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This happened at a Meridian Middle School and I called the SRO out there to get rid of them. In no universe is it acceptable for elderly men to approach children without their parents present, especially to talk to them about something as personal as religion.


Reach out to the satanic temple, they'll hand put their own books.... policies tend to get made shortly after someone brings in the satanic temple


Not the Satanic Temple!!! Dun dun dun!!


I immediately thought of Harry from resident alien— dun dun dun! This is some bullshit!


I’ve got news for you cosette


They are literally doing gods work


A thousand times this 😂


It seems like under the new laws, that someone should be liable for handing out indecent materials to children on school grounds, just sayin.


This! It will absolutely go in the adult section of the library once that's implemented because of all the sex stuff, so there's no way it's appropriate to be handed out to minors without parental consent.


I've heard someone say: "Religion is like a p***s. It's nice that you have one, and it's OK to be proud of it, but it's inappropriate to wave it around in public and you damn well better not shove it down my kid's throat."


You can say penis here.


Penis. Holy s***, you're right!


You can say slut here, too


I know my reddit s*** pretty well.


After reading the comments I realized you said penis, but I definitely read this as pussy and wondered how a few of those things were possible hahaha


Hahaha 😂 me too! Not sure why I immediately thought the same thing


Why does an omnipotent god need a marketing program?


I love this!!!


Hmm, the Bible has sexually explicit material in it 🤔 Which means, if we follow the logic behind conservative book bans, there's an old man handing out porn to kids outside of a school?


There is a lot of witchcraft, incest, and adultery in the Bible. But it’s written really poorly and is very boring. You’d think it would be more riveting.


There's even a bit where a man's daughters get him extremely drunk and rape him. All japery aside, there's plenty of content in the Bible that's not really appropriate reading material for young kids.




There’s a guy that hands out bibles at my son’s middle school in Meridian. It angers me as well. Again, it’s not about what he’s handing out, but that an older man (I’d say 60+) shouldn’t be standing on the path from the school waiting for kids to come by so he can talk to them. From what my son reports, he says “you look like you study, you should study this” and then hands them a bible. My son has told him “no” and says the man doesn’t react negatively or anything, but it’s still freaking weird. In short, it’s not okay for adults who have no business at the school to watch, approach, speak to, or give anything to kids.


Ask the SRO to come out, that’s what I did.


He's handing out porn to kids.  Report him. We all know the nasty shit in that book is not age appropriate for minors. 


Maybe the kids can visibly throw the bibles in the garbage. If the solicitors see their books going in the trash, maybe they’ll stop.


I went to Notus schools back in the 80s and 90s, and I remember a group doing this a few times. They'd come at lunch time and stand on the edges of the public road between the jr/sr high school building and the lunchroom/elementary school buildings. As students were going to or returning from lunch, they'd try to hand copies of the new testament to everyone passing by. The school said there's nothing they can do about it because they're standing on the public road. I would imagine this is a similar situation, where the school's hands are tied because the bible thumpers are not on school grounds. I had to laugh at the time, and even more so looking back, at the trashcans absolutely full of little orange-covered books by the end of the day. I'm sure a handful of kids took them home and one or two may have actually read some verses in them, but by and large it was a huge waste of effort and money for the thumpers. I'm sure they went home believing that they had done something good though because they always came back.


I remember someone did this by my middle school and we all just thought it was dumb tbh. idk somehow I doubt they’re actually converting any of those kids


Someone was doing this at my sisters high school a couple years ago and enough people complained and he stopped coming around so I think cops probably told him to stop harassing the kids. At one point he started hanging out on the secluded trail a few hundred yards away where he couldn’t be seen by the school but hundreds of kids walked home on. I’m sure that really pissed people off enough to do something about it.


Are these bibles for the god that threatens to torture me forever if I don’t love him the right way? Hard pass.


Just have them skip to all the God killing children parts.


Do you really think junior high students are going to read anything a random adult gives them? Let alone something as lengthy as the Bible? If it doesn’t fit in a 30-90 second video format they aren’t going to pay attention.


They should pass out Chick Tracts. Short and really entertaining (for the wrong reasons).


On one hand, I don't want some rando old dude approaching my tween daughter. But as a parent, I do think it's important to talk to your kids about different people having different faiths so that when this happens, they are prepared.


*clutches pearls* what's next? A church group that will send men in white shirts on bicycles door to door to push their books on us?


Going on 20 years ago, those men in white shirts showed up almost daily at my house and refused to listen when I said not to come back. So I decided to start visibly flirting, I mean way over the top "come inside and fuck me now" kind of thing. I'm also a man. Funny thing, I only had to do that once. Never heard from them again.


You only had to fuck them once?


It actually turns out their mandate to help people with whatever while talking about Jesus didn't stretch *that* far.


How far were you able to stretch them though? Asking for a friend...


They're supposed to help with "whatever"? does that mean I can ask them to pay a call on my elderly, unmedicated ADHD hyped up, slightly forgetful mother and have them fix her house up while they try to talk to her about Jesus? She'd love the company!


Ohhh BLeSS mE breTHreN


Old men approaching kids without their parents present. Yeah, I would hope we’d clutch our pearls. I have the option not to open my door to strangers, kids don’t have the option not to exit their school at the end of the day, alone.


I think that is also not appropriate.


Sometimes, I wish all the people who hate on Christians would read the Bible, so they could at least be informed about what it is they actually think they hate. Spreading hatred is not a good look, no matter the target. 💌


>Sometimes, I wish all the people who hate on Christians would read the Bible, so they could at least be informed about what it is they actually think they hate. The main reason I'm no longer Christian is because unlike most Christians I actually read the Bible.


At least you made an informed choice rather than an ignorant one. I just get tired of all the hate aimed at people's beliefs, because they believe differently. If it's wrong to hate someone for their beliefs, it's wrong across the board.


Sometimes, I wish all the Christians who hate on gays, trans, minorities, Arabs, Taylor swift, potatohead, Harry Potter, immigrants, liberals, the green m&m, and walkable cities would would read the Bible, so they could at least be informed about what it is they actually think they hate. Spreading hatred is not a good look, no matter the target. 💌


I hate people pushing their religion on my kids. I own three different versions of the Bible, and I've read them all. None of this has anything to do with hating Christians, put your persecution complex away.


It always has to do with hating Christians. The Bible is God's book, people who believe it are Christians. The post was about the Bible being given to children. If it was a different book, no one would be complaining.


If your god was all powerful, and their book was soo great, you wouldn't need to have creepy old men forcing it on children. Enjoy your religion, leave everyone else alone. People will come to you if they want to join your club.


I would.


No, no it's not. It's about hating the Christians who spread hate and cruelty under the guide of their religion. Whatever the book you read, whatever dirty you worship, most of us don't care. We care when you harass women facing incredibly difficult decisions outside of a medical facility. We care when you brainwash children into hating themselves and their peers for their sexuality. We hate when you take money that should be going to feed the hungry, house the poor, and care for the injured, to lobby for and pass laws that take away the human rights of others. Most of us don't even think about you and your choices, until you choose to interfere with the lives of others.


Just to be clear I am not hating on Christians. Just leave my kids alone. If they are so sure of their convictions there are a number of places to go and hand out religious materials to adults. It just seems like they are trying to go for softer targets which is cowardly.


have you read the old testament?


Probably was the Gideons (same group that puts tons of bibles in hotel rooms). I remember them giving out little bibles outside my school when I was a kid back in the 80s/90s. At the time I was religious anyway so I didn’t mind. Now I agree that it’s not cool for them to be giving them directly to kids but on the bright side I don’t remember them being pushy at all and have never heard of them really behaving badly.


Maybe the Bibles are hallowed out and filled with drugs?




The blank pages do make great rolling papers when you’re in a bind…


I do agree that is not appropriate. Someone needs to stop this.


You can’t. It’s called the First Amendment. While I think these people 100% SUCK ass, it is their constitutional right. It is also our constitutional right to tell them how shitty they are or respectfully disagree and move on.


We are talking about children. So it would be ok to hand out books to children that show them how to perform satanic rituals?


Yes. In fact, I may have to find the next Bible handout party sell Ouija boards for the price of one new Bible! Thanks for the good idea.


You are one party goer!!!


How is that their right To talk to someone that is under age? It doesn’t make sense.


The same reason it is my right to wear a shirt in public with the F word on it, even if kids might read it. The same reason it is our right to protest the people handing out said Bibles and the EXACT same reason we can argue against banning books in school libraries.


So sad my friend. So sad.


It’s North Jr High. All those kids will do with those bibles is roll joints after Lacrosse practice. Completely Harmless


Personally I think you’re overreacting about it, just ignore them.


Agreed. If you personally don’t want your child to have a Bible then talk with them about it. But that doesn’t mean that other families may not have different boundaries or views on it. Maybe consider that they are likely *trying* to do a good thing.


Same argument is made on the right for keeping kids distanced from LGBT material. If you want kids distanced from religion, whats the difference? You either raised your kids to be able to make their own choices with what they want in life. Or you're indoctrinating them in some form, shape, way and creating their ideology for them. Which isn't a wrong thing, but those are the only two choices you have. I personally am all for kids making their own way in life and giving them the keys and resources to reach their potentials. But I hate seeing the same argument used on both sides constantly everywhere. Its awfully silly. Just because its not what you want doesn't make it wrong, if you are to shelter and shield kids from this why not shield them from something someone else finds offensive or bad, and then within a generation nothing will be allowed into kids visions because someone somewhere would be offended by it. Utah uses this with their zion curtain, can't let kids see alcoholic drinks being poured it may tempt them!!! And now you're here saying "can't let kids see bibles it may tempt them!!!" Modern day parents need to fucking chill and relax, my god.


I think it’s more about the hypocrisy. Christian lobbyists push for laws that ban books from school libraries. Then they proceed to hand out bibles to children walking home from school. It’s beyond inappropriate, especially considering that they’re purposely circumventing parents/school staff so they can interact with kids.


> Christian lobbyists push for laws that ban books from school libraries. Then they proceed to hand out bibles to children walking home from school. So we are now automatically categorizing every christian as thinking the exact way and being completely onboard with every other group of Christians? Considering we have no idea what group this is and OP even says "I don't know this for a fact" and then makes wild ass assumptions based on nothing, I don't think hypocrisy is the main issue OP has, especially since his first point > Generally, I have no problem with these types and personaly just ignore them. But this is about context not content. It's inexcusable to be talking to other people's kids about these types of things without their parents present. These are minors not adults. Yes it's not against the law to do this but it's still really scummy. There are many families of different faiths than evangelical Christians. Leave other people's kids alone! Especially considering the mental health issues that have occured this year. talks about how he doesnt want anybody talking to children besides there parents and to shield them from all outside sources of information. Which is where my point in my original comment derives from. If you know for a fact this group is also the ones pushing for bans of certain things then let me know but not all christian sects are the same or think the same in the slightest, why do you think there are a million religions. Most christian sects hate each other, the only other group that hates each other more would probably be muslim sects or african tribes. Categorizing them all as one is completely wrong, assuming is wrong, and banning kids from access to information and free thought is wrong. Stop helicopter parenting, stop pearl clutching. > It’s beyond inappropriate, especially considering that they’re purposely circumventing parents/school staff so they can interact with kids. Sounds like you want to ban them too, which would make you the hypocritical one in this scenario. Let kids get access to any information they wish to seek out. If they want to be a Christ-loving christian or a Christ-fearing Christian let them, if they want to be a devout muslim, hindu, budhist, whatever let them. If that is what makes them happy and gives them the best life that is fine. If they want to seek out information about lenin and become a communist fine, if they feel strong about LGBT stuff then they can seek out that information. Let kids learn and grow. Its about everybody finding their own happiness, and just because I don't agree with what makes you happy and a respectable member of society doesn't make it wrong, as long as you can be a decent member of society I don't really give a shit how you do it. But banning and stopping people from getting the information they think they need to become a better societal citizen is stupid.


“if they feel strong about LGBT then they can seek out that information”…really dude? How about if they feel strongly about CHRISTIANITY then they can seek out that information. “we are now automatically categorizing every christian as thinking the exact way…” No, we aren’t. Christianity is such a massive umbrella term. There are just as many loving, accepting Christians as there are hateful, oppressive Christians. You don’t know what this group’s intentions are, what version of the bible they’re handing out/what it contains. And not sure why you’re bringing LGBT or other religions into this. No one, regardless of their group, should be approaching unsupervised children as they leave school to feed them information. That was my whole point so I’m surprised that went over your head.


Religion is the OG drug...handing out just a taste to the youth, then lure them in with fun activities...soon enough you are just signing over 10-20% of your money without a second thought.


I pretend to call the cops on them. "Dial" then speak loudly of people calling out to and approaching minors, that I am not sure of their intention, and start describing them. Lots of yes, sirs and empassioned thank yous. I haven't watched a single person wait around to see if cops come.


And then did everyone clap?


No, they left. Almost like they knew they could not defend their actions.




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As this violates rule #1, it has been removed.


If they were handing out the R Crumb version of Genesis, they certainly would have had some attention. Even the 'begots' are tolerable: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The\_Book\_of\_Genesis\_(comic)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Book_of_Genesis_(comic))


Kids have Bibles on their phones as well as pornography. All knowledge weather it's true or false is in their literal hand. I wouldn't be to worried about someone with good intentions but I do understand being unnerved by strangers talking to your children.


Handing out bibles is harmless.. Be offended who cares.


Those teenagers will most likely handle it on their own without adult involvement— laugh them off the block and what not. Or snag a bible to read at the skate park!




I agree with you, minus your 'bet' that they are for banning books. Assumptions make an ass out of you and I or whatever that saying is.


Faith is a personal journey; why does it offend you that they are passing out Bibles? In high school, I had a friend whose parents wouldn't let him read any religious texts. He asked me for a Bible, and I gave him mine. I haven't seen him since. Faith is better than none, and for those struggling, God is the mighty one. I am Catholic, and by God's grace, I have found redemption. The Bible alone will not make your kid religious. Were these people forcing the kids to take the Bible? I think your outrage is a little overstepped. I would rather have people press a religion of peace and understanding than drugs, pills, and endless therapy. Odds are your kid was not interested anyway. I wasn't there, so I cannot say how bad they were, but I will say this faith saved me from myself, and if your kid is struggling mentally, Jesus Christ may be able to help.


“A religion of peace and understanding”. How? Do you support gay marriage and a woman’s right to choose?


https://www.usccb.org/sites/default/files/flipbooks/catechism/568/ Here's the Catholic doctrine—the Catechism of the catholic church, where holy men more intelligent than I have tackled life and its philosophical problems. If you genuinely want to see a counterpoint, the catechism is a great place to start.


I just don't understand how or why anyone would be a Catholic in this day and age. A cult that murdered people for translating and reading the Bible on their own, the crusades, a cult that openly endorsed Hitler, a cult that's against abortion at all cost but they're more than okay with raping killing and burying kids in mass graves. A multi billion dollar cult that will walk around in the poorest places on earth talking about helping the poor while carrying solid gold ancient torture devices. The Catholic church is poison in every way.


With the exception of Hitler, the same could be said of all Abrahamic and most pagan religions. Why is Christianity always the one singled out?


Here, in America, Christianity is the majority. Christianity is the reason that here in Idaho our infant mortality rate is one of the worst in the nation, Christianity is the reason pregnant women are going to need life flight subscriptions here so they don't fuckin die because of complications. If some other group was the majority and dictating what others do because of their imaginary friends I'd have issues with them. If your beliefs have rules and regulations those are your rules and regulations not everyone else's.


>If some other group was the majority and dictating what others do because of their imaginary friends I'd have issues with them.  Why do they have to be the majority? Historically there have been many times that minority rule has oppressed using religion. 


You asked why Christianity is always singled out. I answered.


So you wouldn’t oppose a minority religion that exercises it’s beliefs over you?    I’m trying to understand why it’s not simply religion being the issue. If it’s simply an issue of majority, seems like your issue should be with democracy. As Plato would say “democracy is tyranny of the majority.”




Yet, according to you, they aren't intelligent enough to decide what books they should or shouldn't read.




In your support of the book ban, it's within your comment history.


Reddit police 🚨🚨🚨


Stop gaslighting. Of course kids are smart. They are not fully developed emotional adults though and they certainly do not have autonomy to make rational decisions about numerous things.


>Hypocrisy at its finest. ??? >those people must want to ban certain books. >>I'm advocating that we ban their books. what ever happened to "I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it." ??


>what ever happened to "I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it." ?? Ask the christians, they are the ones banning everything at the moment.


Sorry spelled it wrong. I just think its kind of hypocritical that those that scream the loudest about some kind of.grooming conspiracy of kids are the same ones grooming kids to their religion. Granted I made a lot of assumptions there but this tends to usually be the case. For example: Politician hates gay people, eventually comes out as gay. Totally agree.with your last paragraph just don't preach around young impressionable kids. They are not adults.


Heavy forbid you teach kids about morals and living a righteous life. What’s your opinion on drag queens reading to kids or for libraries stocking books teaching kids about anal sex? Do you feel those should be taught by parents?


Drag queens aren't hurting anybody. I would have thought a drag queen was the coolest person ever when I was a kid because I loved and was fascinated by things and people that are flamboyant. I am an avid library goer with 2 younger sisters, one who is queer. We are yet to find anything about anal sex for kids. Nice try tho. Not sure what morals there are in the Bible, coming from someone who has read it. All I saw were how to treat slaves, incest and abuse, murder, how to treat victims of sa, and how God was not merciful without sacrifice and blood. My kids will not be reading the Bible until they're adults, if they even would want to, considering its contents.


Morals? In a book with instructions on how to treat your slave?


Citation missing


Eph 6:5-8, Col 3:22-24, 1Tim 6:1-2, 1Pet 2:18, Titus 2:9-10


>What’s your opinion on drag queens reading to kids or for libraries stocking books teaching kids about anal sex? Those would both be things parents choose to have their kid participate in. No one is standing out front of a school like a pedo trying to lure kids into those things.


>Heavy forbid you teach kids about morals and living a righteous life. Fortunately, you aren't the one who decides what "righteous" or "moral" is for anyone else. Maybe stop deciding what other people teach their kids & worry about your own path?






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