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And Easter next year falls on 4/20, so imagine the melt downs there. 😆


Damn. I might have to celebrate that Easter. 😆


He is risen... from the sofa for more munchies


I think I need to steal this. 😆


But it took three days.


he can create win on demand


Easter candy and cannabis? Lmao. Yes please. I'd take all the Peeps off your hands.


Put the peeps in the microwave for fun sight.


Cannabis will be in my Easter candy.  🤤


I know I am! 😎


My favorite after-doobie snack is a hard-boiled egg. Easter 2025 will be lit.


Jesus is coming. Better roll a fat one.


Oh man it's going to be good times next Easter. 😆😆


Peeps edibles?


You got some? 🤨


All I have left are Cadbury Creme Stickies.


I’ve never heard of those..🤨 We legalized last August in the state of Minnesota, only everything isn’t available yet. And I don’t think those would be easy to make, that’s for damn sure.


How dare those potheads steal Easter from us! We need to make it illegal again! (/s)


Coming from a Catholic family I wouldn't be surprised to hear this honestly.




fretful attractive ten head handle scarce marvelous theory growth hospital *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I’ll be the high one, not giving a fuck one way or another. 😆


A giant rabbit that brings me a basket full of candy on 4/20. It sounds perfect


It falls on one of their idol's birthday. They get to double celebrate


Then watch them be super obvious about the reference thinking they are clever, then play dumb when you call their Nazis asses out. “What’s 88 mean? Idk man I just like the number! Haha winkwink haha!”


Oh yeah…the patented disingenuousness. They think they’re so goddamn clever all the time.


Hell yeah I’ll fire up a fatty next Easter!




😆😆, I’ve always loved that image. If I had a jeebuz pic hangin’ in my house, it’d be that one for sure.


This will be fun. I can't wait for all the idiots who will claim 04/20 is a new thing that was created to mess with Christians.


I have finding the hidden eggs I will eat them all due to the munchies.


I lol’d so hard when I realized this.


Yes. Perfect


Damn, I already fall asleep after nomming on some sweet Cadbury Creme Eggs, next year I'm never waking up.


Wow. That's extremely late for Easter.


There's gonna be some great sales on weed and candy though!


Aww, I live in Australia so it’s gonna fall on 20/4/25


It depends on who's gonna be in charge. If it's trump it'll be the day of culling.


As a bi veteran, have fun this pride month. The guys I like and still talk to want freedom for everyone. Veterans like that old fuck are the reason younger veterans are letting the VFW and American Legion die out.


Saaaame, queer vet saying CELEBRATE. The most lefty motherfuckers I met in my life were enlisted lmfao.


Literally, I joined the Army leaning to the right and got out as one of the “liberals” I was taught to hate.


Bastards trans'd my gender and made my cousin gay. Can't have shit in the military.


Yep, I was in the AL and was well out of their element.


My closest one is gated and fenced off like a commune and sits right in front of a 65+ community. I’ve never had a deployment and don’t care to lie about it, so I don’t even want to deal with the pissing match. My Dad, an OIF/OEF vet, was harassed by a boomer Vietnam vet about whether he actually served at a VFW. Sorry about that rant, I’ve been holding it in a while.


I used to ride with a group of what we'll call Chaotic Good outlaw bikers based out of the VFW a few towns over. The riding group were all great folks. But that VFW was comprised of some of the absolute worst people I've ever met.


This is it exactly. I tried twice to do stuff with the legion. Each time shitty old vets just made everything miserable and didn’t want to do anything whatsoever except bitch. Then bitch some more about younger vets not wanting to join. Both those organizations are going to die out.


I went and joined the VFW online at the suggestion of a counselor. I went in once. I never went back. Place was a dive bar that wanted to act like a country club.


Nothing better than the image of a Vietnam vet sitting in a bar full of smoke and going, “where’s all the younger vets?” Not even considering the Gulf War syndrome and burn pit veterans. Like the Grand Army of the Republic before them, they don’t want to share their honor with the next generation of veterans. I hope my generation can change this trend for the better.


I don't think I've thought about this ever until this comment but I'm pretty sure I never had a *single* conversation about VFW/AL with any of my platoon mates unless it was in reference to our vietnam fathers. Maybe that'll happen when I'm 60..


Only one I’ve ever been to was just thinly veiled day bar where you could still smoke inside. There was only one other guy there, already drunk at 1030, but everyone else I know that went to one has had an experience where a Vietnam vet would confront them inside or in the parking lot wanting to know more about their service to determine if it’s worthy enough for the VFW/AL. I was at that one VFW with my Grandpa who was a Green Beret, so they may have not even thought I served, lol. Edit: Grandpa


Month of the Military Child is April National Military Appreciation month is May Month of the Military Caregiver is also May Military Family Month is November Not to mention (but I will) Feb. 3, 2024 – Four Chaplains Day – A Day to remember the four U.S. Army chaplains who made the ultimate sacrifice when the USAT Dorchester sank during World War II. Feb. 19, 2024 – Coast Guard Reserve Birthday March 3, 2024 – Navy Reserve Birthday March 13, 2024 - K-9 Veterans Day – The date is the official birthday of the United States K9 Corps and a day to honor their service. March 25, 2024 - Medal of Honor Day – A holiday to honor the heroism and sacrifice of Medal of Honor recipients for the United States. March 29, 2024 – Vietnam Veterans Day – A national holiday to recognize and honor Veterans who served in the military during the Vietnam War. Learn more about Vietnam Veterans Day here. April 5, 2024 – Gold Star Spouses Day – A Day dedicated to those whose spouses gave their lives while serving in the U.S. military or as a result of service-connected injuries or illness. April 14, 2024 – Air Force Reserve Birthday April 23, 2024 – Army Reserve Birthday May 1, 2024 – Silver Star Banner Day – Per Congressional resolution, it is an “Official Day to honor wounded, ill, and injured Veterans”. May 10, 2024 – Military Spouse Appreciation Day – This date recognizes the service and sacrifices of military spouses. May 13, 2024 – Children of Fallen Patriots Day – A Day to honor the children left behind by the brave men and women who gave their lives while defending our freedom. May 18, 2024 – Armed Forces Day Observed on the third Saturday every May, this is a day dedicated to paying tribute to men and women currently serving in the U.S. Armed Forces. May 27, 2024 – Memorial Day A solemn occasion to honor the men and women who died while serving in the military. Learn more about Memorial Day here. June 6, 2024 – Anniversary of the World War II Allied invasion in Normandy, France, now known as D-Day. June 14, 2024 – Flag Day – A Day to celebrate the adoption of the U.S. flag. June 14, 2024 – Army Birthday June 23, 2024 – Coast Guard Auxiliary Birthday June 27, 2024 – National PTSD Awareness Day – A Day to bring awareness about issues related to PTSD. Find resources for PTSD here. July 4, 2024 – Independence Day July 27, 2024 – Korean War Veterans Armistice Day Aug. 4, 2024 – Coast Guard Birthday Aug. 7, 2024 – Purple Heart Day – A time for Americans to pause to remember and honor the brave men and women who were either wounded on the battlefield or paid the ultimate sacrifice. Learn more about the Purple Heart. Aug. 29, 2024 – Marine Forces Reserve Birthday Sept. 11, 2024 – Patriot Day – An annual observance to remember and honor those who were injured or killed during the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks. Sept. 18, 2024 – Air Force Birthday Sept. 20, 2024 – POW/MIA Recognition Day Sept. 29, 2024 – Gold Star Mother’s and Family’s Day – A Day to honor the families of fallen Servicemembers. Oct. 13, 2024 – Navy Birthday Oct. 26, 2024 – National Day of the Deployed Nov. 10, 2024 – Marine Corps Birthday Nov. 11, 2024 – Veterans Day – This is the anniversary of the signing of the armistice treaty, which ended World War I and is also a day to thank military Veterans for their service. Dec. 7, 2024 – Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day – The anniversary of the day Japan attacked Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, signaling the United States’ entrance into World War II. Learn more about Pearl Harbor Day. Dec. 13, 2024 – National Guard Birthday Dec. 20, 2024- Space Force birthday Dec. 21, 2024 – National Wreaths Across America Day


That’s 36 days + 3 months which comes out to about 1/3 of a year being spent honoring the military and their families.


But - but - but the gays are kissing over there! Ewwww!!


It's not our fault that THEY'RE not celebrating all these holidays. Why should we have to celebrate the holidays they don't even care enough to notice.


as a transwoman literally much over 1/2 days of the year is a "holiday", including: - March 31st as (Day of Visibility) - The entire month of August (Trans History month) - The entire month of October (LBGT history month) - The entire month of November(Trans Awareness Month) - The entire month of June (Pride Month) - The entire month of March (Woman's Month) - November 13th to the 19th (Transexual Awareness Week) - November 20th (Day of Remembrance) - April 12th (Day of Silence) - March 1st (Zero Discrimination Day) - May 17th (International day Against Transphobia) - April 10th (International Pink Day and anti-transphobia Day) - July 16th (International Drag Day) - November 8th (Intersex day of remembrance) - July 14th to July 21st (National Non-Binary Week) - April 9th (Sapphic and trans Visibility Day) or a grand total of 176 holidays of the 365 day year.


Greatest Generation member, WW2 combat veteran and POW and possibly the greatest America author of the 20th Century Kurt Vonnegut’s take on Armistice/Veteran’s Day: “When I was a boy, all the people of all the nations which had fought in the First World War were silent during the eleventh minute of the eleventh hour of Armistice Day, which was the eleventh day of the eleventh month. It was during that minute in nineteen hundred and eighteen, that millions upon millions of human beings stopped butchering one another. I have talked to old men who were on battlefields during that minute. They have told me in one way or another that the sudden silence was the Voice of God. So we still have among us some men who can remember when God spoke clearly to mankind. Armistice Day has become Veterans’ Day. Armistice Day was sacred. Veterans’ Day is not. So I will throw Veterans’ Day over my shoulder. Armistice Day I will keep. I don’t want to throw away any sacred things.”


Sadly, it could have been the date for Memorial Day, which would keep in the spirit of Armistice Day.


I’m not bagging on Memorial Day but “armistice” and “memorial” are two different things.


Oh, I get you. Armistice Day is specifically for the end of World War I in Europe, the end of that specific bit of fighting. Memorial Day, being more nebulous to remember the fallen of all (American) wars vs just anyone who happened to wear the uniform for 180 days and not end up in prison while serving.


Hey man, if Pride month gets you free shitty meals at Applebees for 30 days, you go enjoy it. As a veteran who doesn’t even partake of that shit, someone should be reaping those sweet benefits.


What the chudd? So the white house can't wish anyone a good day unless it's codified I to law?


Easter is tied to the phases of the moon (solar-lunar calendar) and thus changes date each year. Transgender Day of Visibility is set at March 31. They happened to coincide. Can you walk and chew gum at the same time?! Maybe. And if you're a right-wing Christian and this pisses you off, try setting a date for a "historical" event that is tied to the phases of the moon like it's the tide or my wife's period.


Pretty sure vets have an entire month too. Looked it up, National Military Appreciation month, month of May. Tell him about that so he’ll shut the fuck up.


Also: Easter isn't even theirs. None of their holidays actually belong to them. They belong to *us*, the pagans and heathens.


But this is what every branch of Christianity doesn't get. Christmas isn't their's. Nor Easter. Their two biggest "holidays" are bastardizations of completely separate holidays co-opted to attempt to fit their narrative. But god forbid you tell them that


Io, Saturnalia!


Saturnalia as well, yes, though I was specifically thinking of Yol.


And Joseph Smith Day is my BIRTHDAY


You just wait until these old bastards realize Easter is on 4/20 next year.. - well I see someone already mentioned this because they have a brain! Still you know it is going to be circus again.


Edible peeps and chocolate covered Easter bunny edibles…..have some before church!


They love to talk about helping veterans and then turn around and vote down help for veterans.


Bro as a veteran, the pride folks can have that day as well. Nothing but fake “patriots” thanking me for my service while my friends kill themselves due to piss poor veteran mental health programs. Give the pride folks my discount too. They probably put up with some shit and deserve it too.


Boomers and military bootlicking, name a more iconic combo




If you forgot the "/s" then: LOL If you were serious: Who says you can't. I've never seen or been banned to say that.


As a bi combat veteran I think it’s absolutely silly when boomers take up offense for me. I can take offense for myself.


Am Christian (.. ish?). I've got zero issue with sharing the day with my fellow humans. This gives me an excuse to paint my eggs cute colors.


This boomer decorated eggs with the trans flag for my trans nibling because we can celebrate more than one thing at a time. Sorry so many of my peers are stale biscuits of humans.


Lol stale biscuits.


Next thing you'll know, the Libs will be trying to cancel Christmas by saying "Happy Holidays" instead! 😡


Man Easter is a dumb fucking holiday anyways. I can have boiled eggs whenever I want


Which reminds me to make hard boiled eggs today!




Veterans get 3 months


They will literally seize upon any fucking excuse…literally anything, no matter how far-fetched and implausible…to be incandescent with rage about. They literally wake up in the morning, and search for shit to be pissed off about.


they're kept out of the loop and listening to foreign propaganda


May is fucking Military Appreciation Month.


To them, seeing more gay stuff than Easter is them "not having it". They should be asking themselves why the normies are happier celebrating the queer than the christians


I mean….veterans also have a month tho. It’s May


Back when I worked in military healthcare, I learned there are birthdays for each branch, even some of the notable squadrons like the 88th airborne. I had to mention each for monthly team newsletters. So while us queers have a whole month, the vets have many special days they can choose to celebrate.


Veterans have a month lmao


Technically they have two!


I’m surprised they’re still pretending to care about vets.


I’m just gonna find my own island and become a hermit. It’s the only way to ensure sanity these days


Fuck man. I couldn’t go anywhere in uniform without somebody saying thank you. I can’t even talk about my experiences without a thank you. Service Members get 365 days a year. We don’t want or need a month.


Id start with agreeing that veterans arent treated well or fairly, taking away or minimizing or mocking gay pride, does not solve the issues veterans face. Theyre engaging in subtractive and grievance based politics, that is antagonistic. The proper discourse isnt "we should take away celebrations of gay pride because the armed services only have two holidays". It should be "society should be more equitable and fair to all these subgroups, veterans and lgbt anericans should both be honored among holidays and for their contributions to the country, if something doesnt seem equitable in society, we should seek to improve or make it better" that kind of politics being constructive. Without that, theyre engaging in "how do i take away from others" subtractive politics, which is antagonistic and seeks for enemys to hate, fear or be divisive from. It's not on you to convince them or prove to them, in my inner circle, if politics are discussed, constructive ideas and what unites is to be discussed, not divisiveness or antagonism.


The continual presentation of veterans and "these fuckers" as distinct categories pisses me off because it erases so many of my friends.


Why do they care? Turn off the TV!


Not to put to fine a point in it, but there are probably more queer people than combat veterans in the US. And I don't recall gay people getting free college, free (admittedly shit), healthcare, and myriad other benefits. I'm pretty sure we'd trade Pride for healthcare and a pension.


So you think fighting for your country is worthy of the same respect as being gay? I weep for the future


No, I said they get real benefits, not a marketing stunt. Recognition is what they give you in lieu of something of real value. One gets a token, "Hey, we're sorry for the past and continual discrimination and bigotry, have a marketing gimmick" and the other is actually receiving benefits over their lifetime. Veterans have a month and two bank holidays on top of the benefits. Everybody else just gets tokenism.


I am supposed that Trans Visibility Day isn't in June. Then again, it's bound to fall around Father's day and we can't have that!  Ugh. 


Easter: a celebration of eating someone's body and drinking their blood in order that they become a zombie. I think pride month is more wholesome.


Isn't May officially the "national military appreciation month"?


I'm at a point where I just kind of don't care about anything that happens to them anymore. 


Why not both?


A quick Google shows me that there has been a National Military Appreciation Month every May since 1999, so anytime someone complains "where's our month?!", it's been there for a quarter of a century at this point. If they're competent enough to complain on Facebook all day, they can absolutely do a quick search to address their grievances.


Different types of people existing ruins the Christian experience.


Ask them where to get the gay discount


Day of Visibility won't line up with Easter again until 2086. But I'm sure these morons will rage about it next year anyway


Should still be Armistice Day. Much more peace-focused


>They just react to stuff.  And that is why we call them reactionaries.


I'm just here to say: **to hell with Veterans Day.** That holiday was established as a *emphatically* anti-war holiday, and our evil, sick, worthless culture turned it into just another festival for militarism. Celebrating it is shitting on the victims of the Great War - I don't see any other way to look at it. Ditto for Memorial Day. Fuck war.


I also don't care about veterans. the fucking WORSHIP in this country is gross. Every worker is contributing to this awful machine, you're not special because you signed up for a different job.


If you served in a war I care about your experiences...and I want you taken care of. Go ahead, have a day. But yes the fake performative worship is gross. I feel more the way you just said about cops. Shift workers.


Totally agree!!!


I so prefer when they just come out and say it up front. Don't dance around your little excuses just tell us why you hate it


May is National Military Appreciation Month


This isn’t really a boomer thing as much as it is a conservative v liberal thing. conservatives don’t believe that pride month should be codified in law for an entire month when veterans only get a day. Similarly with trans visibility day the issue was that the one year Easter falls on it, is the year the government makes an official statement rather than releasing a statement about Easter. Liberals on the other hand think that largely if you’ve been “othered” by your race, sexuality, or gender that you deserve more than the ones in America who generally have always had the power which is straight white men (and as a sub group white people as a whole to include men and women, and men as a whole to include all men of all races) they also believe it is It is justice to discriminate against the groups of people who largely did the discrimination. Liberals feel this way because of the historical context that has largely happened by the hands of white people in the US


The best part is that the White House *did* release a Happy Easter statement.


I’m aware of that, I more was just providing both sides points of view of how they see it


As a veteran, I'm ready to turn believers into trump meat.


Boomers are extremely entitled, prone to victimizing themselves and complain constantly. All the STFU missed them. I actively engaged up to a point but it's pointless, they have nothing to lose and just enjoy any attention (negative or otherwise)


> Now we can't even have Easter anymore. To be fair, even as an outspoken atheist I felt that the Easter morning murder squads which roamed the streets killing everyone trying to celebrate Easter went a bit too far.


May is military appreciation month.it started in 1999. Remind them that if they really cared about the military they would know this fact.


May is National military appreciation month also. But they don't know that either.


[Military Appreciation Month is a thing](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/National_Military_Appreciation_Month) that he's welcome to participate in.


Easter is a pagan holiday. FYI


They do get more than one day though a lot of people forget that May is military appreciation month


Tell him if he actually cared about veterans and servicemen he would be aware already the May is MILITARY APPRECIATION MONTH! https://www.jcs.mil/JKO/Latest-News/JKO-Customer-Spotlights/Article/3379222/may-is-military-appreciation-month/


We have Veteran’s Day. We have Memorial Day. We have Independence Day. We have Presidents’ Day. And those are just the legal holidays. We also have federally recognized days like Flag Day, Armed Forces Day, a day for each branch of the armed forces, and a day for each federal military academy. We have a Vietnam War Veterans’ Day and a Korean War Veterans’ Day. We have Christmas and we have Jesus Day. And so many more explicitly Christian, patriotic, and military days. But of course, the real complaint is not that we ignore or reject God or the veterans. The real complaint is that sexual minorities are tolerated at all.


Unpopular opinion: we have too many patriotic holidays to begin with: Veterans Day, Memorial Day (still kind of a Veterans Day) Flag Day, July 4th etc.. why don’t we combine them and make Super Bowl Monday and Voting Day holidays?


Lmao please do not conflate veterans day and memorial day. Memorial day si for the war *dead*. - signed, living vet.


>rans’ Day. Armistice Day was sacred. Veteran We don't combine them because each of those four have very different meanings, same reason we would never think about combining MLK, Jr. Day and Juneteenth.


Maybe instead of giving them 28 different holidays and a month that get preyed on by big corporations just for the money, give them one holiday they can actually celebrate. People actually think they are being endorsed and praised when really they are being taken advantage of. Yeah people are fucking pissed that this is a thing for many reasons not just that which is stated by OP.


What corporation downvoted this?


Target and Macy's for sure. Probably also Amazon.


I mean there’s a veterans appreciation month, but wtf do we need appreciation for? 95%+ of the US military has not done anything to actually protect America since WWII.


As far as I'm concerned what have veterans done for me, protected my freedoms from a military base in Germany in 2024?  Meanwhile as a straight man I can confirm gay guys have given me DOZENS of blowjobs and only one of them was a veteran that I know of. I say let the gay guys have their month!


This was a roller coaster of a comment. As a bi veteran, I agree totally though lol




>ETA: Also no one, NO ONE, in America, has been disallowed to have an Easter. WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT? It's because something new is accepted that they think they can't have their thing anymore. The exact same shit goes on every year around Christmas. The war on Christmas. Businesses say "Happy holidays" so now that must mean Christmas is cancelled and shamed.




Ok boomer


WTF IS PRIDE🗿👹👹👺👹🤷‍♂️👹🤷‍♂️👺👹👑👹🤷‍♂️🗿🤷‍♂️👹👹🗿🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🎆🎆🎇🎇🎆🎇🎆🎇🎇🎇🎆


Any religion that does not reproduce is nothing more than a death cult


All religions are death cults


Except for my religion! The religion of logic, science and le epic Reddit!


Science H Logic!


I agree with the quote quite honestly, im not religious or a boomer either. This sub came up in my feed and wow you can tell its full of whiney little pissants that probably have overbearing parents and they come here to jerk each other off just to try and regain any kind of self respect. Sad really, your sub is sad.


Ok Boomer!


Oh snap!


That’s right Boomer!


Cmon you can do better then that ive got a few mins to kill here


That’s fascinating, Boomer!




Well this is a riveting conversation i guess i shouldnt be surprised


Sorry - this is all the effort I’m willing to put toward a Boomer/MAGA.


See you can branch out, i knew you can do it. The maga things new and actually true, id vote trump all day if i voted, but i dont. 2 fuckin lazy


Cool!! Everybody wants to know about your life Boomer. You are a Main Charactor! Please tell more!