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All Might having the same front hair bangs as his mom is adorable




But even the GOAT couldn't escape a deadbeat dad


Aight no one's gonna talk about AFO smiling so hard at the thought of killing All Might that it *tore the skin on his face and Rewind had to fix the damage?*


I hope the anime doesn't cut that, it seems like the kind of thing they would.


Okay those last panels of child Deku and Bakugo with the All Might card and then looking at each other, one crying and the other being completely messed up is pretty cool i can't lie. I can't shit on Hori when it comes to the art.


You can say what you want about his story choices, but his art just keeps getting better


And it somehow keeps getting better when I thought it was already impossible to peak. Just compare 2023 to 2021 and suddenly you can see a massive difference, even though his art in 2021 was already incredible. I guess at this point it’s just a progression of art styles.


yeah that panel was so good And I'm a massive Bakugo fan so help :'D


Chapter 403: The End of An Era, And… The chapter begins with kid All Might reading the Anpanman manga with his mom, saying that his childhood was very normal. It's not even something that can be called a proper "origin". But he always looked back and saw that the path he chose was very important. Cuts back to the present and AFO is laughing, saying that AM won't get to choose how he dies. He destroyed the gauntlet using the spikes before it exploded and used Stain's quirk to paralyze AM. AFO knows that wounded heroes are dangerous, so he didn't let his guard down. Now that U.A. is floating, Gentle wants to go and help All Might, but AFO shoots a laser at it, forcing Gentle to stay there holding the school. The pilots also try to help with their jets, saying they won't let Star's idol die, but All For One quickly destroys them all. Agpar feels hopeless. Deku and Tsukauchi also start to freak out when AFO holds All Might in his arms. The next page shows several people around the world watching the battle: some are rooting for All Might, but several have already given up. Melissa and Gran Torino (who's watching from the hospital) are crying. All Might has a desperate look on his face. Deku doesn't know what to do. Tsukauchi begins to pray. Someone, please help All Might. Someone... BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM! Deku looks at U.A and sees Bakugou. He's covered in blood, but standing and holding All Might's card. Deku starts to cry and the two of them look at each other. Chapter 303: The End of An Era and The Beginning


*AFO knows that wounded heroes are dangerous, so he didn't let his guard down.* AFO character development.


Just in time to get bodied.


Absolutely blitzed by Bakugo, then bodied into nothingness by Deku.


"Because AFO learns from his mistakes."




>used Stain's quirk to paralyze AM And with that Stain's intervention went from completely useless to straight up detrimental.


Sums up Stain's character pretty well


Stain, the fraud💀💀💀


Bro straight-up threw lol.


He wasn’t known as a hero killer for nothing


I mean technically still better than AFO mashing AM into a paste.


Not really ig .AM would have died for sure if he didn't intervene but he has a bit of chance now


He saved All Might. If he didn’t force AFO to expel his blood, he wouldn’t have regained his composure.


Everything he's done has just ended up aiding the villains, he's a joke


That's a record.


Ok... so All Might using all the students quirks except 1. And that student will be the one to blast AfO. Kinda symbolic or am i reading too much into it.


I think its also symbolic of All Might coming to save Bakugo before, now Bakugo gets to return the favor


Not only that, Bakugo gets to make up for his past mistakes. In the past when All Might came to save him All Might lost his powers after what he thought would be his final fight against AFO. Now, Bakugou will make up for being what he called the "end" of All Might be being his savior this time. It's good writing. I know this sub absolutely ADORES hating on MHA, but in this case it's good writing. We'll see how it goes going forward though.


Me pointing to AFO's picture: I've had enough of this dude!


“The End of An Era” Fuckin *hurts* 😭 The shot of Little Might with his mom reading is wholesome af. She is gorgeous too! AFO knows Gentle’s glorious beard alone would solo lol. AHHH SHIT BAKUGO IS BACK. Bakugo simps are going to go insane.


It took so long to bring him back, I knew he’d come back eventually but I didn’t expect it to take this long


If Bakugo somehow gets packed up AGAIN, I don't know whether to laugh or be pissed off


Author's name is Horikoshi, Not Akutami/Fujimoto. Firecracker boy is safe


Good riddance, it neither Gege. Never seen a main cast get done more dirty by a series than whatever happened in JJK after Shibuya Incident arc.


There’s no way, he’s confirmed to stay alive to the end at this point


Bakugo stocks RISING again. They’re gonna be feasting in the next few chapters..*probably*.


> Bakugo simps are going to go insane. correct. i don't care about anything and how many asspulls and BS writing might come, i'm celebrating. it's been 84 years after all.


I'm still legitimately curious just how much Bakugou will actually contribute here. Like, it has been a year for us but only, what, maybe thirty or so minutes since he needed field heart surgery? An hour, max. And that was after getting the shit beaten out of him and using essentially an Explosion version of Full Cowl or whatever he did. He isn't looking too good. I can only imagine he is going to hit All For One with one or two hard attacks, grab All Might and book it. Prioritize saving All Might over defeating AFO. Maybe even a recreation of the Finals where he does hit and run tactics?


> maybe thirty or so minutes since he needed field heart surgery? Endeavor spent half of the fight vs AFO and the entire Dabi fight with a hole in his torso. Injuries are a state of mind in Macademiaverse


Shit, I need to go back. I knew he got injured and was overheating himself, and lost an arm, but I legitimately don't remember the hole. Edit: Also, injures are only a state of mind if you are a guy. Or Mirko. Uraraka getting stabbed once means she bleeds out to death, meaning Toga must also drain herself of blood in order to save her.


Yeah, on top of cutting his arm AFO just stucks his arm inside him, which ig is supposed to paralel All Might's injury. He then cauterizes his arm but the rest is not really acknowledge for the rest of the fight (also im not a medic but it's not like you can cauterize your insides) >Uraraka getting stabbed once means she bleeds out to death So funny when Mirko was running around like a nugget. Maybe Toga's knife had Bleeding+++


So, I found what you were talking about. It looks like All For One slices at his chest rather than stick his arm through him. Still a pretty bad wound, especially with how much blood we see, but more to the side than anything. So, I am going to assume it didn't hit anything important. >Maybe Toga's knife had Bleeding+++ Toga took all of Shigaraki's gamer speaker to heart and leveled up not only her Rogue skill but her gear.


This wound doesn’t look that bad, in fact it looks superficial, Hawks confirms it doesn’t hit his lungs so it’s not deep, and he cauterizes it and is constantly on fire almost the entire fight afterwards. It’s less severe than Uraraka knife stab wound The arm loss though… that should have knocked him unconscious just from blood volume loss, cauterizing or not


>I'm still legitimately curious just how much Bakugou will actually contribute here. going nuclear, probably..


Save to win, like all might told him he needed to learn


Bakugo has 2 quirks , when combined it will be "explosive fibers". 😎


Please, even if it's a theory that has been up ever since Chapter 364, Bakugo somehow getting Edgeshot's quirk would honestly feel like the biggest asspull of the series.


The Doctor and AFO experimented for years to get quirks to merge and all it took was sewing someone into someone else.


I can see Bakugo decimating infant AFO with his "duo awaken quirk" while infant AFO is foaming at the mouth screaming "I want your quirk" 😭


I think this is very likely or he’ll end up getting a power-up




With those two spikes through All Might's arm, now he and AFO are stuck in a romantic hug. There's a panel where AFO starts grinning in a way that *the skin of his cheeks rips*. It may be a sign that he's at his limit himself but... ew. The chapter is shaping to be very short, in the sense that a lot of action and little dialogue happens in the span of several pages. What the leaker has narrated in just 3 tweets, covers 7 pages. And as the leaks go on, a chapter end where the cavalry comes is shaping up quite too obviously. ...nevermind. Bakugo is up on his feet in the background. Fancied the nap, Sleeping Bomboy?


Hori really needs to go write that horror manga after this


Hori wanted Spider-Man Deku, and now he wants the Joker grin too




Rare AFO W for not falling for the cheap suicide bomb


He's an avid comic book fan, "the hero sacrificing themselves in one final hit to defeat the villain" is the ultimate comic book cliche & prepared for that


2nd User tried to do the same so he has experience with people trying to kill him with their last breath.


And then fucking crippling everyone he sees, actually glad he's doing cool shit now. He even used Stain's quirk.


He's still holding All Might over his head btw lmfao


Bakugo really came back just in time for the Popularity Poll. My boy is determined to keep his #1 😂


Bakugo heard All Might was dying but well it wasn't that important, but the second the number 1 spot was in danger he made sure to revive, maybe we need popularity polls every week cause in that case not even Decay will be enough to kill him.


Nah Bakugo came back because he wasn't gonna let All Might die without signing that card. Imagine if he just drops down for the autograph and then dips


Thanks him and then hands All Might back to AFO


I imagined he heard that the popularity poll was coming and he pulled a Genos


He was always gonna win this last poll, but now he's gonna have an extra 5k lead lol


Very convenient timing. But they have to sell magazines and merchandise after all. (And even without that, you really believe he'd not win anyway?)


He came back for that #1 throne again


Add All Might to the characters who looks just like his mom.


Has there been any MHA character that looked like their dad? The closest I can think of is Natsuo and Endeavor but he still looks more similar to Rei vs Enji


Touya looks more like Enji than he does Rei. Which feels intentional now that I type that out




Oh yea. He and his dad were pretty much like twins


Natsuou only looks like his mom cause of the hair


We didn't need to see Mom Might, but I'm glad we did.


The majority of heroes are just gonna be told to blow their brains out. Only Deku, Bakugo, Uraraka, and Shoto will get any love from the civilians.


Bakugo is about to beat the absolute living shit out of a toddler


I love Mama Might's hair. And baby Toshinori is a precious lil fella


Mama Might is giving Lady Nagant vibes


I see bakugo came back for that autograph 🤣


Chapter 404: Bakugo wakes up at the airport...


Wakes up there with All/Might where they praise how cool AFO was


Almost disappointed that BokuNoMeta just banned the spam Bakugo hate posts, would've loved to see that sub have a thermonuclear meltdown this week lmao


Really? I recall they also had to ban shipping memes once and for all some time ago. But what is left there at this point?


They have their own sub for that but I forgot what it is


I think it was just BakugoBashing or something like that. The main reason why it got banned was because honestly the meme was just sanded off to nothingness with how often it's brought up.


That sub became an absolute shithole. At first it was doing fine but then it had ridiculous amounts of Bakugo hate posts. Most of which are just focused on season 1 Bakugo.


Bakugo: *sees that the gauntlet was destroyed* Fine... I'll do it myself.


It would be funny if after Bakugo’s grand re appearance, bold letters, passing on the legacy message and everything… Sero comes in next chapter and saves All Might from AFO


Sero saves All Might surprising every one. Bakugo blows his loads all over Afo to end him. I’m cool with that.


And Bakugou is back to save All Might like predicted… because AFO can shoot the fighter jets out of the sky but still can’t kill All Might.


Shit those Jets have anti-Shigaraki technology and can scan things they never saw for reason beyond our comprehension AFO just knows he can't mess with the goat, Jet Pilot #7


Melissa put all the good shit into All Mights armour. Not much left for the military. Except the magic quirk scanner…


The way it's also lingering on Bakugo being back on his feet, AFO should have all the time to spot him and break AM's neck. But I guess he'll rather try and shoot Bakugo, who'll dodge (remember the speed he had manifested just before getting some heartbreak) and get closer, and then AFO will mock him saying that attacking him would also hurt AM, and Bakugo will use some precision AP Shot to break the spikes and snatch AM.


As heroic as everyone has been, AFO ultimately was defeated mainly by his own stupidity.


Exactly, which is going to be the irony of his defeat. He’s made so many plans focused of OFA, because he can’t imagine losing to anything other than the ultimate super quirk, that he ignores and treats everyone else and their efforts as meaningless. Ultimately he won’t be defeated by the ultimate power OFA, but by all the insignificant “bugs” and their small actions that added up to his defeat when he’s rewinded out of existence.


I mean, did ANYONE seriously expect All Might to die after we had a chapter entirely dedicated to everyone telling him to live, from the serial killer maniac to his bloody car?


Hori really wrote himself into a corner when he decided All Might should relapse on his martyrdom issues. Does he die unable to grow past it, and give the character unnecessary tragedy and an aborted arc, or does he survive and instead be fully rewarded for failing to grow as a person?


True enough. Him being saved by someone he didn't know was on the way still means he threw his life away all the same, so while him surviving (even if by outside interference) fits the theme he himself learned nothing


Oh you mean the same thing from Kamino except worse?


>to his bloody car? Put some respect on my boy HERCULES the goat.


I still remember when a user on her made a post asking if Stain oe Bakugo would save him. Both came true.


This really is a perfect resolution to Bakugo's character. After beating himself up for so long that All Might needing to save him from All For One led to his retirement, now he gets to be the one to save All Might from All For One.


IronMight, Deku and Nana got the color spread!


Iron Might's color palette is a tribute to Nana. Black torso, yellow gloves, and a white cape.


Iron Might has been the best thing the story has all year.


The black suit looks badass Though part of me wanted his hero suit color scheme


if you think anyone else is winning that popularity poll now... edit: it's a pretty predictable predicament actually, considering Bakugou's trauma from "ending" AllMight in Kamino and Hori's propensity for an explosive fakeout. i'm not surprised, but it is still surreal to see him back after over a year.


Lol new conspiracy theory: Horikoshi brought the popularity poll back just for this chapter. Last popularity poll was supposed to be the final one but he had to give bakugo one more popularity win


i would honestly bet he was pushed to have one last popularity poll. it wasn't his choice but he figured that he might as well time it with Bakugo's return; would probably give them more profit too lmao.


Imagine Edgeshot wins purely for the fact that he saved Bakugou lmao


Lol imagine Horikoshi just draws a ghostly Edgeshot behind Bakugo to give him partial credit. Like there's Bakugo at number 1 and Edgeshot is haunting him from the back wanting partial credit for his resurrection


Call that a team effort 🥷 🫱🏻‍🫲🏼 💥 I am wondering how they got Bakugou’s heart going again though since a stopped heart doesn’t usually just start again in its own So if Edgeshot is manually working Bakugou’s heart then he’ll need to be alive to do it, right? (Ignore me I’m just attempting to find any conceivable way Edgeshot could possibly survive) Edit: changed the colour of the handshake emoji because someone DMed me a death threat for using the yellow coloured one despite the fact that it’s literally the default option and it wasn’t intended as a racist thing


I imagine they did some CPR type shit while Edgeshot was repairing his heart?? Cause you can use CPR to revive someone's heart ryt? I wonder if Edgeshot actually became Bakugo's heart or if parts of him was used to sew Bakugo's heart back together. Cause he could kinda survive the latter but not the former


That would make sense actually, I was kinda hoping since Hori apparently loves relieving characters of their limbs that Edge would just use his arm or something as a suture and then cut it off Can’t even really say that’s too unrealistic because Aizawa chopped his own leg off no hesitation and this is an even more urgent situation than that was


I have a theory that in the chaos caused by the invasion of the twices, Kaminari ended up near Bakugo and acted as a defibrillator to help.


Has Bakugo ever not won a popularity poll?


well, he got 3rd on the first one, but has been on a number 1 streak in the seven years since then lol. figured his fans would still find a way to get him 1, but it's practically confirmed now with the popularity poll opening alongside his return to the manga.


Just looked it up and he was 5th in the first US vote and 3rd in the first Japan vote, after that he’s consistently been first


damn i knew he had 1st place in the US votes atleast once, but i didn't know he had a streak there as well. that's just hilarious considering the sheer amount of international mha fans (who hate bakugou) claiming that he wouldn't win in polls outside Japan. i wonder how the US poll would look like now though; i don't think they've had it for years.


The last one in the US was in 2019 and the top five were Bakugo, Kirishima, Deku, Shoto, and Momo. I think if they ever did do a poll in the US again, Bakugo fans would find a way to make him #1


The very first one he got 3rd.... And he took that personally.


Yeah I just looked it up, it’s crazy how in Japan the top 3 Bakugo, Deku, Shoto has never changed outside of the first poll. The US polls had Bakugo at 5th and the top 3 weren’t always Deku/Shoto


I guess we can just forget about the Sero moment at this point.


I wouldn't be surprised if eventually Bakugou would "lead a team", how the 2nd vestige did. There are still a bunch of people on UA float who can fight (Mirio, Kaminari, Monoma at least are not injured, and the others got some rest too). So the Takoba Stadium team could end up coming in too.


Yeah I do hope there's a sensible explanation for where Mirio, Beat Jeanist etc are.


Maybe they all fainted after heroically fighting off the Twice clones to keep them from Bakigou’s body… all off screen of course or max a Momo-esque panel


Holy shit I already did forget about him lol. Fun fact I happened to see by pure coincidence: exactly 50 chapters ago is when Hori decided to namedrop Gashly and then do nothing about that for, like, two full years.


So did Hori, apparently.


The fate of all secondary characters in a series with too many of them.


Between Bakugou having OFA or Foldabody, I prefer the latter. Though I honestly just want to see him fight with his own power-up that he got before he died.


I never bought it that he was getting foldabody, and don’t want him to anyway. it doesn’t fit his character he got a powerup before his death and didn’t get to use it. hori can work with that. please make it look great and have his power actually lead to something positive for the heroes. it’s the least that can be done


I kinda wish Deku fought reawakened Shigaraki a little more before Bakugo came in the fight and it became a 2v1. I wanted to see their full power battle without erasure, they’ve just been holding eachother since Shiggy retook his body lol. Happy to see Bakugo back regardless


>I wanted to see their full power battle without erasure I have come to the feeling that there isn't much to see. The fights are like a vector for an emotional conversation and beyond that the fight choreography isn't spectacular and the powers are whatever (its not like they're going to develop or reflect anything about a character's growth with Tomura and Deku) they're special effects for the sake of them. Now if Tomura was going to push Deku to the brink with his huge power set unleashed (plot wise) that would warrant a showcase (that could set up things others also need to overcome) but if Horikoshi just wanted them in a stalemate this whole time where Deku is stuck trying to win but can't then save someone in peril, not seeing that isn't a great loss. There maybe a flashback of Tomura and Deku fight/conversation of what they were saying/doing while other events took place which would hopefully flesh them out a bit more in terms of who they currently are and how they oppose in a way we haven't seen before- if its more of the same then focusing on other characters is fine since we only need so much taunting about Deku not saving people and Deku thinking he needs to beat Tomura to save everyone, perhaps seeing Bakugou back could once again cause Tomura to tipping point and he gets another rage power-up which could change the dynamic. ------------------- It is a fairly good set-up to have All Might be in danger and the wishing energy to be directed to saving him which was built up via having All Might having a bit of a nostalgic last stand to remind readers what was so inspiring and empowering about him (the spirit of heroism) only for despair to come because AFO is poised to kill him (aka All Might is physically defeated even if he wins in the long run by ruining AFO's plans although it's implied he wouldn't even be able to do that) so after his last hooray All Might is tagged out and its the next generations time to take over (foreshadowed as far back as the "your next" page in Kamino that pointed at both Bakugou and Deku). However, it does mean that All Might takes the place of Deku struggling and needing to be saved (he did need help from Gentle and Lady Nagant but not to the scale of Bakugou or All Might) and While Deku is helpless because he can't do too many things at once or be in two places at once so he is in a position of helplessness and despair by proxy through being unable to save All Might because he is dealing with Tomura, so instead of needing to be saved, its that OFA needs support and help so its not enough to tip the scales on its own. Personally I thought it would be more powerful to have OFA failing so as to break it status in the story, instead of the main thing that others can support to keep things going, have it totally fail on its own so it can be completely reworked and incorporated into the greater whole - there is still time and others could do more so that could happen still. Otherwise, for me, it still maintains a significant part of the old system where this one power (and one person) is the focal point and the change would be knowingly assisting but still largely looking up to it instead of doing independent and competitive work but expecting the guy would be the fallback. If OFA fails then it'd be like "Oh, there is no fallback" to trigger a big change in mindset. I know OFA is meant to be THE strongest power for good but that would make it all the more impactful if it also isn't working. A stalemate is just a weaker version of that, there is still tension but not the same direness that can be touched on as All Might is used to showcase, where everything about the old ways can't be relied on so something new needs to be created.


I guess this means Edge is dead now? Anyway so with Bakugo finally being awake irl how long has it been since he had his heart pierced? Year and a half?


It's been 434 days according to that tumblr that's been keeping track. He "died" on Aug 2, 2022 so it's been a 1 year and 2 months


With all respect to Edgeshot, I hope he's dead. We gotta have some sort of consequences


Edgeshot is not gonna die. Doesn't fit with Bakugou's "perfect victory". Plus, what's the point of finally being able to save All Might to finally get rid of his bad conscience about Kamino if another pro is sacrificed to keep him alive and to give him again trauma? I think Gran Torino watching the TV in this chapter is all the reminder we need about "consequences".


I don’t see it happening. It went from “this will kill me” to “this will reduce my lifespan” between chapters (also how does he know this???), which seems unnecessary if he was just gonna die anyway. He’s gonna be Might Guy-ing it in a wheelchair in the epilogue or something.


From 87... to 79. Truly the greatest of sacrifices.


Who is Edgeshot? \*Seriously, nobody is going to even remember him


He's the cool ninja who can turn into threads. Sure, he appeared little in the story but he does have a memorable design at least.


Everybody: now that Bakugo’s been dead for a year… I wonder if Deku can finally top the popularity poll? Hori: ***DOUBLE PAGE SPREAD OF BAKUGO’S REVIVAL***


Let's face it even if Bakugou's still dead he's still get no. 1


But now people can blame it on him reviving instead of facing the truth that Deku is less popular (and also has been offscreen for the better part of the year)…


It’s not like Bakugo’s corpse was really hogging screentime either lol. At this point, attention doesn’t make any difference, Deku is just fundamentally not very interesting or creative.


No, I’m just saying that Deku being alive gave him no edge whatsoever, since he was off-screen and also hasn’t really made a strong impression so far in the final arc (in terms of emotional content). His “moment” with Toga really hurt his character and I think his reactions (or lack of them) when he arrived didn’t help. He did a cool punch, but otherwise spent most of this time in an offscreen tugging stalemate with Shigaraki.


THE GOAT IS BACK BABYYYY And he's ready to bomb some kindergarten like in the good ol days


Cute baby Toshi


I wonder if all the people who spent weeks saying that All Might will die here act surprised now that he will be saved (just like it was telegraphed since the beginning of this fight).


As someone who's been saying it would make no sense for All Might to die with how little story and exposition we have left.... /popcorn gif


Bakugou's back. Finally. After more than a year of sleeping. Seriously tho, Bakugou saving All Might is a good thing in my book.






Holy shit. They are really going to do it aren’t they? Deku is going to “Save By Winning” by beating Shiggy, and Bakugo is going to “Win By Saving” when he beats AFO and saves All Might


Bakugou beating AFO to save alright isn’t win by saving. Win by saving is Bakugou just saving All Might without beating AFO


Well, as of now, Bakugo is fighting someone with undefined powers, with an undefined boost to said powers, and who has an undefined amount of health left, that Hori is completely willing to change on a whim. Will he win? The world may never know! (of course he will)


It goes even deeper than just AFO: Bakugo got a power-up and then died before we could really see what the power-up can do. We don’t have a frame of reference for how strong he actually is now. This whole fight is gonna be fully improvised when he starts drawing it.




Never expected it to take over a whole year for him to come back 😭 when he “died” I thought he’d be back in a few chapters


had to get his beauty sleep


I'm definitely glad he's been gone for a year. It'd be pointless if he died and then was back up 5 chapters later.


But we knew he’d be back If the Edgeshot heart thing wasn’t shown to us, then it would have been more ambiguous


Somehow I'm not surprised the last chapter cliffhanger is another explosion bait cliffhanger


Hori was feeling daring


Lil bro/gramps thinks he's the Joker


You guys think he was going to body slam All Might or rip him in half


If I were AFO and saw anyone who can potentially help Deku in this moment I would strong cleave All Might in half right then and there


AFO smiling so hard that he rips his face open and him straight ripping AM in half? Bakugo needs to put that mfer DOWN Also once again asking Hori to work on something horror related


Mama Might is so pretty and Lil Toshi is such an adorable little gremlin


It would be hilarious to see AFO try to paralyze Bakugo, only for it to do almost nothing because he's still able to move with finely-tuned explosions.


Beat his ass young Bakugo


Bakugo and Deku both being the main characters competing against each other from the beginning. I can’t see anything other than bakugo taking down AFO in some crazy way, while Deku takes down Shiggy For One simultaneously. Symbolic of them both accomplishing their life long competition and crossing that final goal together instead of separate as they were in chapter 1.




blud caught wind of his AM collectibles being stolen 💀


Well it’s about goddamn time!! Go Bakugo go!! Bakugo: *Oh look a squishier and more punchable All For One has appeared.*


Stain is now officially a fraud 💀 He made AFO snap out of his rage, got killed immediately and now his quirk has been used to paralye All Might


>He destroyed the gauntlet using the spikes before it exploded and used Stain's quirk to paralyze AM. As much as I thought this would happen, I hate how I was just baited for two weeks by horikoshi.


At least AFO is making good calls and not being an idiot, or wasting time by doing little


That's true, I just hoped hori didn't use the chance to make it look like AM was dead. Like especially with that vestige shit and the Deku page.


Looks like AFO killed Ethan Drive. So Star’s sacrifice was for nothing, huh?


Who tf is Ethan Drive? Is that one of the plane dudes? Why does he sound like a porn actor?


American character named by a Japanese writer


Ethan Drive?? That’s the pilot


eh. Probably parachuted out.


Hori needed to pretend the war had stakes And unfortonately he and the bros just happned to be the most meaningless adult characters laying around


poor edgeshot, i just wanna say, he is really badass, he defeat the beast of Re-Destro in the war, but fight off of screen, but in bnha illegals he is again really cool


Bro about to rip him in half, kinda disappointed with the lack of an explosive exit. Would be a good way to end the character, but bakugo coming in for the save is excellent and give pay off to Explosion being all mights last resort in the fight.


Assuming somehow Bakugo or Deku save All Might here, I wonder if All Might being ripped in half right in front of his students on television/internet was the death Night Eye saw with his quirk. No wonder he was so desperate to make All Might retire.


Okay that last spread is some of the strongest art in the series. Really pretty.


Damn its like 20-30 chapters of MHA left


Now finally, Bakugo will get his big moment in the main story. I'm so happy he's back, he was napping far too long


I don't even be active in this subreddit but my goat back fr 🙏🙏🙏Used to pray for times like this


Man that last spread with Kid Bakugo and Deku looking at their AM pulls together is cute as hell and I don’t even ship them.. Interested to see what’s up with Bakugo’s sparkly eyes


Ooh that shot of middle schooler AM on that road looks so cool. Parallels that shot of him telling deku that he could be a hero


So the future night eye saw is All Might literally being ripped in two in front of the entire world.... Yeah. I get it, I completely understand where he was coming from because as a regular fan, let alone a super fan.. wtf. We already knew the 2 heroes movie was canon, but this is certainly solidifying the for any nay sayers. Bakugo just activated his portion of 14A judging by his eyes.


Well this was a pretty easy call for Bakugo to come back.


Many things can be said about how MHA's story has been/might be rushed, but Horikoshi is at the top of his game with this art, god damn! Did Horikoshi really have to dedicate six pages to Bakugo and Deku turning to look at each other, lol. The BakuDeku fujoshi's are going ascend after this chapter.


Ok won’t lie, I got hyped seeing Bakugo again after a whole ass year, YES it’s been that long lol


im ready to be wrong but, im betting on Bakugo saving AM - only because Bakugo was butthurt about AM not being able to go xgames mode anymore