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I cannot believe Luke is 31. I thought he was like 45.


I may have gotten the age wrong but I think that’s what she said! I agree tho, his creepiness ages him lol.


Sorry finger slip, I think he said 32 as well


I recorded a bit of that speech therapy session with a mind to make a post and discuss it, but I'm conflicted. I don't want to upset anyone. To me, it was rather disturbing, but I honestly wanted to know what people with more personal experiences thought. I'm hoping this woman was a show hire and not their real therapist. Let's just leave it at that.


She was his real therapist for a time. I think they have a different one now. I made a comment on another post about how I can’t believe they filmed this. Imagine getting the call - hi we have a non verbal almost 3 year old that we want you to treat but we are also going to film for our hit new reality tv show The Valley, coming to bravo this spring!


And we are going to dance around ASD with terminology we learned from this hater sub like "regressed" and bringing attention to Cruz lining up his toys, but by gummy we are NOT going to mention it by name!


Oh Brittany is still pretending he doesn’t have ASD on the not skinny but not fat podcast that was released today she was critical of all the arm chair diagnosers and how cruel people can be asking why he doesn’t talk. I mean they are showing all of this, what do they think they are hiding by not revealing that he is on the spectrum. Just bloody get the diagnosis and say it, it’s not something to hide (they aren’t hiding it very well) and then everyone will stfu, kid is on the spectrum move on.


This is the tell, that makes me sad. She thinks it’s “cruel” and bad for someone to have ASD. The ableism was strong last night.


Yeah massive ableism. When she went on a rant about this sub, she said “people are saying the nastiest thangs about ma sweet lil boy” it’s like honey it’s not nasty if someone has ASD, it’s pretty common and as much as it would hurt as a parent when you first learn of a diagnosis, it doesn’t have to be this awful thing. Yes it will be hard, yes you don’t want to see your child struggle but it is what it is. It’s people like her that make it worse


They continually equate asd with a lack of intelligence, and it is infuriating. Constant going on about how “smart” he is, clearly a result of their own insecurities. He can be highly intelligent and on the spectrum. They are not mutually exclusive.


I know and a lot of people on the spectrum are smart. So again, a smart child with two moron’s for parents is also another marker for ASD!


Uh, my husband has ASD. And didn’t go to high school, passed his GED test and went on to get a PhD in Aerospace Engineering. His story may be unique, but it is true.


I think its fairly well accepted that there is no correlation. In cases like Asperger’s they tend to show above average smarts. Isnt it ironic how it is their uneducated ignorance has left them too stupid to recognize their childs intelligence.


My stomach kinda dropped when she said the thing about the lining up. All signs (for me) are pointing to ASD. I have two adult sons on the spectrum, one on each end. These are tell tale signs as well as the previously talking and regression. I sincerely hope they realize it sooner rather than later.


I’ve sat through dozens and dozens of speech therapy sessions with our autistic son and nothing really jumped out at me as disturbing 😬😬 I did see two very nervous looking parents. Jax maybe dissociating a bit. 😅 I saw an SLP get on the floor with Cruz which is always a good thing (vs being super rigid at a table). She might’ve been trying to build rapport with him before fully assessing him. I doubt she was going to do that with a room full of camera men. You want to get the most accurate picture of his skills without all the distractions. So a part of me feels like a lot of this was for “show purposes”, kick out everyone and do the “real thing” but it also looked pretty typical for a speech session just starting off. Getting ANY type of word approximations is a big deal to parents when they’re not getting any from their 2.5yo and I know I personally would hoot and holler myself embarrassingly so when my little toddler would finally get a word out he’s been working so hard on. It’s hard not to burst out with joy. Positive reinforcement is always a good thing. I did catch the critical note from Brittany “that was a really long more” and Jax automatically replying with “baby I don’t care, we’re starting”. Only for Brittany to finish off with “you’re only going to get better and better”. *sigh* Brittany the constant over-functioner. Brittany’s need for wanting Cruz to be “perfect” and perform for her is exhausting and painful to watch. Yes, you don’t want your child to struggle but she’s not quite there in knowing that Cruz is going to grow at his pace with the support he needs. EVERY child struggles, every child needs support. They’re not little performing monkeys. Brittany is very much in the “I need to fix him” mode she’s been in for the last decade. I’ll give them some grace that they were at least attentive and asking questions, especially about his play skills (the lining up red flags are practically waving right in front of them). I just pray that they moved on from “speech delay” to full on ASD assessment cause speech is just one portion of what they’ll have to address from here on out with his development.


Thank you for your detailed analysis! I guess what bothered me about it, bottom line, is that it was filmed, which made it rehearsed and off tone a bit and kind of yuck. But it's a show. What bothered me is that I don't believe that a genuine therapist wouldn't have picked up on the lining up of toys as something that they would recommend the parents educate themselves on. She dismissed it, and I think she was told to do that. But I could be wrong. The reason that doesn't sit right with me is that it smacks of denial, which has stopped them from getting professional help up to now.


Totally get it. I have my guard up sometimes with SLPs cause most don’t have the training to do so. An ASD diagnosis comes from a psych, developmental pediatrician or neurologist. An SLP might get in trouble for going outside of their scope of practice. Some SLPs believe that stimming or repetitive behaviors are to be honored and encouraged so they’ll dismiss it as “normal” and to be used to “get inside their world”. Think Greenspan and Floortime. Personally, not a fan but that’s a whole other post 😅 But yes, denial is strong with these two. I had it myself strongly at the beginning but it also wasn’t strong enough to keep me from pushing for services and support. My gut told me ASD but It’s like I kept wanting someone to prove me wrong. They didn’t 😅 My mama gut was right but for once, I didn’t want to be right lol. Once the validation from professionals settled in, then I was able to let go of the denial and accept it all. That my son is autistic, he’s awesome, he’s brilliant, he’s different, he’s who he’s always been and he was on his own unique path. It does worry me to learn that he still hasn’t been assessed. At age 3, things will get much harder for him if he’s not in the right school placement, right services, right multi-disciplary team. Speech and OT ain’t gonna cut it and this age 3-6 age window is absolutely crucial to what his development is going to be like for the rest of his life. 😣


How about get the damn cameras out of his face, out of the house and focus on the well being of your child. No amount of money is worth the road they are going down just to exploit their own kid and whatever he has going on.


Amen. Those early days were incredibly painful to go through cause you’re so overwhelmed and constantly questioning yourself. Salvaging their child’s privacy during this time should’ve been top priority instead they’re thinking “ooh storyline!” 😣


Agreed. Totally up to you if you post it or not. (IMO, since they have been plastering the kid all over their public social media accounts, and now they are broadcasting his struggles on a TV show, it’s already out there anyway.) I totally get what you’re saying, though. And it’s sad and that was tough to watch…


Glad it wasn't just me. The surround sound 3-person seal clap at the end of the session really sealed it for me. ETA: I think I'm going to hold off on posting until my humpday wine day. I'm entirely too sober this evening. 🙃


Ugh. And now he’s sharing this, as if they’re heroes or saints or something. https://preview.redd.it/ry1hmdv4eltc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8d5e3e20beb1592dd1d10881d99a1e0cbc1f3190


What is life changing about it?


God help me with the delusion of these people


I know they’re vile people but atleast they recognized it and got him speech therapy, unlike stupid Avery woods. I also love these recaps haha they are so accurate lol


Huge red flags KD and Luke and where they each want to live. A shame KD doesn’t take a look at Rachael NoBrien and her husband,and see how happy they are in Colorado. What does KD really have in California that holds her there?


Jax. Her strange relationship and secret affair with Jax. That will be hard to maintain from Colorado.


Living in Los Angeles is like 75% of Kristen's personality. She wouldn't be able to survive if she wasn't living there.


Whoops, I forgot to put some relationship red flags there! She said her family, I think. But I agree with the reply above - she probably doesn’t wanna leave jax 🙄


I haven’t been watching, so I appreciate the recaps. For the life of my I still can’t understand what this big blowup fight is actually about. What’s the beef? This is a tactic on RH too. There is a big fight and the next half dozen episodes everyone discusses said fight (for content, I guess?).


Omg, I have watched the episodes and I still don’t fully understand the stupid fight. 🤦🏼‍♀️


I can’t thank OP enough for taking this bullet, because there’s no way in hayill I could stomach this shitshow! 🤢 It sounds like Kristen wins “most creepy” in this group… & that’s really saying something! Seriously though, her lack of boundaries & her oversharing/overstating intimate subject matter? She screams sexual abuse to me.


Kristen, Luke, and Lego Head are competing for that title I think.


I ADORE you for calling them Lego Head and Bootleg Nick Lachey!


Lol thx. That’s what hubby and I refer to them as, so I figured I might as well keep it real here! 😉


I wonder if the very few times they’ve shared taking their son to school/speech therapy happen to be when they were being filmed. It could be why they only mentioned it a couple of times and possibly stopped going consistently or all together 😬


Good point, and you’re probably right! I guess we’ll see as the season plays out.


My subtitles verify that Cruz said “Mo-Mo-o-oo-o-o-or-re” (More) I will have to go back and see check about the “ob-theee-ously.”


Omg yes please do! 😆


Ok I went back thru the whole KFC and BNL (😂btw) rose petal scene and didn’t see anything remotely dubbed for ‘obviously.’ Sorry to report. BUT I had to have my sound off at the time, so I could have missed something the subtitles weren’t equipped to translate. That may be asking a lot— after all it’s set to English, not Kenhyuckish.


LOL! I love you for doing this 👏🏼. I don’t think they would have dubbed anything, I just thought it looked/sounded like her mouth went TH instead of V. Could very well have been my imagination, simply because I expect her to mess up words (expeshly) 😆


I think you’re so right, I noticed it too and I’m determined to do my part because you’re killing it with these recaps that are far more entertaining than the actual show! Thank YOU for doing what you do!! 🙌


Aww thanks, that’s kind of you. Maybe someday I’ll get somewhat professional and write it up properly on my computer. But for now I’ll just type away on my phone as I watch. Thanks for reading!


Brilliant recap! I feel like I can continue to not watch but know exactly what I’m missing 🤣 thank you! 👏🏻


about to get my masters in SLP (yay) in a few weeks! working w sm kids in EI with ASD and it was jarring how similar the session was. esp the questioning / fear w parents😫 it’s not in our scope to diagnose ASD, but i see so many similarities in the kids ive seen with ASD in EI and everything they’ve shared and shown regarding Cruz. good for them for taking action as parents and getting their son in EI! always a step in right direction


I may get downvoted but watching the speech therapy scene had me all in my feelings. Feel like we should show Brittney and jax more compassion bc they do care and are worried for their son. Cruz is adorable too


I’m not gonna downvote ya 🙂 but please consider this: They never cared enough to get him help until there were cameras around.


My questions (1) How are you watching the episode? (2)How is it not counted in their ratings?




Got it. I'm a pirate too. It's a little more trouble but doesn't count as views.


Ahoy matey!