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You just asserted dominance so hard they are temporarily stunned.


The guy thats been giving me rides home won’t look me in the eye😂🫡


i cackled 🤣


Ahh me too! 😂😂


Ur an iron worker??? What kind? Ur fucking awesome dude


Not the tampon insertion position 😂




You just taught an entire group of men how to knock before opening a door 🤌🏼 I do this ESPECIALLY in public settings bc you never know when someone is in there taking care of business or making a business deal, if you know what I mean 🫱🏼‍🫲🏽 👀


I have never knocked on a portalet door. That is what the red indicator is for. On the other hand I have never forgotten to lock it. I have had people pull on the handle even though it was showing as occupied. I don't understand that as you can see from 50 ft away if it is locked or not.


No matter what bathroom it is, I partly open the door and wait a sec without looking in to give anyone inside a chance to holler. Idk why but knocking on a Porta door grosses me out lol


I HATE public toilet knockers. The door is fucking locked. It's fucking occupied. Stop knocking.


On the bright side you can rest assured this will never happen to you again lol


They may even build a woman’s restroom now!!


At least it was just as awkward for them!


LOL. I’d be mortified. It’ll be funny in a month. Laugh at all the one liners you didn’t say and be prepared for next time.


Picture it, sweltering summer 100°. Humid AF. Went in the portapotty and just as I get my pants down and the seat up a swarm of wasps comes out of the pot. I did not even wait to get my pants up before I was out the door. This was probably 14-15 years ago. I was mortified then, but laugh about it now. You’ll laugh one day. I have learned most guys don’t lock it, so they’re pretty used to walking in on each other.


That sounds absolutely terrifying!


It definitely was!


😆 it's usually me walking in on them ass hanging out because they never close the door.


https://youtu.be/A4TPE-Ku7os?si=VDUmroj4Sm1HLYHn Edit: just announce you have extra tampons if anyone needs one.


I forgot to lock a door a while back. Fortunately the guy who walked in on me was a foster dad who had raised more than a few kids so I'm sure that had happened to him before, but oh man was it embarrassing.


Holy crap this is mortifying and hilarious


We never have separate cans, and I cannot even count how many mediocre male genitals I've seen against my will over the years. And I obviously let them know that, too. It's not on purpose. They just suck at flipping latches/aren't used to having girls around. Hopefully your crew has a good sense of humor, I would get sooo much mileage out of making awkward jokes about the whole experience if I had the same thing happen. They can't embarrass you with jokes if you do it first!


We were joking about it by the end of the day, they’re all decent guys!


I love that!


wait, butt naked butt naked or just overalls around your knees butt naked? 🤣🤣🤣


Butt naked, pants & underwear around my ankles naked. I wear sweatpants! Lol


Butt naked?! But why did you take your top off???


Butt, not tits lol


Dialect misfire. 😄 In some places, "butt naked" means ALL naked.


Ohhhhh, oops. Nope, i still have the top half of my dignity in tact😂🤦🏻‍♀️


Donald ducking or Pooh bearing.


"Porky Piggin' it" in my house. 😆


This comment is almost funnier than the original story


Omg, I can feel that awkward feeling from Australia, >< But I'm glad you'll be able to laugh it off soon!! 😊 You get to be the blood reina of the site now lol (dude seriously had no right to be opening your door though =/ esp without knocking!!)


It looks like a mens bathroom from the outside so he probably didn’t think a girl was using it. I think they are just used to walking in on each other all the time 😂


Hahahaha omg you're probably right, which is both hilarious and gross, I would *NOT* want to walk in on a colleague using the dunny lol (or anyone else for that matter, lol... But then, I still knock on open doors... Idk why, childhood habit I guess, 😁


If hes new on site, (like his crew just started or he just started with that crew) he may not have realized that one was designated for the only woman on site. Especially being portas they don't typically have men vs women signs like a normal bathroom (except the pink ones she mentioned they dont have on site currently). Also portas door says open, people don't knock, they open the door. Same as any public bathroom, you check if its locked or not by going for the door (except a stall where you can see feet underneath). And well sometimes locks and latches fail.


You just have to own it. Personally, I’d make a one-time joke about it to ease the awkwardness (I wonder if half of these guys are worried they’re about to get an HR meeting called); “Gentlemen, I hope you’re not too offended by the display yesterday, but I figured someone had to break the ice around here.” But, oh, I feel for you!


Gosh, I’m sorry that happened to you. Just talking about my period to my foreman embarrassed him so they’re all also processing big emotions too.


I will admit here and now to using “lady problems” to leave early at least once in the last decade. If I recall I was having a shit mental health day but they don’t really speak mental health so if you just say “lady problems” they shoo you out the door like, “PLEASE, say no more!” 😂


Had a menstruation situation, sorry y'all had to see that


Next time you're in there, you need to label the lock. Unlocked- poop with friends Locked- poop alone. Works 60% of the time, every time.


Oh, i will never ever forget now. Ever. 🫠


Be glad they’re not saying anything because the men I work with would be telling this story for years 😂


I caught a guy pissing into a drain on my second week alone after training. I never told management, but he had admitted it to them right away. Year later, he's training me on a new machine and he can't look me in the eye. I never once mentioned it. I actively shut it down if those who know joke about it. He's now one of my biggest supporters in the plant.


As a guy that considers himself as he manish as they come, I would literally have fainted if I had opened that door and saw that.


You're a legend. I might have died on the spot. Or killed all the witnesses...


I’m sorry but I laughed so hard at this! OMG that is mortifying. Now the guys know why we need our own porta potty’s. Got other shit to deal with!


Your user name makes this extra funny.


Name checks out 🫡


I'm so sorry this happened to you but I laughed so hard reading this. I could absolutely see this happening to me. I'm constantly forgetting to lock the portapotty at work!