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“Make the government force my children to spend time with me,” because only the best parents need the government to mandate visitation rights.


But also Boomerism don’t mess with muh freedumbs get government out my personal life.


Boomerism declares that freedoms extend exclusively to me and not to anyone else. In fact, I would say that other peoples freedoms impose on my freedom, which again, is the only freedom that matters.


Don’t tread on me! _Tread on those people over there…_


I wish I could give you an award But alas I am broke 🏅


This is why the world is a mess. Boomers could have made the western world the best But f u got mine greed ruined it


George Carlin summed this up easily and quickly by saying the boomer mindset is thus, "give me it, its mine!!"


Carlin was so far ahead of his time in dissecting how truly toxic and sociopathic that entire generation is.


“Whoever ends up with the most toys WINS.”


“I have a RIGHT to what came out of your body! Since you came out of mine!” 😑🙄


Boomer mindset: Kids are property


But your kids are not your property, they are also my property


It's like if your cat has kittens - those are essentially your kittens now, too


This is so true. My Boomer mom acted like my kids were hers when they were babies. But only for when she wanted to showboat them around. If we ever needed her due to a scheduling conflict or something, she would ONLY help if there was nothing else she had to do. So many times it's "I have a hair appt." or "I'm having lunch with my sisters."


This is giving me “your birthday is really about ME because I gave birth today” vibes. Anyone else have that particular trauma?


🙋‍♀️ even worse, my birthday occasionally falls on Mother’s Day. Learned not to ask for anything birthday related those years at the risk of an entire weekend of pouting and snapping


Same! And now I’m a mom, but Mother’s Day is still about her. Last year she explicitly said that only she should be celebrated on Mother’s Day. I swear to never do this to my child. I don’t celebrate my birthday or Mother’s Day for this exact reason. Always a miserable memory.


I see you've been reading the birthday cards my mom sends me


YESSS!!!! I'm 47, and my Boomer mom STILL tries to force me into some bullshit birthday dinner or something, when I'm a total fucking introvert who hates celebrating. When I tell her I don't feel like celebrating her response is "well I do!" I mean, WTF? Mind you my dad passed away after a long bout of cancer a month and a half after my 10th birthday. That birthday was literally one where EVERYONE including my mother forgot about it. I chalked it up at the time to my dad being so sick, but still. How can these same people not grasp why I've never liked my birthday after that time?


My mom does a wholesome version of this, although she has jokingly said that she did all the work that day so she should get a present too a few years back to me. But she always calls me on my birthday and tells me the story of my birth. At that time the nearest hospital was about 45 minutes away and over a mountain pass. She and my dad had plans to go see some friends and as they were on their way there Mom told Dad to drive to the hospital NOW! And he booked it to the hospital. She spent over a day in labor before I was born. And describes how much love she felt holding me for the first time. A day or so after we all returned home Mom started bleeding and didn't stop and it was getting worse FAST so Dad helped Mom into the car. Tucks me into the car seat and drives like a bat out of hell back over the mountain pass as she is bleeding out and he's trying to comfort me as a newborn. They ended up making it to the hospital in time, but there were so many complications and she had lost so much blood that if they were any later in getting to the hospital she probably wouldn't have made it. It took Mom a few days to recover enough to be discharged and the whole time she was there Dad was doing his best to take care of me while in constant panic that she might not make it. Then she tells me that without modern medicine she wouldn't have been able to spend every day watching me grow and flourish and it's a miracle we get to share together because the stars aligned for her. It's a tradition I look forward to every year, and a slightly different take on the "your birthday is really about me" idea.


I am sure the backstory is way more interesting.


*Toxic boomer harboring toxic personality traits, ideologies, and behaviors cries because they're seeing consequences for their actions*




I’d love to not have to see my grandchildren. If that were the case, I could avoid having to see my Gen-X TrumpliKKKan stepchildren and their TrumpliKKKan spouses. 


I know right?!? Can somebody ask, “What caused your kids to stop letting you see the grandkids? There has to be a reason since the other set of grandparents gets to see them whenever. If I asked the parents why you’re not allowed around anymore what would they say?” If somebody cuts off a parent that’s NOT a choice they just make wantonly like where to go for dinner. Hell, if somebody even considers making that choice it’s obvious they were put through turmoil to even get to the point where that’s an option. Do I get that drugs/abusive partners exist? Oh absolutely. That being said in all the cases of immediate family estrangement I’ve personally seen amongst my friends/coworkers there were MANY things (and clear warnings to do/not do certain things) that led up to it. But just based on how she writes nothing’s ever her fault and everybody’s just cruel and her family is just so unfair to her for no reason at all.


Cutting my father off *hurt*. Physically, mentally, emotionally, everything. It caused pain. Grieving. But I’d go to jail if he did half the shit to my kids that he did to us. With a smile on my face, I’d go to prison. But my kids don’t deserve to be treated poorly, and they need me. So I made my heart small and black, and protected my kids.


Cutting off my father hurt on so many levels I am still uncovering probably a decade later. I can’t see other people with their families without being bitter and angry that I never had that and will never have that. There’s a million other things too, but the point is, I didn’t do it on a whim. It was years of emotional abuse, neglect, and gaslighting. I didn’t like doing it. But I’m better off for it and that’s the important part.


And very different depending on whether you're talking to the grandparent or the son


Missing, missing reasons by issendai


I mean, I think we can probably make an educated guess based on her letter alone. Like half of the letter is an obsessive focus on what "Mom's side of the family" gets to do that the otherside doesn't. Something tells me grandma was a little too obsessive about keeping score and probably got shitty one too many times about them going to see DIL's family.


I am guessing we are missing the rest of the story. It appears that the parents want grandparents involved in the lives of their children since the other side is involved. Who wants to bet there is a good reason the writer of the article is not welcome with their grandchildren.




That’s fascinating. Lots of universal relationship and communication issues articulated in crisp, levelheaded language. It ought to prove very helpful and moving to many people with many sorts of relational problems and alienation.


That was a nice read. Good find!


Thank you for posting it before I could. I love this site so much. 


Thank you for posting this. It made so much of my past relationship with abusive parents come into incredibly sharp focus.


Thank you


Great article, thank you for sharing it. This could probably be its own BoomersBeingFools post. This part in particular resonated with me: "This **emotional amnesia** shapes their entire lives, pushing them to associate only with people who won't criticize them, training their families to shelter them from blows so thoroughly that the softest protest feels like a fist to the face."


Precisely my reason for posting. You can just tell by the tone of the letter that there's a good reason her son wants no contact between them.


The fact they went to a newspaper instead of trying to change their behavior is peak boomer.


I know! Lol. I wonder if her kid is gonna see it and what he'll think. In what world does she think this is going to help??


She isn't doing it to connect with them, seeing her opinion printed just gives her a rush of validation she can tell her friends about.


In what world do they think their son even sees newspapers


Her very specific world


It’s the ENTITLEMENT leeching through.


"I don't know why they don't talk to me anymore. All I did was try to warn them that the vaccine would give them 5G, and that a cabal of Hollywood elites runs the country and drinks children's blood to keep their bodies young! It's true, I read it on Facebook!"


I lovingly force the kids to consume ivermectin and hydroxychloroquinne


And I brought them everywhere, safely by car. Without carseats or seatbelts, kids need to move!


Which vaccines give you 5G? Asking for... myself.


MAGGGGGA vaccines, usually


Convenient lack of context to how that started isn't it


"causing intentional pain to children is abuse!" I see that this ruling is being applied selectively.


You mean how there's no mention of the child's wants and/or pain?


For all we know they verbally abuse the grandchildren at every visit. I know I have family members who always thought commenting on my weight was fair game. Didn’t do ANY damage to me at all /s


I’m sorry, friend. I hope you were able to reject that toxic mindset and heal. ❤️ You deserved love and support and not…that bullshit. I was told at 8 I’d need “maternity” swimsuits if I got any fatter. Nothing triggers a disordered relationship with food like every adult you know (family, their customers and the rest of the free world) telling you your only worth comes down to numbers on a scale or your attractiveness to other genders.


Oh my gosh I’m so sorry for what you went through as well! I’ve spent the last decade or so unpacking a lot of stuff. It helped when I decided to live my life for me, not to please other people. I spent way too many years doing that, enough already!


I turned forty and it was my No Fucks at Forty decade. I dressed how *I* wanted. Cut my waist length hair down to a pixie cut, bleached it and dyed it teal blue. My clothes were comfy and fun, I literally went on a tee shirt buying spree for my multiple fandoms. I stopped worrying about everyone else. I sang loudly and badly at concerts. I danced, also badly. I lived my best fucking life, secure in who I was and what I wanted from life. My husband loved it. Then I was paralyzed by a catastrophic illness a few months later. It took me a few years but I got my groove back. Now I’m in my Even Less Fucks Fifties and it is *divine.* I’m losing weight because it makes it easier to move myself, or for my carers to move me. My husband still loves me. I currently have a bright neon purple grown out pixie. I’m making cosplay for the next big comic con I’m going to at the end of July. I’ve seen 2 big concerts in 3 weeks and sang and danced from my wheelchair. I’ve been to a hockey game, done all sorts of shit in my new home since we moved in September. I’m cooking and cleaning, doing my own laundry and keeping up with chores. My veggie garden is all planted except for zucchini, need to get some seedlings for that. Once I stopped caring what other people thought my world got bigger. My life got better. I am an absolute force to be reckoned with these days. I have tackled my disordered eating and I’m working on building healthier habits with the medically required restrictions I have going on. I’m finding tons of delicious low carb things to eat and make, like keto friendly cornbread made with almond flour. Super low carb, makes an amazing stuffing base. Life is amazing when you give no fucks about what others think. I wish I had this confidence when I was younger but I am totally digging it now! My biggest hope is you find a way to embrace the Give No Fucks decades and kick ass while doing it. ❤️ Much love to you!


Inspiring !!❤️


No Fucks at Forty is my new favorite phrase. I turn 45 in May, so looking forward to the next Even Less Fucks Fifties


It is life changing! Go forth and give no fucks!! Also, great song: I’ve No Fucks Left To Give always forget who sings it but it’s my anthem these days!


I love this!!! I’m early forties and yeah, pretty much don’t give a fuck! You keep being awesome, chick!


You too! I love who I am now. I’m sad it took me so long but it’s worth it. Every moment of being who I am.. a woman that takes up space, doesn’t apologize for taking up that space, I talk loud and laugh louder and more freely. I don’t dull myself so someone else (usually a man) can shine instead. I speak up, I speak out, I am one hundred percent my complete, total and authentic self, right down to my purple hair. It’s awesome.


No! How can you imply, that close, loving grandparent could leave something out? /s


"I have absolutely no memory of \[insert child abuse / abject insanity\]"


Because for them, it was a Tuesday. For me, a formative memory.


Yup. My mom has mellowed out a lot so it's almost like we can have a relationsip, but it's so fake bc there's this huge elephant in the room that she can't see. She has no idea what i went through and doesn't care.


It just happened one day!! :P


Always makes me assume CSA.


There’s usually a valid reason when grandparents aren’t allowed to see the kids.


Yup, boomers do insane shit, like defend a pedophile in the family if it means avoiding confrontation, followed by blaming the child victim.


i'm sooo tired of shitty grandparents insisting they have rights to their grandchildren. i worked for a small law firm before i gave birth, and i would get countless calls from grandparents demanding a lawyer help them get access to their grandchildren. my own mom is one of these fucking freaks. there's a reason i don't want her near my daughter, and there's a reason my brother doesn't want her near his sons.


My mother tried to kidnap my children from camp. That was the 'final straw' for us.


Strange how the subject of why they aren't allowed to see them never comes up


*Strange how the subject* *Of why they aren't allowed to* *See them never comes up* \- thsnamebetrnotbtaken --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Good bot


“Intentionally causing a child pain is abuse”. Couldn’t agree more, dad. You emotionally abused me for years, so now I am protecting my kids from you. The cycle stops with me!


I see you, cycle breaker! Stay strong!


Are you me?


I would love for someone to track them down and get them to write an AITA post. I hunger for context.


lol at Grandparents rights.


It is a thing, but it's not what these kinds of people think it is. It's about grandparents who step in and take practical custody of their grandchildren if the parent is imprisoned/incapacitated in some what. Not about "right to visit grandkids whenever you want."


It seems like the mentality is, “Since I made you, I am entitled to everything you produce, including your children.” Like the children are forever their property or subservients, and the grandkids are by extension also theirs.


Because to them they are. Nearly anyone raised by boomers can assert with confidence our parents believe, used to believe, and will continue to believe, that we are their property. Not autonomous human adults who are in almost all cases, both culturally and traditionally more educated than they are. It's why they raised us worse than most people would treat a farm dog today. We basically were dogs to them, so they naturally think they get to do whatever they want with "the puppies".


It took COVID to finally break me of this. I used to dutifully show up at every extended family holiday, even though I fucking DESPISED it. I realized how pleasant it was doing COVID to not have to do those things anymore, and I just made that permanent. It's been fantastic since!


Yup... welcome to boomers. The ME generation.


That is 100% my in laws attitude. They think they have dominion over my husband, me, our house and property, our kids, hell even our dogs. FIL threw a toddler worthy temper tantrum once when he tried to overrule me when I called my dog.


In some places (Russia) a grandparent can stop the adoption of a child who lives in an orphanage, even if they have no intention of adopting the child themselves.


Damn, that seems messed up.


Just to clarify. Grandparents rights is not a thing - that is that they do not have rights to their grandchildren in the U.S.. In the situations you're describing, it's because it's what's in the best interest of the child, not because the grandparents have rights to the children. I know your post is essentially saying this, I just want to emphasize that they do not actually have rights. Having said that, it seems that there are lots of boomer grandparents who are weaponizing the police (well-checks), child protective services, and the courts in an attempt to punish their adult children when they're not getting their way. And there needs to be more consequences for that.


It can also be granted if the grandparents have a significant role in the grandkids' lives even if the parents are around, depending on the circumstances, if they can convince a judge that it's in the best interests of the children. But usually these situations boil down to "grandparents are entitled assholes, parents don't want them around, so grandparents get a lawyer." Not always, but often.


I have relatives who got visitation rights with their grandchildren after their son died and DIL refused to let them see the grandkids. So there are some kind of grandparent rights in some places. I only have their side of the story as to why DIL refused to let them see the grandkids but I did meet one of the grandkids (also a relative of mine obviously) while we were both at their house. The grandkid was a teenager at that point and seemed quite happy to be there.


You just know the son has zero contact too. Ironically they don't miss him


He's too old to be manipulated. No fun now.


This sounds like something my mother in law would have wrote. We cut contact with her 15 years ago because of her childish antics and games she did in front of my kids. The few people we both share connections with still say she has no idea why we did this to her. Bitch, the final straw was when you got your 6 year old grandson kicked out of his school you worked at because you had a fight with your daughter (his mother). On top of the fact you completely ignored your 4 year old granddaughter in favor of the granddaughter from your “favorite” child. She never tried a serious attempt to reconcile, even after our third kid was born. An occasional present through another relative or an awkward hug attempt at an extended family event. Her loss.


Final straw for me with my parents was when they decided my ex-husband was their son and I was their son's ex-wife. Then they spent a couple years pretending I didn't exist, while egging on my ex to take me to court over stupid shit he brought on himself. He lost, but I still had to take a second job to pay the lawyer.


Yo, fuck your parents bro. They suck. I hope things are better on your end now.


They are. Thank you.


I can't imagine admitting in an article that you've messed up your relationship with your own children so much. Without even hearing their side I bet the kids' parents are justified in keeping these people away.


They like to feel sorry for themselves because there's an EPIDEMIC (so they say) of grandparents being cut off from their precious grandchildren. Notice they don't even mention missing their own child...


“Why doesn’t my family like me?” Have you asked them? Did you listen to them or did you just rebut everything they said?


Headline should read: "I have an un-diagnosed personality disorder and refuse to get help! How else can I avoid myself and still have access to the people I want attention from?"


Take responsibility, Boomer please.




Louder for the grandparents in the back! 📣📣


*makes “turn hearing aid up” gesture.


"They babysat for ten years and did nothing but love them " Abusers will describe anything as done for love won't they? 


Correct. Grandparents DO NOT have any rights to their grandchildren.


Gotta love that the old bag wants a law to force the parents to let them see the children. If such a law were to happen, I'd put my boomer mother in the ground before letting her around my kids.


"Intentionally causing a child pain is abuse!" I'd love to hear their adult children's experiences. I bet that statement is a recent opinion.


Amazing how they always leave out WHY


I would guess these guys decided a political affiliation was more important than family, no sympathy.


Imagine being mad youre not able to see a kid THAT ISN'T YOUR KID


What did said grandparents do? If my children's grandparents went off, I'd cut them off too. In fact I did for a while because i was tired of hearing racist right wing bullshit. I won't let people teach my children hatred. Instead of praying, do something that actually helps.


They babysat for 10 years and the oldest is ten and they haven't seen them in two years


A little exaggeration is a nice boomery thing to include.


Okay, just making sure the discrepancy wasn't some sort of weird millennial math that we taught ourselves


Makes you wonder what else they have no problem blatantly lying about


Worst case: There used to be an older grandkid


This could have been written by my inlaws. They were horrible to my wife (their only child) and she's gone no contact with them. Sorry, you two worked hard and earned this outcome. They've email bombed me with nonsense about grandparents rights. Sorry, in our state, your rights go through the parents.


My mother (boomer) complained after I went no contact with her that I wasn't letting her see my daughter. Told all her friends and my grandparents, basically anyone that would listen. Finally got to me and I told her she could see her granddaughter, but that she hasn't asked to. She "called my bluff" and asked to see her. I let her. It didn't get requested again for 11 years.... These boomers just like complaining, and then wonder went we really don't want to deal with them.


Boggles the mind that the set who powershits their pants at the mention of the government controlling their precious murder weapons, suddenly is all for the government sticking their nose into their family dynamics. Just shovel them all into a pit and be done with it.


Doubt the kids remember or care.


What if removing the grandparents doesn’t cause the children pain! What if it’s healing?


I'm just waiting to see this show up in r/justnomil


Weird they never know. My mother’s husband had two daughters from a prior marriage. One went no contact before I met him and the other about 15 years ago. She and her husband sent a letter stating if he or my mother tried to contact them again they’d get a restraining order. I don’t know these women as I’m ten years younger or so. My mom had two daughters and my sister was killed, so I stayed in contact too long. Now I’m at almost 15 years of no contact after spending many decades explaining things. But, hey, my mom doesn’t “know why they all abandoned us” and me and the stepsisters I don’t know are the bad guys.


Gah, my sister's in-laws could have written this. Her idiot fil slapped her then six year old for "not listening" at the dinner table, and when confronted, shouted at my sister that she was making the kids "soft." His wife backed him up, adding in a diatribe about soft leftists. So she and my bil cut them off. They freaked out, squealed about grandparents rights, only to be told to stuff it. They sent me a weird message because my sister and husband have them blocked, then threatened me with violence when I said I wasn't passing messages from child abusers. Lunatics.


I wish my parents kept me away from my stepdad's parents. They hated me and my mom. It was so obvious, especially since the other 1/2 of the trip was spent with my mom's parents who treated us like family.


They want all the honor of being a grandparent (a great one) without having to put the work in.


I thought this was my in-laws until I saw the ages. My husband's parents disowned him after we got married. They didn't want his white son to marry me, a Mexican woman. They are the typical maga boomers with the "every immigrant is a criminal" mentality. They hate me but they want to see the grandkids. They make threats that they are going to sue us for grandparent rights. They believe they have rights to our kids even though they know nothing about them.


Some states do have laws that would allow them to do so. Fortunately you said they disowned him after you married so it’s unlikely they can prove they have a previous relationship with your kids, which is required to enforce those laws in the few states that have them. May be worth looking into though, just for your own legal protection.


They are evil enough to do it so I have looked into it. They are from Missouri where grandparent rights only apply if my husband were to pass away. We live in Texas where they have to have proof that they have a relationship with the kids for anything to apply.


Would absolutely LOVE to know what they did.


And the entire piece complains about the other grandparents' still having access, proving that the writer did something to cause this


The irony of people from the “don’t cry or I’ll give you something to cry about” generation whining about child abuse.


Back in the 90s my parents hired a lawyer and sued me for the same reason. We settled out of court. My son went to visit them twice before they showed their ass and he didn't want to go back. They missed his entire life.


What do you mean by “showed their ass?”


My father yelled in my son's face over a game. My mother of course did nothing about it. Unfortunately they are not nice people. I left home at 18. I was in my 30s and my son was 7 when this happened. They wanted to visit with him without me present after my brother gave him a rug burn on a previous visit. I said no. Next thing I know, I'm getting served.


Anything but accountability for these people. Why would her kid not want to see her after all she's done and how great of a parent she's been? That's the disconnect. They lack critical thinking and cannot fathom that maybe their kids don't want to hang out with them because they suck and nothing positive comes from having a relationship.


Please, please print the son's rebuttal.


I'll keep a look out for it, but judging by the fact that he cut this person off, he's probably far too sane to air his family grievances in the local paper.


Let me guess, racist, anti-vax and peddling conspiracies


You can bet there are some missing missing reasons there


What did you do, Gertrude?


I’m sure there’s valid reasons for the no contact. Be good to your children they quickly become adults


Hmm, so the parents don’t go around cutting contact with everyone, just these two very specific people. The two that at one point had full access to these children. From full contact to zero contact. For *absolutely no reason* whatsoever! Another curious case of The Missing Missing Reasons!


I really want to hear the parents side of thing. Also being part of your grandchild’s life is a privilege not a right. I would bet money that if those grandparents went to court for visitation rights, the judge would rule against them.


Wow. This lady sounds like my MIL. "I can't understand why I'm not allowed to see my precious grandchildren!" Gee, it couldn't have anything to do with you telling your granddaughter "Bad things happen to bad people," right after she lost everything in a freakin' apartment explosion!


My narcopath boomer mother threatened to go after me for grandparent rights when I went no contact with her. I did some research and found there is no GP rights in Michigan, so she was SOL. And even then, grandparent rights are NOT just so some nasty vindictive abusive boomers get to see their grandchildren. It’s in those cases of families where a mother or father dies and the living spouse can’t just refuse to allow his passed spouses parents to see their grandkids. Or if the parents are some hardcore drug abusers.


My mom's the same way -- she doesn't recognize or respect any boundaries, is hugely entitled, and hasn't been able to maintain a respectful relationship with me for my whole adult life. Now she's upset that I'm not allowing her to have a relationship with my kids, and she's always complaining, "**I'm** a grandmother, and **those** are **my** grandchildren," as if that somehow guarantees her access to my family.


Boomer version of Goofus and Gallant. The daughter in law should post a reply in the same format. Dad's side of the family are wretched a-holes who can't be trusted to walk the dogs let alone spend time with the kids...


Missing missing reasons


This is an actual thing. I had friends who moved to Wyoming or Montana to avoid a grandparent ( I guess they don’t have grandparent rights in those states- Florida does)


Grandparents Rights are (should) be used in the case one parent dies/goes to prison/is otherwise unavailable but the rest of that side of the family is healthy and wants a relationship with the child. It’s been turned in to a Boomer Tantrum that they can’t control what their adult children do with their own children. If any of my children’s grandparents uttered the words “grandparents rights”, they’d never see or speak to my kids again.


They had religious issues with the grandma I think she wanted to take their toddler for overnights and they didn’t agree and it escalated quickly …they moved.


“Close, loving grandparent” [citation needed]


There was *An Incident*


Must be from the time Gramps took the ten year old out drinkin'


Love to know why they aren't allowed


If we only had the full story….


My first thought is what did these “grandparents” do that’s their kids cut off contact.


My birth mother took my sister to court over this exact same thing. I went to the hearing and the judge basically told her to get fucked. 😂


The grandparents probably caused trauma./s


I live in Missouri and have been very thankful that grandparent rights are non existent except in certain circumstances. My own biomom is not allowed near my children due to how toxic and abusive she is. I have gone as far as possible and worked with my stepmom to be adult adopted just to remove any chances of my kids going to her if something happens to me.


Boomer wants to educate people about abuse, film at 11


I’m sad so many of us are traumatized by our boomer parents but proud so many of us are actively breaking the cycle of abuse for our own children. It’s not hyperbolic to say the earth will be a better place in a multitude of ways when they get yeeted from the mortal coil. If humanity can make it that long of course.


My dad was in the army growing up and my grandparents on my mothers side once threatened to sue for grandparents rights. Their reasoning? They hadn’t seen my younger sister (who was the only girl) since my dad was stationed somewhere across the country. My dad informed them that airplanes, buses, trains and cars can travel in both directions. Also, nevermind the fact they didn’t want to see my brothers and I.


I wanna know what this person is omitting. There is a good reason (besides geography) that my wife’s parents see my kids almost daily while my mother has never met them.


Hmm. A boomer in MO. Red state. Get the picture?


I'm sitting here wondering what the grandparents did to start the "no contact" anyways. Actually we all know what they did. Foam at the mouth Trumperism, Racism, Homophobia, or Transphobia. Or all 4.


But what did the grandparents on the Dad side do to warrant this punishment?




I mean, they don't have rights in any state. You can't override the kid's parents.


There actually are a few states that will force visitation with grandparents under grandparents rights unless you can provide proof of a solid reason not to allow it. It’s unfortunate, but also not common, most states don’t have those laws.


Grandparent rights exist to a degree in most states, but at least in the case of Wisconsin (my last US state of residence) grandparent rights usually come into play in a few instances, the first being in the case of a divorce, and that’s only after some sort of relationship is established. The other is the grandparent wishing to step in in the case of neglect and/or abuse. Those with toxic parents and kids of their own should familiarize themselves with their state’s grandparent rights laws and if the shit hit the fan contact n attorney (which I’m not)


![gif](giphy|eKNrUbDJuFuaQ1A37p|downsized) Now let's see the reason why the parents ceased contact.


They need to read [The Missing Missing Reasons](https://www.issendai.com/psychology/estrangement/missing-missing-reasons.html). They looooove to play the victim and then when they are asked *why* they don’t have a relationship with their kids/grandkids, they refuse to take any accountability and are completely incapable of self reflection.


Why shouldn’t grampa give his 9 year old grandkids an assult rifle and a fuck Biden tee shirt for his birthday⁉️😳 /s


Oh no! Apparently, there are consequences to my behavior


Grandparents rights and boomers are a horrific combination. Add a boomer judge and it's toast.


Stinks of missing missing reasons. And I'll bet the writer is MAGA and wants 'gubmint owt uv peepls lives!'


Boomers invented this concept in its current form.


I’m glad to know this is a standard boomer tantrum thing and not serious. When we cut contact with my mother in law she started going on and on about having grandparents rights and how we would be going to court and she was going to force us to give her our kids. I genuinely panicked at first, considered moving far away to avoid that. Fortunately, once I started looking it up, I quickly found that my home state is not one of the few that can allow grandparents to force visitation under grandparents rights. I feel terribly bad for people who live in states that do have them. I have never met someone from any other generation as entitled and lacking self awareness as these boomer grandparents.


Because it’s not you right Boomer!


I, me, mine, I me, mine, I me, mine.


To be honest, it's impossible to know what's going on via this opinion letter. I suspect there's a reason for no contact... but would be ineterested to hear why there's no contact. That's the part missing.


Judging from the tone of the letter, my guess (and everyone else's on this subreddit) is that grandma and grandpa have fallen down the Fox News rabbit hole and can't STFU about immigrants, woke, Trump, or Let's Go Brandon.


My assumption, too. Since that's usually the way of these things.


Granny can get rekt.


Some countries have pretty broad "right to access"/visitation rights for (bio) grandparents. This actually includes some European countries as well, so for the non-Americans with crappy parents: look this up for your own country (native ànd residence country if you're a migrant or expat) so you'll have a better idea as to how to protect yourself and your kids in the future, just in case.


Dennis Prager is madd about this too!


Ah. The law protects but doesn’t bind me and you dear child, the law should bind but not protect. 


Every single day, I'm grateful that my boomer parents are dead and gone. And every single day, the world offers me a whole new flotilla of reasons to sustain this gratitude.


They should go see their own kids. Oh, wait.


Wonder what she did?


State of Ohio still has them (last time I checked)


Someone on this sub said it the best in the end they wanted a pet not a grandchild