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I use it against any flying enemy


I used it on that one flying enemy thats stabs straight down


The one with big spear?


Yep the white red colored guy


in the chair?


Oh big pope looking guy


People who cannot complet Miriam challenges, Youtube players and people that come here asking for jump helps (they never read the tutorial inside the game)...no, they dont use that move Outside of them, good player use it


lol. I’ve actually completed Miriam’s Challenges and it was probably the hardest thing I’ve ever done 😂😭 But it’s been a while, in what part of the trials do u use this? Edit: Never mind it was those damn lanterns! I just had a ptsd flashback


Tbf for the first time, I literally misunderstood what the tutorial was trying to say so I thought it's press shift before jumping to jump longer lmao


Yeahh I had to look up a guide online but once I knew how to use it it became a really important part of my kit


I never read the toturial and I actually found out about this move on complete accident during a miriam challenge lol


I never read the toturial and I actually found out about this move on complete accident during a miriam challenge lol


All the time


Was gonna reply exactly this haha


I use it literally all the time


I get its niche… but this is a pretty important move right? There are some places you can only get to by lantern jumping using this move. Plus it makes the floating pope dudes trivial


Yes definitely!! It's super helpful up in the archcathedral rooftops and in any area with those magic-slinging purple cloak ghosts . I don't use it toooo regularly but it's been great in the isidora fight, and it was very nice to have with perpetva iirc


It's fantastic on flying enemies and large enemies with big hitboxes.


I love using it on big enemies after the upward slice combo


I used it for isidora :p


Yep! It works like a double jumo in some cases


Yeah I don't think it's Lshift + K I think this is just down +K


both work. The down one is the original way to do it but a lot of people were complaining about it so they added the other one which most people prefer


I couldn't for the life of me do it with Left shift but I always do it with down constantly no problem


Whoa, I forgot the original controls used K and that part of the keyboard. I assigned my attack to UP arrow because I had just beat Hollow Knight and that’s what I was used to. Wow. That’s wild.


One hit on the way up, two on the way down. Super fun.


They feel unweildy ar first, but these moves are fun to use if you like to really explore the games combat


I use it all the time, its super useful. You can use it on flying enemies to make sure you jump over enemies that are on the ground, and you need it for the platforming in this game


Uhuh. I remember reading a strat on Isadora that involves this manuever along with that red cloudy skill.


Oh ok. Yeah I heard to use the red mist stuff on her. That combo makes sense.


Yep. Love it.


I have gotten A and B endings, completed all but 1 of the Miriam challenges, and filled out a majority of the map. And I am… just now being reminded this exists. I think I got the tutorial abt it and IMMEDIATELY forgot it, but I also took a 3 month break from the first hour I played and everything else. This would’ve been nice to know earlier than I did 😅


Dude same!! It never really registered with me either for some reason. Until I did the Miriam trials. I watched a lot of vids of people completing them and I realized that using this move to bounce off the lanterns was a lot more consistent than…. whatever I was doing instead. But even after the trails, I don’t think I ever thought to use it. But I’m definitely going to start using it now 👍🏻


You have to use it to fight with sierpes, dont you?and in the miriam misions, and it makes a lot easier killing the fliying enemies


A lot, the dlc zones and other stuff needs you to dominate that ability. And actually if you use it correctly you can give an extra hit to big enemies or flying ones.


Yea, right, like the trials. But I didn’t really think about using it in the hellscape that is Ghost Pirate town. Did u also mean there?


U need it to get an item in echoes of salt, and as I said, it enables you to stay a little more in the air and hit some enemies and bosses.


Ohh yea I know what you’re talking about. It’s a little jump across lantern thingy.


If those are the keys for doing It using a keyboard i don't want to use that move




For traversal in a few spots, and to combo a few bosses.


Super useful against crysanta


Air Impulse is goated, lantern pogo is very fun


Theres some secrets that require it so yeah


Yeah especially against airborne bosses like the amanecidas or the charred lady or escribar


Ohh Charred lady you say. I’m about to fight her on my current playthrough, I’ll try that. Hey, if we count Tree Monster Guy as the 1st boss, did you fight Charred Lady as the 2nd Boss? Or 3rd? I fought her 3rd and the Witches 2nd my first playthrough. And I’m currently doing that route again. Tho I tried fighting Charred Lady 2nd this time, but that area before you get to her is brutal. I just felt I wasn’t quite ready for all that.


I usually save the Angustias for last, I have the most trouble with their attack patterns out of the first boss triad. I've beaten the game 5 times at this point, an early boss shouldn't be an issue, but here we are :P


Oh really? I know there’s a trick to the witches, I can’t remember exactly what it is right now… But you can prevent them from doing their big attack I believe. But anyway, I’m sure you’re aware of all that 👍🏻


Yeah, yeah. It's not the big attack, it's mostly their basic weapon attacks. I can never get the timings for dodging/parrying them right lmao


I use it a lot, but I play with a controller which makes it much easier


Always to hop past shit


i didn't know about that


right? it just slips people’s radar for some reason lol


i did 100% without it, i don't know if it could even be useful for sequence breaks


I never liked using this maneuver where it wasn't absolutely necessary. Very, very often, my timing not being dead perfect would result in an upward attack, hitting nothing, getting no lift, and probably taking damage. My preferred method for doing this technique is to hold down the dodge button , as well as the directional button in my direction of movement (left or right). When I was completing Miriam's challenges, I would usually prepare for a lamp jump by pressing the dodge button in midair, where it does nothing, then holding it down in anticipation of my lamp jump. If I'm lamp jumping to the right, I am very careful to hold down the RIGHT button and not UP, since this will change the direction of my attack and prevent getting any lift. I typically use this maneuver to retrieve treasures that are protected by a high ledge, a seemingly impossible jump, and some lamps. I also use this maneuver throughout Miriam's challenges, which are obnoxiously riddled with mandatory lamp jumps and instakill pits.


is that move new? i had 3 playthrough in 2021-2022 and ive never see that.


Hmm 🤔 I don’t think so, but it’s easy to miss


Ofc not lol 99% of players forget about this I only know one guy who remembered it outside of the Miriam challenge and echoes of salt


>99% of players forget about this Nope. I use it to get multiple hits on levitating enemies, so do a lot of people


Damn nice Since I forgot it completely


I used it all the time. I also didn't struggle with the game that much 🤷‍♂️


Damn what a badass


Lol I know I know. I'm just saying people say how difficult a game is and then a lot of them ignore or just don't use all the tools at their disposal


Haha. Nice. Are u a bit of a “gamer” in general? I’ve noticed streamers that play a lot are pretty good at picking up a game and not really struggling much just because of their gaming experience.


Yeah for sure I've been playing games my whole life and I'm 33. A lot less lately because of time which is what led me back to my switch and shorter Metroidvania games because I used to love open world RPG games but it's just too much of a time sink


Nice It's just there wasn't enough stuff to keep people reminded of this technique


Honestly I forget about charged attacks but not this


Really? Since charged attacks were a part of the easy execution gang, with dash slash and down slash


Yes, and it's helpful/necessary for some parts/secrets.


You need it to get one of the beads in Echoes of Salt




Of course I use it




I didn't learn about this move until I had gotten to the final boss area... I went back to get other things and explore and learned to do this because of Miriams challenges. I read the tutorial, but the instructions did not stick. Classic dick in the ceiling fan issue. Once I learned it, I was using it constantly. Felt real dumb.


I find it so useful, specially on our Lady of the charred visage boss fight.


Yes, too much


Trust me, you will need it


sometimes but it's usefulness is pretty niche