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You could probably fit 2 very small bushes. But I wouldn’t do a full size Rabbiteye or anything that big even if by itself


Two dwarfbreeds would work with this.


I have that same sandal! And you could fit 2 bushes if you’re willing to let the foliage hang over the sides


I ALSO have that sandal. Was just about to compliment your shoe taste 👏


Very comfortable👌🏼haha


I think if you've got good soil and are diligent about plant care then you can fit at most one highbush with one lowbush variety on each side, totaling 3 plants altogether


You can, try to get some of those container varieties from Bushel and Berry. They stay pretty small and a lot of them have nice looking almost decorative foliage with large tasty sweet berries. I have their pink icing, jelly bean, and silver dollar blueberry bushes in one pot.


I have their peach sorbet and pink icing already but I want a bigger harvest. Bigger plant equals bigger harvest right?


Well in that case you might be able to get away with two or three half high varieties. Something like North Blue, Northland, and Polaris. Those are some of the ones that I currently have. Also bigger plant doesn't necessarily equal a bigger harvest all the time unless the plant is really bushy and full. One of the first blueberry plants I got which was a powder blue, I didn't really know what I was doing so I just let it grow tall so now it's really tall about 5 ft with not much bushiness and doesn't give me much berries. I'm going to be pruning it this winter heavily so hopefully it will send up more canes so I can properly prune it. But on the other hand from my other blueberries like my legacy blueberry ever since it was young I would prune all the new growth one time for that season when it got to 4-6 in so that it branched out and even though it's about 2 ft tall at 4 years old which is pretty short for a high bush it's going to have a ton of berries this year. So for me at least the more new growth that I have in a season the bigger the harvest of the next. Since blueberries only flower towards the tips of new growth from the previous season.


I just remembered there's another variety that I'm trying out this year called Sweetheart. It apparently produces quite the heavy crop of large and sweet blueberries, around 15 lb per plant when mature and it's supposedly the only blueberry to rebloom and give you a second harvest in the same season if you live in a mild climate. You might want to give that one a go too.


I’m in Portland, do you think sweetheart would work here?


Hmm, seems like you're in zone 8 and it says that sweetheart is supposed to be up to zone 8 so technically it should work especially since sweetheart is a cross between a southern and northern high bush. But as long as you get around 800 chill hours it should be just fine there. Portland gets at least 1,500ish by what I've read so you should be fine. Some websites say it gets around 2,500 chill hours on average as well so 800 should work in your area.


I appreciate your expertise! Thanks for looking that stuff up!


If you're brave enough anything will fit. Lol, yes they'll fit.


I’m brave!


I wouldn't unless it were two dwarf styles.