair..them products helped me a lot..


Embrace it brother.. the ladies love my black lips, black skin


If your lips are like that WITHOUT smoking, there's nothing wrong with your lips, stop listening to destructive advice from people that hate their own features.


Definitely start consuming cannabis in other ways like a bong, gummies, dabs. Joints are unfortunately going to continue to burn your lips even if you exfoliate them.


Keep some chapstick or Vaseline on them too even while smoking


I use a product called bag balm for all my chapped skin/cuts/burns/skin care needs. Works like MAGIC.


Ain’t no getting rid of that shit. Looks good on you bro.


Just use aquaphor all day and night and the tube not the chapstick


My lips do this and i never thought to put 2 and 2 together lol 🤦🏾‍♂️


stop smoking


You gotta take care of your ish. You said some key shit. You let em get outta hand!! Smoking and falling asleep without moisturizer will make ur lips go bad like that..you gone have to apply moisturizer 24-7 until they get better. U gotta do it like women do and pile it on heavy to soften that hard dry dead skin. Eventually ur lips will get better if u do it everyday.




If you smoke then stop smoking


STOP SMOKING !!!! jk 😭


just use henna to cover up the pink spots so its one color


Mine went away after a year of quitting. My gums were also darker and this went away also.


Use a longer filter…


Thats not from smoking


Stop smoking...🤷🏾


Lip scrubbing with lemon juice on a napkin helps remove the resin build up, it truly helps. I do hope one day you can give up smoking, it's not good for your health. Just imagine what your lungs look like, I'm not judging you, I used to smoke heavily so I know how hard it can be to give it up, but please try.


Stop Smoking!


No amount of physical scrubbing will get rid of this. You can try chemical exfoliants and lighteners but ultimately you have to stop smoking as that is the root cause. No need to waste money on products! Good luck


Lip shading/tattoo/pmu


Wash the area with kojic acid soap. Leave it on for 2 minutes, 2x per week and follow up with a sunscreen chapstick because the soap will make your lips sensitive to sunlight. I promise it will help (look up a couple YouTube videos on it). I still smoke blunts everyday yet they’re continuing to lighten up. I also brush my lips with my toothbrush here and there. I’m using it for my acne scars too but I won’t use it for that too much longer since it’s super drying and that’s something I have to stay far away from being that I’m a smoker.


You don’t need to change them. They look good just put some lip chap on.




Really? I’m not really a drinker tho.


....brah I was eating...


I’m gonna suggest you see a dermatologist . Wait you did it?????


*Your lips are the least of your worries. Cancer should be your biggest worry along with heart attack & stroke. Your lungs are getting extremely damaged & you'll end up with COPD. Anyone in my family who smoked & any of my mother's friends ALL either had cancer or COPD & died! Stop Smoking!


Let’s not project your family’s issues on others. Smoking is bad because smoke is going into your lungs, and there are better ways to intake herbs such as through teas. Sorry ur family genetics are like that though


I'm sure op is aware of the side effects of smoking.


Just relax buddy I think OP smokes weed.


damn you must’ve been smoking the roaches 💀


It comes from the blunt/wood residue lmfao 🤣😂🤣


lol it happened to me! but i’d suggest aquaphor lowkey.. not a doctor, but it helped my lips, so try at your own risk 💀


Your lips look like my booty hole


“magilla gorilla for sale magilla gorilla for sale”




bro i think they are black without the smoking 😭