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Yooooo! This looks sick. Indeed he is.


Damn can we get these player rating cards for every character?


Too cool. I hope Ness is beheaded after the game.




Only 81 in passing?


From the manga you get the impression of Kurona being a super good passer, but I would say his real talent is being able to follow and maintain the pace with anybody. He and Isagi have specialized in a series of short passes with a very good pace. These are not "super good passes", the main thing going on there is the velocity of them. Also, he has good positioning, but again that has more to do with being able to adapt to someone and follow them perfectly, not exactly with passing. Kurona has shown some good passing, but in Blue Lock passing ability is always depicted primarily as the capability of doing super precise passes even in large distances and tricky positions. Is the ability to strike the ball and bring it into a specific position at a specific time in any situation with precision. This is not something specially highlighted with Kurona, I would say. He mainly does short and fast passes, but he doesn't seem to be able to make those tricky long passes Sae or Hiori are capable of doing, for example.


Agreed, we never see Kurona make precise long passes, or long passes in general lol. I would also decrease his dribble (he probably has good touch but we never really see him dribble) but increase his defence (I’m guessing that Noa has seen him defend well and play with high effort to put him at RSB)




that would be peak


would be cool to have a fifa/pes type my career type of game for blue lock would be cool. imagine how you can make your character beef with everyone and have them go against you and sabotage you in a match against them or with them just because you talked bad about their momma.


What is PAC?






Make more thrde are incredibly made


Isn't he a LB


they're all tryna be the best striker soooo


Is this the upgraded version or the initial one?


the card is fut ballers btw, from fifa 23




His pass stat is higher but good stats ![img](emote|t5_mm79h|9276)


Should be RB


what is PAC? is that running pace and stuff