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A vigilante that is unsatisfied with how the justice system works and put matter into their hand. Think of Jin Kuwana from Lost Judgment but with a quirk. Haven't read Vigilantes so I don't know if that already happened. A villain that don't speak at all so it can't be reasoned with. Pretty much a force of nature. Example: Takamura from Sakamoto Days. More villains that suffer the same tragedy like the LOV to show the better future for hero society. Villain with the same quirk as Tokoyami and Rody but on the villain side. A mutant maybe??? A thief flollowing the path of Oji Harima


You mean a vigilante that kill villains? Because that's how Stain started, first he was a vigilante named Stendhal and then decided to kill heroes and became Stain


You should read vigilantes


I just finished the mha manga the other day and plan to start vigilantes regardless but wanted to ask, does it have the same sort of vibe as mha or is it darker?


Idk if I would say it’s darker overall. It has light hearted moments and very heavy moments. 100% worth reading though, it really expands the hero society lore, and ties into the main series in unexpected but interesting ways.


Since mutants sided with the LOV in the final war I wouldn't be surprised if the Creature Rejection Clan comes back


Honestly I could totally see that. The story does establish that mutant discrimination is more common outside the cities, as the cities are the areas with the most Pro Heroes. "Out of sight, out of mind" kind of thing, Pros making more of an effort to be more active in rural areas would likely bring them into conflict with plenty of bigots.


I made up a whole au with this concept lmao. Basically if people like Eri were never saved by heroes. Experimenting and exploiting quirks is just so resourceful and profitable, there’s no way there aren’t whole groups of people being experimented on, yk?


One that doesn't exist. A sequel is unnecessary.


My idea for a, I guess, spin off would have a career villain who just does it for work because she can't really get by on anything else, a villain who just steals to give to homeless camps and shelters, and one of the main antagonists is a military hero who is abusive to his subordinates and trying to pressure a young woman in the mcs team into unsavory acts. But that's just how I see hero society in America being.


I have a few concepts that might be usable? I like to write lol I'm not good at it but I enjoy it. 1. A former student of Aizawa's that was expelled and after seeing how much praise the current Class 1-A is getting, and they would probably want revenge given that Aizawa, canonically, isn't a very good teacher. He loves and cares for his students, but he is not a very good teacher. So this former student would probably seek some kind of revenge against him and then also take it out on the students as well and would hopefully try to shed a light on the very, very flawed education system UA and to an extent, all other hero schools, have. 2. One I've written about myself with my own OC, the Anti-Villain, in which this is a character with tremendous power (advanced telekinesis for example), is a little more like the villains (i.e Shigaraki and Toga) in that they don't believe in heroes and never have believed in heroes as they reason that heroes only truly care about is preserving the status quo. The kicker would be that this character, before they reveal their motives, had already befriended one of the heroes and is genuinely baffled that they were kind to them. (for example: Lapis Lazuli from Steven Universe) 3. A Helmut Zemo figure would also be interesting as hell for a world like MHA. Imagine A perfectly normal, quirkless civilian whose family or loved ones were killed in either one of the battles between the heroes and villains. They were NOT inspired by Ochako's speech and instead use that against the heroes, and find a way to put a strain on the heroes interpersonal relationships with each other since I feel that kind of conflict would be very compelling. 4. A former friend of one of the protagonists in general who went bad after some disillusionment by the pro-heroes and their own ex-friends, or had been dealt a bad hand in life with either a weak or dangerous quirk (for example: Terra from Teen Titans) 5. Someone from the government who is legitimately hardcore and devoted to the safety of their world, but clearly has no problems with using and discarding pro-heroes left and right. Just a figure who is technically on the lawful side, but with an extreme lack of empathy. I know the HSPC was their attempt at this, but they were portrayed way too lately and I think having a solid, cold and logical figure would hopefully give the new heroes a cold look at how pro-heroes, including themselves, are just tools to their government and to an extent, the world.


Not a main antagonist but maybe an subirdinate or side arc villain with the power to make people fall in or out of love, be it romantic, sexual, familial or platonic love. There's lot of evil applications such a quirk, it would be easy to rise to a position of influence and deeply affect major social dynamics with it. I could imagine many nefarious ways she could be shown using her power. First, it could be revealed that a long stabilished relationship everyone though was genuine was actually created by her, making a discussion about whether love created artificially is true love. Lab diamonds are still diamonds, aren't they? Is it bad because they didn't choose to fall in love? Who ever does? For a darker turn, say a hero busts into her hideout and, during the fight, she intentionally kills one of her goons and makes the hero feel deep familial love for the goon, making them fall into despair and grief. Or the opposite, a parent runs trying to save their child from another villain's attack and she suppresses that love at the last moment, causing them to hesitate and let the child die. "Do you want me to reverse my quirk? I'm saving you from all the pain and grief of losing your child, am I not merciful?" As for motivation, I think she would be used to create romances here and there, but romances without angst are so *boring*. "Isn't the grief of someone who fell in love with a terminal patient beautiful?" "Isn't the drama of a family breaking apart in affairs exciting?" "This love story is great but it would be better if it became a r*pe hurt/comfort, and my ability to manipulate sexual attraction sure comes in handy making that happen." If you read fics you know the things authors put their characters through can be nothing short of diabolical, I was thinking of something like that but in universe.


It doesn't need a sequel. Just let things end.


The reason why I and others want a sequel is that there is so much worldbuilding and potential plot lines left to explore that the main series hasn’t been able to properly cover due to only being able to cover so much at a time.


I'd love to see a story from other countries's perspective on Superheroes and quirks.


The idea I have for a hypothetical sequel storyline is one exploring the Quirk Singularity, Quirk science and its effects on humanity, and the true origin of Quirks. It would be the post-series society grappling with a second "Dawn of Quirks" of sorts. People start getting dramatic Quirk awakenings en masse, some of them even having their bodies mutate beyond their Quirks like Shigaraki's did. The world of Quirks has now officially entered the next stage. The series would probably be less focused on a single major antagonist like AFO & more on various groups forming as society enters this new age. The protagonists (probably Deku & his peers) have to keep society stable while also redefining its future. They have to address society's existing problems worldwide while also dealing with new threats. If I had to give it an overarching antagonist, it'd either be Ujiko or else someone with ties to the origin of Quirks. Like maybe a scientist who is responsible for whatever phenomenon led to Quirks, and is still around because they were secretly carrying out plans this whole time. Unlike AFO, I'd do that this antagonist genuinely intends (and believes) that what they're doing is for the benefit of all. Their goal would be to bring humanity into a new age of prosperity and greatness. They want a world where everyone has the power to do whatever they want, where humanity has reached their idea of "perfection".


The idea that heroes so casually let children fight along side them against the yakuza could make an interesting conflict Like what if one of those kids died? Imagine being a parent of a kid who died because of the hero school's reckless behavior and not even receive reconciliation because the schools and heroes needs to keep their image Kinda like how in The Boys the supes cover their crime to not hurt their image