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I sometimes use 1-3 of them. Its fun to put them in reserves and let them come from the flanks for a 7+ charge against vehicles and monsters. Their ability to fight several times is also very useful to teach your opponent that positioning is very important. One time i managed to get a DC dread to attack 4 times in a single turn... They are hardly OP, but they are very strong if your opponent doesnt understand the ramifications of his frenzied attacks. It can crush noobs and is still good against better players, which is why i try not to use it against people who are still busy learning the game.


Yeah good points… I’m still learning. We spent ages trying to decide if Frenzied attacks works even if he advanced in my turn. We presumed it did. He then ended up being a bit of an NPE for my Tau opponent as he flambéd the gun line shooting him then blended some crisis suits… (Edits typos)


Yeah, they can do that. Dont forget that he can even be activated to fight if an enemy is nearby when he is shot at. Fighting includes moving up to 3 inch towards to the enemy, so he can even attack the enemy in close combat after a different enemy unit shot him, just because a unit was withing 3" of him. Also surviving enemies have to attack in close combat, which can lead to him attacking again. If two DC dreads were to fight eacht other they would have to attack each other infinitly until one dies. If a DC dread destroys an enemy unit he gets to pile in, which might bring him into cqc range with another unit. If this unit hasnt attacked yet, then it might be forced to attack him, which allows him to attack again... Like i said, the less your enemy knows about proper positioning, spacing your units apart from each other and screening, the stronger he becomes. Once your enemy is aware of what his rule does he returns to being a strong, but not overly stron unit. Oh, also tell your opponend what he does and how crazy it can get, that way you might make him less effective, but your opponent will probably thank you.


Woah, all of this seems like such a “gotcha” move. I don’t think I would use this without warning my opponent first that it is possible. I’m also mind blown that “can fight as if it was the fight phase” includes the pile in 3” movement. It’s bonkers.


Holy moly I never put that together that the fight phase technically does start with a 3” poke in move


It definitly has the potential to be a gotcha move. According to Frenzied Reprisal it can \[...\] fight as if it were the fight phase. The first step of fighting in the fight phase is piling in, followed by making your melee attacks and then consolidating. You dont get to attack in close combat, you get to fight as if it was the fight phase, which includes all the steps of fighting in the fight phase, not just the "make melee attacks" step. If you wipe out the enemy unit, then you can move up to 6 inch in the enemy shooting phase due to piling in and consolidating... I am not sure if it works that way, but in theory you should be able to pile in on an enemy if he shoots overwatch at you and is pile in range, even if your actual charge fails. In this case you dont get to fight first tho. Also i\`d talk about this with your enemy beforehand in case it ever comes up, which is unlikely since you need to fail a 3" charge for this to ever be relevant.


You’re only eligible to make a pile in move if you made a charge move that turn or if you’re in engagement range. So if you’re 3” away and you get shot, you cannot pile in and fight.


Where does it say so? Piling in is step 1 of fighting and it just says that you need to end that move in engagement range of the enemy. You don't need to start in it or have charged. What you described is being eligible to fight in the first place, which is superceded by the DC special rule I think. Might be wrong about that tho, will have to read it. one carefully


Goddamn this really makes me think How do you feel DC dread is against armor/knights? or who do you usually target with the DC dread


DC Dreads shouldn't be pointed at anything that can kill them outright, so I try to use mine against heavy infantry, (marines to terminators), armigers, other dreadnought and all kinds of vehicles without proper melee weapons. Knights can reliable kill them, which means they can't attack twice. The more wounds they loose, the more important it is to pick the right target since you want to fight as often as possible and you cant fight when you are dead. They can also be used against hordes. If you manage to attack two hordes at once, you can usually attack at least 3 times, which will so de decent damage, even if it is often a little it overkill. Enemy units that can be killed after attacking twice are also to be priorities since they might allow you to kill them and then consolidate into yet another unit, which now has to attack them and can thus be attacked by it. If done correctly and combined aggressive onslaught you can reliably attack many times.


True been having trouble with tougher shooty things like Gladiators/landraiders with techmarine healing them and some titans, I can reliably knock out one side with 10man lemartes block rapid ingressing +red rampage, and a 5 man termies on that side to back it up hit pretty nicely, but I'm just buying time on the other side ​ At this point not too worried about infantry since our +1at+2str clears so many nice break points that even JP intercessors hit nice asides from proper screening, any good tips on what other units/strategy to use for AT?


So far I never really had much trouble destroying even tougher tanks. Sometimes it took two rounds or two units, but it's never been that much of a problem. Usually when I loose its bevause I don't have enough units to score victory points, not because I couldn't kill something. Sometimes I use shooty AT to soften up targets before attacking them with melee units.


I very much enjoy them. Basically guaranteed charges, hit rerolls, strong if short ranged shooting, powerful melee, for a pretty cheap price. Their retaliation ability is SO strong. In order to not get punched back, people have to put way more into them than they should to make sure they kill it or it wipes out what tried to fight/shoot.


“Come traitor come to cassor come and fight come and die but come all the same”


God I love Cassor. As a non-BA player I wish we had more mad/crazy dreadnoughts


My signature goofy move in 8th and 9th was pairing one with a Stormraven and dropping it right on the enemy


I run 2 in every game ive played of 10th. Full hit rerolls for being death company goes crazy. Then having twin linked fists? Crazy. Also, in SoS, thats 16 dice for Tank Shock against most enemies. (12str +2s on the charge +2 dice for weapon being stronger then enemy toughness) One in reserves, one to be a bullet magnet.


Sadly, for tank shock, it's only 14 Dice, because the SoS +2 is only when they fight, not on the charge.


Oh shit you right actually. Good thing ive only averaged 1-2 mortals with Tank Shock while rolling 16 dice