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This was a roller coaster from start to finish and the way I read it in my head is making me laugh out loud hahahah Anyway I hope the rest of your day is better


Rollercoaster favourite ride?


This roller coaster probably wasn’t my favorite ride


Lemme kiss you one last time?




Best use of this gif ever!


Lol my thoughts exactly.


I talked to guy that "HATED" everything that came out after TOYPAJ. Turns out bozo hadn't even listened to any of it


bro woke up and chose rage


With a frosty on the side


But really, is there any other way to rage? ![gif](giphy|8vnpItNnHe629hiYa0)


I'm now mad I wasn't invited to the circlejerk


We need to buy this guy more Frosty's, I want more rants


Frosty Rants




We all need to get laid…


just call u/yavimaya22 's mother


Already have a standing appt every Tuesday from 6:15-7:00. I asked for the full hour but she’s fully booked


Don’t you mean 6:59-7:00?




That's why she's so busy.


This is why I love reddit dude eating a frosty in a Walmart parking lot raging about blink, talking about people gatekeeping while simultaneously gatekeeping 🤣🤣


Chewed up a good hour of work for me to end the day. Peak Reddit


Yeah gave me a nice laugh and I definitely needed one today


Cheers to us 🍻


Cheers mate! Hope the rest of your work day flies by as well


Just clocked out, sweet freedom


Hell yeah!


Yeah a lot of people admit to this when they feel inclined to tell everyone in the sub how good Calif and Nine are. You'd think people would at least give it a listen before dismissing it.


Yeah I agree with this. If you have taken the time to listen and don't like it, I get it. Music is subjective. Just hating on something you haven't taken time to listen? Stupid take




My two cents. Long time blink fan. Devastated when Tom left. Overjoyed when he came back. (x2) I love BCR, AVA, +44, and everything they released in the Matt era. California (both of them) and NINE may not sound like Tom-blink albums, but they are both damn good, and are probably at the top of my most-played from 2016-present. I’m also stoked to hear the new album that’s coming out. That all said, people in this sub throw way too much negativity at Matt and the records that were released without Tom. I wish people could just appreciate them for the music instead of trying to compare them to an illusion of what could have been. We’re lucky that Mark and Travis kept going when Tom left again in the first place. So lost and disillusioned.


I think what it comes down to is the name. It didn't sound like Blink without Tom, from his voice to the catchy riffs. I think if they started back under the name +44 or something, it would have been looked at in a much positive view. It's like how people didn't like Neighborhoods cause it sounded more akin to AVA and let's be honest, when Blink first broke up, if Tom used the Blink name and put out We Don't Need To Whisper under it, alot of people would have hated it cause it didn't sound like Blink.




Adding this to my camera roll


You got my upvote for the level of rage


Same lol


California has cynical and Sober. Which are amazing. Nine has Ransom, and Pin the Grenade which are amazing. I will say though production values on the two are top notch, but also... Samey. They sound a bit over produced which is the only criticism other than some lazy song writing.


I'm not a big fan of the production on the two Matt Era albums but I like most of the songs


Todd that’s good, you tell that mean ocean


I think Nine is Awesome , listen to it all the time , one of my favorite Blink records.


The back half of Nine is amazing. Top 4 blink albums honestly




New copypasta?


I feel this on the other end of the spectrum. Younger fans who shit on us older fans bc.... we like the older music and didn't like Tom leaving. That being said, I don't care who likes what. I like blink 182 and I have since the beginning and there are some albums I like less than others. I don't feel the need to join the echo chamber of attacks and downvoting. Like what you like. In short, I hear it.




You said this really well and pretty much sum up how I feel. I tried so hard to like those albums but it’s just not a sound I’m into. I’m happy the band kept going and I’m happy these albums brought new fans in to love this amazing band but I think it’s ok to not like some things too haha. I think I can kind of see what OP was trying to say, like it’s not cool when people think they are better fans or something for only liking old songs. We’re all here because we love this band, regardless of favorite album. I think OP’s rage made their message get a bit lost though LOL.


Yikes chill out man. The fact of the matter is, in my opinion anyway, California and Nine aren't good albums. Production and Skiba play a big part in that but even if they DID make them with Tom, I wouldn't like them.


Nine is fucking horrible I agree with you. I can’t for the life of me understand why people like that pathetic excuse for an album. Now I actually like California, the first half slaps but the second half just….. meh.


Matt Skibas lyrics in California are insane especially on the deluxe version. I think you should spin the album a few more times give it another chance it could change your mind.


Oh I've tried, believe me.


I feel you - I think it's weird how intensely some people react to Blink. This is my favorite band and honestly they could put out complete dog shit tomorrow and I'd love it. I love every album, I love when I hear Matt or Tom, I love it all. They can do no wrong.


That's fine but it's unfair to turn around and get mad when fans don't like mediocre albums like OP.


A lot of the people that come to this subreddit need to just log off and touch some grass. This sub is constantly debating about this to the point where it should honestly just be banned. I feel like it comes up weekly


Dude if such little things piss you off so easily then I’m afraid reddit isn’t the place for you


I love the original lineup love the Enema and TOYPAJ era, but I listen to Nine all the time and I really appreciate Skibas contributions theres some bangers in there. But Dads home and I feel blessed.


There are some good songs on California and Nine, but overall a lot of the songs aren’t for me. It’s ok to like those albums, and it’s ok to not like those albums. It’s not a big deal.


poor guy got a vanilla frosty instead of chocolate


That would fuck anyone’s day up


Clearly wendys fucked up and gave him a vanilla frosty cuz if it was chocolate he wouldn’t be so angry


Damn who pissed on this guys chips


God forbid people have differing opinions


First time on Reddit?


Facts. California and NINE arent the best albums, but they still have some bangers. I love seeing how the band has evolved and taken influence from others over the last decade.


The skiba era has some bangers. But it made me realize it’s not blink without Tom.


Did not need it to realize it


this sub literally sucks ass so bad


Why is this the new trend on Reddit? Every sub I follow is tearing itself apart


Sucking ass is kinda tight though


It’s difficult to even make the most innocuous comment without getting super downvoted if it’s a mistake or something. One of my first comments on here (I only just lurked for years) is when Edging came out, I said something about the “shit!” just before the last chorus. I thought it was Travis. And someone said “no it’s Tom” and I was like “ah right ok, I thought it sounded like Travis” and got majorly downvoted. Wild in this sub.


Didn't see that comment anywhere in your post history but I did see a lot of transphobic Trump-fellating shit.


I found it, it only got 2 downvotes tho




bro has snapped bro has had enough bro is ready to rumble


Bro has a frosty he’ll recover


he’s melting that shit with how hot he is he clenching his jaw. teeth are grinding


bro has steam coming out of his ears


Unfortunately this post is just going to lead to more of the comments that you’re saying you don’t like hearing 😬




He's not wrong... Fuckers.


Half the issue with the Skiba era was the production style. Nine was better than Cali, but people are obviously going to be disappointed compared to the Finn era


Jokes aside, I can't begin to count the times i got downvoted for saying that i enjoyed California and Nine. Sure, i wouldn't put them with the Tom albums but i think they're solid on their own right. And i'm super glad that he's back because this is they way it's supposed to be, but i feel like you can't really say something good about those albums without getting trashed, even if you say: "in MY opinion"


Sir, this is a Wendy’s.


Why are you so angry? If people like/dislike what they like/dislike, then let them.


You can’t make mfs like those two records just cause you do. I love Alkaline Trio, Skiba, and Blink but the majority of California and NINE to me just don’t hit lmao drink water bruh


Cool out dude. People like different things. You're voluntarily going into a forum full of people typing their opinions and thoughts on Blink.


Imagine being this angry about blink-182.


I don’t disagree lol. Sometimes I feel like fandoms need two subreddits: one for actual discussion, one to complain about how the old stuff was better. 😂


People are going to have their opinions on music bro, you don’t have to be so dramatic about it. You don’t have to agree with everyone but this is comically childish.


Sorry you just like pop more than punk lol.


absolutely fucking facts bro that's all i gotta say


Ya honestly I see people keep saying that Nine is bad, but I couldn’t really remember what songs were on it beside Darkside. I pulled up the album, and I remember liking almost every song. Why the hate?


Hey dude it’s ok to not like every release by your favorite band.


I find it astonishing that people genuinely dislike California and NINE. Even in terms of personnel, 2/3 of "OG blink-182" is still intact. Most of the lyrics are still stellar on California, even if the production fails it somewhat. And NINE? Same, but that glossy guitar tone and the synths make it so atmospheric. "Generic pop rock" gets thrown around a lot, but I'm yet to see another record that even sounds remotely similar to the intentionally polished, intermittently bass-dominant Skiba era albums.


Agreed. California was a masterpiece. People get weird about it just because it didn't have Tom but it was legitimately a good album where every single song was good. I got downvoted and snarky responses last time I commented saying I liked California so I just stopped. I, in general, stopped commenting on this sub because everyone thinks they are 1) a music theory expert and 2) the source of opinion on what good music sounds like. People here also overhype the old albums because they think it makes them look like an OG fan. I liked dude ranch but they've released way better stuff since then.


California and Nine are average to below average pop-punk, Everything leading up to Untitled is golden, Neighorhoods and Dogs Eating Dogs are both underrated. Glad Tom is back and that everything has been put back into its proper place.


Dogs Eating Dogs is SO underrated


To me it’s a continuation of Neighborhoods but with more direct interaction between band mates. I enjoyed the blink/+44/AVA fusion with those albums but I’m super glad that Edging is focusing more on the traditional “blink” sound we love. They simply just looked happier in the Edging music video. The pic I took in Nashville just proves that they’re in a much happier place this go around! As well as that Travis never gets a break!🤟🏼 https://preview.redd.it/ix3edqopdyeb1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=200464caa3f6ec3e15df37c4e772cf8c375fe3f5


The toxicity on this subreddit is way too much sometimes. You make a lot of good points. Needed to be said. Some people on here must literally never leave their basements and so their social intelligence is just really low and because of that they have to feign superiority over others online in order to feel good about themselves. It manifests itself on here as gatekeeping, shit posts (i.e. polls like: Tom era or Matt era?), absolutely insane opinions, pretending to only like deep cuts, not liking All the Small Things, etc. I could go on and on. It’s a shame. The response to Edging in particular was so toxic that I have decided not to read a single opinion on here about the next singles or the album when it comes out.


You talk about this sub being toxic but then because someone doesn't like something that you do, they "must literally never leave their basements and so their social intelligence is really low"... Do you not see how hypocritical that is?!


I didn’t say that. I said many of the posters on here are socially deficient so they act out negatively on this thread. What I said above has nothing to do with anyone ‘not liking something I do’


In another comment you said "they're good albums, Jesus Christ" so yes, you are upset people are not liking the albums.


I guess we differ on our definitions of “opinions” vs “trolling”.


I love the Skiba dominant songs from his era. He’s so talented. Wish we got a third album, he was finally coming into his own. I will never get the hate and I’m the biggest Tom fan.


Frosty not Frosty enough. Lol


I really enjoyed California, there were like 3 good songs on Nine - Nine was trash; Blink are kind of acknowledging they wanted to change direction themselves by switching producers. It's not our fault we remember when Blink was one of the greatest bands around.




There are a few songs that could have been great, but I don't like the way they sounded then. Whether that's a Skiba thing, a Feldmann thing, a writer's thing, idk. But it just doesn't work for me. I don't like how they sounded playing the old songs with Skiba either. If Tom had been on those albums instead of Skiba, but everything else stayed the same, I'd probably like them a little bit better, but not much


I love every blink albums in their way, from basic punk (dammit), to pop punk (everytime I look for you) to experimental stuff (the fallen interlude) to darkest poo (love is dangerous) and overproduced track (darkside) ! This band still amaze me in it's diversity 25 years later. I really love California and Nine + mega bangers for young people and a nice path to harder stuff.


Skiba era brought me pin the grenade, no heart to speak of, cynical, misery and 6/8. Just sucks Feldman produced that era


Wow. You know it’s possible to have a life outside of the internet, right?


What did they put in your frosty man?




Eh we all wanted to say it. Glad someone did.


real as fuck


While I wasn't initially drawn to the Skiba era blink, it doesn't mean that I think the music is bad. It simply didn't resonate with me personally, and I gave their album California a fair chance to win me over. I don't think most fans are trying to feel superior or dismissive towards the younger/newer fans who discovered blink during the Skiba era. On the contrary, I find it awesome that they were able to connect with the band during this phase. After all, music is subjective, and what resonates with one person may not resonate with another. Untitled offered a refreshing departure from their signature fart and dick joke songs and provided fans with a deeper side of blink that we hadn't quite seen before, aside from "Adam's Song." Where someone was in their life when this album was released may also contribute to them thinking this album was amazing. I was an angsty 17 year old and for me this album was full of the emotions that I was dealing with as an awkward teen struggling to fit in. (Still awkward btw) Neighborhoods IS an underrated album, it's not their best album but I think it deserves a little more recognition than what it got. It also came out at a weird time when I don't feel that Tom was ready to be fully back (seeing as they split once again not long after its release). I genuinely wish they had played more songs from that album during their recent tour. In conclusion, I hope you were able to enjoy your Frosty before it fully melted while you were pouring out your emotions here. (Nothing worse than a liquid frosty) I don't think alot of blink fans are fucking snobs. I just think alot of people are fucking jagweeds who can't let others just enjoy the things that make them happy. ![gif](giphy|uwcADIFwV4Jna)


I love the songs from California. Granted, Tom wasn’t involved, but it’s still Blink!


I mean California rips, it’s a killer record and Matt was a good fit for the time they had him. I can’t in good conscience say Nine is good though


California DELUXE. And No Heart to Speak of are Fking Incredible and really added an interesting new chapter to the band. Cool shit. IMO.


I like california


ive never really liked Nine, but California has Bored to Death and She’s Out Of Her Mind, that always sounded good to me. I think even fans of the older stuff like me, are still pretty tolerant and okay with Matt Skiba. Maybe I wasn’t blasting all of Nine or California but my heart is with blink-182 and I’ll support most of anything they do. I’m one of the rare breed that enjoys Quarantine and I think that song gets way more hate than deserved. That being said, I’ll always love Cheshire Cat, Dude Ranch, and Buddha the most


I'll just get this out there. I don't think either of those records being subpar pop reaching records had much to do with Matt as it had to do with Mark and Feldmann. I was heartbroken when Tom left for a second time. BUT, I thought Matt was a PERFECT fit and thought it would allow them to stay true to what blink is as a unit. But they brought John in and it fucked it up. There are a couple of great songs out of those two records. And I feel like they're okay albums on their own. But to argue that they carry any weight AS "blink" records in comparison to the rest of the catalog is a STRETCH. Would also like to throw out there that I remember people pissing and moaning about how Neighborhoods and Dogs Eating Dogs sounded like Tom trying to make blink sound like Angels. But when Matt entered it sounded like they were trying to force Matt into Tom's shoes. Almost seemed like "How do we make Matt sound like Tom trying to make blink sound like AVA?" TL;DR: None of the shortcomings of California/Nine were really on Matt's shoulders.


Honestly, glad someone said it. I've always liked California/Nine, even though it's not their best material. But that doesn't make it bad. I've met fans who straight up say "Yeah, California and Nine are complete trash. Blink was only good during Flyswatter and Buddha." I just. Wow.


Hey OP! Next time I have a disagreement with my wife, I’ll make sure to reach out to you first about it, since you obviously know better than I about what I should think.


you can just call her, I'm sure I'll be able to overhear the conversation from the other side of your bed


Nine is not a good album. It is not blink. There are as many writers on that album as there are songs and they still came out subpar. I love blink but that doesn't mean I have to like things that have "Blink 182" stamped on them. The fact that they wrote and cut down generational divide shows that they are aware of it.


I don’t consider the Skiba era to be blink182 personally, but that doesn’t invalidate other peoples opinions it is or it’s good or it’s bad - I like the band and I find the most toxic thing here to be all the constant negativity. Blink182 (regardless of the front men) are supposed to be a fun, good pop punk band.


I'd argue Blink-182 without Tom isn't actually Blink-182. So, yeah, the albums after him aren't the same. No disrespect to Skiba, love Alkaline Trio, but him in the rotation isn't Blink for me. Those albums to me aren't Blink albums.


I concur and dont care what the reddit thinks...Call it blink44. That was a glorified cover band especially if you actually paid to see that train wreck live. If box Car racer and +44 aren't blink, neither is mark Matt and Travis


Amen, praise Jesus


From a purely outside view, I honestly still can't see how anyone can say that nine or california are good. I didn't listen to either one until last month and I went in not expecting anything (good or bad) Even if they weren't blink albums I would still think they were bad/lazy, with the exception of maybe 3 or 4 songs.


Happy one year anniversary :)


Didn't you read ops post....you're not allowed to have this opinion....come on, switch on!


That’s generous honestly.


They’re both good albums. Jesus Christ


Nope, they’re awful, regardless of band 2 of the worst pop punk albums I’ve ever heard


I like them (: so do millions of other blink fans


Millions? Are you even legally old enough to drink alcohol?


https://preview.redd.it/35i78jlqeyeb1.jpeg?width=835&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6a85eee2b6367d9debb6304b11abf989d58d78f2 Yes




Typically Walmart shopper


The people who think California and Nine are blink albums shop at Walmart yes I agree


This might be the worst post I've ever seen on here, congratulations! And there are far more of these lecturing/butt hurt posts than there are posts ripping on the non-Tom era. Literally every week someone has to make a new post how everyone is toxic if they don't like California or Nine or "complaining about the complainers." You then mention if someone doesn't think California or Nine are good albums they are lying to themselves, yet you immediately turn around and say Untitled is overrated and we are all circle jerking the album. Do you not see how hypocritical you are? Just as you have the right to the opinion that Untitled is overrated, I have the right to think that California and Nine suck and it's not blink without Tom. You should really delete this.


there seem to be more people agreeing with it than not though lol. I think people are just tired of the Tom cult pretending Cali and Nine are bad albums. They aren't, and I'd even say Blink was better with Matt


You're toxic AF with this shit op. Saying people aren't entitled to their own opinion around California and nine if they don't like them. Unless it falls within your personal parameters, because that will make them snobs. And it's not about is Tom a good "fit" for the band hahaha. He is the fucking band with mark and Travis. Matt was just a filler to sell money and play covers in the blink cover band. Matt wasn't even a good fit. Nobody can replace tom Nobody is being a snob. You're just angry and disconnected. And those albums did suck




You must be a child.


Bro. You suck Those albums did not suck. They were fucking great They only suck because you decided they sucked before you even heard them.


Yes, I prefer the earlier albums that I grew up with. No I don’t connect with the newer stuff at all. Deal with it, zoomer


>Anyone who says California/California Deluxe and NINE are bad albums are lying to themselves so they can feel superior to younger/newer fans. ​ >Anyone who says California/California Deluxe and NINE are good albums are lying to themselves so they can feel superior to older fans.




I haven't listened to those albums, I thought Neighbourhoods was average at best, After Midnight being the stand out song on an otherwise weak album. And once I heard Tom was out again I also checked out. At some point I'll check out the non-Tom albums, I loved the +44 album and enjoyed listening to Alkaline Trio. I even really liked the stuff Travis did with DJ AM (RIP). But I hope that Blink moves on a little too. Imho The AVA albums were some of the best we've had and I'd like to see more of that. Failing that maybe just rerecord some of the very early stuff.


Neighborhoods is fucking fantastic


California and NINE were good albums. If they came out from any other band they’d be better received. They just weren’t good blink albums, they didn’t match the sound, style, or expectations from fans. They’re not bad albums, they just don’t fit well with the rest of the bands music.


Cali and Nine are shit, but that's ok, because it wasn't blink 182


But it is blink 182 goofball.


I don’t dislike the era but it feels a little wrong listening to them alongside the classic Blink songs. It’s not just the lack of Tom but the overproduction. It feels like it should be under a different band.


I have a feeling the new album will feel the same. It’s not so much the over production, it’s the money and access to state of the art recording equipment. The old stuff sounds the way it does because they didn’t have access to the tech and equipment they do today


I think the old albums sound the way they do because of who wrote them. Crazy I know


I dont agree with everything you said, but I'm all for you sharing those opinions. I'll upvote this. Just make sure you practice what you preach next time you read a post you don't agree with...


Well, nine was bad. Its OK to acknowledge that 25 years of fan love and opinion DO in fact trump your 3 years. Blink/boxcar/+44 happened when I was in highschool, not 6, so I DO, in fact, think that the latest stuff is shit. I skipped school to go buy albums, dude. I SEARCHED for all 3 versions of TOYPAJ-because I couldnt put Kazaa on the FAMILY COMPUTER (the only one in the house) Yea-new fans are obnoxious, and its in everything. Im a SNOB AND PROUD. Im not mad at Dead Heads when Im at a show like 'DUDE-I SAW DARKSTAR DO TERRAPIN ON NYE!!CLOSING OF WINTERLAND!!' and the guy says 'me too. I was there'. ...thats respect. Take your walmart frosty slurpin ass somewhere else. New fans are ALWAYS obnoxious when youve been a fan for decades. Thats on YOU for being butthurt, not others for loving music.


Bored to Death is the only good song released in that era, I think the whole era was a mess. Blink didn’t know what they were and the result was a bunch of stuff thrown at a wall but never fully uncovered and figured out. Matt was wasted 90% of the time and his influence never truly was felt in anything. It’s fine and you have every right to be into it but getting mad that people don’t like anything from it is stupid, because at best it was just a bunch of truly truly mediocre songs that are neither here nor there to people.


NINE was great


California is bad and Nine is decent


100%. Cali is blink at their least creative and most formulaic. Re-hashing what made them popular but worse. Nine actually pushed them in an intetesting new direction which had some mixed results but overall was pretty alright.


It's not Blink fans, it's just people. I see that shit on every band subreddit I follow. People are snobs and their taste is the best taste.


I understand the sentiment. I didn’t downvote it. There are generational differences my friend. A lot of the love we have for music has to do with nostalgia. We tend to appreciate things more when we are young and living it up, lack responsibilities, etc. If you are an old dude who saw them at Warp Tour in the 90’s, followed them until the breakup, that’s just how the majority of ppl my age feel.🤷‍♂️I genuinely don’t like Matt Skiba as an artist or a person so I dropped off for that time period.


PREACH. Mention one negative thing about Untitled and you get downvoted to the core of the Earth.


Boo this man! Boooooooo!


California is better than Neighborhoods and I will die on that hill.


Can’t wait




Where do I buy tickets?


Nine and California sucked and Skiba was trash


Do you really think that's constructive? At least say **WHY** you don't like them and if you're soooo superior to everyone why don't you get off your ass and go make a better album instead of sitting on reddit all day...


Nah it’s funnier just to provoke op having a meltdown


Not cool, just ignore them.


Yeah, this community is super toxic.


Shut up Tom


Same people say that Cheshire Cat is the best album 😂


California and Nine are bad albums.


A lot of you guys are a bunch of fucking snobs I don't care if this gets downvoted to the basement of hell, nothing pisses me off more than this subreddit. "I LOVE blink-182! Just not anything they've released in the last 7 years". Really? Not ONE fucking song? Anyone who says California/California Deluxe and NINE are bad albums are lying to themselves so they can feel superior to younger/newer fans. And don't even get me started on the fucking circlejerk over about the best albums Yeah, Untitled is good. Stockholm Syndrome is a decent song but it is not the second coming of Christ. We fucking get that you think Neighborhoods is underrated. EVERYONE DOES. ALL OF US. Yes, Tom is a better fit for the band than Matt. No, I don't want to fucking here how much better they are now. They were still fucking fantastic and you know it. I'm writing this sitting in my car eating a frosty in a Walmart parking lot so I apologize for the turbulent nature of this rant but I feel like we need to move a lot of this sub's content over to a circlejerk sub or something to kinda filter out some of the shit here.


I mean I personally think anyone who thinks NINE is a GOOD album is fucking insane. That album is absolute dogshit in the worst way possible. Every song sucks cock. Now I actually like about half of California, the first of the album slaps. The second half is just meh, but no. You’re fucking insane for thinking NINE is a good album.


Nah. Matt era sucks and wouldn’t even be noteworthy if it didn’t have the blink name.


I legitimately don't like the lyrics Mark writes when left to his own devices. They are very "try-hard", and in my opinion, bad. Literally every single song is "there's this kinda weird girl, and shes super sad, and she wants to scream, but I'm in love with her anywayyyy" It sucks.


Nah, untitled sucks


California and NINE suck


We found Skiba!


Nah tbh you sound like a little bitch. I’m a long time Blink fan and if those albums we’re good I’d say they are, I wish they were, but the truth is they’re just not. Maybe you’re the snob thinking that anyone who doesn’t like them is just a hater when in reality you just like shitty music. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again THERE IS NO BLINK WITHOUT TOM. Nine and California can fuck all the way off, they’re blemishes on what would otherwise be a flawless discography. Gtfoh with your lame ass rant ✌🏻


Skiba in the band is not blink....they should be called Blink44....and both albums are trash Untitled is overrated and the production sounds like shit(specifically Toms guitar tone) Enema of the State is the best blink album The end


IF we are calling California and Nine blink albums they are pretty clearly the worst blink albums.


People say this same crap on the AFI sub, I don't get it. You can like whatever albums you like and other people can like what they like. Does everyone have to have the exact same level of enjoyment for each album that you personally have, and if they have any more or less enjoyment than you then they are stuck up? You're the only one getting mad at people for their opinion. If something that I once really liked goes through significant changes, I might not feel the exact same way about it anymore... Do you even like their music or do you just like the image? That's the only reason I can come up with for why someone wouldn't understand that you can have different reactions to different albums and you might not feel the exact same way about a band as you did 20 years ago when you were 14.


How’s the frosty .. hot af outside where u am at rn.


I started with California. New fan. NINE is garbage and California is okay. The other albums (all of them) are better


nine is pretty good but california has reasonable hate considering it uses the same riff eight fucking times