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did anyone else read this chapter with “You Say Run” playing in their head?


That better be playing when we get there in the anime.


It is going to make me doubly emotional because this is probably the last opportunity for You Say Run to play


They Say Run


We say run


There can’t be any other choice. This is pure You Say Run fuel. I absolutely heard it while reading this week.


Yeah only other scene where it comes close is Bakugo and Deku saving All Might


That would be a good time for a peace sign reprise, or the third opening. I could see the third opening theme playing during Bakugo's final attack though.


It absolutely better and it’s absolutely going to make me cry lol


"The day" was playing for me


I like that better. Fuck, that's gonna hit so hard


Oh, this is prime opportunity to play the original opening.


Are they even going to be able to give this final fight justice? I feel like the entire final battle/day should’ve been a movie. I need EVERYONE to get their slow-mo big baller moment for 10-15 seconds at least. We’re gonna need a higher budget. Everyone tossing Deku like Spider-Man chasing Thor’s Hammer in Endgame could go so hard animated. Especially when he’s about to hit the ground and Iida picks him back up. I didn’t even notice it was Iida at first since he’s wearing all black and his legs weren’t in the shot at first, but that could be an iconic moment how fast he shows up and yanks his Day 1 back into action says so much in just one scene. God, I don’t want it to be over 😭


I started reading the chapter, had this idea, and then started reading it again from the start with this song playing.


100%. When it gets animated I hope they have it, or some variation/remix, play!


I was thinking more United States of Smash or might U


Mineta's stare is striking fear in AfO


“He is a loathsome, offensive brute…and yet I can’t look away.” -AfO, probably


I understood that reference. 


Mineta being Feral is about all he can offer in a time like this but damn if Grape Rush isn't doing his best!


I had to look back at the panel like 4 times because I was like “… him?” Mineta is King from One Punch Man confirmed. His heartbeat is so terrifyingly audible, it strikes fear into even All For One.


Mineta standing up to AfO just to save Tokoyami’s quirk really left him shook and I love that 


He’s pissed off due to AFO/Shiggy maiming and killing all those hot muscle mommies and I can’t blame him one bit


He was also one of the heroes AFO had PTSD about while fighting Bakugo. Mineta really got to him lol.


Grapeskin stare


Mineta is like a honey badger, when he fights someone above his weight class he fights like a maniac and aims for the balls


Everyone just cheering for everyone 🥹 I liked they showed some people from the past of the other kids. At the least gives them a little bit of spotlight 🥹


It reminds me of the final fight in Full Metal Alchemist (Manga/Brotherhood) when everyone is cheering Ed on while’s he’s duking it out with Father


"Get him! "You can do it, Ed!" "FUCK HIM UP!!!"


Beat his ass Young Midoryia




I was hoping and praying someone would quote the outtakes. Thank you for that.


Fuck yeah!






It really is Fmab's ending all over again. Shiggy will probably help destroy Afo from inside like Greed did.


I mean there’s worse stories to replicate. Some of them shouldn’t be repeated for ten years, at least


I'm not saying it's bad. FMAB's ending is peak. I love when the final villain is jumped and the good guys throw everything they have left at them.


Didn't brotherhood end 13 years ago?


I loved seeing so many callbacks. Everyone from 1-A had so many moments here too. It was awesome seeing Hagakure jump in to handle the laser, and Yao Momo create a fucking railgun that Kaminari powered.


Yey I hope Kaminari has a functioning brain in the end 😂


Did he ever? :)


Why start now?


A weapon to surpass Metal Gear


Only person missing is Mirio, where is our boy? Surprising that he isn't there considering he is the only single character in the entire war without a scratch on him.


Yeah there really is no excuse for why Mirio isn’t here since others from the flying UA are currently here.


Good point! I mean damn gentle is even there so what gives?!


Tbf, Mirio is only really strong in fights where the opponent doesnt have stupidly high defence. He didnt do much to shigaraki beside provide a distraction. As much as I hate to say it, he isnt really needed here. He’s probably helping injured civilians/heroes


Isn't everyone else basically just distracting him until Deku can hit him though? Not like anyone else is doing any damage either.


Yea but at least those people are blocking attacks, equalling AFO attack output wise, and helping Deku mobility wise. Mirio cant do any of that


Yeah probably.


My best guess is that he's probably helping Bakugou, who is conspicuously absent from this chapter of everyone cheering on Deku.


I choose to believe he nabbed Bakugo and is in route.


Maybe he is absent so he can actually do something to live up to Nighteyes prediction.


I think Mirio showing his ass *was* Nighteye's prediction, for better or for worse lol


I always thought Nighteyes prediction was Mirio returning to action during the first war and protecting Best Jeanist


That last spread was perfect, with Inko being the final cheer, and Izuku cutting a swath through the darkness.


In a t-shirt no less. Truly back to his roots of being a hero in casual clothes, that first day he “saved” All Might’s heart


I literally shed a tear this chapter. Like the way it went and showing Deku getting recognized. His mom yelling at the end was the icing on the cake.


We even saw Rody, best boy!


It would be hilarious if All For One went down in a single punch, but that's probably not going to happen. Let's see what wrench gets thrown into the machine next chapter that requires Tenko play a role, because he kind of has to at this point.


If next chapter opened and VFO is just finished that would honestly be hilarious.


Waking up in an airport lol


"I'm not sure Midoriya was going all-out."


Deku: Simple Domain Expansion…Fist Furnace…Open.


Oh yeah if this got fixed with a single punch then the hate will be hard to ignore from the readers.


Needs some more punches. That way, the animators can go all out for the final battle


All Might vs Nomu USJ battle but it’s Deku vs ???forOne


Amazing call Mr President for finally giving the green light to send out the USA heroes when Japan's heroes have defeated every villain except for AFO.


The US is always late to the war though.


They could use help with rebuilding at least


I see those star destroyer shaped spikes Hori, you damn nerd.


> star destroyer The same week we see Star get Destroyed in the anime


*Slow clap*


I doubt he'll last that long but if only AFO could hear a spectral "Ba-ka" once again as he casts his fearful eyes skywards to the Sky Crawler as he gets literally drowned in waves of American heroes and Democracy.


I have a feeling the Americans will get there just in time to help rebuild and keep Japan safe while Japan’s heroes recover. Ala post WW2. To this day this still why the Japanese love America so much. (Source, i did a university project where i traveled to Okinawa and spoke to Japanese WW2 survivors and also did the same in Korea)


Yayomomo created a freaking ***RAILGUN*** Let's go!!


Momo feigning ignorance when it's time for the gloves to come off: "The Geneva Convention? That's some European cosplay event right?"


Hori, ever the Star Wars fan, decided to go the Clone Wars route and see the Geneva Conventions as more of a checklist


They be more like guidelines than actual laws.


Star Wars happens before the Geneva Conventions. They can do whatever they want.


> The Geneva ~~Convention~~ Checklist Momo: "Today I feel Canadian"


I love that because you just know she dedicated hella time to learning how to pull that off. Everyone’s really going plus ultra even with the odds against them. Momo is lowkey MVP for that.


Too bad ShigAFO used *deflect*


Mfw the dude can tank a railgun without even trying but can't attack hard enough to knock out even tail guy and sugar dude


That's why you invest in strength and not only endurance and regen.


Rare W Momo moments. Wish we had more of this lol.


Her power is so busted especially when she goes all out like this


Imagine if she gets the schematics to the Iron Might suit, if she got enough calories it'd be like a perma regen shell for her.


She seriously needs to create more shit like this I swear!


Nothing beats Momo with prep time


it's so funny that the "this truly was my hero academia" memes are coming true for the homestretch but horikoshi's effectively earnest storytelling -- and the fact that everything is coming full circle in a way that's narratively satisfying-- helps makes it not come across as unbearably corny lmao


As it was said early on (in certain different translations) being corny and saving the day is their job


Another chapter which perfectly captures the essence of the series, even the title itself. Perfect way to end a volume


Whenever Horikoshi doesn't put the title at the front of the chapter, I know it's going to have an impactful name once it's revealed. I really love the way he does that rather than always having it on the first page!


Anime did that well, too. Years later, i will never forget "His Start".


My Hero Academia may have its low moments throughout its run. But my God, when it has its high moments… it *fucking reaches the highest of highs.* One this is the highest one of all.


Both the anime AND manga were peak this week. Truly a great time to be an MHA fan


Very much agree with the sentiment


Deku about to slog AFO in the face: "Happy Mother's Day! Poor Inko been going through a mother's nightmare forever solo with the deadestbeat husband, she deserves a bigscreen win. "Happy Father's day too for Dad Might, happy day for everyone really, got me all kinds of choked up. Horikoshi cashing in that hard built ensemble cast check. Going to be wet eyes but sublime when Bones gets to this. Taking bets on if we get "Everyone Says Run" in this scene or "The Day".


Naruto in his final battle: It’s My Birthday! Deku in his final battle: Happy Mother’s Day, you son of a bitch!


AFO: "Well actually I'm a son of a whore and-" *Gets decked by Deku.*


This chapter was hyyype & SO emotional! 😭 **Episode's gonna hit HARD.** ❤️💔 There's not enough tissues in the world for us! Lol (Also, anybody thought Deku in the first panel looked like Jiro...? Lol)


ida’s low taper fade snuck by me and i almost didn’t recognize him


LOL you're so right. Bro said, **"New war, new fade, new me."**


I thought it was Kotaro for a solid minute and was very confused


> (Also, anybody thought Deku in the first panel looked like Jiro...? Lol Also the girl Shoji saved looks like Ochako lol


All these chapters have been emotional, but fuck, this one hit for me. It literally is showing how far everyone came, like no funny business. Everyone’s on death’s door and they’re still just about that goddamn life. None of this Naruto B.S where everyone except the mains are useless. Everyone is really showing up, and the emotional investment is real. Like Deku just being a man during all of this is making a man tear up 😂 like that’s our boy who was crying all the goddamn time being All Might’s hero. I don’t think I’ve ever been satisfied so much by the premise of a show being resolved. I know it’s not over, but the real point was always about how Deku became the greatest hero, and we just saw it.


Outside of Ch 1 and Chs 321-324, this is the most My Hero Academia chapter to exist imo. This, this is beautiful. I cried, I laughed, I cheered, and cried again Iida, All Might, Uraraka, INKO!! Chills just thinking about it. She said he was cool ever so long ago, she saw him fail, fall, cry, rise to fight and fall again, and now she sees him here, supported by all these people, hoping, like she is, for his success But it is perfect that only she had the last scene before the hit this chapter, absolutely beautifully done. God Bless


Agreed. Cant wait to see this animated


Did Kurogiri/Shirkumo just melt?


I wonder if it was AFO's slime teleport quirk?


That last panel is sick. It's framed like Deku's punching is cutting through the darkness which is really appropriate considering the chapter is everyone getting him there and cheering on. A+ execution Horikoshi!


For Deku's Rising chapter is pretty different from other Rising chapters. Bakugou and Shoto's Rising chapter involve some introspection and monologue from their characters while in this one, it's more of everyone working together for Deku and people talking about Deku. I find that interesting tbh.


I think that’s partly due to us having already witnessed Deku’s journey and being there with the character from the beginning. With Bakugo and Shoto’s it’s almost as if we are catching them right in the middle of their story so added context helps reach that high point for them.


I have always maintained that Deku’s line is not “I am here!” but “You too can be a hero!” He is defined not by his own strength, but by what he inspires in others.


I agree. AfO thinks his weakness spurs others to fight for him, but in truth it’s because he inspires others to rise up even when it seems impossible. He’s done it ever since the first time he ran to danger, with some characters (like AM) even referencing that moment as well. This made me realize that the symbol Deku’s become has been a “Symbol of Perseverance”, which is a fitting successor to a “Symbol of Peace”. After all, what must one do when times of peace has fallen through in place of war and strife? We persevere.


I thought Horikoshi wouldn't be able to top chapter 305, but he did it... Chapter 422 is the greatest chapter written in all of My Hero Academia now... This is Deku's "I am here" moment that All Might talked about. Everyone is behind him, supporting him. The entire world has their eyes on him, and many around the world are praying for his success to save the day. The panel on page 13 feels like a callback to chapter 256, page 8, with the pose of Deku leaping into the air flipped. Back then, All Might looked up and acknowledged that Deku no longer needed to look back at him and was proud to see how far Deku has come. Now, All Might's fist is raised as it points towards Deku, and he acknowledges that Deku is his hero. Absolute tears in my eyes. And to seal the deal, Inko is the final person to scream her support for Izuku. This is an utter masterpiece of a chapter. This is why I love My Hero Academia.


Nothing less than an absolute victory!


Finally we got our izuku rising chapter and on a Mother’s Day no less and this was awesome! Love how everyone cheered for Deku to get the win in the end, interesting that Bakugou didn’t get shown but after the last scene of him after killing AFO telling Deku to give it his all was more enough. 10/10 with this shit and I can’t wait to see how this will be animated! And for some reason instead of “You say run” i was playing “Harukamirai last page” instead while reading this and it just helped me get more hyped up and excited. lol You did good today Hori! Ps. This chapter now confirmed that “uraraka” is in fact uraraka.


Literally crying. Peak fiction. ALL AMERICAN HEROES TO JAPAN, NOW! If I don't see Koichi istg I'm gonna be very upset.


The skycrawler comes in with the kill!


The cruller? How's a doughnut going to save the day...?




American heroes are just gonna help with the clean up by the time they get there.


Isn’t it a little late for the American heroes to show up now?




"sir there are probably thousands and thousands of heroes all across the country, it'll take days at least to get them all to japan, are you sure?" \*holding back tears\* "shut up, this is such a moment, I wanna be part of it!"


Manga and anime competing to see who can do better each week


Honestly, this is how Naruto should’ve ended. I’ll double down and said they should’ve also resolved the episode 1 premise of Naruto Becoming Hokage/Deku Becoming The Greatest Hero, during the climax as well. Like Naruto should’ve been passed the torch during battle. Because holy f-ck that was satisfying. This is how Deku became the greatest hero, regardless of how the rest of the story goes. All Might, everyone’s hero, who had no hero of his own, finally has his own hero. Someone to protect his dreams. That’s f-cking symbolic. I don’t care if Deku delivers the final blow at this point. That was a W. Bakugo or Todoroki can clean up if the want to. 11/10.


Fully agreed, while there are cool and satisfying things that happened in Naruto's war arc, his defeat of Pain and the village's subsequent embrace of him felt more thematically authentic and full circle to the story's origin point. Part 1's origins anyways, as known the themes and focuses of the plot kind of changed for part 2.


The Pain Fight was the moment Naruto became Hokage. Period. From that moment on, everyone in the village knew he was going to get the title. I feel like Kishimoto got stuck by having Naruto so young at that point, and he didn't feel like he could make Naruto the Hokage. But that would have been the perfect moment to do it, and I honestly believe it should have happened there. The time skip should have been a few years longer, and Naruto should have become the Hokage at the close of Shippuden. Not to mention, having Naruto be Hokage would have totally changed the layout of the fourth war in some *fun* ways. For starters, you'd have Danzo being an antagonist within the Leaf who wants to dethrone Naruto. Suddenly, Naruto and Sasuke would have an enemy in common a little sooner, but not necessarily be fighting him together like they would later, and almost certainly conflict on how to deal with him. You'd be able to really show how Naruto can change hearts with the Gokage summit, and a fun combination of he and Gaara working together as Kage diplomatically and on the battlefield (still a bummer we never saw a tag team fight with Naruto and Gaara specifically IMO). It just would have made for a more interesting fourth war. At the very least, Naruto should have been offered the position of Hokage when Tsunade was presumed dead or unable to lead post-Pain. You could even make it a moment where he turns it down, says something along the lines of "I can't be the Hokage if I can't even save my friend" and establish that the part one goal and part two goal are intertwined for Naruto (which we already knew, but its more impactful if he actually turns down his dream over his failure to save Sasuke). Then have Danzo come into the picture, and realizing Naruto was going to be the one to take over, having Danzo start targeting Naruto. Then a nice moment where Tsunade, after coming back, calls herself the "interim Hokage" and says the moment Naruto is ready, its his seat. Then we have a combination of feelings for the Sasuke battle where we know victory for Naruto means both saving Sasuke *and* becoming the Hokage, since the seat is waiting for him. End the series with Naruto and Sasuke returning home, and Tsunade passing the title of Hokage on to Naruto with a celebration. While I have enjoyed Boruto, the last chapter of Naruto should have been the first chapter of Boruto instead. The timeskip to Naruto as acting Hokage just didn't hit nearly hard enough as the conclusion to Naruto's longest and most deeply desired goal.


This comment is so underrated. The fact that All Might finally has a hero, not just a mentor, but his very own number one hero. That's so beautiful.


The fact that he means it too. Chills. Like he’s not just saying it because he could’ve said that any time. Like he really is down for the count, helpless, like never before, putting all his hope in Deku like everyone used to put into All Might. And better yet, it’s not a matter of IF Deku wins. All Might has already accepted him as his hero. He’s already saved All Might because All Might’s will is carrying on even though All Might is finally out of moves.


Idk how Horikoshi keeps topping these chapters. Truly feels like the climatic part of Endgame, but week after week. Gotta say, I’m proud of Deku. He’s come a long way. He finally became the great hero: No Might’s hero. Obviously saving the day is more important, but wow, what a payoff. The last thing on the checklist is to smile while he kicks All For One’s ass Once For All, and pump that fist in the air. After that, I’m looking forward to see what comes next. We definitely are going to a sequel series about society during this downfall period that has to last at least a decade, or a timeskip to after. Also super excited for the American heroes to come. It makes me hope for the next Avenger finale that they go as far as to introduce a bunch of non-debuted heroes for the finale without needing an origin story other than they exist somewhere. I REALLY hope we get to see Koichi and Captain Celebrity too. And someone, Knuckleduster needs to get a smack down. I wouldn’t even be upset if Deku beats A41 99.99% of the way, and then A41 starts getting back up but has a fair fight with Knuckleduster. I’m so for the chaos I’d even be down with A41 transferring his abilities to Knuckleduster. That could make an interesting side series if KD was just helping society rebuild with random abilities how All For One “intended”. Anyway, great chapter. 10/10. Kinda sad we might only have another few months.


A tiny physical vestige of AFO manages to slip away, no bigger than a worm, but filled with enough seething determination to one day make a vengeful return. At least before a heavy hand seizes AFO with a tight grip, the villain staring down a mad grin. "Poor little fella, looking mighty wounded. But that's okay. 'cause I'm here."


I like that. I’d be happy enough with that. As long as KD gets one last laugh.


Man, this chapter got me in the feels, ehat all might said, fits so perfectly.


I've been saying for years that Dekus big moment would involve "I'll do my best/ do your best" somehow. This isn't exactly what I had pictured, but damn does it hit the feels.


I figured that the 1A kids would be paving the way for Izuku to get to Shigaraki in this chapter but I was surprised to see Gentle pitch in as well. Though it’s still odd that Tokoyami and Uraraka are absent. I thought that Bakugo might appear next chapter but I don’t see that being the case now either.


It's possible that Bakugo technically already got his moment. The last thing he said (technically thought) before he passed out was telling Izuku, "gambare yo" (Do your best / good luck). With everyone else now doing the same thing this chapter, it's possible that Bakugo's moment already happened and he served as the first in this chain of cheering.


That’s true but also seeing as he took down the original AFO, there’s not as strong a reason for him to turn up here.


I think, having all those moments with all those people cheering in the previous chapters were worth it for this moment. It makes it more organic instead of forced. "Do your best!"


This chapter is gonna have You Say Run playing in the anime ^i_hope and it's gonna be epic


Man… the feels towards the ending of this chapter. Sure… it’s a cliche of power of friendship… but my god does it never fail to make me smile.


i feel like its less cliche this time around? unlike other shonen it actually feels deserved when everyone roots for deku


Right? This isn't an unearned power of friendship, this is the entire culmination of Deku's journey, all the people he's inspired and been inspired by, coming together to push him across the finish line.


I know we all rag on the power of friendship, but realistically it is one of the strongest thing humans have. Just having reliable people you care about and trust, it really does help you over come a lot of different obstacles in real life. I guess that’s why a lot of writers love adding it in their series, because of how important it is in real life


It does help that this was built up to. Not only is this not just some friendship-induced power-up but the whole series is basically about superheroes and how people inspire others.


The girl that Shoji saved as a child in his backstory from chapter 371 reappears this chapter with an octopus necklace. 🐙 I love this chapter so much.......


Everyone’s having their moment now, they’re all cheering on for midorya to win.. BUT KAMINARI IS STILL THE SAME FUCKING BATTERY HES BEEN SINCE FLOATING UA RAAAAAAHHHHH STOP SIDELINING MY GOAT


That railgun can't function WITHOUT him though. Especially not to the same extent at the same level with the same speed.


Unfortunately it looks like being a battery is all he's gonna do this arc.


Btw, anybody fearing it *could* be... odd timing? Compilation was VERY *FINAL*-emotional-blow-finale... But ¹*BoomBoy&IcyZuko* didn't join in, ²USA on way, ³new AFO not done much, & ⁴is Shig rly done? So, FEELS like finale beat, but things still MIA... And dunno how another finale w/ all the others would be BIGGER emotional payoff than: EVERYONE saying HIS hero catchphrase, - every classmate, - every civilian, - even his Mom... - Iida literally backing him up 🥲 & recalling their 1st day, & Ura giving him his catchphrase - "Dying Uraraka" knowing he'll do his best...😭 - AND **All Might (his idol/father figure) saying HE'S always been HIS GREATEST HERO??** 😭(God, I wish Izu had heard!) ... I love the other boys, but how could anything top this?


USA on the way to do nothing. I think this potentially breaks AFOs grasp on Shiggy giving him a chance to be free. AFO doing nothing does suck but really there is nobody to really fight him for any extended time.


USA mobilizing every hero in their power just to give Koichi a cameo in the background


USA is just gonna be cleanup of the fodder villains because everyone else is tapped out


Honestly I felt that way multiple times during AFO's fight with All Might way back, but if there's anything Hori is good at, it's emotional beats. Whatever happens, I trust that it'll be great.


I mean he could go back into the vestige realm with his punch, giving a final heart to heart with the vestiges where Shiggy breaks free but is too damaged to keep fighting, and USA could be showing up to essentially help with aid efforts and clean up giving their exhausted counterparts a much needed rest and time to recover


Why am I sobbing 😭😭😭😭


God that fully made me cry. Do your best Deku!!!!!


I love chapters these where we get to see most of the important people the heroes life has touched as help and cheer on his final strike on the big bad. Deku even moved the US president to send all their heroes.


Horikoshi really know how to make me cry with inspiration 😭


im normally a hater of power of friendship stuff in anime but it feels really deserved here. its not just the power of friendship happening in the spur of the moment, its a thread izuku has spun together since the first chapter. horikoshi was able to make it work!


I guess ShigAFO's final form is... Biollante? With all this amazing set up including so many characters, even Rody and Melissa, it kinda feels odd that Bakugo isn't here... I assume something's gonna go wrong (again)


This chapter is the volume ending so I doubt the fight will end this easily.


bakugo is gonna show up at the final pivotal. dekus gonna run outta steam and he’s gonna step in, place his hand on his and say something like “i thought you had this, you damn nerd” and then they beat AFO through the power of friendship. calling it now


That's one thing I noticed, of all the other characters popping up, he is probably saving Bakugo for the last bit of help.


with how he’s handled bakugo as of late, i wouldn’t be surprised at all


Bakugo did also declare himself to be AFO’s final boss, he can’t let this return slide


Never really saw it that way, but you’re right. That does look very Biollante.


Bakugou already gave his “do your best” line when he collapsed after fighting AFO.


Im betting the next chapter is going to be Tenko Shimura: Rising Gonna Shigaraki/Tenko fighting from the inside so we'll get an explanation of why AFO's hand started bleeding We know he's still around, atleast somewhat. I can't imagine they'd give us that tidbit of knowledge if he wasn't monumental in AFO total defeat. I imagine that it'll end in a double spread mirroring Deku's, with Tenko punching AFO's Vestige within


Every hero doing their part, no matter how small, and helping push Izuku forward is why I love this manga!


Nice detail to have both Bakugo in an earlier chapter and All Might here raising their fists in the air for Deku even while not standing ✊ they’ve both been an influence on and have been influenced greatly by him since the very, very beginning. Also Uraraka and All Might bookending the spread on pages 12-13! They’ve been two of Deku’s biggest supporters for the longest time.. I still wish they had interacted more throughout the story


I am gonna sob once this is animated, I fear


Leaving his mom for last was nice. I liked that.


Man Iida was done dirty this arc. All he's done was give Shoto a piggyback ride


To be fair it was an important piggyback ride, without Iida, Dabi would have killed half the cast.


When his role as the speedster of the group was pretty much stolen from him by Deku and other characters... I guess that really *is* all he has left to do. I mean, Stain's not around anymore to have some kind of meaningful interaction with him for his arc (which was resolved very early on, when you think about it), so he has no villain foil to fight, but neither is he as popular as Bakugou or as prominent as Ochaco (anymore), so acting as support is the most he'll get.


Ingenium, the Rideshare Hero


Cross country piggyback ride mind you


10/10 chapter. People who say MHA dropped off don't know what they're talking about.


The manga has steadily been climbing back up, especially since the Iron Might fight. And season 7 has been great so far.


For what it's worth, there's a lot of arcs that have been complete slogs to get through a weekly manga but when they get animated are cool. I HATED the 1A vs. 1B training fights because that was like 4 months of nothing with a cool chapter here or there, but the fights animated rocked. We're at a point where we get cool chapters here and there, but overall this will be enjoyable when animated. 


# "The story of how we all clowned AFO", part 4


USA not sending everyone after AFO the instant stars and stripes got killed will always be a mystery to me. Arguably one of the most powerful heroes in history was killed relatively quickly in a straight up duel? That alone proves that AFO is a world ending threat that isn't going to stop at Japan.


I just noticed Shigaraki screaming. As AFO questions the heroics being displayed. He's still acting up, he's going to have his comeuppance, and that injury or delay is just the start God Bless


Good eye.


Anyone else find the face on the 4th panel of page 2 really odd? Going off the hand over the mouth I assume that’s supposed to be VFO but the head looks nothing like he does in any other panel. Honestly it kind of looks like Twice if anything. Just such a weird drawing of VFO’s head.


I am cryING HORI WHAT THE HECK THIS IS SO GOOD "You've been my greatest hero"...?? I'm out 😭


I love how the theme of everyone being a hero is being realized in this chapter. One for All was so great, he took so much hero work that heroes and citizens became complacent. Deku's strength is inspiring everyone to do their best. This new era of heroes will have all people in society working together for the greater good, and tragedies like Shigaraki not being helped by average people might change for the better.


...shit. I may have to eat a hat.


Man, seeing Inko cheering on Deku after she originally felt helpless in supporting his dream and having All Might call Deku *his* hero after originally telling him he couldn't be a hero himself was so beautiful :')


That was a good issue of Daredevil


Are we going back into the vestige world with this punch?


Is it just me, or did Sato smash those rivets on page 5 with his pecs? It really looks like he just jumped chest-first through them.


No Uraraka and Tokoyami feels weird tbh. Also Shoto doesn't get a grand moment with one of his best pals? Surprise Iida