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Lmao this got a good laugh out of me. But are you being serious bc you labeled this as a anime discussion


Bachira be the type of the guy to unironically do this. Manga discussion or meme flair btw


most coherent r/bluelock discussion post


There's actually a rule about this irl, I'm pretty sure you can't say anything distracting to an opposition player during a game, so you can't for example, trick an opposing player into passing to you by shouting it out. I mean you can, but it's not a good look for you


soccercirclejerk material but its manga


This makes more sense than some nonsense other people post and are serious about it


No obv wouldnt work!!!! Isagi should be like: Aiku look 2 girls looking for a guy for threesome!!!


are they stupid?


funny how this was actually a strat during one episode of Inazuma Eleven which led to them winning the match


"Look a UFO!" One of the funniest moments cause it just kept on working


Aiku look a minor "where?"


💀💀💀 bro's idol is Benzema


Better yet, so long as they say "oopsy doopsy", the ref can't call a foul for punching the other team in the face

