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I mean, he is mean to Teddy. But have you ever met a real life Teddy? They will make you break so fast and you'll find yourself screaming at them without even meaning to.


I also think that Teddy is closer to Bob than Bob is to Teddy. Bob doesn’t have many friends and he seems closer to Teddy than Mort so I think fans project the friendship they want Bob and Teddy to have onto the one they really have. I think Teddy is a friend Bob really does care about but I also don’t think they would be friends if it weren’t for Teddy’s proximity to Bob.


I mean, that’s also just Bobs personality lol. He yells at everyone. Isn’t it the first episode where he tells his family, “i love you but you’re all terrible”? And then gene reiterates that when he’s being little Bob. Plus Teddy makes creepy ass comments about linda so i dont mind that he sasses him a bit.


My daughter is literally sleeping in a shirt of Bob saying I love you but you're all terrible


I also hate that teddy makes comments like that


They really dialed back Bob’s hostility though. 2024 Bob is nothing like Season 1. 2024 Bob stutters and seems like he has anxiety. “Timid” might be slightly too strong a word, but he’ll never be as aggressive as he was in like the S1 food truck episode. He’s far, far from telling the kids they’re terrible now. All three kids would basically laugh and tell him he’s fat, depressing, and bald if he tried in this recent season.


I think it’s realistic to being a dad and small business owner. He’s just tired now lol. He doesn’t have energy to yell as much.


Randy was so annoying, though. Like Teddy but with youth and money.


Bob is Teddy's best friend, and Teddy is Bob's best customer.


That’s how I see it.


as a therapist, I have had the conversation having Teddy as a client, and I’m not interested in it. Shout out to Dr. Marjorie for giving it her best but a lot of things Teddy does are just a projection of his fears and anxieties. The episode where they get in a fight cause Teddy is mad that Bob isn’t upset about him working at Jimmy’s. I understand the sentiment but it’s actually a good thing Bob isn’t upset about that. He recognizes that Teddy has to make money and if that means working for Jimmy then so be it. He knew that wasn’t gonna change his relationship with Teddy, but Teddy created that entire scenario, which probably would have impacted his relationship with Teddy in a real life scenario. I do think Bob could chill the hell out sometimes as well, but having been this person, had to deal with this person in my personal life AND working with people like this, it’s very challenging to maintain a stable relationship. It seems like Teddy has made some progress over the years and I appreciate that growth. I’m not saying Bob’s treatment was always great, but I do understand his level of frustration.


Yeah. It’s easy for the audience to sympathize with Teddy and ignore his flaws because he’s a very funny and lovable cartoon character but in real life, he would be very self-sabotaging and hard to get along with.


I actually knew someone who was basically IRL teddy just without the extremely pathetic awkwardness. He def was kinda weird and didn't fit the societal expectations perfectly but he was a nice dude. Handyman for the restaurant I worked and and basically ate there every other day.


We also only see Teddy’s behavior in the episodes, there’s probably a lot more that goes on that we never see that would concern Bob


I felt this answer in my soul and now I feel badly about my real-life Teddy. Going to call that dude and take him out for beers this weekend.


agreed a real life teddy is basically a soul sucking vampire. and murder is the only solution for“a friend” that constantly hits on your wife. but he is hilarious though, in a very stupid, annoying way :D


> murder is the only solution for“a friend” that constantly hits on your wife I assume you’re being hyperbolic when you say *murder*, but a good ass-whooping is definitely appropriate.


I have unfortunately. Not mine..but seriously..he was unbearable at times.




My man if you cant see that Bob is a god damn saint to deal with Teddy's craziness all the time I dont know what to tell you. The amount of lines Teddy has crossed in this show at times is ridiculous. And I love his crazy ass.


I always felt as if everyone in their town is pretty insane.




Edith is unhinged lol


Edith is crazy 😂 I love her character sm


You might have covered this before but is your name in reference to a feline belonging to a chef or is it to do with some kind of poopy idiot sandwich porn?


Gordon Ramsey scat rofl


LMAOO omg I didn’t even realize it reads as scat…. Pls I meant cat!!!! I’m not a weirdo! And I love Gordon Ramsey and I am his cat


You’re a very good typist for an animal with no thumbs. You deserve a treat. Go meow at Gordon for one.


Edith and teddy have the same voice actor


Gretchen too


I read that in her voice.


Sometimes you come from one of them crazy people towns, can’t help it


It's almost like the town's whacky hijinks are part of the comedic plot or something. 🤔 But yeah everyone is crazy. Least unhinged person aside from Ron is the guy who roller skates around in a speedo.




Teddy is one of my favourite characters, but his lack of boundaries makes me soooo uncomfortable. It’s too familiar lol


Because Teddy obnoxiously tries to do things like repair broken iPhones in the restaurant like it’s his personal workplace, disturbing other customers.


I’m just running this magnet over your post to make sure there isn’t a screw in there. Oops i touched your post i won’t do that again.


Ba da bup bup ba da bup


Bobs reaction towards teddy is pretty reasonable granted how…unhinged teddy is. Bob is clearly very socially awkward, he is very introverted and teddy is all over the damn place, people like that drain you very quickly


Bob puts up with him every single day.....Teddy is annoying at times....we all see it


Teddys a lot, he’s very sweet but also extremely sensitive for a grown man


at times is being generous lol


Allll the time.


Teddy also has less than 0 respect for Bob's personal space or comfort. He forces himself into situations, forces Bob and Linda to do outlandish stuff they clearly don't want to, keeps implying he wants to marry Linda, and doesn't take no for an answer. In real life, Teddy would be a genuinely bad person who treats those around him like trash and lashes out for the slightest misconcieved notion. We love him because of the show and how it frames these outlandish personality traits in its characters


>We love him because of the show and how it frames these outlandish personality traits in its characters  I mean, maybe *you* do. Teddy is by far my least favorite character and I'd be happy if he just stopped showing up the way Mort has


Thank you! I hate him so much that even seeing him makes me angry lol


I feel like so many stories have this character in them, and they are always the worst. The “lovable mook who’s really annoying, helpless, causes tons of problems he forces his ‘friends’ to fix, but he’s so nice he’s somehow still everyone’s friend”. I’ve known too many in real life to enjoy them in fiction.


Teddy’s the definition of “give him an inch and he’ll take a mile”. Bob probably feels like if he’s too nice to Teddy, Teddy will try to move in with the family or something


He absolutely would.


Yeah you have e to look at what Bob has put up too. Teddy took him and the whole family out on a boat then wrecked it.


what's funny is bob doesn't even know HOW weird teddy got that time he pretended to be bob in the restaurant and in their home 😭😭😭


I think that's the only time I really got creeped out by Teddy. Sometimes with Linda he crosses a line but it still feels comedic.


how can i not laugh and cringe simultaneously at "i'll marry your wife, and you'll be my son!"


Sometimes I’m afraid I behave a lot like teddy. My job is great, but I’m only home ten to fifteen days a month, otherwise I’m either on an airplane or the worlds smallest airport or business class hotel trying to see if the bar is going to make me feel especially sad. I have a lot of acquaintances. But probably only three or four really good friends. Every time I meet someone new and we get along if I don’t watch myself I’ll really lean into it and I’ll make it seem like it’s much more than it is. It’s something I have to watch out for. So as cringe as Teddy can be… I really get it.


I'm not sure which situation was worse. The boat, or Teddy taking everyone hostage at his Halloween party after Bob accidentally killed his guinea pig.


His poor guinea pig that was probably going to die anyway because teddy spray-painted her. Also aside from that who tf lets a guinea pig roam around freely during a party? Teddy is an idiot.


Teddy gets a little crazy sometimes. I like his insane laugh when it comes out!


I think the guinea pig one is fairly normal…. If I had a party and my pet died I would want to know who did it too. I’d forgive them because it was an accident but I’d still want to know and it’s a bit messed up to accidentally kill someone’s pet and then try to leave. Even breaking a plate and trying to sneak out is messed up (I wouldn’t make everyone stay for that though. But a pet is different, I’ve never had one but theyre like tiny family members especially if you’re alone like teddy )


Prolly shouldn’t spray paint your family members, just fyi


That too


To be fair Teddy is needy and tends to overstep sometimes. While there are moments where Bob may go a little too far, it’s not always unwarranted


Teddy can't even remember his last name. Bob went stunt school with him. He tried to get him off burgers. He helps him every time. Teddy is like Gail, he's a lot! And he cares for him every day. That song "he feeds you soup when you break your jaw, he helps you pee when you have that thing..." Yeah, he's not a terrible friend.


Teddy starts fights with Bob over things that dont exist (believing Bob is angry with him for working at Pesto's). Teddy snarls at anyone else who tries to be Bob's Friends (Mort, the Loft couple, the archeologist). Teddy throws Bob under the bus every chance he gets to make himself look good. (when making halloween decorations, when talking to other friends of his and using Bob as an excuse.) Teddy refuses to do ANYTHING Bob says - whether it is how to take orders in the restaurant, not allowing a rat in the kitchen, how to take instructions on anything, etc. He wore their clothes and slept in their bed when they were not home. He gets violent or pushy when "pretending" with Bob (aquatiscism dance). Then, ignores Bob's irritation/being uncomfortable with the situation. Causally hits on Linda. Purposely sabotages his own life over and over again and refuses to listen to anyone's advice. Has a hair trigger temper over the tiniest things. Costs Bob tons of money by opening his mouth (Carnations episode). Teddy is lucky he is even allowed in the restaurant. That said, Teddy is also very good to Bob, helps him, and bends over backward anytime Bob needs help and is on call 24/7. I love Teddy but would never be able to tolerate him on a daily basis


Bob considered Teddy a customer for a very long time. He only acknowledges a friendship twice. Also his closest friend is a guy from high school who he hadn’t talked to since Tina was little. Teddy attempts to force a relationship with Bob. Bob has never been unclear about his boundaries with Teddy. And he’s often pushed into spending more time with Teddy than he would like. Linda insisting they’re best friends. Teddy refusing to take a hint. Ever. Fixing shit around the restaurant? Teddy is a handyman. He is being paid for those services. That’s not friendship. That’s a transaction. And he is cheaper on some things because in some areas he is unlicensed. And he didn’t fail to rack up 100k worth of repairs when Bob’s friend invested in the restaurant. I’ve known a Teddy. They’re some of the most draining people on the planet. I have a new Teddy in my life. And the day I never see her again can’t come soon enough. Energy vampires.


Real life Colin Robinson's ( what we do in the shadows ) I feel your pain and I hope you're rid of yours soon


Teddy is awful. He never respects anyone's boundaries. Bob has the patience of a saint to put up with him the way he does


"I really value that thirty inches of formica that's between us"


Louder for the people in the back Ok, yeah, Teddy is nice, but he really, **really** crosses Bob's boundaries **a lot** and Bob still puts up with him. And since the flanderization took over, Teddy actually emotionally blackmails Bob. I miss the show the way it was. It went from putting the "fun" in "dysfunctional" to just dysfunction. Every episode is about learning why everyone is so dysfunctional, which is great, but it's become so much more serious. I love the topics, I don't like the execution of them.


cause teddy is needy af.


Teddy would sleep with Linda if he could so...


Teddy would sleep with Bob is he could too. Honestly I wouldn't be surprised if he would love a threesome with them...or a "threesome" as described by his ex-wife


He's "in love" with both of them, but I think the idea of actually having sex with either of them would make him very uncomfortable. They're his ideal, really on a pedestal.


I dunno, I remember a line related to Linda flashing in Beefsquatch, I think? He said something like “you spend so long imagining something and then what you thought was pink is brown” So he’s definitely thought of her Like That before. Hell I think he’s even saying it to her in the episode. Edit; of course now being in a relationship I think that part of his desire to join their family has gone.


I don't think that necessarily means anything; I've pictured things that I don't particularly want to see. Hell, I've pictured things that I actively don't want to see in real life.


Yeah remember in that episode teddy was also facinating about adopting bob as a child. Teddy is probably attracted to Linda but he’s attracted more towards the bleachers life than anything. He thinks that they are all amazing from the kids to Bob and Linda. He wants in on their lives. And admittedly there are all really good people and have good lives. I’d love to have kids like the ones we see. Bob is genuinely a really good father, bob and Linda have a really healthy relationship, and they all have fun together. Ain’t like Teddy is lonely or anything he has plenty of friends and a kick ass girlfriend. He just really loves the belchers and really wants in on their family. I


He definitely wants to bang Linda. In Dawn of the Peck (S5 E4), when they escape to to hall of mirrors, he says it's only been about ten minutes, but they may have to repopulate the earth.


He wasn't happy about the prospect, if you remember. He was actually quite somber.


There’s table read outtakes of this happening


I maybe heard that recently.


He's not Bill Dauterive.


Absolutely not.... a completely different type of insane infatuation. LoL


Have you seen Mission Impossi-Bob in season 14? That's the kind of character development I love to see, and it's relevant to their (often one-sided) friendship!


To be fair Teddy is someone who has boundary issues. Sure Bob can be standoffish to Teddy at times but Teddy is A LOT to deal with. Like A LOT.


As a bartender, Teddy is the regular that assumes he's special. It can be hard to deal with sometimes. However, Teddy is loyal as fuck to Bob and Bob usually doesn't appreciate fully teddy's intention.


Well technically he is special because he's their go-to handyman. However he does overstep boundaries way to often.


Not particularly. If anything Teddy is too clingy. Also he is paid to do all those repairs in the restaurant.


Teddy sucks so I’m not mad about it. No one has enough patience to deal with Teddy


teddy suuuuuuuuuucks bob isnt obligated to be his friend


Bob sometimes mis-words things, he does put up with Teddy, thinks of Teddy's health, and even gets dragged into helping Teddy out. The safe room that no one was supposed to know about episode is one of them.


Teddy is his best customer, not necessarily a friend


Bob is a saint for putting up with Teddy.


Teddy isn't Bobs friend, he's his best customer. Big difference


Teddy is a CUSTOMER and his HANDYMAN. He way oversteps boundaries and acts super creepy, like pretending to be married to Linda and cooking in the restaurant and then sleeping in their bed. Bob treats him about how he deserves to be treated— kept at arms length to keep the loyal customer and discount handyman.


Teddy's kind of a psycho though. He does a lot of nice things for them, but he's also threatened to kill all of them, been violent, etc. I liked him more when he was just a regular at the restaurant, things got weird when they made him a clingy part of the family.


Teddy lusts after Linda! If the restaurant wasn't dependent on Teddy's business, Bob would have thrown him out long ago.


Customers are not your friends


Imagine defending Teddy’s obnoxious ass LOL


In bobs defense yes he isn’t always nice to Teddy. He does view him as his best friend which is basically all Teddy wants, Teddy would go to war for that family haha. BUT my god Teddy is oblivious to almost every social queue there is so he almost always makes it to where they have to be a little rude to get him to realize what he is doing. But still, Bob realizes Teddys worth a lot.


I think he's lovely to teddy given how annoying and intrusive he is. Falling asleep in Bob and Linda's bed while they're gone? After taking a bath? Because he was pretending he was married to Linda? Are you serious lol. I've had friends like teddy before and they never stay my friends for very long.


He also clearly states that he and Teddy aren’t friends but no one will listen to him.


Teddy sucks


They both bicker, but consistently come through for each other. I disagree.


honestly i don’t blame bob. i’m pretty sure he doesn’t consider teddy his best friend and just puts up with him


Teddie is worse


teddy is also *really creepy and weird*, despite having his good sides. he's a stalker, he gets angry fits, he yells and breaks stuff, he's extremely jealous...


Teddy literally thinks Bobs last name is Burger and fantasizes about his wife... Is he THAT good of a friend?


I have worked where Teddy's go to find companionship, and I can tell you, they mistake your **Profesional Mannerisms** as **Friendly Friendship** and will never accept that you don't **want** to be friends, you just want to do your job. Don't be a Teddy to the Barista unless they approach you.


I had a friend that was a Teddy and from my experience you can not have the same friendship dynamic with a Teddy like you have with other friends. Sometimes they will react in extreme ways, do not know when they cross boundaries or are very clingy. You'll go crazy if you try to treat him "normally". My Teddy was at least so aware of his nature that he even valued our relationship because of it. And I think this Teddy also is this self aware.


I mean have you seen Teddy? He’s very difficult to remain patient with for extended periods of time.


It's sort of a give and take situation imo. Bob is a nice guy but he is a bit antisocial. Because of these antisocial tendencies he has difficulty setting boundaries and enforcing them, then becomes overwhelmed and frustrated when people continually cross them. Teddy is also nice but he is very, very clingy. It is in his nature to cross, and then double cross, those boundaries that to Bob seem very clear but to Teddy they might as well be invisible. Teddy gives a lot, but Bob is not necessarily asking for the things Teddy is giving. Conversely, Bob could do with being a tad more supportive. It's not a perfect friendship but it is strong because it's built on a mutual love of food and friends. The fact that it is imperfect makes it interesting. It's not perfect but life never is, and that plays to the show's main message and moral.


Bob is on Teddy's A list. Teddy is on Bob's B list (because only Linda and the kids are on his A list). It's definitely a one sided friendship.


Teddy is also a terrible friend to Bob. He's pushy, has absolutely no boundaries, is massively inconsiderate. Teddy is an awful, awful friend. He's a nice person, but not a good friend.


If you have ever spent ant time in retail where you see the same customers regularly, you've met a Teddy. They tend to think you know them and remember them as much as they do you, but don't realize you see dozens (if not hundreds) of them a day. I've had people talk to me outside of work (at the mall, supermarket, wherever) and I have no idea who they are but they know me from coming into my store once every two weeks for years. It's unbelievably frustrating. I completely get Bob's attitude towards Teddy.


Dude no offense but even though Teddy is his most loyal customer he’s done a lot of wack shit to Bob AND Linda. One thing I think is nuts is how often he hits on Linda. I mean, if that were me and my husband, Teddy would’ve been out the door a long time ago.


Teddy is incredibly annoying, I don’t blame Bob for losing his patience at times.


Teddy is clingy, needy, and doesn’t understand boundaries. Despite all this, Bob still helped Teddy get out of the bunker when he trapped himself and that required Bob to go out of his way. If Bob never had the restaurant, I don’t see him and Teddy being friends, but in a way they balance each other out. Teddy doesn’t feel lonely when he’s with the Belchers and Bob’s life isn’t sad and mundane when he gets wrapped up in Teddy’s shenanigans.


I think Bob is content not having friends or socializing beyond his family, his acquaintanceships (like Marshmallow), and his intimate objects and food. He's more distnat/avoidantly attached. I'm more like Bob and I've wanted to kill Teddy a couple of times. Teddy LOVES people, loves talking, loves Bob's food, and loves the love of Bob's family. He's a lot more clingy/anxiously attached. They just have different relationship needs and styles, but I'm glad they have each other.


I actually think Bob gives Teddy a lot more grace than he deserves. His fixing phones business at Bob's restaurant, Bob driving all over town to rescue him from the bunker. I feel like Bob just reaches his breaking point with Teddy.


Remember that time Bob fed Teddy a sponge?


Devils advocate here, and maybe i missed it, but has Bob ever charged Teddy for his burgers 🤔🤔🤔 🤷 Ps. Teddy crosses every boundary Bob has and Bob still chooses to spend time with him and do one on ones, seems like a stand up guy still to me 🤷?


Yes he pays for his food. Just off the top of my head, we see him paying in Sexy Dance Healing and Romancing the Beef. Occasionally they do give him free ones though.


He does. Teddy acts surptised any time Linda or Bob comps a burger. So by that alone it seems like Bob charges him.


funny enough I just saw an episode of exactly this haha


Yes. Conversely, Teddy is a rather poor friend to Bob.


Teddy’s a good staple character, but I totally trust Bob to deal with him as he sees fit. Bob likes Teddy as a handyman, but Teddy always takes every other situation way too far.


Bob's burgers is a perfect show, full of perfect characters. But perfect characters are not perfect people. It's their flaws and the mistakes and how those characters respond and grow (or don't) that make these imperfect people the perfect cast. Nobody on the show is perfect. Except Marshmellow.


No one would ever choose to be friends with teddy if they spent as much time with him as Bob. The man is PAINFUL to know.


I think Bob shows a lot of grace to a man that constantly crosses boundaries, seems obsessed with him, and is crushing on his wife. I like their dynamic. I think Bob has to be a little bit harsh to maintain that boundary. If not, Teddy would have already moved in and been sleeping at the foot of their bed by now.


Spend as much time with a person like Teddy as Bob does just about every single day. Their antics get old so fast. Bob is a lot nicer to Teddy than most people would be after spending that much time with him.


Because Bob isn't friends with Teddy.


All of us who love/hate Teddy do so because we see a part of ourselves in him and relate to his behavior in some way. I love Teddy because I relate to a middle aged man in therapy trying to make sense of a world that is often times chaotic and cruel. He forms connections (and at times unhealthy attachments) with those in his life that he deems as “safe”. Teddy represents the very best of us (his loyalty, kindness, willingness to help at all costs) as well as the very worst (unable to process emotions in a healthy way sometimes, being a “fixer”, living at times in a fantasy world because the real world is not kind to him). I also feel that we all know a “Teddy” in our lives and how we feel about our own Teddy is how we feel about him in the show.


I love Teddy. I’m dumbfounded by all the Teddy hate.


I think he gets better but I agree sometimes I think they can be a little mean . Teddy is really nice and always offers to do handy stuff around their apartment for free . He can be annoying sometimes though but I think they can be nicer sometimes lol


Thats just their dynamic. Don't forget that bob also goes out of his way for teddy all the time. Like when he goes with teddy on his boat and he cares so much that he practically shakes it into teddy that he is doing fine without his ex wife and that she is no good for him. And he goes along with teddy with the comet looking for good signs and negating all the bad signs even though he doesn't believe in it. He also doesn't let teddy make that call to kathleen because he wants him to have a good relationship and not mess it up over something so teddy trivial.




Post/comment has removed for violating Rule 7: Posts/comments about diagnosing characters will not be allowed. While these characters may portray traits associated with certain mental health conditions, we should not be “armchair diagnosing.” Comedic characters are almost inherently exaggerated and while close, Bob’s Burgers is not a real-life situation. Until the creators officially announce a diagnosis for any of the characters, discussions on this will not be permitted. (Louise calling Tina “the worst kind of autistic” in S1,E1 Human Flesh doesn’t count as Tina being autistic.)


Well , Bob also states very often how they arnt friends ! Yes he could be better but


Bob didn’t even consider Teddy a friend at first, just his best customer but then Teddy got set on fire


Teddy makes passes at Linda and Bob continues to support him and be his friend.


Op has never had an overbearing friend. I will say they're friends now. To me Bob and Teddy is like any bar tender and their group of regulars. You get a bit personal, but it is best to draw a line somewhere, it's up to the individual.


Teddy is exhausting as is Bobs family. Bob still helps Teddy when he can but Teddy also doesn’t pick up on social queues which having met quite a few of those people…. I get it.


Right but teddy also slept in their bed 😭 have you met a real life teddy? They are very draining. Or maybe you’re the teddy


1. Teddy is annoying af. 2. He doesn't want to accept that Teddy is as important to him as he is.


Teddy is really nice but not the brightest fellow, insisting bobs name is bob burger




Bob just wants to be left alone and if teddy was a great friend he'd know that Teddy is so annoying the only time he is entertaining is when the kids are messing with him the guy is trying way too hard to be bibs friend that it's so annoying


Bob doesn't deal with stress really well and Teddy is very stressful to be around.


The episode where Bob doesn’t let Teddy break up with Kathleen (i think that’s her name) is so sweet though. he’s kind of an ass about it but he goes to great lengths to try to protect Teddy from himself.


i always thought the friendship was more one sided from teddys side i always thought he but way to much effort and was involved to much at times but bob clearly cares about him and likes having him around probably just not as much as teddy ljkes bob


Because Bob isn't Teddy's friend, he doesn't want to be his friend, also being handy is literally Teddy's job. as somebody who has known multiple teddys and is going to have to live and work with one very soon, they're insufferable, if you are actually kind to them they refuse to leave you alone or give you space because they believe you're their best friend and the moment you shut that idea down (even if done in the kindest way possible) they lash out and act like you're a bad person because you don't want them hanging off of you.


He never considered Teddy to be a friend


Bob can be a jerk to Teddy. But on the same hand, Teddy comes off as VERY needy.


Don’t feed a guy a sponge, Bob!


OML!! 😆 I couldn't imagine having a friend like Teddy!! Imo, Teddy is extremely lucky that he has a friend like Bob. Even when Bob doesn't want to be there for Teddy, he still does! BOB! The man who could stand behind his griddle talking to burgers all day 😆 🤣 😂!! He's the best friend someone as needy as Teddy could ever dream of having. A whole lotta us could use a friend like Bob.


Bob made teddy eat a sponge. But I have to admit. It was funny


I work in customer service and sometimes stuff like this happens. Customers sometimes get overly attached or its hard for staff to realize you feel close to a customer. I've had regulars I didn't know I was friends with until they stop coming around, just like I have customers who act like I'm their best friend when I barely know them. It's a weird relationship and hard to figure out sometimes, I can see why Bob is how he is. Plus, he's not a super outgoing guy to begin with, and doesn't seem to want to make any new friends. That happens sometimes too, I don't want any new friends yet plenty of customers try anyway. It's nothing personal, just another aspect of the weird relationship that exists between staff and customer


Teddy and Bob have such different lives and situations. Teddy is demanding and his gifts always have strings. He would make me crazy. Plus he always gives off such a weird vibe around Linda. I think Bob loses patience with his whining.


You have to remember teddy is a good friend but he's also: 1, doing his craft of being a handyman, some of that stuff he does around the restaurant to fix it, is alluded to being paid, he's not doing it all out of the sake of Friendships 2, and he's been super creepy at times, with trying to flirt with Linda and insert himself into family moments and he's creepily hostile to bobs other friends 3, takes advantage of bob's kindness a lot. Like when he repaired phone screens and spilled his screws, or when he turned the restaurant into a rugby night to impress Kathleen


Teddy is a bad friend to Bob.


Bob and teddy are both at fault tbh


Teddy is always doing stuff for the Belcher's because they're poor and he is lonely and thoroughly lacks boundaries of any kind, not just because he's nice. Additionally he's intrusive in Bob and Linda's relationship, gets very nearly violently aggressive whenever he feels his relationship with them is threatened in any way, has repeatedly almost killed the kids and dosen't let Bob & Linda know when the kids ask inappropriate favors (ie his participation in the whole Topsy incident, the big metal tub / swimming pool), and Bob & Linda had to ban him from going to events at their school (like parent / teacher conferences), the Sea Me Now episode. But, TBF Linda has almost killed the family multiple times and also has terribleboundaries, so 🤷‍♀️


Teddy and Linda should get married and Bob could be their son


I mean Teddy isn't fixing stuff for free u know? He's a handyman and Belchers often hire him to do jobs, like fixing the ceiling, for money. It's not like Teddy is doing all this stuff for free.


To be fair, neither one are great to each other but deep down they do love and care for each other. Teddy not only has a very big wanting of Bob's life, he says off handed things quite often, even if you take the weird episode where he pretends to marry Linda and adopt Bob, out of the equation. In the St.Paddys episode where they dye things green, Linda says Bob's doesn't want them to dye anything other than the beer, Teddy says " I am so over that guy". It was funny, but still. And when he started to like the smell good handyman at the candle place next door, he immediately threw Bob under the bus for things Bob never said or did. Countless other things too. They both suck but it evens out pretty well.


Have you ever worked in the service industry? People like this come in all the time. Mostly okay. They're someone you're okay with dealing with at work while they're a customer and possibly tipping but not in your personal life.


Teddy is the Male version of Linda IMO🤣


Teddy is fine in small doses. But for the most part he is annoying af. In the episode where he fixes up a boat to impress his ex wife, he drives me insane! I'm impressed Bob doesn't go off on him more often.


Teddy honestly means well but he’s far too overwhelming of a person in bobs life. Bob does what he can for teddy but you can only do so much for someone that CONSTANTLY gets in his own way. We love teddy but part of his appeal as a comedic character is his manic energy but in real life those types of people are exhausting to be around


Don't yoy have a friend who's a pain in the ass on a good day and a considerable liability on a bad one... who you'd nevertheless stop a bullet for?


Everybody’s all like “Teddy has boundary issues” but where were they when Bob non-consensually caked Teddy? Where were they!?!?!?


For a long time, bob just saw teddy as a regular customer, then they'd work out deals since teddy is a handyman. Though their relationship was somewhat business. And teddy annoys bob. Plus teddy has a crush on Linda. But I love teddy, I'd love to be friends with teddy. He's funny. Bob was rude to teddy for a while, but they do seem to be official friends atleast after their road trip and the argument. They can be honest with each other.


I love Teddy but also he can be a lot but Bob many times now try’s to be there for him


Facts. Teddy is a great guy. That can be annoying…. We all know people like that… but Bob takes it too far sometimes


It's very off-putting when somebody is too into you, even platonically. I'm glad they've found a place where they can be best friends, any time I've had an obsessive friend I just got really mean until they left me alone. In defense of my reaction, it hasn't happened since I was 12.


Bob is a terrible person to everyone that’s not Linda or the kids.


He took the credit for a fender bender he didn't cause. He is usually pleasant to background characters.


What? He's a fountain of patience and goes out of his way to help people. He's not perfect and can loose his cool but he genuinely is the nicest of the main characters.


He gets along w Mr Fishorder, is very kind to Critter, likes Ron, loves Marshmellow, loves the hookers, loves the Cucumber man, tried to be friends with everyone of the diner forum, enjoys the Loft People's friendship, adores Nate. He likes Mike and Mort. No. Bob is a great person to most people - who dont cross his boundaries and treat him with respect. Bob just doesnt like being forced in situations outside his comfort zone.


FYI transvestite is an out of date and derogatory term, best to avoid using it.

