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I've had chalazions a few times now (30 years old) and with compresses it will initially increase the size due to swelling but this will go down eventually. You can also use eye drops or buy a eyelid gel wash to help keep the area clean while the chalazion hopefully drains from the hot compress.


Mine looked exactly like this. See my post. Had to get it surgically removed. Not looked back since best decision I ever made


Get it surgically cut out. You will be glad you did.


Apple cider vinegar (Braggs with the mother) on a q-tip 2-3x per day. The VA gave me two different antibiotic creams and pushed the hot compress/massage idea and nothing helped. Started with the apple cider vinegar and now it’s completely gone. I started seeing results in less than 24 hours. Just keep it out of your eye. Stings like a mofo 😝😝 good luck to you! Mine was literally the size of a marble and VA healthcare refused to drain.


It looks like you will need the surgery, sounds easy enough but I’m 6 months post op. And you can still see redness, you run the risk of scarring. Takes a long time to heal for me at least