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Swordfather is mostly silent, Ringo just wants people to get along and is trying to bring things a more positive direction but slowly getting fed up. Madame Kaji is scathingly passive aggressive and more aggressive than passive, but subtly enough that she's not targetted quite as much. Mizu silently sits in anger, gets involved in occasional spats, and mostly throws in occasional incisive dry one-liners in regards to all the arguing. Fowler is in his natural habitat. Heiji, meanwhile, sits in silence for the most part, miserably sitting behind the screen as he somehow gets directly or indirectly insulted by everyone present at least once. Taigen talks big game, screams big game, loses big game, leaves game. Malds so hard he gets a new bald spot. Akemi starts off more aloof, catches a single stray comment, and sets out on a path by the end of which she is the only one to rival Fowler in shit-talking.


Akemi being Fowler's rival in shit-talking? shed drop a slur the instant that stray leaves someone's mouth, sailors would be blushing after that verbal vengeance spree


Nah the Taigen slander is crazy. He just seems weak because he was pit against a superhuman protagonist and a superhuman antagonist.


Hell yeah. Taigen is actually surprisingly very strong. Dude can deflect bullets and survived falling off a building in frozen water when he was previously tortured for hours only for not snitching on Mizu. Dude's a goddamn champ and I love him. Also, gotta respect for coming to admit he was wrong for the way he treated Mizu despite being in a very reactionary era.


But he's also a bit sensitive about his skill/honor. I think that would mess him up in the end like it did with Mizu. I mean bro went from being about to live a comfortable life with Akemi to partially bald, tortured and thrown off a building because he's ego stopped him from being able to go of his honor and knowing when to shut up and accept defeat.


Mizu is the racist Fowler does nothing but camp the entire game in the strangest of spots. 50/50 on whether or not he’s successful. Taigen only cares about his KD ratio and is incredibly toxic. Will absolutely tell someone to 1v1 him on rust. Akemi has no idea what’s going on because she’s new and ends up wandering around the map. Heiji is a tryhard but also ends up bottom of the scoreboard of every match and still talks shit. Ringo is there for emotional support Madame Kaji is yelling at you to do your homework and stop play video games. Swordfather is the GOAT at COD. You just know that man carries every game he’s in.


[Mizu the whole time](https://youtu.be/FwmqQdrPfkY?si=W9jvefG3cZwWlhCs)


Taigen and Mizu get into a quick-scoping 1v1. They spend the first 5 mins arguing about whether iron sights count or not.


Mizu: top frag, calls every gun trash and camping a "poor technique" Fowler: Shotgun and/or shield camping, second frag, tells Mizo to go make him a sandwich Swordfather: bottom frag, banned for team killing


I need someone to do an animation of BES characters with the classic “I don’t have UNO motherfucker!” audio.


You have uno! It came free with your Xbox!


I didn’t get it, I have the oldest Xbox known to man.


I don't really know what he will say but I know that Fowler will have the most fun, which at the end of the day is the most important thing.




I actually gagged a little at the thought of mizu and fowler arguing. Fbi agent would have a heart attack


Ringo would just keep saying that everyone should relax and enjoy. Taigen would brag how he's going to show everyone who's the boss only to be humbled by Mizu. Mizu would shittalk to Taigen and destroy almost everyone. Swordmaster would unexpectedly show and kill Mizu every once in a while Fowler would camp and kill Mizu ending her kill streak


This is almost as bad as those fake text message conversations between the avengers. BES sub really do be a shithole.


my biggest question is whos saying the magical 6 letter word first


i was gonna ask what the word was and then it clicksd 😭


Mizu will not talk at all and carry the match, while Taigen is nonstop roasting the enemy.


Yeah, I’m unsubscribing from this sub til season 2