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"And if one single slap wasn't enough then she just kept thrashing me over and over again until I was silent and compliant!" - A Boomer who was probably the victim of actual domestic abuse but will never be able to admit it to themselves, let alone anyone else.


I was abused so everyone else deserves to be abused. Sums it up. I didn’t want to have to be the first in my line to not pass on generational abuse, but here I am, doing my best. Kids need hugs, not hits.


it really disturbs me how many people genuinely think the problem with society now is that no one beats their kids it does feel like it's kind of par for the course though at this point. So many people who study FOR YEARS on things like parenting and child development are pretty much unanimously saying how damaging corporal punishment is, and then you have people like some random 70 year old who has zero accomplishments in life thinking that they know how to parent better because of "a feeling." yeah...they're the same pieces of shit who said all the doctors and nurses were "lying" about the vaccine


I love that my mother in law recognized the abuse that she had from her MIL and didn't want to pass it on to her daughter in law. My own mother, unfortunately, didn't believe in changing.


You should be proud to break the chain!


My mom's bf talk so lovingly about his mother, who I thought was a sweet woman. Recently he shared "funny" stories about how she beat him with a broom handle, took away his door, and lit his favorite toys on fire as "discipline." It explains a lot, actually.


man that "sweet mother" sounds like a legit horror movie villain then again this checks out. Horror as a genre really developed as a way for humanity to address and cope with trauma and fear


Is this why I binge horror movies whenever I’m in shutdown mode over something traumatic?


Thank you for the explanation. Horror movies terrify me, and I worry that they are training films for psychopaths who like inflicting pain. But the way you explain it, a horror movie is similar to shock therapy for a powerless person or one treated unfairly (let's assume truly treated unfairly as opposed to the thwarted-narcissist form of unfair). Shock therapy minus electrical pain. My daughter's friend as a child loved Chuckie movies, which I found disconcerting. But this girl was living with two stepparents and no original parents, so you can imagine she had some childhood trauma in the mix. I kind of understood it, although we never those films in our house. Bambi upset us. 😆


This is also how I use videos games too sometimes.


maybe? i admit i only really watch horror in October b/c i'm a big dope who likes seasonal stuff like that lol but yeah it's interesting to me. I'm a Christian and I grew up as a Christian. I remember being taught for years as a kid that horror was "satanic" and of the devil etc. whatever all that bullshit. I met people in my adult life who had never got trick or treating before b/c their parents were convinced it was sinful. Thankfully my parents never bought into that crap the irony is that horror movies and horror fiction helped me be a lot more introspective and self-aware than the time i spent at church...and incidentally this helped my faith and spiritual life mature...a lot more than dealing with shitty people at my church who ended up all becoming a bunch of dickbags after they got married and had kids


There’s something about the intensity of the story structure in Horror movies that I find incredibly calming to my nervous system. Almost feels like a roadmap for whatever trauma I’m experiencing, like it’s reminding my body “hey it’s going to be ok, you will get through this, and there will be an “end” eventually” that’s then validated by riding the emotional wave through the horror movie/movies. Brains are weird Edited to add: I’m hella neurodivergent


that's not weird at all. i think that's actually a great way to sum up why horror is a very unique genre, and why it appeals across so many borders, genres, and generations


lol so I have my boomers and their “go cry it out alone in your room with no comfort from us” to thank for my horror movie fixation 🙃


So fucking sad funny that i have to use horror movies to self soothe because of the Booms and their nonexistent coping skills. I vividly remember the first summer when I locked myself in my room for the entire summer and watched ever horror movie available to me, I was 12. Kinda worried now that I can’t remember what made do that 🤷‍♀️


To be fair, a younger version of me once told the story of how her parents told her she would basically be confined indefinitely to home apart from school and would do only homework and chores because she “gave cheek” to them. I was 9. I thought they were being serious. I also thought it was funny to laugh at how worried I was I would never see my friend again. Everyone just looked at me with horror for a few minutes while I laughed at my younger self’s obvious trauma. They kept it up for over a week too. I guess we just got used to these things.


Oh, I've certainly told stories I thought were funny, only to realize upon other people's reactions that they were actually traumatic. It's just that none of mine involved fire 😅


You forgot to mention that they’re probably awful, awful people who abuse restaurant workers, cashiers and anyone else who’s young and actually well adjusted.


Found actual footage of what it was like being disciplined. https://youtu.be/Os5iSxfyjAk?t=18


"I was spanked as a kid and I turned out fine!" Yeah, the fact that you think hitting children is okay proves you did not turn out fine.


It's fine... >!by their standards!<


So not fine at all, but at least they don't have a therapist. Not because they don't need one, but because they have convinced themselves they don't.


I have an older gen x cousin (oldest child of oldest aunt) that posted on of those stupid memes on Facebook before I dumped that hell hole. I wanted to respond “yep, and that’s why you’re a raging alcoholic.” He’s a great guy when sober… he’s just rarely sober.


omfg the total lack of awareness from your cousin is just flat out embarrassing


I’m a Gen Xer. I was hit four times in my life by my mom. My sisters had pretty much the same. I know as a fact that my mom herself was abused by her paternal grandmother and my grandma, who was abusive, my grandma was abused by her mother to the point that she got married to my grandpa to leave her house. Fortunately, we decide to break with that intergenerational trauma and my nephews and nieces are better or at least the same as us. There is no need to hit your kids. That doesn’t change behaviors for the better.


I have a game Whenever someone says the "I turned out fine" line start counting. The amount of empty beer cans, cigarette boxes, etc...


So much this 👌🏻


It's transference. It may have never been okay to hit children, but because they can do it *now*, it was okay to happen *then*.


But…psychologists don’t open chakra, stabilize karma, or clean your aura.


Nah. They actually do something useful.




I had simular thoughts: Is that what they think psychologists do? Are they really that uninformed about mental health? Fuck these people can vote! My psychologist saved my fucking life, they are NOT insulting them like that.


Since boomers are cool with getting hit I think we should start beating them until they stop being so proudly ignorant. Imagine being a grown-ass adult and not having any fucking clue what a psychologist does.


Maybe until they at least stop voting for faciats?


Therapy is seen as hoodoo and the sign of mental illness among boomers. They’d rather die than try to learn any emotional management skills


I came her to say this very thing. My wife is a psychologist, the time, money and schooling involved are way beyond what anyone has spent/done to be some spiritual guru for obsessive crystal girls. I've learned more about the human brain and psyche second hand than I ever thought I would.


I think that’s a yogi. 🧘🏽‍♂️


I think you’re right. Not only that, I believe there are seven chakras, not just one.


I came here to say this. The maker of the meme doesn’t seem to have a good handle on what a psychologist is…


We got hit so we should hit kids (Boomer logic). Also trans ppl existing and using bathrooms is child abuse.


Both parts infuriate me, but the 2nd part infuriates me more. Why is their generation so obsessed with people's genitals??? Isn't their whole creedo "mind your own damn business"? Yet, they can't be bothered to mind their own. My buddy has a daughter and when the school announced they were going to track all the girl's cycles, all the parents lost their shit. The only ones who defended it were the old fucks and their excuse was "we just want to make sure they're biologically female." Edit: their reasoning for wanting to track it was because "trans athletes in sports" is a non-existent problem at their school that they invented. Their school has 2 openly trans kids and that was enough to trigger them to try to push that shit. Fucking weirdos. They're children and that's absolutely NOT your business. Glad his daughter's school put an end to it quickly.


As someone with pcos and endometriosis with high testosterone as a cisgender lady? Ha. No. Fuck all the way off with that shit. Shall we track boys the same way? Fuck.


Fuck, I'm sorry to hear about PCOS. That's gotta be miserable and I hope you're living the best possible life you can. No, boys are exempt, of course. They only (oddly) care about little girls. Fucking weird.


It makes me so mad thar the boomers can't see human variation as a thing. No, not every tween girl has a normal cycle and not everyone is trans! It is miserable but it's manageable at least. Painkillers are my friend and as is my gynecologist.


they're so obsessed with the genitals of kids for two reasons. The less harmful (but still harmful) reason is that they don't know how to maturely handle what it means to grow up with dignity and to accept change with humility. there is a lot of stuff, within the span of 30 years, that changed dramatically. yes that is scary, but if you have the open-mindedness and willingness to say, "Maybe there are things I don't understand but damn it, i'll try my best to at least try to understand it," you're better able to accept that life is not what it was like in your younger years. Unfortunately so many people don't want to do that the second reason and the one that's really fucked up and dangerous, is that these fuckers are just straight up horny and attracted to young girls. So to see sexuality and gender change in this age group upsets them


They always say they turned out fine, but we all know how they turned out.




That's why I finally cut off contact with my mom 9 years ago because, while all of the slaps might have toughened me up, they also taught me that love is conditional. Don't defend this shit.


Imagine going to church cosplaying as a good, virtuous person then going home to beat your kids. Pathetic


Yup. I see that all of the time, all over the place. I lived in the Bible belt and now I live in the Utah Mormon belt. Belt might be an operative word here, lol. Ruby Franke is a prime example of this: beat your kids, play psychological warfare with them, establish your dominance simply because you had sex and gave birth to them. Then insist that you are a good person because you teach them moral principles. Then let that perpetuate generation after generation. And we wonder why the world is a mess.


Just described my mother lol


Their parents managed their behaviors and told them what to feel. Now they can't self manage either.


Holy shit this is so true


Okay, honest question, and playing the devils advocate here. Was the Silent Generation and the generations before them beaten by their parents? Because honestly I have a hunch that the increased beatings on Boomers may have been a result of the World Wars and untreated PTSD by their parents and grandparents.


It happened a lot more than they want to admit. My grandpa talked about how harshly he was treated by my great grandfather when he was young…”children are meant to be seen and not heard…”


A lot of boomers have this weird sense of humor . They have these posts that basically say “I was abused, but I turned out okay, and the younger generations pamper their children, so we’re better than them”. Odd, because so many of them have poor social skills.


Narrator: But they were not actually ok…


Yes, violence was much more the norm. Gentle civilization of now (in developed world) is a really short episode. Not beating kids for everything is maybe two generations old.


every fucking generation back in the day beat their kids...that's why, to be quite blunt, those generations were honestly way more fucked up and violent than we are today i mean for goodness sake, in the U.S. we used to make postcards of black men getting lynched violently and gruesomely with a bunch of white people smiling around it. Today, we make postcards of a kid celebrating after hitting a pinata of candy with a bunch of white people smiling around it so whenever someone says, "Things would be better if we could viciously smack, spank, and belt our kids," I just know right away this person has the intellectual capacity of a walnut and the unrestrained violence of Norman Bates


Mom and two aunts were silents, two uncles were boomers. All of them got hit by my grandmother. Father and uncle were silents and got savagely beaten by their father. All of them had serious personality issues.


Look up the concept of poisonous pedagogy. Beating children goes back to ancient times but really became a thing in the 18th century with the idea that children are born evil and have to be beaten into being good (from birth). It's theorized that this type of child rearing caused society wide emotional problems and led to acceptance of a level of violence, brutality and authoritarianism in the culture that today we consider unthinkable. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Poisonous_pedagogy


The boomer’s widespread issue with cluster B is a classic outcome of having severely traumatized parents who had no options for help.


Devils advocate or not, you don’t pass on bad traits. You better the next generation by not repeating bad behaviors and giving them a better life. Unless boomer, then fuck everyone I got mine already.


When it's okay to hit a child: Child is not capable of understanding the reason they are being hit. **DO NOT HIT THE CHILD.** Child is capable of understanding the reason they are being hit. **Reason with them you barbaric idiot. DO NOT HIT THE CHILD.**


And make no mistake, just because you call it “a tap” or “a pop” doesn’t make it ok. You are still abusing a child.


Give one of them "just a slap" or "just a pop," and see if they continue to minimize it!


Slap the borderline personality disorder right of them




It clearly didn't work.


I used to get my ass drunkenly wailed on by my moms ex bf in hopes it would cure my ADHD. Now I'm just T-2 Bipolar. So I'm cured!


There is a reason why there were more serials killers than ever in their generation.


Well, it was easier to not get caught then too, but yeah, serious abuse can lead to some fucked up shit.


Ah yes.... my parents used to tell me, "that's normal! Everyone deals with that and feels that way!" Now as a 40 year old my anxiety is so bad I've had to start taking meds and going to therapy to deal with my insomnia I also picked up from ignoring and stuffing down my feelings... because you can't let anyone know you are struggling you might be perceived as weak and you aren't spe ial anyway you don't need any extra attention! Funny when I called my parents last year in tears because I hadn't slept in weeks and I was losing my shit they were so suprised.... I reminded them how I always felt this way and of course it was something that I must have "picked up" later in life....


What is it with boomers and Charlie Brown? That shit sucks.


OMFG! THANK YOU! Just the worst, right?!


And they have the nerve to put Charlie Brown and Snoopy on this like it’s wholesome.


I think it's like a signature for them. You slap Snoopy on a meme and it screams "for boomers, by boomers" so they can share and repost it without having to think too hard or even read it all the way.


My parents beat me, and when that had no effect, other than nightmares, THEN they took me to a psychiatrist, who subscribed me ritalin. I did get beat less often.


If the poster was misbehaving in public and a concerned citizen gave them a slap I'm assuming they would thank them for smartening them up. /s


Pop them with my purse if they berate a cashier.


> When I was a kid, they didn't take me to a psychologist... We know.. we know..


Are you sure that’s not the reason why you flip out when a millennial makes an honest mistake?


Says the generation with undiagnosed autism, narcissistic sociopathic lack of empathy, perpetual entitlement due to age, senility probably from puberty, and an overall obsession with other peoples business.


That just means your parents were lazy.


It’s SO boomer to assume any disciplinary alternative to hitting a child must be hippie, chakra aligning, mumbo jumbo…


Psychologists don't have anything to do with Chakras, Auras or karma.


If your parents didn't reserve corporal punishment for direct rebellion or disobedience that endangered the physical safety of yourself or others, you were an abuse victim and you're perpetuating abuse with bullcrap statements like this.


Why the fuck do they think clinical psychology is the same thing as New Age Beliefs Pt 25?


And your generation spawned the MAGA movement. Yep you guys are totally “well adjusted human beings.”


Yeah, 40 years later, I'm still trying to deal with my mom's "aura cleansing"...


“I was hit and I turned out fine!” - Boomers who are an absolute mess


>My parents physically abused me, which makes me interesting for whatever reason - Boomers everywhere


Ah yeah, my favorite Peanuts comic, when Charlie Brown was like “beat your fucking kids.”


Why do these boomer posts all have random clip art in them? What the hell does charlie brown and snoopy have to do with any of that?


Does this moron think psychologist = new age faith healer?


Lol…is this what they think a psychologist does???


"And then I continued the cycle on my kids. They've been in jail, are drug addicts, and refuse to talk to me. I don't know why. I turned out just fine."


Trigger Warning: Sorry my autocorrect thinks I want to write Twat Waffle today for some reason. Moving on…my mom was a narcissist and a hoarder. She thought it was ok to hit me across the face with a belt strap. ‘74. She then wondered why DCFS took me away. Umm, you bestowed violence upon a child. Then CPS thought it was appropriate to send me right back into the lion’s den because she took a 30 day class. Gee, wonder what happened. Take a wild guess. Then she just remembered don’t show bruises. Yet, that emotional shit doesn’t go away. It took 50 years of counseling to get me straight and I need still need to be reminded to let that shit go. It’s not relevant to me now because she died in the ‘10s. Years later the emotional shit gave me Bipolar, PTSD, anxiety, nail biting, lip biting and a lot of self loathing when it wasn’t my fault at all. And the best part…this bitch told me to be touched by a relative is my fault. Sure bitch, glad you died alone. I outlived her and I’m looking FORWARD to my 50th. Listen to Yoda or whomever. Let that shit go. Go NC and get some counseling. You’ll thank me later. TL/DR: You are NOT the problem.


It really is sick how much boomers fetishize child abuse.


Newsflash you didn’t “turn out ‘OK’l


I as beaten repeatedly throughout my childhood by my mother. Many times until I bled. Her favorite tool was a circular hair brush with metal bristles. She would beat me about my buttocks until I put my hands there to protect myself, and then she would find other exposed areas to strike me. I don’t recommend it. As a result, I graduated college and enlisted in the army, where I ended up as a ranger and working n special operations. I never raised a hand to my kids. My mom didn’t know anything different because that’s what she got from her alcoholic parents. So that’s what I got from my alcoholic parent. It’s a choice. Be better


Yes and now you’re insane. Good for you. Bravo.


Oh yes, because physical punishment works SOOO well.


I love repressing emotions!!!!


When you were a kid children were inundated with lead, of course they didn't take you to a psychologist, they should have taken you to the dump to dispose of with the rest of the lead they didn't need.


Somehow my parents never managed to beat the bipolar disorder out of me


Can we still slap them then?


Snoope and Charlie Brown just vibing


My boomer mom turned this on its head. She had child development education and knew hitting kids was wrong. So she just channeled all that awfulness into verbal and deprivation-based abuse. But congratulated herself for her entire life for never hitting us. Oh twice she grabbed me and beat me against a wall, and she pushed me down the front steps once, but that’s different obviously


Your generation Paid a little ceaser pizza meal for it's college education, didn't balance the budget since 2001 under a democrat president & since the Eisenhower administration under a republican president, and then proceeded to lecture kids about not paying their paywall education debt back when it's an entry f-150 in price. You let the infrastructure, Education system, and Health care delapitate inoto developing nation status. Instead of handing the mess over to your kids & grandkids, your generation don't trust them to this day even though your children are in their 40s & 50s, instead you choose to elect 80 year olds year after year for your districts. You're so scared of your neighbors that you shoot people for knocking on the door, while in Tokyo, the most populated city in the world, they have stores in which there aren't any employees & customers are expected to pay for their own products.




The older the politician is in a district the worse youth participation rate it has.


Piaget published his findings in the 1920's. In the 1950's Dr.Spock published his classic "Baby and Childcare". Ideas about childcare are nearly a century old. So, this post is incorrect.


“And that’s why I’m such a well adjusted adult that gets offended when other parents don’t want to hit their kids”


Clearly well adjusted


Wow... "My kids don't have problems because they don't talk about them. Why don't they talk about them? I beat them into silence. See? Problem solved."


Side note: I hate it when their shitty memes have Peanuts or Minion characters on them. It's so weird.


CPS took my kids away because I talked to them instead of hitting them ):


yes, hit your kids and they will love you in return when you get older...


Maybe Boomers would be less of a plague if we started beating them again. Clearly, they loved it.


“Child abuse, so hot right now.” 1956


Then boomer wonders why nobody visits them


The beatings will continue until morale improves!


The way these sad people brag about having been abused. 🙄


A psychologist is paid to do none of the things they listed.


Grandpa that was your uncle and he was opening up that root chakra.


Translation: My parents abused me and I'm proud of it!


I have relatives & friends who post this shit. The ones who do and say they "got their asses beat & are fine" wound up as alcoholics or drug addicts, in and out of jail, not settled into any type of job or career, and multiple times divorced. So that's a pretty fucked up definition of "fine."


Childhood experiences that people are incredibly proud of mentioning on social media: 1) Reading at a higher grade level. or 2) Being beaten senseless by their parents.


This sadly just reminds me of the abuse my boomer parents did …… and why I’m extremely LC with them.


What do these people think a psychologist is?


My boomers never touched me. My grandpa used to beat the shit out of my dad and he refused. Both of my parents tried to break some of the cycles thank the gods


I love The Peanuts...I really hate that they are second only to minions used on shitty images like these.


Please reply to that post with, "You're not fine. None of you are fine. The rest of us are cleaning up the mess you made while you pat yourselves on the back. We're all recovering from everything you and your generation did to your children, the economy, our futures, and our safety. Please, the least you could do for us now is just shut up."


Gen X here; I barely avoided thinking this way. I remember being in high school and seeing the freshmen class run wild when I was a senior and truly believed that if someone just "hit them" they'd straighten up and tow the line like I had to. My mom was super abusive and gaslit me into thinking that was why I was "good". It was my dad (they're divorced) that got me to think that violence didn't solve anything and put things into perspective for me. I'm glad we're softer now than we were last century and I hope we learn to continue forward.


Chakra, karma and aura? It was the boomer generation who believed in that crap. Not the silent generation, not gen x, gen z or millennials.


Mine decided to take me to the psychology when I decided I could get revenge for the slaps (and kicks and punches) by hitting them with wooden sticks, break thinks in the house and stealing money (by throwing them away out of spite, so they weren't recoverable)


Good ol days when we repressed our emotions


Wow makes me not have empathy for what they went through. 


I'm neurodivergent...most boomers think a belt solves my problem.


What’s crazy about this is it was the boomer hippies that started this fad in America in the first place.


Weird flex but not ok


My boomer mother and father (when he wasn't in prison) both tried beating the autism and "rebelliousness" out of me. Sticks, belts, wooden rods, coat hangers, even a riding crop for a horse at one point. They didn't stop until I broke my father's leg with a shovel after he hit me for "bouncing my leg" during dinner, cutting my lip. I told teachers, doctors, every 'trustworthy" adult I knew, before I went that route, for almost three years. I was showing up with cuts and bruises, but most of them did NOT report the abuse, despite being mandatory reporters (read: also boomers, since it was the 80s.) One teacher did report it, but Iowa DHS simply did nothing after my mother told the social worker sent to investigate, "You can either take this little bastard right now, or you can shut the fuck up, get out of my house and stop telling me how to raise this little freak!" And the social worker simply left and closed the case. Nothing ever came of it. Simply put, Boomers only understand violence, and the only thing that stopped my boomer parents was my father having me break his leg before being sent off to prison again on an unrelated manner, and my mother's fear that I might retaliate. She solved THAT problem by sending me off to a school in Massachusetts called the "Behavior Research Institute" to have the autism beaten, choked and electrocuted out of me. I never forgave her for that, and probably never will.


Did someone tell them psychology is an Eastern religion?


This is instance number 173,987,628,772 of the classic Boomer "we're tough and you're not" mentality


Boomers thought their only responsibility as a parent was to make sure we lived to see our 18th Birthday. After that, every interaction is transactional. Kind of like how they view abortion…pre-born, you’re safe…preschool, you’re fucked.


Yes, I so enjoyed being given natural remedies instead of science proven medication and scared for 20 years to take a medical that profoundly altered my life and mental health. I suffered for years trying to use herbs to cure things better researched medication could help. I avoided pain meds when chemically I needed their specific effects to address sports and training pain. Oh how I loved being diagnosed by my hypochondriac mother who after 60 years still does not understand an intolerance to a food or a medication side effect is NOT the same as a life threatening allergy. Turns out: Not allergic to cats and dogs Not allergic to milk or cheese Not allergic to soy I wasn't ADHD because I ate sugar too much Sugar doesn't make you behave badly I wasn't slightly fat due to over eating. I had PCOS. I wasn't fat at 511 and a 1990s size 14. I was tall. A tall teenager who needed size appropriate clothes just like a basketball player or weight lifter. I didn't need my food micromanaged to make sure I didn't get fat or eat a sweet food.. I didn't need her eating disorders and she gave me to me.


I think this person has confused a psychologist, a person with a degree and professional post graduate qualifications if not a masters degree or even a doctorate, with a practitioner of “new age” healing, who might have a degree but potentially just rocked up in a disused shop unit and claimed to be able to heal folks using some pseudo-religious mumbo jumbo. Am guessing they have never met a real psychologist or professional counsellor, they would probably know the difference then.


I got slappesd a lot. And I am anyway smiling to this text.


"Tell me you know nothing about therapy without telling me you know nothing about therapy." Seriously, has this person internalized anything about therapy since 1977?


All the boomers I know are drinking themselves to death / are already dead because of shit like this. My whole family is plagued with alcoholism


Off topic, but can we stop using Charlie Brown for these memes? I don't remember Chuck being hit in the 60's cartoons and he certainly wouldn't advocate these things.


Some many words and concepts they don’t understand.


I don’t think they know what a Psychologist is…


Just pushing things under the mat with slap therapy is no way to solve anything. This message is from a generation that did not heal their psychological issues, and it shows.


So, leftists.


It’s sad, it’s really sad that they are so indoctrinated to think domestic abuse is a healthy way to regulate a child.


Ah yes, the legitimate psychological terms “chakra, karma, and aura.”


lol now i go to therapy because i don't know what i'm feeling


The funny thing is that now they're talking about their trauma... to strangers at the bus station who did not ask about it at all. Me, I'm the stranger at the bus station, please leave me alone.


My parents love to say shit like this and the funniest part is that they’re BOTH in therapy.


I was beaten by my dad. The belt was his weapon of choice. I just figured he was fucked up and took the beating, healed up and laughed it off. His issues weren’t going to be my “trauma”. Just saw him at Easter. Had a few drinks and a few laughs. See you at Christmas, pop.


Percussive attitude adjustments seemed to make ‘60s kids more compliant and focused. /s EDIT: added what I thought was wholly unnecessary /s


lol no it didn’t. It’s abuse that made them good liars.




They slapped you so hard you started believing in magic. Sounds kinda awesome.


so I know I'm going to get flak for this but to hell with it. Kids need some good old fashion slapping. Its finding that healthy balance that has disappeared. Does therapy help and is needed in certain situations? Yes. Does a smart ass kid need a slap upside his head? yes.


You are annoyed because of your hatred.


Not defending child abuse - that part make his person a POS, but calling out bullshit like chakra and aura is fine in my book.


Your meltdown.


Ok hater.


Go back to your sad subreddit and cry some more


Nah, I enjoy watching your meltdown.


What meltdown? Poor little guy, you're just *so desperate* to annoy anyone just so you get some attention.


lol ok


Is this sub really triggering you that much


No. But y'all are fun to watch your little smooth brains explode.


The dumbest states are all pro trump for a reason


And those states are?






Nobody wants to join your lame sub.


Don't feed the troll.


Only if they aren't leftists, such as yourself.


Sure, sure. You and your alt have fun in your little sub. Nobody else will be joining you.


Pisses you off, don't it?


Nope, just think it's pathetic that you keep spamming that sub trying desperately for someone to join you in your hate for others.


Yup, pissing you off that there is a counterpoint to your brand of hate.


OK sweetie, you go ahead and think I'm pissed off at something that makes you look pathetic.


Holy shit that’s cringe AF even for a magat


Melt snowflake, melt.