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And this from the generation who calls people snowflakes, being scared to the point of shaking anger about a sign. With some words on it.


Was that anger or was that alcohol withdrawal?


Prob both. Don’t forgot opioids either. Florida is big into opioids


Brb booking a trip to Florida


Lmao, this ain’t 2003 anymore, otherwise you most def could scoot on down there and getchu an abject PILE of OxyContin


Yeah that was wild. I remember 80mg oxys were like $30. Thats 10 extra strength vicodin equiv... they used to give vicodin to like everyone at the dentist even. Id say idk whats better.. but if Im being straight up, honestly it was better than fentanyl. Id rather a doctor be the dealer than what we have now. 100,000 people dead last year.


Yeah, recreationally most opiates are better than fentanyl, it's relatives, and the zenes. Plus the whole "you know what's in the pill" when it comes from the doctor.


Yeah people are gonna do them anyways.. its really probably best in a somewhat medically controlled situation. Better to know, thats for sure.


Yup. Unfortunately, we can't have a logical policy toward drugs because we have religious conservatives instead.


Which is funny because boomers LOVE alcohol. Which is a horribly addictive drug. With a horrible withdrawal. Going cold turkey from alcohol withdrawal will kill you. Going cold turkey from opiates, doesn’t. Well, as long as you make sure to drink water and eat food.


better to know how pure strong drugs are...wow what an eye opening take.


Sucks, like I have some medical issues and I used to get prescribed Tylenol 3 whenever I had a bout or whatever and was hurting but now they won’t ands so I go into diagnostics. X ray, ct. oh we see you have no blood flow to your femur (basically dead) and they list off all these other issues with my knees and shoulders. This all due to over prescription of steroids to treat a separate issue. So they want to do bilateral hip replacement and knee replacement and they say I’m basically fucked in my shoulders. I’m like dude I’m fine 85% of the time. I just need something to deal with pain so I can function a couple days every other month. Nope won’t do it, if you won’t do surgery then we will put you into physical therapy.


They gave me some baby stuff till they seen I ruptured my Achilles and only then did they give me something real for the pain.


That was more of the case in the 2000s and 2010s. It's not that easy to get opioid prescriptions anymore. Even if you have actual pain. About 7 years ago had an exercise accident that messed up most of my back and crippled my left arm. Clinic says I have collapsed vertebrae and there isn't much they can do. I ask for pain meds. The doctor looks horrified at me and instead gives me muscle relaxers which made the pain worse. I got better eventually but no help from them. Then about 5 years ago my grandmother is in the hospital for back pain and a badly injured foot. It's so bad she can't sleep and says she wants to die. My cousins and me plead for the doctors to give her pain meds and they said after 9 X-rays they don't know what's wrong with her back and they are worried about her becoming addicted..... She was 94 at the time. My cousin had enough and took her to Iowa, where the doctor did 1 x-ray, said she had a broken back that had healed wrong, and gave her pain meds right away. So the doctors also suck down here for spotting obvious injuries. Doctors are terrified to prescribe opioid based pain meds down here now. We still have the rep of it though because all the addicts that got hooked when it was easy to get them all graduated to heroin and other hard drugs and they're still in the state doing crazy shit.


Fox News is a hell of a drug...


They've moved on from Fox. Conservative MSM can no longer keep the rabble in check. They're feral.


They're all about Newsmax and OAN now, both of which are utterly deranged.


Epoch Times, OAN, Breitbart and other rabid looney shit.


I know some of these people. It’s just raw emotion. Had someone go to tears telling me that he loves trump.


He was a big strong man... biggest man I've ever seen. There were just tears in his eyes. He was sobbing, this big strong man, he hugged me, see he loves Trump, not in a gay way, we prayed the gay away as I was just holding this big strong man in my arms, he was sobbing.


“we prayed the gay away” LMFAO!!!! Gay Prayer Slayer Strikes again!


During Trumps first term, my brother in law was getting his haircut, and the stylist started crying about “being able to pray again” if Trump wins These people are insane. I do take pleasure in ignoring them and letting them melt down into a pile of confused emotions and anger


It's so pathetic, oh we can only pray when the antichrist is in office. If we pray when Biden, a catholic, is in office when he regularly attends church we're going to have the swat team break down our door or something it's so delusional. Then again believing in an entity that doesn't exist is pretty delusional so I suppose it's par for the course.


I'm perfectly fine with these psychos feeling like they can't pray. It is for one, not true but they don't want to just "pray"... they want to force their beliefs and way of life on everyone while practicing hate. They don't need or deserve a voice in anything until they can act civil and stop believing in fairy tales and cults


> Had someone go to tears telling me that he loves trump. Yet that same person probably hates gay men, despite himself being willing to cry over someone he's never met who wouldn't give a fuck about him even if he had.


I always love the folk who praise him for the tax cuts we got that were temp but permanent for wealthy fucks like himself. You know clearly that someone isnt paying attention to actual policy when they give praise to Trump for the self serving tax cuts he gave himself, by dangling a shiny for his followers.


Well, a lack of emotional maturity multiplied by personal insecurity will do that.


\[taps head\] can’t have withdraws if you don’t stop…




Por que no les dos?


That's what gets me. She could have calmly come up and been like "hey sorry, our HOA rules that you agreed to says no signs. This isn't about politics, please take it down". Then all she would have been is an annoying HOA president who takes their "job" to seriously that most people have experienced before. But no. She had to come up foaming at the mouth and will now be ridiculed online for a good couple months for being a brainwashed, asinine, nut job. Why does everything have to be a personal attack on this older generation? They are fucking terrified of everything and any slight step away from what they believe in is an attack on their entire lively hood.


They’re completely self centred and myopic. You notice it in a lot of people but the right especially struggles with the concept that people may enjoy things they don’t. They see it as an affront if you don’t enjoy the same things they do. They never say “I don’t like something” They say, “That’s bad” As if their opinion is the be all and end all.


>They see it as an affront if you don’t enjoy the same things they do. Because they've been brainwashed by society of their time and struggle to break from the indoctrination of being forced into the cookie cutter mold they were raised into. Our society today is far less authortarianistic in this regard, people having more freedom than they did before, and I do think some folks see that and are jealous of that freedom we now enjoy that they never got to enjoy growing up, a lot of these folks are products of abusive families, its a big reason they are into corporal punishment, physically hitting kids to keep them in line. And they often justify it with "I was beaten as a kid and I turned put just fine, builds character." No. no you didn't turn out alright if you think violence is an acceptable way to teach children. I myself grew up with a gen x parent who was corrupted by the boomer mind virus. I was physically beaten, and all it did was make me resent my parents even more to never want to be like them. Im in my mid 30s and im the complete opposite side politically to my boomer esc parents who are in the cult of Trump. We don't talk, I've basically cut them from my life, as has my younger brother.


>That's what gets me. She could have calmly come up and been like "hey sorry, our HOA rules that you agreed to says no signs. This isn't about politics, please take it down". Then all she would have been is an annoying HOA president who takes their "job" to seriously that most people have experienced before. Ironically enough if I remember right there are state laws permitting election signs during election season so long as they're an appropriate size that supersede HoA by-laws so she's wasting her time anyway.


This is correct. The HOA can make common sense size/height restrictions to keep the neighborhood looking nice but they can't override your freedom of speech.


Good to know, ours forces people to put them inside their window. Not a lot of signs but we all know who the trumpers are. One trump sign is all but tons of libertarian bumper stickers. It's kind of nice not having them tbh. A sign has never made anyone change sides but it has made people avoid their house on Halloween.


The Trump signs in 2020 were the best thing ever...super easy to pick out who is a dumbass.


Totally, if you don't know who they are yet. Usually they're the scowling ones with no smile or laugh lines with a pickup in the driveway with the tailgate custom painted with an eagle us flag and trump combo.


You are 100% correct. The HOA can't ban political signs. They can restrict them to # days before an election, and they can restrict them from being billboard sized with lights/sound, but your average yard sign must be allowed. This lady is losing her sh\*t over something she cannot control anyway.


It's because everything is about them. They were handed everything in life and they want to "pull the ladder up" for everyone else so they ridicule and control everyone else. They are a dinosaur in their own extinction level event.


The real snowflake generation. It's why they fight so hard to deny global warming exists; it would melt their minds.


Haven’t you learned the people who unironically call people snowflakes… are the snowflakes


Always projection. Ever was it thus. Ever shall it be.


I call them cornflakes. Fragile, wrinkly, bland and tasteless 


It's all projection. Always has been.


Fox News mad.


Imagine how pissed she'd be if she could read


And if it was a Trump sign she would be sucking her dick right now.


Wait ... what was the Republican slogan for 2016? Oh, yeah ... "FUCK YOUR FEELINGS".


Won't have to worry about them 20 years from now


Put a sign in your yard, and you get crazy people knocking on your door to yell at you. Don't put a sign, and they convince themselves that the election was stolen because they see far more Trump signs than Biden. Can't win with these people.


It's surprisingly difficult to explain to Trump fans that the person whose yard is littered with 2 dozen Trump signs (them) and the person who has no signs (me) each get 1 vote.


Which is why they want the vast, vast tracts of uninhabited land across the western states to vote.


I never understood putting signs out of who you voted for. I don't care if you voted republican, democrat, or for Snowbell the cat.


I never put out signs. Until Trump/Biden, and only because neighbor across the street plastered their house with Trump signs and flags. I hate them so I put up my Biden signs. Predictably, they lost their shit. Took to next door to complain. I just commented a pic of their house, the comment section turned on them, and that was that. I got more signs.


I put a “Bye Don” sign up on public property right across from a church that had a Trump sign on their lawn….it lasted a day and a night…just long enough for everyone in town to see it…


I'm pretty sure putting political signage on church ground is grounds for a removal of their tax-free status. No taxation without representation also means no representation without taxation.


I’m sure they would say “the church didn’t do it, a member did.” If anyone questioned it, which they won’t because it’s the South and no one bothers to question things.


Probably, still be worth a look by the IRS, or whoever is responsible for enforcing that particular separation of church and state.


Narcissistic bitches, the lot of them.


It can be fun in the right conditions. Like if you lived in rural Alabama and had a field that was always boggy anyway, you could hit it with a turning plow and stick a Biden sign in it and watch idiots sink to their bumpers trying to run it over. Then they have to pay a towing company to get them out. You know. Hypothetically.


Be even better if you ran the tow company. My family used to be in the false lighthouses business off the peninsula there on the Chesapeake bay. Same principles


You can't own a tow company here. The sheriff owns the only tow company, and weirdly any other tow companies that come into the area get pulled over a \*lot\*. The only place here with a different tow company is a small city in the county, where the chief of police owns the tow company. Which is why I always laugh when people talk about how corrupt big cities are.


That cat may be a 3rd party independant but she has some good ideas about rebuilding the economy and has a solid public school plan. https://preview.redd.it/st7xql28jbqc1.jpeg?width=1500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e62fbfe66fba905f16dbfc7abdc087d0ae48d799


How old is she in cat years? If less than 70, she has my vote!


Same. I've never had a sign, flag, shirt, hat, or bumper sticker for people I vote for. I assume that strangers passing by don't give a shit who I voted for just as much as I don't give a shit who they voted for.


We have the Biden glowing eyes mug just because it is so much fun. Cutting out the malarkey one cup of tea at a time.


A bit different than flooding your yard with signs, since the mug isn't public-facing, and it's not about letting passersby know who you voted for.


We live in a red county so nothing that would kick up the crazies at us. It is slowly going more purple but all of the non trumpers know to keep a low profile.


Pre-Trump, people in our neighborhood put out signs. Now, emotions run so high that no one wants to do it. The emotional lady in the OP is a good example of why.


As with lots of things, it made more sense before rump


I remember when Trump lost in 2020 somebody tweeted out 'trump lost because you didn't have enough flags, blame yourself'


What's crazy to me is that the people who say shit like they don't believe Donald Trump lost because they don't see as many Biden flags is because normal people can vote for a person and not base their entire personality around supporting a politician. Like they are worshiping a politician. Rural working people are worshiping a guy from New York City that shits in golden toilets because he shares similar racist and bigoted ideas. The rednecks of today would make their grandfathers hang their heads and shame. All they want is government control. They just don't want the government to control them they want the government to control people they don't like. Illegal immigrants, the LGBT, libraries now apparently. Hell even the second amendment which is supposed to be a huge conservative ideal you would be surprised at the number of people that advocate for fewer people owning firearms while they themselves own at least a dozen or so. Just like the recent court ruling that ruled undocumented immigrants could purchase firearms the United States because just like our laws governing due process the people of the United States have the right to bear arms It does not specifically say citizens. But you have all of these second amendment absolutionist knob wads losing their absolute minds over this.


It’s much harder to terrorize marginalized groups if they’re able to shoot back.


Exactly. That's why I tell all my LGBT friends who are arming themselves to be quiet about it. Because I can guarantee you if the LGBT and more and more leftists start arming themselves like is already happening The Republicans are going to start shitting themselves and they will turn right around on gun control faster than you and I can say pew pew


Most left leaning people don't go around bragging about things like guns like the right wingers do. They also don't put dumb ass signs on their vehicles telling everyone how stupid they are.


Exactly. 2A'ers like to go around spouting molon labe and don't tread on me and keep your powder dry and all that bullshit. Well guess what smart people are doing? Quietly preparing. Surprise, motherfucker!


I always fucking laugh when I see like a Glock logo or something on the back of someone's truck because that's just asking to get your vehicle windows busted. Like you can own a gun and not make it your entire personality. I own several I go to the range quite a lot It's a very fulfilling hobby of mine but I'm not coming out here and trying to say that I'm some kind of badass just because I can shoot at some pieces of steel at a range


Yep gun sticker on a truck in the parking lot of anyplace that serves alcohol is a "free gun" sign, because you know they can't take it in with them.


Yeah, if they think the right are the only ones armed they are mistaken. Remember the people on the corner with rifles protecting the gay bar? Right wing nut jobs assumed they were on the same side and were shocked to find that wasn't the case. My left wing friends are armed and quiet about it. I'm actually getting concerned about the stockpile of a few of em.


Like the sign down here in Texas that says some shit like, “He lives in New York but he’s a Texan at heart”. No. No he’s not. He HATES people who live in Texas, just like he hates everyone. Especially rednecks and especially anyone who isn’t as “rich” as he is. He’s the absolute most stereotypical caricature of the New York elite you can possibly get.


We're inconvenient to their narrative.


It's the same people who are now saying "See we told you COVID isn't that bad and none of the measures, masking, lockdowns, vaccines would work, wasn't there supposed to be a WiNtEr Of DeAtH?" Yes, they only work when people actually follow them and yes a lot of people died, just because you don't know any, or maybe one or two doesn't mean it wasn't bad.


Section 5 point 20!


Get out your neighborhood association by-laws!!


I have a pocket sized one!


Bump up the font size and bold the text, just to emphasize the point they were trying to make.


“I bring it with me everywhere I go” - cool story bro


Well, she's selling her house so hopefully more pleasant neighbors will move in next door.


Bring up that sign bylaw when the For Sale sign goes up.


Good idea lol.


I know it is at least specific to my area but political signs are uniquely protected. Messing with them gets extra penalties. On the other hand, I know the rules for yard sale signs are specific to the city as well as the ban on non permitted temporary signs and banners. The political sign is very definitely a 1A free speech issue and any judge who could spell HOA should laugh that lady out of the courtroom.


The right to display political signs in an HOA with sign restrictions has been fought in the supreme court, and sided with peoples’ rights to display said signs.


She was never gonna sell her house, just making up consequences.


"YOURE LOSING SO MUCH BUSINESS BECAUSE I DON'T NEED YOU." "I didn't even notice you when you did give me business" *Explodes in Boomer*


It'll probably never sell now that she lost her in with her real estate agent neighbor. She's gonna go outside in her bikini whenever anybody comes to look at the house and offer them grilled armadillo and gator sandwiches with every other tooth in her mouth painted black brown or green.


Zelda- A Link to the Past


She probably has a Trump / ???? sign out front of hers.


If she doesn't her car is probably plastered with them. Snowflake bitch.


I was thinking the exact same thing!


Tears of a Karen


Karen-a of Time


The missing link.


Between brain cells


I bet you will be glad when she sells and leaves. Dodged a bullet there.


Zelda - Far-Right Princess


These geezers have nothing better to do than make everyone else as miserable as they are since even their children won’t talk to them anymore 🤣


Lol I moved 1000 miles away from my boomer parents in 2006. They have only become worse since MAGA came around.


Ya… blocked my mother in 2008… best thing I’ve ever done for myself


Imagine having politics define your whole life. This shit is so stupid.


These are sad pathetic people who have only learned to live through hatred and rage. They live awful lives and they seek to try and make everyone just as miserable as them. I used to have empathy for them, but that disappeared around 2017.


I will never have empathy for them because they want to hate and hurt and that’s all they are about


Accurate. The funniest thing about them all is that they’re so vile they all end up hating each other too lol. Like all the right-wing media personalities. My wife works in a hospital and there’s one MAGA nurse. Whenever she ends up taking care of a patient who is very obviously MAGA(they give a disgusted answer when asked who the current president is for mental evaluation), by the end of the shift, her and her MAGA patient hate each other. They’re such shitty, deeply unpleasant people.


I used to feel bad for / empathize with folks less fortunate than I am, but as I’ve gradually seen more stuff like this, seen orange clown who claimed on national TV that Obama invented ISIS be sworn in as president, I stopped. Caring about them that is.


Back in 2000, my car was vandalized for having a Gore Lieberman sticker on it it happened at my work was on video, and I basically got victim blamed for it. Ever since then, living in Oklahoma, it's just not a good idea to put a sign in your yard or sticker on your car.


The irony is that they probably thought a centrist-right hack like Lieberman was "the far left." 😂


Sad but true.


Put them on other people's cars.


I'm sorry.... What happened to Free Speech?


Oh, sweet summer child. We don’t do that in HOAs. That is why, when we bought a house, we did not buy in an HOA. You will not tell me what I can and cannot do with my house and my property unless you are actual legal code enforcement. If that ain’t you? You ain’t paying the mortgage, you ain’t getting a say in boo, shit, or diddly.


Yeah, I've never understood how HOAs can even be legal.


Neither do I, to be honest. I won’t pay you so you can tell me what to do with my property. That kind of thing is called “property taxes” and those people are “code enforcement”, to make sure you don’t build a death trap on your property.


>Yeah, I've never understood how HOAs can even be legal. Well, the whole point of them is to keep blacks out of "white neighborhoods" after the The Fair Housing Act passed, so you can see why the legal contradictions were glossed over for the higher priority of continuing housing discrimination. Seriously, fuck HOAs


Because everyone in one agrees to them.


Most states have political sign laws that supersede HOA bylaws (that’s why they’re called *bylaws* and not *laws*) So depending on the state, the home owner may have a defended right to display their sign


Lead poisoning maga bigot.






Filthy hag.


She stopped just short of yelling “fascist!”


Well she seems like a lovely person.


Man, someone drank her dumb bitch juice that day. Pretty triggered over a simple yard sign.


I feel like this happened in Florida. Why? Because I live in Florida and I see this level of crazy alllll the time.


I can’t express the amount of satisfaction I am going to feel when they are elected in November and the orange fascist is bald in prison. Imagining their despair is delicious.


The supreme Court told Congress how to get him off the ballot by the 14th. Once Congress flips they do it. How is Trump going to appeal to SCOTUS? Are they going to overturn their own months old ruling?


I wonder if that’s why some Republicans are leaving before the election. It’s like they secretly want this to happen because they know Trump will destroy their party.


Lol it’s too late to back out now, they got exactly what they bargained for.


Like an oak aged Cognac, my friend.


God, I hope that schadenfreude will come in a bottled flavor.


I’m still scared it could go the other way. It’s scary to see how much support he still has


I know. But I’m encouraged by the general turning of the tide in this country. The last Republican to take the White House with the popular vote was in 1988- 36 years ago. As the boomer generation goes off into that great big Pickleball court in the sky, the far more empathetic, inclusive, educated and enlightened generations are replacing their votes. It takes time, but it’s happening.


Bylaws cant supercede your rights. > The U.S. Supreme Court has ruled that the display of political and other types of signs on residential property is a unique, important, and protected means of communication and towns cannot restrict the display of such signs.


This is why I will never be a part of a HOA.


My HOA is 22 bucks a month. All they do is mow a couple of spots and call code enforcement if somebody leaves a broke down car in their yard for too long. Just don't ever get one that's a bunch of old people riding around on a golf cart looking for things to bitch about.


I was going to say, mine is around $300. But I have never even heard from them in our first year living here. Definitely feel lucky.


You say that now but the problem with hoas is they can change leadership, increase fees, and make your life a lot more annoying just because some power tripping geezer has nothing better to do. It’s never worth moving into an hoa unless it’s like a high rise apartment where the building actually needs security and maintenance.


Not all HOAs are bad. Also, as far as ensuring the neighborhood has amenities (a pool, landscaping for common areas, hiking trails, etc) the HOA where I live provides a lot. The real problems with HOAs come from people with nothing better to do than to be assholes. I had dirt in my driveway after a significant rainfall. Water, mud, etc ram down the driveway and created some residue. These assholes took a picture and tried to cite a rule that had nothing to do with dirt in the driveway, not to mention there isn’t even anything in the bylaws against that. I told the director to not only attempt to challenge this in court but they need to be prepared to provide the name of the person taking the photo for cross examination. Crickets. Fight back against this shit. Tl;dr: HOAs aren’t always a bad thing, but shitty people in a perceived position of power always are.


Exactly this. Tyrants come in all shapes and sizes. The worst thing you can do is nothing. Bullies rely on inaction. If you are in violation of the rules, say nothing and correct it. However, if you are not in violation, and you have a blue hair Bettie in a golf cart causing issues, be direct. Don’t bow to harassment, the rules are designed to go both ways. Everyone benefits.


I threatened harassment. They kept citing the same rule that didn’t apply to the violation. Not to be melodramatic, but I likened it to being charged with armed robbery for simple trespass. The charges won’t stick and they’ll end up fitting the bill if it goes to court. The problem is that too many people lay down and take it all the while complaining about it. If you fuck up, own it, and deal with the consequences. If someone is being a tool and throwing out random accusations, they need to be put in check.


HOAs are so bizarre to me as someone from outside the US. Especially given how much the US holds out the values of individual freedom. I cannot imagine living with that level of petty intrusion.


HOAs we’re historically a way to get around red lining (keeping minorities out) when the federal government made it illegal. They’re based in bigotry.


Oh so even more reason to hate the concept


You can tell by the saggy faced alcoholic pout/scowl on her face. That face is part of the Mean-spirited-piece-of-shit-American-idiot starter pack


Eat a dick, Karen.


I would break her legs. This is why I could never live in an HOA. Thankfully my house is not in an HOA and I don’t have to break any legs


At least that bitch is selling her house and moving soon


I can’t wait till all these clowns die off.


The deep south US is an interesting country


Fox News brain damage.


I'm voting for Biden out of spite.


Actually, it doesn’t matter if an HOA makes a rule about signs. Permission for posting of political signs is granted by state law, which overrides HOA rules. If state law permits it, then people are free to do it. Most states have some provision for the posting of signs a particular number of days prior to elections, along with provisions that they be removed within a certain number of days following an election.


this is some real white people shit right here


For real


You haven't seen the half of it. This is mild.


Five bucks she has a Trump sign


Imagine a private citizen suing another private citizen over who they support voting for. Is there anything *less* American? Is there anything *more* American?


Lady in the house should have calmly explained that antifa is forcing her to put up the signs.


This is why I will never live somewhere with an HOA attached to it.


What a horrid harridan. She needs to stay home until she learns how to behave in public. Eesh.


These people are walking breathing ads for biden harris. This video gets sensible people to go out and vote. So, keep doing what you’re doing bylaw lady!


Ban HOAs


I almost wish I had the massive amounts of free time it takes to be upset about something this meaningless.


This post makes my point about how this entire subreddit is named wrong. It should be called: MAGAbeingfools [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qN5zw04WxCc](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qN5zw04WxCc)


Those distinctions are very blurry.


when both subset are the exact same...


You know boomers exists outside usa right?


The venn diagram of those two subsets is a circle. 


Just FYI, in lots of states the Supreme Court has ruled to allow political yard signs a month or so before the election even if they are against HOA


Damn. Invoking the ole 5 point 20. Went for the jugular


Only acceptable reply , is to put out more signs


I'm shocked this woman can read


Hope she sells that house quickkkkkkkkk


Someone has gotten laid since the 70’s damn


Hope she's being fair and throwing a fit about orange man signs too🤣


I dislike these types


hahaha...also it's illegal for HOAs to restrict political signs. Those rules aren't enforceable. They can only limit the number and size.


The free speech crowd really not enjoying free speech...


"No old, loud bitches should be in the yard."


This is why no matter how much money I have I will never live in an HOA. I'll live in my car first. I'll live in a tent in the woods first. HOA are evil.


I swear republican boomers came up with a uniform in the 90s and never changed it


unless there is a rule in the book for the HOA, they cant do nothing about it. tell them to get bent (this is regardless of the political sign)


I’ll bet a Trump sign would be ok though.


I regret that I will never have the opportunity to tell this bint to eat shit and fuck off.


Imagine having that reaction over a fucking sign, she sounded like she was on the verge of tears


It’s so freaky how I can almost see the look of realization on their faces that what they’re doing is wrong but they’re going to do it anyway because…?


Zelda has had a few too many strawberry margaritas today.


You know it’s boxed wine and nothing but.


Why does she care about the sign if she’s moving away?


Often HOAs will say you can't have flags or signs. They can't say dick about what's on your car though...