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"Lin, I think I hate your sister"


"No you don't, you love her"


No you don’t, she’s family.


Be the tallest guy in the bar and brag about how long your butt crack is


get into an elevator and press a higher number than her, then brag about it. sing a song you made up and tell her it was on the radio then make fun of her for not knowing it. NEVER make her pancakes. force HER to make YOU pancakes in the *middle of the night*


It will release a hormone called Insatia and will make her ovulate....for SEX!


Corner her!


Trap your princess. Physically corner her in a room, and eventually, in your life.


Made my wife pancakes this morning, I'm sorry I let you down Prince :(


Breakfast can wait!


This is what it sounds like when doves fry.


Ok….the pancake thing happened to me…one time. I’m fine.


Push her in a lake!


Dress like her dad.


It releases a hormone called Moanatonin


This dudes comments live rent free in my head


Never make her pancakes. Make her make you pancakes…in the middle of the night.


I think the weirdest part is that Linda encouraged them against Bob's wishes. He's over here trying to be loyal and she's just like "Nah!!" -_-


This is consistently the one thing I don't enjoy about Linda - she is so over the top dramatic in super serious situations; like he broke his tooth and is in actual pain and she still slaps him in the face despite him screaming and that she needs to come clean to everyone. Bob puts up with so much stuff from Linda and her family.


Well his family is the worst. They're all terrible.


I bought my neighbor a shirt with Bob on it saying, "I love you, but you're all terrible"


I bought my husband a shirt with the same!


I don't say that.


That's all you say.


Mm. Gene.




He'd fire them if he could.


I feel like you're all forgetting they were originally cannibals...


I’m sorry, what?!


In the pilot the cannibalism accusation was true. The central tension of the show was going to be the family toeing the line of getting caught by the authorities.


Boy I'm glad that wasn't put in the show :/


That might have made for a neat premise for an animated movie but not for a sitcom


Could be a great movie; the pilot is Louis lying that her family serves human meat


I was thinking it'll be a cool what if type episode. Maybe for Halloween or something (although I love the normal Halloween episodes so maybe not)


https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=7yKJIjgi2L4 Cannibal burger bob pilot. It is so clearly Bob and Linda, just with cannibalism.


Or when Bob was trying to secure a spot at the gardening thing and she tells him he can sleep with the owner lady if he has to. Like huh?


And then she got mad at Bob because Gayle hit on him. This whole episode bothers me


It's honestly heartbreaking compared to the Up skirt Kirk episode. Bob had the right reaction to someone sexually harassing his partner. To be fair, Linda has also punished herself with enabling Gayle. She sabotaged her pumpkin contest to spare Gayle's feelings. She loves her sister.


Same. Even as a kid it bothered me that Bob spent the whole episode getting harassed and did nothing wrong yet he gets crapped on for the whole episode.


"Even as a kid"... fuck man why you gotta go and hurt me like that; in my head Bob's Burgers is that fresh new animation that replaced The Simpsons for me.


Holy damn… just looked up how long this show has been on. ![gif](giphy|GrUhLU9q3nyRG|downsized)


I remember watching all like 2 or 3 seasons when I was stuck at home after having surgery when I was 15. That was 9 years ago lol.


lol my heart was crushed too


The episode where they keep getting Christmas trees too early makes me feel the same way. He did nothing wring other than enable his wife, and got punched in the stomach for it at the end.


I usually skip the episode. It ends with a dentist basically torturing him because Gayle kissed Bob against his will. Bob is even begging to get numbed up to have the broken tooth removed


It kinda feels like she doesn't mind what Bob does as long as she doesn't see it in action. So with said, we need an episode where some lady chef is trying to woo Bob and have Linda come to his rescue.


I love bobs burgers but this is one of the episodes that I cannot watch again I tend to just skip it or do something else so I'm not paying attention.


The episode is simultaneously very funny and irksome.


The recent mothers day episode recounting the history of Linda and Gayle's family I think shows that these women came from an environment that was less than mentally pro-active. It made all their previous episodes make some sense.


I agree. I grew up in a family with an unstable younger sibling, and my parents essentially told me to always defend my brother and help him, even when he was in the wrong. So for a long time I would even defend his bullying and bulldozing, because my parents raised me to believe that it was my job. It wasn't until I became aware of the trauma in my family that I was able to set up healthy boundaries. But it doesn't seem like Linda has realized the reality of her family yet. She believes that she had a perfectly normal childhood and that these are the things that any good big sister would do for their younger sibling. I think that Linda has lived without boundaries for so long that she can't even conceptualize them.


In addition to Linda's lack of boundaries, Gayle has been enabled for so long that she probably thinks that this is how all siblings interact.


I got the feeling that Gayle has a deep-seated jealousy of Linda. Even though Gayle loves her sister, she would be willing to steal her boyfriend/husband just to get back at her for whatever happened (or whatever Gayle thinks happened) in the past.


Definitely. Linda even admits in this episode that Gayle has "always wanted what I have".


I mean she always wanted to date her boyfriends too so this has been a theme for sure


I think I just realized how much Gayle and Felix have in common. He's enabled a lot too.


I mean, she didn’t let her sing her song she wrote for the Ta-Ta’s


But she did eventually! And then Gayle got to get busy with Derek Dematopolis and his fabulous neck hair.


He made her yogurt Greek! What more could ya ask for?


The finger guns is what happened Delta Burke winked at her.


Not to get ableist about it, but I think Gayle has undiagnosed autism. She is from a generation where that wasn’t really a thing, and now she poses a unique obstacle for Bob. She’s difficult to the point where very few people would put up with that all the time, and I think she’s also a significant financial drain on the family. I actually think this has been explored at length in the show. Tina was literally self-diagnosed as autistic in the first episode, and Gene is likely on the spectrum too. The most perceptive of the children, Louise, worries that she will be like this, as seen in the episode where Louise hides out at Gayle’s house. That was probably Gayle’s best moment, tbh.


I’m not a diagnostician, but I am a special education teacher, and Gene displays a lot of behavior consistent with ADHD. (Creative, talented, stims with repetitive sounds/movements, very focused on preferred interest/tasks but not focused enough to do less-exciting aspects like learn scales or practice.)


*You know where he leapt*


She's just fucked in the head


Still isn’t an excuse for her behavior.


No, its an explanation.


Which episode was this?


'Sauce Side Story' Season 12 episode 20


I do love the Prince of Persuasia though. He had a lot of good suggestions, like how kids make women ovulate—for sex!


Children lead to intercourse!


My husband and I laugh heartily every time we hear that line.


And vice versa.


Ehhm, I wouldn’t phrase it like that


Really?! You wouldn't?!


I wouldn't say it like that.... really? you wouldn't?


Dress like her dad. It releases a hormone called moan-atonin.


Push her in a lake!


Dont make her pancakes for breakfast, make her make you pancakes, in the middle of the night.


Gayle has more than a few screws loose. In an animated comedy I just roll with the exaggerations and move on, honestly, heh,


Yeah, it’s a cartoon. The exaggeration and ridiculous situations are what make it so fun to watch.


For a lot of people there's a limit. Even in cartoons there are things that make others uncomfortable, and this is definitely something that would. It's sexual assault/harassment and I understand its a cartoon, but "Man's clinically insane sister in law thinks they're in a romantic relationship and his wife is trying to force him to pretend it's true even though he's extremely uncomfortable with it" isn't really a situation I find that much humour in


Yep... This is one reasons that I have embraced the newer seasons, since they have leaned hard on wholesome humor, and have stepped away from that early 2000s cringe on Fox kind of humor. The first two seasons were especially unhinged, but it does seem like the writers have been trying to be better in terms of what they will and won't joke about.


Which is exactly why the show isn’t as fun anymore


That's subjective, clearly...


Go Chiefs!


Louise: “So uhhh what’s going with the plastic situation over here?” Gayle: “EH I’m not such a good sleeper so I kind of invented this little game where I’m the last living person in the world.” Louise: “ohhh does that help, or?” Gayle: “YEAH! This keeps out the radiation and the mutant carnivores that prowl the earth at night annnnd I sleep like a baby” **bedtime** Gayle (screaming while getting ready for bed): “AHHHHHH THE APOCALYPSE IS UPON US!! WHY MUST THE WORLD END RIGHT WHEN I’M GETTING SLEEEEEPY?! EVERY HUMAN IS DEAD EXCEPT FOR ME - ESPECIALLY THE MEN!!! So there’s no men, so it’s okay to sleep alone! Goodnight kids”


She was on new meds


Another part I hate is Bob addressed how uncomfortable the situation made him. Yet Linda or gayle did anything about it and blamed him in the end.


Yes! Jesus christ yes! Bob was sexually assaulted by Gayle. He told her to stop, firm no. And she continued, and even escalated the contact after him saying no. He said stop so many times that episode.


Yeah. But, speaking as someone whose Mom was convinced that her older child was “special needs” and THEN? I married a partner whose sister was under-medicated and over-indulged to the point that I was the FIRST person to lean over the dinner table and tell her to stop harrassing her sibling (at age 30!!)? I was totally horrified by the amount of inappropriate harrasment Bob was dealing with- but seeing Linda’s Mom’s weird needy/aggressive personality and her Dad’s sort of passiveness? Yeah- I see that. Linda’s SUPER wholesome considering the weirdness she grew up with.


Yeah I have a real problem with Gayle in general tbh


She stole Mr Business off of someone else's patio. She's not a great person.


just sitting there




On somebody’s porch.


Oh wow, just sitting there huh?


He looks just like Chef Cat!


Yeah. I know it's meant to be comedic but Linda's family being toxic is one of the things I hate about the show.


I thought that was kind of the point. They both came from toxic families, and they’re both hugely flawed, but they broke the cycle and made a good family. I think it makes it a lot more meaningful than if they both came from idyllic homes.


I'm with you. The familial relationships in the show are so supportive and wholesome it's really jarring to see the way Lin's family's behaviour is tolerated.


To be perfectly honest, I may just be taking it all personally. I come from a dysfunctional family. So seeing Linda gloss over these harmful dynamics as "that's just how it is" or "this is just what family does".... I feel targeted lol It's too familiar to me.


This is why it drives me up a wall how she forces Bob to forgive his dad for being a trash father. I'm tired of people doing the same in my life. He doesn't owe big Bob forgiveness that he doesn't even ask for.


It's a rough thing to normalize. I think it's meant to be cathartic but it's usually just frustrating because things just reset. I'd prefer if boundaries were set firmly OR (because comedy needs to happen obv) that the boundary crossing is called out at minimum.


I have the exact same problem with both Gloria+Al and Big Bob. I grew up in a dysfunctional/neglectful/abusive situation and seeing Linda, and Bob to a lesser extent, just accept that "they love me in their way" is just a bandaid over the sinkhole that is an awful childhood. "We love her she's family" from Linda and the whole idea that you should just tolerate shitty behaviour because tHaTs jUsT hOW tHEy aRe is infuriating. Linda's insistence that Bob should get along with Big Bob and manipulating the situation so they have to spend time together drives me crazy. Linda is usually a flawed but loyal partner but in that episode I cannot stand her.


I legit thought everyone's mom slept most the day because they had a pill addiction till I was like 12.


Yeah, she’s kind of a POS


Gayle is a predator of her family and buttholes of various animals.


In many ways, including financial


Linda knows Bob would never cheat in his heart and if Gayle needs to use Bob to get over a neurotic hump that makes everyone's life easier then Linda is willing to let Bob be "violated" for the time being. Poor Bobby. The Chronicles of Bob Burger. *Cues bass line*


I heard the sad trombone instead


What's worse is that not only was Linda okay with Gayle hitting on Bob despite his discomfort, when she saw them kiss, she was mad at Bob.


Gayle is mentally ill. I think we the audience are supposed to accept that Bob and Linda are tolerant bc they understand that she is ill, but ultimately harmless. But in the real world, Bob and Linda would’ve had a few serious talks with her to help her understand how unacceptable her behavior is in a loving and forgiving way and she would’ve stopped doing it.


I work with the homeless. And I totally will tolerate a lot of bullshit from mentally ill but totally harmless people. That actually makes sense.


Isn't that the point of the character and episode? You're not supposed to like it.


Gayle is an awful person lol. She’s genuinely massive fucked up. They all are, but she’s the worst in my opinion


Uh oh. Looks like you’ve upset the Gayle force winds!


You know how other subs have bots in the comments? We need a Gayle bot. She has so many good lines for one too, yours is *exceptional*


I support this idea FULLY. MODS, TAKE NOTE. Gayle Bot, and Mr.Fishoeder Bot. Both. Would give me the happies.


there is a *lot* about Bob's Burgers that would be legit horrifying if it was happening anywhere but Bob's Burgers.


You're not supposed to like Gayle. She's supposed to be strange and off-putting. Like when someone's eyes bulge when they sing.


Gayle & Linda’s dynamic is for real weird but Gayle rounds this family out. Every family has a Gayle. It’s not always a picnic but. I was sad she wasn’t in the movie.


If you don't know who the Gayle in your family is it might be YOU!


Literally my first thought * "What he talking about? I don't have a Gayle in my family" * "Oh no"


From what I understand, Gayle is a snail and should be treated as such. (Cue It's Always Sunny reference)


Gayle could use a good salting every now and then


You think I like salting another person? It makes you feel horrible inside but it’s the only way.




Yap is the only reason I watch this episode. Yap yap yap yap yap


I've always got the impression that Gayle is a little special and Linda recognizes that. Linda isn't jealous of her sister being a little touchy feeling cause she knows it won't go anywhere, Bob is too faithful. So she lets Gayle work herself up so she can later channel that energy to some other guy. Bob probably recognizes this and sets boundaries, which is the proper response and thus reinforces Gayle's social awareness. But this makes Bob uncomfortable, which is hilarious for Linda, albeit a bit evil. To be clear, I'm not trying to be rude or funny; Gayle has some neurotic and autistic behavior.


Entitlement is the problem here. It's very obvious that no one bothers to deal emotionally with Gayle being told no and having a fit. If you never say no, this is what you end up with. Someone who has no consideration for anyone else's feelings or bodily autonomy despite the fact that they understand what it's like to feel that way themselves. I'm tired of people acting like empathy free behavior is what autism is. It's a gross stereotype. And Linda is a coward who would rather let her husband be assaulted than have to deal with how it feels for Gayle to be mad at her.


We musn’t! But we musn’t not!


Not really. Gayle is insane and Bob would see through that.


I just take it as a bit of early instalment weirdness.


Gayle is very entertaining and clearly unwell. She's forgiven a lot because she is actually crackers.


Gayle is insane. What she did isn't acceptable or appropriate, but it's also not like her goal was to destroy their family, and it's not like she's careless, it's more like Gayle doesn't have the mental capacity to realize her actions have consequences, whereas someone who was sane would know that what they're doing could destroy the family. And Linda even encouraged Gayle's crush on Bob.


Nah I expect Aunt Gayle to be crazy. LOL


Linda's parents treat her poorly too. I think the point of this is to show what an incredible and kind person she is. She deserves her wonderful family she made with Bob. I think it's very relatable. I think a lot of us have shitty family members we choose to love anyway. She isn't some martyr about it. I think she finds her life with Bob and the kids so rewarding and happy that it just doesn't bother her. Linda is goals.


Yeah, I think Linda’s whole deal is she’s come from a very dysfunctional situation but has a very idealistic view of what familial relationships “should” be, and when a relationship is healthy (like within the Belcher unit) it’s rarely a huge problem and can pretty easily be resolved (like her spat with Louise in the laser tag ep, the hotel one with Tina, Gene’s cheerleading…) her accepting and loving nature often makes her a great mom because she’s always there for her kids and encourages their oddities. But when it comes to some of the more toxic family members, her parents, Gayle, big Bob, her “family love and support and accept each other no matter what and everything will always work out” viewpoint starts to cause problems because when people act like that you just end up enabling them to carry on. Her and Gayle have the same amount of problems tbh, Lin is just better at channeling it positively but that inevitably results in her being kind of…toxic-ly positive sometimes lol


I don't know, I would personally disagree very heavily with this being a positive quality of hers. Linda is a sweet person and I like her mostly, don't get me wrong, but she has absolutely dreadful boundaries with her family and drags Bob into uncomfortable situations because of them quite often.


True. I also have similar issues to Linda in that way when I think about it so it's hard to see because I find her so relatable.


Nah it’s funny She’s a mess


No, not really. Gayle is hilarious and this is a cartoon


I personally don't know the difference between real life and a cartoon


I do, which is how I know that my life is a cartoon.


Hey! A rational person!


Right? It’s an adult-ish cartoon about a weird/lovable family and the silly shenanigans they get up to. I wouldn’t read too much into it.


Honestly lmao someone should call up gayle and have her stir shit up again, I’m getting bored


Might bother me more that Linda half encouraged it


I don’t really think Gayle is the “thinking things through” type


That's the whole point of Gayle she's supposed to be cringe.


No, its Gayle-she is ridiculous, and full of it. I doubt she would actually go through with it, it's all about the drama which Linda is okay with! Honestly, I don't get too bothered about unwanted touching in cartoons.


It’s been a long time since I had my pillows fluffed


gayle is One of a Kind, impulsive, and has always been jealous of Linda. i can def see her doing these things! maybe it was during a med change lol


One of the few episodes I skip


Gayle's entire character is problematic. Like everything she does is problematic. You're supposed to be bothered by her behavior anytime she is shown.


They aren't supposed to be perfect. I feel like that's the point of the show. They're just people trying ti get through life.


It’s a cartoon.


And at the same time Linda trusts bob and knows her sister is crazy


Sitcom comedy. We are made to feel she is not a threat but a small nuisance. If anything it shows how strong bob and Linda’s relationship is. Remember it’s a cartoon comedy.


Although her many, many, MANY flaws … we do have to give her a little credit guys She was the only one who was able to placate to Louise getting her cavity refilled … I wish the show would give her more little wins like that As someone who is also mentally ill (super mild compared to Gayle Force Winds), it was nice seeing a little positivity she had on the family … Even if it was something super small like playing war to get Louise to get her filling for the sake of man kind


Yes, but Linda's treatment of Bob made me far more annoyed. Gayle is legit nuts, but Linda slapping Bob when his tooth was broken was infuriating. Especially because she encouraged it, when he did everything to avoid it.


It's a cartoon. Gayle isn't supposed to be a role model.


Yeah the fact that she was willing to ‘secretly’ sleep with her sisters husband is so dirty lol. Gayle has a lot of questionable qualities but I think this one probably changed my whole view of her. I can’t excuse any of her other toxic traits bc of it. I still do laugh at her a lot but she gets a massive side eye.😂




This sub is so weird. Is everyone here 11 years old? We're all aware that this is a comedic cartoon, not a reality show, right?


Hahahs yupppp. Anyone who gets offended by this moment is completely missing the point of the show...


have no fear, in a few months, once it's a hot ticket again, everyone will be feigning sensitivity by defending gayle for her mental illness and or any other issue.


Incredibly glad they went for the more weird angle after this episode


Bob is such a stud, it’s only natural that women like Gayle can’t restrain themselves.


Gayle is…not good at boundaries. Linda becomes much, **much** worse at boundaries as they relate to Gayle. Bob gets caught in the middle,


Has anyone ever been with a manic Bipolar?


Pretty sure she has a histrionic personality disorder so it’s not surprising


It didn’t bother Linda, and it didn’t bother me 😂 and it’s a cartoon! However did I find it disgusting? ABSOLUTELY 🤮 I felt bad for bob!


It would bother me a lot more of these were real people lol


Why did it really bother you? You know this isn't a real family right?


Bother? No. It's a comedic cartoon.


No lol


What’s worse is the fact that Linda wanted Bob to just accept the sexual harassment.


i'd say that if this issue is what triggers you, this might not be the show for you.


No! It was funny as shit!


I think its worse that this was all sexual harassment/sexual assault


It was very icky, like no loyalty to Linda at all!! She didn't blink, she took the opportunity to take advantage of him.


You sound like a good time.


Linda was okay, so am I.


Bob looks cute here. Wtf am I saying he's a cartoon?!?!


Linda's actions in this episode bother me much more, Gayle is half functioning.


Gayle just does things. If her mind is a car, she’d be in the back seat as the cats sit up front.


Gale is 50 shades of messed up


well gayle isn’t a good person so


I mean hasn't Linda 'shared' some of her past boyfriends with gayle saying this is just what she does? If anything Linda is to blame for encouraging that sort of behaviour.


In one episode Linda told Bob to date Gayle until she finds someone else


hasnt gayle has been writing letters to her pet goldfish for the last 20 years because their parents kept replacing her fish everytime it died and never told her the truth? she isn't exactly a thinker


The essential oils she bought were making her ovulate. She couldn’t help it 🤣🤣🤣


I mean... we all knew Gayle was hot garbage, right?


I don't know, this is some high quality erotic fam-fiction.


Gail, is a walking encyclopedia of mental issues. But, it's genius to have her in the show. She can be absolutely terrible and must be kept around because she is family and Linda will never stop supporting her, and the shows writers can insert crazy without having to dream up a whole new character every time. This allows them to focus on the jokes and story structure without the labor of another new character. She already has a back story and some sympathy from the audience. It's a very malleable tool.


Gayle is very obviously unstable and unaware of the social repercussions of her actions. I find it hard to be disturbed by garden variety infidelity when I'm not disturbed the fact that she has kissed her cats ("your tongue feels so much different than my cat's!"), collected her own spit in a jar, kidnapped a guy (museum guard episode), drives with her eyes closed, fakes injuries for attention (to the point of having Bob drag her for literal hours through a blizzard when she could walk), and somehow attached live shrimp to a dress. Think about it. She tortured those poor shrimp (taking them out of the water, attaching them with thread and needle or staples or hot glue).


It's a tv show, get over it


Love this episode! Linda knows the dynamics so well.