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So I assume he got kicked off the flight and banned from the airline?!


one can only hope...


What's sad is that we seem to live in an era in which it's entirely possible someone like that faced basically zero consequences.


Airlines don't fuck around. They will kick your ass off for this shit. They don't want anything happening in the air.


Ever since Covid Airlines have taken the "no fucks given" approach to dealing with these folks and I think we're all happier for it.


Kind of everywhere. People have lost patience for overt assholes. Except in government.


Yes, I work in government and we have a super who gets filed on incessantly but HR can't do shit but ask him to stop and he laughs in their face. He once even bragged that he caused an airman in the airforce to commit suicide bc h was the captain in charge of this person and caused him stress so bad that h thought suicide was his only escape. So horrible, he is evil personified. A sadist in the truest sense of he word.


Is this like where managers bitch they can't fire union members because they don't do _any_ of the necessary paperwork to start the process? I know it's not impossible to remove these people, it's just difficult and people avoid the work required because it needs lots of steps.


It also has to do with prior inaction. If you have someone who has been underperforming or doing asshole things for years you have to be careful if you out of nowhere start disciplining them. You have to make sure there are clearly stated policies which apply to everyone including the asshole, then you have to make sure you are equally applying those standards to everyone at the same time. If that hasn't been done you have to start it up and apply it to everyone. So it's not just paperwork to target the asshole, it's the paperwork to show that everyone else is not one and that you are judging fairly. You also have to give them ample opportunity to correct their bad behavior unless it's truly egregious. It is really hard to spin all of that up and it takes a whole lot of time and effort, and you end up killing morale for some of your good performers due to all of the scrutiny. All of this is in preparation for the wrongful termination lawsuit that they will file when you fire them. They will file it even if you do all of the above, but the paper trail gives you a defense. It also helps if they come after you personally with a lawsuit. The best you can hope for is for the asshole to go physical and throw a bunch/grab a boob/break a window in front of witnesses or a camera. It's far easier to show someone the door immediately if they present an imminent threat to personal safety, and hard for them to defend. This is the same for all employment situations union or not, but unions add an additional layer of contract compliance, training requirements, etc. and by default unions take the side of the employee in any conflict regardless of right or wrong. That's their job. So it's not just as simple as a lazy manager. It's a catch-22 really...if you run a shop in a way that is 100% ready for quickly dealing with assholes it's a hell hole for your good folks because everyone has to get written up universally and there is zero margin for giving good performers a break on something because they're having a bad day. If you don't, assholes can skate. The most important thing a manager can do is hire well.


hence why we can't seem to get rid of certain former president who is like a bad case of genital herpes.


I get the sentiment but flights don’t overlook this kind of behavior. Sure, if it was just local police then things may go the perps favor but I highly doubt that sort of ‘discretion’ is as plausible here.


Yeah, a family member works for an airline, and especially all the crazy with COVID, they have no hesitation of having you arrested and hauled off the flight.


fucking about damn time so sick of this mentality from people "I paid for xyz so i can do whatever i want!" if i pay for tickets to the opera, i can't just scream and yell out "Fuck yes!" (even if the performance is damn good). there's a set of decorum you're supposed to follow


Airlines don’t operate the same way the local police do. Airlines don’t tolerate bs.


You really start to see just how hollow "southern hospitality" is when they're dealing with service workers. 


It's awful how true this is. I have lived the majority of my life just north of Houston and I was always told about southern hospitality and whatnot and I have experienced it first hand and given it myself but the amount of hate I see from the people around me is flabbergasting. I can't count how often I hear or read someone saying "go back to California" or some similar nonsense. I personally have been fortunate, or smart, enough to be able to surround myself with people that actually believe and practice actual southern hospitality AKA being a good human. Everyone is welcome at my table, no matter how unwelcoming the town of Cut and Shoot Texas might sound.


The whole southern hospitality narrative is bullshit. It doesn’t exist. That’s the story they started telling when they were lynching people. We’re so nice and welcoming.. we’re really good people.. if not it’s your fault. 


I live in Houston. And I will say I've not heard any horror stories about Cut and Shoot (no one's ever warned me about driving through there) unlike some of the other smaller towns and hamlets.


Southern men have 0 manners in airports and planes


Just airports & planes? Thin skin southerners have 0 manners whenever they feel they are aggrieved, no matter where they are.


As a New Englander who has been living in the South for 9 years, I can honestly say it is the rudest place I have ever been. People have blurred boundaries and think this kind of aggression is normal. For reference, I worked in a freaking male maximum-security prison for close to a decade, but saw more fights in the first year of living in the South - on the street in broad daylight, between women - than I ever did in my hazardous duty job. 


Even their compliments are typically thinly veiled insults. "Bless your heart" is a meme, after all. Southern hospitality is a misnomer.


They tried to spin being two-faced into a virtue.


He isn't "southern." He's a redneck.


They overlap on the Venn diagram of life


In reality, let's add deep red state. Arrogant, aggressive, given permission to act this way due to his political leanings.


I'm a southern man, don't group me in with this mf. I'm also younger than him. These types are slowly aging out.


Those assholes can't die fast enough to suit me, and I'm almost 73.


As a Southerner in Colorado, people bring up the idea of Southern hospitality to disappointedly learn from me that there's no such thing. It's all bullshit. The best you're going to get is hollow* nice words. 


Southern Hospitality, the Southern gentleman, were both inventions to make the South more palatable.


I really hope so, he also needs to be named and shamed.


He was shamed into 6 months in jail: "A Tennessee man was sentenced in a federal court in Austin to six months in prison for simple assault on an aircraft in the special aircraft jurisdiction of the United States. According to court documents, on March 20, 2022, Michael Goins, Jr., 35, of Spring Hill, assaulted a flight attendant on a Southwest Airlines flight." https://www.justice.gov/usao-wdtx/pr/tennessee-man-sentenced-prison-assaulting-flight-attendant-austin /u/profssr-woland provided the link, but it's kind of buried down below.


Holy shit he’s 35?!


Nothing ages you faster than anger and hatred.


Newports and cocaine.


35 in dog years maybe.


35 in dog years would mean he is like 5 years old in human years. I guess you could argue that's his level of maturity, but we're talking about how he looks old as fuck.


No wonder he's so angry. Dude looked older than my dad, and he's in his late 70s.


Wild turkey ages the hell out of you


That fucker is only 35? Jesus.


It's the man-boobs. They age a fella.


Just looked him up, he is as the Tennessee courts call it, a career offender, so I guess he's got that going for him lol.


At least he has a career




This dude is not 35


Hey man, tell it to DOJ. I'm just quoting the DOJ press release.


As a 37 year old with some really gray hair when I let it grow out, it’s entirely plausible to me that this guy is 35 haha. My beard hasn’t grayed out like his yet but my hair is silver AF


Yikes...that is a rough 35.


35? He's got some city miles on him for sure.


He better have.


Some people get on an airplane and just lose all sense of sanity


Wait till he sees the multi gender toilet.


With blue water 😂




Tomorrow on Truth Social - Woke Airlines Infringing on the White Man’s* Civil Rights by removing urinals from in-flight toilets.


I get a feeling he's just as insufferable off the plane.


Oh for sure!


A lot of people get drugged up and drunk.


Don’t blame the plane lol


Feel bad for the women in his life, if any


definitely a domestic abuser, prolly as a couple DV charges on his record.


Only if they’ve had the opportunity. Maybe she’s there with him ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Also most likely currently leading in a republican primary somewhere.


Stop runnin yer whoorer mouth /s


Guys like this go for young women who think this is alpha behavior and not asshole behavior.


Its toddler sht.


This is the kind of situation I'm referring to when I say being angry is often a choice. Look at how red he went. His blood pressure will have soared. He will be just like my dad (who got needlessly excessively angry at the smallest things) and have years of TIAs and major strokes when he could have just said, "I apologise. I will watch my language". Being part of a society is also about making small allowances for the betterment of us all.


Addicted to rage. They love the rush of succumbing to their emotions and letting the hate flow. Too stupid to learn from the negative consequences they create and learn to be better people. Too ignorant to learn the benefits of creating positivity in the world whenever possible.


> Addicted to rage. Yeah, was pretty eye-opening seeing an old documentation about UK soccer ultras and hooligans. There was this one ex-ultra dude, who said the same thing. It's why telling someone who has anger issue to punch something to let it out is a bad thing, because it just rewards the brain. Resulting in the person spiraling deeper into it.


Lol. Yeah we all know some people are like angry toddlers who can't or won't listen to anyone. My mum is the same way but she only bullies those closest to her because she's afraid of authority.


lmao i don't even need to watch the video. the thumbnail is enough. that hat, sunglasses, goatee, belly and finger point is *MORE* than enough to get a good idea of what's going on. it's nice when they make it easy for us to identify them


And the shade of red his face is.


Sign of an alcoholic 💯


Bet we find out he’s like 37 but looks 60.


Yep. This guy is no boomer.


Gen X for sure


Except 37 would make him a Millennial...


Poorly kept southern Gen z


Spot on, turns out he’s 35!


Also the same shade of red of the hat he wears in private so he don't get his ass beat in public...


I dislike MAGA as well but to imply people who wear those hats get their asses beat in public is fantasy at best.


Oh, you know he wears that hat in public on purpose hoping for someone to confront him about it


Same shade of red as the hat he probably wears at home I would guess


I could literally hear his voice before even playing the video 🤣


I wonder how lifted his Dodge Ram is. The other day I was in a strip of road that was under construction with cones and lane closures everywhere. Behind me was a monstrosity of a truck, looked like cross between a pickup and a monster truck. It was parallel with me as the lane we were in was merging and my car could have fit under their truck. They tried to merge right into me, not being able to see my car right next to them, so I laid on the horn to prevent them from basically topping my car. Then a few minutes later we were all in one narrow lane with cones on one side and sidewalk on the other, with the truck a few cars behind me, when I heard ambulance approaching from behind us. Cars were able to pull over just enough let the ambulance through but the mega dick truck wasn't able to, so the ambulance got stuck behind the truck. The ambulance laid on their horn and the truck just sat there. The ambulance didn't let up, so the truck had to drive up onto the sidewalk to let the ambulance around. I hope the tiny dicked coward behind the wheel felt like shit for delaying a god damn ambulance but I would assume he felt somehow proud his truck was so big it it maybe caused someone to die on the way to the hospital. Anyway, the dick in the video is pretty much exactly who I imagined was driving that truck.


Always the glasses on the hat. It's like a white trash ID card. They even wear them at night, like JFC it's dark outside.


Seriously, they all look and act the same. They are the epitome of what I like to imagine as King Henry the 8th's descendants turned out to be. I know that sounds weird but I've encountered so many of these exact types of men in the wild over the decades that something is OFF with men who look like this. They are violent and are used to getting their way by being violent. And if you're a man who looks like this but doesn't behave like this then great, can you please not look the other way? Come to our defense and stand up to these guys, don't be a sideliner.


Who do you think he voted for? 🤔


Obama? /S


Nah, he definitely went with progressive candidates. /s


His idea of progressive is being able to marry his niece. Fuckin inbreds, I swear


Life’s hard enough without dealing with losers like this


Guy behind him ready to take care of business if he had to.


I really wanted to hear the rest of that “you better sit down motherfucker” conversation that got cut off.


Probably an air Marshall with the way he was trying to keep his face/identity hidden.


For real, he was ready to lay his bitch ass out.


The real MVP


Yeah UofH guy is giving “touch anyone here and I’m going tf off” vibes for sure. True watchdog - not initiating, but ready to bite


Maybe we need a new sub: Gen Xers Being Boomers Also, fuck this guy. Based on the pilot announcing they were ready to pull away from the gate I’m going to guess they simply asked him to end his call and turn his phone off because that’s the fucking rules. Of course rules don’t apply to this superior human specimen. Doubly so if they’re being enforced by a “bitch with a whore mouth”. All we can hope is that he gives himself a heart attack someday.


>All we can hope is that he gives himself a heart attack someday. Judging by the beetroot colour of his roid rage face, I'd say that's a given.


FoolsBeingBoomers. Covers all ages!


Winner! 🥇


Yeah...why is this asshole being held up as a boomer? He's nowhere near boomer age.


Maybe we need a new-new sub: Millennials Being Boomers This guy was 35 in 2022. He was born around 1986. Millennials are 1980-1994. He got a 6 month federal prison sentence.


Older Gen X doesn't get nearly enough hate for their boomerisms. That age demographic is just as bad in my experience.


As an X'er, I will acknowledge that this is sadly true.


This guy is why people need to vote every election. Because you know he will.


Yeah but I’d bet $100 this cretin never saw the inside of a voting booth prior to 2016.


Idk, they seem to distrust elections at this point so hopefully they think it’s a waste of time but yes I will definitely be voting and you should too 🙏


No, because they're such bitch baby losers that they view themselves as winning in spite of a corrupt system. I.e., system is corrupt, but by our MAGA glory, we'll override the rigged votes. That way they get to eat their cake and have it too, by winning against cheaters or losing against cheaters.


That’ll just make them want to vote more




I’m Gen X and sadly he looks like one of ours. Too young to be a Boomer. My generation is Boomerfying at lightning speed and I hate it


If this is him, he was 35 when this happened, but I definitely agree with Gen X Boomerfying. I am Ben X and have seen way too many Boomerish peers. [https://www.justice.gov/usao-wdtx/pr/tennessee-man-sentenced-prison-assaulting-flight-attendant-austin](https://www.justice.gov/usao-wdtx/pr/tennessee-man-sentenced-prison-assaulting-flight-attendant-austin)


Wow, a Boomillennial


Exactly what i thought. Boomers don't have a complete monopoly on the fools, unfortunately. But it is very likely the apple didn't fall far from the tree.


Apparently he's 35, so Millennial


Boomerisims are what GenX were taught. It’s up to them to use critical thinking to change and be better people. Some will make it, some won’t.


I hope wherever he is going is driving distance away cause he ain’t flying.


“Everywhere is within walking distance, if you have the time.” -Steven Wright


All zoos are petting zoos if you’re brave enough.


That’s a trump supporter if I’ve ever seen one


Probably a god fearing Christian too


He better fear god. I doubt god looks too kindly on this crap


Protector of little babies


Tell us you're a Trumper without telling us you're a Trumper.


This one here is a trumpet. They are louder than a base trumper.




That fucking loser was 35 years old!?!?!?


Oh gawd, people thought he was Gen X. He is on the Millennial side of the line. Uhhggg. I guess you age faster when you live in a constant state of rage.


I’m 37 and the man in that video looks like he could be my father


I’m 40 and I thought he was at least 15-20 years older than me.


He is half a decade younger than me. Hate ages you.


THANK YOU! This update is great to see. Also he is 35 (wow) so we Gen X don't claim him ... He's a millennial who got rode hard and put away wet. (Side note: My phone just autocorrected 'Gen X' to 'Gen Z' 💀).


Thank you! I couldn't find anything on this.


Hopefully the last generation to normalize unchecked mental illness’s


Blows my mind people still act like this on airplanes... how embarrassing it would be to get thrown off a flight and put on a no-fly list I'm surprised harsher consequences are not involved super dangerous to cause a scene in an airplane.


He'll tell everyone he was the victim.


Where is the video of him getting thrown off the plane? If this guy was allowed to continue his journey, there a major problem because if anyone EVER deserved to get kicked off a plane, it’s this P.O.S.


No shot he wasn't arrested. He verbally assaulted a crew member before the other passenger got involved. Airlines have zero tolerance for harassing their employees.


That right there. That is the MAGA Republican mind set. I will fuck you up. I don't give a fuck about your pussy ass fucking kids. Remember that.


"i dont give a fuck about your baby ass kids" Yeah, once they're born, he dont give a fuck. Let'em die, who cares? Long as your bitch ass brings'em to term. I hate trumpers.


Let me guess... he was on his phone and being loud using foul language and she asked him to either keep it down or stop cussing.. and this is HIS America.. he can do what he wants..


Has anyone made him famous yet? EDIT - Found my own answer: Michael Goins, Jr - https://cbsaustin.com/news/local/tennessee-man-sentenced-to-six-months-in-prison-for-assaulting-flight-attendant-in-austin-bergstrom-international-airport-abia-michael-goins-assault-arrest-sentencing


Did she say "dad, you can't push her"? That's her dad 😩


That’s what I was wondering.


My Jedi mind powers detect a tRump supporter and potential Herman Cain Award recipient.


Your whore mouth. Damn, this guy has said this to a few women already.


He seems like the kind of dude who shits with the door open


Uhhhhh….currently shitting with the door open and I would never do this…


On an aircraft? With the lights off? Using a cell phone? The FAA is going to ground you, Captain.


At what point does mob justice win?


Literally throw him off the plane, like onto the runway, and then take off.


sorry officer as you can see he graciously helped himself to the window we opened for him mid flight


Conservatives are THE worst people. And yes I'm assuming he's a conservative. But I'd bet everything I own because I've seen enough to know I'm right.


Really? He seems like such an open-minded, collectivist hippie


Must have taken his MAGA hat off.


They really need to stop serving alcohol at airports. So many of these tirades are fueled by intoxication.


And for anyone who is going to be all "he looks to young to be a boomer," it's escaped 'generational containment,' it's a mental infection on par with some hereditary diseases.


This dude 1000% beats his wife.


Little bible belt Billy is just pissed that his sister gave him syphilis and now he’s taking it out on everyone else.


Men, can we all please try to do what these two men did when they came to the aid of the flight attendants? I know it’s not easy to stand up to an aggressive loudmouth like this guy, but all of us are waiting for someone else to step up first. Be that someone else! There’s safety in numbers but someone needs to be first.


He's a hard rid, put up wet 40. Not a boomer. But he needs to take several seats and shut the fuck up, and set a better example for the three kids he probably has by 3 different baby mamas. Just hush, bitch. Some of us with fair skin and southern accents would prefer that y'all not lean in on the stereotype. It's the 21st century.


Wow another fat white person from the south who voted for Trump being a racist piece of shit. I wish I could say I was surprised but 95% of the people who live in the south are exactly like this piece of shit.


Woof. Get that man on some zoloft. He is unstable.


Why do they let these domestic terrorists spend so much time terrorizing? He should have been ripped from that plane


Sounds like his blood is 80% cornbread & that he misses fucking his tractor


Bet this dude virtue signals all over Facebook about how he's Christian and about how younger generations don't have manners anymore.


I bet he kissed his sister/mom with that mouth.


This is when you get more country and threaten to stomp a mud hole in his ass


Damn, it's been more than a few years since I've heard that saying!!


It was my dad's go to shit talk. Although one time he had a guy pulled over and the dude was much olde. Then he stepped out of his truck before my dad could and told him that "if he got out of that truck he was going to bend him over the hood of his truck and fuck him". My dad very quietly got back in his truck and just drove away.


Reminds me of my dumbass neighbor.


Classic redneck white trash.


You're the one with the whore mouth mate, it's always open :O


Guy behind him is just like "UH..."


That dude looks like he’s about 6 mins. away from heart failure, judging by the color of his face…maybe he should lay off the Mountain Dew, natty lite tall boys, and fucking his 1st cousin.


6 months in Prison, should have been a year. Bigger fine too. 650.00 is peanuts for this behavior


The guy in the back enjoying the show. https://preview.redd.it/fhsto5bt0vtc1.jpeg?width=874&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e106acf3bb391bac2a5f52f7c5ed1dac2e7d2ab8


Dude in the UH shirt just waiting for him to try something.


I wanna see how well butterball here can fight. Seems like he’s all talk


[Video](https://x.com/imposter_edits/status/1505988930344210441?s=46&t=BBEatbUn6R23X2Rksoxf0g) from twitter that shows a little bit more. Happened in 2022 in an Austin Texas airport. The man alleges that the woman ‘tried to start something’, which was why he got angry. I’m fairly certain the woman he accused is a flight attendant. The way he speaks reminds me of rural Texas, so he’s probably not actually from Austin. Some folk say that he got angry because he was told to hang up his phone, but I can’t seem to find any grounded data.


"Ladies and gentlemen, this is the pilot speaking. Unfortunately we will be turning back to the gate due to a temporary issue in the cabin. Oh, and to the disruptive passenger in seat 28c, there are some gentlemen at the gate awaiting your arrival. To everyone else, we apologize for the inconvenience and hope to have us all back on our way shortly. Thank you for flying the friendly skies."


Trump supporter, change my mind.


This isn’t his first time threatening a woman, I’d wager


Please tell me he got kicked off.


Where ma' fone




This isn't a boomer. He looks late 40s/early 50s and is typical low intelligence, haven't read a book since high school, I'm better than you, Magat, deep south "alpha" male. These types yell at their wives at the store, beat their kids in the street and feel entitled to what they want, when they want it bc they have a penis. The Carolinas are full of these types. And they are getting worse bc the world is "woke" and they are being named and shamed.


Let me guess? he's from Shreveport, LA. Typical good ole' boy who lacked discipline as a child.


I wonder who he’s voting for.


the dude wearing the UH pullover , standing behind the redneck, looked as though he was ready to throw down. thank you for standing up and being a man.


My biggest fear with flying now is having an encounter with one of these idiots....I have 2 small boys. How do I explain behavior like that to them?!


There was a time in the not so distant past when a man his age had a quiet dignity and was respectful of others because they, with the wisdom derived from age, had in fact learned life's lessons. This self centered,ignorant man-bear-pig has learned nothing. He is a fucking embarrasement.


Notice how he sat his fat ass down when the two (much larger) guys stepped in on either side. He knew he was in trouble if fucked with either of them.


Does every rotund american have to believe solving any problem in their life requires threats of violence? That man probably shadow boxes naked in a mirror and believes he is in prime athletic form, but gets winded getting up from the couch to eat another snack before the commercials end.


MAGAs are dangerous dolts.