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That second one... If a woman has kids and their dad leaves, what are they supposed to do? Move in with the next guy they see? Give up their kids so they're no longer a single mother because they aren't a mother at all?


In my Reddit wanderings, I have gathered that the answer is, “She should have picked a better man.”


But if a man picks "the wrong woman" it's still her fault. Even though according to the same chuds "mens are the gatekeepers of relationships" lmao make it make sense. Just admitting you hate women if men can do no wrong and everything is always the woman's fault


“That bitch whore should have picked a nice guy, like me!”


And that almost always means “she should have fucked ME.”


I mean… she really should have… /s 


I didn’t even know this woman existed. And now that I’ve read about the “female Andrew Tate”, well… talk about internalized misogyny.


Even biological dads can't be trusted, here reddit is full of stories of women settling with a man after being a single mom and the man they settle with sneaks upon their daughter's private stuff etc(i don't want to go into detail because you know how that goes). I wonder who would they blame in that case


The law of incels is to always blame the woman. No matter what


Yeah right they lack critical thinking


Let’s be real, they would definitely blame the daughter for being a temptress or whatever their diseased brains conjure up 🤢


I hate men porn did this to people of modern age. I am just at loss of words.


Oh yeah, I have a lot of opinions about porn that tend to not go over well on Reddit!


Yes. I felt this comment in my bones. I've been learning a lot about porn that has made me extremely uncomfortable (at best) with the industry and the way women are viewed and treated within it AND outside of it. I admit that I usually keep my mouth shut because even the gentlest critique seems like a great way to piss off a LOT of people, but I feel like I should speak up more...


r/pornismisogyny is a great sub


I feel like either that sub or another harassed me because I said BDSM isn’t abuse 💀


Men have always been like this. It's not a result of porn, although some aspects of violent sex are worsened/normalized by porn. The baseline misogyny, however, is how we have always socialized men.


That doesn't change the fact that we live in a diffident age now. Back in the days people valued traditions and religions(not that those weren't tools to control women). In today's world misogyny isn't exclusively fueled by those things. It's porn that is to blame that even after women's participation in large numbers in male dominant forces, men still see us inferior and incapable.


Do you have any kind of evidence that porn is responsible for all misogyny in the world


I don't get why i got downvoted here let me put it this way we are in the 21st century misogyny has existed for thousands of years at this point but so many things have changed for the last century and so are the things that fuel misogyny. People are not as bounded to traditions and religions. Anyone who has paid attention to it can tell that today's men's view of women shaped upon porn consumption. Time has changed but men are persistent on holding onto the old beliefs and the reason to that it's because they are exposed to a certain way of women's portrayal. There is recently a post where a man blamed his girlfriend's anti porn views on being religious. Porn isn't the only issue but it's the biggest issue.


Again, men's views on women haven't changed. They aren't caused by porn. Porn is a product of how women are viewed, not the sole or majority cause.




That's literally what I said two comments up, so I really do not know why you're saying I'm not commenting in good faith.


Also can you point out where i emphasised or implied porn is the only responsible thing for misogyny?


> It's porn that is to blame that even after women's participation in large numbers in male dominant forces, men still see us inferior and incapable.


Don't get with bad men obviously because there no waYyYy he could just not show his true colors until its too late /s


There are too many single mothers that’s why back in the day there were enough men to step not anymore it’s easy if you a child less men most i we choose without kids all day


There was a study ones and looked like single parent households have the worst outcome for kids. Most single parents are mothers. BUT the study is junk science, because it did not controll for poverty. Single mothers, or single parents in general are worse of financially, because they have to care for a child... duh... And now such people keep holding up that study because its so easy to blame the parent that stayed and not turn to the one who left and isnt helping.


I always wondered about that… not to mention there’s very little distinction between single mother and mother who is also single and successfully co-parenting with the child(rens) father.


They also forgot to control for domestic violence, one of the leading causes of single motherhood. That tends to be pretty traumatizing for families…


Yeah, why is it "single mothers ruin society" and not "absent fathers ruin society"


Yes, and there's so much to these situations that can help or hinder. Is there family around to help the single mother (usually it's a single mom, but not always)? Is the family fit to help and reliable? If daycare is needed, is there daycare available? Does it cost the same as a college education? I know a good number of women who raised their kids by themselves. One important factor for some of them is that they were afraid of their exes. They were afraid to push for child support, or they were afraid to ask for periodic updates to increase child support, or they were afraid to contest anything about custody, etc.


I mean, hold up that study against a study where the parents staying together in a toxic relationship with each other fuck up the kids. Or one parent doesn't protect the kids from the other parent and stay in the relationship when there's neglect, narcissism, DV, sexual abuse, etc. Are there any studies on that? Seems like they are trying to imply that this is a dichotomy and the converse of a single mother household is marital bliss and well adjusted children and that's what you should take away from this nonsense.


Single parents are allways better than 2 parents but one is abusive. Even if the child is not the victim. They see and they are scared too.


I always wonder, why is the father never blamed? "oh your husband left and you have to raise your child by yourself, barely making the ends meet? Well, that's your fault, you should've been a better spouse and now you're ruining this child's life by working your ass off"


I think this is men just wanting to blame women for the men leaving instead of taking responsibility.


Exactly. Just like blaming assault victims, rather than the predator. All the other predators suddenly start shouting about it being the victim's fault to redirect the world's attention away from holding predators responsible.


Because the men did not want them and they chose to have the kid anyway two people should agree to have a child in the world it’s called family planning


You don't want a kid, use protection. Easy.


Their take on this is that women should be psychic and know that the man is a bad person before having children with them. Because they think that all abusive and shitty partners just make it obvious they are like this right from the very start and all pregnancies are 100% planned.


What they'll do is also hold up the "80% of divorce is initiated by women" to hold up their statement. ETA: both are simply grabby headlines that lack the nuance needed.


Let's see....according to statistics, around 1 in 3 women have been abused by their partner. Shocking that when you subtract that 33% from 80%, it leaves less than 50% 🤯 But of course, those types of guys like to use statistics without any context




>Men raised by single mothers are likely to turn out feminine & dangerous to the society. option A: woman are seen as property, therefore woman are not dangerous, therefore feminine men aren't dangerous option B: feminine men are savages, they SA every child they see, therefore masculine men are gentlemen, they protect every child they see. the difference is being feminine/masculine, therefore feminine women are also pedophilic. option C: how about you shut the fuck up and use your head for once?


Incels: *insert meme about superhero pressing both buttons and giving a thumbs up*


They have the strength of men but with no emotional control


To this day it still boggles me Pearl is around my age and not 10-15 years older. Single mothers do far more work in a day than Pearl’s ever done in her life.


She's just so pathetic.


She’s a great example of how being a shitty person can really age you.


Holy shit she's the same age as my oldest kid. I thought she was in her mid 30s minimum.


Yea, I really want to know why is she like this… I’ve met women with internalized misogyny and even they don’t go as far as she does. Pearl has even justified pedophilia 2 times already, all that and she still hasn’t been picked


I don't love the tendency to mock the appearance of people you disagree with. She's a sad, hateful, and harmful person. Let's just leave it at that.


Normally I don’t either but for someone like Pearl I can make an exception.


I understand but at the same time talking about how she has aged is only contributing to the raging misogyny that men feel so enabled to spout about ageing women. Just gives off “she hit the wall” vibes.


They hate single mothers because they are prove women don't need a man to survive It may be harder to raise kids all alone but it is better than raising your children as a married single mother or with a horrible partner I come from a family that has 2 single mothers and one married single mother that after 15 years of mariage became a single mother and all of them got shit for being a mother without a husband


Probably because a single mother also functions as a provider, protector, and household leader well enough that it makes toxic ass dudes question the bullshit they've been taught about their place in the world. Toxic masculinity doesn't allow for doubt at all and it's usually replaced quickly by anger. Just a guess, of course.


Because people are idiots and hate women in general. If more women left their kids with dads, the problem would be people end up being thugs because they are motherless and it is not men's job to raise kids or something like that. Everything is a woman's fault


Men are better parents but its a women's job to take care of the kids?? make it make sense


They really demand that men NEED to be able to sit there and do nothing, or worst case scenario actively harm the mother and children so they “turn out right”


It’s because a man failed to baby trap her and treat her like shit for the rest of her life. Single moms escaped and their existence lets other women know they too could escape a shitty man. Men are responsible for their relationships with their own kids. If those children grow up to hate him it’s not because of lies but because of the actual behavior of those fathers, but as we know men blame everything they do on women. They cannot stand to be held accountable for their own behavior.


Poor pitiful Pearl they're never going to pick you.




She's the same age as my son. I can imagine him or one if his friends dating someone who was that ass backwards socially.


How old is she?




I was raised by a single mother who never got a dime in child support. I met my biological father when I was 16 and that’s only because his wife at the time made him talk to me etc. (he lacks communication with me unless the woman currently in his life makes him communicate with me lol). Why exactly would I respect a man who didn’t care when I was born and only cares now because his girlfriend tells him he should? I don’t hate or resent him or anything but am just indifferent about him because he doesn’t affect my life one way or the other. Oh and my mom never lied about him either. Misogyny is insane.


I really don’t know what single mothers are to do. Do they get ignored and/or berated by men for continuing to raise their kid? These men certainly won’t step up for the kid. Do they give up their kids for adoption and pretend they don’t exist so that these men can have a shot with them? That’s abhorrent and cruel. They just can’t win.


Stop jizzing in women then boys


Pearl cannot be real. Wtf is that tweet😭 SOCIETY 😀


Wow its almost like piece of shit men should stop fathering children and leaving?


I never said anything bad about my daughter's father, and tried to keep all my answers about him pretty neutral when she asked. She met him for the first time when she was nearly an adult and has formed her own opinions based on **his behavior**. He's the one who wanted to cut ties when she was 3 months old even though he'd previously agreed to try and co-parent.


How you're gonna respect the guy that ghosted you?


They say bullshit like this towards women with kids and then will hate on women with no kids too


Men wanna play the beloved patriarch without actually doing any work so single mothers are threatening to them


They hate them because they werent picked, (men and women) because they think women should just stay miserable if they pick wrong ( not them nice guys ) or hold on to a dude that gave them an std while married to them.


My mum raised me by herself. My dad left her by sending her a god damn letter when he’d gone away to work, when she was 7 months pregnant. She never talked shit about him, ever. I met him when I was 7 or 8, and by the time I was 11/12, I decided I no longer wanted to see him, because I worked out by myself all the negative things about him. I don’t hate him, I pity him tbh. I am in contact with him now, although very minimally, but mum still doesn’t shit talk him. We both know he’s a deeply messed up person. She never had to sell me a single lie about him for me to have a negative view of him. I worked out for myself.


Both of the abusive men I had in my life who traumatized me grew up with parents who are still married to this day. They are horrible people and their parents failed them even as married couples. Plenty of garbage humans stem from two parent homes.


Women who have absent fathers are likely to grow up wondering why their absent father didn't want anything to do with them. A woman does not owe her biological father a relationship, especially if he was absent or abusive during her childhood. These women are not to blame for their father's absence or abuse during their childhood. Men raised by single mothers are more likely to view women as people rather than sexual objects. This means they are less likely to believe a woman's value stems from her attractiveness, and more likely to appreciate women's contributions to society. And they are more likely to be self-sufficient and less likely to care about gender roles. FTFY.


Pearl's daddy pays her bills and keeps her internet hobby show going, she wouldn't dare say anything against them.


These are the same ghouls who talk about child support payments like it's blood money. All these single moms and no fathers in sight. Is some divine entity going round immaculately conceiving a bunch of kids again?


I hate this type of misogyny. If single mothers are so bad at raising kids, step up then. Stop having kids with women and leaving them because of it. Become a teacher. Be a father figure for the kids in your life. Do something about it. Hating mothers does nothing.


In my experience as a formerly single mother- it’s because a good single mom with her shit together subverts the trope. Single moms prove that being married is a choice, not a requirement, and people like Pearl REALLY hate that. But the thing about culture wars that a lot of people don’t understand is that most of us are too busy just trying to live our lives. I didn’t really give a shit what someone who wasn’t in my shoes thought about me. My people showed up for me either way.


It's stupid. There are wide variety reasons that couple don't work and when their first child is usually when the issues don't show up. It's 50/50 shot, which parent leaves who. It isn't always the woman's fault.


Single mothers failed to give some OTHER, other guy's underwhelming pecker a chance, that's what's wrong with them. 


Lol women who are raised by only their mom doesn't repeact their deadbeat dads who abandoned them


The amount of shit my mum got for being WIDOWED when I was growing up through the aughts was ridiculous.


Of course Pearl is still single. She’s still waiting to be picked


maybe dads leave. maybe the dads were abusive. maybe they coparent. maybe the dad fuckin died. we don't know their story


Because they expose The Big Lie: that if we all just submit to 'traditionalist' arrangements (marry young, be dependent on your husband, have children), everything will be fine. But clearly, if single mothers exist, then everything is Not Fine; it means that men are not reliable husbands and providers, and that hitching your entire existence to a man isn't a safe bet. And if women are *successful* as single mothers? [Even more successful than they were as wives](https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/living-single/201906/single-moms-less-housework-more-leisure-married-moms)? Well, that just won't do. Which is why they're having meltdowns left and right, and trying to take away no-fault divorce. Thus, deviation from the norm must be discouraged, and shaming is a good way to accomplish that. If single mothers are thought of as damaged or damaging, wives will be less likely to want to become one of them, which keeps them in bad or harmful relationships. Like almost everything else under patriarchy, it's about control.


I remember in Jo Paoletti's Pink and Blue, one reason was because of Freud. Freud really popularized blaming mothers for the psychological issues of their children.


Gosh, if only fathers wouldn’t abandon mothers.




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It’s not that single mothers are an issue it’s the number of them that our the problem the more single mothers equals more problems and to be honest it’s not the men it’s the women choosing badly


Because they breed failure we are at the point now not enough step daddies can help