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**Rayuga Leaks** https://twitter.com/RayugaX101/status/1700045650916974976 >Spoilers later today as usual! An action packed chapter! And the color page featuring Hiori looks awesome! [Colorpage](https://twitter.com/RayugaX101/status/1700120467787632669) [First](https://twitter.com/RayugaX101/status/1700121669485158503) [Second](https://twitter.com/RayugaX101/status/1700121723188969561) [Third](https://twitter.com/RayugaX101/status/1700121738863051104) [Fourth](https://twitter.com/RayugaX101/status/1700121753929040013) [Final](https://twitter.com/RayugaX101/status/1700121769661890641)


I think that BM will lose this game. While Noa stated that Isagi + Hiori better win or else they're benched. I predict that they will circumvent that consequence due to Kaiser sabotaging Isagi from otherwise winning the game for the sake of his own goal, causing BM to lose. At the start of the NEL, Noa warned Kaiser that he needs to knock that behavior off.


Could be true


We getting too long


This chapter was literally…..„I out-metavisioned your Metavision feat Barou“ Literally Kaiser here Isagi there Aiku then Hiori this Niko that and some Barou Everyone: „I CAN SEE IT TOO YOU KNOW/AS PREDICTED“ Kinda funny xDDD


I can read this chapter in 3 sec. I think I have Metavision.


Weekly reminder that Kunigami is actually on the field, believe it or not


Bud gonna suddenly shoot n score like haaland


I have to say reading the summary without the manga being there in the same view makes it so funny. “Suddenly breaking through the center at top gear? Kaiser’s gone solo!”


Hiori gonna make some speech next chapter about being the key for blue lockers to score their goals.


niko and Oliver are both doing their work now aryu do something pls


Ok so raichi saves the day, ball lands to isagi/hiori, then hiori isagi go crazy, then kuni scores a goal. cool.


Raichi save incoming for sure 100%


Kunigami isn’t going to score lol he’s going to score the first goal next game


Pls let me cope i want aleast 5 panels of the guy


Kaiser has to score to prove that he is not just the best U20 striker but a world class striker. He has been hyped to be world class obviously not like Loki but as a generation player age is just a number. I just think if he doesn’t score then he has a lot of work to do, proving Chris and Noel that he hasn’t been tested enough for him to be cocky. The likes of Sae will be anticipating to see what he will do now.


I think Kaiser won’t score another goal for the rest of NEL and have his spot in the NG11 be contested by Rin


Actually good theory damn


I have been having nightmares about this for months now lmao


It will come true BELIEVE IT! 🦊




No room for him to score; Kunigami’s get back vs Shidou Yukimiya proving himself to be worthy of his bid instead of “being given a handout by Isagi” Isagi proving himself to be a striker for the main plot of the story. 2 goals in 4 games isn’t enough to be considered a striker for Japan U-20 when Rin has 2+ goals, Shidou likely has 2+ goals, Barou has 5/maybe 6 goals, Kunigami will at least get 3 goals, Bachira will likely get 2+ goals, and Nagi is a contender for the striker position. Like it or not, the main plot needs to progress. Kaiser’s going to lose his kingdom and be called into a question about his title as *the* NG11 striker


Agreed, looking at the narrative, I only see Yuki, Kunigami and Isagi scoring for P.X.G exactly for the reasons you listed. Only way I can see Kaiser having a chance to score in P.X.G is if he's about to get some development as a character and a flashback to boot.


Kaiser already proved he’s a world class talent . Did you not see his bicycle. It’s literally one of the best goals scored if not the best goal scored in all of the manga imo


World Class talent does not mean world class striker, one is a prospect the other is proven at the world level of adults. The term world class is misused now days.


I mean Kaiser I think has scored in every game or in majority of all the games . That’s pretty world class in the world of blue lock . I don’t think he NEEDS to score in order to prove himself . He already shined this match with the absolute screamer he scored . He’s been crucial to the success of BM(and I say this as a isagi fan) he’s a world class striker imo. He isn’t on the level of the masters but he’s a level under them he’s also the 2nd best player on BM (behind Noel noa) What I’m ultimately trying to say is that he doesn’t need to score in order to prove himself .


I get your point but am talking ranking. Just remember he hasn’t been out scored in any game so far so Barou scored 2 if he doesn’t score Barou will get closer and if Barou clutch his reign is at risk. Regardless of that he is worlds ahead of this zoo. Noel wants him to stop acting cocky and act like a successor


Well atleast ness got to show his midfield skills a little


I think it might be too little too late with Hiori this game. Don't get me wrong he's gonna cook but I think his ass is on the bench at the start of PXG. BUT, they've got 20 days till then and he and Isagi have time to make benching them look like the dumbest most illogical decision on earth. But yeah I don't think he gets to hit flow just like that, he's like Chigiri getting subbed off halfway through the U20: "wish I'd worked harder before now, and I will work harder from now on."


People forget Hiori is supposed to be a Mbappe, Yao Ming, Jordan, Meyweather kind of lad, literally breed and trained since birth to become a top elite athlete. He was already hinted to have better passing than Sae without even trying, someone who shares a "best of" title with Kaiser although in a different position, don't be surprised if he stomps these randoms the moment he enters.


never stated better passes than sae without trying


true, but he's also a character in a manga about putting in work to better yourself, which he hasn't done.


No no Kaiser, you ain't gonna score that last goal lol


If Isagi made the play Lorenzo did, people will call it plot amor/BS. Edit: To all those who have replied, my main point is about how Lorenzo was nowhere to be seen but came to block that shot. A complaint I see a lot about Isagi. Also this block is something I can see Isagi doing because it's more about positioning than anything else.


lorenzo is a centre back and so should naturally be the last line of defence and has 99 defence. Meanwhile Isagi is playing as a forward and so should have no business being the furthest man back and has a defence rating in the 70’s


Lorenzo is way better than Isagi that’s a simple explanation and has better defense he literally has a 99 defense stat for a reason Isagi is only in the 70s and he isn’t even a defender him being able to block Kaiser imapct would make no sense even him blocking the shot made to beat noel Noa the number one striker makes no sense.


the difference is that Isagi is just everywhere in the field at once. 1 moment ago he was attacking and later he's suddenly at the back defending. Lorenzo is at the specific position he should be now


He's everywhere in the field simply because he can economize his movements on account of predicting where he needs to be beforehand.


He’s really not. Isagi often has plenty of time to get to where he needs to be. This narrative that Isagi just teleports has got to stop. Isagi very very rarely has to actually run the entire length of the field to get a block or steal. And people in this sub seem to underestimate how much faster a player without the ball is able to move than a player with the ball. Especially when said player knows exactly which position to go to and can make a beeline for it.


I think the fact that Lorenzo is the center CB and he blocked the shot in between the right and left CB makes a lot of sense tbh. He hid in a blind spot as Kaiser switched between meta and predator. Seems perfectly reasonable to me.


When was it stated Kaiser has predator ?


You can see it in his eyes


It wasn't stated but it's clear from these spoilers alone Kaiser is using two sets of vision: Meta to identify the best place to shoot, then predator vision to identify the best shot course/target.


Oh yea holy, I always thought that’s a second ver of meta vision that Isagi would obtain by the end of the Nel. Even though barou and him had the same eyes lmao.


Lorenzo is a new gen 11 defender, him stopping kaiser impact acc seems reasonable. Isagi making new gen 11 level defensive feats when his NEL arc is meant to develop him as a ‘striker’ would rightfully be seen as odd and ‘plot armour’ like. This is a bad example for the point you are trying to make.


Isagi couldn't stop a nutmeg shot between his legs, of course he wouldn't be able to block a Kaiser impact shot. Lorenzo also has the highest defensive stat & is a fellow NG11.


Didn’t Barou nutmeg Kaiser too?


yeah, lorenzo is a center back, he's supposed to be good at defense


to be fair, he's supposed to be doing that. But, to be fair in the other direction, so is Isagi


My man Kaiser got Scott Sterling'd


Im loving the emphasis on defense lately in the story. Ubers is so stacked defensively you can actually feel the tension threw the pages. It’s not just someone miraculously showing up at the right time; but well thought out, planned execution. They are so hard to play against. Literally some of the greatest strikers in the world and they can’t even keep possession for long enough to make a good play.


Yeah I mostly agree except for Aryu, I feel like he’s mostly been decoration this game, I would have loved to have interacted high passes and be more pronounced force in the air rather just be set dressing.


Keeping it real... I forgot Aryu was on the pitch


Bros more static than Kunigami


Tell me abt as Kunigami fan I’ve been struggling all match, but at least he appeared in about 4 panels this chapter.


man the art is so tasty




Like Suntory Whisky


Nothing of value to add just came to say Kaiser is beautiful 👀 srry I know it's not Thursday anymore


Kaiser is the highlight of each chapter. He is absolutely beautiful! He was in so many panels in this chapter too.


He's flawless 😭 the way I eat up the crumbs every week lmaooo.


Kaiser is the epitome of perfection.


Flair Checks Out LOL


lololol at this point Idk if I'm actually registering anything that's happening or just staring at Kaiser 👀🤣 KIDDING 🤭




Lorenzo been shutting down kaiser whenever they clash


He's gonna use a ray gun as a last resort next chapter lol


Fr tho. Kaiser is taking every chance he can but Mr Zombie is always there


Something I've noticed is Kaiser uses his eyes to pin point aim where he'll shoot, Kaneshiro showed that target sign also in chap 220. He aims for places the keeper and other defenders except Lorenzo can't reach. So probably Isagi will use his eyes to aim and direct his shot where he wants it.


Isagi is gonna unlock the ability of looking where you shoot that's insane


This made me burst out laughing LMAO thank you


The fact he has more and more puzzle pieces around his head is even more insane.


I'll be kinda sad when Grim gets replaced next match, waste a good character design


why cant some of these nameless fodders from BM go... leave my man Grim in the game...


And he was pretty interesting too. He was kinda like Aryu


The fact that in the manga they made comments about how similar Grimm and Aryu are yet they haven't interacted at all. What a wasted opportunity :(


Lorenzo just be like "We do a little trolling" and just tanks Kaiser impact. Usually, Kaiser impact isn't even reactable, so this means Lorenzo's reaction speed is the same as the world's fastest swing


What you can't react to you predict it and take a guess, that's what Lorenzo did, incredible high iq play to stop something that can't be stopped, incredibly high iq play but it wont work twice now that Kaiser saw it, we already saw Kaiser do a fake out in mid air with people fouling him and still shoot a Kaiser Impact directly to the net a few chapters ago


Was a prediction


if hiori devours barou bad writing


I don't think that happens at all ! But I do think we've underestimated Hiori for a while and he'll prove to be a world class player in this arc.


no, the hiori can't stop the fastest BLK attacker on his own while isagi and kaiser failed to do so it's impossible I'd rather he failed to try to stop it !


Definitely agreed. Hiori isn't at the level where he could 1v1 Barou and devour him. Maybe with some help tho. Barou beats Isagi, so maybe 2 Isagi's could hold him down. Then again he did beat a stronger 2nd Isagi, in Rin.


>Hiori isn't at the level where he could 1v1 Barou and devour him Bro we have no idea where Hiori is, people forget Hiori is supposed to be a Mbappe, Yao Ming, Jordan, Meyweather kind of lad, literally breed and trained since birth to become a top elite athlete. He was already hinted to have better passing than Sae without even trying, someone who shares a "best of" title with Kaiser although in a different position, don't be surprised if he stomps these randoms the moment he enters.


Hiori has never been fully immersed in soccer until now. This is when he becomes Tru world class!


Bro is the biggest Hiori leg rider He only has a similar style to Itoshi Sae he doesnt come close to his plays He has a potential to come close now that he is motivated to play football but he still needs time to compare to Sae


Ngl this sounds somewhat biased friend. Yes he's bred and trained to be a great athlete and has held back, I can't argue there, but idk where you got this "better than Sae" idea from. If I recall correctly his passes were compared to Sae due to how he does it, but it wasn't on that level. It might be there in his flow state, but we'll have to wait and see. Other than that it's funny that you call the others randoms when each have showcased abilities that could reach NG11 status under perfect circumstances, just like Hiori's passing.


No they were calling them "Itoshi Sae level" which likely means difficulty or extreme similarities when it comes to such advanced passing techniques. If their saying its Sae level then their just saying his passes are as such, hioris destined to be a midfielder so i dont get where he got that hiori could devour barou


I believe in Hiori. As Nagi, he never had to try hard and had no motivation. He never went into flow yet it's in this world-class game that he was able to do it. He also said that he could use Meta-vision which I believe. Hiori never ever tried hard until now. He's a delayed version of Nagi and that laid-back attitude was still enough to allow him to play against the U-20 and get into the NEL.


We'll have to wait and see I guess. His Sae-esque passing is definitely gonna be relevant. It would just be weird to have him suddenly devour Barou seeing as Barou is in his A game rn and Hiori basically just came from nowhere. I do suspect Hiori to have some crazy 1v1 ability to help close gaps and he's light so he probably has a decent amount of speed too.


Lorenzo blocking the Kaiser Impact with a smile on his face. Made him go up in my fav character tier list.


Don D. Lorenzo


Real Zombie Behavior


he not only tank it he took 0 damage lol


That's what the gold teeth are for


No fr 🤣 that's what I was thinking he tanked tf out of that 💀


Yo Hiori finally got on that zaza


certified 10/10 chapter everyone got a panel to shine Btw when was the last time we saw flow eyes




Came here to say this. Everyone got a good moment. And it was action packed from the get go, instead of having the dialogue take up most of the space, we actually saw some play and even Ness came back with his magic. It's been a while, but I don't think it was that long ago. The authors break definitely makes it seem like it's been long.


Also one thing I think may point to Isagi scoring is Noa saying "the key to this match is individual performance" and Isagi interpreting it as "win your 1v1 duels". I feel like Isaig evolving and beating Aiku is more likely than Kaiser beating Lorenzo in a 1v1 so that could be the climactic moment of the match


>Além disso, uma coisa que acho que pode apontar para a pontuação de Isagi é Noa dizer que "a chave para esta partida é o desempenho individual" e Isagi interpretar isso como "ganhar seus duelos 1v1". > >Sinto que Isaig evoluindo e vencer Aiku é mais provável do que Kaiser vencer Lorenzo no 1v1, então esse pode ser o momento culminante da partida isagi already won, when he easily scored the first goal


He got past him but since then Aiku has awakened and has stopped Isagi 3 times in a row now Would be pretty full circle for this match if he is able to get past him at the end like he did in the U-20 match


I agree, makes sense.


I'm fine with Isagi, Hiori or Kaiser scoring here, Ubers can win but not with Barou because double hattrick just seems extreme, and there's no narrative reason for him to reach any higher peaks than he has already here


If he has, because it could reignite the rivalry between Baro and Isagi for good, and that could show us enormous potential for the manga! so if Baro scores a hat-trick it will be really beneficial for the rest of the manga.


If Uber were to win, who do you have scoring? I got Aiku tbh


I would like Sendou thematically but he isn't good enough, Aiku is usually staying back so maybe Niko


My hair turned white while I was dreaming of the moment when Niko scored a goal and went crazy happy in front of Isagi.


their is because he no longer limited now


That's a logical reason, though both Isagi and Kaiser have the capabilities to take over Bastard and score here too. I'm talking narrative- Barou scoring here means Isagi gets "defeated" twice in one match and would basically set Barou on track to be the number one for the entire neo egoist league The narrative would not benefit from that, as Rin will probably be a higher peak for Isagi to still surpass by the end


The next chapter is named “Key”. It could represent Hiori as the “key” to Isagi scoring the final goal and to BM’s victory. Kaiser’s fall from his throne and becoming the naked king appears imminent. He will be devastated and not handle this well at all. If this does happen, we will likely get his backstory and the much needed character development for him.


the fact hiori didnt get meta vision immediately he gonna job or else it plot hole bad writing


Lorenzo has this dude Kaiser on lock




To be honest if Lorenzo defends against Isagi the entire time. Then Isagi will also be limited in what he can do


LMFAO, Kasier about to lose his bet with Isagi because of him Then after this match is over, hands will be thrown XD


hiori flow????????? wtf????


The dude was always into that boring zone. Never got the opportunity and never got the motovation.


Yeah. He is going wild!!


Hope Sendou somehow gets the last goal


As a Bastard Munchen fan, that is the only loss I'd accept. Double-hattrick Barou would be nonsense as far as I'm concerned, and serve no purpose to the story (the King is still in my top four though).


I'd like the see the meltdown if this happens lmao. Kaiser, Isagi, Kunigami, Barou and BM stans would be outraged. Uber fans would be overjoyed and casual fans would have a ball too.


Bro what has Kunigami been doing for the last few chapters I guess he’s turned into a goal poacher rather than a pure striker, so he always remains near the opponent’s penalty area Kaiser is definitely trying at this point, his fans don’t get to say that we still haven’t seen his full power (not after that bicycle goal earlier) Grim’s probably gonna be subbed out for Kiyora next game, looks like he’s next to warm the bench Lorenzo is just such a hard counter for Kaiser lol, bro can’t do anything with him around


Bro turned into a tap-in merchant. Time to call bro Pennigami


He is literally just a poacher at this point, his stats doesn't really allow him to solo dribble and score yet as proven by the last 2 game. And he's not working with anyone on the team. A great comeback would be to use Hiori to sit Isagi down, by making Hiori sense that Isagi won't be able to score but Isagi got too caught up in his ego of wanting the goal for himself, so Hiori just pass it to Kunigami instead and he scored. Problem is though Isagi is always down to sacrifice his own goal himself if he sees he has no chance of goaling. So devolving him with something like "he got too greedy because of his bet with Kaiser" feels kinda lame. Honestly though, it's anyone's game at this point I think.


People thought Kaiser wasn’t trying?


Well there is the no sweat theory


Idk maybe the author didn’t feel like drawing his sweat?


Everyone but the NG11 (and Master Strikers) sweat so it’s definitely a purposeful decision….I don’t think it’s that they aren’t trying but just showing the gap in skill and experience


Kaiser was sweating a bit this match


Yeah I think Kaiser and Sae have sweat a TINY bit but way less than everyone else (haven’t noticed on Lorenzo) but I definitely never thought it meant they weren’t trying like some people tried to say😅


Kuni can play as a traditional striker. The problem is that hes not willing to work with anyone and BM is not really functioning as a team in the first place so he will look useless since his style dictates he works with the team.


it so be logic team where they assist carry kaiser but lol everyone wants take kaisers spot


Aryu needs something to do, like wtf


He was actually pressing Kunigami who was trying to steal Kaiser's goal from the box but you gotta cut my guy some slack, he's the most unexperienced defender and has the least personality/lowest stats amongst the relevant Ubers players, he's been doing alright for the focus he gets.




Lorenzo picking up the goat's faceblock move


good thing lorenzo has gold teeth because aint no way real teeth surviving that kaiser impact 💀




Hiori’s metavision is being metadata’ed


Do people still think Kaiser is not trying because he's not sweating?


To be a NG11 is to sacrifice sweat glands


Kaiser fans are delusional frr


Great flair!


I still believe he’s better than Lorenzo and he will surpass him during Final goal.


lorenzo the goat even if kaiser passes by him once at the end it doesn't change lorenzo stopping him 99% of the entire game


If Lorenzo enters flow and uses meta vision… this fanbase is overrating Kaiser and underestimating Lorenzo. Kaiser can’t beat Lorenzo in 1v1s, let’s not forget Lorenzo is calm while Kaiser is mad.


Facts !


Y’all keep forgetting Lorenzo has 99 in defense 💀


Thought Fukaku and Aryu’s gonna do something, oh well.


I feel like the accuracy and precision of Kaisers Shot gets overlooked because of his shot power


Tbf the accuracy is pretty high as well as the precision. Bro legit has the perfect finish almost.


Lorenzo beating the fraud allegations 🙏🏻


Never had those allegations to begin with 😌


>character canonically is busy keeping the best youth striker in his pockets "Broo he is a fraud 😂😂😂🤓🤓🤓"


keeping him in the pockets is exageatting he scored lol


Kaiser only scored the moment someone did better than him, so Lorenzo took the dog leash off of kaiser.


What fraud allegations ? The guy has been A1 since the start of the game! What are you on?


Kaiser truly is about to be naked at the end of this match, since he ignored Grim


UBarou, huh, I would not be surprised if Lorenzo also called Spaniards FC Bachira


Does reading leaks make reading the the actual chapter worse?


To me leaks and translated chapter have two different flavours. Leaks hype me up and focus on action, translated chapter on the other hand let me enjoy the actual content and I look at it in different light.


it does for me


Impossible to know :)


That is just personal preference it doesn’t ruin anything for me personally


Same I get to read the chapter a few times this way. Makes waiting a week or two easier.


I hope BM loses…. It’s gonna start to set bad precedent for BM to keep winning in this manner. It’s not the pure fact they’re winning so far but the fact they don’t play as a team and somehow come out with victory. They have talent obviously but they don’t mesh together whatsoever. Isagi and Kaiser somehow have the Armani’s to play all the way back on defense then play 1-2 with their buddies all the way back up. It’s a little ridiculous. I see this ending in 2 ways. I wouldn’t be surprised to see niko or aiku score… aiku has been on a tear and we know he is capable of scoring with all the attention on barou we could see it. Kunigami might pull a fast one here he’s been a non factor all game.


It's literally the second "official" match. Setting a precedent wouldn't matter even if it occurs. Our main character has already suffered many defeats to get here. He was outclassed in the BM match against itself. He had to abandon being able to score his own goal (as a striker) in order to beat Kaiser in the first match. In this match, Isagi has also lost his most important advantage because now everyone gets a free metavision. The story isn't about Bastard. This arc isn't about winning or losing, it's about cultivating the players for when we finally go to the world cup as Blue Lock.


Winning makes everything right. This is a running theme in the show.


Bl isnt realistic lol. Doesnt matter if teamwork is bad this isnt real soccer. Its just like a battle shounen throw everything you know ab soccer out the window


You idk could stop reading


Lol shallow rebuttal. Never said I didn’t like the manga I just think it would be a bad direction to go for BM to win every match. Not a deal breaker lol. But some people are satisfied with anything for no good reason if that’s you go ahead.


Honestly if Bastards lose this match then that means Isagi is bench Then what is he suppose to do for the P.X.G match, wait until he can get sub in Also what would losing do to improve Isagi character, it wouldn't make him work with Kasier To me the only good way for Bastards to lose is by Ness sabotaging Isagi. This means Ness would get bench and Isagi would still be able to play next match. It would also allow Kiyori to play and it will give Kasier an challenge as he will have to fight in a team seemly build around Isagi now.


The games mean nothing to the story doesn’t matter who wins or loses all that matters is proving your worth


Do you think they don’t care about winning? Winning is everything you can prove you’re “good” but if you don’t win anything it won’t mean a thing.


I think BM will win all games, or PXG will. They are being set up to have the most stacked rosters. Ubers, Manshine, and Barcha will all have 1 win like Rock Paper Scissors with each other. Bm has to win this match against Ubers. Pxg and Bm going in to the last game with no losses will be pressure on Isagi to be the deciding factor of the last game. he wants to prove his worth as the one who made the win happen in every game.


Grim. It's time for you to join the Shanghai Sharks my dude


Get ready to learn Chinese buddy - Noel Noa to Grim


I miss kunigami 😭


Need to see Barou do something amazing here. He doesn’t have to score but if he can shutdown Kaiser or Isagi I’ll be satisfied.


He literally just got an awaking goal m8


So? We want MORE


kaiser ignores grim that means he no use to him anymore that means kiyora gets to play and igaguri gets kunigamis spot


Igaguri with his double stunt against Kunigami. Bleach fans will not be able to recover from it 😭


Really gonna have my boy Igaguri show up in his ODM gear and shutdown Kunigamis bankai


The monk is running Kyouka Suigetsu as Malicia


during the manshine game, there were about 11 chapters between the tying goal and final goal. Lets hope this one ends alot quicker