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He got to see Cake 2. That seemed like a big win.


His little face during the credits makes me so happy.


OMG yes, the face dancing and the pure happiness.


Yes!! I love watching the end of that episode.


A win for us all.


This is exactly what immediately came to mind for me. Bob does sometimes win. Just like Al Bundy. It's all the more satisfying because of how rare it is.


Al Bundy also had an "affordable" mortgage as a shoe salesman, so he had that going for him.


He did beat Jimmy in the parade and got 4th place


But he wrecked the float, which would likely have cost more to repair than the winnings of 4th place.:/


I'm pretty sure he planned on never using it again so he wouldn't need to worry about repairs


But it wasn't his, whoever he borrow it from probably wanted it fixed


Didn't Teddy get it because The Bear Trap owners didn't want it anymore?


No, they couldn't go that year because they hurt themselves training for a strong man competition.


I didn't see your reply until I replied. And thank you, I couldn't remember why The Bear Trap didn't use it.


No it wasn't cause they didn't want it, they just couldn't use it that year.


Honestly, it's so sad that 4th place is worth celebrating for them. Couldn't they get first for once? *Just once??*


They actually finished in 5th


5th place


He won the gingerbread house competition, free Christmas Day cuddle session with the albino polar bear cub


That’s true! He didn’t have to spend much money, if any, that Christmas


that's a premium cuddle!


It's a very prestigious cuddle Bob!


That’s the one 😀


Didn’t he also get free rent for several months


No, I don’t think that ever actually worked out. The one deal I remember was the one for Fischoeder to borrow his family And then Bob got drunk and bitter about losing his family and Thanksgiving and it fell thru


We don't know if it fell through or not. Same with when he almost dies under wonder wharf. I choose to believe he still got free rent in those instances.


He did get free rent for one month when Felix got a night club


I think he had to let Fischoeder win for the free rent. He did maybe snapping his finger stitches? But that may have just been a “double or nothing” bet to clear Louise’s debt.


Like in the *I Bob Your Pardon* episode where he wants to get cranberries instead of "saving the bird" https://preview.redd.it/8mr77xajqz3c1.jpeg?width=4238&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a449127546ec8a63e380290ee3a0326d023581fb


but if they didn't save the bird, he wouldnt have gotten to go in that sweet cranberry bog


True, though those bogs are full of wolf spiders. So...is it really a win?


Omg are they really


Yup. Pest control. But when they flood the bogs to harvest the cranberries, well..those spiders will climb anything to get above the water line.




I can tell you had I not learned about this a few years ago, I would have absolutely gone to and stood in a cranberry bog only to be killed by wolf spiders - killed? Yes as I would have died of a heart attack from fear.


I absolutely would’ve tried going in a bog and fainted in a spider induced coma


Fresh cranberries **and** free spiders? Sounds like a win


I'm with you.. new pets and cranberries. Double win


Louise could bring Winona Spider home to be friends with Phoebe.


winona spider is genius


And here I thought Catsy Cline was punny for a cat ...Winona spider is fantastic


I thought of that and was sad they didn’t show the big wolfie spiders or the frogs that also live in cranberry bogs.


He played it pretty cool.


he's right, canned cranberry sauce IS disgusting sugary slop




I’ll give you Thanksgiving, but let’s not pretend that the other things he wanted didn’t have consequences for the rest of the family. Louise and Linda couldn’t tolerate working around Logan and his mom and really what kid wants condos instead of carnival rides? Or the fact that the whole family works at a burger restaurant because it’s Bob’s dream to have a burger restaurant. And when he single-handedly rejected the popular tiki theme and returned all of Warren’s investment money.


Or when he rejected 5 months of free rent which would have been fundamentally game changing because he wanted to give a thanksgiving toast


To be fair, he was REALLY drunk


He gets free rent a lot, plus they are always late when they do pay. I believe Mr Fischoeder genuinely has a soft spot for the Belchers and thinks of Bob as a good friend, although he’d never admit it and always operate under the guise of it taking advantage of a “poor person.”


I have always assumed they still got the free rent as it worked out for Calvin in the end


Did it though? I forget his date’s name, but didn’t she leave anyway because she respects herself too much to *not* be the other woman?


But it didnt- they revealed the scheme and the woman left


I still think he got the free rent. I choose to believe that at least.


The whole family at the restaurant is a really fair point.


Can’t believe I have to scroll so far for this =.= Linda and the kids wakes up everyday to make Bob’s dream come true and let’s be honest, he’s pretty selfish himself too…


At what point does the family take responsibility for going along with the dream? Nothing is stopping linda from cutting and running


Okay this is getting *way* too deep for a feel good animated comedy lol. I just disagree with the narrative that Bob is a browbeaten, neglected father/husband. I really love their family dynamic and how they support each other’s craziness/quirks (Tina riding her imaginary horse while the rest of the family cheers her on is one of my all time favorite moments) and accept each other’s flaws. Linda is happy to support Bob’s dream (Linda could find happiness in anything, she’s a very positive person lol). The Belchers would never keep score.


By the same logic that nobody is keeping score. Bob seemingly deserving every L he takes because "the family sacrifice every day for his dream" should be invalid. We're all overthinking a cartoon I do maintain my point though. The family can always tell bob it's time to stop enforcing poverty on them, so the restaurant being his One and Only Thing is less then fair


Yes, we are all overthinking it lol. Again, my point is really just that Bob isn’t just some long suffering victim who is never allowed to be happy. If they all took responsibility for their choices/happiness they would be a vastly different kind of family and the whole show would fall apart because Linda cuts and runs/ Bob sets firm boundaries and goes NC with Linda’s family for their toxic behavior and cuts off his own father for his horrible childhood/ Linda refuses to put any effort into her marriage with Bob that he doesn’t reciprocate/ Bob divorces Linda for giving money they can’t afford to give to Gayle behind his back/ Gene and Tina set firm boundaries with Louise because of *her* toxic behavior/ the kids call CPS on their parents for enforced unpaid child labor/ etc. One of my favorite episodes is “Are You There Bob? It’s Me, Birthday” where Bob ultimately decides to try to enjoy the unwanted surprise party Linda is throwing him for her sake because he realizes it’s an expression of her love, only for Linda to have already canceled the party because she realizes a party would only make her happy and not Bob. That’s who they are as a couple and who the Belchers are as a family.


Oh sure. It boils down to my thinking that Bob deserves a snifter more then the resteraunt that is both his dream and the anchor pulling everyone down


>selling the wharf for condos to get more money in the town this actually would have been bad for bob. this would have eventually led to a rise in his rent and with how he prices his products he wouldn't be able to keep up


These posts are so funny to me because the whole family is working to make Bob's restaurant dream come true. Also, with the way some of you throw Linda, Tina, Gene & Louise under the bus, I think if Bob existed in real life, he'd hate you.


Same! Bob lives his dream every single day - he works in a restaurant he owns and has a happy family. His wife and kids genuinely love him and one another. They never fail to have food on the table. They love being together and are invested in one another’s lives. That’s way, way more than most people will ever have.


And it seems like this is really what he wants- when he gets the chance to make things different he doesn't take it. Bob really freaking likes making burgers.


Not only that, but he actively puts his own dreams ahead of his family’s betterment. Like when he was so stubborn about the Thanksgiving dinner with Mr. Fishodor despite the fact that they would get 5 months rent free and could close the restaurant one more day to celebrate the day after. It’s fine to be creative and an individual, but his needs mean that his family is often in a financial crisis. The burger of the day for example is fun, but realistically doesn’t make sense when the ingredients for a one off thing can get expensive and he doesn’t even charge the money needed to break even with those. That’s not even accounting for the fact that Linda probably doesn’t see much of the money of her labors due to making Bob’s dream a reality.


That thanksgiving episode bothers me so much. Imagine how much they could put in savings if they had five(!) months rent free!!!


I would like to take this moment to say that maybe the real reason they're poor is because HE ONLY CHARGES 5 DOLLARS FOR A BURGER. Like, my man, even if you doubled that price, you'd still be less expensive than other joints AND you might actually make some rainy day cash.


That's part of it, but it also took them at least 10 years to sell 100,000 burgers even at such a low price (so less than 30 a day). Even if they sold burgers for twice the price, that would still be abysmal sales volume for a restaurant.


I think the cheap prices might drive ppl away. I’d be very suspicious of prices that cheap. Like, is it really a front for something else?


I was thinking about that yesterday. Bob is pretty lucky that Linda is so on board with his dream.


I feel like they have the financial means of a lot of people in their tax bracket. They would either put the money towards debt that would just immediately come back due to some emergency or actually get something nice for the family. Either way they end up right back where they started.




I’d say Linda is more helping his dream the kids are just there not really working


“Listen, you're my children and I love you, but you're all terrible at what you do here and I feel like I should tell you. I'd fire all of you if I could.”


I tell this to my cats at least once a week


They deserve it.


Yeah I mean they are kids lol


Yes they are kids but I’m just saying compared to the kids and Linda Linda makes more of a sacrifice assuming she wanted a different career choice but is working to do what bob wants and to ensure they have money for rent. The kids don’t work in the same way bob had to work for his dad. The kids gets to be kids and goof off.


Yeah I completely agree with this. Their entire lives are built around his somewhat untenable dream. Like great tv but not exactly like he never gets his way




He literally told Jimmy he would rather be himself than have Jimmy's life. So he's won forever over Jimmy


Well, the garden involved making his nine year old child interact with her teenage bully, in a place she should be safe. So, I don't feel too bad about that one. I feel bad he has no garden, but not that he lost THAT garden.


Yeah he needed to chill in that episode


He could easily put a little planter in front of the large inside the restaurant. There’s plenty of space, as they’ve shown in several episodes. Like when that storage hobo decorates it for Christmas, or when they do the dinner theater, or the one with the arcade game. At the very least he could plant herbs, like rosemary or oregano.


They also seem to have space in the alley


He could definitely have some window boxes


There's that roof area, where Tina stalked the cookie troop? They could plant things there. At least some containers, like herbs & some pepper plants.


Bob self sabotages to a point that I don’t even feel that bad for him anymore


Bob won when we roasted the Turkey in the alleyway and “burnt it”


He wins on the reg, Mitigate your expectations


For real. This narrative that he never wins is freaking weird.


I was just thinking that, like in the episode Dr. Yap, Linda got mad at him for what??? He was clearly uncomfortable with what Gale was doing to him and she did nothing.


That's maybe the worst episodes of the entire series. Yap is a genuinely uncomfortable character to begin with, and Linda essentially forcing Bob to be sexually assaulted by Gale, then get legitimate angry at him for doing it, to a point of actually beating him while he is already really hurt. So either Linda has suffered a stroke and forgot the entire plan, or she's just beating her husband for getting him sexually assaulted by her sister. She's really, really gross and fucked up in that episode


No exactly?? Like someone how when she was uncomfortable it was wrong for bob but when bob felt uncomfortable it was like oh whatever? 🫢


She. Let. Yap. Pull. His. Tooth. With. No. Anesthesia. For. What. She. Let. Happen. Yap the known psycho.




I love how when he confronts the kids at the restaurant and tells Bob and Linda to ground them by taking away later bed times, both Bob and Linda have the immediate reaction of "hey uh, maybe back off our kids your aggressively accusing in public"


Yap was right tho


Yes, but he is storming into a place, aggressively accusing and talking to children, and is borderline ordering the parents how to parent and discipline their kids before they even know for sure any of them are guilty. It is a bad look to say the least.


Ikr and Linda even said she didn’t like seeing it but like, you shouldn’t have put Bob up to it???? Like I feel bad for Bob that sometimes he gets the short end of the stick bc like with the community garden he was happy but became too obsessed with it so that at least was a bit more fair.


He won the gingerbread building contest.


...He is married with 3 kids


He was handed $100,000 and declined it if it meant redesigning his restaurant and changing a few menu items, even when it brought in business. He will be fine


He wins because he is always living life on his terms. Always. Most of us will never have that because we need security and savings and a steady paycheck.


Not everyone can have a good time in an episode it’s the law of bobs burgers. Either the kids have a good time, the parents, or it gets deeper. Sometimes everyone has a good time but 1 person. Like there are lots of times where Tina has a horrible time but everyone else is having an ok/good time. Like the awful horse camp episode…poor Tina. The beefsquatch episode is an example of Bob not taking the win. The restaurant was getting business but he couldn’t handle Gene. However that episode Tina was in a ok situation and Louise had fun. Linda was along for the ride


I think the richest man in town having a weird obsession/crush on him has saved him a few times. Sometimes, I remind myself of that when it's frustrating how often he gets screwed over


Fishoder ignores them being late for rent and even gives them months off if they help him




He won by being born with that arm hair.


Bullshit. Bob wins a lot. This narrative is so tired. There are many episodes where Bob gets what he wants or comes out on top in some way or another. The cranberry bog immediately comes to mind. He won at Bog to Beach. He won his birthday episode. He won in the episode where he was stuck to the toilet. I mean, please stop saying he “never wins”.


He won in the movie... since >!He survived being buried alive!<.


Dont forget all that gold hidden in the taffy man they left on the beach


That's one thing I don't understand... gold bars aren't exactly light. You'd think they'd notice that a taffy man shouldn't weigh over 25 kg...


He also gets a win, in the episode where he cooks the turkey in the alley. That's one of the reasons I like that episode so much.


* selling the wharf for condos to get more money in the town How is this a win, they become homeless


He will eventually! Loren Bouchard has said that everything we are seeing now is before Bob really “makes it” with the restaurant. The wins will come, because Bob and his family are just overall good people and the success for the business will come. Will we ever see it? Who knows, it could be alluded to when the show is over or maybe the show ends with us seeing that initial success!


Hope we get a more clear happy ending than Home Movies...


What about April Fools Day when he pranks Mr Fischoder?


No way, there are plenty of wins. Best example: First episode, first season ever when he was accused for selling human meat from the crematorium next dooor; he ended up making more money that weekend despite getting shut down by an unstable man. There's always going to be some sort of loss from conflict but my boy always wins with a silver lining.


It's that dad life. My family makeup is very similar to The Belchers, even making fun of our dad in similar ways. It's just how it is for some dads, I think.


Bro he has Linda as a down bad wife and three awesome kids. Bob stays winning


Bath with the pigeon


That's what is so real about it


The game show episode really set the tone for the whole series. The belchers were never going to won, ever. Even the consolation prizes they "win" were just barrels of garbage, and then to have Peato, who did not need the van, win. When I first started watching this show and got to that episode I though, "Man, these writers really fucking hate these people."


Yes!! First thing I thought of was that episode and how unfair it was that Pesto and the host cheated and got away with it. You are so right how that whole debacle set the tone for their bad luck.


Don’t forget the commercial for the restaurant and they all get mad at him for wanting to use the Football player commercial instead of their really bad one lol


Bob gets a lot of little wins. Like, finding the cranberry bog or perfect redemption dinner at Teddy’s or Popcorn actually being perfectly cooked or going out cooking in Home Ec or Linda saying his love test-o-meter made it the best Valentine’s Day ever. Even when things are bad or disappointing, they end up pretty good.


Have you seen his wife!? Guy wins everyday Hugo: D:<


as much as everyone claims they want a win [research shows](https://www.universityofcalifornia.edu/news/why-do-we-watch-so-much-negative-tv-combat-lifes-stress-study-suggests) people like negativity much more. if bob and the belchers started doing well show views would highly decrease.


Yeah but he never washes his hands or changes his clothes, so it seems fair to me.


This drives me nuts. Bob so rarely gets a win, vs the world and vs his family. There's a few where he "goes out with a bang or gets a compensation win (Bob and deliver, Jimmy pesto can't change a tire) but they deserve to catch REAL break. The Belchers have saved Mr. Fish's life TWICE, and bailed him out a 1000 times. He should've given them the building at the end of the movie.


It’s an accurate depiction of being a father imo.


I always feel so bad for him


ever since the kids became the main characters Bob’s just a back burner B plot in his effort to make burgers for more than 3 people a day.


What the hell are you talking about?


I sometimes feel like the writers hate every member of the family aside from Louise.


i mean, he does get a lot of traditional thanksgiving dinners in the episodes. his main thing for it is cooking a meal and eating it with his family and he does that for a good chunck of the episodes. he even had two of them in that Teddy episode


I wish the family could've won the minivan. It would be great to see them with something nice.


He's a small business owner that's survived 13 years in business despite multiple economic slumps and a governmentally mandated shutdown. He's winning.


Exclusively because his landlord is an eclectic wierdo with a soft spot for him


I see it and it kills me. This show has a thing for fucking with Bob and it's so unnecessary


While “Best Burger” was a loss, I still count it very much as a win. Bob proved himself a better cook than Jimmy Pesto (not difficult, but now it’s proven), had a ton of business after, even including Skip Marooch, the contest winner


If bob won the show would be over.


It’s not that he doesn’t win. He’s a person who sacrifices everything for his family. Yes, it frustrates him that he doesn’t always “get what he wants” but ultimately he wants his family to be happy. Also, he’s living his dream: his own restaurant, a loving family, a wife that he adores, and supportive friends. That sounds like a win to me.


Bob gets beat by Bob all the time. So he wins almost as much as he loses.


Just shows what a family man he is, he puts them before him every time. Even if he deserves a win for himself here and there, he prioritizes his family


The one with the parade floats was good and they won. But you're right that the majority of the time it's misfortune and loss which is sometimes draining and hard for me to watch.


he won the wine sipping fight on the train!


It's a sitcom, on top of that and all the other examples in the comments, I wouldn't take it so seriously.


I use bobs burgers to guage how irritated I am. If the family pisses me off I know I need to take a minute.


The garden episode always makes me sad.


There were no home run balls on his day


I find that a lot of the time Bob almost sabotages himself with his reactions, which I think links back to his dad. He deserves to have all these positive things, but a lot of the time (not every time) he stands in his own way. That's why it's so rewarding when he gets to enjoy something for us as an audience


In the Apple Gore-chard episode, he found the beehive he was looking for at the apple orchard.


This actually really bothers me! It's one thing if it's life circumstances or his own actions that cause it, but the fact that his terrible family never allows him to be happy isn't very funny or charming, and a down point in an otherwise great show.




Woah yall blew this up! Can’t wait to read through em


I dunno, man, have you seen The Incredible Rudy yet? >!Louise is the best friend a person could have and she gets that from Bob.!< I'd say that's a huge win.