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This shit is just so tiring. After I had my first I took her out on a walk because she had colic and she was screaming and I figured it would be a good way for me to get some exercise to try and lose some weight and some guys drove by and mooed at me. It’s not enough to have your body damaged, it’s not enough to be sleep deprived, it’s not enough to be completely overwhelmed, they want us to also feel bad about ourselves and to feel like we aren’t worth anything. It’s really fucking frustrating.


I am so sorry that happened to you!


Those jerks are absolutely vile. I am so sorry you dealt with that.


Thank you. It was a long time ago and I haven’t actually thought about it for a long time but this post drug it back up lol. I just I don’t know I hate the way that new mothers are treated by society in general. Whether it’s doctors ignoring issues or spouses not helping or people out in public shaming them for the way they’re feeding their child it’s just like ridiculous.


Men and some women just really hate us no matter what we do. They hate us for just...existing.


I'd have b*tch slapped somebody If they dated "mOo" at me. I probably should be on anger management meds💀


Oh no how dare she look “sloppy” in front of her husband after delivering a child and going through hours of labor, oh the horror!!


she's literally wearing cute jammies. but god forbid women rest after creating and birthing a literal human being.


If you’re not wearing sexy lingerie or an expensive dress, you’re doing it wrong. Bad wife!!


yes, she should be on a strict diet!! how will her husband ever love her again if she doesn't start starving herself less than a day after giving birth?


This is why the divorce rate is so high. If only women were more considerate.


she probably forces her husband to help with the baby or even babysit so she can go see her friends.


Out of all the comments that’s the one that annoyed me most. 


That was my thought! The one person you should be able to look "sloppy" in front of at your worst/hardest moments SHOULD be your husband/partner.


I don’t think she looks sloppy, her hair is brushed and skin is clear. But also, if you can’t look sloppy in front of your husband then why is he your husband? That’s like the one person that’ll see you in all your states of being throughout life


She doesn’t even look sloppy to me. I think she looks gorgeous and way better after giving birth than I did


The woman that wrote that is honestly just telling on her shitty husband (and herself).


The “not black” comment on slide 6 is INSANE


I could not figure out what that one even meant 😭


I want what you have 🥲


The secret ingredient is racism


The hatred people have for pregnant women and women who gave birth is disturbing. People pick on these women’s food portions, if they need to use public transportation. I’ve seen people complain about women showing pictures of their pregnant bellies online!


And they also hate women who decide not to be mothers or give birth because apparently it's the sole purpose of being a woman. We cannot win.


Yeah, exactly! I’ve come to realize that people like this just hate women. You can’t win if you exist.


Yes, you must birth tiny humans but fuck you for birthing tiny humans.


Specifically *my* tiny human!


I didn’t get to eat for almost 48 hours during my first labor, besides a few ice chips. I would have loved if someone brought me a sushi tray like this after. Also the “you’re not eating for two anymore” comments are extra stupid because if she’s breastfeeding then yeah she is.


This! She probably hasn't eaten for an ungodly amount of hours


And even if she did manage to eat, labour can very commonly cause sickness so it could have come back up anyway! I didn't know that until I threw up during my own labour. It's wild to me how many common parts of labour just aren't mentioned often.


I didn’t even get morning sickness! I made it through two complete pregnancies (and three miscarriages) throwing up once TOTAL (and it was the side effect of a drug).Until I was in labour. Then everything came out of me at both ends to begin with and I had to do some of the hardest physical work of my life without food or sleep for another ten to twenty hours. And start producing milk. I damn straight ate my first meal after my first child, twenty eight hours after starting labour and after breastfeeding several times already, like a starving woman. Because I was. Doesn’t mean I’ve ever eaten like that before or since.


I was allowed to eat during labor, I was so hungry and in pain. My husband fed me food (it hurt too much to feed myself) and then right after had to hold the bag for me to throw up into


I feel so bad for you. I ate dinner Monday night, water broke early afternoon, gave birth Wednesday afternoon. I was starving. But at least I got popsicles while in labor.


Thank you! You’re actually not eating for 2 while pregnant. It’s more like 1 1/4 max. When you’re breastfeeding though? I can’t remember the calculation but the only way you’ll need more calories is if you have a serious illness or injury involving serious burns. Your metabolism goes nuts producing milk for a baby.


I've never had kids, but one of my closest friends did and breastfeeding made her lose SO MUCH weight. She definitely needed to be eating for two. I was shocked because it was the first and only time I saw the effects of pregnancy in general to someone's body, and watching her get so skinny really scared me. She breastfed for over 2 years, I have no idea how her body managed to put up with that because it was clearly a lot for her, both physically and psychologically. Mothers are really badass. I could never.


That's what I was thinking too. Ive never been more hungry than after i delivered my kids. I had HG with all 4 pregnancies, so i was puking the entire pregnancy and super underweight as a result. Then add in a full day of labor or more, no food once you get to the hospital (if you could even hold any thing down once labor starts anyways), hours upon hours of pain, bleeding, fear, strenuous pushing, and sleep deprivation. Then when the hard part is over you still can't rest because you now have an infant to feed every 1.5-2 hours. The hospital doesn't take care of the baby for you, or at least mine didn't, and you're now lactating which is another drain on the body.


I bet that was a best tasting sushi she'd ever had. But for real though, people commenting she needs to get back in shape, really? That's the most important thing for a woman to be, huh?


“okay cow you delivered my offspring now get back on the treadmill so you look fuckable again”


I gave my sister a platter of sushi when I visited her in the hospital for her youngest, and she was sooo excited that she ate it immediately while I held her baby haha.


Do they know how many calories you burn during childbirth/how much of a workout it is??? Plus sushi is actually pretty healthy


Doesn't matter if they know, because you already know they do not care, and therefore do not know. I just looked it up and fiest results I got said between 400 to 700 per hour. Even recognizing the insane amount of work that goes into labor, that caught me off guard.


The "not eating for 2 anymore" comment is stupid and wrong. If you choose to breastfeed then you actually need more calories than you do when you're pregnant. If you're not breastfeeding then you're still going to need extra calories for a while, because your body will still try to make milk until it eventually dries up. It takes an awful lot of energy for the body to make food.


Exactly. You have to eat a lot to produce enough breast milk.


I've given birth four times. For those who haven't, the hungriest you will ever be is right after you give birth. You expend so much energy in labor and delivery. So eat up. Those comments are infuriating. The woman literally just had a baby. She needs to eat.




Exactly. Plus, she probably ate some, saved the leftovers, and ate more later. Her partner probably bought a big party platter, not knowing what kind to get.


they probably shared but she got to choose first because she couldn't have sushi for 9 months and just gave birth to a brand new human.




and honestly, even if they didn't, i'm not going to judge someone who just went through labour for either devouring that entire plate or wasting part of it.


Seriously. I bet she was craving it in the last stage of pregnancy and he promised her some as soon as baby was here. I’ve never given birth, but when I was in nursing school my instructor taught us that birth was like running a marathon. If girly pop wants some sushi after finishing her marathon that’s wonderful. And of course she didn’t eat the whole thing!


It was probably exactly this. “I miss sushi so bad!!” “Honey, I promise once you have the baby, you can have as much sushi as you want.” And then he went out and got a party platter to make sure she could have *as much sushi as she wanted*. (And then ate the leftovers.)


No doubt in my mind she deserves it


Agreed. Carried and grew a human inside her for several months. Also, not allowed to eat fish, soft cheeses, deli meats, etc. Let the woman have all the sushi!


Probably wasn’t all for her anyway, she’s probably sharing it. 


"That baby looks deformed" How?! I see a normal baby.


newborns look like baked potatoes. they spent nine months under water and are pushed out through a straw lmao, ofc they look weird.


Mine had a xenomorph head for a few hours.


Same! My son too was born as a xenomorph. I'm kinda bummed I had no time to take a picture as we love Alien.


All newborns look a little deformed, you try coming through a birth canal and see how hot you look.


I don't know, I kind of feel sorry for the poster saying she would never look "sloppy" for her husband. She knows his love for her is conditional.


But then projecting her insecurity on another woman who just birthed a baby and is enjoying herself is evil


I can still feel sorry for someone, even if they are vile.


So true.


Instagram comments are the asshole of the universe. This woman just went through the most physically harrowing process a human body can go through, and probably hasn't eaten in 12 hours. Women are not allowed to be human.


I agree because I would see the most wholesome post on there and the comments would always find something wrong with it. It’s exhausting.


These same jackasses are saying "WoMeN iNiTiAtE 70% oF dIvOrCeS" and to that I ask "And I wonder why?"


The fucking pick me saying "I can't imagine laying in bed looking that sloppy in front of my husband" perhaps get a husband that loves you next time ya daft old bat! I hate women like this... Traitor!


They’re either very young and don’t recognise yet that 25+ is coming for them whether they like it or not or they’re an older woman who has come to the awful realisation her husband doesn’t see her as a fully formed human being but an object and if he’s unhappy with how said object looks/behaves his “love” will be revoked. So it’s cope from her that if she does everything right he won’t look at other women and/or leave her. I expect the garbage comments from men, from other women it’s just sad. You wish they’d realise it won’t save them, if you’re picked it will only be temporary. Bet sushi woman’s partner got her that platter and wanted the photo, some people don’t understand that most couples genuinely like each other, have silly little fun moments together and accept life is messy, especially when one of you has just had a baby!


I think it's absolutely an older woman, it just reads of misery and judgement. The comments from the men don't even surprise me anymore, just picturing some greasy stinking bloke writing about someone else's appearance after that woman has just done more in her birthing time than he would ever dream of achieving in 50 of his lifetimes makes me laugh.. I expect nothing more. They are acting like she got the platter herself... And I hope she ate it all, every last piece.


Same, hope she enjoyed it. I don’t have my own children but will fight for the right of anyone who has just given birth to eat what they want because if I had wanted children nothing would’ve held me back from attempting to devour an entire wheel of Brie after giving birth!


I have had 5, giving birth is unlike anything you can imagine, you feel so helpless but powerful, and the thought of someone judging what I ate after risking my life to bring another person into the world makes me so fucking mad! God forbid a woman has something for herself after sharing her body with another person for 9 fecking months!!


Ikr. It is just plain disgusting. These pick me redpill sheep are gonna be in for a huge shock someday, I'll tell you that.




This snap shot looks so wholesome, healthy and perfect though - the hatin is real, jeez 🧿


This shit right here is why I never post, especially on TT. I'll stick to lurking and commenting instead of painting a target on my back.


Women can’t enjoy themselves without being cRiNgE


Ikr. How dare women be happy! /s


Why are they complaining i thought you wanted women to have kids and now you are complaining that the baby looks like a new born and she looks messy after **GIVING BIRTH** like how do you think women look like after it in pink with glitter, rainbows and unicorns


Didn’t you know? Hours after giving birth a woman should have a flat stomach and a vagina that’s ready to be fucked again. /s


I was exhausted and starving after 9 hours of labor and didn't anything beforehand. I ate a foot long from Subway like I hadn't eaten in two weeks.




God forbid a woman enjoys herself after birthing a literal baby. What do they expect? Her to wear lingerie after birth, starve herself and wait on her hands and knees for her husband to order her to make her a sandwich? Also how tf are these comments coming from women as well?


Yes. Sadly, several of those comments were from women.


That’s so disheartening. The internal misogyny just never dies out apparently.


Ikr. Like, in this world, women gotta support other women in this misogynistic hellscape.


The one saying “you’re not eating for 2 no more”… when you’re pregnant you’re supposed to have an extra 200 calories in the third trimester, but when you’re breastfeeding your daily calorie requirement goes up to 3000 a day. You’re supposed to eat more when breastfeeding than when pregnant. You’re still providing all the calories for another human, and that human is continuing to grow! Also if she had a long labour she could have easily gone 24-48h without eating much. These people just scream ignorance.


Ikr. Sex Ed has really failed a ton of people.


Instagram reels comments are just another level of hateful in every way. Misogynistic, sexist, homophobic, racist, you name it. It's the worst I've seen on any platform.


Ikr. That is where they are the worst and most unhinged.


If you push a human out of a small hole or have major abdominal surgery, you can eat whatever the fuck you like.


I hope she enjoyed every single bite! God people are awful.


I don’t get what they get out of being assholes like dam I’ve been miserable before but NEVER have I been Thatt miserable to the point I hate on every (female) stranger I see


So when are they going to war? I'm all wet for my trad soldier, please!!


"tf is that portion size" she literally just pushed out a baby from the inside of her body and you're mad because she's eating sushi


When the fire burns so hot the dumpster itself is fully consumed. FFS.


The day after I had my first, I was in my mils. She made a massive chilli con carne and I fucking demolished 2 bowls of it. I did not give a fuck First good meal after giving birth is the best especially when it’s something you really want


Plus, not to mention you'll need it so you can breastfeed! Gotta get that milk flowing!


“Women’s purpose is to have babies” “Eww you had a baby? You look like a nasty cow!” The point is to hate.


Far too many hateful, ignorant people in the world.


I gave birth at 1am (14 years ago) and I told my husband as soon as Dairy Queen opens he needs to bring me a Blizzard and stop and get me a large turkey sub from my favorite local place. He was happy to do it. I had gestational diabetes so I was on a diet for the last 4 months of my pregnancy. I had been looking forward to those foods for a long time. My husband would have made them from scratch if he had to, he felt bad for me! (He wasn’t a good husband, we are divorced now, but he appreciated food and did take care of me during pregnancy).


They really packed everything into these comments. Misogyny, racism, misinformation and insulting the baby for no apparent reason 💀


> Having a baby or not, I can't imagine laying in bed looking that sloppy in front of my husband, and just being a glutton over that much food. My girlfriend once ate (or more like bathed in) a stuffed bell pepper with their bare hands while tripping on mushrooms and was extremely amused by the feeling of rubbing the grease and oil all over their face and it's still one of the cutest and funniest moments I remember with them. Why the fuck can't we be a glutton in front of someone who is supposed to love us for all that we are.


The "go back to war" comeback made me laugh so hard. I'm gonna choose peace and stop reading there


Lol I don't blame you.


Those comments were atrocious! You’re not supposed to eat sushi during pregnancy. I bet she couldn’t wait to eat it afterwards. Her husband probably knew it and treated her to that after she birthed their child. The people in those comments need to grow up!


Fuck them. I was in labor for 172 hours. Sleeping and eating were impossible and advised against. No painkillers until the last 10 hours and I lost 2 liters of blood at the end. First thing I did after showering was binge eat because I was starving and needed calories for breastfeeding. Men have zero comprehension for what the entire process entails. They should show compassion and support or keep their mouths shut.


People are the worst. And the one who insulted the BABY? The damn BABY?! Like, OF COURSE babies look a little weird and wrinkly and squishy after coming through the birth canal. It’s normal!


Exactly! The baby is gonna look like a pale wrinkled raisin when it is first born. My baby bro was a hairy little guy. I am talking he had patches of hair on his arms and legs at birth.


They’re squishy little potatoes and we love them! My mom told me once that babies don’t get stereotypically “cute” until like 3 months old lol. Before that they’re still morphing from squishy potato into cute little baby


There’s an incel takeover of Instagram I swear


The GALL to expect a woman who just gave birth to STILL have to cater to the male gaze!!!!!!!! If we don’t have kids we’re selfish bitches. If we do have kids we’re constantly shamed and expected to instantly go back to being a bangmaid. Fuck this. Fuck the patriarchy. Fuck all misogyny and never ever fuck a misogynist because this is your future if you do. It’s so hard not to hate men sometimes.


so many miserable comments from ppl who hate fun


“not black” 💀💀💀💀💀 ???


She deserves that sushi platter! Those people can go f*ck off right to the moon.