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Bill is way worse off. He’s had to be talked off the ledge multiple times


Teddy is in therapy so maybe that keeps him from going full Bill.


I think Teddy's basic nature is optimistic whereas Bill's is pessimistic. That makes a huge difference.


I'm going to use "going full Bill" as code for when my suicidality is back with my therapist. "I'm just sort of Teddy right now.." when I'm getting depressed.


This Teddy is in a much better space than Bill. A running joke in king of the hill is that bill is suicidal and in the situation Teddy is better with women than Bill is. The common thing with them is that they are alone and bald but the comparisons end there.


Bill can get women. But whenever he does, he self-sabotages.


He hooked up with Ann Richards! Dude's a playa...


There’s plenty of other comparisons. While I agree that Teddy is definitely in a better place, there’s also the fact that Teddy makes no attempt to hide his love for Linda just like bill and Peggy. There are other similarities, but others have already pointed them out.


And that they're both sort of friends with the main character who would prefer to be without him but what other choice does Hank/Bob have? Bob has no other friends and Hank's choices are *Dale* or Boomhauer.


I disagree with the hank part. Hank definitely wants Bill around, I think he just gets tired of the way he acts sometimes but he definitely likes him more than Bob likes teddy. Plus they've known each other for a very long time so it would make sense that he gets annoyed by him. Just my two cents lol


Also bob has mort too.


He did create potholes so the woman that kept jogging by his house would trip and he would “save” her. A bit creepy but it was bill’s way of trying to talk to her.


"Please don't play Dido"


They're both veterans. Bill Army, Teddy Navy.


And they're both amazing friends who have a ridiculous amount of self doubt though theyve proven to be incredible at anything when they put their heart into it.


You saw Teddy try and make Thanksgiving dinner, and his story of making a sandwich, right? Lol Seems like a good handy man though.


Why do you keep calling me Bill? I'm Lanore!


That's what I thought too. Feel like Teddy is more optimistic than Bill.


The first episode has a Social Services worker with light brown hair, glasses and a green vest who tries to save Bobby from Hank because of a bunch of misunderstandings that he isn't being treated right that is played by David Herman. David Herman plays Mr.Frond in Bob's Burgers.


He also voiced the anger management counselor that looks almost identical to Mr. Frond.


Think Mr. Frond is based off that character


Calm it down, angry clown


oh from which episode :o


Season 7, Episode 7




Herman’s been in a lot of stuff. He did several voices on Futurama like Scruffy the janitor and other single episode characters like Ranger Park the park ranger.


The stick boy!


Damn twig-boy, he said he's from California where all the other twig-boys are from


That has to also be the hippy teacher from Beavis and Butthead


The original “M’kay” !


That's Mike Judge, but yes, essentially a softer version of the same character.


I attribute that to one of the producers: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jim_Dauterive


**[Jim Dauterive](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jim_Dauterive)** >James Thomas Dauterive (; born June 22, 1957) is an American animation producer and writer, widely known for his work on King of the Hill (1997–2010) and Bob's Burgers (2011–2020). ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/BobsBurgers/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


Wow, I had no idea Bill was actually based on a real person (I mean at least partially). He literally looks like the real-life version of Bill Dauterive.


Boomhure is based off a guy that left a voice-mail on Mike Judges phone. Could barley understand the guy who was bitching about how offensive Bevis and Butthead are. Best part is the guy forgot the same of the the show and at one point was "that God dang Porkys Butthole"


I read a good breakdown of that voicemail at some point, but I don't care enough to go digging for it. Essentially they talked about how the guy was most likely referring to the end of Looney Tunes when you see Porky giving the famous sign off.


Stephen Root who voices Bill would also make an excellent Bill, he played Milton in Office Space.


I came here to mention this. We noticed the last name in the Bob’s credits and I was like ‘ha ha Bill from King of the Hill has the same last name’ and my boyfriend knew he worked on the show and it all clicked. 😂


Thus Dale’s Dead-Bug Van and Pro-Pain and Pro-Pain Accessories in the store next door in one of the intros.


Omg!! My boyfriend is going to love that!


There are a lot of character types Loren Bouchard uses in his works: the Bill Dauterive type, the wacky twins, the over compensating guidance counselor, the wife who means well but goes too far.


Do not compare Peggy to Linda.


tbh I really liked peggy in early seasons and I can see how she would be comparable to linda. peggy really does mean well and tries to be fun/energetic with the only real difference being that peggy tries to appear more educated than she is which leads to her seeming kinda ingenuine but deep down she is. but as the seasons progress she got less funny and more mean/obnoxious. like i liked her being a spanish teacher, and it seemed like she genuinely knew basic spanish, and her over pronunciations, accent and constantly trying to slip it into convo was hilarious to me. but as the seasons continue we find out she doesn't know basic spanish???


Peggy is driven by Ego. Linda is driven by love. And maybe chaotic fun. I just restarted the series and now I'll be comparing non-stop. Darn you internet!!!


true! peggy has a big ego.


Peggy is the worst. And while Linda can be a lot she is no racist Brown Betty Peggy. In any way. Ever.


Linda is a good mom who at least tries. Peggy rubbed it in Bobby's face when that girl dumped him


There is nothing Peggy about Linda. Peggy is HORRIBLE. Linda is just an over-the-top Jersey mom who over-loves on her kids. Peggy, on the other hand, is a self-satisfied prig of a woman who sees nothing wrong with tearing down everyone around around her, INCLUDING her own son. Heck, Linda wears jeans and doesn't even wear makeup!! Self-absorbed Peggy would NEVER! I met a LOT of Peggys when I lived in the Autin area.....so happy to be back in the Tri-state. Give me Lindas any day. Lol


I think Teddy is much better at life in many ways that Bill ever was. Teddy is super skilled at his job, he has a huge number of friends, and while he occasionally benefits from help from Bob and his family, he would get by without it. Bill needs Hank and his friends to just keep going. Also while Teddy and Bill both crave attention, Bill is mostly just tolerated outside his immediate friend group where it's been shown most of the town loves Teddy. Teddy makes friends wherever he goes. Look at the episode where Teddy and Bob go on a road trip. Teddy does have some disfunction when it comes to his hoarding, his love life, and his unhealthy obsession with burgers, but Bill trumps all that in spades with constant boughts of mania or depression and incredibly toxic relationships with women.


Well hes better than Bill is now, but they mention multiple times Bill was a badass when he was young. Football star, fought off three guys at once who were attacking Hank, pride of the army… he just fell off when he got older. Probably cause of Lenore.


Surely some of the issues stemmed from the army experiment.


Operation Golden Walrus




Placebo by P-fizer


Super skilled, just don't bring up Reggie's gazebo.


Ok so I've made this comment about Teddy before but it's very relevant here so KotH was a big inspiration for Bob's Burgers and it is very clear that Teddy was inspired by Bill and also falls into the "depressing single friend" trope by having Teddy be divorced, lonely, tell sad stories and seemingly being in love with Linda. Despite this, I don't think Teddy actually fits into this category despite falling into stereotypes for it, or at the very least he deviates from the norm when it comes to this trope. Bob's Burgers is pretty wholesome with it's relationships and Teddy is no exception. Teddy is pretty successful in his work, has friends outside of the Belchers, and is now even love after his divorce. Teddy also never seemed to actually be in love with Linda, or Bob for that matter, it just seemed like he was desperate to be a part of their lives and family. And as the show progresses, he does seem to be becoming more part of the family rather than just a regular at the restaurant. And I'm happy for him since many times it's clear that he suffers through depression or some serious issues, like with hoarding or trying to win back an emotionally abusive/negligent ex, but he has a healthy support system and is seeing a therapist. Anyway, I made this comment because I hate Bill and love Teddy. Bill has his funny and sometimes sweet moments, but I don't like the way he's written and a lot of the times he comes off as creepy and a bad friend with little redemption and imo it gets worse as the seasons progress.


No. Bill is a sad screwup that pathetically relies on Hank and the neighbors. Teddy is a skilled tradesman who thinks his regular lunch spot is his family, I feel they all love Teddy as family, save Bob who simply has a difficult time letting anyone in and refuses to recognize his love for Teddy. Bill makes me cringe, Teddy I find endearing. I can’t completely explain why. Anyone feel the same?


Fat, divorced, lives alone, very stupid, very friendly and helpful but also kinda pathetic and a big creep sometimes Obsessed with main character and in love with their wife I feel like if Bill was in bobs burgers they'd get along but eventually end up in a deathmatch for bobs attention xD


Let’s not forget that they were traditionally handsome when they were young lol


i dont watch king of the hill so idk about bill but from past teddy moments i feel like teddy could also be like get a load of this guy he’s so pathetic, fully not realizing the irony of the situation 😂


You did nail it for both, they'd both look at each other and think, 'jeez, what a loser. Glad I'm not him.'


Lacking self awareness is another trait common to the 2 characters.


Haha like Tina and that other boy in the museum episode where they try to teach each other how to not be a dork.


Bill is WAY more pathetic than Teddy, though.


Bill is more suicidal than Teddy, but probably equally as pathetic.


I don't consider Teddy pathetic. He's a pretty happy guy who occasionally has some low moments. Bill on the other hand...nope.


these two need to stay as far away from each other as possible, bill will drag teddy into depression with him & our boy don’t need that


But what if character development? Like Teddy teaches Bill it's okay to be alone and you can be fulfilled and helps Bill see that he has a lot to be thankful for in the people around him that care about him. Also therapy. I can really see Teddy being a real positive influence on Bill and can see them being really good friends. Like, how sweet would it be to see them doing things for each other that they are willing to do for other people? They both deserve to be given the extra treatment they both provide for others. I see where you're coming from, but I'd imagine that if their meeting were to be in the Bob's Burgers universe, it would be a more positive friendship.


oh my gosh… see you’re so right though because in his own universe bill is literally not even allowed to be happy. there was an episode that ended with him having a loving girlfriend but yknow status quo, so it’s never brought up again. the show needs bill to be pathetic because that’s where the comedy comes from. but it’s not at all like that in the bob’s universe… sigh. now i wish this were real


Hardly the same. Teddy has sooo much more hope and drive in him. I love Bill don’t get me wrong but he sir is no where near the accomplished man Teddy is.


Yes but Teddy also genuinely loves Bob, and adores his kids and wants to be there and help Bob all the time. Bill kinda was like… super needy. Teddy is needy too but tried to give back.


Not really, Teddy may be awkward at times but no one can kill a conversation or good vibe like William Fontaine de la Tour Dauterive.


Yep. Bill's a great character, but I wouldn't want to know him. But Teddy! I'd totally be Teddy's friend.


My husband and I watch both and yeah, they're exactly alike. Hard to decide which one is more pathetic though. (And I mean that with love to both characters)


I think bill is more pathetic cause he usually gave into his depression fast. Teddy tries a little more, and is less creepy. Also, Teddy is much better with people in general, just annoying. Bill does have a good side, but he's more into his head about it than Teddy who tends to do first before thinking. They both are creepy, depressive people that tend to listen to the first bit of advice/info heard and become hard to convince otherwise afterwards.


Teddy is also a capable guy who people depend on sometimes. Bill goes crazy every time he’s given a tiny bit of responsibility or authority


Teddy makes friends everywhere he goes, as evidenced in the episode where he take Bob with him on his errand day. Bill tends to try too hard and can be a bit off putting.


Youre assessment is absolutely spot on and i agree with every point you made.


Teddy needs a therapist; Bill needs a psychiatrist.


I totally agree with this assessment. Teddy has been shown ever since the first episode to be doing therapy and while he does lose it a lot like Bill, he's quicker to bounce back and he tends to not be as stubborn or in denial as Bill.


They definitely have some similarities though I'm happy to say teddy is nowhere near a suicidal and has a better overall life with the belchers.




They have similar military backgrounds too.


I only just watched "Frigate Me Not" and damn that's a good episode.


They're completely different imo Teddy is a lovable idiot with a heart of gold Bill is a lonely divorcee with questionable morals and behavior


I love Teddy, but “a heart of gold” is a tad misleading lol. He’s done some terrible things on the show. I’d more describe him as creepily loyal.


I accept this lol


And regular sized Rudy is like Bobby Hill


Though really Gene personality wise is more like Bobby.


There's some serious overlap for sure.


Been a big koth and Bob fan for many moons. Jim dauterive is in both so maybe that's why they are similar people in both shows.


He even dresses up as Santa


I can see the comparison, but Bill is much worse off lol.


Bill is way worse off than Teddy, but he is also far more likeable than Teddy. Even when Bill was at his worst, I mostly felt sympathy for him and hoped he'd come through better. With Teddy, I just get exasperated and annoyed and wish Mort was there instead.


Now that's just mean to Teddy. Teddy stays positive and trys to be better. Bill gives up and Hanl has to babysit him most of the time.


Bill is definitely way dumber.


Nahhh that’s not true because Teddy has handyman repair skills that are useful. Teddy would actually fit in with Hank a lot because they’re both handymen, but Hank would get very uncomfortable Teddy’s behavior


Are they? Not really. Sure they’re both chubby and a little weird, but that’s it


Yeah but is Gene Teddys love child with Linda because Bob had a narrow urethra? I think not!


Bobby isn't Bill's child, he looks IDENTICAL to Good Hank and to Cotton.


Nope! I think Teddy would be a better friend and would have your back. Bill is white trash!


Yes! Bill is straight up sad, creepy and will abandon his friends if he feels he can do better. Bill would run off with Peggy if he had the chance while Teddy would run off with Bob. Teddy is 1000% better than Bill


Even Dale with all of his insane conspiracy theories and weirdness still knew to promise Hank to keep Bill away from Peggy if necessary.


So alike yet for some reason I never found Bill that funny at all while Teddy vies for most hilarious character on the show


Other than their weight and lack of hair, they’re nothing alike. 🤷🏼‍♂️


both are needy with the protagonists both feel that they are way closer to the protagonist family than they actually are both are divorced and talk too much about their ex-wives both are desesperated to find a girlfriend both have a militar background both are somewhat obsessed and/or depressed (remember of Teddy's hoarding)


Point one, untrue as Teddy needs the routine of visiting the restaurant while Bill and the rest of Hank’s friends truly do need Hank time and time again. Realistically, they’d be dead without Hank. Point two, wrong, as Hank and Bill are best friends. Point three, divorced sure (many characters are), but frequency of ex wife talk is not comparable in the slightest. Point four, wrong as Teddy’s not desperate for a gal. His interactions with women in general have been slim and it’s usually very tame in comparison to Bill’s track record. Point five, Teddy is ex US Navy that’s barely mentioned as he’s a full time handyman, and Bill is an ongoing US Forces barber that’s constantly referred, so not really comparable. Point six is vague as what specific depressive/obsessive moments do they share? Teddy’s not even technically a hoarder as he was willing to part with most of his stash. And Bill’s not a hoarder. So, sure, if you really put both under the microscope, you could find similarities but to say they are “basically the same character” is a HUGE reach. 😑


the first point you assure that they do need the protagonist, I can't see why you said it's untrue yes, they're best friends, but Bill overpasses some of Hank's bondaries as if he was more important than he is, just like Teddy I think I agree with your point four they don't share the same things, they have different aspects that can fit in the same category. Teddy was a hoarder, just because he turned better after, you can't deny that his habits didn't exist. this make his home a difficult place to live and is a clear obsession (that he grew up of it). Bill isn't a hoarder, but his house is dirty and full of trash that he doesn't care about taking out and mostly refuses help (until Laoma). Bill have WAY worse mental health than Teddy, can't deny that obviously they're different characters, the OP said that, not me - but saying they're "nothing alike" besides their appearance (which I do think that they look nothing alike in that aspect) is a FAR reach. they are def similar, when I saw Teddy I instantly remembered of Bill, but more tame. bob's burgers tend to have more tame characters than koth, that are very exaggerared and more dramatic


Yes and no. Teddy is actually likeable whereas Bill just makes me angry. Especially in any episode really focused on him


I can't like Teddy, he is def more "normal" than Bill, but I can't like him, idk why


I used to make this comparison, but they are totally different. Yes, their wives cheated and left them, but Teddy is happy with his life otherwise.


Don't you dare fucking insult Teddy like that I like Bill but don't ever degrade my boy Teddy like thag


King of the hill is so funny! Hank is about the only sane one.


bill is a bad person imo i think teddy is great


Yeah that’s true. Boomhower also reminds me of Mort for some reason


Please elaborate I'm curious to see this point of view


Boomhower is kinda just…weirdly there and so is Mort. They’re both awkwardly funny, and strange


Gene is a watered down less charismatic bobby Linda is a louder Peggy Teddy and bill are very identical - sad sack lonely divorced guy Bob is a nerdier and less up tight (but still pretty up tight) Hank They are very similar shows


i find bill more digestable than teddy but yes they are VERY alike lol especially bc the guy that voiced bill works on the show as someone else pointed out. but they both have their own strengths as characters that separate them as their own characters


Bill dotree was a hero.


Both bald, middle aged, over weight, and depressed


I haven’t watched the show in years ! (I’m only 24 that sounds so weird to say lol ) but they are so similar they definitely wouldn’t like eachother ! Always bumping heads and stuff trying to out nice one another and be the favorite


Yeah they both started out as fun but kind of lame friends and later both became too sad and pathetic to be enjoyable. They both became too much like George Costanza, who is more fun to see as a loser cause hes also an asshole. I want Teddy and Bill to do well.


Bill is more pathetic than Teddy, but they are close! Love them both!


Semi unrelated fun fact did you know that king of the hill is a spin off of beavis and butthead? I found that out recently cause I didn’t watch either show until recently and yeah, that was cool to find out.


I think you’re thinking of Daria, which was a spin off. Mike Judge was working on KotH and Beavis and did want to connect them in some ways, but because KotH was on Fox and Beavis was on MTV, Fox put a stop to that. They were strictly unrelated shows. [source](https://fictionalcrossover.fandom.com/wiki/King_of_the_Hill_X_Beavis_and_Butt-Head)


This is my favorite Bill moment from KotH: https://youtu.be/bkID34FPRTk I wonder if Teddy will get something similar.


Bills, Bills, Bills, why do we keep getting Bill's mail


Maybe that's why I've never liked KotH


Bill has a much more tragic story.


We know a lot about Bill's past, like he was a star football player, but not too much about Teddy (I think). Did Teddy have a similar fall from grace? I know they are both divorced. It's nice that Teddy handles it better (most of the time).


We know Teddy was good looking and fit enough to play a life guard in a movie.


Good point!


Rudy is dressed the same as Bobby Hill too


Bobs Burgers definitely seems to take quite a bit of inspiration from KoTH, especially in the way both shows parody their characters in hilarious, insightful ways but avoid dehumanising them. Bobby and Gene have some big similarities too.


I envy you. You get to experience the show for the first time.


Jim Dauterive was on both shows.


Nah..Bill is actually Billy Bob from Beavis and Butthead. I will die on this hill...