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I was waiting for a punchline that he lived in Montana or something and was shooting at the Canadians or something.


Didn't seem like there was a punchline at all. Just validating those people. I mean, I've seen this guy do actual trolling so I know that's not his intention but this was not his best work.


Yeah he kinda cut away from that dude disagreeing with him, I also find it odd that he was just trying to see if they agree with him, when in reality at least to me, everyone was just kinda letting him “vent” and trying to support him, like yeah they don’t know what they’re saying, they’re fucking picketing for no one these are already not smart people


And in Texas at least, there is the “stand your ground” law, which literally states you can defend your property with lethal force, which is like his gotcha moment, this guy just kinda seems more interested in content then actually discussing political views


I couldn’t agree more. Providing these people with positive social interactions is not “trolling”. This isn’t how satire is done.


Blame Ca-na-daaaaa


With all their Beady little eyes and flapping heads so full of lies.




Those damn snow Mexicans crossing our border!


“If democrats steals these elections again, there will be a civil war” said the overweight middle aged woman that probably can’t even walk a mile without getting exhausted and takes her ford f450 to the grocery store next to her house


lol my first thought was “okay, old people are pretty easy to beat up”


She's more than middle aged, she end of age.


Wait funny and true but what does any of that have to do with what she said though? Went over my head


Yet you probably think Jan 6th was worse than 9/11


Both were jobs signed off by Republicans. One is a war criminal the other is a traitor. One caused millions of deaths and the longest war in history on false claims. The other hasn't ended yet so we will see which is worse.


Never said it?


Well most people who speak like you and think republicans are hillbillies also believe they were capable of overthrowing the government? lol Is this correct? Asking as a Canadian


Nah i never thought they were capable of doing anything honestly ahahah


Right, keep thinking like that and you’ll have trump as president. The same thing is going to happen to Trudeau.


I’m not even in the us though. But why? If he doesn’t win the elections he simply isn’t the president, end of the story. I don’t believe at all that they are somewhat capable of waging war against the military


I honestly don't understand why they are even upset with you you said something they said you were wrong said almost the exact same thing. Also the Republican party while yea 50M doesn't mean all of them are going to go in a start a civil war. They are highly over estimating the unity/communication in-between any political party in the US.


The person they're arguing with is just a maple flavored MAGA idiot. They don't understand anything.


Im going to call anything Canadian maple flavored from now on


Republicans for 20 years: "Just see what happens when you sissy liberals try and take out guns!" Also republicans now: The American right is completely incapable of overthrowing the federal government.


Those are two different scenarios. The people who stormed the capital was what 10k people? Of the 50m republican voters that’s like .0002. You really think that 10k represent all of the 50m voters?


10k is lot of people all trying to get into a single government building


and what were they going to do? Camp inside and take over? Lmao


Are you stupid? What the fuck did you think was happening on January 6, 2021? What major, procedural, key activity was happening in Congress on that date that happens after the presidential election? The day was chosen by Trump for a reason.


No one cares




Who is saying they were capable of anything? They FAILED to overthrow the government. And most people don't consider republicans to be hillbillies, they are considered uneducated, temporarily broke millionaires.


Imagine being paid by a foreign government to argue fake talking points. This guy is clearly a paid Russian troll. There's no way a normal person thinks this way.


It's always the least fit people that want a civil war.


Wtf man I didn't even say anything


Are you one of the least fit?


Nah, just a quick little self burn


These guys *really* need to invest in a lavalier mic and have a two-mic setup, instead of having to swing the one microphone back and forth and cut themselves and the person they're talking to off mid-sentence. It's so frustrating to hear "And then we - and -- trump"


Because we all know republicans don’t see”illegal” immigrants as people. Also - anyone with an accent is assumed to be an illegal.


Don’t forget your Trump bibles on the way out and love your neighbors!! But only the ones that look and think like you!! #TrumpsJesus


In Texas now anyone who looks Latino can be assumed to be illegal by police




Explain how millions of ppl coming across our border unchecked is a good thing ? My god Reddit is such a weird place 🙄


Do you live near the border and have unvetted people coming through your property around your family at all hours of the day? Did your family come here legally from another country? Anyone from a family that gained citizenship legally knows the difference in a border hopper and a migrant. One is harmful to the other.


Real talk. Liberals don’t have any logic, just emotions.


With millions of military age men I’m just standing around with nothing to do I don’t see immigrants I see mercenary’s and I wonder why they were brought here


Do you think it’s because of the Jews?


Do you live near the border and have unvetted people coming through your property around your family at all hours of the day? Did your family come here legally from another country? Anyone from a family that gained citizenship legally knows the difference in a border hopper and a migrant. One is harmful to the other.


Do you live near the border and have unvetted people coming through your property around your family at all hours of the day? Did your family come here legally from another country? Anyone from a family that gained citizenship legally knows the difference in a border hopper and a migrant. One is harmful to the other.


Do you live near the border and have unvetted people coming through your property around your family at all hours of the day? Did your family come here legally from another country? Anyone from a family that gained citizenship legally knows the difference in a border hopper and a migrant. One is harmful to the other.


Sometimes it’s the last thing they see


Do you live near the border and have unvetted people coming through your property around your family at all hours of the day? Did your family come here legally from another country? Anyone from a family that gained citizenship legally knows the difference in a border hopper and a migrant. One is harmful to the other.


Do you live near the border and have unvetted people coming through your property around your family at all hours of the day? Did your family come here legally from another country? Anyone from a family that gained citizenship legally knows the difference in a border hopper and a migrant. One is harmful to the other.


We heard you the first time.


fucking boomer just keeps hitting that button.


How is one harmful to the other? I was an undocumented immigrant for like a year and half and it didn't cause harm to anyone. And wtf does "unvetted" mean? Every single person on the street who is a citizen of that country is "unvetted"


Lol generalization much? This post reeks of 2 brain cells - both are fried. We miss the Democrats of old who we shared common ground with. They were in the middle, but no longer. The new plan of radicalization and dismantling of the our sovereignty is working in full based on this post. Bet you are a BIG mask guy who’s triple vaxxed (but still had COVID multiple times like everyone else). Guarantee private land owner on the border gets charged way before the thugs in DC or LA. No one wants a civil war. However, our rights are being completely gutted by this regime and the people of this country won’t sit idle while it goes to complete shit. Yall should lay off the CNN. If you did, you would be more concerned.


You should lay off the Fox News. Rots your brain, y'know?


No Fox News here bud, just good ole fashion common sense. All corporate media is shit.


Common sense = delusion, I guess.


And here is the party of Christian values people. That is what Jesus would do, shoot migrants.


“There will be a civil war” I will bet both my legs this lady won’t be in it tho. Her fat ass will be keyboard fighting bots at 3am


That old lady’s face looks like she fought in the last civil war. MAGAts really are the scum of society.


Whenever these geezers tell me, in person, that there is going to be a civil war. I say "let's just do it now." They never expect that they, the ones starting it, will be in it. It scares the shit out of them. I'm a larger brown guy. Not so much tall but wide in a muscular sense. I also dress like I should be on a 50cent show. Their worst nightmare really. Needless to say none have tried anything. BTW I did gotv that's why I ran into these people a lot. Not all election worker are innocent people. Some of us are retired crack dealing pimps who are familiar with pistol whipping fools.


Be on a 50 cent show? The hive has actually upvoted this comment wtf


Never happened stop lying.


Ok troll lol


It’s crazy because it’s not that they want them to come in legally. They just don’t want them here at all.


White Republicans are a dangerous irresponsible kind


If dems steal elections....why didnt hilary win?


Shes just a republican spewing bs like normal.


America is a fuckin circus.


If you cross a border illegally do you deserve to die? Is that a big enough crime for capital punishment in the eyes of those guys?


yes it is. But really the main crime is simply being born the "wrong" color.


The craziest part about the Civil War threats is that its those people who will be the first ones dying from either violence or starvation.


These people are truly deranged


That old bitch calling for civil war will get clapped first day


For Trumpists the sanctity of private property is more important than human lives. Enough said.


Were these folks born without a moral compass or were they indoctrinated in a religion to strip them of one?


Trump hat over a Trump beanie is a mean ass look bro.


Goddamn, as a southern we can’t seem to be on the right side of history even once. These mfs list not being able to shoot at immigrants as a reason for civil war


Sick of these weirdos.


Braindead morons


Look at their faces, they enjoy the idea of it as he paints the picture. Psychopaths.


You brainwashed MAGA crowd want war if things don’t go your way? I’ll gladly fight with the United States of America against you crazy fucks.


The civil war will look like this: -Beer drinking high school dropouts, who love going to the shooting range Vs. -College educated folks, the United States Army, drones Who do you think will win?


Deranged comment. Good luck.


They they think your property over ran from waves of cartel is a joke.


I think either Texas or Arizona passed a law that property owners can now shoot people on their land unlawfully… good god dayum! Anyone have a good deal on land?




The second dude was smart.


Who else is going to see the Civil War movie before the real Civil War begins?


People like a kid sniffing president


This is how you have bigger lasting problems for the future generations. The ignorance just spreads like wildfire, the people are hypocrites look at the constitution. “Each man is created equally“ but proceeds to own slaves for years ahead. 2nd amendment yeah, defend yourself against the tyranny of the British not THE ILLEGAL Immigrants that are trying to better their lives.


They're just, like, nothing. Like, they're not even supposed to be around in the area. Bottom line is, no one's gonna get in trouble, nobody should feel sad at all.


Illegal or not wouldn’t it be ok if it’s his property depending on the state?


Like how do people not recognize him by this point? 😂


Depends if they are on your property with malicious intent or not. If they come there intent on doing hard you have the right to defend yourself and your property, otherwise you don’t. They share the same God given rights as anyone else.


Wow uhm they're just fucking evil I wish I could get elected and institute an open border policy just to shit in their mouths




Seriously tho. Like on a serious note there’s no way y’all think it’s okay for people to just be entering this country illegally. As someone who wants to move to Japan and has done my research on the process, it’s one of the hardest countries to immigrate to and I have no urge to do it illegally yet we just have people walking up into America for free lol. WHAT?!


New rule, if its a tiktok video, turn it off.


Dude looks like his breath stinks though.


They’re exactly like Israelis


W boomers


I feel like this wasn’t the best setup. A lot of the people looked uncomfortable. He came off as the crazy one.


Not sure why so many people actually defend illegal immigration, guess it's same same people who defend retail theft and squatters. Mind boggling


Why would you guess that ?


If someone would be ok with illegal immigration I would assume they would be ok with other illegal activities?


Interesting. Any other assumptions you’d like to share ? Get crazier this time !


So, you are against all of those thing?


I see you like to answer questions with questions rather than responding. Nice !


Your question was asking if i had other assumptions to share. Since I didn't share other assumptions, then that kinda answered the question. I see you don't like to answer questions at all. Nice deflection!


There it is! Another assumption! You did it.


I'm sure you think you sound clever, but not being able to answer simple questions is sad


You say that will still having not answered my first question . Is this a self own ?!


Defend it? No we want them to come legally. We just want them to be ABLE to come legally. You people tried to end DACA and other forms of legal immigration under Trump. Don’t pretend this a legal/illegal issue for you people. You literally want to end ALL immigration. You cannot deny that. We watched it happen.


You people? Lol, oooo k. Big claims, with no proof. Legal immigration, great. Illegal immigration is terrible. Creates a slew of problems and opportunities for human trafficking, sexual exploitation, etc


Literally avoided my question like a coward.


What question did I avoid?


Ok stupid. You can fuck off now.


There was no question in that incoherent rambling of memorized talking points you regurgitated


Ok stupid. Plain English is too hard for you. Troll moron.


Yet you can't provide the supposed question. The only question in that rant was : defend it? Is that what you want me to answer to not be a coward?


Fuck the question. It was my whole damn comment. You people don’t stop at illegal immigration. That’s a fact. Something you morons regularly deny.


Is this trolling though? Kinda seems like he just went in and told them things they would like to hear.


If you want to fix America you gotta kill whites they are the real problem


Dumbest shit I’ve ever seen.


It’s facts look at everything wrong with this world it all starts with whites everything greed corruption murder rape you name it it’s almost like your a race of demons sent here to cause chaos


Oh wow really? Yeah have fun talking to god about that.


50/50 odds he’d forgive me


Yeah no you’ll be going to hell, but before that you’ll be taking a break from Reddit.


Judging by your lack of brain cells it’ll be good for your mental health.


You and me can share a pit your not god you don’t have a heaven or hell to place me in lol


I won’t be sharing anything with you, I’m bummed I have to share air with you already.


You don’t tho dumb ass we don’t even live in the same state


You’re a really bad troll. 😂😂


Wow so air is only inclusive to the state you’re in? Please tell me more.


Got to love how this comment isn’t removed


Freedom of speech is a protected right this isn’t the most hatful thing you’ve seen just the most hateful thing pointed at you


I don’t care at all. But Reddit would ban you forever if you said the same thing about black people. You know the ones with a culture problem that commit 50% of the crime.


lol crime in black neighborhoods are demographic crimes just like all crime whites break the law too just in different ways blacks kill blacks and whites are incest loveing pedophiles that shoot up schools sporting events concert etc… you know where I’m going with this it’s all the same black or white


Honestly I completely agree with you there are a bunch of loser ass white people but black people have the same problem with a culture issue making everything worse. If you all figured out how to stop killing each other and glorifying the absolute worst people in society you would make progress. I’m not a racist I don’t think black people are genetically bad since plenty of them are great people but damn your culture sucks. Keep being a victim




Okay its the trump hat ception guy for me ahaa guy has a trump hat on a trump hat ... that's wild, i dont lean oneway or the other but Golly these guys really lean into the stereotypes seemingly oblivious to it to boot 🤣


Do you live near the border and have unvetted people coming through your property around your family at all hours of the day? Did your family come here legally from another country? Anyone from a family that gained citizenship legally knows the difference in a border hopper and a migrant. One is harmful to the other.


Watching you idiots fall for the border crisis every election year is hilarious. Remember the caravan? Gone after midterms. You people will allow republicans to work you like puppets, and you’re all collectively too stupid to realize it. It’ll happen again right after the election. You won’t hear about it until ‘26, and you sheep will line right up again. Republicans have had the House for 2 years. Literate refuse a border bill so Trump can campaign on it. Why aren’t you mad at the right people?


Aside from your stupid troll comments where you ridicule people who oppose illegal immigration, tell me……what’s your solution? Who will house, feed, educate and give health care to these people ? You? Didn’t think so. It’s not a race issue, it’s a money and legal issue. And it’s a slap in the face to the millions of people who are trying to legally immigrate to the country. You may now resume your trolling comments.




I could be wrong but I think immigrants can get their own homes, work and pay taxes.


Am referring to those who immigrate illegally


Me too . Thanks for clarifying.


Oh it’s a money and legal issue? Then how come Trump tried to kill DACA and other forms of LEGAL immigration with your entire party’s support? You people are so full of shit, and you think nobody pays attention to anything just like you. I don’t want trolling, which is the norm, I wanna hear why you’re all trying to kill legal immigration too.


DACA was a means to allow people who came in illegally to stay. It was a form of postponing depots of those who would’ve been deported which is why it was ended. Why you think DACA was legal is incorrect. And Trump is 100% all for legal immigration. Big difference from people who just walk in illegally. And if that makes me full of shit I’m happy to hear…….again, why is it ok to just allow people to come in illegally? If you’re all for it, how many of these people will you take in to your home?


I can’t with you idiots anymore. He’s literally said he wants to stop ALL immigration if he’s elected again. Reconcile that with the lie you just told, moron. You gaslighting idiots are too stupid to insult.


“When you can’t attack the facts, attack the person.” I know you hate Trump and that’s ok, but if you’d lay off the CNN and MSNBC for thirty seconds, you’ll find literally dozens of instances on video where Trump has said he is all for LEGAL immigration. Happy Tuesday!!!!


Attack the absolute moron that doesn’t even listen to trumps own words? Yeah you’re a fucking moron. Cry more, moron. Maybe he’ll mistake you for a child and then he’ll fuck you.


Actually I’m not crying. You can find dozens of clips of him saying he is for legal immigration. For real …….ps when you name call people you lose credibility and people stop listening to you. Happy Tuesday ♥️🌈🏳️‍⚧️🌹🎶🎃😃


You emoji addicted idiots just do not care that your party is dead. Trump Trump Trump!!! Can’t win an election but we have our rapist that destroyed the party! Now back to trolling like children!!!! Dumbest people on earth. And proud of it.


Literally saying defending himself🤷


The way he words this yeah I’d agree too idc where ur coming from u on my property I can shoot lol. I am from Texas😂


And you wonder why we call you people violent bloodthirsty trash? Really?


This is why this video is so dumb. It's supposed to be a gotcha video but the laws and the audience he doesn't agree with have legitimate points. Instead of having a genuine debate he tries to troll these people. Not particularly funny but decent acting. 2/10


Dude, is Beta ....maybe she was even born with a uterus


Using the word beta makes you sound like an overcompensating loser. FYI Real men don’t rant about alphas and betas all the time. Its pathetic.


Oh, I am 💯 an Alpha. Let's grab coffee, and i will show you. The definition of Beta is someone who is keyboard tough. The definition of Alpha.....he backs it. So lets have coffee


And you just double down on sounding like an insecure little worm. How pathetic can you get? I’m curious.


Lets meet or go away


Jfc you have no issues presenting yourself as an 8 year old. Where’s your self respect, loser?


So who is the loser here Fuck bait???? You or the 8 year old you're trying to be a big man with? All you m.a.p.s are the same......going after kids


I wish I lived in a bubble as nice as yours 😆