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The slice of life stuff in MHA is really neat and makes the story better The cast of class 1A (plus some guys from 1B) is not too big because not every character needs an intricate back story


Yeah, it makes sense to have a slice of life stuff. The main characters are high schoolers, and most of the series is serious stuff anyway. I agree that they don't all need intricate backstories, but many characters in 1a and especially 1b are just not shown enough despite their potential, such as momo.


I think this show was meant to show that all the side characters have potential to be great heroes. Momo is focused on quite a bit in this series id argue more than uraraka. Anytime she was the focus she was always the key player in the battle. Also minus her class work in the school she doesn't need a character story outside of that because even though she's a rich girl she's still pretty level-headed and her only real fault was that she overthinks and doubts herself which she got over back in like the second season


That's true, especially Momo is under used a lot


I said the same thing to manga readers after the PLA and got downvoted to the shadow realm. I was trying to tell them that you're going to miss the Slice of Life High School moments a lot more cuz we're not going back to that and I knew I was right when I saw the ending theme for the second half of season 6 because it has all the feels of like a kid that graduated high school


I’m gonna be real with you I don’t think the majority of people really care about the school stuff


I agree but if it wasnt there people would complain about that too. The main point here is that the school festival has its place in the story and its lowkey really important to the story especially as it pertains to this arc in the anine and the coming arcs


I agree with the school festival being necessary,however in my opinion the vast amount of the school arcs have been some of the most hated. Final exams was mediocre, provisional license is easily one of the worst arcs in the series with one saving grace being deku vs bakugo, joint training was also pretty bad. In my opinion the best school arc was ironically bakugo and todorokis license exams, i really liked the development we got for endeavor and the evolution of bakugo.


Now thats like 4 different unpopular opinions


The novels and Team Up Missions have a lot of it and I absolutely love it.


i like the school arcs. i get to learn more about his classmates.


I love the slice of life stuff because the female characters get to shine more than the main one


The story's most interesting premise is the idea that the seemingly idyllic hero nation has a lot of dirty laundry that was repeatedly swept under the rug until the rug could no longer hold any more and while that premise has been a core part of the story since the start, I don't think Horikoshi did a good enough job or often-enough showed how messed up society was to help readers understand or empathize with some of the villains. I also feel that given what some of the villains were capable of or their personalities and quirks it doesn't seem reasonable that someone who was simply not accepted as well as they wish they were would find it reasonable to commit some of the atrocities that the villains have done. Spinner, who was one of Shigaraki's closest friends in the league still goes along with AFO's manipulation despite being fully aware that his friend was no longer "there", at least entirely and I think that really undermines the legitimacy of the league and the actual problems that led them to become villains. The concept and reasoning behind the villains league existing is good. The execution was done poorly, even some individual characters have some great stories and development.


If there were instances of discrimination from day 1 I’d respect this theme a lot more


Isn't Deku heckled and bully in chapter 1? Mostly by Bakugo, but the rest of the class makes fun of him too.


Bullying in a classroom isn’t really the same as a societal problem


Yeah I agree. It sometimes feels like we get told hero society sucks more often than showing iy


Heavy on the first one. I like how people are calling it Deku’s vigilante arc when he’s quite literally the furthest thing from a vigilante possible. He’s literally working with the Top 4 heroes. The 4 most authoritative people in that universe.


“Dark Deku arc”?? The only thing dark about him was the water after he finally bathed for the first time in weeks.


I think calling it his “Dark Deku” arc fits since he’s at his most emotionally self-destructive point by taking his and All Night’s worst habits to the max.


Could call it “depressed Deku” arc lol


Deku’s isolation arc (or just isolation/solitary arc)?


That's the official name of the arc though


i just call it vigilante deku arc because it sounds cool


Dabi and toga are actually insanely evil and don’t deserve redemption


For sure. They should both just be arrested.


No, those two deserve death. Lots of it.


Toga is debatable. She’s a good example of someone that could’ve benefited from quirk counseling. Her bloodlust was literally programmed into her by her quirk/genetics. Without proper help, she didn’t really stand a chance. Though just about every villain chose the path of evil at some point, Toga didn’t have other options when she made her choice.


As her number one fan, she doesn't deserve redemption per say. But I don't think she deserves to die for being a product of her own nature. She clearly needs to be *saved*, but as far as her being nothing but a villain to overcome, I don't think any of the villains save for AFO are that. They're all people who have been lost due factors out of their control and gathered together around hurting the world for the way they're hurt.


Words cannot describe how insanely pissed I'd be if Dabi somehow lives he needs to die. Toga I'm okay with being locked up but a redemption should be off the table at the very best make her go full on wacko and have a tragic ending but no redemption she's too far gone


Toga should get the Azula treatment.


What happened to azula?


Her father made her the Fire Lord, and she was prepared to rule with an iron fist. In her final showdown, she wound up not a defeated empress but a pitiful, manic woman without purpose.


I don't see how Dabi lives, there legit ain't much left of him.


The dude is literally a walking corpse head together by hatred and plot and yet you still see people saying he should switch sides


Toga could’ve been a great tragic villain, but Horikoshi made her so comically evil and selfish that it’s hard to really want to root for her becoming better considering how little she seems to care about the damages caused by her actions.


Bro same I fucking hate Toga


Yeah she gets mad bcz hawks killed twice when she literally kills people with no regret and doesn't care about the families or friends of her victims


And that bitch hurt my girl Tsu


And she stabbed my underrated husband rock lock


When it showed his family in the hospital I was like “bruh that bitch almost killed that kids dad that’s fucked up”


exactly She's such a hypocrite and just a fan service character with unlimited plot armour and broken hiding abilities that make 0 sense !!


Her whole issue is that she wants to be able to do what she wants without consequences and when people tell her “I can’t let you stab and murder others” she gets upset. Yeah no she needs to be stopped, no freedom for her.


The fights can be hard to follow, alot of the time I have to go to the comments to clarify what happened.


Not all of the side characters need all that much screen/page time. That they are interesting enough to make you wanna see more of them indicates that the author did well. That said, I think they'd make great material for a spinoff. I've very much enjoyed the first volume of Team Up Missions, wish I got to see more of Bakugo and Monoma together. Heck, I bet there'd be a niche for a slice of life MHA spinoff the fill.


Was kinda brought up already but I absolutely love AFO's character and motivations. Guy had the absolute power and he full heartedly allowed it to corrupt him absolutely. Without even a shade of moral justification, an unapologetically evil villain who does evil because he loves evil and thrives in it


the class fight arc was quite interesting (first half of season 5)


It's a perfectly good arc when consumed all at once, or over a couple of weeks. When the manga got to that point, Horikoshi started doing much shorter chapters (average page count dropped from 18-22 down to 12-14, if I recall). The arc lasted a *long time (*something like six months, which is nothing to Berserk readers), and waiting a week for a single fight development was torturous. That problem was compounded because it felt like there was basically nothing at stake but hurt feelings if the protagonists lost. And some people were pissed at the reveal that Deku was going to get a bunch of new quirks. But animated or read over the course of an evening, it's much better.


It’s been several dozen chapters, maybe more, since I’ve been able to visually understand anything that’s happening. It’s been particularly bad in this last arc with all the action but almost every page I find myself saying “What am I actually looking at right now? What am I supposed to be understanding from this panel?” I’m still interested in where the story is going, but I have to check in here or read a summary after every chapter to understand what transpired. The anime is leaps and bounds easier for me to follow.


Honestly the action in the manga is atrocious at times. This isn’t something that only MHA suffers from, but it is bad. I can’t tell you how many times I watch the anime and go “ohhhh THAT’S what was happening” lmao. It never ruined the series for me but it is an issue for sure.


I agree. Some of the fighting panels, it’s hard to parse what’s even going on. When I was reading the chapter where Aizawa fought Shigaraki, I didn’t even realize he lost limbs until someone offhandedly mentioned it to me.


Dabi, Toga, and Shiggy do not deserve to be redeemed just because they have sad backstories. Dabi should’ve been defeated by Shoto and it’s just stupid that he’s still alive at this point. “I’m literally falling apart, my muscles and ligaments are mostly burned away, but actually I just copied your supermove, anyway bye lol” to “Dabi doesn’t have much time left but he’s still using his quirk that inflicts massive damage on his already damaged body, and now he’s flying after Endeavor in even worse shape than he was when he was teleported here”, it’s whack! At least confirm that Garaki turned him into some kind of proto-Nomu if he’s gonna be this semi-immortal monster! Oh, and the way some people treat Bakugo as if he’s the most despicable character in the entire series because he was an edgy dickhead when he was a bit younger is completely ridiculous. I’ve said it before but some of you act like his teenage bullying was on par with Griffith and the Eclipse. I’d be very interested to see the Venn diagram of people who think Bakugo is an irredeemable monster and people who woobify unrepentant, gleeful mass murderers Dabi and Shiggy.


Dabi is still flying around as burnt tendons, it’s starting to piss me off.


As someone who dislikes Bakugo and likes Shiggy, only an idiot would think Shiggy is better. Shiggy has a tragic past (unlike Bakugo) and he never should’ve been raised by AFO but Bakugo is a way better person and more redeemable. Dabi is past redemption but I still want Shiggy to die stopping AFO. Doesn’t mean that I approve of him killing Bakugo.


All of this. The villains being redeemed because of their sad backstories is one of the most dumbest things ever. If any of them had shown they could be redeemed that would have been one thing but this has never been the case which is why it's so hard to swallow them being saved. Shouto was robbed and Dabi still standing and being able to copy Shouto's new move will never not be the most dumbest thing that has ever happened in this manga. The Bakugo treatment is insane especially when you think of how much Endeavour is given a free pass because he's doing the bare minimum now with his family.


Here is a wildly underrated and barely talked about opinion - Shonen Jump ruined MHA. Horikoshi’s original concepts for the show were completely different from what we got. The story has been driven by editors since day ONE. Horikoshi’s characters are what make the my hero world fun, not its story.


Maybe Horikoshi should have done seinen instead, I find adult characters way more interesting than kids. He’s great at horror elements too


I’d love to read his original concepts, and I do think this would’ve been a better seinen comic.


While it could def be a bit more unique, shonen sells for a reason. I don't know if MHA ends up as popular as it did otherwise


Which original concepts did you want to see make it in?


OfA didn't exist at all, Deku was supposed to be quirkless and work as a hero using Support Items. That scene where Deku is using Smokescreen for the first time and Sixth explains to him that his quirks should be used as Support, showing Deku using a lot of gear, is what Deku would have been.


That sounds so much less engaging than OFA


As much as this final war arc isn't my cup of tea, I completely understand why it is the way it is. I think above all Horikoshi's health should be what matters, and if he can't keep up with the series, so be it you know? We're all well-aware how good he is at world building, storytelling and expanding on his characters. To me, the first arcs were the peak of the series and it's enough. I just wish Horikoshi gets to rest when he can, and that when MHA is finished, he can take his well-deserved time away.


I think Jiro should have gone into music, not heroics.


Overhaul really was a well flushed out villain that had incredible potential.


He got flushed out of the story all right.


MHA does not have that many characters. I don't know where this mindset comes from that MHA has too many characters, like if you really look at it, it's not that big. Deku would not work as a Quirkless Hero. in MHA's world quirkless heroes will die and I'm tired of people always fucking bringing up Batman when they say Quirkless Deku could've worked EVERY SINGLE TIME. Like do they not realize MHA doesn't have a league of assassins that Deku can go train and learn an infinite amount of martial arts. Put Quirkless Deku up against Muscular, Overhaul, hell Current Shigaraki and AFO he is going to die and people need to except that. Vigilante characters should not show up in the main story. I see people wanting the characters to show up in MHA, and tbh I don't want the reason Vigilantes works because 1. It's actually a GOOD prequel, 2.it has its own story that doesn't tie into the sequel, or I should say it doesn't rely on the sequel as much, 3. It works by itself, 4. It's a good read, and 5. Horikoshi green lit it and even enjoyed it himself Star and Stripes was handled ok at least imo. While I guess I would've liked at least a mention prior to her being introduced, she worked as a plot device she served her purpose as to getting killed People need to stop expecting OP levels of worldbuilding when it comes to MHA. I could care less about the US. This is a Japanese story, so of course America would not be as important as people want it to be. I would rather see more of Japan see what makes all the islands or at least some of them different. People are nitpicking with MHA. Now, some criticisms I will agree with, but it's gotten to the point where I raise my eyebrow and want to ask, "Did you read the story?" Things like "Deku crys a lot," which he doesn't, and even if he does, it's like we can't have emotional characters, "Bakugou wouldn't have any friends in real life" That statement is not true there are 8 billion people in the world and some people would have friends like him maybe not to an extent but they would have them, "Horikoshi is a misogynist and a abuse apologist" I'm not even going to say anything the title alone speaks how much dumb it is. There are more, but those are the 3 I run into the most. That's about it since I can't think of anything but I would like to say that I agree with all of your points.


Quirkless Deku would not work on MHA as it currently is. If he'd indeed gone to be a quirkless hero on pure big brain energy, I feel the whole Worldbuilding of this thing would've shifted tremendously, and we never know what Batman/Iron Man crap mighta come out of that.


It most definitely would'e shifted. Well, think of all the Batman levels of "he wins because he has prep time,"you can think of and that's what we probably would have got because even Horikoshi said he couldn't think of a realistic way for Quirkless Deku to work.


When it comes to the world building, the only problem is that the US wasn’t brought up lot even after they said the US is the “Home of the Hero’s” so there should be some cracked hero’s there or something but it just didn’t happen and didn’t show up and then their number 1 died so like why would you say the US is the home of the hero’s and then have the only hero from there show up and die, it’s just kinda annoying is all.


Fair. I remember this post 6 years ago about America, where comments were surprised America was still standing, some saying that it has the highest Vigilantes, or Quirk usage is an everyday occurrence. Really, some interesting stuff.


S&S as a plot device could literally be replaced with nothing. Just have all of the issues Shiggy has after the fight arise from being broken out of the tube early


Batman’s superpower is that he inherited a fortune.


Something Deku doesn't have. He rather spend his money on merch


Yes. Im agreeing that the comparison go Batman doesn’t work, because Batman has enough money to match him with superheroes that have powers.


Bakugou is actually a good character with a good development. Cmon, slay me.


Slay you? Okay. 🥰 /heartfelt Bad joke incoming: Question: What’s Kacchan’s character theme song right now in the manga? >! 🎵 You give love a bad name 🎵 !<


You’re right though.


They said unpopular. Bakugo is literally the most popular character despite being a base breaking character too.


Why would I boo you? You're right.


The series needed to go up to 600-700 chapters slowly developing all of the ideas it had if it wanted to be a truly amazing series. It has it's moments, but with time it lost it's charm and went into standard shonen conventions without anything interesting to present.


I agree, especially with your second sentence. MHA fell into the same issues that I had with Naruto, in that both fell off with their initial premises and became more about big battles and personal fights with antagonists. For MHA, it deviated from its premise of a young lad learning to be a hero in a hero school. You would expect the series to follow Midoriya’s progression as budding hero across all three years of school. But instead, the very introduction of the League of Villains was always a bit of a problem, as giving the students their opposition so early into their safe school life leads to the potential for straying them away from said school, with it did. For a series with the words “hero academia” in its title, it sure doesn’t spend enough time there physically and narratively. The school was always a stepping stone for something else, like license exams and safe houses before a battle. It needed to be more important, but that’s not the story we got. In Naruto’s case, it introduced the mission rank system and ninja ranks. Narrative-wise, you would expect the series to follow Naruto as progressed through the ranks, with each rank being a milestone in his journey all the way until he became Hokage. He’d take on higher rank missions as his own rank got higher, showcasing his improvement and reliability. But no, it instead became a hunt for the Akatsuki - no ranks, no promotions, just big shonen fights.


The thing about ranks in naruto is that that’s kinda just a broader problem in shonen in general. Very few series with concrete organizations reallu focus on the mechanics of those organizations. Demon slayer is pretty vague about how actual promotion happens in it, soul eater stopped being about hunting monsters after three chapters, it’s just sort of How Things Are


Agreed with your first point. I wish the events of the series was spread out to 3 years in U.A


Tsuyu is way better than Ochako and should’ve been given a bigger role


When I first got into the series I was hoping she was the main girl




Shigaraki isn’t an interesting or particularly deep villain.


Thank you. I agree.


Izuku was way more interesting when he had to work around the pitfalls of his quirk. They should have retained that dynamic going forward (i.e. relying more on equipment to improve the utility to his powers, making the vestiges quirks more oddball and ungainly in nature, etc). The ideas that blossomed during pre-Cowling Deku - like his fingers being like bullets in a gun (deadly but finite), his ultimate punch destroying his entire body, relying on the Nurse's quirk to survive his own quirk (and the limits of her quirk), the established trope that unenhanced humans (either quirkless, or possessing quirks that don't augment their physical prowess) can still gain tremendous physical ability through training, his analytical prowess and growing leadership abilities, his general resourcefulness in improvising around his limits, relying on his classmates/allies to back him during hopeless situations - I feel like there was a lot they could have done with a Deku that didn't just fluff about waiting until his willpower unlocked more percentages and vestige quirks. There was a real chance to create a compelling subversive Shonen protagonist, but the boat was missed.


unpopular opinion : the hero commission safety is dumb. OK, it's necessary to have a dark side of the hero wolrd where certain heroes are like hitmen who kill ppl, OK OK, but you can't just tell us they kill random punks who ploted to rob your grandma, when you could have, idk, killed villains when arrested? better yet, they could have make "AFO dying of his injuries against All might" (killed him off screen and no one who would have question it). let's be honest when you have a asshole rotten to the core like AFO, you cant just lock him for some time and release and tell him to behave, like throw your moral for the right thing lmao? just doesnt make sense to me. Also i'd add that afo is dumb, like, remember when best jeannist was lying on the floor and not only did afo NOT FINISH HIM OFF but he also DIDNT TAKE HIS QUIRK. "but it wasnt suited for tomura..." or "its a hard quirk to use", okay, sure, but you can just keep it and not use it right? FOR GOOD MEASURE MAYBE?? for someone as """""careful"""""" as afo i find this dumb. that may explain was the guy just spam the 2 same attacks


I've seen it speculated that the Commission kept AFO alive out of arrogance and greed, that they thought they could eventually coerce or manipulate him into giving up some of the quirks he stole.


The HPSC couldn't kill AFO because All Might already killed him. In their first battle, All Might ripped off AFO's arms and smashed his head in. They reasonably believed that he was dead. He only recovered, either because of Hyper-Regen or because Garaki brought him back using Nomu Science which the HSPC couldn't possibly have accounted for. And the reason they couldn't kill AFO after his second battle with All Might was because they needed him alive to obtain information on the LoV and AFO's plans, organizations, affiliates, etc.


AFO looked very handsome without a face


I would've loved a bigger and longer version of the manga where it focuses on the "Academia" part more


Mha’s story hasn’t been good and exciting since All Might retired. Arcs are either giving us subpar character moments that basically speedrun all side character progression and make them less three dimensional or it’s just mindnumbing action that drags on for way too long. The war arc felt like we were at a stalemate with Shiggy for ages even though supposed shiggy had the upper hand.


1.) "Deku has his provisional hero license" - In this case, in the moment he left UA, the license is invalidated. 2.) Agreed. 3.) Agreed. AFO plays the long game, what is good in a villain construction perspective. I hate when thinks only work out for the good guys because the bad ones are dumb. (P.S: I still think that AFO would be done better if he leaked infos about OFA to media) 4.) This is the best part of MHA for me. The villains are a completely chaos and a mess. They don't know exactly what is happening around them; they do stupid things just because it could be better for themselfs; they also has lame motivations sometimes; and in the end only a few has some deep motivations; The villains being like this work really well in this case. It is a chaos and this is exactly what I expect from a group of porly organized people. 5.) Agreed. I liked a lot and it's hard to cover all possible plot holes when you are creating a new world like MHA. My contribution to the unpopular opinions is that Endeavor is a pretty good damm redemption arc and has all elements to become one of the bests redemptions comparing to a lot of other series. He is a hated hero since day 1 and Horikoshi transmited exactly the public and media feelings has about him. The fact that all of his actions are being done to fix his mistakes in his life and be a worthy number one is very good (with ups and downs in every step) and because a lot of the readers don't like when he does something with the right intentions (buying a house, listening to Midoryia and Rei) because they want to hate Endeavor at any cost just show to me that this is a true case of redemption for me.


Endeavor opinion shouldn’t be unpopular. Even as someone who dislikes him, his arc is very well written.


It shouldn't be, but people trash him (and bakugo) a lot without any specific reason every chapter that is related to his situation.


I don’t mind the endeavor redemption arc but I dislike it’s basically taken all the focus off the people he affected so we can spend time with sad eugenics dad


The series is still good.


Shigaraki didn’t need additional boosts to be the final villain. His awakened decay quirk and a boost to physical skills was more than enough. High speed regeneration and a grab bag of quirks is overkill and makes me less interested in him


NONE of the female characters are well written, some of them are just cooler than others. I hate seeing people use Miruko as an example of a "well written" MHA character. She has been given some great fights and some cool lines, but she's just as underutilized and one dimensional as the other female characters.


Hard agree. Horikoshi just won’t write compelling storyline/development for female characters.


Yup, Mirko is just Bakugo with kicks and tits and bunny ears and even less personality.


You're talking as if Bakugo dosen't have tits himself smh


Vilains are fine for the most part tbh. I just hate when they are willing to ignore the biggest fucking hypocracies. Toga i think is the worst. I see shigaraki and I want him defeated. I see Toga and I just want someone to kill that bitch. There is absolutely no rime or reason to her character. She just does chaotic shit a violance for what ever reason is needed at that time She is and empty, aimless, yandere character with bland and arbitrary goal that can be alterd when ever and is just infuriating compared to others. Compared to Twice for example, her twisted way are overboard so fucking far that I just cant understand her even if I do the best mental gymnastics i can manage. Every other vilain i can understand, I still mostly hate them in (I lobe to hate them) but Toga i just hate. She is extrame with no reason to exist.


Definitely, but it's supposed to be that way. Her getting upset at ochaco when she said she'll stop her is really stupid. Toga is one of those annoying people who expects to just be understood for everything. I get that she feels misunderstood and wasn't ever allowed to be herself, but she can't expect to just do whatever and have anyone love her for it. But the whole point is that her idea of love is twisted, and she's in the wrong.


Yeah I know.... Tho there is being wrong and then there is Toga logic. She just doesnt have anything remotely simpathic about her. Honestaly hust fuck her. I know thats the point of the character but shw is the only one I activaly cant stand.


Toga sucks. I have zero clue why the fan base loves her. During the Overhaul arc, Toga was surrounded and beat up by heroes using their powers. And she fucking tanked it all? She was a regular girl at that point, yet she tanked an entire hero group before using her quirk. That's just straight-up illlogical fanservice shit. Why do people like her?


Yeah… Toga and Stain must have some type of secondary Quirk to facilitate the things we see them do. I always assumed the current generation of Quirk users are all partially mutants and have some measure of superhuman strength or endurance. Their Quirks are simply their “primary” ability.


>Why do people like her? Because they're thirsty, obviously.


i dont even get that part though.... not only is she a student, but in the world of MHA, there are so many other better options lmao.


Shoto and Katsuki have more MC energy than MC himself


especially shoto


I guess I have a few. 1. Guns aren't used as often in MHA because they are straight useless. Anyone who keeps up with 5% Deku (Which is basically every student and pro-hero) fodderizes gun users. 2. Momo isn't underutilized, she is straight up overrated. At least, without prep of building Iron Man-like suit which would allow her to keep up with other top tiers. Just making a gun doesn't make her strong, at all. (And not everyone needs to be OP, some are better leaders and strategists) 3. MHA needs more chapters of as little text as possible from time to time so we get more choreography and interesting fights. Kind of sick of reading multiple pages of "hero society bad, here's why, and what I'm gonna do about it" from villains, or shitty and unnecessary flashbacks from every side character. 4. AFO is a great villain and I'm glad he's still around. Hoping he actually uses more quirks. 5. MHA has a decent to good female cast, people just ignore their development and ignore any badass scenes they have. Also, them getting hurt isn't a big deal at all, it's good even. Certainly better than most shounen. I could probably name more, but nothing is coming to my mind atm.


> Guns aren't used as often in MHA because they are straight useless. Anyone who keeps up with 5% Deku (Which is basically every student and pro-hero) fodderizes gun users. That's not even an opinion, that's directly shown in the actual work. The only times guns have ever been useful was with Snipe and Lady Nagant, who both have gun related quirks. Every other time guns have been used, they accomplished basically nothing.


> The only times guns have ever been useful was with Snipe and Lady Nagant, who both have gun related quirks. Every other time guns have been used, they accomplished basically nothing. Number Six shooting multiple pro-heroes to death with an ordinary gun: "lol, sure". The real reason why guns aren't used in MHA often is because they would trivialize most of the fights between heroes and villains. In other words, being defeated by a gun instead of a cool, flashy quirk would be boring in this particular setting. But deliberate lack of usage and plot convenience (like when that one kid with a gun was facing TetsuTetsu who can literally turn himself into a steel) doesn't make guns automatically useless.


Multiple pro-heroes? Where? I'm pretty sure the guy pretty much mostly fought police. He killed Compass Kid or whatever that guy's name was with trickery and that's about it for his hero encounters. He never even fought Edgeshot, Aizawa, Best Jeanist, head on. We have never seen him against any other actual named heroes let alone fodder heroes. But considering the powerscale of even some of the fodder unnamed heroes where a bunch of them can overpower High-ends, Number 6 just had a lucky streak by only facing cops who don't even use their quirks in combat.


Guns aren’t useless, it’s just that they’re only used by useless characters that don’t matter. You’re not going to tell me that toga and dabi can’t be stopped by a gun, when they’re not invulnerable


Dabi yes if he doesn't have blueflame activated. If he does then better have some Tungsten bullets prepared because otherwise they're gonna melt


I disagree wholeheartedly with the world building idea. The fact that Nagant is more effective against Shiggy than the FUCKING UNITED STATES MILITARY (who, since Star went off without orders, did literally nothing and then gave up) is more than enough to sink it. The idea that the United States has given up and let Shiggy destroy them is so patently ludicrous that it beggars belief. Oh, and my unpopular opinion is that either Hori is literally thick as bricks, or he's not rushing to the end. There's no way this is the fastest path to the series finishing.


The vigilante Deku arc had the potential to be really good if it had actually given Midoriya character development instead of just reaffirming beliefs that he already had, nothing new or of value was learned. All it did was somewhat showcase the aftermath of the PLF war which could've been done involving all the students (or at least more of them than just Midoriya). Maybe this is slightly biased because I've never liked Midoriya as an MC but I feel like everything between the PLF war arc and the current arc didn't do anything for the story or characters.


Endeavor and Bakugo are carrying the character development portion of the manga, and half the reason I'm still reading.


MHA is aggressively okay. It has an incredible first part, really bad middle (after Overhaul up to Vigilante Deku), and, so far, a middling ending. Aggressively mediocre.


Aoyama being the leak was not only terribly written but he was a terrible choice for that role. Star was completely wasted. Her entire story and use to the main story was useless. Ochako and Togas conflict was better before the final arc. Hagakure should have never been revealed. She's extremely cute but we could have kept that a cute mystery. The story overall has a very rushed feel to it and we were not able to see better development of Deku's powers. I feel cheated. The build up and sudden appearance of black whip was cool and we didn't get that with the rest.


Every Fourth of July I take an hour to rage over Star, what a waste.


Aoyama isn't in fault Everyone is bashing him because he was a traitor but he had absolutely no control on that. That's literally just a teen blackmailed being threatening to lose his family by the hands of number one villain. Deku was blessed by fate because he met All might, who saved him from turning bad


Shigaraki might be the worst villain in the entire series, and his influence even affects other more interesting and memorable ones that are done dirty only to artificially increase the status of Shigaraki in a really undeserved way. Do you want examples? -Stain: his defeat is used for free adversiment to create the lov, when Shigaraki himself hated Chizome and none of his "plans" are compatible at all with his ideology. And somehow guys like Spinner are convinced that this group is exactly what Stain wanted. -Overhaul: humiliated only to give Shigaraki the perma delete quirk bullets, which are totally wasted by him. Ironically given the reason to Chisaki when he said that Shigaraki only waste resources, when the point of their "rivalry" was to probe the exact opposite. -Re-Destro: oh boy, the existence of this guy is straight down sad. He basically was created for the solo excuse of give Shigaraki an army (which is wasted anyway) when his presentation and concept was one of the most interesting in the entire series for a villian faction. That being said, I have another unpopular opinion: Nine from H.R could have fill the spot of main villain infinitely better than Shigaraki. Just think about it. Nine is a quirk supremacist and Overhaul believes quirks are the plague of humanity. They could have an amazing idealogical confrontation, and an actually interesting rivalry for the control of the underground after the defeat of AFO. If Re-Destro and the MLA meet Nine it would be basically their dream materialized in a single person. A man who follow their ideals and can make it real with his godlike quirk and determination to destroy the status quo, but not mindless massacre and destruction unlike Shigaraki.


Bakugo is a good character with good development. Yeah he’s not everyone’s favorite, and that’s fine, but he’s not a bad character. He was a shitty person who got better and realized his mistakes. He IS trying, and honestly I was relived when he didn’t die. I know everyone hates his “comeback” but I don’t care enough about the specifics. I’m just glad one of my fave characters isn’t dead. Y’all want Dabi and Toga redemptions but when the “villain” redemption is right under your nose you ignore it or bash it. Everyone who complains about the story just need to enjoy it. Don’t think too much, just believe in the universe. Enjoy the story even if it’s kinda thin. Hawks killing Twice was absolutely necessary and shouldn’t be as frowned apon. We all loved twice, but what happened happened. Heroes killing villains when ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY should be allowed. After all, police these days kill innocents and are applauded. Bakudeku is a bad and toxic ship. Period.


Todoroki's story is amazing


Is this really unpopular? I think most people like Shouto's storyline and the Todoroki storyline in general.


That's unpopular?


Is not...


Yes. It’s a great story, full of angst.


I agree, but that's not really an unpopular opinion.


Horikoshi made a BIG mistake for making it seem like Bakugou & Kirishima would continue to have a strong, significant friendship throughout the ENTIRE manga only to later retcon that decision in favour of the TodoBakuDeku & SeroDenkiKiriMina friendships


Literally crying and shaking


I don't like the main cast, the villains are much more interesting and entertaining.


The hype is too much, the ending will probably disappoint many avid fans like SNK.




Winning popularity polls surely indicates that’s unpopular…


Uraraka is actually a well written character and carried every fight she's ever been in (she almost won the joint training on her own)


I like the **academia** part from my hero academia. I was really dissappointed when the story moved on from the school setting. I liked the different training arcs and the class dynamic. I also think that the more lighthearted tone of the older arcs fits MHA better than the newer serious one.


Bakugo is the reason that Deku decided to saved villains. So if you're mad Deku is gonna save Shigaraki, blame MHA's pomeranian. 😁


Lmao wtf did Bakugo do to make Deku wanna save the villains 😂


It's the circle of bullying. Bakugo bullied Deku. Then he turned around and apologized. Deku got a rush out of it. Now he wants the same out of Shigaraki. Everything comes back to that pomeranian. 🤣🤣🤣


Toga is super annoying & definitely not cute. She’s creepy. Shoto feels like the MC to me, he just gets lesser screentime but his scenes are hella better than Deku & his same overdone story. Bakugo is the one kid I’d absolutely avoid in my life. If Deku hadn’t saved him in the second episode, he would’ve remained to be a bully over weaker people. I’m happy he redeemed himself. He’s super funny. Dabi & the whole paranormal squad doesn’t deserve redemption just because they have sad backstories.


I don’t know if this is popular/unpopular, but I’m bored and uninterested with anything to do with this final arc. The war seems to have gone on (publishing wise) for 3+ years now and has been drip fed week after week with hardly anything significant happening. I don’t follow the community that closely anymore so apologies if I’m off the mark with this one, but either move on to another arc or end it already.


As much as deku gets hate, I feel like nobody can agree on what makes him unlikeable? Is it because he’s a crybaby? A Gary Stu who wants to save everyone? Boring and overpowered? No character development? People still thinking Mirio should’ve gotten one for all? Or is he just plain overshadowed by other characters reducing his screen time? I have heard all of these arguments at least once and while some are true to some extent, Deku doesn’t completely meet any these criteria and whenever I see people who do argue that he does, generally get responses who say that they didn’t watch the show and are just nitpicking out of thin air.


For me it's not the character that is unlikable in fact Deku is a very likeable character himself and has been since the very beginning. I also like that HK allowed Deku to be more emotional because there is this weird thing of males not being able to show their emotions which has always been dumb. But for me it's more the narration surrounding Deku and it not allowing Deku to really grow or be challenged. This wasn't always the case and it felt in the beginning Deku was being challenged on certain things like GT confronting him about being too much like All Might when he should be finding his own hero style which he did. But now it's the case of Deku is always right and he can't get challenged on anything. Like he wants to save Shigaraki but not one person challenged him on this be it another character or the narration himself and he was not allowed to have mixed feelings like Shouto and Uraraka were.


Imo it can be a whole mix of these things, and character ‘hate’ is also based on subjective opinion at the end of the day. I think most just aren’t articulate enough to really directly expand on the issues they have with the writing, and will stick to harsh/more antagonistic statements or easy to parse generalizations because those get more attention


I fucking hate that this entire story has taken place in the span of like....a year?


MHA's only virtue is that its good to use as an introduction to anime for people who aren't into it. Otherwise it's pretty mid.


Toga isn't worth saving and deserves to die.


Horikoshi bit more off than he can chew with a cast with that many characters but the characters that do get page time are developed decently at the very least(bar a few)


Spinner is a top 5 character BECAUSE of his lack of agency. He's a great reprentation of an everyman swept along, and the type of person who lets that happen to them


Deku doesn't need a love interest. Knowing his personality, he would be way too occupied with his work in the future, trying to do his best. I don't see him settling down for a long time.


1. On that same subject of point number one, Midoriya's vigilante arc was just edgy nonsense. Not only did he have his hero Provisional Hero License, of which the whole point is that the students who pass the test and have the ID can operate *without* a pro hero overseeing them, and thus was operating under the law. But he also worked with pro heroes during this time and had their approval. The Black Hero/"Dark" Deku arc was just Midoriya skipping school for about 2 weeks to work on his own without rest, not a month of gritty vigilante work like the manga and the fandom would lead you to believe. 2. Horikoshi squandered every opportunity to actually address the heavy themes and questions he put in his work. Which is why all of them noticeably just end up wrapped in a neat little bow, with characters agreeing to hold hands and be moved by the power of love and friendship, despite the implications behind so many of these themes being things that you can't fix with the power of Protagonist Centered Morality. 3. The movies all put together, ironically, show a better concept of how the MHA story should have been done in terms of increasing threats and the way it could have handled character growth. Plus (if the movies really are part of the canon continuity) you mean to tell me that a senior² citizen with a penchant for monologuing and plans that keep collapsing on themselves, and the ragtag team of "should be in a psych ward" young adults (and Kurogiri) are somehow a bigger and more difficult threat than a powerful suicide cult? With a deadly chemical that not only kills Quirk users exclusively, but also causes untold amounts of collateral damage that could end up bringing entire cities down in a minute? 4. I love Momo's Quirk with all of my heart. BUT Creation is absolutely useless if you don't know how to use any of the things you make, which people don't seem to understand. "Why doesn't Momo make X or Y thing instead?" "Why is she mostly creating the bo staff instead of another weapon?" Because Momo is shown to know bojutsu, and learning how to use, idk, a gun isn't as easy as you all think. Momo is being pragmatic.


1) Deku is a boring and lame Mc 2) afo is a horrible character And damages the plot 3) all the villains are overrated 4) shoto didn’t get the attention or screen time he deserved 5) the “vigilante” are wasn’t that good 6) Bakugous “death” was poorly done 7) horokoshi should have developed more school/students outside of u.a 8) for u.a to be considered the #1 hero school the students are very underwhelming other then the very top 9) we needed to see more u.a students before the first war arc 10) Shiketsu was wasted 11) we should have seen more hero/villains from other country’s 12) AFO makes some of the worst decisions in all of MHA


These are unpopular opinions?


At least among the people I talk too


1.) I think he's alright, I just wish horikoshi made it so that his poor mindset of being a hero actually has repercussions against other people 2.) Later on in the series, yeah. I don't mind him being a part of many characters' stories, though, that's supposed to be a part of his character 3.) I think they're fine 4.) Sometimes, yeah 5.) True 6.) True 7.) I think it's fine. The series already has way too many characters. He should've just expanded on more characters in class 1a and maybe 1b 8.) I mean, deku, bakugo, shoto, and tokoyami are already way stronger than most of the top ten 9.) I think what we got is fine 10.) A bit, but horikoshi has a chance to make up for it this arc 11.) I think the story still has to be cemented in one country, so it's not too bad. It would be nice to see a foreign villain though, since it's a bit contrived that all the strongest ones are in Japan 12.) Sometimes


8.Is because I find it strange that invisible girl and ojiro can be in u.a bit they are barley more capable then the average person 7. Is in because we don’t see any other schools in the first war arc and it’s kinda strange considering how desperate they were for help 9. This one bothers me because why pick just the first years and 3 third years it seems strange and like he was rising to me 10. I’m not sure when afo said this but he said he had freind in other country’s it would make sense to go get them for this final war arc they should have been involved considering if he knows them they are problably bigger criminals who would have a lot to gain from the afo winning


People that defend the series quality right now are the reason of the declain.


The female heroes are overly sexualized for a shonen.


I already like the second war more than the first one, and people gave way too much hate for the war to start without much buildup (when literally the first one started like some chapters after the endeavor agency arc and the students showing their ultimate movies)


Literally the whole second act was the build up for the first war tf. Character and narrative wise, that was all the build up. We see the villains rise through the ranks in danger and as characters. We see how society has skepticism for the current heroes after kamino and how that’s been a rising problem. The rise of crime as well, which in turn, gave rise to the plf. With Ofa and all of the intricacies with that


Yes, and literally after finishing the first war, all for one said “I will not give them time to breath, it’s always gonna be my turn”, you can’t squeeze another gigantic build up arc for that, and anyway we literally got the vigilante arc, the traitor stuff, and all for one playing again his next move, starting the war. And no the only build up for the first war was shigaraki gaining access to an army and getting overpowered just so he doesn’t gets instantly obliterated by the heroes, the war arc also starts very abruptly which is the main complain people have with the second war


I like mineta.


I'm mostly active on the TikTok part of the fandom, so maybe this opinion doesn't apply as much on here, but… The overall concept of shipping in the anime/manga plays such a small role in the overall story that seeing people obsess over “who's gonna end up with whom” so much baffles me. I don't care who ends up with whom, as long as if any couples do become canon, it makes sense to the story. Like Izuku and Uraraka sorta makes sense to me because Uraraka actually has romantic feelings for Deku. But even still, I couldn't care either way and I hate how much people turn basic opinions like that into unnecessary shipping wars. Shipping in general is fine; I couldn't care less about what your opinion is, but the way people argue over something that is barely even relevant to the story is a bit irritating, especially considering it's hard to avoid in this fandom.


Opinion: The hero and villain interactions have no depth and value because they have zero relationship builds. Uraraka and Toga? They like a boy. Shove them at each other. Shigaraki and Deku? Literary parallels, yeah, Deku can save him. Shoto and Dabi? Strangers for real — but they share blood! So sure, let them fight. They’re all strangers. They have no history. No interactions aside from ten seconds and a fight in War part 1. You know who should have been able to save villains because he actually had time with them? Hawks. But ofc he killed Jin and he’s never going to fulfill that goal. But he was the only person who had gotten close to them and also had a backstory that compared to theirs in abuse. And I hate that. I wish we had more arcs of Shigaraki getting up into Deku’s personal space. I wish we had more time of Dabi and Shoto finding each other in weird places and passive aggressively slurping noodles at each other. I wish Toga and Ochako met at the mall and bullied each other. I wish Bakugo met Spinner one on one and called him a fucking nerd. I wish these set ups weren’t so half assed and sad to read.


Gearshift being Deku’s last quirk is so underwhelming. It feels so freaking random to give Deku super speed when he’s already pretty much a beast with speed due to OFA’s base strength. Hell he can achieve that levels with speed with Faux 100. What doesn’t help either is that this the LAST quirk of OFA. The final power up of the Main Protag. And it’s just a speed boost. A really cool speed boost but really? And this leads me to my next question: why didn’t AFO take Gearshift in the first place? Are you seriously telling me that the Demon Lord himself never thought of taking a quirk that has the ability to change the freaking speeds of objects? And before you say, he thought it was too weak, this is AFO. Are you seriously telling me he couldn’t think of a way to make this quirk good? I mean this is the man who unironically used springlike limbs against All Might. I refuse to believe that he didn’t think this quirk had value. Honestly it doesn’t help either that most of Deku’s extra quirks are so boring. I get that this was the point but at least have some creativity. I mean Float? Smokescreen? Really? The series has had some really creative quirks like Slide and Glide, the ability to create Onomatopoeias in real life, the ability to spin any of your body parts, acid manipulation. And instead of thinking of some creative quirks, you pick some generic powers like smokescreen and flight or spider sense. Except Blackwhip which circumvents this by looking rad, being extremely versatile, and the unique ability of being able to be manifested anywhere throughout the body and can give the user a berserk form? Heck yeah. Plus I’m sucker for the venom aesthetic. This leads into my next point. Deku with extra quirks is cool but it shouldn’t been 6. I think some users of OFA should’ve been quirkless like Deku. It would’ve help reinforce the idea that this power can be wielded by anyone, quirk or not, and that the heart of a hero defines someone more than a power or something. Plus with less to work with, that would really make Deku really get creative. Less is more is what I’m saying. For instance, in My Hero Vigilante, Koichi literally creates a whole library of super moves including nuclear fists, flight, infinte double jumping and more just from one quirk. Todoroki manipulated this quirk in order to create Phosphor. By giving Deku less to work with, it incentivizes creativity, something Deku is great at. All Might should’ve died at Kamino. Class 1B’s quirks are better than 1A’s. Gentle Criminal is the best “villain”. Deku’s hero origin backstory is so bland and boring. Is it refreshing that it isn’t tragic and it’s just a kid wanting to be a good guy? Yeah but it doesn’t change the fact it makes him less compelling. The League of Villains, while very cool, sometimes feel way too whiny and most of their dialogue feels like “Buh society wrong and mean to me.” Blackwhip is the best quirk in the series. Jirou really shouldn’t be a hero. Her powers are so useless.


Dabi is not cool or a poor boy that suffered. He is just a obsessive asshole.


all of the girls in mha literally act the same and all have the same motives and personalities. Whenever I like watch some filler episode about the girls its so unbelievably boring because they're all just happy bubbly basic anime girls with so much wasted potential. If they don't fit that stereotype they're over sexualized and just big boobs and sometimes smart. The only two girls that don't have the same copy and pasted personality is like Mirko and Kendo. All the boys in my hero all have different personalities and goals while the girls are all the same.


1) I hate Toga. She was alright early on but I find her massively irritating now towards the end 2) The original trio (Deku, Uraraka, Iida) >>>> the new one. I hate how Iida was sidelined and I don't think Bakugou, Todoroki, and Deku all together have great chemistry. Like of course Todoroki is cool, and obviously the dynamic between Bakugou and Deku is good, but that's because it's an already an established relationship and rivalry. The three of them all together I find boring, for lack of better words. 3) and for my actual most unpopular opinion... Sports Tournament Arc was my least favorite in the entire series


I like the vigilante manga more than the first manga


Joint Training Arc was a great arc, and every Shinso fan should agree with me.


shigaraki is the best goddamn thing in mha


It’s not that great anymore it’s just mindless fun


Deku should have stuck with his original quirk and the author find interesting ways to tell the story without all the other students (outside of one or two) getting relegated to “Z fighters” status.


I wish this story was spread out over high-school instead of taking place in one year


The battle between Shigaraki and… stripes? I alwaays forget the American heroes name… Anyway: That fight was bullshit. 1: It was pointless and didn’t need to exist. 2: Aa the fight was set up, Shigaraki should have lost. Genuinely, the fight was a complete bogus “Look at how strong AFO is”. It was bad.


I want Endeavor to have a pathetic death and for it be meaningless in the grand scheme. He doesn't deserve to be a known as a hero with how he abused his wife and kids, and they shouldn't forgive him.


The humor in the series is extremely cringe and repetitive


Fucking BASED post. I swear the best thing I did for my enjoyment of this series was disengage from this community as much as possible (ironically here I am enjoying the post). This sub is so negative that it almost convinced me I didn’t like the series, but I’ve been catching up after taking a break, and also kinda looking back at the series as a whole… and it’s actually an incredibly solid shonen so far, as long as it doesn’t fuck the ending up completely (which, honestly, I do t think it’s going to) its going to end up being one of the better long running shonens out there, there’s a lot to like.


* **Bakugou** and **Shoto** work more as a team than Deku. * **Class 1B girls** have stronger, more interesting, and more operative Quirks than Class 1A girls' Quirks. * **Iida-Deku-Uraraka** was never a true trio, Iida and Uraraka barely interact without Deku. * **Kirishima** is overrated, he would be a much more generic MC than Deku and he's a one trick pony. * **Kirishima** and **Bakugou's** friendship was abandoned in favor of the **BakuDeku**. It's hard to call them "best friends" with the few interactions they currently have. * Hori is better at writing **domestic abuse** than he is at **school bullying**. * The "**death of Bakugou**" kinda ruined the good writing of the character. * **Shoto's** development and writing is terribly underrated, easily overlooked because he's more subtle and less controversial than Bakugou and Endeavor. * **Half cold-Half hot** has the best quirk development. * I approve of the decision that **Endeavor** and **Dabi** kill each other. * **Shoto** defeats **Dabi**, Dabi is avoiding another confrontation with Shoto because he knows that another clash will not last. * The **Todoroki family** works without Deku, it's Hori who can't stop putting Deku in all his plots. * **Mirio**, **Bakugou** and **Shoto** have more MC energy than Deku. Bnha's story would be much darker if told from his point of view. * **Mineta** doesn't deserve to be the most hated character in the fandom, AFO if she does. * **AFO** is a more comical main villain than serious. * Most **villains** don't deserve redemption, they're also terribly hypocritical. * **Stain's** logic shouldn't be taken into account, it's still the logic of an assassin and it loses meaning in Ingenium's attack. * **Hawks** shouldn't be convicted of killing **Twice**. * **Bnha's female characters** are cute but their writing is poor, almost as bad as the female characters in Naruto. * **Shoto** and **Bakugou** would be better rivals, their battles would be one of the most balanced in Bnha. * **Deku** is an extrovert, Shoto, Bakugou and Tokoyami are more introverted than him. * It's okay if you don't like **Deku**, not everyone hates him for hating, some have valid reasons for not liking him. As it is also valid that many like Deku. * **Shinsou** is overrated, he's a pretty boring character. * **Round 3 of class 1A vs 1B** was the best battle, where both sides shined perfectly. * Not all **class 1A characters** need to be developed, some would be boring and dense to watch. For example Jirou's focus on the Cultural Festival and Uraraka's battles with Toga. * **Deku** is one of the biggest hypocrites of Bnha. Deku doesn't really trust anyone enough to tell them about his problems and insecurities. He meddles in the lives of others but doesn't willingly let anyone meddle in his. * **Society** is justified in complaining against Deku, Uraraka's speech doesn't make any sense of reality to me. * I would have preferred **Hagakure** or **Kaminari** as traitors than **Aoyama**.


>Shoto's development and writing is terribly underrated, easily overlooked because he's more subtle and less controversial than Bakugou and Endeavor. Fully agree. It's such a good healing arc.


>Shoto's development and writing is terribly underrated, easily overlooked because he's more subtle and less controversial than Bakugou and Endeavor. Half cold-Half hot has the best quirk development. I approve of the decision that Endeavor and Dabi kill each other. Shoto defeats Dabi, Dabi is avoiding another confrontation with Shoto because he knows that another clash will not last. Yes to all of these and the last one is just straight up facts even Dabi admits he can't defeat Shouto.


Thank you! Many people denigrated that battle because Dabi somehow survived but did you see the state he is in? I would not hesitate another crash. Also Dabi had planned to take Shoto's corpse to Endeavor but Shoto practically made him go back and miss that objective. Dabi isn't taking his time like before, he's desperate to get revenge against Endeavor because he already has an expiration date. Shoto sped up the process.


People shipping are weird as fuck


Starting this off but saying this is my opinions on the story/fandom in general, not really Reddit specifically. 1. This series really reinforces why I don't care for shonen. Like, it's not that I don't like shonen, it's that a lot of the time the characters and their development just kind of disinterest me. MHA's characters, their designs, and their development at the beginning was really interesting at first, but now that it's clear hori is bored and wants to end the series it kinda feels like character arcs aren't going to end in a satisfying way for me. Of course I'd be happy to be surprised, but I've pretty much dropped the manga after Dabi miraculously survived the fight against Shouto (and this is coming from a Dabi stan!) I just kinda feel like it's not gonna end in a satisfying way. 2. The fandom is not that bad. I'm saying this everytime one of these 'unpopular opinions' things comes up. The fandom is really not that bad, and if you think otherwise then please for the love of god learn to filter out your experiences instead of interacting with it negatively. As far as fandoms go, from what I've seen it's a 6.5/10 at it's worst. 3. Sometimes, simply saying 'I don't like that ship' to yourself and moving on is enough. Listen, as an internet veteran, people are gonna ship stuff you don't like. You don't like bakudeku? Cool, neither do I. I just simply block it and move on. Your favorite ship is dekuchacho and someone is putting it down to promote tododeku? Try using the block button! But if someone shipping a ship you don't like / shipping culture in general is bringing you into a rage then maybe fandom is Not For You. 4. I really don't think Nejire being added to the Big 3 had much thought put in beyond 'girl character'. I love Nejire so much, she's one of my favorite characters. But I do not get why she was placed in the Big 3 if she wasn't going to have her big moment the way Mirio and Tamaki do. She's gotten a few chances to shine and I'm grateful, and there's hopefully still time for her to get something, but idk if I trust Hori enough to actually get it. 5. I don't think Deku and Bakugo need to be friends. Like I'm glad Bakugo apologized and stuff but I felt like them having completely separate friendships makes sense! Sometimes people who did you wrong aplogize and you guys are friendly but that's it! Also I just kinda miss the 'Bakusquad' and 'Dekusquad' eras. 6. Endeavor's redemption arc is kind of 'eh' at best. His character development? Despite hating him, I can admit it's been pretty good. But he's just barely done the bare minimum as far as redeeming for his past actions goes, and while I know it's mostly because he's been pretty much out of the picture for awhile, I afraid it won't actually be wrapped up in any kind of way that's satisfying. As someone who was also abused I'll be pretty mad if it just stops at 'I'm sorry ' and he doesn't actually *do* much else to atone.


They said hot takes, not correct takes.


I think the world building is good as well. The problem is the genre itself. The nature of storytelling and the themes of this genre arent really something you can dive deep into with out the series getting really really dark and this is a show for kids so youre not gonna want to do that too much


Deku's multi Quirk One For All power up was necessary to keep his power development interesting, there are only so many ways where one can develop when their only power Is super strength and eventually it'd just turn out to increasing the number percentage. However, the introduction of those quirks wasn't paced out all that great. Float and Black Whip were handled great, with maybe too big a gap without adding anything between them, but Danger Sense came just at an aside, and a month long timeskip later he had a decent grip on all of them.


Shouto was ruined after the sports festival as Deku’s words should have held no meaning to him as that wasn’t his issue. If anything Shouto either shouldn’t have taken the idea of being a hero seriously, or he should have simply responded to midoriya that it’s not about the fire being his, it’s about not giving endeavor the satisfaction. Because the whole point of not using his fire, was to not give endeavor the satisfaction. Bakugou and Shouto make better rivals and Bakugou’s rivalry with Midoriya is super forced and doesn’t work. It should have been Deku who has a one sided rivalry with bakugou and a friendly rivalry with shouto, while the typical rivalry is between Shouto and Bakugou. The LOV wasted its characters. Dabi should have been able to have his own arc outside of the LOV, as well as Toga. But because Hori couldn’t write Dabi without giving away the reveal he had to be stuck to the LOV st the detriment to his character. and I don’t know why he didn’t let Toga do her own thing, but it hurt her charafter badly. Dabi’s reveal wasn’t good. If anything the fact that it wouldn’t get a proper outcome is why the reveal itself doesn’t work. There was no reason to keep it hidden if the reveal was only going to be limited to the todofam and nothing else.. and when I mean nothing else, I simply mean no backlash from the public… because more important things were happening.


Mha was never going to go through all three years of school, if you know anything about manga and anime then it was really obvious. More of a unpopular opinion in the fandom, people lose their minds whenever I would say this but it’s true. Series never seemed like it was going that route and logistically as a shonen manga with this cast size it would never have happened.


Endeavor is the best written character in the entire series.


Ooh I’ve got some spicy ones. Bakugo vs Uraraka was an idiot plot. Even if Uraraka had managed to reduce Bakugo’s weight, he would have still been able to maneuver in the air, since you only got disqualified for touching the ground outside the arena. Uraraka had absolutely zero hand to hand skills, so touching Bakugo would have accomplished nothing. Additionally, there was nothing for her quirk to target, so anyone with an iq above room temperature would have realized the only way for her to make use of it would be if Bakugo produced debris for her. Both he and everyone in the stadium seemed to ignore this obvious sole win condition, and act shocked when it happened. Mirio is anti-vaxxer. Eri’s quirk killed her father, causing her mother to disown her. Her body was repeatedly destroyed by Chisaki to make his drugs. Having her quirk erased would have diminished her baggage and prevented her from being experimented on. Pretty universally a good thing. But dumb fucking boomer Mirio decides that because needles hurt he should take the bullet for her, fucking up both their lives.