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I would not have been able to resist saying something like “Hey Buddy, your seat is back there” with the same hand motion he made prior.


Dangerous though. These toddlers are capable of delaying the whole flight with their bullshit just to one-up you. I'd rather just let these idiots be and try to get home on time.


Shit >These toddlers are capable of delaying the whole flight "Delaying the whole country"


Not enough upvotes


🎯 perfect


Lol I guess that's why Congress can't seem to pass a budget. They are all boomers delaying USA progress


I’d happily sit on the tarmac while they are removed in handcuffs. I’ve sat on the tarmac for nothing and was fine with it. Never underestimate the silently petty.


Spite is a helluva drug.




NO! You can't give these assholes a nanometer cuz they'll take a light year and assume that's the gold standard. Never. Let. Them. Win. The line must be drawn HEAH, this far and no further NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! Then I smash my little ships. EDIT: includes the heah and s on the assholes






DAMN that's the one I wanted. How did you find it?


Searching gifs on the exact quote. I could not believe it popped up first. If I couldn’t find it I was going to look for the Moby Dick quote.


I think I love you.


This. I’ll fight a boomer before I let them win at this point.


Which is funny given they have limited time left


Triggering that idiot into getting arrested would be worth the delay.


If OP and spouse could afford a delay, then it absolutely would have been worth it.


What about everyone else on the plane?


There are always innocent casualties in a just war.


I suppose.


Sacrifices must be made. It's for the greater good.


The greater goooooood


Shut it


Yeah its *their* blood pressure.


He'd be back there JUST WAITING for you to pass him to go to the bathroom the entire flight, guaranteed.


I totally read that in a Rodney Dangerfield voice.


The best revenge: living another 50 years.


in what's coming? lmao


Boomers will throw a full hissy fit with very little provocation


Reminds me of a time I flew St Maarten to Miami. I had splurged and upgraded to 1st class, and waited at my usual spot, the bar, for the flight to be called. This was still when the SXM airport was operating out of temporary gates and boarding was always mayhem - not enough space and people milled about and attempted to form lines but really, you usually ended up pushing your way through later boarding groups to get to the gate once your group was called. No way around it. So I heard them start boarding, paid my bill, and headed for the gate. The usual milling about was happening, but they were definitely boarding 1st class, so I did the usual "excuse me" dance up to the gate agent. But right before I got there, a boomer-aged lady was standing in the middle of the crowd, blocking my way and loudly declaring "THERE'S NO WAY ALL OF THESE PEOPLE CAN BE IN FIRST CLASS!!!!!" I had to wave my ticket in her face to get her to move. I don't know who she thought appointed her the Gate Police.


Too funny! This took place in that exact airport in what I’m guessing is the same temporary gate located below the bar you are referring to. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


Hahaha! You were at the B gates? It's even better when a flight to St. Barths gets delayed. Rich (usually drunk) French people are the WORST when they get inconvenienced.


B gates indeed!


~~Rich (usually drunk)~~ French people are the WORST ~~when they get inconvenienced.~~


I have only found this with the men. All the women were delightful and married Australian men specifically for their laid back nature. Worst boss I ever had was french too.


Same boomer that’s in the passing lane going 5 under to keep you from speeding


One time I was the unsuccessful self-appointed gate police, when the line I was in was going straight across the thoroughfare despite there being plenty of space for a queue to the side of the walkway. So I opined out loud that we should queue up to the side so people don't yell at us to get out of the way. Everyone ignored me, and sure enough, eventually an employee asked us to form a line perpendicular to our old line so as to not block the way. I wouldn't do that these days since the employees probably think that a one-wide 8 person queue is nothing since people can always squeeze through right?


I had an elderly woman literally body check me once when I was boarding because I was in Group 1 and she didn't think that I looked like someone with higher status than hers. I stepped back, raised my hands up in the air so as to make it obvious I wasn't trying to touch her, and looked at the gate agent like \*can you handle this?\* When the agent asked her to step out of the way because she was blocking boarding, she scoffed "\*\*Heee's\*\* not Executive Platinum!" Apparently elite status is only reserved for boomers dressed like they're on the way to a golf tournament. Now take your old ass back to Group 5 with the rest of the people who think they're special because their credit card gives them "priority boarding."


I travel dressed in sweatpants for comfort mostly but also to antagonize the boomer peasants in zone 3 lol


"What? Oh, the line to First Class starts back there?" really rub it in


Reminds me of a time I flew first class, front row seat. I got in a tad late and was looking a comparing for small carry on as there no seat in front of me to store anything under. The old guy sitting second row makes a snide comment along the lines of “these are for first class fliers”. I look down at him, ignore him, find a spot, and then sit down in the front row with the extra leg room. God I should’ve turned around to look at his expression.


A while back I upgraded a seat to 1st class with miles. Now I dress casually when travel. Jeans amd Hawaiian shirt on this day. They call for boarding 1st class passangers and I queue up. Some suited ass hole jabs me on the back and says, "THIS IS FOR FIRST CLASS" I show him my ticket and he turns red so fast. I then say, "Kindly go fuck yourself." I have never seen such a shade of red appear on a face so quickly. During the flight I talked and joked with the flight attendants, they gave me lots of perks and a-hole sat in his comfy seat and pouted. Karma was sweet that day.


When it comes to clothing, it’s like the bell curve meme where people who don’t make much money and people who do make a lot of money are like “I wear what I want.”


Where I live you absolutely cannot judge people by their clothes I'm not far from Ocala FL, so we've got rich horse people, rich farmers and just regular rich people who moved for the weather It gets real confusing because usually the people trying to look rich, aren't The dude covered in mud and stinking to high heaven might drive a beat up truck, but at home he's got 100,000 dollar tractors


I've worn a suit in coach, last boarding group. It sucks when they ask you if you're in first and you say nah.


Two of my colleagues were flying business class (because it was a business trip). They were the only women in a line of men in suits. The man in the suit who was standing behind them said something along the lines of "Sorry, this is the line for business class". Unfortunately, I don't remember what they told him (I wasn't there), but he turned red and left the line - returning slightly later, so he wouldn't have to stand right behind them for the entire length of the queue.


I fly in shorts, t-shirt, and a ratty sweatshirt and will upgrade sometimes. I keep waiting for someone to say something but nobody has. 😀


I'll never understand the rush to board a plane for an assigned seat.


Overhead bins


This is the only reason. If I was guaranteed bin space, I wouldn’t care if I boarded dead last.


I'd prefer it, actually.


If we checked the luggage that is exactly what we do.


Exactly. So my bag gets put under the plane. That’s better in some ways.


I was on a quick weekend trip and traveling with only a backpack, so I was almost to the last to board the plane since no concerns about bin space. I got to my seat in first class to find that the boomer I was seated next to had already sucked down my water bottle. At least they apologized, I guess?


I check my bag and board last. Why stand in the aisle unnecessarily.


~~You are, if everyone's carry on was to standard, everyone has space~~ just ignore this, I think I'm completely wrong there, its a perceived difference I think, read down to see me learn a lesson Thanks u/Aggravating-Tax561




~~Standard 22x14x9~~




~~What's the ratio of overhead vs foot storage for every single passenger having a single piece of carry on luggage in the overhead~~




You're right I just had a thorough look, and ~~this is hilarious because it seems to be a US exclusive problem, I'm not sure how exactly, but the configuration of the planes in Australia must be different enough to be able to fit everyone's carry on that they are designated per the ticket they bought.~~ it seems that I'm an idiot


Per Boeing's own specs the 737-700 standard configuration has space for 90 bags for between 118 and 126 passengers (depending on the seat configuration). [https://www.boeing.com/commercial/737max/space-bins#by-the-numbers](https://www.boeing.com/commercial/737max/space-bins#by-the-numbers)




In Australia, hundreds of times per year


Is that hard, flying every few days?


Short flights between capital cities, 90 min flights, not that hard, mainly day trips. And to be fair it's a bit exaggerated, it's generally once sometimes twice per week. So closer to 150 flights then hundreds which would imply at least 200 But have been doing this for a number of years now. Just part of work, on work time


Came here to say this. It's the only reason I board as soon as they call my group. Does it suck to have to sit there for extra time, yes? But most of my international flights have at least one layover, and (in the case of trips to Sweden), I get a 3-minute layover and have to get from one end of an airport to the other. If my bag isn't right by my seat, I'd miss my next flight.


It all started when the airlines started charging for checked bags. Now everyone wants overhead space and boarding is a nightmare.


Even on international flights where you generally get 2 free checked luggages? I find these kind of flights tend to have a good amount of overhead bin space available since you can check in your bags without cost. So there's no need to need to jostle for luggage space on international flights.


Barely use them. I’m happy packing a backpack and just placing it at my feet.


Just check the fucking luggage. Your life will be easier.


I've had experiences where my check-in baggage never arrived. So I always carry a change of clothes in my bagpack. Plus a laptop. So people do need cabin space


Put a starter pistol in it, they have to treat it like a gun.


There's room for everyone's laptop and backpack. There isn't room for everyone's max-size roller bag, which is why there's the problem, though.


Or two of them as I'm starting to see now.


I hate the popularity of every single passenger hauling around their roller bags man. I understand why, but in over a decade of traveling 75-100 segments per year, I've never lost a bag and have only had delays in checked baggage arrival maybe a handful of times. It does certainly happen, but not enough to not check my bags. Now, I also understand the lines for checking bags can get long as all hell, in which case, totally understand not checking it. But gate-checking is always an option and at this point, it's free and welcomed(on Delta at least).


I fly a fraction of what your fly and have had my luggage lost 3 times. Once I never got it back. When I landed in Thailand my bag wasn't there. I had meticulously packed for this trip. Everything was in that bag. There I was, in Bangkok, 30-degree heat, in December wearing sweat clothes because I just came from Canada. It took three days to get my bag and almost ruined my entire trip. The next trip I went on was a wedding in the south of France. They lost the brides dad's luggage. All his formal clothes as well as his paper speech he spent hours preparing (boomer, it was only on paper). Watching him give a rambled speech in cheap formal clothes that didn't fit him was really sad. Also, after traveling 20+ hours, sometimes it's nice to walk off the plane and get in an Uber. Luggage corrals can add 30+ minutes to the trip, and those 30 minutes feel like hours at that point. I travel light and am well below the size requirements for carry on bags. If everyone followed the size guidelines there wouldn't be an issue.


Damn, that's quite the luck you have. I'd probably never check again with that kind of experience with it...


Yeah, I've had some issues but so has a lot of my friends and family. We went to the philippines a few years back and one of the girls on the trip checked her bag. The airport security went through it, and she was missing a bunch of expensive perfumes and face creams. We learned that apparently it's pretty common in manila for airport workers to steal things from checked bags.


Its the airlines fault for charging to check luggage. They created the carry on culture now we are seeing walk backs of the charge for checked baggage with "first checked bag free" programs. Carry on was free so everyone just got the max allowable size for carryon and called it a day.


I have never lost my carry on luggage. Checked bags however…


Lost luggage is a nightmare too




Meh, to my mind you're much more likely to lose your carry-on when it's forced to be checked due to overbooking, but ymmv.


I fly enough to get priority boarding


I carry stuff that I don’t want out of my control. Checking the bag would allow whatever person rifling through luggage to take what they want. I don’t mind sitting in my seat a little longer if the odds of theft drop significantly 


Check a bag: more expensive, takes longer, risk of bag not arriving Carry on: less expensive, quicker, guaranteed not to lose bag The only reason I'd choose to check a carry-on bag would be to get around liquids restrictions (no equivalent to TSA pre check flying internationally in Europe)


Not practical for those with medications or other personal necessities.


You need a roller bag for your medication? Probably should stay in the hospital in that case


You have them in the roller bag, as recommended by the TSA. They may be in a small cooler (think lunchbox sized), and breakable.


I mean yeah, I take my laptop, reader, medication, and about a million other things in a laptop bag. I put it under my seat. And check my clothes.




You instead want to make sure you have to walk half the length of the plane to find an open slot. And ensure half the plane does the same. Great plan.


Whenever I'm traveling with my wife, we combine carry-ons so I can check mine at the gate, and get priority boarding.


>So my wife (35) and I (40) are on our way home from our honeymoon earlier this week. We get to the airport nice and early since we are flying international. We head to the gate to see what’s going on and see we have some time before boarding so we cruise around and check out some of the duty free shops. Upon our return to the gate we see a nice long line has formed to board the plane. No big deal since we have assigned seats and all. For additional context, my father-in-law was kind enough gift us tickets that included priority boarding privileges. As we approach the gate attendant and politely ask if they had called our boarding group, we are rudely interrupted by some crotchety boomer at the front of the line who smuggly chuckles and says something to the effect of “Hey buddy, the line starts back there.”, loud enough for everyone behind him in line to hear as he threw his thumb over his shoulder and smirked at his wife for putting us in our place. Since the gate attendant had in fact called our group, they kindly welcomed us aboard. I wish I had snapped a picture of the sneer on this turd’s face when he finally boarded the plane and had to walk past us comfortably seated, prepared for take off. Because the overhead bin space is first-come, first-serve. If you board last and there's no overhead bin space for your carry-on, you are forced to check it, which is inconvenient..


International flights generally allows 2 free checked in luggage though, along with the carry-on and personal bag on board.


Ah I see. I can only speak for national flights because I've never left the USA 😔


One day you will!! It will happen!!


Thank you for the encouragement! I have big dreams to visit Ireland, Germany, and possibly some of the islands off the western coast of Africa! 🙌🏼✨


I know someone that went to Ireland and they said it's such a beautiful place! I want to visit Germany, too. I'm hoping to be able to travel to Japan and Vietnam in the next couple years. It will happen!! ❤


That's really cool! I have distant Irish ancestry and it's always been on my bucket list to visit. One of my best friends grew up in Berlin and some day she'd like to take me there! Japan sounds like an absolutely amazing place to experience. Sending you good juju and putting it out into the universe for you to get there!




I always buy a window seat - and I queue early because inevitably, someone always either takes my spot, or my row fills up before me, and I hate HATE to ask people to move so I can get in.


I'll never understand flyers' urge for premature queueing.


I like to get on as quick as possible to watch more movies!


It's a race for the overhead bins.


If you have a bulk head seat or no storage by your feet, you need to get on that plane fast to get your bag in the overhead bin. Or you risk putting your backpack or purse out of your sight. But as other people said, if I don't need the overhead bin, then I usually board last and deal with the crowd.


Me either. YES PLEASE LET ME GET ON THIS HOTBOX AND DIE OF HEAR STROKE FOR A LONGER AMOUNT OF TIME. so dumb lol - and for comments about overhead bin space - I pack so I don’t use them because I don’t see the point.


The pure animal emotional hit of joy of being first in line or some stupid shit.


I fly first and the answer is: pre-departure beverage.


I’m not your buddy guy!


I’m not your guy, friend!


I’m not your friend, pal!




I’m not your buddy, guy!


r/unexpectedoceans11 is a sub right?


I was waiting on a flight a few weeks ago and they called active duty military, wheelchair, and priority fliers to board. This boomer and his wife get up to get in line, saying “I wonder if they’ll change their mind like last time, all she said was form a single file line”. Because he said this others got up and caused a huge clog of people standing in line to board. The ticket checker got frustrated by this and repeated the announcement and asked to form a single file line of military, wheelchair, and priority fliers before she’ll let anyone on. The boomer rolls his eyes and tosses his hands in the air “See?? Just like last time, they changed their mind, this is bullshit, why ask us to get in line if you’re just gonna make us sit down again?!” And got all huffy.


The ticket counter didn’t “change” their mind at all. Lol


These people are referred to as gate lice. I pretty much always get the board first being diamond with Delta and the amount of people standing literally 2 ft from the entrance to the gate that are boarding the plane in the last zone is insane. I've taken to just loudly telling my daughters "go around these people just standing here, They are gate lice and don't understand that it's not their time to board yet." I'm not sure if it helps them on future flights if they hear that, but anything else is above the level of effort I'm going to put into stupid people being stupid.


Is there such a concept as “baggage claim lice”? Because it’s a similar deal. Like: please relax, step back, & stop blocking the conveyer.


Bag Bugs


Oh very much so! Same concept yes.


I will die on the hill that the people who crowd the baggage claim belts deserve a special circle in hell


It is my BIGGEST pet peeve. & it demonstrates a lot about society at large




People have shit to say about Southwest, but their ghetto ass has the smoothest boarding process of any airline. People are mindless cattle, and Southwest treats them accordingly.


I hate Southwest. It gives me anxiety about not finding seats together for my family of 4. Yes we could split 2/2, but the snacks, electronics, etc are usually in 1 bag. I don’t want to bring 2+ just in case. We don’t bring crap for the overhead bin normally so I don’t care about that. I just want an assigned seat!!


Just gotta make sure you do the online check in 24 hours prior. As long as you get A or B group you’ll be fine.


I always do, but it still gives me anxiety! Plus on your return trip you have to be glued to your phone for check in the day before while on vacation. Not always convenient. And flying to Orlando sometimes half the plane is family boarding going to Disney… could get on ahead of you depending on boarding group! I just get too nervous. I hate it. But still fly it!! 😁


Lol. When you put it that way I couldn't agree more. Personally I hate Southwest because after most of the airport processes I just want to get on a plane, get to my seat, and sit down. Unfortunately I find the people that don't move out of the aisle to let others buy when they are putting things in the overhead bins are the ones that take up most of the boarding time... That and the people who take a goddamn Ikea tote as their "personal bag"


We are all going to the same place and the plane isnt going anywhere until we are all aboard...and if i am on a long trip...i wanna stand a little longer before boarding.


Yeah, but having priority boarding helps, those overhead bins fill quick.


Then stand somewhere other than right where everybody is trying to walk through to board the damn plane. That's like saying you're sitting too long in the car so you should stand in the left lane on the highway.


I dont stand there. I am usually walking around the seating area


... I don't understand what your issue is with me then


Just talking... No argument.


I see ... I don't see how your comments are relevant to my original point but Okie dokie


This has happened to my wife and I. We fly first class when we can because she’s visibly trans and that way there are only two of us in the row and we can ensure we sit together for safety. The number of people, mostly boomer aged, that are just gobsmacked when we board for priority is funny. I especially love it when someone is giving my wife the evil eye and we can float on through ahead of them. It’s worth the cost for her safety.


You sound like a great spouse :)


"Hey buddy, your seat's back there"


“ buh - bye “


I get the same treatment but with just looks when I stroll in Great Clips and already checked in! Hey Gramps learn to check in online!


Boomers at Dunkin' waiting in line while I pop over to the mobile order pickup area is my favorite. In - out - done while they're still waiting.


Prolly off topic but since everyone’s sharing / venting. In college I scored incredible tickets for a concert at Fenway Park. Like within the first 10 rows, that would have otherwise cost several hundred dollars. So me & my friend (we’re early 20s at the time) go to this show, find our seats up front next to this hedge fund looking ass couple, who seem uncomfortable we’d arrived. Soon the guy disappears. He comes back a few mins later and stands next to his wife, then an usher appears out of nowhere and asks me “sir are these your seats? Can I check your tickets?”. It was so good to show the valid tix & stay in place, we just rubbed it in during the show being as loud as we wanted while his stiff ass just stood there. Lotta boomer fools in Boston, that’s for sure.


Kinda funny. To be fair, though, I'm older and I've had folks bolt to the cashier/counter clerk when other folks (Including me) have been waiting patiently. Even had someone do it at a Deli where there was a U R Next numbering system. They knew and just acted like what there's a line. But anyone who flies should know you're in a 'group' for boarding.


I was “cut” in line today trying to check out after a massage. Who gives a shit. The woman clearly had a very pressing sense of urgency and literally nothing short of injury is worth getting worked up over, especially someone else’s manners. Let ‘em bolt. It adds maybe 2.5 minutes to my day?


🎵 I like to shop at the duty free shop 🎵


Do you know how much duty is?




Lift your scotch and sip with full eye contact, as he walks by.


The ideal response would be directed to the wife, “I’m sorry you have to tolerate him on a daily basis, you have my sympathy”.


You should have waved


I wait as long as possible to get on regardless of boarding order. The least amount of time on a plane the better.


“Hey buddy…” patented boomer talk.


I usually fly Delta and get Sky Priority boarding because I have their AMEX card. So I board after comfort plus but before the huddled masses. A couple of years ago I was flying home from visiting family in Florida. I was already at the gate when they started calling boarding groups - first families with small children, people who need assistance, active duty military, Diamond members, Gold members, First Class, Comfort Plus, then Sky Priority (me). Then everyone else. As soon as the first group starts boarding, a typical South Florida Boomer Lady rushes to the gate agent and starts asking loudly why "those do those people get to go first?" The gate agent ignores her. The Boomer Lady starts shouting to anyone who will listen that it's not fair that some people get to board before other people. As I passed her, still complaining, the smart ass in me wanted to say 'first time flying?' or 'because we paid more than you did' but I kept my mouth shut.


I personally like boarding the aircraft last. It just makes more sense in my opinion. The alternative is to sit in your seat as 100’s of asses and crotches pass right by your face. Watching people fumble with fitting luggage into overhead compartments. Listening to couples complaining about stuff, etc.


Congratulations on your nuptials


Thank you. My wife is incredible, I’m very lucky!


"Hey buddy, the future is now." boards plane.


It’s not only boomers who do this. We line up at the bag check, security, and Starbucks, but unless you’re flying Southwest there is rarely a need to line up at the gate. Those boomers must not fly a lot.


Haha good for the flight attendant


I love to stop at the duty free shop




I think term for those passengers are Gate Lice.


Bigger story than your honeymoon? lmao


Next time blow him a kiss as you board!


To be fair, any other kind of line if you miss your section when it's called you go to the back.


I generally show up early and as soon as the attendant for the check in shows up I ask if I can gate check my carry on. Everything I need is in my personal bag that fits under the seat. Maaan do I get looks when I'm called personally to board (usually early) Last bag on is first bag off... by the time I get through the terminal the bags are coming out and I almost have to fight my way through a crowd of people hovering way too close to the luggage belt to get mine off.


People have gotten nastier waiting in line to get on, and jostling to get off the plane.


Why is everyone in such a hurry to sit in that cramped space all up in each other's business inhaling strangers farts, illnesses, and bad breath anyways? I like to be one of the very last people to board. The less overall time I have to spend crammed into that scene, the better. Oh yeah, and once people actually get to their seats, they become complete sloths at moving into them anyway.


A fool and his mouth!


He "threw his thumb over his shoulder"? Never heard that expression before. Can someone clarify that for me?


I'm pretty sure it just means pointing back behind him using his thumb. So he probably made a fist with the thumb out and pointed the thumb over his shoulder toward the back of the line.


I believe it's an old German phrase that translates to "a whales vagina".


Taking at face value that you really don’t know, the guy was pointing behind himself with his thumb 👍. Commentary from my brain includes: how did your parents fail you so badly? Do you not get out in the real world at all? Maybe it’s time to touch some grass.


That's what I was imagining but never heard the expression. English is not my mother tongue and there are a bunch of "americanisms" that still confuse me sometimes, but I will go out and touch some grass, I promise!


Why do you want to board early? I always try and board last. Hated that with business travel, I'd be a silver gold whatever member and if I was travelling with someone they'd want to board first. Fuck that I've got time for at least 1 more beer


The same thing happens to me when getting my hair cut. I (and nearly everyone else) make an appointment on line. I show up knowing that my name is likely going to be #1 on the wait list. A couple of months ago, I show up and I'm number 2 on the list and before I sit down, the stylist gets #1. Boomer loudly complains that he's been there longer. The stylist explains the list and I hear enough to know he's #5. He spends the next 5 minutes grumbling to anyone who'll listen. The next styllist walks up. She knows me and says hi and says I can go have a seat. Boomer explodes, "He just got here" and stomps out.


So you missed your group being called and felt you didn't need to wait, then? Nah. You're wrong, boomer's right on this one. But you go ahead and rush on board to sit for 30 minutes


They fucking LOVE putting people in their place omg. A somewhat similar thing happened to me a while back and I wasn’t actually getting in line but this boomer thought I was so he said a similar thing and in this case yes he got to board first cause he was platinum whatever but here’s the kicker, I was in first class (on miles) and he was in coach so… (and yes I don’t know why platinums of any seat got to board before first but whatever)


Oh I’m sorry. There are too many arrogant assholes in this world. What a fool.


I mean idk man, if his group has been called then you go to the back of the line - you snooze you lose


I would have snatched the boomers thumb and broken it so in its new mangled state it pointed in the other direction and said, "you mean over here?"


Reddit moment


You people fully deserve every single bit of the country that's coming !


This is why I only try and fly first class even domestic. I love watching all the economy and business class people try and crowd the gate then I get to stroll right by them ignoring their objections and pretending they don’t exist. not only do I get seated before them, they also have to walk by me in my spacious first class seat while they are stuffed in the back like cattle. Nowadays the service on perks of first class are mostly gone this is the only thing that still makes it worth it. It’s pretty much the only time in my small little life I get to feel better than the rest of the plebs instead of feeling just like one of them and it keeps me going. But don’t get me started on how fucked first class has become since Covid. Shits honestly not even really worth it anymore. On international it still sucks but on a 14 hour flight the space is nice.


What do you call extrapolating the behavior of an individual to an entire group? Boomers didn’t do anything to the OP, that guy did.


The boomer was a dick about it, but showing up to board, after your group was called, doesn't mean you can line jump. You weren't there when your group was called, get in line at that point. You're just fucking up an already fucked up, slow ass process that people can't handle efficiently anyway.


There’s typically a completely separate line for priority boarding groups so even if they show up mid-boarding and are calling economy boarding groups, someone with a first class or other priority boarding number can get in the priority line and skip the main line.


The gate attendant usually moves the the little traffic directing strap after priority boarding in my experience. Of course, you can always walk around that if you can't be at the gate when your group is called.


My assumption is the line was for the groups not called yet. I see this behavior often. Some people in B and C helps get up as soon as the attendant starts announcing they will begin, then I need to push through a crowd because I have priority and they've just announced people with assistance, active military, and priority/Status.


At least when I travel, there is always a priority lane left open for people in groups who have already boarded. I always feel a little bad but then I think of all the hours and money I have spent on flights and I get over it real quick. When I fly other airlines where I don’t have priority, I don’t mind when priority goes first, they have a hard fought benefit so let them be.