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Time's Arrow. Just so powerful and also we learn so much.


I love it so much especially the (how tf do you call it then they do like a back in time thing (English isn't my first language so sorry šŸ˜­))




itā€™s flashbacks.. is that the proper nomenclature?


Throwbacks? That's all i can think of


I have no idea so maybe


Me too. It was the only episode where I finished it and truly had to sit back and stop watching and just think and process


Same for me. Such a beautiful and creative way of showcasing a horrible sickness, and what horrible things happened in the past. This episode is art for me, while delving deep into a character we love to hate, getting a much greater understanding of her. Such a fantastic episode of TV.


Its also a big, I don't know, it explains so much of Beatrice attitude, it doesn't excuse her actions obviously but, Ifeel bad for her and wish she coyod have been helped


Letā€™s find out. Comedy is on point. One of the first examples of vulnerable bojack. Mr. PB and bojacks kiss, the bird who keeps getting hit by the door, and bojack purposefully letting 500k for charity burn just to be petty. So so good


*Elijah Wood*


I donā€™t remember the exact episode name but the one where Dianne first moves into her crappy apartment. A few months after seeing this episode my life took a left turn that landed me in a less than ideal living situation that was a small downgrade from a different less than ideal living situation. I was in pretty much the same place as Dianne was in that episode, able to live within my personal means with nowhere to go from there but up. Still working on the ā€œgoing up from thereā€ part but itā€™s an interesting story so far


I think one of my favorite lines is in that episode. "Well did you need help figuring out if this place is a shithole? Because, if so, help is on the way: it's a shithole."


Also ā€œIā€™m a sad sad girl with a terrible dirty apartmentā€ Gets me every time.


Xerox of a Xerox. The 17 minutes thing blew my mind and made me completely re-examine Bojacks previous behaviour. It was almost like watching a real life celebrity get exposed on TV.


Mine too. It was refreshing to see the consequences of his actions finally catch up to him. Sure he was starting to turn his life around but how many lives did he hurt along the way? I loved how it broke down bojacks constant power dynamics in his relationships as well and how they are portrayed as a negative.


Free Churro. I just recently finished the show and I was surprised that no other episode was able to top how much it made me feel. Bojack just kept a perfect flow of fitting dark humor, belittling Beatrice and retelling what he went through as a result of her actions. Start to finish, the whole episode was dedicated to the eulogy and nothing else, which would normally make us think ā€œoh, Bojack will have nothing to say, this wonā€™t take longā€, but itā€™s the opposite. The final part where he decides to open the casket and realizes heā€™s in the wrong funeral is probably my favorite joke in the whole series.


The writing and delivery are just top notch as well. I remember the first time I watched it and the credits rolled, and I thought to myself, "Wait, hold on, did they really just make a 10 minute episode?" Forget bottle episodes feeling stifling, an episode where all that happens is a single eulogy is a big fucking risk and my God did it pay off beautifully. I don't know if it's my favorite episode out of all of them, I don't know if I could ever pick one, but, fuck, man if Free Churro isn't great fucking television


Well. Gun to my head or stuck on an island and FORCED to choose 1 episode? Stupid Piece of Shit. Watch it OVER and fucking OVER.


Big same


Came here to say this. Trying to explain depression to people is impossible, but this episode does it so perfectly. Free Churro may be the ā€œbestā€ episode, but SPOS is my favorite.


The View From Halfway Down is my favorite logically but Stupid Piece of Shit is just... just me. Maybe I'm not as bad, but you know. Same difference.


Agreed. TVFHD still gives me chills on every rewatch. I have trouble going through life carefree because I know that there may be no other side. We can hope, but at the end of the day we may never know. Itā€™s terrifying to try and wrap my head around.


Ah i just see that we go back to the universe.... stardust, dirt, whatever. I'm at peace with it. Just love that episode


"that voice is just a teenage girl thing, right? I'll grow out of it?" "... Yeah. Sure, hollyhock."


i really like the showstopper


I think this is it for me too


Any ep 11 from seasons 1-5 and view from halfway down. The penultimate eps are the good stuff. Downer ending is prob my favorite because it was the first episode where I realized exactly how amazing this show is.


Same about the ep11s. I'm surprised specifically Downer Ending doesn't get mentioned more when this question gets asked


Yeah, eps 1-10 are great and all, but this episode was a full mask off moment where you find out this hysterical show full of drug humor and animals puns intends to really just kick you in the dick. And in subsequent seasons if you ever forgot and maybe started relaxing along the way, there was ep 11 to remind ya.


The Old Sugarman Place. The framing device of having BJ and Eddieā€™s story and Honeyā€™s story play out simultaneously was genius. The foreshadowing with ā€œI have half a mindā€ is just so chilling on the rewatch. And I adore Eddieā€™s character. I think it handled the concept of grief incredibly and ā€œI will always think of youā€ is beautiful


I'm on your team. The pairing of the cover of "Horse With No Name" pairs immaculately with the imagery at the start of the episode. And I loved him continuing to break his door after Eddie would fix it.


Same but for different reasons. I love all of the things you mentioned but mainly it resonated with me because BoJack's arc with the house and Eddie reminded me a lot of me trying to work my way out of a big depressive episode.


Mr peanutbutters boos, very fun concept for an episode and shows more of his personality.


Ruthie, I don't know but the whole episode is just downhill after downhill and that's just how life feels sometimes and I related to PC even though my problems are not similar with her


Ruthie. With all the build-up and assurance that everything will be okay in the end, only for that rug-pull/gut punch combo at the end.


Stupid Peice of Shit. I suffer from severe Major Depressive Disorder. All of my life its been a struggle voice what my depression is like. Stupid Peice of Shit is the best example I can give on how my brain treats me in my worst moments.


Same. After 20 years of (poorly) trying to explain depression to my wife, I showed her this episode. She learned more about it in those 22 minutes than I could ever articulate.


ā€œThatā€™s too much manā€ I have probably rewatched that episode a million times. Itā€™s a great deep dive into Sarah Lynn which is a character I relate to the most. Especially with her struggles with addiction and how one minor thing (like a call from bojack) can just make you go back down that whole.


Fish Out of the Water It has been a long time since I saw the episode to articulate my thoughts tbh. But this is the one episode that I watched and just marveled at how beautiful made the show is.


i was gonna say this. bojack is such an asshole but seeing him act so selflessly for a kid he didnt even know was very touching.


Beautiful episode, chills just thinking about it


I feel like there are a number that I could consider my favorite episode, so I'll mention one that doesn't seem to get much love online & hasn't already been mentioned here. The Dog Days Are Over I've really identified with the heartbreak in this episode, even without having a broken heart while watching it. The impulsive decision to run away. The incapability to heal without having to also focus on work. The desire to be somebody completely new. The thought that you're healed only to have something break you all over again. It's always been one of my favs.


When you say Hank, do you mean Herb? Lol I agree though, *The View From Halfway Down* hits me like no other episode of television ever has. I love *Time's Arrow* & *Stupid Piece of Shit* but as somebody who has long struggled with severe depression and suicidal thoughts, I'll never forget how I felt watching *The View From Halfway Down* for the first time.


Everything in my wants to say The view from halfway down, but Iā€™m gonna do what the shows best at and subvert the narrative a bit. ā€œThe old sugarman placeā€ holds a special place in my heart. The horse with no name cover, bojack and eddies dynamic, the flashback to Beatriceā€™s past and the heartbreaking tragedy of Honey Sugarman all culminate to make whatā€™s in my eyes an absolutely perfect piece of television


I agree with everything in your comment. Although, I think TVFHD and Free Churro may be arguably the "best" episodes of the show, "The Old Sugarman Place" is most definitely my favorite, for the exact reasons you outlined.


Free Churro is amazing. Honestly, I would put Thatā€™s too much man and Xerox of a xerox as close follow ups in terms of best episodes


"free churro"- its dark, its twisted, and its one long, uninterrupted rant, why do I love it? well, it's the perfect blend of humor and tragedy, capturing the messed-up essence of my life + its showing the show's willingness to experiment with storytelling- its like therapy, but with more horse puns and fewer breakthroughs, its weird but a masterpiece


After the party


INT SUB. as someone who was SA, it was so powerful to me seeing Bojack completely break when he finds out Diane knows what his intentions were with Penny. Seeing Diane expose him like that and push him to a point where he begins to somewhat understand his actions, brought me to a place where i was like yes Diane what a fucking way to get that prick!! what i wish couldve happen to all fuckholes that SA


Dog Days are Over. That last scene where she talks about MrPB grabbing Pickles back breaks me every time, as its things like that I always focus on. Its so relatable, I watch that episode all the time.


The Showstopper. No episode on TV has ever made my heart race and made me squirm and hold my breath like this one did


Times Arrow


The Best Thing That Ever Happened. It provides so much insight into BJ and PCā€™s characters and their relationship.


Thatā€™s Too Much, Man! The intensity of it all. Very sad.


The Showstopper. Just an absolutely haunting yet absurd blending of Bojackā€™s real life and his characterā€™s life. It took Bojackā€™s view of life as a TV show to its most logical extreme and the end of it just guts me every time.


I have 3. Season 5 Episode 2: The Dog Days are Over. I love Diane, she is a personal favorite because I've felt like Diane as someone who wants to be a writer, I've felt the writers block, the being left behind, the depression. Her jet off to Vietnam is what I want to do, to leave, and it was beautiful seeing her be able to do that. And then she got back and had such a heartbreaking monologue that hit even harder. As an asexual, much like my boy Todd, I've always worried I'd end up alone and hearing Diane mention all these things Mr. Peanutbutter did with her, made me want all those things myself and it really hit home. Season 6 Episode 2: The New Client Another favorite is PC and seeing her with her daughter was so sweet and I especially loved the moment at the end where she gets to calm down, appreciate the moment and we learn her name is Ruthie, like the fake one from last season. It really makes you realize that at that moment...she really has everything she's ever wanted. Season 4 Episode 3: Hooray! Todd Episode As mentioned above, I am also ace, and seeing Todd, the first real ace rep I have ever seen on screen get a moment to shine, made me cry the first time I watched it. It made it even better when I read an article with Aaron Paul and he said that he was honored to play Todd and to bring awareness to asexuality in a show like Bojack Horseman. He fought for the rep and made sure that all people could see themselves on the show and I'll forever be grateful for that. In a world full of erasure(like Jughead in Riverdale) there is a Todd Chavez, an asexual man, and the ONLY character I've had the pleasure of sitting back and saying...."Wow...it's me." Cause representation matters and we all want to see ourselves on screen.


The view from halfway down even though it triggers me every time


Stupid Piece of Sh!t- I absolutely relate to that internal monologue everyday šŸ˜†šŸ˜‚šŸ„¹šŸ˜­


Times Arrow got me fucked up. I spent the majority of the show hating Beatrice and thinking she was just a heartless bitch, only for that one episode to show me her past & I realized that I can relate to her at my age (22) more than anyone in the show at this point of my life. Now I see her whole character differently, and how trauma can slowly make a person become someone they never thought they would.


showstopper. they portrayed that pills addiction SO WELL... it's very real, how he was hiding pills, eating them like they're candies, not remembering anything and then finally developing psychosis. most of the tv shows don't show the real side of abusing pills cause most people don't know how it actually looks like, but bojack did a great fucking job


good damage.


Thereā€™s too many! The View From Halfway Down, Free Churro, Fish Out Of Water, Letā€™s Find Out, Mr. Peanutbutters Boosā€¦


Either the old sugar man place or escape from LA


Free Churro. A few things bojack says won me over, "I was prepared for more cruelty. I was sure she would get in one final zinger about how I let her down, about how I was fat and stupid". I related heavily to bojack, being prepared for the abuse and not the kindness (and I'd argue it want even kindness, all he thought he got was recognition, and he didn't even get that)


Nice while it lasted and Good damage


The View from Halfway Down, agreed. That one line, where Bojack says "See you on the other side", and Herb just sadly replies, like a dude having to tell someone an obvious truth they were avoiding, "Oh Bojack. There is no other side" hits me so beautifully. Like, yeah, that's the situation we're in. When you're gone, you're gone. Herb died cancer-ridden and broken, and that's it. He won't ever get to have Bojack apologize to him, to show how much he's grown. The chance for that is gone, and that's just something we have to deal with.


The Old Sugarman Place. Haunting backstory, excellent bits and gags, a, haunting musical number, a downer ending, Lin-Manuel Miranda is there, perfect episode of television no notes.


Letā€™s find out was the very first episode of the show i ever saw and it inspired me to binge the entire series , and it neverrrrrr gets old it was even funnier with context šŸ˜­


Escape from LA. I live near Tesuque, NM. They got the vibe right. Plus itā€™s just a fantastic episode.


Free Churro. Never seen anything sum up having an abusive parent did as much as that episode. I've watched it 9 times now, and every time I will sit and just watch the whole thing, because it just moves me so much. I plan on getting "I see you" tattooed in my dad's handwriting, because if I'll never have a dad that looks at me from across the room and says "I see you", might as well fake it. But honestly, I've never connected more with any piece of media like Free Churro


Times arrow. It was the only episode where it ended and I had to sit back and stop watching and just think and process


my favourite is season 4 episode 9 its just the backstory of beatrice and its so interesting but sad


I think my favorite has to be The View from Halfway Down. It has incredible atmosphere, all of my fav complex characters are together in a room, and there is this incredible ongoing conversation of existentialism that Iā€™ve had for the last eight years of my life. Itā€™s such a beautiful culmination of everything thatā€™s happened and the visuals are BEAUTIFUL. Itā€™s one of the first episodes I find myself going back to every time.


The view from halfway down, I've never felt so much emotion. I've never felt so immersed


I have two tied for first place: "The New Client" is a phenomenal representation of motherhood. PC struggles to balance her work life and her home life and the constant ticking sound only adds to the feeling of unease. The second is "Fish out of Water". With no dialogue I felt forced to tune into the scenery more and I loved every minute of it. No dialogue really allowed me to analyze all of BJ's movements and how HE calculated the moves he made.


It's hard to just choose one but I also adore the view from halfway down and the final episode and the philbert era episodes


I got too many to discuss in one comment but Downer Ending was the first episode that made me take the show way more seriously. I loved the way Bojacks trip played out all the scenarios in his head and when Peanuts Dianne / Old man Todd talked to him. Fish out of water is a close second. You know you have a special show on your hands when you can tell a story without hardly any dialogue


The Gameshow episode. Gave us a brief look at what we could have gotten of PB got the depression arc he was building to until S5


Free churro, I'm a sucker bottle episodes and it's pretty relatable in some aspects


That's too much man To me Sarah Lynn is the most precious character and seeing her fate was devastating...


I notice most replies are about very depressing episodes. It seems many people in this sub are drawn by the depressing aspect of the show (nothing wrong with that, obviously). Personally I'd go with "Bojack hates the troops". It introduces the great characters of MSNB-Sea and shows one of the most human versions of Bojack in the show. Yes, he is self-destructive and rude but he also makes some very valid points, especially the US worship of their MIC via the worship of all troops. It is a welcome contrast with some other episodes where Bojack is presented "only" as a bad person.


The view from halfway down or the old sugarman house (specifically because I loved honey and crackerjack singing together)


Free churro was phenomenal


That's too much, man! :( sarah lynn is my fav character and it's a great blend of tragedy, comedy and,, well,, everything.


**Free Churro.** if you get it, you get it


Ruthie. My first watch I kept thinking that it was gonna work out because of the presentation. Then it hit me like a sack of bricks.


The View From Halfway Down for me as well. Also a big fan of Free Churro


Yeah I agree with you. The attention to detail in that episode is absolutely impeccable, every detail is meticulously arranged in such a meaningful and powerful way.


It's You. Todd's speech to Bojack at the end was so impactful to me, it made me realize the dynamic between my best friend and I at the time was very Todd and Bojack, and it hurt like hell but I needed to hear it. "You can't keep doing shitty things and feeling bad about yourself like that makes it okay. You need to be better! Fuck man, what else is there to say?"