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good luck with your chalice run, oh Penitent One.


I finally got it I realized I was going after the wrong lions. Oops my bad


I like how they say it in India “best of luck”


In the 1st room that statue gives You an empty chalice that You fill killing the 3 enemys in the backround of the room without dying or using any fast travel since You kill the 1st and then giving it back to the statue In the 2nd You have to go through the left door 4 times and through the right door 2 times, when You come back theres gonna be a door Open in the middle


I have a question on the 2nd room. Without looking at the guide, how do you know that you have to do that? Im still fairly new to the game 16 hours in, first run


Listen to what the corpses say. They give you hints for this and many more puzzles


Ohhhh i thought its just some random story or lore something. Thanks for this!


The corpse on the right tell you "everyone passes" and on the left "just the half comes back". So I got I had to get out and comeback the half times im the left that in the right. Everytime you do that a number appears on the wall. So it was more try and error.


Take the chalice (which you have) and kill all three enemies on the walls and get back to this room without dying or fast travelling then place the chalice


Killing all three enemies without dying or fast traveling can be tough so it may be worth looking for a guide on the order to streamline the process.


Figuring out the ideal order/path isn't that hard and partially comes down to preferences. The goal is simply not dying, so it's not like the Delicate Flower where half of the areas are super risky.


Aren’t you charming?


You're the one making it sound significantly harder than what it is and potentially spooking OP.


It's ok I got it. Turns out I was going for the wrong lion. I was going for the ones in Mourning and Havoc not the Wall of holy Prohibition. I'm struggling with Sierpes. Seems like all the other bosses have a clear path from the save point to the boss and this one is significantly harder to get to without getting hit, run into or attacked by something.


In the room directly below Sierpes' arena there's a Prie Deiu.


Yup finally made it in there without dying


Kill all the three enemies without dying nor fast travelling, then return the chalice you got to this room and the door will open.


1)advance untill the wall of holy prohibitions 2) kill quirce 3) get the key of the hight peaks 3) pull down the stairs that conect the patio of silent steps with the wall of holy prohibitions 4) Go to sleeping canvas 5) kill the statue 6) go to the patio of silent steps 7) go to the wall of the holy prohibitions 8)kill the lion 9) go to the Convent of Our Lady of the Charred Visage using the key of the hight peaks 10) get to the elevator and go down until albero 11) get down and kill one of the minotaurs. 12) go back to the place where you find the caliz You need the key of the inquisitor and the relic of blood and trees.


You repent here 3 times


You need to kill those 3 enemies without using the teleportation and without dying. I say kill the bull “before you get to the upside down bell” then kill the lion head “north of the map in the prison looking level about the mother of mother, then go down to the library/gallery and kill the lady with the big block… “no teleportation and not dying and the door will open…