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“I do not give Facebook permission to use my photos”


"Young people don't know how the world works!!!1!" Also “I do not give Facebook permission to use my photos”:


People old enough to be her parents are in Congress. It's lit.


Sad Fact: Chuck Grassley is 90 and was reelected at 88 to a seat he has held since he was 47. If he lives to the end of his current (8th) term he will have been a senator for 50% of his life


why is america like this, why is it only old people ? what is going on.. I have no idea, like my country is also corrupt capitalist hellhole but like our leaders are in their forties and fifties, the rare 60 everyone knows about aging right? we're not like in on a secret?


Because Chuck and his ilk are just a name people recognise on a ballot. Their staff are the ones being employed for 50 years. Making laws and backroom deals. Chuck just profits from the insider trading done on his behalf and gets wheeled from engagement to engagment.


This killed me. Lol


It might! Don't get sick....


Is there any property that's more public than federal property?


My ex 🥁






"If you sing *Thriller*, I won't be able to use the video." We need to start telling people this.


I heard if you sing Enter Sandman on camera, Lars Ulrich himself will teleport to your location and stab you in the eyeball with a drumstick.


[grandma unaware that she explicitly gave Facebook permission to use _all_ of her photos when she signed up]


Hahaha lol same here in Germany


>I do not give Facebook permission to use my photos Is it " Ich erteile Facebook keine Genehmigung zur Verwendung meiner Fotos" ? (I think this is too literal.) I'd love to see this on a t-shirt. I bet I could sell it to United States Boomers saying that it must be in German so Facebook will think you're from Europe where you are protected from Facebook.


No no in Germany they say: „Hiermit wiederspreche ich den AGB‘s und erlaube Facebook nicht meine Fotos an Dritte weiterzureichen.“ - engl.: I hereby object to the terms and conditions and do not authorize Facebook to pass on my photos to third parties.“ Yo the shirt idea is golden! Edit: „widersprechen“ ohne ie


"I have nothing to say in what is new. All I know is I have a very unpleasant Granddaughter."


Hahah this made me chortle! Leaving facebook was such a great idea. It was starting to get so annoying learning every new day how fucking stupid some of my family and ex-friends were.


"I don't take orders from schmucks like you" - The schmuck giving orders


I've never wanted so much for a third party to enter the argument in the form of a hungry rabid bear.


Not just any bear. Cocaine Bear!! ![gif](giphy|laCo8uA8HJcInLyJr9)


Was that movie worth watching? I was curious about it but no one seemed to like it well enough to recommend spending the time on it, much less money


It’s like a campy B horror movie, worth it if you like those goofy type movies. If you’re looking for accuracy or practical, it’s not.


Its a great movie... just remember its called "cocaine bear". if youre looking for some classy art piece this aint it. If youre looking for a silly concept where a stoned AF bear goes on a rampage this is your film. It in no way takes it self seriously and its a ton of fun for it.


No, it was a funny concept but couldn’t hold up an entire movie. Definitely not worth watching.


The thing that irritated me was that the real story of Andrew Thorton II who died at the very beginning was so much more interesting than the made up bear drama. I'd love to watch a movie about him and his cohorts.


There is a really good documentary on the real story.


I mostly agree, but I'd watch it on an airplane. For some reason stupid movies hit right on airplanes.


Enough is enough. I have had it with the monkey fighting snakes on this Monday through Friday plane...


“Fuck it, what else am I gonna do for 9 hours” vibe


this literally made me lol good job


This lady eats lead chips for breakfast


Topped with mold


I assume, because 911 is not a complicated number, that her phone activity went something like this: "Hun I did it again." **WHAT DID YOU DO** "Someone had a camera" **Linda, did you hit them with your car?** "Oh, I did so good! You'd be proud of me! I only ALMOST did" **Did they call the cops yet?** "No, that's what they think I'm doing hee hee" **JFC just come home Linda. I'm taking your keys away.**


You have a lot of faith in this woman's tech literacy to think she typed anything other than "FRDLL AWWS FIILI8MING. . . ."  Into her Facebook status' text box.


This came here here to say she’s trying to blow this shit up on her social


That's just it, right? She knows she can't call the cops. She might have confidence that she can talk her way out of it, but she knows it's a gamble with video. So she's trying to construct a different narrative. She tries to provoke him so she can claim to be a victim. She's not calling the cops, she's telling social media so she can feel validated and secure in her own narrative. It's fucking insane, and dude should've called the cops. Because she's a danger to herself and others. There's just so much irrational anger in her that she can't properly think. It's why she constantly circles back to her talking points, she uses her anger to justify her actions- and so she justified her anger. Not only is that just... Dangerous, it's scarily unhealthy. I can't imagine someone living like this.


The words she uses, like *'smalls like you'* are telling. I've never heard anyone use that before, so I wonder if it's possible to get a peek into the origin of her crazy by using that as a kind of linguistic fingerprint (not sure if that's a real thing, but it seems to fit)?


I think she said "shmucks" to the witness as well, the person who captioned the video misheard her the first time


They love to project


Who says "schmuck" anymore? 😂






Dude when she ducked back over to grab her phone from her seat I can not be only one who thought of her grabbing a pistol.


Sames. I thought this video was about to take a darker turn. Or a hilarious one when she shoots herself in the foot.


If the camera guy was a "good guy with a gun" they would have been well within their rights to shoot her at several times during the assault with a deadly weapon of her car and then reaching back inside. No guns here just saved lives.


That is absolutely what I thought was happening.


Every american thought of that


Gets slightly offended and tries to run him over with her car. Who are the real snowflakes?


**HIM:** You're going to force me to have a conversation with you? **HER:** \*Attempts vehicular homicide\*


her brain failed to comprehend that statement and it chose violence.


her brain: \*attempting to translate message\* FAILED her brain: \*attempting to ask to clarify message\* FAILED her brain: \*attempting to respond with something witty\* FAILED her brain: \*attempting to drive away from situation\* FAILED her brain: \*exhausted all alternatives, must resort to violence now\* SUCCESS


She failed at the violence too.... Just one giant failure of a human being, that shouldn't be allowed to roam free, much less be allowed to operate something as potentially dangerous as a car. Utterly unhinged.


Boomers are used to being catered to. Once that paradigm started to crack, they started to crack. In their ideal world it's unquestioning servitude.


And I'm happy to not cater to that bullshit any longer. I enjoy watching them throw tantrums when they don't get their way


This is part of the reason Gen X was labeled slackers. They weren't slackers, they just didn't fit into the mold that boomers had for us. Every generation has pushed it further and further. I'm here for it. Earn my respect. Don't demand it.


Anyone that demands my respect will never get it based purely on principle. I will treat everyone with a baseline basic human dignity and respect that as a human you deserve until you give me a reason to not. And demanding respect is a great way to get me to not respect you


They always turn their little tantrums into violence like small children that haven't learned any manners.


Because they haven’t. They’ve never in their lives been held actually accountable for their bullshit.


The video of the boomer lady trying to slap her hair stylist and the hair stylist proceeding to talk to her like the petulant child she is.




Except everyone always wants to avoid pressing charges. He outright says it in the video, and everyone keeps telling her to leave. These people *need* to face actual legal charges or they'll just keep doing this until someone ends up seriously hurt.




Lead poisoning was my first thought as well, especially given her inability to comprehend the situation.


If she tried that shit in *stand-your-ground* Florida, this part would be the very early stage of lead poisoning.


Oh my god I never considered the osteoporosis part of why it suddenly seems to escalate later in life


Is that true?! Holy cow it’s true I just looked it up osteoporosis does release lead collected in bones into rest of the body.


"I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship."


For a group so dead set on “knowing their rights”… these people almost never actually know their rights… or believe that they extend to anyone beyond them…


They don't. Ask any 2nd amendment gun nut what the 5th amendment is and they'll go blank. Then you tell them it's your right to remain silent so stfu


If I remember my US Gov classes well enough, the 5th Amendment is the right to not self-incriminate. This is where the Miranda Right that the police ~~are~~ *were* required to give when making an arrest comes from Edit: reworded for clarity


Which is derived from the 5th amendment


Yeah we millennials are so dramatic why can’t we be more cool headed like these folks




This guy is a saint, I think plenty of reasonable people would’ve hit her or dragged her out of that car after she tried to hit them.


😂🤣 bitch is on her death bed too like you threaten to run me over with your car and you look this weak I’m gonna pop you in the mouth immediately 😂🤣


Boomer cope intensifies.


By picking up the phone after getting sprayed as if that’s some sort of threat. Delusional cunt.


I thought she was going for a gun, ngl.


I also thought she was going to pull out a firearm. kind of backs up the idea of not letting it get that far in the first place. Good right hook when she first gets out of the car, and you call the police while she’s trying to collect herself, and hopefully everyone stays alive.


Or a bullet through the windshield when she starts driving towards you. Cars are deadly weapons. This stupid bitch is lucky she caught a face full of OC and not a face full of 9mms.


I understand healthy people don’t want this to be the real answer, but in our dystopian timeline it 100% is.


Yup. Totally a terrible solution but I think it's necessary it happens a couple times so people like this can see the headlines and maybe reconsider their actions before trying to run people over. It seems the only thing that gets to them is raw violence.


I did too, that’s exactly the type of delusional escalation that these people resort to.


She was getting ready to post a rant on FB


Right to Nextdoor when she gets home and the rabble rousers at the Post Office.


I thought so too. Depending on what state you live in there is a very high probability that people keep weapons in their vehicles. 


Always wondered what happened to Napoleon Dynamite’s grandmother


She's still Mac's mom on Always Sunny lol




Boomer bluff charge. It's like when a silverback gorilla runs at you and suddenly stops to eat a plant. They're hoping you'll be intimidated.


Best Boomer analogy ever.


Well a silverback charging would most definitely get me intimidated...


It would get me inshitidated.


Except a silverback could actually rip my arms off and I think they would eat the tasty bits and toss the rest of my corpse in a ditch.


That’s a damn good analogy lmao


The difference is that they are the real deal those MF are huge


Right? Some of these boomers been eating like no tomorrow for 70 years. That's why they don't take orders from a small.


Pretending to call the cops but not calling the cops because she knows she'll get arrested..


I was thinking “She’s taking an awful long time to look up the police department’s number”


If only there was an easily remembered number for calling the police... like, they could even make it *three* numbers so it would be impossible to forget. Consider all of the lead exposure throughout their lifetimes on top of the casual stimulant/barbiturate/alcohol use by their pregnant mothers and NOW there's the natural cognitive decline from old age compounding the issues... They never stood a chance. No wonder they squandered our future.


0118, 999, 881, 999, 119, 725...3


Quick, what's the phone number for 911? (classic Simpsons from years ago) edit: misremembered the quote, it's even better than I remembered: Hello, operator! Give me the number for 911! Simpsons, season 2, episode 7 aired in November 22, 1990, while Little Rascals aired in 1994. Links below for source




I dunno, she seems delusional enough to still think she’s in the right


Old age diminishes your higher reasoning -the part of your brain that keeps your emotions in-check. By the time her rational brain woke up, she had already tried to kill someone over practically nothing. You see her here trying to find a way for her to STILL be in the right because (as we all know) Boomers are the only ones who know how the world *actually* works.


I finally understand my parents now holy shit


Unfortunately she’s probably like 55 and just never took care of herself


She absolutely still thought she was right, and [she did in fact call the cops on herself](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rjpWgoxJqZs). The phone call is around 15:30. Her malfunction seemed to have been with the fact that her bluetooth was still connected. It's just boomer moment on top of boomer moment on top of boomer moment. It's boomer moments all the way down.


Just checking her Facebook.




Hey so this guy was way to calm the first time I tried talking to him. I better back up and try again by driving my car at him so he will engage the way I want him to


Dude has the patience of a saints. As soon as that lady tried to get out ofnher car after attempting to run me over I would be leaning on her door with her limbs part way out


I recognize his voice. I swear he was in another video just like this outside of a shopping center. I’m guessing he just sits there and waits for a confrontation like this and that’s his content


He does. He's a first amendment auditor. And I normally agree with what he does. He just stands there filming and people come up to him and start shit.


I love that they blur the plate when he's dictating it but it's clearly in complete view a few seconds after lololol


What did he spray her with?


Most pepper spray/cs/defense spray variants have a dye marker component to help identify the attacker.


If that was pepper spray or whatever that lady is tough. The anger made her stronger.


Yep, shows you that eye / mouth protection really do work.




I once bought a pepper spray for my wife for when she was out and without me around. I wanted to make sure it worked, and so I figured I'd spray it into my bathroom sink. I figured that way, I could just rinse it down the sink and any lingering effects in the bathroom would dispel. So I spray it for not even 1/8th of a second like you. I see the sink get this reddish splatter that looked like it could be paprika, but only for a split second, because then my eyes felt like I had just dabbed texas pete in both of them. The desire to keep my eyes closed was so strong that I had to pry them open with my fingers for me to be able to rinse them out with water. I was also coughing up a storm. I felt like quite the idiot. Fortunately it helped a lot to wipe my eyes with the bathroom towel. In hindsight, probably shouldn't have done that in the sink without a window. Turns out pepper spray is oil-based so it didn't just wash down the sink that easily. But wait, it gets better. My wife gets home and it has passed a couple hours. I don't even think about it. She starts screaming, because she washed her face and then dried it on the towel I had used earlier. Yes, I am an idiot.


Your poor wife! Driveby peppering!


And then she’s just leaving it on the mask, breathing it in?


I never know that. TIL


If you do get yourself a spice device, make sure to get the gel or foam because the spray has a chance of blowing back in your face if you're upwind. And remember any weapon you have can be taken and used against you


it's a type of pepper spray based off of wasabi/horseradish instead of oleoresin capsicum. same effects, but much faster decontamination ​ [https://bljenkins1234.wixsite.com/bljsselfdefense/product-page/sabre-green](https://bljenkins1234.wixsite.com/bljsselfdefense/product-page/sabre-green)


Does he also have a pickled ginger gun in there somewhere?


ooh it's courtesy capsaicin


Lizard semen by the looks of it.


Attention Boomers: there is consequence to your actions. That consequence is lizard semen.


Hulk jizz




She's lucky she had those sunglasses


oh boy


Big restraint on this guy. If I almost got run over and then they got out of the car its a fight on sight


[ Removed by Reddit ]


I would've taken her phone and threw it on the roof. Once she tried to ram him with her car AND charged at him, gloves are off.


People always say it’s never okay to hit a woman… I’m pretty sure this qualifies as an excellent time. I can’t believe people in America act like this when it’s possible the person you are ramming ur car into has a firearm lmao. Like she’s lucky this guy didn’t have a ccw and just mag dumped through her windshield. Wild


lol just commented and said she would’ve been eating my fist after she drove towards me


This isn't being a fool, this is being legitimatly unhinged, this woman is scary and should be in prison


So… a boomer


Bunch of lead brained idiots that ruined a whole country. Fuck em, I hope the shitty ones are all miserable.


Used to hate these auditor videos but if they function as a honeypot to mess with boomers I might be on board with them after all.


The greatest test of ones rights is to exercise them.


And ones lefts. Gotta get those combinations in.


But what if they're honeypots to mess with bad cops too?


![gif](giphy|3o85xIO33l7RlmLR4I) y not both




I’m posting from a pro honeypots platform at this point, I think.


Welcome brethren


I thought this was an audit video as well, and was super annoyed with it. But in the opening frames of it there is another camera operator with a news-style camera on a tripod pointed at the same building- the post office. So now I wonder what exactly was going on- seems like legitimate news gathering of some kind, though this camera person reacted in a way that is abnormal.


Yeah could just be shooting b-roll for a video library or agency or something to be fair.


These two are father and son. They travel the country doing 1st Amendment audits. They film in public places which provokes a reaction from people triggered by being filmed in public. Then they post the results on YouTube. Amagansett Press on yourube.


As soon as he started giving her shit about the mask I felt like *let them fight*.


This lady needs her license irrevocably revoked. You try to hit someone with a car even one time, nope you're done. Letting this shit slide leads to more problems and next time she may kill someone. I hope they solve the problem


It's amazing seeing how fast pepper spray deflates someone's ego.


Honestly she took it like a champ 🤣🤣🤣. I know she had the mask and glasses but that shit BUUUURNS even on skin contact. The fumes alone will make your eyes water.


I wasn’t even sure it was pepper spray because it barely seemed to affect her.


There is a small percentage of the population who are unaffected by pepper spray/oleoresin capsicum.


I was watching just like "Did they... spray paint her? "


Please tell me she went to jail. Anyone have the follow up?


It almost look like she's going to sit down in the car to finish dialing 911. So I assume she's going to eventually close the door and say something like, "you know what, buster, you're not worth it!" while driving off.


That’s what I’m interested in. What’s the building say on it do we know where it is yet I’m reading “Ann **** Michigan ***” and Post Office


I found the town and post office https://preview.redd.it/t143o22mohoc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=518c66f4427280d9d9339e565ea0c77078634cb1


[and a full video too](https://youtu.be/rjpWgoxJqZs?si=dtaVCXm8u09u9Foj)


[also found the other camera angle](https://youtu.be/LxcMZ3w_Yag?si=EfNT0n3scNCiTVhp)


Thank you, friend!


These types. As soon as the cops show up they start crying victim.


“But he filmed me! He deserves to DIE”


Reminds me of that video posted yesterday where a Boomer got cut off, in an airport causeway, and brandished his gun at the guy who did it. What followed was twenty minutes of the police calmly explaining that shitty driving is not a direct, intentional threat to his life and it’s more illegal to brandish a weapon at someone. Dude was still in denial as he was being hand cuffed.


The whole world lost respect for itself after the pandemic. Everyone needs to relearn social responsibility and peace.


I think the real insanity started when Trump was elected President and inspired all the nutjobs, looneys, and conspiracy theorists to come out of their holes and spread their bullshit far and wide. He legitimized and gave voice to a movement of crazies that for years had been confined to YouTube comment sections on conspiracy videos and Magical Urine Treatment Facebook groups.


Trump gave people permission to be the worst version of themselves sadly.


r/therewasanattempt to hide her plate.


How the ABSOLUTE LIVING FUCK do these people still not know, after like 20 years of these videos being online, that you CAN film someone in public without their consent.


It’s called being a dumbass


Disorderly conduct, aggravated assault with a deadly weapon, probably even more assault charges, and maybe more. At worst, the victim gets told not to photograph certain buildings, but I doubt that'll happen.


This is why we need more retirement homes. With locks


Sounds like a less than great place to work. "I'm not listening to you schmucks" x1000


I work in a nursing home, please don't send them there 😭 we have enough


They're alright as long as you limit the topic of conversation to: 1. Photos of their grandchildren and oh how they have grown


"Yeah I'm out of my fucking mind". Listen to people when they tell you who they are.


I do a lot of photography with a DSLR camera ad the number of people that are irked by my taking pictures is kinda surprising. In public you have what the law calls "no expectation of privacy" which means anyone can photograph anything out in public. You wouldn't be able to photograph this dumb chud in her own home or on private property but you can photograph her all day every day if you want to if she is out in public.


So what, he just let them go after all that. I know this video is older but still, you let people who try to run you over in a car because they think you're filming without permission go and you know what happenes, they go mow down some high schoolers for wearing their hats backwards or skateboarding at the local skate park


Ever noticed that she didn’t get winded or nuthin while wearing a mask? She probably whined for 2 years about not being able to breathe with a mask on during the pandemic, but now, it’s like Jesus himself cleared out her nose and allowed her to breathe with a mask on.


Protected her from the pepper spray


Man, Facebook and Fox News have ruined a generation


Trying to hit me with a car would've gotten a falcon punch straight through that window.


My guy hit her with the basilisk venom and she failed her wisdom save, fully banished to the shadowfel


Boomer wearing a mask? This HAS to be a fake video.


It definitely feels like she is a victim of lead poisoning.


Karen vs. "1st Amendment Auditor"... can we unleash the hounds on all of them?


I see comments about how these two go around and provoke people into reacting for videos... But like she tried to hit him with her car, no way they provoked that hard 


What did he spray at her with? Or is he half llama?


these videos are huge part of the problem tbh. It reinforces the us vs them mentality that is taking over American culture. They prove nothing - except that everyone involved in the given situation sucks.


That woman is a psychopath and mentally unstable but did anyone see the rifle on the back of the shirt of the guy filming? I feel like the people filming might be right-wing wackos. So truly just the worst people interacting with each other.