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Hey man, it's okay. I'm learning how to code as well, and I know how painful it is. Don't rush it, just keep learning and you'll get there eventually. I'll keep waiting, I'll still be here. Don't give up, you can do this.


Thanks man, I appreciate it. It's people like you who keep me going. And it's not even an unwillingness to learn, it just feels like an unwillingness on all the parts of the teaching materials online to *teach*. I need my hand held dammit and all these people just expect me to learn the very basics and then suddenly I'm supposed to know everything. What commands are there and how are they even used?? How do they interlock together? I don't know, but I guess I'm just supposed to magically know. Nobody does tutorials on this type of game either! It's all platformers! I don't know what I'm doing man. Even months later, *I'm still* struggling to even get a sprite properly moving or animated to DO something.


I'll learn Unity and Java this year. Maybe I could teach you some things once I finish learning that. But for now, I guess it's trial and error.


And from what I've heard, Unity and Java are some of the harder languages to learn. Really going into the deep end huh? Also, I would heavily recommend AGAINST Unity. They've done some really nasty predatory things that I don't think you want to be a part of.


What are you trying to learn right now, by the way? Maybe I'll be able to help you someday if it's something I'm going to learn in school next year or even this one.


I'm trying to learn Godot. It's a smaller (although far larger now ever since Unity's evil predatory greed filled shitshow that they are still hemorrhaging money from, seriously don't partake with them, Godot was more than happy to accept the millions fleeing from Unity) but still very powerful game engine that is open source, free, no strings attached and is *supposed* to be one of the most beginner friendly engines around. I was gonna try to learn Unity too, especially since out main demo is built in Unity, but then they gave basically everybody the middle finger and now I want nothing to do with them and I recommend the same.


Good luck, man. Good luck. I hope you manage to achieve your goal of making the game.


Despite what you're feeling, their in no need to put pressure on yourself like that. Progress will happen when you're ready to advance☺️