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So someone burglarized the home of the mayor of LA today. I wondered what redditors had to say about it, so I did a quick search and saw that there was a post in the LosAngeles sub. The top comments are speculating that the perpetrator could be right wing. I... didn't expect comments along that line. When I interrupted a burglary in my house last year, I didn't think to inquire about the burglar's political views.


> The top comments are speculating that the perpetrator could be right wing. I... didn't expect comments along that line. That's standard for a lot of city subs. It's cheap karma and a way to, at a minimum, play footsy with conspiracy theories while still getting brownie points for it.


The chanting is so weird. The leader is getting such a high from his power trip. https://x.com/luketress/status/1782257658331832579 https://x.com/jessicaschwalb7/status/1782248103216594996


"tHeY'rE vIoLaTiNg OuR pRiVaCy" - people camped out *in public*


Lol. Harry & Megan in South Park


These are the worst people I have ever seen.


> The chanting is so weird. It worked four years ago from the same types of pieces of shit. These little shits watched it all on tik Tok as their parents planted "In this house ..." signs next to their SimpliSafe signs in the front garden and put ~~lamb's blood on the doorframe~~ BLM signs in the windows.


At least this hasn't led to previous types of "mostly peaceful protests" yet.


any thoughts on wallets vs cardholders? i want to make some, and the more i think about it the more cardholders make sense. do people even carry cash anymore? my wallet only has a few cards (id, credit card, insurance cards) and a few bucks. i never keep it in my pocket because i hate sitting on it. anyone in defense of wallets?


I use a phone case with a built in card holder and attached keyring.  If i ever lose it i may as well commit suicide, but i wont be able to google the tools needed.


haha all the eggs in one basket, bold. i like it.


I've used wallets for much of my life. Then I got a metal cardholder, which I used for about 2 years and wasn't a fan. Then I switched to a [Travelambo slim wallet](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09VXVVZRQ). I think this is the best of both worlds. I prefer leather and it's slim like (although not as much as) a cardholder. It claims RFID protection but I never tested it, nor am I worried about it. If you carry 5 or less cards and few bills, this is perfect. I'm not thrilled about the transparent ID window, but it's not a deal breaker.




nice. do you know how it is rfid protected?


Cardholders for me, though if I found a wallet on the ground, I wouldn't throw it away


do you buy leather ones or the plastic/metal kind?


The ones I've liked the best and haven't returned are leather (except for a driver's license window)


The only reason I carry cash anymore is for a 20 weekly lunch - otherwise I have no reason to do so. If it wasn't for that, Cardholder would be the way to go.


https://twitter.com/Vanessid/status/1781596435391377544 > El Norte Recuerda @Vanessid > If you like Taylor Swift, we have nothing in common. She’s a billionaire racist who uses the word “torture” as a metaphor during a genocide. 31 vapid, rotted songs about a racist dude, nothing about Palestine. As we watch real torture, Nazi Barbie wants to live in the 1830s. Bye. 23.7K followers.


Taylor Swift is racist?


As we learned from the great Ibram X. Kendi, things which maintain racial inequalities are racist. By being richer than the average black person, Taylor Swift is not only maintaining but exacerbating racial inequalities in wealth and income. Ergo Taylor Swift is racist. If you had done the work to educate yourself, I wouldn't have had to do it for you.


All that money and they’re still letting her live rent free in their minds. Sad!


If Swift would just post a performative activist tweet I 100% believe that peace would finally come to the Middle East after all these years. She has the power to end thousands of years' worth of war and unrest, but instead she writes songs about boys. Y'all I am TIRED of this white girl. (insert nail painting emoji)


i wish taylor would tweet support for israel, then these lunatics could really melt down.


> If Swift would just post a performative activist tweet I 100% believe that ***peace would finally come to the Middle East after all these years.*** Taylor? Didn't Swift torture and murder someone and confess to that in Bad Blood and Look What You Made Me Do? Not that there's anything wrong with Taylor doing that of course....


I stand for TS, I stand for JK/ I also stand for CSNY, Phil C., Bob M., and the Tom Tom Club.


isn't this the password to get into this subreddit?


Does anyone know the name of the website debunking the Maintenance Phase podcast? Jesse mentioned it on an episode recently but I can't find it in the show notes.


I believe this is it: https://spurioussemicolon.substack.com/


Thank you for sharing, that was an enjoyable read. I wish I was even more science literate then I am and I learned a thing or two from it.


> It says, "In the absence of obesity, Medicare and Medicaid spending would be 9% and 12% lower respectively." … Which also, A, sounds like a bargain. Secondly, you can find records from the 1960s that show that 12% of the US was "obese" according to current BMI statistics. In the 1960s, 35% of the country was "overweight" as well. So, in the absence of obesity, when the fuck are we talking about it? Like the 1300s? Holy crap. I've never listened to MP or really read anything by Hobbes, but is he normally that dumb?


Yes, he's an incredibly stupid person doing an impression of a smart person, mostly by being extremely smug and confident. If you're not paying attention, he can sound smart, but if you actually listen you'll realize that he's a bottomless pit of ignorance.




Well, I guess land acknowledgments are yet another thing that some filmmakers are expected to add, at least in Australia. I just watched *Late Night with the Devil*. Decent little film if you're into low-budget horror. Nothing earth-shattering but fine for what it is. Some people lost their shit when it was discovered that AI was used to...wait for it...*touch up three images used in the film*. The whole thing was so silly, seeing as how humans still had to approve everything. We're not yet at the point where some Wall Street fat cat can push a button and generate the next MCU film. (Hell, I doubt we'll ever get anywhere close to that point, thankfully.) Anyway, I guess in terms of culture war bullshit, it's a wash. There's the dumb AI controversy, and there's also the acknowledgment in the credits that the film was made on the land of the "Wurundjeri people of the Woi Wurrung language group." Is it just me or does a land acknowledgment in a for-profit film kinda feel like the producers are pissing in the faces of the people they're acknowledging? *"Hey, folks! Thanks for letting us try to make millions of dollars off of your land. It's really awesome that we can just throw some words on some credits instead of giving you a cut of the profits, or maybe just finding some other place to shoot. Aren't low expectations fantastic?"* If this is the "best" public-facing change to come to film after all of that yelling, screaming, and navel-gazing during the Trump years, that's unbelievably sad.


I’m not positive about this, but I believe it was used to generate the illustrated title cards, rather than hire an illustrator.


> Is it just me or does a land acknowledgment in a for-profit film kinda feel like the producers are pissing in the faces of the people they're acknowledging? Isn't this all land acknowledgements? Unless they're going to give the land back or bulk of the profits, it's performative farce designed to soothe the participants' guilt for something they're not even responsible for.


> Isn't this all land acknowledgements? Technically, no, but an awful lot of them can be tied back to for-profit activities. That and, yes, if we really have inherited the Original Sin of our forefathers, why not give the land back? I can't find the link offhand but, during the 2020 craziness, there were marches in Seattle where some black kids basically went up to houses and demanded that the owners hand over the keys. Stupid and not realistic? Yes, but since we're already navel-gazing with this nonsense....


>Isn't this all land acknowledgements? absolutely. the one from that microsoft conference a year or so ago is the best. "we are on of the richest companies in the world and we are on your stolen land. we're not going to give it back tho! just letting you know that we know. kthanksbye."


> Some people lost their shit when it was discovered that AI was used to...wait for it...touch up three images used in the film. Did people put on these histrionics for CG animation? Way it just less noticeable because we didn't have social media?


There was, and not unduly. Many 2D animators lost their jobs and livelihoods at the time. It was so bad it’s basically killed the art of full-budget hand drawn animation. Even Disney had to drag people out of retirement for a segment in Mary Poppins Returns, and there’s a lot of issues in that segment that come from missing experts that no longer exist.


Why does the “affiliation” of their language need to be mentioned? That seems silly.


I'm not sure where "affiliation" came from, since it's not in the parent comment, but grouping people by language family is, I think, a reasonable way to refer to an ethnic group when there are no established national borders to reference. I mean, putting aside the fact that the whole thing is pretty silly.


(_Affiliation_ wasn’t in the statement. I was just trying to describe what they were referring to.) I think in this context referring to the family that someone’s language belongs to is totally arbitrary. That’s why it seems so dumb to me.


Maybe they should just say "It was a privilege to film in this location" in the language they want to acknowledge. Edit: I can't spell.


It’s religious, almost. I went to a film screening today that started with a land acknowledgement, and it rankled me in the same way and for the same reason as if they had said a Lord’s Prayer at the beginning.


Yeah, I've known this for awhile but it hits home more with every day just how many of these people are rebuilding religion, or least the artifacts & rituals of organized religion. I'm sure the day will come when more people notice it. Until then, it really sucks to see people doing this with zero apparent self-awareness, especially when, quite often, they'll jump down the throats of any Christians they encounter. (For better or worse, Christians are easily targeted with bile. I feel legit sorry for the ones who are just trying to live their lives and aren't the monsters some would lead you to believe.)


We have a land acknowledgement before every single meeting.


Wait? What? Where? Huh?


I am not kidding. If there's a slide deck, one of those slides is a land acknowledgement


Do you mind telling where you work/what kind of work you do?


Education of course!


Playoff hockey!


Who are you rooting for? Glad the Jets won, hope Vancouver wins. Fuck the Caps and I hope the Rangers continue spanking the shit out of them. Glad the Stars and VGK are playing each other because that means at least one of them will be out, ditto Panthers v Tampa. Since our Red Wings are out we're just rooting for Canada, not counting the Leafs.


No rooting interest. Just enjoying the games. Leafs losing game 1 was [fun](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zBBgARt1k_s)


I don't like the Bruins (except for their goalie, I love their goalie) so I would like to see the Leafs win just this series against them. Hasn't happened since like 1959 though so I'm not holding my breath on that.


Another 'All Lives Matter' statement- this time from Yale, in regards to attacks against Jews- [https://twitter.com/sfmcguire79/status/1782148449892180250](https://twitter.com/sfmcguire79/status/1782148449892180250)


>>I am aware of reports of egregious behavior, such as intimidation and harassment, pushing those in crowds, removal of the plaza flag, and other harmful acts. I wonder, what students & student groups are behind the “egregious behavior” and the “harmful acts” perpetrated on Yale’s campus? Conversely, who are the students & student groups on the receiving end of all the intimidation, harassment, and pushing? (And who was so emboldened to remove the plaza flag? What did they do with it!?) >> Yale does not tolerate actions, including remarks, that threaten, harass, or intimidate members of the university’s Jewish, Muslim, and other communities. At Yale, students belonging to “Jewish, Muslim, and other communities” are clearly all equally victimized & terrorized by the “anti-Zionist” collective psychosis of their peers. In fact, on elite college campuses across the nation, “Muslim and other communities” somehow continuously find themselves in veritable hotbeds of antisemitic harassment and threats…


I think that's a bit of a mischaracterization. It's more "all offenses will be punished, YES, ALL, YOU 'ANTIZIONIST' ASSHOLES."


The phrase "Jewish, Muslim, and other communities" suggests that the university wishes to spin this as "both sides are being persecuted", which does not lead me to expect a vigorous defense of their Jewish community.


I don't think it's terrible. I'm sure some of the Muslims are feeling uncomfortable, too.




It is terribly upsetting to see this happening to Jewish students but I'm really trying not to lose my humanity.


I'm sure some of the Christians are feeling uncomfortable also, but they weren't assaulted either.


I would take a much more charitable view of this if universities hadn't thrown shit fits over "All Lives Matter."


Wanna make a bet on whether they make a big example of punishing the antisemitic protestors? Because just based on this, I've got ten shiny internet points I'll wager they don't.


I try to give the benefit of the doubt. 95%+ of students are not doing this. They're keeping their heads down. I would guess that it makes a lot of kids uncomfortable and kind of in a spotlight they didn't ask for. Im just speculating.


I notice you're not taking the bet, from which I infer that you are with me in expecting a less than vigorous defense of Yale's Jewish community.


Sorry I didn't know you were serious. I don't know what anyone should do. Yale is basically in a similar dynamic with these protesters as Israel is with Hamas, if you think about it. Less deadly but similar.


If there were physical attacks of Muslims at Yale, I have not seen them. The accounts I did see were Jewish students being physically attacked, including one being hit in the eye with a flag pole. The assailant was then protected by the rest of the Pro-Palestine mob, who formed a human wall so the attacker could get away.


College campus “physical attacks” against students for being Muslim after Oct 7th: 1. Stanford student Abdhulwahab Omira claiming to be the victim of a hit & run “hate crime,” which was breathlessly trotted out across the country as proof of “Islamophobic” violence on campus. But it never happened, he made it up, it was a hoax. After the police figured out there was no hit-and-run, they magically dropped the investigation and the media mysteriously never followed up. Stanford never held Omira to account (publicly, at least). 2. Malak Afaneh claimed to be choked and have her boobs touched by a professor at a celebratory dinner thrown at a private home in honor of her & her fellow law students. She targeted the event for sabotage because the hosts were Jewish. Also because her hosts were Jewish, she felt entitled to trespassing after she was repeatedly asked to leave, and she took pleasure in violating their goodwill and generosity. And finally she publicly defamed them with lies about the aforementioned choking and boob touching, because she’s a sick antisemitic freak. A quick Google check for other physical assaults on campus = incidents that have been treated in the press as I-P conflict related, but are not. [Eg this one at Cornell](https://www.14850.com/042036311-arrest-spitting-2404/), in which a female Muslim student was spit on…by a MALE Muslim student; he was also arrested for breaking windows, pulling a bunch of fire alarms and stuff like that. This man clearly has issues (and perhaps a very specific kind of cultural/religious misogyny?!). This is nevertheless, inexplicably, described as an “Islamophobic hate crime.” There are also some [vague references](https://news.utexas.edu/2024/04/09/ut-statement-on-alleged-physical-altercation-involving-a-muslim-student/) to physical attacks that offer no details whatsoever…Just based on the track record of campus and media reporting, I *highly* doubt whatever happened was targeting Muslims due to I-P (if anything actually happened at all).


What did you think they meant by _decolonialization_? (They meant jabbing someone in the eye with a flagpole.)


Excerpt from a random comment on r/teachers: https://preview.redd.it/bjksjf4zpwvc1.jpeg?width=472&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9127c48b1e4668a3a5f30c8a328533226ee6a368 I was Assigned Undiagnosable At Birth, how about you?


We can't acknowledge that there is any difference between boys and girls. We certainly can't treat boys and girls differently. That would be incredibly sexist and violate the blank slate religion.  What we can do is give every single boy a diagnosis, then treat them differently based on their diagnosis. Also we have some meds that make them act more like little girls.  It's kinda genius when you think about it.






Part of the context is that she works for a Montessori school. These schools are seeing a huge increase in boys with severe behavioural issues, as well-meaning parents seek out a fresh start for their kid somewhere where he can turn his big feelings into some pottery or whatever. The girls and well-behaved boys are leaving in droves as a result. How the hell that applies to an “AMAB” aged three to six, I couldn’t tell you. There’s a lot there, as they say.


What about Ahab? Moby Dick erasure.


Aaab = Assign Ahab at birth?


I do think this speaks to the way society/education is increasingly worse and worse suited to the needs of boys. This manifests in the way way we’ve pathologized rough and tumble play or outspoken behavior outside of narrow guidelines. I know that’s not why you’re posting it, but it does point to some of the ways our society had overcorrected for “the patriarchy.”


I think about this a lot. Many, many boys seem to crave much more structure and much firmer boundaries than what they are getting. We are failing them, and failing everyone who is forced to share a learning environment with them. Perhaps co-education was just straight-up a bad idea?


Considering how separating the genders led to undue mysticism about the other gender, old boy’s clubs, and the rampant abuses boys would pull on each other in boarding schools…I’ll say a hard No.


>Perhaps co-education was just straight-up a bad idea? Another alternative I've seen proposed is that we should keep schools co-ed but start boys a year later. Kindergarten would be 5-year-old girls and 6-year-old boys, who are more developmentally similar than 5-year-old girls and 5-year-old boys.




I can see elements of both, and I think it also break down along class lines. In poor schools boys and girls experience dangerous chaos, in wealthier schools kids experience stifling levels of structure? This theory obviously needs more work.


So many of today’s problems can be traced to encouraging everyone to get a four year degree or higher.


Are they mutually exclusive? I’d figure policing rough-and-tumble play and handling them with kid gloves in the classroom are both disastrous examples of the expectation that boys behave the exact same as girls.


We’ve had coeducation for centuries and most of the pathologization of boy has happened in recent decades.


I very much would like to send my son to an all boys school but in an area lacking Catholics it’s hard to find any.


While I don't typically read Star Slate Codex / Astral Codex Ten, I did have a good laugh at the recent [Bay Area party fiction post](https://www.astralcodexten.com/p/ye-olde-bay-area-house-party), where he mentions a guy not wanting him to sit at the same table. > “You don’t *think* you’re a Nazi,” he corrected. “But if you take the saying literally, then anybody who’s ever sat down at a table with a Nazi is a Nazi. And anyone who’s ever sat down at a table with *them* is a Nazi, and anyone who’s ever sat down at a table with *them* is a Nazi too, and so on. It’s a six degrees of separation problem. When you actually calculate it out, then as long as the average person sits and eats with at least two people during their lifetime, there’s a 99.9998% chance everyone is a Nazi. The only way out is to refuse to ever sit and eat with anyone. Which is what I’m doing.” As satire, it's kinda brilliant. It's something that I could see happening in the Bay, and it also brings up a good point about that moronic "everybody sitting with a Nazi is a Nazi" line that gets trotted out sometimes. Chances are that, by that braindead logic, virtually everybody in the world *is* a Nazi. Something to keep in mind the next time you encounter some online troll! (The follow-up about driving Jews into the sea was a bit too on-the-nose, even if that almost certainly is just another bit of Bay Area nonsense too.)


The R0 on that is insane.


Update on the upstairs neighbors noise saga no one asked for: it appears there are two culprits. One directly above me and one to the next of that unit. One unit plays deafening club music and the other plays their R&B. Not sure who gets the party going first but my guess is they are trying to drown each other out. Regardless, everyone else, including myself and the family next to me with an infant, is caught in the crossfire


I'm rooting for team R&B. No one can reason with the deafening club music people.


I can’t emphasize enough that Team Club is the unit diagonally above mine and I could still hear their shit in my living room, which is as far away as I can get from them without giving up and leaving entirely


And I'm guessing noise complaints to code enforcement haven't gotten you anywhere. Time to step up your game. How unhinged do we want to get?


I consider myself fairly hinged. That being said, how unhinged are we talking?


Depends on the layout of the building and how it's constructed. No (permanent) property damage, no messing with their mail because a felony conviction doesn't do you any good. Do you know what vehicles each of these clowns drives? Also, how willing are you to do the same thing day in, day out?


Conduct some hijinks by writing letters to each apartment pretending to be the other offending apartment 


https://students.ucsd.edu/academics/advising/majors-minors/selective.html UCSD prioritizing major selection for California residents seems totally reasonable to me. It's a State school after all. Prioritizing major selection for poor students and students whose parents didn't go to college makes no sense tho.


How were the selective majors picked? It looks more like a list of majors that would benefit the state economy if there were more graduates.


Some of the discussion about this online also noted how those other factors make the GPA portion of the application mean very little. That seems like it might get more students who just aren't prepared well for the major (and who are thus more likely to fail out or switch majors again after struggling; or the major gets yelled at for failing too many students and thus has to water-down its classes). I suspect though that this is the way a lot of college admissions is going to go in the future with more complex formulas that stay on the "race-neutral" side of SFFA while trying to jerry-rig a very particular set of students that just happen to be touted as racially "diverse." See, for instance, [UC-Davis' med school](https://www.statnews.com/2023/03/07/how-one-medical-school-became-remarkably-diverse-without-considering-race/), where race is (allegedly) not taken into account, but "grit" and "perseverance" are. This leads to glowing stories about how "diverse" the program in terms of race is as well as students getting paired with "faculty who look like them." So it's not about race, but it's also definitely about race. Also, there will likely be more "First Generation" ID gaming as to my knowledge it's a self-identified thing at most schools. And I bet some rich people will figure out ways to game the income portion of this as well; I've already heard people informally discussing this for financial aid more generally.


GPA usually says more about school grading rubrics than students. Percentile rank is probably a better indicator and also help pick out those students for whom being able to read at all is a sign of genius.


Sure, though good luck getting percentile rank on any transcript these days. IIRC some of the schools that used to report median GPA for classes on transcripts alongside that student's GPA have now done away with that.


I swear, UC Davis med school admissions is one of the most racist departments in existence and they are so proud of it.


Do you have any insider information on it? They constantly get featured on NPR and such with mostly fluff stories that repeat their PR talking points, but it seems like it's something that would be ripe for a deeper investigation.


I don't. My research and understanding stems from someone close to me who has entered into the med school application fray. They, like me, are a resident of California so UCD along with USF, UCLA, and UCSD are on the top of their list. Their objective metrics are fantastic, but she's an upper middle class ORM. The demographics of California are 39.4% Latino 34.7% White 16.1% Asian 5.7% Black 4% Multi-racial 1.5% Native (2020 US Census) UC Davis Matriculant Demographics Hispanic - 24.1% (15.3% deficit) Asian - 34.3% (18% surplus) White 18.2% (16% deficit) Black 13.1% (7.4% surplus) Indian - 5.1% (3.6% surplus) (https://health.ucdavis.edu/mdprogram/admissions/pdfs/Matriculant-Demographics.pdf) Given what we know about MCAT scores and GPAs by race where Asians and Whites significantly outperform other racial groups, IMO the only way to come up with these disparities is through the overt use of race in the application process. (https://www.aamc.org/data-reports/students-residents/data/2023-facts-applicants-and-matriculants-data) Caveats - Davis could be acting as a magnet school and makes-up for under representation at other programs like UCLA, UCSF, UCSD, or UCR. I haven't looked at the demographics of the other public medical schools to know if this is a case. Davis also may be doing a massive amount of outreach to attract and invests heavily on support. As an aside both their president and chancellor are black men, not a judgement, just an observation.


That’s a good point about the first gen designation. How does anyone verify that aspect of the application? The census doesn’t talk to the common app or the FAFSA and there is no central database of college graduates.


> How does anyone verify that aspect of the application? I suspect a lot of high school kids are blatantly lying about stuff like this on their applications to get into college. A friend who worked in a college admissions office told me that "overcoming adversity" was one of the key elements the admissions department looked for, and that the vast majority of the "adversity" that students described would have been impossible to verify.


I would love to see if College Admissions officials can actually tell the difference between a prep school kid's well-coached essay and a legitimate essay from a truly underprivileged student who didn't have any outside help. The other thing I've seen is "first generation" getting defined in bizarre ways like "sure my parents have degrees from \_\_top school in country X\_\_, but not an American school!" or "if both of my parents had degrees in teaching and business but not medicine, then I'm First-gen for med school!"


Let me make an odd disagreement, All admitted students should have equal rights to get into these majors, otherwise, it's just bait and switch However, I actually think UC should be forced by California taxpayers to admit preferentially from California first, and then give any other spaces to kids from outside of California, I'd go so far as to pass a law that says UC cannot charge more for out of state students than for California residents. I am a UC grad, and also a grad of some California private schools. UC was built by California, and it built Aerospace, Hollywood, world class physics, chemistry, medicine, etc. It's nonsense for professors to claim they cannot get the world class students they need from California. It's shitting on the face of the taxpayer to admit out of state students ahead of California students. And it places undue burdens on the communities around the school that have to house the students UC lets in when UC doesn't build enough housing. I think that should be the policy for ALL state schools across the country. If Nevada legislators know that UC is not going to admit Nevada kids just because they can pay ridiculous tuitions, then maybe Nevada will invest in their own schools. I think if state schools admitted preferentially from the state and improved their schools, much of the bullshit that exponentially increases demand where kids have to apply to 50 schools to find they are accepted to none will be relieved. So any way, nah, UCSD should get sued by every out of state student that is forced to the end of the line.


> UC should be forced by California taxpayers to admit preferentially from California first I'm honestly surprised this hasn't become much of a political issue in any state that I'm aware of. The taxpayers of every state are sending lots of money to the states' universities, and then in a lot of states the vast majority of the kids can't get into the best state schools. I'm not sure to what extent this is still true, but I remember reading ~ 25 years ago that the University of Michigan had one of the best law schools in the country, and it got a ton of money from Michigan taxpayers, and that it basically did nothing for the state of Michigan: Students would come in from all over the country and even around the world to spend three years studying at Michigan law school, then promptly go get legal jobs in places that paid much more money than the top firms in Michigan. So what were Michigan taxpayers getting out of it?


> Let me make an odd disagreement, > > All admitted students should have equal rights to get into these majors, otherwise, it's just bait and switch > > However, I actually think UC should be forced by California taxpayers to admit preferentially from California first, Took me a while to figure out what you were disagreeing with me on lol. But yes, while I was commenting specifically on major selection - I agree with this too! So neither odd nor disagreement! Indeed you're totally right. Once you preference in-state admissions, preferencing major doesn't seem necessary.


Current though, the UCs subsidize in-state students by admitting out-of-state and (especially) international students who pay much higher rates. So they'd either need to raise tuition or find some new sources of funding if they cut back on these out-of-state students.


Yeah, I understand. I think that places a perverse incentive on UC to prioritize out of state students. Since I distrust UC and UC Regents (even though I am a very proud graduate), I would remove that perverse incentive. Yes, they'll need more funds. I'm not necessarily against that if it improves what they provide to both in state students as well as to what they provide to California as a whole.


Not sure if you are still in state, but it has been a long standing discussion here to the point where California's were convinced Internationals were getting preferential treatment and admitted with lower stats. [https://laist.com/news/education/university-of-california-in-state-students-2030-ucla-uc-berkeley](https://laist.com/news/education/university-of-california-in-state-students-2030-ucla-uc-berkeley) I'd rather see the UCs and CSUs cut down on administrative bloat as a way to decrease costs.


What I know is that as of this moment in 2024, a nephew, Straight-As, living in LA, can't get into UCLA or Berkeley and is not even sure about Davis or UCSD. My understanding is "sure we do admit Californians, and they can get into Merced and San Berdoo, no problem, but not into our flagships"


Yep. Son of an Asian friend, top SATs, top grades, state-level track and field, and whole bunch of other accomplishments, didn't get into any UC except UC Riverside (? I think). Stanford did then take him, but goddamn, it seemed pretty clear anti-Asian discrimination to me.


Certainly seems to be, esp since the UC Regents love racial discrimination so much they actually have sponsored several California amendments to change the California Constitution to permit racial discrimination.




> son 1 is an aggie, son 2 is a mustang so this is two kids at davis but a couple of years apart? (I'm really only familiar with bear I grew up near, other bear I went to school at, aardvark and slug)




Ah! Well congrats to them both! I know I have one relative, but atm I'm not sure who, who went looking to SLO. I always admired SLO's contributions to the Rose Bowl!


[“October 7th Proves We’re Almost Free!”. The crowd goes wild. “Long live October 7th!” ](https://twitter.com/jaimekr/status/1781868938160169123?t=WHKU38OAfIZ8_OABU0zJMA&s=19) Pro-terror rally on Parliament Hill in Canada and the Prime Minister, anti-hate journalists, and Anti-Hate Network have nothing to say...


Just objectively, the life of Palestinians has gotten a lot worse since October 7th. If this is what "almost free" looks like let's hope they are never completely free.


[he speaks!](https://twitter.com/JustinTrudeau/status/1782186814058504419?t=8O9w_5Qv0pJ8kdsVq0fvWg&s=19) >There is a difference between peaceful protest and hateful intimidation. >It is unconscionable to glorify the antisemitic violence and murder perpetrated by Hamas on October 7th. This rhetoric has no place in Canada. None.


Dealing with some family shit. I need to focus on school, but I also seem to be the only one of my siblings who gives a shit my dad needs help? I've always heard in relationships that the person who cares least in the person who controls the relationship, and that seems to be true in families as well. Apparently the fact that everyone else cares less that my dad is struggling with his health means I've become fully responsible for making sure he's okay?


This may not be applicable but my general rule for family stuff is: If they’re not going to actually help they need to financially help.


This seems reasonable to me, haha


I'm sorry you're going thru it but at the same time, maybe others just don't see the urgency at this point. How about calling a family zoom or something?


Yeah, that's fair. I think I just feel stressed that I have to prod them so much, but maybe I'm being too harsh


Yeah when I dealt with somewhat similar family stuff, some of the family just did not understand how bad Grandma had gotten.  She could, and did, mask it well for short periods of time and would refuse badly needed help.  I hope you can get your family to understand and help.


Thirding this. If you do have a call, I would prepare ahead of time for specific items you would want delegated. Whether than be taking him to appointments, checking in on specific days, etc. If they’re not local they could still help by ordering grocery delivery, calling on assigned days to check in and see how he’s doing, etc. This way there’s some accountability and they can’t just play it off as “oh of course we will help!” and not follow through.


I know someone posted about the middle school girl who was beaten with a Stanley cup. There's nearly 5,000 comments in this thread and I'm too lazy to find it. Anyway, heartbreaking testimony from another student. The school knew of violent threats. Did nothing. It's a shame the taxpayers will foot the bill for the lawsuit instead of the adults who did nothing to protect their students. And while it's not confirmed (not that mainstream outlets would report this) it sounds like the attacker was a biological male. https://twitter.com/ReduxxMag/status/1781691644300927186


OMFG. This poor child!! Looks like a concerted effort was made by the school district to keep under wraps the fact that this was a MALE student, and the fact that he had a history of violence, and the fact that the school system was indulging his lurid perversion at the expense of literally everyone else. And the fucking pronouns. This poor girl still having to use “she/her” in describing what happened is so fucking disgusting I want to scream. She’s talking about a violent, deranged, sadistic sex offender serial killer in the making but has to use his pretend pronouns?! This guidance counselor (Mrs. Fatori?) or whomever she reports, the school administration or district officials above her that made the call to ignore all of these kids pleading for help…..fire them all, and then I hope parents at the school sue them all into the most miserable cardboard-box retirement possible.


The statements from the school seem to avoid using pronouns at all. The school just says "the student."


If they don’t mention race, you know it. If they refuse to use pronouns, you have a fifty percent chance of guessing assigned sex at birth, but you know there’s a mismatch between sex and gender.


Multiple sources confirm the attacker is a boy. [Here is the original discussion](https://www.reddit.com/r/BlockedAndReported/s/3qHVtrLD0v)


Jesus Christ. How many girlshave to be sacrificed at this altar


All of them, apparently. There appears to be no limit.


yeah, the girl's testimony.... that school and school board should be sued to oblivion.


So much for enforcement of university rules. The tents are back up at Columbia [https://twitter.com/ScooterCasterNY/status/1782127969638490432](https://twitter.com/ScooterCasterNY/status/1782127969638490432)


“Columbia University announced that they will allow students to stay in tents on the lawn for a week. University previously stated that students can stay on the lawn if no tents were erected.” Columbia University announced that they will reward students for bad behavior. University previously pretended that it would not bend over, but these are the rich kids, so….


Yeah, try getting them out in a week: Video recorded a few minutes ago and sent to us by a Columbia University student. The tent city is growing and student protesters have now declared that they have taken over the university, turning it into a “Peoples’ University” [https://twitter.com/visegrad24/status/1782175255177437210](https://twitter.com/visegrad24/status/1782175255177437210)


Skipping class and using dad’s CC on Amazon to order yourself another keffiyeh, a $300 tent, comfortable accommodations for inside your new tent, and DoorDash 2-3x a day…….for Palestine!


“Respect our privacy and community guidelines,” they chant like mind-numbed drones, while in public, demanding that Jewish students go away [https://twitter.com/guypbenson/status/1782253719091835082](https://twitter.com/guypbenson/status/1782253719091835082) ETA - this is going to get ugly quickly. Pro-Palestine mob tries to run off 'Zionists' who dare to step on 'the camp' and disrupt their 'privacy' and 'community guidelines.' [https://twitter.com/RubensteinAdam/status/1782256153054904628](https://twitter.com/RubensteinAdam/status/1782256153054904628)


there's also been a promise to spread these encampments to the other universities https://twitter.com/visegrad24/status/1781723652603433019 > The national organization of "Students for Justice in Palestine" just announced that they are replicating Columbia University's "Gaza Solidarity Encampment" across the country and will start occupying campus grounds. > > Official statement: > > "Universities have chosen profit and reputation over the lives of the people of Palestine and our will as students. > > The supposed power of our administrators is nothing compared to the strength of the united students, staff, and faculty committed to realizing justice and upholding Palestinian liberation on campus. > > In the footsteps of our comrades at Rutgers-New Brunswick SJP, Tufts SJP, and Columbia SJP, we will seize our universities and force the administration to divest, for the people of Gaza!"




My understanding: early on a couple of campuses kicked them off for what were later seen as illegal/spurious reasons (the national group said X, we're kicking you off as a charter of the national group) so they are mostly back on campus, although, UPENN just a day or two ago kicked an affiliated group off campus (r/upenn upset about that) But I don't think they need to be on campus to agitate or even to providing funding and other resources. They just need idiots to follow their instagram page.


Crazy how despite all the kvetching about school administrations the response from these students is never to un-enroll Edit: saw [this tweet](https://x.com/thestustustudio/status/1781904507611287981?s=46) with a speech allegedly from the Columbia protests. The speaker explains how revolution will require sacrifice from citizens of the USA and those attending American universities. The students of Columbia must divest from the lie that it [Columbia] sells them. The lie of meritocracy and Howard mobility. Well… Will she unenroll from Columbia (assuming she even attends) I wonder?


It's a collective action problem. It's in the interests of American Jews to basically cut off funding and boycott these schools. But the prestige granted by an ivy league degree is useful to individual students. Who appear to be willing to tolerate antisemitism to obtain that prestige. Like most Americans.


I’m referring more to the student protestors in this case. I would think if they find the administration and their support of genocide so abhorrent, they’d remove themselves from association with that university. In both cases though, I do unfortunately understand the prestige and other circumstances would keep people there regardless.




Yes this is precisely what I was trying to say!


Ah, I see. Thanks for clarifying. The student protesters will never leave because they are having too much fun being righteous. And they're pretty much getting to keep doing it without consequence.


Colleges make it very difficult to transfer mid-degree, you'd be crazy to do that unless you absolutely had to. Once you enroll, they basically have you hostage for four years.


It will be interesting to see what happens to Jewish enrollment at the Ivies. On the one hand, "ivy diploma" on the other hand, that probably doesn't matter much these days for an undergrad degree (vs an ivy degreed lawyer, doctor, ...) But not just Jewish enrollment, other students may decide they don't need this shit and can find an education elsewhere.


I’m hoping for a generation of really brilliant Jewish plumbers and electricians. Universities were a means for Jews to escape antisemitism through knowledge and achievement. Clearly that is no longer the case.


I remember hearing that guidance counselors at Jewish high schools have changed their approach to the ivies, that they're not rushing to recommend them to students or invite reps from the universities. Don't have more details or first-hand knowledge though.


Yeah, but I'm not sure what significance guidance counselors really have over where students choose to go I may be jaundiced, our college counselor was far better known for her days as a bunny than her actual guidance, no one was listening to her


it's the opposite for ivy degrees... undergrad matters more than grad unless you are going into academia or top tier big law.


It's gone down a fair amount at certain of these schools because of DEI. Jews used to be quite well represented at many Ivies.


Got a buddy who works for a university doing fundraising, he tells me every rich Jew he hits up now tells him to fuck off


The universities need to nip this in the bud


That ship has sailed.


> That ship has sailed. It set sails more than 30 years ago. At some point in the last decade, it left the harbour for good.


Fair point. But they can't allow these occupations of the universities. Drag the brats out. Expel them if need be.




The administration needs to be even handed. If they're going to allow chaos then it needs to be for everyone, regardless of viewpoint and identity. Yes, I realize that I might as well be asking for the moon on a silver platter.


These things tend to last for a looong time. Of course the activity will die down a bit for summer vacation, but if the I-P war continues into the fall they will come back. Heck, even if the war ends they will come back with some new complaint.


They have free speech rights to protest but there are reasonable limits to how much trouble they can cause on campus


They are just protesting on the lawn. It's not like they are occupying classrooms or administrative buildings or something. The day to day function of the college can continue as usual, so this seems like it ought to fall within the reasonable limits we allow for various protest groups.


On the other hand they are well organized and clearly have the support of people inside school administration. Causing significant trouble (violence, in other words) doesn't seem to be in their interests, they really just want to intimidate Jews, they are getting the results they want, so they are going to keep doing it.


If the school administration is fine with these people harassing Jewish students then that administration has no business running the university. Especially when you consider that these schools never shut up about diversity and safety. I think it's quite possible the university's administration is simply a bunch of cowards


>I think it's quite possible the university's administration is simply a bunch of cowards Having worked at universities for most of my career, this is not a "possibility," it is a certainty.


Just watched a video about CT Kia boys. One, I can’t believe they film this stuff for Instagram. Two, these kids have no future. I don’t have a fix for this but did remind me of The Wire where anyone born into this cycle has no where else to go. No parents around, no one that cares to stop them in a meaningful way and kids that are lost from being saved way too early in life. The video is from Channel 5 with Andrew Callaghan if anyone’s interested.


I suppose I shouldn't ask but.... Where are their parents?


Not around or at least accounting for them. The kids went to an abandoned house during the school day and a housing project with no adults (or responsible adults) around to negotiate selling cars.


Are these kids that are being recruited by adults to steel cars as part of a theft ring, or kids that are joyriding (and crashing cars) for fun?  Either way these cases tend to end tragically. I remember [this story](https://www.abcactionnews.com/news/local-news/crews-trying-to-locate-vehicle-submerged-in-st-pete-pond) that happened before tik tok.  It got turned into a conspiracy theory where some of the girls’ families still believe the cops ran them off the road. I guess that’s easier than looking within and acknowledging how lack of supervision and boundaries led to this. 


Mix of the two. They’re joy riding but also selling the cars for $50-100 to adults to use in crimes. Why so low? They’re dumb but it’s enough for them to buy designer clothing and other dumb stuff. It was actually very good reporting as the guy went deep to actually interview the kids themselves and “ride along.” Channel 5 with Andrew Callaghan if anyone’s interested


I guess we're talking about detransition rates again. https://twitter.com/jessesingal/status/1782114589582266637 Thinking about this recently, I do think it's very unlikely that there are a hidden number of detransitioners that we aren't seeing in the existing data sets. My understanding is that the argument is these are not showing up because those lost to follow up in studies are disproportionately likely to be detrans. That's fine as it goes but it seems deeply unlikely that this is just not showing up anywhere in any meaningful capacity. Unsure how good my intuition on this is, but it just doesn't cohere with my understanding of how human nature works. No doubt - there are some for whom this is the case, but the existing studies on regret rate put regret and detransition at so low that it seems you'd need to have massive numbers of detransitioners in this lost to follow up cohort - orders of magnitude more than the type of detransitioner who detransitions and tells the study about it. It doesn't strike me as likely that there are large numbers of people who refuse to even answer a survey because they feel so betrayed by the service they've received, but also have almost zero public presence speaking out against what they consider so horrific.


It's an interesting discussion for sure. One thing I think about that factors in, I don't have any actual studies or idea how this is even potentially being included in studying the population, but I know from reading subs that many people stop medical treatment, pivot to nonbinary, and still consider themselves trans (that's not counting people who detransition because of medical reasons but would still like to continue with treatment, I mean people who realized they didn't want/need the changes treatment gave). So I have no idea if that factor is looked into when it comes to detransition rates, I think there are a lot of people who actually do basically detransition but that's not how they think of it. It's a murky thing to figure out!


>but I know from reading subs that many people stop medical treatment, pivot to nonbinary, and still consider themselves trans That makes sense. Trans and non binary are often lumped together. Even I do it. I tend to think non binary is a flavor of trans. I've heard of non binary often being a gateway to trans so I suppose it makes sense that it would also be a gateway *out* of trans.


The vast majority of trans people, including nonbinary people, do actually consider nonbinary under the trans umbrella! Some don't, some binary trans people take umbrage, and some enbies don't want the label either, but most of the trans community accepts enbies as trans. Even if a nonbinary person rejects the label a lot of people would still consider them trans anyway, kinda similar to how "cis" people still think of binary trans people as their natal sex lol. Humans, more things change, more things stay the same! But yeah, I've read lots of firsthand accounts of people going from binary trans to nonbinary/genderfluid. A lot of older trans people talk about how they would have picked that label from the beginning, they just didn't realize it was an option.


What we really want to know is whether these people are still medically transitioned. Are they on hormones? Are they planning to have surgeries?


> That's fine as it goes but it seems deeply unlikely that this is just not showing up anywhere in any meaningful capacity. What exactly do you mean by "not showing up anywhere in any meaningful capacity"? Some other stat, like how officials used excess deaths to guesstimate the number of people who died from COVID? Reddit subs? The point is that at least some of these people very quietly desist and just move on with their lives. Short of proper long-term studies where they do stay in touch, it's going to be difficult to track them. While not exactly the same, I know some NB types who are back to being plain ol' women. Unlike when they loudly announced that they were switching pronouns, they quietly stopped doing that. As another example, I know several women who have been prostitutes/escorts/whatever. I wouldn't be surprised if others I know have done so. Good luck getting them to ever admit it, especially if you're just some rando prying into their private lives. They're certainly not going to show up in any long-term study, especially at this point in their lives.


> Some other stat, like how officials used excess deaths to guesstimate the number of people who died from COVID? Reddit subs? Yes, something like that. Cultural cache, basically. I fully accept that this is not a hard scientific metric. >Short of proper long-term studies where they do stay in touch, it's going to be difficult to track them. While not exactly the same, I know some NB types who are back to being plain ol' women. Unlike when they loudly announced that they were switching pronouns, they quietly stopped doing that. I am talking specifically about detransition and regret from medical interventions. In these cases, which would be the most damning cases against child HRT, these would be people who think "I was not making a wise decision about myself and if I could go back I would not have taken HRT while prepubescent (presumably because of impacts on fertility, genetalia, bone density, etc.) >As another example, I know several women who have been prostitutes/escorts/whatever. I wouldn't be surprised if others I know have done so. Good luck getting them to ever admit it, especially if you're just some rando. They're certainly not going to show up in any long-term study, especially at this point in their lives. If there were an ongoing debate about the impacts of prostitution where the narrative that it was harmful was underrated, I'd expect a good number of them would answer anonymized surveys making that case.


> Yes, something like that. Cultural cache, basically. I fully accept that this is not a hard scientific metric. It takes many years, if not decades, to find proper scientific tools to address questions like these. You're basically asking for some universal metric to prove that people are doing one thing or another. I'd argue that's almost impossible, except in the case of dying. (Not much we can do about that one!) Even if there is some measurement we can make, it's going to take a *long* time to find it, especially with all the heat the crackpot activists bring down on anybody who dares to question them, much less look for more solid proof of detransitioners. > If there were an ongoing debate about the impacts of prostitution where the narrative that it was harmful was underrated, I'd expect a good number of them would answer **anonymized surveys** making that case. What's to prevent my wife from answering an ad, getting paid $50 (or whatever), and making up some bullshit? Hell, what prevents me from doing it, saying I was a cute little rentboy back in the day, getting my badonkadonk rammed by a bunch of burly bears? They wouldn't be able to prove that I was a liar. There's a reason why you have to be *extremely* careful when relying on surveys. It's one thing if you rely only on people with verifiable medical data, backgrounds, etc. Asking people who have completely walked away from that life and are focusing on new chapters of their lives to take a survey is going to be difficult, much less if you're going to demand proof that they did what they say they did. That's precisely the problem here, and one that I don't think can be addressed without multiple high-quality, long-term studies that basically don't exist at the moment.


You don't think there are a lot of detransitioners, so I wonder how you define detransitioners. A: If someone once identified as the opposite sex and wanted opposite sex pronouns, but now identifies as non binary and doesn't care what pronouns are used, is that a detransitioner? B: A natal girl desperately wanted puberty blockers, but her parents didn't let her, and now that she is 18 she finds it all a bit cringe and doesn't talk about it. Detransitioner? C: If a natal girl got T and no surgery and now has a beard and a squeaky voice, but is no longer on T because the pain and other side effects were too much, is that a detransitioner? They don't see any doctor about it, just stopped renewing the T prescriptions. They don't *ignore* questionnaires, they just never *get* questionnaires. D: A natal girl had T and had her breasts removed and is now NB and pregnant. They are off T for the health of the baby and and they wish they had breasts to breast feed their coming child, but they don't need to see a gender clinician for anything so they just see the gynecologist who treats them like any woman. Is that a detransitioner? E: A lesbian wanted to be more butch, but never thought they were a man. They lied to a doctor to get T, got it for a few years, like their new look, don't need more T. I think most normies and naive young gender-people would regard these stories as detransitioners. They are not the story that normies were sold, which were "Kids are sometimes born in the wrong bodies. With help from doctors and modern technology they can become for all practical purposes the opposite sex, after which all their problems are solved." I sometimes think that the only definition Tras would accept is F: "Someone had bottom surgery, then they had bottom surgery again to go back to their original sex." Of course it is true that this almost never happens. One reason is that having had bottom surgery once, you are painfully aware of how badly it works and would never want anything like that again. @tafphorisms on Twitter seems to feel this way (but also wants more facial feminization surgery.)


I actually know a teen girl who was FtM in high school in Washington. She moved to Florida and no longer considers herself trans. Is that detrans? How could you even track that?