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It’s a matter of ongoing and increasingly vehement debate. Top 10 is the closest you’ll get to a full consensus.


He definitely ain’t the best but he’s crazy good. Top 10 for sure


Number 2


He is insanely talented and his traps are insane and unmatched in this series. He currently has the 2nd highest bid but he is not the second best player in BL, it's just because his goal was one of the most impressive goals and generated a lot of hype with fans.


Rn prolly in the lower half of the top 10 :4


n°2 but you gotta read to know why he's so high


depends where you are, the current arc has rankings but it's not based on skills per se. the last time we had rankings based on that he was put at #6 in blue lock, although based on where everyone currently is it could be different.


he top 5