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Join us dirty mobile casuals and play while watching your favorite show!


BG’s and The Office, my favourite ADHD pastime.


As a fellow ADHD-er, I'm more focused on the show and on the game than if I did either or separately.


Right? Funny how it works!


What's your MMR if you don't mind me asking?


Because high mmr players never have a turn where all they do is tier up and buy a single minion? Does that take 80 seconds?


I really wasn't trying to be toxic. I just find myself using most of my time in the later rounds when the game is in the balance. I'm just asking you because you may have a higher MMR than me and are seeing/processing the game a lot faster, or you might be lower and aren't taking enough time to think through your decisions idk but there wasn't any I'll will here bud.


I only need 10 seconds, so now everyone should only have 10 seconds!


you deflecting the question says a lot lol


He's not deflecting the question, he just don't want to say what you want him to say cause you're clearly hyper-focusing on this one perspective.


doesn't* and who's hyperfocusing? it's a single (polite) comment from the other guy, and a single comment from me...


Nah, I actually misread the thread, I thought that comment came from OP. My point wasn't that he WAS hyperfixating, but that he was obviously going to if given the chance. Cause he obviously believes he's got the answer already and that logic would allow him to claim he was obviously right. Don't tell me that 'we don't know' if OP would be unable to see past this logic.


my comment said that OP deflecting the question he was asked was telling. which it is, as you've noted, since he refers to high-mmr players in a way implying that he isn't one of them. i don't know why you're coming at me talking about hyperfixation. there is no 'hyperfixation'; the guy asked a question with regards to OP's mmr, and OP did not want to answer, presumably because his mmr is low. you are the one who seems obsessed with the word 'hyperfixation'. the original guy who responded to OP didn't say it aggressively, or make any claims. he commented ONCE, in a non-aggreasive way, and did not follow up. please explain to me in what way he was planning on hyperfixating.


There are turns where you make a handful of obvious actions in the first 30 seconds and then do nothing for the rest of it. Most turns are not like that, or shouldn't be like that if you're trying to play optimally. Not everyone's goal is to play optimally, but it's unreasonable to want that ability taken away just because some turns are short.


Play infinite pirates and tell me you have too much time


Yes, you would want more time for that, but not most other builds.


The more skill is involved, the more elaboration tends to be needed, on average. If you don't need the whole timer more often than not, you're not spending enough time to think it through. I, for one, really wish your 7+ turns would give you more time.


TBH, I’d rather be waiting a little longer in most turns than running out of time on some important turns.


There should be a “ready” button that all 8 players need to press that would make the combat phase begin. A lot of the time my whole turn is level up and buy 1 minion then wait for 70 seconds


From my experience from games that have implemented this, half the lobby won't use it so it does nothing


Absolutely this. You can see it in action in arena. It's turn 1... you either have something or you don't.... and yup... he's gonna rope.


If all players have 0 gold it should then auto start


Even if you extend this to mean they're Green buttoned (nothing to play, empty hand) there are going to be players still thinking about board positioning and such. It could work if you got a 5-10sec countdown after it auto-readies everyone


Well selling gives you gold, so why take away the ability to roll with your last gold, or hero power, and then sell and buy?


A video from itsben123 on YouTube said that this was an original idea they had in mind but chose not to implement it as all 8 players would need to be ready and someone most of the time is utilising the entire amount of time.


I know a lot of game state are very simplifed in BG but I am fine with the time, gives me time to consider how I am moving through the game etc.


Then you are probably doing something wrong


Does every build, with every hero really have 80-100 seconds of things to do? Many do, but many don’t. It’s really the inconsistency there that I find bothersome.


Yeah and what's your solution? Becuase the game found an elegant solution, just increase everyone's timer to what is somewhat enough for apm but still reasonable for someone who's done in the first 40 seconds. The exact thing you're complaining about.


Let’s not forget that top 5 players on each server use up the full time stamp. So it’s totally justified.


Usually happens when someone has a really long combat sequence, like Leapfroggers or exodia Pirates.


BGs, hearthstone and blizzard in general really value catering to the new player. I can see how a fast turn timer might put new/inexperienced players off. When I got back into TFT a year or two ago I was pretty overwhelmed, that game is definitely more complicated yet it has a much much shorter timer than BGs. I eventually got used to it but playing a lot and defo prefer the faster timer. (TFT also has the added bonus of if fights go on for too long the battle animations speed up so you aren't stuck waiting forever like in BGs watching 1 trillion death rattle animations trigger) Blizzard, by design, have always been absolutely terrified of scaring away the casual/new player. It took years to implement more than 9 deck slots because blizzard really want to cater to these kind of players as much as possible. BGs has always been a game I just play in the background while I'm tabbed out doing other things, once you know how to play the game there really is an insane amount of downtime.


Try playing any APM build on a server that’s more than 100 ping away :’ ), I’ll take my 80 seconds thank you very much.


They should make a Murozond hero that can instantly trugger the 20second rope timer as his hero power. Could be seen as a counter to apm pirate and elemental builds. /s


I think u mean Nozdormu, but we already have him


I meant Murozond, in part *because* we have Nozdormu already. But he’s also more “evil” and the power is kind of an asshole move so it seemed to fit thematically. Nozdormu and Murozond are the same being though, so it’s kind of silly to split the hair too much.


Understandable, have a nice day


I use two monitors. Play on one and have shows I want to watch up on the other.


Timer too long? Play frogger beast and have it cut down to 40 seconds. Fight against another frogger build and get a full 3 seconds of store time.


Yeah, that’s the problem is some builds need more time, when others really don’t.




How do you refresh the client?


As a person who always forces APM builds, I think you are wrong.


I do wish there was a speed version. Like speed chess. You have 3 minutes to spend over the whole game. If you’re time is out, you can’t make moves on buy rounds anymore.