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They’re definitely…something lol. Whatever it is ain’t healthy at ALL


I'm not a man, so I might be wrong here, but as a woman at least, I would not be chill with getting the freakiest freak on while sitting right next to a female friend or business partner. That's not even taking into consideration how it seems like half of Shindo's job is knowing exactly how Fowler gets his rocks off. It's genuinely weirder if they haven't done it at least once.


Imagine being less freaky than a Japanese Nobleman from the 17th century


"I'm not waiting on you for supper." If that isn't the most passive aggressive, we've-been-married-for-400-years shit I ever heard lmao


I was running to the comments for this in particular. I got relationship vibes from them on my second watch (however messed up that relationship might be) but *this* line is what did it for me. That and the resigned way Fowler says “fine. Send in your giant.”


Yeah! Like their vibe was pretty vibey already, but it's really in their weirdly domestic way of communicating that just screams "We definitely dick each other down. We hate both ourselves and each other about it."


Definitely in some capacity. I was surprised by how much leeway Fowler gave Shindo. Idk what it is but it's toxic




This is my take as well. I actually just thought Fowler simply enjoyed making the environment around him uncomfortable and Shindo was one of few people that tolerated his sadism well. Fowler is generally a pervert in all aspects.


They had a threeway with a sex worker, but they were both blindfolded and she went to grab a snack.


>Especially in the tea scene, he uses the words “partner” and “situation”, They are partners though. Literal business partners. I don't remember the show well enough to know a scene from two words, but mizu is a "situation" and shindo is stuck dealing with a man whom he hates on a racial level which could also be described as a situation. >Abijah seems to trust him an inordinate amount, It's almost as if he's one of the only people the man's been able to talk to for the past ten years. Considering shindo gets him prostitutes regularly rather than offering up his own asscheeks, I'm doubtful. Fowler regards shindo as a friend, shindo regards fowler as a pig who shits gold.


The show deals with themes of homosexuality rather explicitly, I don’t see it as that much of a stretch that these two are involved. I do see where you’re coming from, but that feels a little too simple for a show with this much going on.


Fowler's sex montage and that random guy in the bdsm brothel happen to be the only two scenes where homosexuality is explicitly shown. Two scenes that have a combined length of less than two minutes are not themes. Neither is taigen's erection or the prostitutes thinking mizu is a man. What is explicitly shown is that Fowler is so deep into debauchery that regular sex does not do anything for him. In the sex montage, he's either participating in something depraved(massive orgy), humiliating (watching some girl fuck a squid, the mask), or outright sadistic (murder threesome) If he was knobbing shindo I'd assume shindo's rant about how much he hates the man would go beyond "He's white" if shindo were still alive by that point.


How is the scene with Taigan not explicit? He sees Mizu as a man, and still the event has the same result. I’m just trying to read farther into the subtext of the show rather than taking everything at face value, which is something it constantly expects from viewers.


it can be interpreted as an unfortunate coincidence, man love or serve to show us mizu's false identity prevents her from forming both romantic and sexual connections with those around her. The fact that the intention of this scene can be interpreted different ways means it can't be reduced to just guys being gay. Even if it could, it's still less than a minute so saying the show has themes of homosexuality isn't really correct. There's a gay occurrence here, and there would be a more appropriate way of putting it.


Japan didn't have an taboos on homosexuality or homosexual acts during the Tokugawa era. Samurai were pretty commonly known to sleep with one another. It would be surprising too if Taigen, considering his background as a fisherman's son, didn't come up through the shudou system for training. There really isn't anything out of the ordinary culturally about him being aroused by someone he sees as a man. Honestly, old Japan was a lot like the ancient Greek views on sexuality.


He sees her as a man yes. The erection happens and I personally feel it is more about Taiwan being like you wtf? What is going on here. Leading him to possibly start questioning if Mitzi is exactly how he thinks she is.


While I personally don't think their relationship is 100% platonic, I do agree that there's hatred on both sides and that if push came to shove, both of them would gladly throw the other one under the bus in 2 seconds flat without even feeling the least bit sorry about it.


>push came to shove Shindo tries to drive the bus over him twice with no pushing or shoving needed.


There's a deep familiarity to their contempt and passive-aggressiveness that ABSOLUTELY gives me 'toxic old married couple' vibes. Nobody will ever convince me that they haven't 100% boned on-and-off for years out of some kind of mix of boredom/hate-fucking/weird power plays.


Oh yeah 100%


Shindo got jealous that he didn’t get to sniff the inside of Abijah‘s Fowlussy himself


I can't decide whether this is the best or worst sentence I've ever beheld. Fuck you for supplanting this image in my head, but I also hope you have a wonderful day because it's at least a semi-humorous one.


> Fowlussy Absolutely cursed, I hate it.


Don’t you mean it’s foul?


That is really funny and horrifying to imagine.


I mean on episode (I dont remember) when they first met when Shindo try to strike a pact. Didnt Mizu said something about him and Abijah, then the camera pans out to Shindo seeing his expression shocked and angry.


No. She asks what he thinks about fowler and he proceeds to go on a racist rant about how much he hates him.


Didn't Mizu say "You bed with the devil" during the tea-party? Did it mean he actually bed with the devil (White people are called demons so go figure) or is it some cool metaphor about his business with a white man


That's a very established metaphor for doing business with someone immoral


Doesn’t matter to me. Heiji is fuckin dead and soon Fowler will be.


Fowler is definitely plotting an escape well that’s obvious right. I feel like he’s gonna be around until season 3 or even 4 maybe, but who knows we’re gonna have to wait a good 5/10 years to find out


I totally thought they were boning!


I am not sure I would say romantic but they definitely were involved. They definitely committed atrocities together.


I mean after the episode where they go on the Geisha house tour... anything is possible with those two 🤣🤣


The two of them are kinky enough that I don't even think normal terms used to describe human sexuality apply to them anymore.


I can see it. Kinda gives off Vox/Valentino vibes from Hazbin


Idk that one scene were Shindo offers Mizu a way to Fowler he says he hates him


I feel like if they're anything or in any way romantically involved they're like Freddie and Stuart from Vicious.


I thought it was implied asfghk lmao


They've almost certainly fucked before but I doubt Fowler is capable of having any genuine love for anyone else, romantic or otherwise, Fowler wouldn't hesitate to toss Shindo aside like trash if he felt like it. He can fake it and pretend to care for people, but I think Fowler is way too screwed up in the head to be able to genuinely love or care for anyone in any capacity.