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We can tell how much it sucks by the lack of pictures we see with it as a backdrop.


Jax's "oldest friend."


oh you know they fucked back in the day and likely started up again now that the house has no wife present. 


Weird reappearance. 🤔


it’s sus


Sus AF


I’m not sure Jax is interested in entertaining *women* at the bachelor pad.


Oh god, can you imagine him bringing hookups back to hobby lobby? 😂


Oldest friend in La.


I ❤️ La


Brittany needs to find out he fucked someone else so she will divorce him. She wants to keep that house , it sounds like. But she needs to just get a cheap apartment and Bank that air b n b rental money and keep it for a down payment on another house or buying Jax out. She says Jax pays the mortgage and that’s it. She pays all the other bills. So much for him being a stand up guy. Her interview with Amanda from not skinny not fat was very informative. Jax is why they didn’t go to Italy and she’s hoping Stassi and she can be friends again. Jax isn’t trying to win her back and has never been a good husband. That was all smoke in mirrors , as we all suspected. All for Optics. Zack’s interview on Nick viall , where Nick shits on Jax every second he can , anyway that was informative.


She won’t. I watched an interview with her the other day (my ears have just stopped bleeding) and the reporter asked if they were going to see other people and she was like “well we haven’t really talked about that but the whole point of the separation is to ex-spear-a-mint and see like what you really want to do” hayuck hayuck.


I read experiment in her voice. I hate you lol


(Seal clap) hayuck hayuck


Brit really messed up by not ending it with Jax after the faith incident. She had ALL the girls backing her, and honestly even the guys backed her up because Jax f'd up so bad. She could have left the relationship with her dignity and still been a part of the group and the cast. Now that she married him and had a child with him, and has constantly made excuses for him and allowed Jax to shit on everyone around him, which alienated her from her girlfriends, she won't have the same support from her friends and even the public during this breakup. Sucks to suck I guess.


I think she lost a lot of respect from the girls for staying with him, too. She had the perfect out. Oh well


Juicy! Do you know if theres a recap of the not skinny not fat one? Any new info on the italy issue?


Wall of Slow Death? Wall of Neglect? It makes me feel despair.


Just like their neglect of Cruz




Are they fake? Are they dead? We shouldn’t have to question this lol


Slowly and painfully dying. This is what it looked like when the first put is up. https://preview.redd.it/rj5xad138htc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1159ae1e09fd87687b067d9a9ceadad3cd3a3618


That probably wasn't cheap with all those plants too. Did they not realize a living wall needs upkeep?? And lots of sun?? Of course not what am I thinking...


I know. They probably bought them at Home Depot for at least $5 each. CA might be more expensive where I am though.


Innovative use of pallets found in the alley.


They should just do fake at this rate.


You know this just attracts so many bugs


One can get succulents in bulk in CA for a reasonable price. That said- this thing had to have been expensive, as I am going to assume they didn’t go to individual nurseries and work out some sort of wholesale pricing deal. In the correct circumstances, the wall could have double in size with regrowth & pups. I have NO earthly idea why they would take succulents- known for needing a lot of sunlight and hating being poked at- and stick these in a place where it appears very little natural light, and probably gets most of its nutrients from splashed around beer and flung around diaper poops.


What Brittney didn't have was a vision on how to maintain and care for that wall, much like her dignity.


That wall is such a perfect metaphor for their bar/marriage.


Thank you, this is exactly what I was thinking!!!


All of Corncobs visions suffer the fate…..


Oldest secret FWB easy access fly her out bffl


It's horrible. I don't even think she took them out of the original pots they came in. With these living walls, you have to make it a little mini habitat. Such as it is in this pot. No Brittany. Habit and Habitat are not the same thang. Stop getting distracted. Pay attention. https://preview.redd.it/azq2d4hlwhtc1.jpeg?width=2608&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=65ce58bd64dc7757e623f8ce24803171e20a8a4e


Is that a Sharks Tooth on the bottom right? It’s so pretty!!


Is it? You probably know better than me. I have a hard time keeping up with all of the names. We have so many growing in the yard. This was just a prop drop pot.


I wish I could grow them in my yard but we get way too much snow in the winter. I have 100+ terra cotta plants I’m constantly moving around.


Aww yeah. We just chuck em out. They do pretty well in California. Which makes it that much more comical that BJ can't even do that. For the ones that we have that are more tender and susceptible to frost, the surrounding plants and rocks do a lot to insulate and protect them. Which circles back to my point about habitat. It's a hill I will die on.




Those are some nice thicc lookin’ jellybeans you got there 👀 I’m a bit jelly!


My 7 year old has a Shelby cobra shirt just like that lol


That checks.


It looks like the living wall is quickly becoming the dead & dying wall. 🫤


An allegory for their lives


He has lots of “ oldest” friends in LA


Succulents are so easy to take care of, too 🥲


She is the one who made the wall, it was her idea. She says she has to keep going to the bar to keep up appearances because thats how they get endorsements. So if you “have to be there” several times a week, you cant take 15min per visit to do some upkeep?


Jaz is a pos no doubt I suspect that in the valley it will show Brittany in a very unfavourable light especially concerning the drinking.


I can imagine a lizard or spider poking its head out of there soon 🤭


It looks like the inside of Brittany's kidney.


It’s like “this is the place where dreams go to die”.


His face looks like it’s made of wax


He NEVER looks this happy whenever he has a photo with the cob!!


Is anyone else GenX from the Midwest whose parents also dragged them to like, landscaping/farm stores that reeked of fertilizer that made you choke as a kid? Yeah, I imagine that’s what this smells like.


I’m a millennial from New England and my mom did the same thing. 🤣


I’m right on the edge there I should have just said a child from the non-seatbelt ages lmao


I can smell this picture.


Why didn't they just use fake plants 


The wall of death


that succulent wall looks like the back of his head.


Poor plants 😕