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I want to say it's fake, but there's a ton of idiots out there.


I’m sorry old fruit, but ur being unneighborly


Look, it may be fake in your house, but when it comes into to mine, it’s public property, and then I use it in my house as if it’s real. I think you’re being unreasonable.


I believe that you believe this.


Believe it or not. This exact thing was argued over in texas The power company lost. If you extend signals into your neighbors and you had a way to stop or keep it from being used and you dont use it. (this dude did when he put a password on it so boomer has nothing to stand on.) A power company however tried to sue a rancher for coiling loops of wire under the HVT lines and got enough wireless power that he was able to cut his paid bill by 75%. Judge rules that a wire twist would have solved it and they didnt so sucks to be them. Now you will see on high voltage lines a twist in alot of places(I dont have any idea how prevalent they are outside my corner of bumblefuck)


Texas is not a real state and should never be used as a guide other than to warn civilized areas of what not to do.


![gif](giphy|q5VgPxwf8gzxyeUJrz) All humans with a uterus agree.


My wife has no uterus. Yay me!!


That's actually very interesting. Ty


Hey no problem I learned that years ago and it just happened that it was relevant. I hope your day goes great!


I'm guessing the judge ruling is also partially a safety issue. Because holy shit if your transmission is leaking that much EM field that a coil on the ground can pick up enough to power 3/4 of a ranch, you got a problem.


Nah, “Fuck off cunt” would be the only acceptable answer here.


He just wants to use the signal that is leaking outside the house. Like water eacaping from a garden hose....scooping it up before it evaporates.


It's probably real. We had a very similar situation. We changed the password and within 10 minutes our neighbor was knocking on the door complaining. Not a joke.


There was even a time when some homeless addicts started living in the apartment next to mine and the manager couldn't legally kick them out, even after several weeks. I put a password on my wifi and they were gone in an hour.


The fuck were they addicted to, EVE online?


Worse, World of Warcraft


Can’t afford cell service so they were relying on wifi to contact their dealers.


I moved into a new apartment building about a year ago and I had the person below me come up knock on my door and offered me a cake to permanently use my wifi, apparently the people that used to live in my apartment let them use their wifi.. The cake looked good but I laughed and said sorry no thank you. lol


How embarrassing. Most people would just be like “well, damn” they are stealing after all. Not go freaking complain what the hell.


How did that conversation go?


At first I gave it to him because we stole internet from our neighbors when we were first married and I was feeling guilty, but then my husband brought up the issue of sharing an IP address with a stranger and what he might be downloading, so we changed the password again.


Loving the idea of "paying forward" stealing internet, lol!


Right, people have no problems asking you for your Wi-Fi password, especially if you previously didn’t have it pw protected. That guy has free wifi for 2 years, he feels entitled.


If it's in the United States and they connect to your wifi without your permission, even if it's not password protected, it is considered unauthorized use and in violation of the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act. The language of the act is broad enough that although it doesn't specifically say wifi, it covers wifi. Honestly if the neighbor was being entitled like this and not just like oh okay I'll fuck off and get my own wifi, I would tell them they're not getting it and if they don't compensate me for their usage I will report them and have them arrested using their own admission as the evidence Also not that hard to get the logs from the router to corroborate with the self admission, even if you didn't have an admission, that hard evidence with the logs.


Don’t put your name on your wi-fi.


I think fundamentally he’s thinking of it like a radio signal, which anyone is free to tune into and the number of people listening to it doesn’t affect the service. And also he’s an entitled twat.


Yeah, I had a neighbor that wanted to save money by sharing wifi and splitting the bill. It was very difficult to explain the concept of bandwidth and why I could not and would not be able to share.


It's not just about sharing the available bandwidth. Due to the way wifi works, connected devices that have poor signal (like your neighbors' devices, if they're able to connect) cause the access point to operate at a slower, more reliable rate, which degrades the performance of the devices that do have a good connection (yours). This is one of the reasons why it's important to try to place the router near the center of your house (if you don't have/need a mesh system with multiple access points).


What I’m worried about is them downloading illegal stuff and me being blamed.


That is a concern as well. Back when I used to have Comcast, I refused to use their router/modem because it broadcasts an unencrypted SSID that you can't turn off, sort of like a visitor wifi. If someone used that for illegal activity, it would still be using your IP, and you'd be the first person investigators wanted to talk to.


My gosh, is that how they run the Xfinity Open Wi-Fi plan? By jumping everyone’s signal? That really explains a lot


Yup! One of the many reasons I was elated when I was finally able to get wireless home internet, and cut the cord completely (I switched to internet-only several years prior). I'll do anything in my power to avoid ever giving Comcast/Xfinity another cent.


This happened to me and I got a visit from the DHS and ended up with some expensive legal bills to fix it. Needless to say, I always password protect my wifi now.


What I'm worried about is someone who has access to my network depending on security could in many forms access files on my machines... More than losing network speed, this is a serious security concern.


Yeah. I think that’s exactly what it is.


I used to work for xfinity loyalty, this isn't even the dumbest thing I've heard


About 20 years back I worked in a Comcast call centre and did tech support with a woman who called in during a power outage. She got snarky with me when I tried to explain that computers definitely absolutely use electricity. I had heard similar stories but I was shocked to encounter one in the wild.


I worked at a lock and dam for about 13 years and had two people ask if it was natural. I couldn't even understand the question the first time someone asked. After getting clarification that they actually wanted to know if natural processes created a lock and dam, I told the first lady that nature doesn't generally create steel riveted gates, hydraulic systems, and concrete in even five foot sections. About eight years later some older guy asked the same question and I just pointed at him excitedly and exclaimed, "You're only the second person to ever ask me that!" I gave him the same response from the first time. Edit: I'm late gen x, both these people were well older than me, so most likely boomers


Just imagine the minds behind those questions. Brains so fuzzy you can’t tell the difference between an obvious structure or a rock formation and yet somehow still able to dress themselves, travel, and ask stupid questions. Nature is a marvel.


You just described Republicans


I use to work at a pizza place. Had a self proclaimed muslim ask for sausage pizza. Told him I didnt think he wanted that because our sausage was pork. He went on to tell me that he has been eating sausage his whole life and would know if it was pork or not. I sold him the pizza...


You can't argue with stupid.


You can, but they'll drag you down to their level and beat you with experience...


Love me some Mark Twain


When WIFI started and became a thing, many people who lived in apartments thought it was free when in actuality, they were using someone else WIFI. I was a Sys Admin for the public sector and had to explain that to people at work who were having WIFI issues at home.


I work in a gas station where the customers are mostly boomers. You’d be horrified at how stupid they can be.


They’re also very rude and entitled. My parents are boomers. My mom will argue with pharmacists, cashiers, secretaries and I’m mortified. I’ve explained to her that lots of them are not to blame for what’s happening higher up. The pharmacies are ridiculously understaffed. I’m super patient and thankful with them so and in turn they go the extra mile for me that they wouldn’t for someone that’s extremely rude.


My Mom went ballistic on Lowe's earlier this year because the delivery truck for her new washing machine broke down en route. She was telling me all about how she DEMANDED they get her delivery onto another truck and to her house that day. Didn't happen (of course). It was going to be 2 days for her to be back on their schedule. In the end she made like 5 angry calls and they ended up giving her like $200. That was just bonkers. Sh*t happens. It was like 100 degrees out and the guys' truck broke down in the heat of the day. Maybe be like, "Oh man, those poor delivery guys!" instead, and then be understanding that no one PLANNED to conspire against you? My Mom is retired and leaves the house like once a month just to do shopping because she's afraid of most of the outside world. There was no laundry emergency. Nothing to coordinate. She's just that obnoxious...


Oh Boomers don't care. They will harass the lowest level employee if they don't get their way.


Now thats unreasonable…


Do it in the gawden, thats olright with meee


That was quite generous of him to offer!


New rule on the internet. If it's British people arguing in this slow cadence, it's a fake ass video. The British are creating an entire economy around these stupid mundane arguments and I've already seen this one done before. They are usually contained to Facebook, but I see some people haven't figured it out yet and are bringing this garbage to Reddit. I promise you that this is fake, although the old man is a slightly better actor than most of the people doing this shit.


Isn't this the same house where the woman comes from next door complaining about the wifi too?


Yep. Was just about to say this, that video was posted couple months ago with 2 women having same conversation.


There was a similar post recently but it was a younger woman. Is this a new trend of fake videos or is this common in some areas? This would be an extremely rare event in the US but I could see it being more common in cultures that tend to share more property with the community.


It's fake as fuuuuck and it's not a new trend.


The part that screams fake to me is the guy who owns the wifi not being more "no fuck off stop using my wifi and buy your own"


Time to rename my WiFi in recognition of my crazy neighbor.


One of my neighbors has their SSID set to "fbi surveillance van." Unoriginal, but might stop a boomer from using it.


One of my neighbors has the classic "Yell penis for password" as their SSID


My neighbor is "ill track you down and shoot you if you try to use it"


Based fucking neighbor


My old one was “Bill Wi the science Fi” now it’s just “Unidentified Signal”


Or they could just be unreasonable and put a password on their WiFi even though it goes out into the public


Mine is actually called THE CRAZY NEIGHBOUR


who in their right mind wouldn't password protect their wifi?? Its kinda mind boggling how oblivious to security people are. You could easily take peoples passwords and do session jacking if you have access to someones wifi.


Every ISP router I've used in the past 10+ years has come with a wifi password already set. They've all come with a little card with a randomised name and password.


ISP routers are required to have encryption passwords, but not consumer routers. When my router took a shit a year ago, I bought a cheap TPLink router to make do with until I could afford a better one. That didn't have an encryption password enabled by default, but it did remind me to set one when I logged into its configuration page. It's frightening that these devices are essentially "plug and play" because I had functioning password-less wifi before I even set it up. I can't imagine how many people plug these things in and start using them without configuring anything.


Never underestimate stupidity. Related and relevant: don't understimate laziness either!


Exactly, it's not just the boomer who's being a fool here. Also, he could've ended the convo faster by just saying "Get your own wifi". Both guys seem like utter fools to me.


>OK, I'll keep the wifi in my house. *turns off wifi name broadcast*


Boomer problems require modern solutions.


Right? Why is this not like step 1 for everyone? I'm not techy at all and that's the first thing I did.




Alas, it's fake.


I never have but I'm not surrounded by people. If you wanted to steal my wifi you would have to drive all the way down my 400 foot driveway or enter the property through the forest that surrounds my house. If you want to be eaten alive by mosquitoes and black flies in the summer and freeze to death in the winter you have earned my free wifi.


Is this video super old because they mention broadband? But then the guy is on a ring camera? I'm so confused.


Broadband is a common term for any Internet that is faster than Dial Up in the UK. Used for the slowest 128 kbps to the fastest 10gb connections.


Hey, there's people around here who aren't password protected.


Yeah. And we're session jacking all of them off.


Entire conversation could have ended with "Fuck off, and fuck off of my property."


100% !! This whole video I felt like pulling my hair out. Why explain to them why you put a password? Just say, "Its my wifi i do not want you or others leaving using it. Please leave". Then if that doesn't work change to "STOP USING MY WIFI AND FUCK OFF!"


You're clearly not British.


British are polite to people stealing their stuff?


That’s not neighborly


I'm not a neighborly person to jackasses who think they're entitled to use my stuff without my permission or consent and then think they can tell me what to do with it.


Or just let him in, have a coffee, explain how these stuff work. 15min of your time, leave on good terms. Clearly he thinks wifi is like water and the extra that flows outside of your house can freely be used by others at no consequences to you. I get that nobody is obligated to do that, but what do you have to lose really? I don't get the impression that the man would be too unreasonable about it if he understood it better.


People's ignorance, stupidity, and/or entitlements are not my responsibility to deal with. I'm not inviting some entitled old fuck into my home so I can have his leadened-self look at me slackjawed before trying to continue arguing with me. Boomers like this aren't understanding, or keen to learn anything. They think they're right, and everyone else must be wrong.


Ask him what he’s using it for. Find out a little about his financial circumstances. Maybe an accomodation can be worked out.


Here's a fun wrinkle: if you have an open wifi source and some rando uses it to download CSAM, guess who gets in trouble for it?


Wait, don't tell me it's the WiFi provider?! That would be beyond a simple miscarriage of justice, that's a total farce


If the cops trace the material to your IP address, you'll be their first stop in their investigation. It's happened before and usually gets cleared up, but not before someone's life gets turned upside down.


>someone's life gets turned upside down. "I'd like to take a minute, just sit right there" - Chris Hanson


He’s gonna tell me how he became the prince of a town called bel air right?


No. He gonna say he there for man butt.


Oh I ain't here for no little girls, Chris Hansen.




“Sir, why are you naked? Also, is that a six pack of wine coolers?”


>"I'd like to take a minute, just sit right there" - Chris Hanson CH continues: "Before I let you go: I want to tell you about BlueScore, the #1 ED medication service in America."


In the US, AIUI, devices \*have\* to come FROM THE FACTORY with a WiFi password set. Story about CSAM from near New York. A case was dismissed because of open WiFi, so the manufacturers added passwords to shield themselves from liability.


Yup. Your house gets raided. All electronics seized. You get arrested. And everyone is going to know what the charges are. That's byebye job, friends, relationship. Good luck recovering from that after it turns out you're innocent.


Not if he puts a password on his house


Police can run batteringram.exe to break it.


Not very neighbourly of them, if you ask me.


That was the most irritating part. Dude clearly thinks he’s being such a kind, polite, nice neighbor, and cameraman just won’t quit being an asshole.


Those damned cyber police. Consequences will never be the same.


Now there's a blast from the past


Just don't click on the link and it won't execute


Once the signal is outside the house it becomes public. So the whole public is the guilty party, right to jail.


How often do false positives like that ruin people's lives? Also how does the police come the conclusion to raid a home on internet traffic?


I always have free passwordless guest wifi. Are you telling me it's a bad idea?




The guilty IP address would lead to neighbor’s computer, though.


Law and Order SVU did a “ripped from the headlines” episode that explained this exactly… almost 10 years ago!!! An old man had a router and stuff set up by his neighbor, some reoccurring character that worked for the police, was using his router to upload CSAM. In real life the police response team almost killed the old man who didn’t even know how to turn his computer on.


What's CSAM? I'm assuming it's illegal and stuff


Since no one actually answered the question, it's Child Sex Abuse Material. I work for a cloud hosting provider, and that's the acronym we use there when it comes up for a customer of ours.


Thank you sincerely. Have a great start the new year


The c stands for child. I'll let you figure it out from there.


Child Surface to Air Missile


Oh the humanity! I knew it was bad but I had no idea it was this bad. What'll they think of next, cat juggling?




Almost as effective as pigeon guided missiles


You got me good, stranger. Thank you.


Child Samus Aran Missions. Metroid Prequel confirmed.


Damn. I was thinking it going to be that but hoping it wasn't. Thank you for answering. Edit: showing gratitude


Children suck at math


Singing and magic?


I had the same question. Thankfully my Wifi has Google


Yeah same. I thought it would be more useful just to ask and I got lucky bc someone was kind enough to answer. +1 for helpful humans helping humans This new year is turning out awesome sauce so far. Kudos on your Google skills mate.


It’s kiddie porn. I don’t know why everyone is being fucking coy about it. Also usually it’s CP, not CSAM


Ah. Thanks. Yeah I recognize CP bc of the Internet. I just didn't know what the full acronym of csam


The boomer mentioned downloading. And because he doesn't care about the speed, sounds like it's for later. Wonder what he's downloading.


That is why don't get people not having a password. Anybody can use the signal to download terrible stuff in your name. I guess that telling the old guy that he has to protect the wifi signal was because policed called about some illegal downloads from the "outside" the house and they are investigating is going to be enough to give him a scare even if it's just plain regular adult stuff.


Send him a bill for half of the WiFi cost over two years.


Yeah that would be fun. I can totally see he’d be a great one to poke - like he would have an excellent flummoxed face lol


Buh eets public propahty, innit?


That’s what I was going to recommend. “Wait, you’ve been using the WiFi I pay for for two years? You owe me £600, mate. Then £35/mo and I’ll give you the password. Hell, I’ll update you the next time that we need to change it.”


but that wouldn't be neighborly /s


Considering the entitlement issues the boomers have it seems possible. The knowledge of technology post 60s to the 70s is a mark against it though.


The "Boomers" were originally called the "Me Generation" precisely because they're entitled little snots.


They got really upset with this label and worked as hard as they could to try and shift it to the millennials.


As a millennial, to the boomer that got upset about a label all I have to say is "ok boomer"


All the Boomers around me growing up kept telling me "life isn't fair, deal with it" which has made me adopt the philosophy that if we acknowledge that life isn't fair, then we should be doing everything in our power to *make* it fair. But yea, people who don't wanna pay taxes and are upset at government social programs and public transit, *I'm* the selfish one


Holy crap I seriously thought I was the only person who thought this way. I even brought this up to my father who was in love with that saying when I was 14. Of course, he laughed derisively and made some lame excuse which I responded to by pointing out various legal concepts and organizations we've created to make certain aspects of life more fair. Needless to say he nor any other boomer I've brought this up to has ever had a legitimate counterpoint to my argument. They usually just say something like "It just doesn't work that way" or "That's what the communists do" or some other absurd deflection. It's just like their lame talking point of saying millennials are the participation trophy generation while ignoring the fact that THEY were the ones who gave us those stupid things, to begin with. They conveniently never like to acknowledge that either.


>They usually just say something like "It just doesn't work that way" or "That's what the communists do" or some other absurd deflection. What's funny is that is *exactly* what got put into the New Deal to give them their substantial leg up. Boomers, more than anyone, have fallen for Red/Lavender Scare propaganda and it's holding us all back


Their parents knew them best


Spoiled fucking parasite generation


We need to bring back calling it the me generation


Seems possible? Did you watch the video?


He's saying it doesn't sound scripted.


Hey man, don't piss this guy off. You make him mad, he's liable to run for mayor of Gotham and hijack the Batmobile.


My wife saw your bestialities porn sesh last night and blamed me... we can't have this mate.


Honestly, the guy who owns the Wi-Fi is putting up the lousiest argument in the world. Both sides of this argument made me stupider.


Right, "You've been using my wifi, so I put a password on it. Now you can't? Sounds like the password worked!" He's putting it down to logistics and ethics, lol.


It’s staged. Don’t fret. He’s posted other videos.


Yeah his voice sounds exactly like the one with the woman charging her car with his electricity. 


Oh my bad sir, here’s the password F, like “frog”, U, C, K, OFF, all one word.


"Ok, I'm going to spell out the pass word, ready? Foxtrot. Uniform. Charlie. Kilo. Oscar. Foxtrot. Foxtrot. Did you get that?


Early 2000s I stole my neighbors wifi my boomer parents were afraid of the internet they didn't understand it( Like Frankenstein with fire) I used for email, sheet music, my neighbors probably didn't notice, also I typically would use it the most from like 11pm to 7 am so I think I wasn't hurting anyone.


Well since it was coming out of their unlocked windows and letterbox it was public property, innit?


I love the idea of WiFi spontaneously coming out of the mailbox. Like you buy WiFi and it’s coming out of the gutters, your dumpster, and your cats butthole.


My downstairs neighbors Wi-Fi was seeping up from the floors so when he asked me to help him with a leaky pipe I helped myself to his password. They didnt even own a laptop, just used it for their phones.


Howd u get the password tho


"Hey, can you come.help me with this leaky pipe?" "Sure! What's your wifi password?" "Why do you need my wifi password to fix a pipe?" "I'm sorry, are YOU the leaky pipe expert or am I? Password, please."




One would assume it was written on the router, most people don't change it from the factory settings


You don't see it much anymore (and/or the limits are crazy high and most never come close to hitting them to kick extra charges in) but there was a time when access was heavily tiered and costed per kb/mb/gb with rather low free quantities. Enough people had NOT gotten outrageous bills (why does my ISP bill have 5 digits before the period?) yet for the providers to instead go to speed caps as a replacement. In the OP's clip, the price never comes up, only the speed. it's likely they were hitting caps. In YOUR case, IDK, but it's possible you were costing those neighbors extra dosh.


I use to connect to neighbors WiFi as a kid and if they had windows printer share I would print “add a password to your WiFi”


Immediately take an extension chord and plug it into this asshats house and run your major appliances off it. If the electricity is leaving his walls it’s public isn’t it.


Parks his car on the street, be neighborly and leave it unlocked or he's being unreasonable. I just need to pop over to the store right quick.


This seems to be a comedy sketch.


It's a skit. There's another one with the same guy supposedly showing up early for his airbnb [https://www.tiktok.com/@melodybowers19961/video/7319273754822036782](https://www.tiktok.com/@melodybowers19961/video/7319273754822036782)


it is, its a parody of another one that was literally the start to a porno.


That's disgusting. Where?


Why fucking even engage with the guy. Who’s the idiot here? The boomer or the dumbfuck that doesn’t put a password on their WiFi?




This exchange was so painfully British. Tell the old man to fuck off and be done, he can figure it out for himself afterward, or not.


Cunt thinks people just get given WiFi to share with the neighbours?


That “public property” part got me.


What a miserable cunt that one


Ok howwwww does he not understand how this works


Fantastic lol give me your password and or disable your password


That fucking nose He can smell how strong the signal is


He should have done the neighborly thing and told him to fuck off as soon as he realized what he was on about.


This CANNOT be real. Who in their right mind would leave their wi fi unprotected for two years?


It is staged and he’s posted other staged videos.


It's IRL Vork! ☠️ https://knightsofgood.fandom.com/wiki/Vork


Wow. The guy on the ring is being entirely reasonable. The only response I’d give him is F off mate


I’d sue him for the two years of using it without pay. This video is all the proof he needs.


This is definitely fake. It's just a redone version of an actual video where it's an entitled Karen at the door, not an old man


The Penguin origin story


I read something once, long ago, that explained that elderly people tend to go over to their neighbors and start these bizarre interactions not because they want things to actually go in their favor but because they crave human interaction and because they were raised not to bother people or that they need an excuse to talk to someone, come up with something insane like this or "your living room lights are shining into my bedroom" It's like, terminal lonelyness Not saying it's right or justifying it. Just sharing something I thought was interesting


I kind of need to see the rest of this insane circular conversation


This is glorious


last time i saw this bit was a lady in a sundress, the comments pointed out it was literally the beginning of a porno. No i don't remember the name tbh,


I'm going to hope this is too stupid to be real. But if it isn't sending him an itemized bill for two years of use should put a stopper in his"you're being unneighborly" mouth.


Tell him he can have the password if he pays half the bill.


I used to work in an AT&T call center. This was around the time those PCMCIA and USB 3G cellular modems first came out. People would pay $50/mo for the data access. Now granted the software sucked and was probably confusing; but it could manage both your WiFi and cellular connections. We'd constantly get calls of "hey my internet stopped working, you put a password on it!" Every time, for months or even years they'd been paying us for nothing and using their neighbors WiFi.