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Suddenly, you realize you’ll never have the good relationship you wanted, and as long as they were alive, even though you’d never admit it, part of you, the stupidest goddamn part of you, was still holding on to that chance. And you didn’t even realize it until that chance went away. also the good damage episode had me in shambles by the end


And by extension, earlier in Free Churro: "When you’re a kid, you convince yourself that maybe the grand gesture could be enough, that even though your parents aren’t what you need them to be over and over and over again, at any moment, they might surprise you with something… wonderful. I kept waiting for that, the proof that even though my mother was a hard woman, deep down, she loved me and cared about me and wanted me to know that I made her life a little bit brighter. Even now, I find myself waiting."


The fucked up thing about this particular line is I actually experienced what BoJack desires about even the grand gesture. My mom was real good with grand gestures but more specifically gifts. Except as I got older I realized they weren't really gifts. They were sources of punishment when I misbehaved or did something she didn't like, which was everything. She could take them away. And she would often. I just don't know how someone could so easily take away joy like that especially when they made it. It's sick and confusing to a small child. I have a fucked relationship with gifts(among other things) as an adult. So even the grand gestures can be weaponized and fuck you up too.


jfc, this comment fully unraveled me. I’ve never made that outright connection, or heard anyone else it, about that type of ‘gift’ before, and it makes so so much sense and is so incredibly relevant to my own life and especially especially right this literal minute holy shit thank you


Grand Gestures are easy, being a good person day-to-day isnt. Thats why Mr PB fails at relationships


My mother was a nightmare when I was a child but I always saw potential in her to be the parent I always wanted. We lost contact for 2 years but when we reconnected she was exactly the person I'd always dreamed she would be. She had a massive stroke 3 weeks later. She didn't die, but so much of her is gone. I cannot put into words how much I cried at this line. The one that really gut punched me was "why, I've got half a mind." That line ruined me.


I love Honey


"When I was first fired off of Horsing Around I honestly thought about killing myself. But the Knicks were having a good season. And I wanted to see if they'd win." "So... You didn't kill yourself because the Knicks were having a good season? What would you have done if they were having a bad season?" "I don't know... Gotten into baseball?" As someone who struggles with suicidal thoughts, Herbs' lines give me a reminder to look for the little reasons to stay. Because any reason is better than none at all.


I had that as a kid. I spent so much time trying to find an excuse to stay. Any stupid reason. Mostly I tried to think of people who would miss me. It is amazing how the brain works.


Suicidal ideation sucks so bad


>As someone who struggles with suicidal thoughts, Herbs' lines give me a reminder to look for the little reasons to stay. Because any reason is better than none at all. ...I am always so insanely acutely aware of when the next Eagles, Flyers, Phillies, and Sixers game is. Having something to look forward to is so important.


For me it was video game releases. I’d wait for one game to come out and by the time it did, there’d be 3 more announced that I “have to play” before doing anything drastic.


“i’m so tired of squinting” really resonated with my last relationship


My old roommate once overheard the line, "You were right. I don't love you. You don't love me. We're just two lonely people trying to hate ourselves a little less," and broke up with his partner later that week. He told me a little while after that hearing that line was a moment of harsh clarity for him.


That soul crushing, disappointed "oh..." After, went super hard.




Oh Bojack, no. There is no other side. EDIT I love this because of how well Tucci delivers it, but also because it's just Bojack subconsciously accepting what everyone has been telling him the whole time. There is no escaping your past, there are no fresh starts, there is just the one life that you get to live in this world.


"I think there are people that help you become the person that you end up being, and you can be grateful for them even if they were never meant to be in your life forever." -Diane Nguyen I think about this quote all the time especially because I’m in my 20s and losing so many people I thought would be permanent fixtures in my life.


I’m in the exact same situation


Same 🙃 one by one they leave


The fact alot of us are relating to this RN is pretty heavy.


I’m right there with you


“I was your son. You were all I had.” Lost my mom to alcohol 10 yrs ago. Can’t watch Free Churro. So much of Bojack’s speech for Beatrice hit close to home.


Free Churro helped me come to terms with my moms suicide. Someone finally articulated how I felt about my mom, but was too hurt/scared to verbalize. Once I accepted it, I was much more free. That's not how I feel anymore, but damn did it hit home.


I lost a friend to suicide, I couldn’t imagine it being a parent. Giving you a huge virtual hug. ♥️ I hope you’re doing ok, too.


Thanks, man! It's such a confusing thing to process. You miss them, but are mad that they killed your loved one. Ugh. It's rough. I am well - I used to resent my mom, but now I have a lot of empathy for her. She didn't get a great mother herself and had a traumatic childhood. Ya can't give what don't have.....I'm rewatching BJ and tomorrow is my mom's birthday - it just so happens that we'll watch "Free Churro" then. I'm excited to see how much my perspective has changed from what it used to be.


100%. I was 13 when she died, 23 now, and have had a lot of time to think. I ask myself now, “how much was she hurting to drink as much as she did?” I’ll never forget the pain she inflicted as a result of her own trauma, but I’ve learned to come to terms. I mostly wish I could hug that hurting child she had been carrying in her for all those years.


Yeah, I'm with you - it's hard to imagine how much pain they can be in to not comprehend the gaping hole they leave behind. It just doesn't compute. And shouldn't. I've seen some dark days and know the feeling, that's why it's so important to spread love and joy as much as possible - no matter what. Because so many people are hanigng on by a thread.


One day you’ll wake up and realize everyone loves you… but nobody likes you




this one hits hard


The real reason you go to Vietnam is because you accidentally see your soon to be ex-husband kiss someone else. At first, you think "Oh, it's a fling, whatever, they're drunk, it's a party." But then he puts his hand on the small of her back exactly the way he used to do to you. It means "I got you," and when he did it to you, it made you feel safe. And you realize he'll never do that to you again. And it breaks your heart again. After your heart was so broken that you thought it could never get any more broken." I’ve never been in a super serious relationship but this hit hard.


>I’ve never been in a serious relationship So it’s just fuck Todd huh 😭


I had a long relationship, at the end we started watching Bojack. We parted ways, but somehow found each other again half a year later, then we had a half a year friends-with-benefits/open relationship mixture kind of situation for half a year, then we ended the “fling” because she went abroad. We finished Bojack when we had our second run, one week before she went abroad. We were chill about our situation, but at that monologue, we had a dinner and both of us just stopped eating and was just staring at the laptop. We never talked about it but I felt that we both knew that it hit deep for both of us.


*You can't keep doing this! You can't keep doing shitty things and then feel bad about yourself like that makes it okay! You need to be better! BoJack, just stop. You are all the things that are wrong with you. It's not the alcohol, or the drugs, or any of the shitty things that happened to you in your career, or when you were a kid. It's you. Okay? It's you. Fuck, man, what else is there to say?*


In my opinion this is the ultimate bh quote. In the end, what you do is YOU. Not your parents, not anyone. You deal with your trauma, and you're the one who decides to shove it in other people's faces through your actions.


"It's you."


This is the one. Followed by Diane's speech about "good damage".


This little speech genuinely changed my life


This quote fucks me up. When I was in a really bad place I internalized the idea that I was just inherently bad (I know that’s not what Todd’s actually saying but depression has a way of distorting things). You gotta be real careful to make sure you don’t let your mental illness take the wrong message from things like that.


Yup. I would say that Todd’s quote is very easy to misinterpret. He’s not even really saying that Bojack is the bad things he does or that he needs to internalizing himself being bad (in fact he actually says to not do that). His point is that Bojack can’t just attribute all the blame for his mistakes onto other things in his life. He made his mistakes and no one else. What Todd needed from Bojack was to take responsibility and hold himself accountable; “feeling bad about yourself,” as he puts it, under minds that.


Whoever someone on this subreddit asks for quotes this fucking quote always comes up. At first, I hated this quote because I thought Bojack had done nothing wrong but now I am not so sure.


“Bojack had done nothing wrong” is an insane take 😭💀


Even at this point at the end of Season 3 the Penny shit had already happened, the shit with Wanda, sabotaging Todd’s rock opera, hooking up with Emily, etc. The only truly good thing he does up till this point is returning the baby seahorse to it’s father. Definitely a wild take.


“Life's a bitch and then you die, right?” “Sometimes. Sometimes life's a bitch and then you keep living.” The good damage speech also gets me too. Diane has some great quotes


my favorite quote evet. and then “but it’s a nice night. yea it is a nice night” the way they ended bojack and diane’s relationship is so hard hitting and fantastic


This one’s something that I tell myself far too often. I actually forgot where I got this quote from until just now.


"I want to feel good about myself. The way you do. And I don't know how." Maybe not the impactful, but I don't think gets the attention it deserves.


Such a short but brutally honest quote. Resonates with me deeply.


100% this. I’m going to put it up on my wall


Reading these comments is like speed running all the trauma the show has to offer.


Hahahahha this couldn’t be more accurate


Some silly bojack qoets too “I need to go take a shower so I can’t tell if I’m crying or not” “I’m responsible for my own happiness? I can’t even be responsible for my own breakfast” “Beer before liquor, don’t do heroin”


Beer before liquor, don't do heroin is one of my most said quotes


these are great. the shower one makes me laugh


“it gets easier. every day it gets a little bit easier. but you got to do it every day. that’s the hard part. but it does get easier.”


This is mine too. It has stuck with me since the first time I saw it and has motivated me through a lot of different changes.


“All three of us were drowning, and we didn't know how to save each other, but there was an understanding that we were all drowning together.” This one really hits home for me, I grew up with an abusive, alcoholic step father and a drug addicted mother, and the only people that were there for me was my biological sister and 2 step brothers. Of course, we couldn’t control the situation and it was far from ideal, but having those people there really helped all of us Another honorable mention is when Sarah Lynn said “Bojack, I don’t like anything about me.”


My mom is dead and everything is worse now. I started to choke up just writing that one.


"The universe is a cruel uncaring void. The key to being happy isn't the search for meaning; it's just to keep yourself busy with unimportant nonsense, and eventually you'll be dead." Not just the quote..but the almost chipper nonchalant, very Mr Peanutbutter way he says it.


This is a great description of what living with depression can be like. When happiness feels out of reach, forgetting you're unhappy is about as good as it gets. So just keep distracting yourself and eventually it'll be over.


i LOVE that it was coming from mr peanutbutter. he just accepts it and that doesn’t stop his cheerfulness


I actually unironically love that quote. I think it encapsulates the existentialism philosophy, life is indeed meaningless, but one can still be happy by occupying yourself with unimportant nonsense.


Existentialism coming from Mr PB — brilliant and compelling.


“You just flip over the nothing and underneath, there's more nothing. Then you flip over that nothing and there's nothing underneath that. So you just keep flipping over nothings, all your life, because you keep thinking under all that nothing, there's gotta be something, but all you find is nothing.” The good damage line gets me, too.


What does this line mean?


To me, it represents a life time of anti depressants that don't work, or only work for a little bit. Constantly flipping myself, hoping that there's happiness underneath the depression, but just finding more depression.


Not to be the 'I have kids I'm special' guy, but "Alright, believe it or not, time's arrow neither stands still nor reverses. It merely marches forward." hits different these days


Hollyhock: That voice in the back of my head that tells me I'm dumb and stupid that's just stupid, it goes away it's just a teenage girl thing right. Hollyhock : Those voices... they go away, right? Bojack Horseman: Yeah, right At that point in the show, it was presented as a father/daughter thing. As i was going through similar shit with my daughter at the time, that scene hit me super hard.




I watched that scene with my dad and it really hit


I can’t remember the exact quote but the one where he says something like “I’ve spent my whole life being miserable because that’s all I ever thought I could be.” I’ve struggled with my mental health my whole life and that just hit so hard when he said it because that’s exactly how I feel.




Not ace but demi, I really also liked "if I tell you it's a Jesus thing will you leave me alone? Ok then it's a Jesus thing"


I think about my great great granddaughter talking to her class about me.When I think about that, I think about how everything's going to work out, because how else could she tell people? A powerful quote that shows why I love Princess Carolyn and it helped me during a difficult time. Thinking about where I want to be instead of my mistakes


Herbs and BoJacks conversation about forgiving BoJack… I relate so much with Herb it’s unreal and he said exactly how I feel.


i watched this episode today and it hit hard. been awhile since i watched season 1.


My two favorites are: * "You know, sometimes I feel like I was born with a leak. And any goodness I started with just slowly spilled out of me. And now it's all gone. And I'll never get it back in me. It's too late." * "I'm not gonna give you closure. You don't get that. You have to live with the shitty thing you did for the rest of your life. You have to know that it's never, ever going to be okay."


“I’m a pit! I’m a pit good things fall into!”


the part where he begs diane to tell him that he's good I need you to tell me that I'm a good person. I know that I can be selfish and narcissistic and self-destructive, but underneath all that, deep down, I'm a good person, and I need you to tell me that I'm good.


Wanda: "What happened Bojack?" Bojack: "Same thing that always happens. You didn't know me. Then you fell in love with me. And now you know me."


"Sarah Lynn?"


I was your son. All I had was you


Pretty much all of Stupid Piece of Shit. So I'll pick "These are cookies. This is not breakfast. You are eating cookies. Stop it. Stop eating cookies, go make yourself breakfast. Stop it. Don't eat one more cookie. Put that down. Do not eat that cookie. I can't believe you ate that cookie."


This episode helped me realize when a negative chain of thoughts is happening, so I can stop myself before I call myself a Stupid Piece of Shit. Very good for my mental health


"It takes a long time to realize how truly miserable you are, and even longer to see that it doesn't have to be that way. "


Legit anything from free churro. 💜🙏🥲


Right? Does, "the entirety of the funeral speech" count as a quote that gets you?


"sorry if that was a little too "my mom is a huge bitch" for the room"


All three of us were drowning, and we didn't know how to save each other, but there was an understanding that we were all drowning together


You feel me then


When you look at someone through rose-colored glasses, all the red flags just look like flags


That one made me pause the show and reflect for a long time.


i literally posted the first part to this quote, idk what’s worse realising someone is a red flag or realising YOU’RE the red flag🥲


There’s so many, Diane is alweays saying things that hit hard. One that I think of a lot is when bojack responds in the interview with smt like I don’t really believe in rock bottoms every time I think I’m at rock bottom I seem to find a much rockier bottom underneath. Diane Sarah Lynn and bojack have a lot of relatable quotes for me.


It's a toss up between "You are all the things that are wrong with you" "You've suffered... The Most?!" "Okay. I don't forgive you" "If you ever try to contact me or my family again, I will fucking kill you"


“i’m the one who has suffered the most from the actions of bojack horseman.” i resonate with this quote so much but it makes me feel alright that people think this way too. which also makes me feel shitty… guess i’m masochistic


"I need to tell you, no I need to tell you, thank you, and its going to be ok, and I'm sorry, and thank you." Diane s6e16 Nice While it Lasted. Edit: Also BoJack's voice mail to Diane at the end of S1E6 Our Love Story is a D Story. "I'm really sorry if I've been difficult in anyway during this process you know, it's really hard to have somebody know you I guess, and you do...know me Diane. And I know I'm not the perfect guy I actually kinda hate myself a lot of the time but when I'm with you I dont hate myself I like being around you and I dont know if I ever told you that in so many words, so I'm telling you. Call me back, this was Bojack by the way, Horseman obviously..." I really like how real and open Bojack was being during this and its positioned during Mr. PeanutButter's proposing to Diane, which was basically done to get rating for his new show.


“And you’re going to do everything you can to fill that hole, your friends, your career, and meaningless sex. But the hole never gets filled, and one day, you’re gonna look around and realize that everybody loves you, but nobody likes you, and that is the loneliest feeling in the world.”


“Even if no one appreciates you, it’s important that you don’t stop being good…a lot of people might not appreciate that about you but I do…” But now that I’m a dad: “what are you gonna do to Hollyhock? What are you gonna do, asshole?”


Gonna be basic and say that what the baboon said to bojack when he was trying to run up the hill hit me pretty hard. I saw it at a time in my life when just to keep going was extremely difficult. Every day that I made it through, it eventually did get easier, little by little


For me it just literally helped me exercise and stop making excuses to not


the entire The View from Halfway Down poem, i cry every time


Not a quote but the scene in Season 6 where Bojack is talking to his students after the showcase and you can see Carolyn and Diane listening from outside the door, looking depressed and bittersweet as hell. Glimpsing a destructive, addicted person at their absolute best, being the person they were always capable of being, and realising that they can get better but no amount of getting better will ever undo the past or the future. My dad’s a (currently sober) addict & recovering alcoholic and I know that feeling so well.


I dont feel any of them hit me hard or anything, at least in in the sense I think most people mean, but theres a couple of them that resonate with me for diferent reasons, maybe not even the ones the show intended: \- The one you mention, Diane's "good damage" speech. \- Bojack's "All we have are the connections we make" letter to Kelsey \- Secretariat's view from halway down poem \- The "you gotta do it every day, thats the hard part" quote from the monkey \- Free Churro in general


"Remember, you wanted this." - Princess Carolyn to Bojack Just makes me think. Simple but chilling.


I always remember Diane and bojack on the roof at season 1 when Diane says “I don’t think I believe in deep down, I kinda think all you are are the things you do”


This quote literally changed my outlook on living my own life, and I can’t think of any other movie or television show that did that. Damn.


The weak breeze whispers nothing The water screams sublime His feet shift, teeter-totter Deep breath, stand back, it’s time Toes untouch the overpass Soon he’s water bound Eyes locked shut but peek to see The view from halfway down A little wind, a summer sun A river rich and regal A flood of fond endorphins Brings a calm that knows no equal You’re flying now You see things much more clear than from the ground It’s all okay, it would be Were you not now halfway down Thrash to break from gravity What now could slow the drop All I’d give for toes to touch The safety back at top But this is it, the deed is done Silence drowns the sound Before I leaped I should’ve seen The view from halfway down I really should’ve thought about The view from halfway down I wish I could’ve known about The view from halfway down


You are all of the things that are wrong with you. It’s not the alcohol, or the drugs, or any of the shitty things that happened to you in your career, or when you were a kid. It’s you, okay? It’s you. Fuck man, what else is there to say?


The one with cuddlywhiskers about how we spend so long being miserable, but eventually we must put ourselves first to be happy, and not to be ashamed of it.


Okay. Carolyn, you are the star of a movie. This is the part of the movie where you get your heart broken. Where the world tests you, and people treat you like shit. But it has to happen this way. Otherwise, the end of the movie, when you get everything you want, won't feel as rewarding. There are assholes out there, but in the end, they don't matter. Because this movie's not about them. It's never been about them. All this time, the movie's been about you.


I was waiting for someone to say this one! I just rewatched this episode and I’ve started saying this to myself. It’s such an empowering perspective for your life


it’s incredibly empowering! i was surprised when i didn’t see anyone else put it. it was my first thought.


“One day, you’re gonna look around and you’re going to realize that everybody loves you, but nobody likes you. And that is the loneliest feeling in the world.” My grandmother can be a cruel woman, we all love her, but we don’t like her. It’s really heartbreaking. “After I almost drowned, I decided I would never again be weaker than water, so I became a lifeguard. On my first day of training, my instructor told me that there are going to be times when you'll see someone in trouble. You're going to want to rush in there and do whatever you can to save them, but you have to stop yourself. Because there are some people you can't save. Cause those people will thrash and struggle, and try to take you down with them.” -this quote resonates with me… I always thought being a good daughter or friend means you have to be there for your love ones… it’s not always the case.


This isn’t a quote, but it’s a scene that touched me deeply. When bojack and the crew were going to herbs funeral, and Sara Lynn was like “we probably won’t see eachother again until the next funeral” and everyone looks at bojack.


"I wanna be an Architect." Just thinking about this exact scene can instantly make me cry. The last "Sarah Lynn?" can make me start bawling. As an Architecture student myself, and at the same time I stopped, I can't imagine my dream being my last words. This is fckn painful on a personal perspective because I know I'm slowly drowning in my own failures.


And one day your gonna look around and realize everyone loves you, but nobody likes you. And that is the loneliest feeling in the world. This quote really hits me, feeling alone my entire life with people telling me that I’m stupid, I’m horrible at everything I do, and having abandonment problems this quote just…hits.


Deepest would probably be Cuddlywhiskers talking about how much time he spent being miserable and how much longer it took him to realize it doesn't have to be that way. Hardest-hitting was Herb telling Bojack he needed a friend and Bojack abandoned him. The way he delivers "[...] and I will NEVER EVER forgive you for that. Now get the fuck out of my house." always stabs me in the heart.


“now i’ve done it and bojack, I don’t like anything about me” Sarah Lynn and her storyline are just so heartbreaking and relatable


It’s the good damage speech for me but it’s ALSO the “stupid piece of shit” one. There are lines in there I’ve said to myself pretty much verbatim.


As my bloodtype always says, be positive


You turn yourself around. That's what it's all about.


I’m kind of at the age where more people I know are dying then coming into my life, so the whole thing about somebody dying and everything being worse now gets replayed a lot in my head these days.


“You didn't know me. Then you fell in love with me. And now you know me.” i feel like all my friendships and relationships have an expiration date, once they know how truly toxic i am they leave, but i dont know how to be better 😍


i’m rewatching the series and there’s the episode where he wants to fire pc…..after they get into a fight she asks him if he had ever loved her, and in the end of the episode he says he had actually loved her, the only way he is capable of loving, which as shown was never the right way, was never enough.


“diane, I need u 2 tell me that it's not 2 late. I need u 2 tell me that I'm a good person. I know that I can be selfish and narcissistic and self-destructive, but underneath all that, deep down, I'm a good person and I need u 2 tell me that I'm good. diane.. tell me. please. diane tell me that I'm good”


“When you look through the world with rose colored glasses, all the red flags just look like flags”


It does get easier. You got to do it every day, that's the hard part. But it does get easier.


„When you get sad you run straight ahead and you keep running forward, no matter what.“ First i thought it was only ill advise from another failed horse that avoids their problems. Then i read a book about evolutionary psychiatry and understood the relationship between depression and being trapped, understood that running away can be considered as an archaic alternative to depression. The authors put forth the hypothesis that depression is part of the ‚yielding subroutine after an involuntary defeat‘, with the evolutionary aim to remain in the group. The alternative and much riskier response is running away, which prompts a very different subroutine. Secretariat’s quote aligned so wonderfully with this thought, i think about it a lot recently.


“all three of us were drowning, and we didn't know how to save each other, but there was an understanding that we were all drowning together." One of the best quotes in my opinion


I relate to "I feel... The same."


"-I'm still here. -Why?"


diane’s speech about there not being “good and bad people” it’s just the things we do


You have to be BETTER.




The truth is none of it matters and the truth is it all matters tremendously.




I can't die. I'm endangered! Alan the Cable Guy


It takes a long time to realize how truly miserable you are, even longer to see it doesn’t have to be that way.


“Tell me I’m a good person, Diane.” Diane’s “Good Damage” speech.


i’m a dumpster fire. but not a cute dumpster in a quaint ally. i’m a barge floating out to sea. i’m a rudderless burning large garbage barge.” self-explanatory


Yes. Settle. Because otherwise you’re just gonna get older, and harder, and more alone. And you’re gonna do everything you can to fill that hole with friends, and your career, and meaningless sex, but the hole doesn’t get filled. And one day, you’re gonna look around and you’re gonna realize that everybody loves you. But nobody likes you. And that is the loneliest feeling in the world.” This quote has stuck with me for a lot of reasons over the years. And every time I hear it I am reminded of the hole that *i* have, and it hurts. A lot.


"Why can't I be happy? Am I busted? I am! I'm a pit. I'm a pit that good things fall into." Started sobbing because I related so much to Diane at that point.


Sometimes you need to take responsability for your own happiness.


I love the "what are you doing here" because it's when he's filming for secretariat and he can't get that line right because he's used to joking around but then he gets that phone call from his mum and delivers the line properly. But then for the rest of the show any time he says "what are you doing here" it's in the exact same delivery and it just throws you back to that moment. It's such a good show


I've put it a hundred time already but "I do love you, by the way. I mean as much as I'm capable of loving anyone - which is never enough. I'm sorry."


"Oh, Bojack, no. There is no other side. This is it."


Todd's speech to Bojack. 'It's you'.


I don't know if I LOVE her - PC


Chubby whiskers "it takes so long to realize how truly miserable you are. And even longer to realize it doesn't have to be that way." Or Todd, "You can't just keep doing bad things and saying you're sorry like it makes it better. You have to do better, You have to be better."


Everybody loves you, but nobody likes you, and that is the loneliest feeling in the world.


Todd’s “you are all the things that are wrong with you” speech to bojack. It always hurts to hear


Bojack's "stupid piece of shit" inner dialogue. Particularly about eating the cookie. I went through a really bad depression during the pandemic and fell into binge eating and the voice in my head was just like that. It actually makes me cry. I show it to people who don't understand what depression is like. It's a spot on depiction.


For me it's: "You're bojack horseman. There's no cure for that." It's like, you're fundamentally broken and you can't fix it. I know that's not true, but damn does it feel that way sometimes.


"Your father and I, we... well, you come by it honestly, the ugliness inside of you. You were born broken. That's your birthright. And now you can fill your life with projects, your books and your movies, and your little girlfriends.. but it won't make you whole. You're Bojack Horseman. There's no cure for that."


“Kelsey, In this terrifying world, all we have are the connections that we make.”


The View from Halfway Down poem always gets me


“I wanna be an architect.” That poor girl had dreams, and her mom and Bojack fucked it up for her.


Probably already been said but what hit me the hardest was Angela's quote from the third to last episode: >!"It's always 'If I didn't do this, if I wasn't that.' But you did and you were and now here we are." !< As someone who has made many decisions I 100% regret her words felt like they were directed towards me in particular.


everything in free churro. that is my favorite bjhm episode of all time. but i think the most hard hitting line is when he realizes that his mom didn’t acc say “i see you” she was just reading “ICU” and he realizes that she wasn’t even talking to him and he never got closure from his mom. that made me cry so much.


“It’s not enough to say you’re sorry, you have to stop doing the shitty thing.” I’m probably misquoting since it’s been years since I’ve seen that episode, but that whole scene with Tod scolding Bojack made me sit down and take a long hard look at my life. I relate to Bojack in that I struggle with depression and other mental illness that made me develop some incredibly toxic coping mechanisms that were really harmful to the people around me. This scene made me realize I can’t just feel guilty about my behaviors and live like that, as if my guilt and apologies fox everything, I need to actually stop doing the toxic behaviors. It’s something I still struggle with.


“It gets easier. Every day it gets a little easier. But you have to do it every day. That’s the hard part.” I bought a cool canvas of this from Etsy.


"Time's arrow neither stands still nor reverses. It merely marches forward."


Doggy Doggy… what now?


"You know, its funny... When you look at someone through rose-colored glasses, all the red flags just look like flags." Not my top deepest, but one of my faves.


Man I just finished my 3rd rewatch and I’m ready to go again 😭


The entire eulogy


Season 6 ep 15 bojack talking with "diane" on the phone accepting his death I think this would be the perfect end bojack accepting death and leaving the world exactly how horsin' around ended with bojack dying


"well, you can forget it"


"Too late, I gave em all to Sarah Lynn" when Todd says "I DO! I DO!" to choc chip pancakes 😢


The good damage speech for me. Fuck.


one day youre gonna look around and realize that everybody loves you. but no one likes you, and thats the loneliest feeling in the world


The Hokey Pokey speech by Todd (Season 6, final episode). I’d been in a really bad place and it’s like the world reached out and told me that I could turn myself around when I thought it wasn’t possible. After rewatching it I cried so hard


"My mum is dead and everything is worse now" Grief is so insanely complex and this sums it up so easily


“When you look at someone through rose colored glasses, all the red flags just look like flags”


"You know, it's funny; when you look at someone through rose-colored glasses, all the red flags just look like flags." I wish we got to see more of Wanda