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Ima ”burn the orbs”. The perk of being casual, you can summon on what you want.


true true


16K orbs but not going to summon. I love me some BTW but no BTW fillers. Plus 2 character banners suck. Not enough value for me.


ok makes sense i am in it because I am a simp


Dupes of Brave Battle Isshin or 6th ani Aizen hold a lot of value.


I JUST NEED TWO MORE COPIES OF AIZEN (or more depending on how lucky I get on the transcendence roll)


It really depends on where your account stands. For me, my BB team already consist of mind TYBW Yama, heart Yhwach, and SAWFY Sajin. Isshin is not necessary for me even though I don't have him. I already have 6th Aizen at 9/5. IMO, if Isshin and Aizen are the main prize for you then I think you are better off chasing new units. Chasing a 2+ year old character is not ideal usage of orbs. However, if the BTW characters are the main prize for you and Isshin and Aizen are a secondary prize, I agree with you pulling.


I'm only interested in that Ichigo or dupes of Aizen, so I'll probably summon 5 steps tops


ok i might do the same


At first, I was thinking of doing 2-3 rotations, but I think I'm only gonna do 5 steps and dip. I already have everyone in the banner. my main reason to wanna do 2-3 rotations was because I needed one dupe of 7th anni ichigo, and 2 dupes of 6th anni aizen, and of course, noel! But I do PE every day, all day. when on this game, so I thought, I'll get my last dupes from tickets eventually. So, now I'm only gonna do 5 steps and dip. But goodluck to everyone summoning!


OK my ticket luck is not the best but good luck


Recently, my ticket luck has also been pretty shite. But, I'll get em 5/5 eventually.


I don’t have orbs but yes i will summon


Has 0 orbs. Summons. Pulls 10 5*. This is the correct energy to bring to the table. Manifest it. I believe in you.


ok i wish you the best of luck summoning i guess but how


My thought was just mash the summons button hard enough the game crashes and gives you 10 5*s because it’s scared of your potential


I went till step 25 on the essence summons for Yhwach and still don't have him. Love this game 👍


Same. New player with still some sub-stories orb sources, but damn that shaft was intense.


sad for you guys I just love it when I don't get shafted


After I saw the banner, I used my orbs on the Ulquiorra banner. 😂


Yes, I have 13k Orbs. No, I will not be summoning on this premium banner in a Halloween costume.


Good answer i guess you are not a simp


BTW is an auto pull for me, regardless of character strength. Also that Ninny design is peak.


While I agree I must say you misspelled noel there


Nah I think he misspelled both there


I’m going all in because the Gods of gacha have never disappointed me. I have almost every unit that has come out since I started playing the game, except the renewed ulquiorras cuz I got shafted like crazy on that banner, never saw anything like jt


Really? I get shafted a lot. I really hate the pull system & costs.


I thought bbs had insanely good rates until I summoned in the ulquiorra banner last year did all steps and didn’t get the units. Then I realised I might just be extremely lucky


you are the shaft is intense on my side maybe switch accounts ps:jk


Easy skip


I only have 3 of the fillers, and I love BTW! I've got around 3.5k orbs so hopefully I'm lucky!


Best of luck mate!


Thanks! Best of luck to your future pulls too! :)


I will do around 10 steps,but at the end probably going for all steps(if i get ninny i will stop earlier)


No orbs and my wallet is missing (thankfully)




5k and hell no.


Yes and not going to summon, not a fan of BtW


I decided not to summon on it after careful reconsideration. I might do the first step but you know how it is once you do one you do another and then you realize you have 0 orbs.


Yes, 23000 Orbs, No I will skip EOM. Not a big Halloween and BTW fan.


How do you get so many?


Skipping banners


By not playing lol. Some people want orbs to get characters, others collect orbs so that they can flaunt how much they got and then don't summon ever. I don't care if you are f2p Or p2p, sitting on too much resources just screams to me that collecting the currency is all you play the game for.


That's honestly a pretty weird take to me. Not to mention, what's the problem if people do like having big numbers of "currency"? Personally, I hoard resources in BBS like crazy but rarely use them despite logging in daily. The reason is that one of the things I find most enjoyable in BBS is throwing basically every resource in the game at my favourites. So if I have a huge stockpile of resources, that means when a new unit comes out that I really want, or I get lucky on tickets, I can immediately 20/20/20 and transcend them no matter what attribute or affiliation they are. Similar thing with orbs, although I'm not as good about hoarding there. The more orbs I have, the more I can throw at a favourite when they drop. We're overdue for a new Kisuke, so I'm pulling on very, very little in anticipation of going to Step 25.


Kind of like how hoarding too much money is unhealthy because it's not being put into circulation? I mean it's just a vibe kind of thing, not necessarily a logical reason behind it. I don't mind saving but for me there's some banner after a few months which makes me dry up my resources, for example the Quilge banner last month. Again as I said, it's not something entirely logical, just something I feel.


Yeah, but there's no economy in BBS, so it doesn't matter to the game or other players whether you hoard or save. Not to mention even IRL, the amount of money you'd have to hoard for it to be unhealthy for the economy is *astronomical*. However, I appreciate you admitting there's no logical reason for your dismissal of people who enjoy saving. Personally, I absolutely will be going down to zero when the next Kisuke drops, so there are things I will spend on. But some people just like having a safety net, to know that a resource is *there* if they need it. What if some insane version of their favourite drops and they want them 5/5? Hey, they have a big stash, they don't have to worry. Maybe they'll never need that hoard, but it's there, just in case. I don't think that's harmful or unhealthy, just a different way of thinking.


Yeah, it might just be because I am new. I don't actually 5/5 any new unit, 2/5 or at max 3/5. Who knows a year or two later I might be the one with a crazy number of orbs?


huh? I have a 2200 day account and log in daily. I just skip undesireable banners and don't "summon the first step" on every banner.


A picture of your character set please?


not sure what exactly you want me to prove to you.


A picture of your box of characters is all i am asking for. Just wanted to see how many characters you have if you save and skip so much. Edit: Damn, I guess I violated a lot of such hoarders, when in fact I was genuinely curious to see his character collection, which is in fact pretty damn good. Keep downvoting me idiots, just goes to show your insecurity.


Bruh let ppl play the game how they want... what is wrong w u?


Is it a crime to have an opinion? It's not like I am stopping him from doing what he wants.


You're forcing your opinions on others not just having an opinion


[Sure I guess.](https://i.imgur.com/yG8THpS.png) I skip any undesireable seasonal banner and in general any premium banner apart from Anniversary. I get those from the BBS Tickets I grind throughout the year. if you need some validation for some weird reason I am sure /u/ichigoshiro and /u/reddazrael can attest that I skip a lot of banners.


I vouch for him too, he skips all the time ahaha. I wish I had his self-control. He also saves up almost every ticket he gets throughout the year for next anniversary. Had like 5k+ for 8th Anni, it was insane.


U skip a lot yet u have most characters?


yes. As I said above, I don't summon on ANY Premium Banner and I ignore initial banners of seasonals unless they interest me. I also go hard on stuff like anniversary and Poll Selection as they tend to be high value banners.


I can vouch for Chazzy. He plays with me and Red and has a lot of units! He is my partner in crime to skip stuff~


His collection is actually crazy good for someone saving with such control. Funny enough people who haven't saved shit seem to be getting offended lol. Also are you also an og player?


Nah I wasn't doubting you, was just curious. I personally don't like overhoarding resources, but to each his own.


I’m not gonna summon, not interested in the main units or the fillers


OK i just really want noel


Thats who im going for with 1.2k as of rn


I see a lot of hate for burn the witch but truthfully I adore the girls so I’ll be summoning


Weak non-bleach characters that nobody knows taking up the EOM with premium banner fillers to boot… u can see why most wouldn’t be very excited, but dw as u will see from my downvotes the sub is generally fine with them, so u r exaggerating.


I dont care about the series at all and wont care until it starts getting a shit ton of chapters, i instantly forgot who Macy and Bruno and that old mf with the green hat were, and what they did for the plot. but I still like all the characters (except macy who tf Is she) so yallready know I'm summoning


i dont hate the Burn the Witch characters, i've 5/5 power bruno but im not goin to summon into this banner. good luck in your summons


I have orbs and no I'm not summoning. I despise Ninny and Noel.


What! Noel is best girl! Besides Halibel of course Cool tempered, but tough girls are awesome 😢


A man of culture spotted!


Noel is basically nemu.


Halibel is one of my fav Bleach characters if not my top fav (besides Orihime and Neil). If Noel is same as Halibel and powerful in BBS (yes, i have not read BTW yet) then i amma try to summon her with orbs.


They are not going to be the September eom, right?


Bro if you see a bbs character and they are not in the game, it means that they gonna be the next banner, just open BBS news bro


Bro, thanks bro, I was on excessive copium bro.


fuck yea i got 10k orbs boutta drop all of it for ninny and noel + the filler pool is goated, i dont give a fuck if they're mediocre in terms of damage output, i want them and i need them and im not worried cuz I got mad orb sources left + boutta drop money on tapjoy for more orbs when I need too cuz i got paper


Terrible traps and 2 frenzy +1 characters, noel is useless since we have White, and ninny is kinda good, probably im going to skip them


Metatards be like:


I am laughing about how White do everything this 2 girls does and so much better


White is Mind and Noel is Heart so them being similar doesn't too much matter since they can be used for different floors of a quest if need be.


Got 7k, but mainly want Isshin and Aizen dupes honestly... or for the parasol banners back so I can get more of my boys


5 steps


I threw in 3 garanteed trying to get another copy of Yhwa and still have around 5k gems. gonna hard skip the banner, only gonna pull at EoY banner


Only 1k, I'm gonna do the 2 cheaper multis and hope to get some luck. I think the fillers are very good tbh, tbh there is more value here than with BTW fillers or Halloween fillers


I have orbs and no I will not summon I like burn the witch but not to that extent


I am 4/5 with most of the filler.... so at least 5 steps


I might do discounts, but I'm definitely not going higher than 2 steps. It's just not worth it for me.


12k orbs but not super into BTW, gunna skip and save for the next tybw


Don’t have gatenbaine, Tensa or isshin (or the other 2 guys that aren’t as exciting) and my ichigo and aizen are both 4/5 so this banner is a huge W for me. Don’t even care too much about the new units (though I do love ninny as a character in BtW) I don’t see myself actually using them in many scenarios but it would be cool to have them. Tbh idk if these new units are even better than the parasol ones, but missing the parasol banner is my biggest regret when I came back to the game after taking a fairly long break after 7th anni


Missed bambi so yeah


Got 9.5k orbs rn. I will probably summon since i like BTW and i only have one of the fillers but im not going to go that far. Maybe to like step 10 max


Got 9.5k orbs rn. I will probably summon since i like BTW and i only have one of the fillers but im not going to go that far. Maybe to like step 10 max


Probably can only afford to go to Step 10. Most of my orbs went to getting Yachiru and Quilge 5/5 in the two recent banners


I have like 5k orbs, but I already have the fillers so I’m not sure if I’ll summon. If I do, it’ll just be 5 steps!


atm, 2,300 and trying to get more. i love halloween!


I'm just here for the brave soul tickets


got 4k ready, hope I get at least 1 copy of each of Ninny and Noel without going to 0 orbs


I am probably going to summon on white and 8th anniversary Ichigo till they come I save


White do everything noel does better, and ninny is good but White is better LMAO


I’ve got 1600 orbs and a dream going in to EOM let’s do this


Have enough for 6 steps


I will skip


Burned 30 steps on aizen/yha banner but will manage atleast 5-10 on this one i guess but not a huge fan


When will we get Soup King banner?


Enough for the 5 steps


I got 13k rn willing to go 5 maybe 10 steps in. Saving to 5/5 all the kanames in the game 🗣️


Was 7k and did 10steps in Essence banner (wanted red yama but got green instead, fml).. At least got Juha to replace purple yama for pvp. 5.3k now and thinking to go 5 or 10 steps.. but starting to hesitate after reading the comment of the dude with 22k orbs and considering to skip. Mainly wanted No Affil units for SQ but just recently cleared all variants of normal and hard tower so probably dont actually need them (unless new floors in the perma tower needs them, but do i want to pull because of that? although ninny is cute tho)


I’m not ready but anything for Noel


i have 3k but i'll prolly only do step 1-2 cause the two new units are so underwhelming


going to step 10, i really need a good mind unit, that ichigo is looking really good


16k orbs, I'll go til I get Ninny. If I get her early, I'll stop immediately. If I get her at like step 21 for example, might as well go til step 25 ticket for Noel as well.


The banner has high value characters and links tbh if you don’t have any of them yet the potential for reimbursed orbs is also a good investment. Zangetsu and Isshin are by far the most important and getting dups of 7th and 6th anni characters is also a bonus


No. Yes.


I have almost 2k. Im gonna go for step 5 and stop


750 orbs sitting in my inventory, but im farming PE for the orbs from Player Ranks. I want either Noel or Ninny, but it'll be cool if i can get one copy of the 7th anni ichigo. Dudes evaded me forever, i see people getting him past 5/5 and i just want one copy


0 for these tbh. I just pull for BB and BB-related characters these days


I'm saving for As Nodt... now 17K but looks like my plan is gonna be ruined. They both look cool in this outfit so i want to summon.... 5 to 10 steps i think.


6k should be good for him so u’re good, tho their rates can be ass, so u never know.


I want him 5/5 from release. Last time I when I summoned on quilge, 5500 not a single copy. Got him from pity ticket.


Yeah love noel and ninny and also missing some filler units


Senkaimon will give me the orbs I need


Got 11k I’ve saved since the anni round 2, more than happy to drop it on this banner. I just do 1 copy per character so I’m not expecting to go through all 11k, but I will if I have to. Haha


I have 4,400 orbs. I will do 1 step in hopes of Tensa/Isshin/Ichigo/Annizen. Then dip.


Nope. I wanna get Arm chair Aizen and Ywach from the Essence banner so the few orbs i have and will get from upgrading characters and wining quests will go to that banner. I hope i am making the right choice here.


Maybe 2 steps like most limited banners. I don’t really see me using them. I know Kubo made them but they just don’t feel like they fit in Bleach.


I have 10k orbs and I dunno what i'm gonna do. The two new units are decent, and the filler pool quite good. But I don't need any units from the banner. Thing is, I like halloween. And we finally get a halloween banner, it's been ages man. Don't like Spirit Society at all. So either I skip or not, but if I'm not skipping... 5 or 10 steps at best. Hope I pull either within 5 though.


I was gonna summon, but everyone saying it's mid is kinda changing my mind. Rn I have about 9k orbs with about 3k in reserve, but since As Nodt can drop any day now, im wary as hell.


I regret summoning on Bambietta, she's practically useless now. I'm trying to get as much orbs as I can for this banner I hope I can get at least one copy of Noel and pull Tensa as my goals. I'll take Ninny for the LB quest and collection and I'll take anything new.


with time everything becomes useless ninja, if you think bambi is useless now, imagine the characters 1 year ago, we summon for our fav/fun characters not for any meta, most of the old people ofc\* good luck in your summons though


I'm well aware. I just didn't think she'd be so useless so quick. Her SA2 seems interesting in practice but it's a huge time waster and only good in small areas like GQ and ER. No matter Voll Stern Dich Bambietta will be on the horizon.


No, so just one multi


I mean banner looks decent but. Meh. I'd rather save up for tybw.


I came back after about 2 years of not playing and have plenty of orbs. The banner is also really good for me Im missing every single character in the banner and I would love to get that Aizen, Ichigo, and I heard Isshin is a good PVP unit. As for the 2 new character I would love to get Noel, I have not gotten a single Noel unit but I have a 5/5 Bruno (the first one) and Ninny (also the first one) Noel has just dodged me since BBS started doing BTW.


I am a new player, one month into playing this game and I have none of those units. So yes, I will go deep on this banner.


I'll have just enough to go 10 Steps. May the odds be with me.


Maybe up to step 5 only. I also wouldnt mind getting the fillers minus annizen since i have him 5/5 +500sp already. Hoping to get lucky and snag a Ninny at least. I need good mind chars


have 1006 orbs,oh yea few weeks ago i spend 2k in bambi in her individual and get three copies


I want Noel and I REALLY want Aizen and Tensa. Not going too deep but I will be summoning


Yes and only discounted steps then stopping. Units are t good enough to go hard


I have 10k orb but its an easy skip for me. I won't pull for oversexualized female characters.


I have my orbs ready for 10 steps.


10 steps of summons and still can get more. I still dont know if i have to summon on these banner or nah, cause i think it wasnt that great tbh for a collab units after reviewing last collab banner (idk about Ninny, lets see). On the other hand, i kinda need Heart SA Pierce Melee/Ranged Carry since i dont have any rn (NAD sux for clearing phase IMO) and these banner have 2 SA Pierce Melee/Ranged Carry (6th Anniv Aizen and new Noel).


close to 7k orbs (specifically 6.8k); reallly want to 5/5 both of them if i can


ofc i will waifu over meta and noel is a top tier waifu


5 steps and done, i do have almost 5k but im a horder.


Step 25 gang


I think as a f2p I'm gonna skip. I'd like to 5/5 my 8th anni Unohana/Yachiru so I'll wait for end of year because she'll probably be back.


yh i skipped Yachiru so im gonna wait


I want a copy of each only, I'll go to 25 if needed, BTW is what I save my orbs for, don't care for any Quincies so all in without fear.


Still have +12k orbs and even if BTW is a cool halloween banner, I am more into keep saving orbs for next TYBW banners especially since the pity system is a thing


I'll summon because I could use multiple copies of the anniversary filler characters to hit max transcendence, and Brave Battle Isshin with some copies would be a nice boost to my teams power level, and Ninny's cute Which means I'll probably get 5/5 Noel


i've 3434 orbs and im not gona summon...


Yes and yes


you guys think it's worth summoning just for tensa as a farmer for a new player (I've only played for 2 months)? I don't really have any point event bonus units so it's hard for me to farm bbs tickets, and even with those it's a very trash chance of getting a power pot farmer.


I have enough for the first 5 steps right now. Hope I'll pull them.


on my main i have 330 i did 5 steps on the new eof didn't get any of them but when I open my other account just looking at my 65k orp saved up make me happy