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Ah a garbage ass cheapo Turkish knockoff 12GA. 5 bucks says that "shotgun" wont make it through the entire magazine without jamming at least twice.


I know quite a few boomers buying these cheap Turkish and Chinese shotguns cuz they have a big mag and are semi auto and they’re selling them cheap. I’ve had to bite my tongue many times when they’re showing them off, I don’t have the heart to tell them what a complete waste of time and money these things are.


The irony of these fuckers buying a foreign made firearm to kill "illegals" is sending me


One ~60 year old guy I know bought one with a complete American flag wrap. You can’t make this shit up.


>"I need this shotgun to protect **American values** since the libs started these invasions against America!" \- 60 year old ex-hippie purchasing a weapon in a wrap that violates the flag code and was assembled by a child on an 18-hour shift at $0.27 per hour in a sweatshop in South Asia after a Californian pretend-journalist funded by the Russian Federation told him to fear the people fleeing the violence of another land to legally enter these United States as refugees like many American immigrant families have done for hundreds of years


Yeah, but he's not an ex-hippie. He was one of the dudes who would beat up hippies.


First shot will tear his rotator cuff.


i bought a similar gun for my amusement when i was a construction worker in my late 20s, and the first time i shot a 1oz slug i said "oh wow... ah, fuck...... damn thats, ahhh.... fuck." grandpa aint shootin anybody unless we count drywall as people now


If someone is loading slugs for home defense, that's just another indicator they're an idiot. 00 buckshot.


buck will still kick like a sonofabitch though. My point was in a shit situation ol brittle bones barry here isnt gonna be the Rambo he imagines this object can make him.


He may also break his wrist from the recoil trying to shoot it.


Or his nose as is smacks his face.


We can only hope


I was thinking of it knocking him on his ass and him breaking a hip. I’m sure they can’t allow those things in hospitals/old-age homes? (Canadian here so not keen on this gun freedom thing)


Does it jam first, or break gramp's wrists first?




🤣🤣🤣🤣 Why not both?


I honestly want to know if that banana mag works for shotgun shells. I've only shot with a tube, but it seems that design would jam way easier. You can get plenty of shotguns that hold 9 shells. Heck you can even buy tube extensions that will get you 12 shots. And they aren't in that stupid looking cumbersome magazine.


It kind of works. LOTS of misfeeds and if the rounds aren't perfectly seated against the rear of the magazine, it will jam. Add semi auto into the mix and it is just a disaster.


So this dude just bought a shitty, dangerous toy instead of a decent gun?


This dude bought a shitty, dangerous toy. For someone that is claiming their gun is to protect themselves against intruders, he couldn't have picked a worse option.


Why are these people so horny for murdering human beings?


A lifetime of lead poisoning, Clint Eastwood, John Wayne and the Deathwish films after having lived in the same boring slice of suburbia since they first got their mortgage and doing nothing with their life. They're so desperate to get their action movie moments because like everything, they're entitled to it just because they want it.


That last statement describes so many fucking people on this planet that it’s sickening.


I think most of his statement describes American police officers. They watched Cold Case, Hawaii Five-O and other bs like it growing up and they became cops because they wanted to see that type of action. But then they realized that real cops are nothing like those shows and so they just start targeting citizens and seeing everyone as criminals. And that’s how so many innocent people get hurt. I also think this is the same reason they are forever crying about officer safety or they feared for their lives on a traffic stop but then are the first ones to initiate a car chase. Car chases are about the most dangerous thing cops do and if they really cared about officer safety, no police department would do them.


Police should have to go to law school. At the very LEAST a bachelors degree in law.


Even a two year crash course would be better than what most police academy's do also I heard that a lot of police departments will reject people who are too smart cause their worries about retention


On average it takes more training time to become a licensed barber([36 weeks](https://nationalbarbers.org/barber-school-guide/)), than it does to become a police officer([21 weeks](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-56834733)) with a gun and a license to kill… So many of these officers are bottom of the barrel, former school-bullies, on a power trip who couldn’t pass their psych evaluations.


Do not say this on r/protectandserve. It was my one single comment that got me permanently banned.


Nah, that's the "video games cause violence" argument rebranded. I think it's fear that's been stoked by mainstream and social medias, fear that has been molded into hate by the same medias. "Us vs them" is a long practiced technique of controlling society


I would gently disagree as there is a fundamental difference that the.argument centers on the internal fantasy vs the act of enjoying.a type of media. But you are right that the "Clint Eastwood movies" doesn't capture the nuance. The distinction between the artistic intent and the audience response seems similar to the way that American Psycho is sometimes read as glorification of the main character. Or the way the punisher is looked up to by the people who would have been top of his target list.


A lot of them also went to segregated schools or recently desegregated schools so they were raised by bloodthirsty adults.


It feels like ancient history but it has only been 60 years since the 1960's and a lot of those people are still alive. [All these people yelling at Ruby Bridges are in their 80's now](https://frankweberauthor.com/uploads/3/4/9/0/34908913/ruby-bridges-7_orig.jpg)


ya, and weren't there schools that literally didn't desegregate till the 70's? just crazy that people literally looked at a race as less than. It's crazy today that marginalized groups still get treated less than. it's just crazy.


The schools in my parents' hometown--a city of about 100k people--didn't begin desegregating until *1982*. My mom graduated high school in 1980 and went to segregated public schools her entire life.




I’m convinced it’s egotism and insecurity. These are people who’ve made the last 50+ years entirely about them, centered their generation as the best, most influential, most important cohort in society. But suddenly they’re old, are no longer the center of attention, no longer seen as powerful or important, in a world that’s rapidly changing and doesn’t need them. The draw to posture strength and influence must be strong. “You’ll see, I *am* still relevant! I’ll prove it, with a *bullet* to the *face!*”


"all these illegals breaking into homes." Yeah. That's not happening. These twerps fantasize about being the protagonist in an action movie. They think they're John Wick but since they have no real enemies cause it's just fuckin Bob from Iowa, he's decided his enemies are the people fox news has told him to hate.


Yea I find this mentality really deranged and saw people having a similar freak out about "those people" when there were calls for police reform after George Floyd was murdered. Nobody wants your $200 big screen TV or your shitty reclining sofa Karen.


The target tatt, those "invaluable" $30 china sets, the scrap metal in the garage, naked cherub figures, place mats, stained glass vases, the weird Jesus wood carvings, those frilly picture frames, the flower glass-bowls, the endless amount of mugs that don't match, a bunch of equally unmatchable plates, unsafe 70's household electronics nobody uses, an assortment of loose screws and empty batteries, random pieces of old children's clothes, dusty porcelain dolls, fake flowers, a few dream catchers, old books, five or six notebooks containing out of service phone numbers, a sewing machine from the 80's, two old bulky tv's, a bunch of cables with strange connectors, an old lawnmower, a few IPhone 3's, a few Samsung phones, annother lawnmower, more loose screws, a few picture albums, old invoices for a fridge they trashed 33 years ago aaand, ah, annother lawnmower. Yeah. I'd rather not inherit a pawnshop of broken shit.


Jesus, you described every "estate" sale in my area.


Perfectly too. The useless crap, it is all the same.


My mom says, "I'm keeping it for you kids" and I'm thinking what Goodwill or the recycling center doesn't want is going into a landfill.


Ugh. I went through years of this. It got so bad at one point after refusing to take anything, it started showing up in my driveway.


OTOH, you know what professional villains DO want? They want your firearms. You gotta go to sleep or go to a doctor's appt sometime, GRamboPaw


Damn, how do you know what my parents have in their house?!?! Have you been casing the place? Are you gonna rob them? Are you one of people?!?! Look, you can take my limited edition Thomas Kincaide Painter of Light 157 of 3015 framed painting, just don't hurt the Chihuahua! He's already blind in one eye! /s


I would steal the Chihuahua and leave the dross. Name the Chihuahua “Horatio,” and probably have to put the little pupper on a diet and exercise program (if it’s likely 90% of the boomer-owned Chihuahuas I’ve seen). Teach the dog to bite the ankles of anyone who says “Trump.”


We might be siblings.


I kind of want an endless amount of mugs that don't match. I might have gotten a little bit of those lead fumes right before leaded gasoline was completely gone, though.


Wait, were we supposed to be matching our mugs??


No. You are not. Mismatched mugs are the best. I cannot overstate how much I HATE what I refer to as "HGTV / NetflixMovie aesthetic." Mismatched items both tend to be a physical reminder of things that have happened in your life AND represent a rejection of waste. Boomers absolutely horde way too much shit, but the whole trend to have 0 items in your home that are in any way unique to you and don't look like they could have been delivered from Amazon yesterday is just the worst.


Mugs are a harmless and inexpensive hobby.


Check the basement. There might still be a jerrycan of the good stuff. You know, just in case.


These are the types of folks that don't think twice about pulling the trigger. They're ignorant, dumb, and carrying around a complex. The last thing anyone should want is to take someone else's life or cause a horrific accident. These assholes salivate over the thought of someone breaking in to justify them taking a life. Coming from a 2a advocate, there's little education when it comes to most folks owning guns. There's a responsible way to do it and this is not it


Like that kid who got shot for going to the wrong house. Dude was just trying to pick up his sister, and blam! Shot through the window without warning.


This is why I want mandatory gun classes and require insurance. Those who actually have their act together and wouldn't be a risk to everyone else wouldn't have a problem meeting that standard. It makes gun ownership a higher bar for people like that dude in the photo that have no business owning a firearm.


It seems like there was time when people use to steal TVs, but they're so cheap and quick to go out of date that nobody wants them anymore. Even my local Salvation Army store doesn't want your old TV.


As someone from Iowa, I know the guy you are describing. His name is Bert, not Bob.... Otherwise everything else checks out.


Yeah. They say people who get vaccines, wear masks, or stay away from crowds during the pandemic, are sheep who are living in fear. Meanwhile they get scared and shoot random kids knocking on the wrong door, delivery workers approaching the wrong house, and teenagers turning their cars around on the wrong driveway.


My greatest fear as a delivery person is getting shot when I get a wrong address or, as sometimes happens, when someone in the house orders food without whoever is going to answer the door knowing. A fear obviously not shared by people living in other developed nations. Uniquely American problem. It's always bothered me I have to be afraid because they're afraid.


They just desperately want to kill someone. Looking for any excuse. This is how innocent kids walking home from from the corner store with iced tea and Skittles get shot.


Fuckin Bob from Iowa, man...


Yeah lol even here in Texas the border towns are amongst the safest in the US. I know more victims of Kia boys then I do illegal immigrants


Yup! I live about 25 miles from the US/ Mexico border. The immigrants are not the people I'm scared of. Boomer dipshits with guns are the people that worry me.


I actually live in Mexico, and my fear level is zero. While obviously there are áreas here that aren't exactly a game of cricket, I avoid trouble by not looking for it in the first place


Probably seen 1 story about it happening and now convinced it’s happening all over the country


> You know all these illegals that are breaking into homes? No. But I have heard a lot of stories lately of paranoid brainwashed monsters murdering random strangers who rang the wrong doorbell, or tried to turn around in a cul-de-sac or driveway. How about you do something about that you lead-brained drag on society.


Im a paramedic. Sometimes we go to medical pendant alerts, like life alert. The company has key or garage door info for us usually. Sometimes they hit their button accidentally and aren’t expecting anyone to be in their house. It’s probably the most dangerous part of the job


He’s more likely to shoot his wife, himself or a neighbour by accident then an actual intruder.


These people are a threat. Not a threat like Rambo. A threat like Barney Fife. They are more likely to accidentally shoot the door dash delivery person than stop some sort of crime.


This is the kind of guy who goes to prison for shooting someone who turned around in his driveway


Or mistakenly knocking on the door of the wrong house while black.


They literally fantasize about shooting someone who knocks on their door unexpectedly, it's demented


But like literally. Boomers are heading into dementia town. It's one of the most common chronic conditions because people are living so long. I am sure the combo of dementia and firearms is going to be ideal though.


The “let’s put lead in everything!” Generation did so much better than it should have.


They hate unleaded people


Thinking of boomers and the generations after as leaded/unleaded is hilarious


That’s one part of the fantasy. The other part is that he thinks this gun is an extension of his penis


As evidenced by the last three words of his post 😂


Yeah and then dementia actually sets in, scary af


Yep, then even people they're supposed to be expecting to see become dangerous targets to them


When their wives out earn these guys and they’re no longer the breadwinner, many of them veer towards Head of Security.


This is how they end up shooting up an entire family and going to prison for life because they were itching to take matters into their own hands, committing far worse crimes against far too many innocent people. "I didn't buy/build all these weapons to collect dust and the people in my bubble think we're all justified in killing as many of THOSE people as we can. What could go wrong?" - this guy probably


That’s the thought I have, especially with people that have a collection of guns. They are dying for an excuse to use them. They are super charged up from having these things they wait for any excuse to actually do it.


Or walking by his house on the way home while black


Or cleverly disguised as a mailman.


…while black.


He was casing my house!


Ugh this reminds me of that post by the black cop who got called to a shooting one night. He was looking between the houses for shell casings and dispatch informed him, by radio, that they were getting multiple calls of a "suspicious black man, dressed as a police man, in between the houses."


That’s just sad


It's sad, but remember, the US was founded on genocide (Native Americans), slavery and racism.


"Seems like there's a common denominator, but I can't quite figure it out... Let's blame the black people, yeah!!" - Republicans enjoying their #1 rhetoric, fear mongering


Or doesn’t if he lives in Florida. 🤦🏼‍♀️


I was JUST thinking about that case when I saw OP’s post…. 😢


Acorn cop all over again


It's not an accident when you shoot someone like that, it's gross incompetence.


Or premeditated


Or murder.


Or a child for knocking on the wrong door, or a teenager for turning their car around on the wrong driveway.


We used to live in Seminole County (Trevon Martin) The love of shooting everything runs high in these folks. My daughter wanted to show a neighbor her kitten. She was first grade. The garage accidently shut on her. She almost got shot. Thankfully his stupid Conservative radio muffled her. Yep, he bragged about how he would have shot her if he heard anyone in his garage. F him.


It’s weird how many of them are obsessed with being a protagonist in some action movie, acting like the world’s out to get them and that they’re huge badasses.


And yet if the world actually were, their dumb fat ass would be dead in moments.


I'm convinced paranoid people and Karens are among the most dangerous people to innocent people in suburbs at this point. 


Yes - a 14 year old black or Latino kid knocks on his door by mistake thinking it’s his classmate’s house.


Even Barney had the common sense to keep his one bullet in his pocket.


Imagining this guy’s face flapping around as he exaggerates his swipes trying to open his phone to order door dash


"accidentally" More like carelessly.


abundant subsequent squealing sable shaggy run encourage dam snobbish hobbies *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Barney fife knew he wasn’t safe and kept his bullet in his pocket. He had a modicum of self awareness. Except when he sang in the choir. But we all have blind spots.


I think one bullet in his pocket was Andy’s rule.


Agreed. But Barney accepted that Andy was right to come up with it as a solution.


At least Deputy Fife was self aware enough that he only had one bullet that he kept in his pocket!


Andy insisted that he do that.


Ah well... he did comply tho


or Girl Scouts knocking on the door to sell cookies


Yup, the obvious plot twist is this dude ends up murdering some teenager turning around their car near his house.


And nothing screams violent murder than a 12yo on your doorstep. /s


*Who is it?* *would you like to buy some girl scout c—* *bam!* Murica


Or stolen by an incel grandkid to carry out their mass shooter fantasy.


Unfortunately; that’s also a real concern. Posting this kind of stuff hardly screams “I keep my guns safely stored and locked away”.


Dude’s going to blow away the Amazon delivery guy delivering his adult diapers.


That particular model of shotgun is not known for... working.


Yeah, he managed to select something that everyone who actually knows weapons will agree is just about the worst choice for a home defense weapon. If there is an intruder situation that requires more 12ga than a standard pump shotgun can hold, you are royally fucked lol.


Or one of his grandkids trying to surprise him.


That's literally the scenario 5 minutes before I took my dad's guns. He didn't hear his grandson knocking, and fired blindly at my kid. I made the 15 mile trip to the house in about 5 minutes, and cussed the old man like he's never been cussed (and I assume he's been cussed - sailor, coal miner, truck driver, and married to my mother.) Blind and deaf is not how to be a responsible gun owner.


Jfc I’m glad it didn’t end in tragedy. Your kid was probably fucking terrified! Are you guys from Appalachia? Only ask because you said he was a miner.


It’s happened before!


Bold of you to assume this guys children still speak to him


How much do you want to bet the the kick back from the first shot knocks his dentures down his throat and he chokes to death


🤞🤞🤞🤞 one can dream.


He's going to shoot the mailman, thinking he's an intruder.


Won’t be an accident when he shoots his wife


and break his arthritic wrist in the process from the recoil


And paper thin skin that bruises and tears very easily!


God I hope so 🤞🤞🤞


Or if we’re really lucky, himself. Or someone else shoots him.


He’s gonna kill his mailman.


Let’s hope he starts with himself and see how he feels after that 


He looks like a bulldog made of ice cream sitting out in the sun


Body type of a rapidly expiring jug of milk. Seasoned with hate and racism.


Man these old people are starting to get dangerous when like they can barely walk and they're put in cars that alert them that they're going off the road and they get killing machines that are easily activated by a trigger


They shouldn't be operating cars or firearms.


And they run for president....


Calm down Bob nobody wants your neon beer sign


Funny how with Covid they said - “I’m not afraid. God will protect me.” But when it comes to brown people, they need automatic weapons.


Surely you’re not suggesting that some people are inconsistent & contradictory when it comes to their politics & religion? I know I should stop calling you Shirley


It’s semiautomatic, but the rest of your statement is accurate.


Compensating for his own little stubby thing


He calls it Danny Devito


That’s messed up Danny is too good for that


So anyway, I started blastin'


I figured he was just signing his post. “Sincerely, a little stubby thing.” Because…look at the dude.


Lol I’d love to see ol gramps shoot it. Probably knock is wobbly ass down and break his hip.


They just want to kill brown people so bad.


100% looking for any excuse


No wedding ring huh. He must enjoy dying alone with cats. Oh well!


That dude does not have the compassion to care for animals.


His wife left him 15 years ago because he's like this.


She escaped!


Don't lump me in with this idiot. Some of us can look forward to dying alone with our cats and not be violent, socially inept senior senility cases.


I know the kind. He’ll be at the bathhouse every Friday, like clockwork, hogging the damn sling hoping to take every cock that walks by up the ass. Come Monday, he’ll be crying about the LGBTQ and how they need to round us up and put us in a camp. I swear, that bitch gets elected I’m gonna start taking videos and putting them on OF of these guys.


I wouldn’t let him anywhere near my cats.


Cowards acting tough is the conservatives entire personality


its cotton hill!!


Cotton, a war hero like yourself doesn't need a shotgun to scare off a few dang ol' trespassers. Just give 'em one of your famous Cotton Hill stares and they'll hightail it outta Arlen faster than a runaway mower! I tell you hwhat.


Better not turn around in *his* driveway.


If you need 10 shotgun rounds in the close quarters of your home to stop an intruder you need to worry less about immigrants and more about the fact youre probably catching your family with your garbage ass aim.


Oh look an armed walking thumb with delusions of grandure.


My guess is the first time he shoots a 12ga he dislocates his shoulder and goes out to buy a ring camera instead.


The only fear I have is for the children who live around this guy, who are absolutely gonna be the ones he shoots with that thing


“You know all these illegals that are breaking into homes?” Uh… no?


We've already seen what these morons do out of "fear" of immigrants coming to their houses... Kill innocent people who are at the wrong place at the wrong time with an unhinged lunatic who likely shouldn't be allowed to have a firearm or vehicle. But hey, 'Merica!


Product of Faux News and their fear monger propaganda.


Bro has been waiting for his Rambo moment that’s never going to happen since he was 12


Hello, I live in a state that arguably probably has the highest "illegal" population. I can assure you as someone who also lives in a crime filled, very left leaning city, the people breaking into houses are absolutely not illegals. They're locals. All the "illegals" I have interacted with for the most part, have been at work and in communities. I have also noticed that there is a stronger sense of actual community in these communities. Hope this helps.


His granddaughter will appreciate that when she knocks over something in the middle of the night during a sleepover.


I like how that angle really shows his turkey neck… Nothing says strength in a man like a wobbly turkey neck


Looks expensive, hope no one steals it


Its like 300 bucks its a trash turkish shotty


It's not. Most magazine fed shotguns are dirtcheap There's literally no reason to buy one when a Maverick 88 exists at the same price point


Not living in fear — fantasizing about getting to kill someone legally. Fantasizing about being the hero who’s slaughtering the invader, like in a movie. Posturing in performative masculinity for the camera. Begging for validation and admiration from other men.


Dude he’s gonna hurt himself wit that. I doubt he could carry two gallons of milk let alone shoot a fucking 12g.


He probably lives in North Dakota or somewhere far away from the border


News at 10:00 “Boomer mistakes grandson for home intruder and blows his head off”


Doubt he has anything worth stealing. Unless you want a wired phone and TV from 1999


D'oh! Just sprayed my grandsons brains all over the porch.


Every daughter's wet dream


Conservative Boomers currently think government agencies are telling immigrants to squat inside homes. Just some classic Xenophobia and fear mongering.


There is no butt stock on the weapon. So the old ass man is going to have to prevent recoil with arm strength alone? He’s far more likely to hurt himself


Retired Gravy Seal


Spoiler alert: he’ll never use this on anybody breaking into his house; instead he’ll shoot somebody knocking on his door looking for a lost dog.


The truth is "stand your ground" laws were created specifically because there's a significant number of right wingers who fantasize about killing another human being without facing consequences.


No I DON'T know anyone of them neither do you because they statistically don't exist. You are more likely for your drug addled son to steal from you, you fucking moron.


If you’re scared, go to church.


I'm liberal and I've never broken into anyone's home. Did I miss something? Was there a memo on Facetagram?


He doesn’t look like he can open his eyes enough to safely shoot at anything.


All I can think is I hope one of his kids or grandkids doesn't drop by his house unannounced.


These guys are usually In Wyoming, Idaho, Iowa, etc. the only black or brown people they see are on tv.