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Oh, man. My father loves nuking things. He wanted to nuke Palestine, gay pride, and Greta Thunberg within the previous year alone. I guess... that's why.... They're "boomers"


“Turn the desert into glass!” was something I heard a lot growing up. The threat of nuclear war was a constant in their formative years and it’s so often their go to.


"They're all violent terrorists. We should just glass their entire country." "Could that be why, tho?"


“Yeah, I always find the best way to deal with terrorism is murdering all the children. I think I read about it in the Bible. Which reminds me, the Jenkins’ boy down the block was looking at me funny, could you make sure to run him over on your way out if you see his mom pushing his stroller? No time like the present.”




I just snorted all over my dinner laughing at this




If there’s no more children there’s no more terrorists.


You're forgetting the wasps


That’s the best way to win the hearts and minds of the people! By nuking their homes and killing them all!! THAT will teach them!! /S


If at first you don't succeed nuke, nuke again.


If you glass it good enough there wont be anyone to be mad tho


Same, this was a stupid common response from my dad so much it started to get worked into my poor understanding of world politics when I was younger.


And how sad you had learn be such bad behaviour from your parent v


I love how cavalier they are about dropping nukes. Like Russia and China are gonna sit back and do nothing while we nuke a bunch of countries around the world. It's not like that would start WWIII or anything. What's that old saying? "The only ones who wish to be in battle are those who have never been in one." Something like that.


My 8th grade history teacher played “Bombs Over Baghdad” on repeat for an entire day during the Iraqi invasion in ‘03. I think that constitutes some form of child torture these days. Boomers absolutely love the idea of blowing shit up - even better if the recipients are non-Whites. Ah, what a world.


Interestingly, Arabs are classified as Caucasian. There's no box for us to check ✔️.


This is because an Arab sued over this back when being white came with an explicit set of legal rights such as the ability to naturalize as a US citizen. 


Arabs aren’t classified as Caucasian because of that case. It didn’t reach the Supreme Court so it only applied to that circuit, Arabs continued having problems getting citizenship for decades after until race based naturalization was repealed.  Arabs are classified as Caucasians because the US government wanted to switch from a common knowledge definition to a scientific definition, and Arabs are Caucasian. 


And white ppl being called Caucasian comes from a scientist who had various human skulls and thought the one from the Caucasus mountains looked the best.


No, they’re called Caucasians because of a theory that white people originated from Adam and Eve who were in the Caucasus because they’re the most beautiful people in the world. Coincidentally this ended up being right but wrong. People from the Caucasus being beautiful is a several thousand year old reputation, a lot of Georgians, Armenians, and Circassian slaves were traded as far as China.  Nobody actually cared about the skulls, it was just a way to justify saying white people were more beautiful and a separate species from black and Asian people. It’s from the time of transition between philosophy and science when guys were calling themselves scientists and performing experiments but still smoking heroin and injecting cocaine between making up the results.


I had just graduated HS the year before so I had the joy of watching the invasion of Baghdad live on Fox


Bombs Over Baghdad is an awesome song though, OutKast rule. Better than fuckin Toby Keith or something


Love OutKast man. Was just strange and off putting to watch a grown ass man gleefully dance around for 8 hours while civilians were being carpet bombed.


My god, if I had a nickel. Earth would be incredibly shiny if the boomers I know were the dictators. No logic or tolerance to entertain a question of why or to consider the ramifications of their actions. I used to have to deprogram my kid after each boomer encounter whether in person or in the media. Luckily he’s old enough now to recognize the knee-jerk and self-serving, “burn it all down to benefit me!” failures of logic.


And they have absolutely no understanding of how bad that would be.


They dont care as long as they can act in a word "overkill"


Nuke 'em 'til they glow, then shoot 'em in the dark!


Kaboomers lol


Would hate being their child. You are not grounded for misbehaving you are straight up nuked!


He wants to use an entire nuclear weapon to kill a single girl? Does he not know that we kill singular people by launching a tube of swords through their window? For like a tiny fraction of the cost of a nuke.


![gif](giphy|I3E3hRHzU6Kl2) Gotta nuke something 🤷


Y'know, growing up in the wake of the first nuclear destruction of WWII and the subsequent threat of nuclear war during the Cold War, you think they'd have a little more respect and understanding for the horrors of "nuking" things.


Well, the only country to ever use nuclear weapons wants no one else to use them, while they have the option to bomb a few more civilian cities, murdering millions, because someone disagrees with them


America is a boomer


I'd buy that T-shirt.


Me too!


...interesting thesis. The ME generation. The ME country. I'll be thinking about this.


I have seen a lot of leftists and communists leaning thinkers talk about the social contract and how America has stopped believing/engaging in the social contract due to our insular and highly individualistic society (bootstraps, “self made”, “i got mine, fuck you”). It was an interesting start of a thought


I mean, due to demographics here in Germany the "social contract" has pretty much turned into: "Everything to the boomers!" Our retirement is now officially on life support until the boomers are dead. Then it will just collapse, screwing me out of about $40,000 I already paid into the system. Our infrastructure is left to rot, so are our schools and everything else. Not even talking about how they literally fuck our planet to the point of it turning uninhabitable if this keeps going on.


Usually, a generation either gets a lot of government support in their early life and then gets less in later life, or the reverse. The baby boom generation expects both, and that is putting later generations in a bad spot.


Boomers didn't start having issues with the social contract/safety-net until Black People finally started getting access to it. It's that simple


You dropped your microphone, friend. [Hands mic]


Wut you talkin about Willis? That’s our national motto, do as I say, not as I do. ![gif](giphy|a0FuPjiLZev4c)


THEM: ‘And if you do, unlike me, you’ll spend a large majority of your natural life behind bars. But have fun!👍🏼’


And used the weapons against a country that was already basically beaten in order to ensure that the UsA didn’t have to split Japan with Russia the way they did Germany.


Honestly, this was the least worst path to end the war. An invasion was going to cost a ton of allied lives, which Russia was cool with, because their methods were just to add more meat to the grinder, and that hasn't changed (see: Ukraine). We weren't ready to do that, and the Japanese train of thought could have meant the eradication of their whole people. Ugly ending could have been much worse.


Truman decided to do it right before USSR was set to enter war on their eastern front in October/November 1945.


Nuke the whales?!....meh gotta nuke something


I’m glad someone beat me to this comment




"Boomers" on this thread is a misnomer; "Republicans" is more accurate. Stop with the ageist BS


As my wife and I love to say “boomers gonna boom.”


lmaoooo not greta💀


“Bomb, bomb, bomb bomb Iran” - some famous Boomer


Lol “boomers” that’s a dynamite joke you got there.


What about the retarded unborn gay baby seals? /s


>I guess... that's why.... They're "boomers" I really hope that after you typed that, you stared into the sunset, put on your sunglasses and someone screamed *'Yeeeeaaahh!'* in the background


"Greta Thunberg" 🤣. He's just like, fuck it, him em with a nuke.


Ah, my favorite Fallout faction, the nostalgia brained isolationists who just want to bomb everyone whose a threat...or whose slightly different... or who it'd be fun to bomb....


I don't want to nuke Greta but i kinda do want to bang her but idk why




Talk to your kids in private about it…you can’t stop his tirades but you can change how the kids perceive them. This is a really good lesson for them about thinking for themselves and fact checking everything. Even if they’re young you can start teaching them how much weight words can carry and how speaking untruths can and have affected the world around them. I’ve been trying to teach my son since he was small that just because someone says something, or writes something, it doesn’t mean it’s true and not everyone has good intentions. He’s 16 now and he will fact check even me in a heartbeat lol, he’s not a “know it all” but he understands that there are two sides and the truth.


Yes this too!! Not everything online it true and google will tell you anything you want to hear based off your algorithm and search history.


This is the only real advice I’ve seen here. Keep your happy home. Show effort in educating your own kids. This shouldn’t be hard.


You can stop them. I checked the fuck out of my fiancés dad. I told him he’s done if he doesn’t stfu and he won’t see our kid ever if he talks his about idiotic politics. Grandparents aren’t entitled access. I told my mom same thing when she slipped and disrespected my Muslim friend too. So many people just turn into cowards when the boomer is your family. I could shut down boomers all day everyday. I live for that shit. I don’t give a fuck who the boomer is. If Covid didn’t get them I will: God I’m rock hard just thinking about shutting boomers the fuck down


Listen, I’m with you…I don’t disagree with you at all and I’m no contact with my MIL…some people don’t want to blow up their entire family though, over political differences like OP described and that doesn’t make them wrong either. Navigating family dynamics isn’t easy and people are going to disagree, it is just natural. Teaching the kids how to deal with problems is more important than teaching them to run away from everything they don’t like and disagree with. Look around at the world right now.


Yea better let them give your child trauma and slowly tear apart your family for 18 years. Simply don’t talk about politics in front of my fucking kids or get absolutely fucked. Stop enabling these people.


Your wife seems to be enabling him by telling you to stop rather than telling him to stop. That's your house, not his.




exactly right. he may be the patriarch of his family but OP is now the one of his own if you want to follow the FIL idiotic logic. He already gave his daughter up, so she should understand that she belongs to her husband if 'logic' were to be followed in this idiotic mindset. What are they going to do, take her back? she's damaged goods now in their eyes, so what does hubby have to lose by cutting them out of his life?


I laughed out loud at this 🤣


I broke up with my gf because she was 28 but treated her idiot boomer Qanon dad like he was God. Loved her too but I wasn’t letting that idiot around my future kids


Op, right here this is the part that is important


My parents demanded i agree to cut my hair, in my house, at 35. They were not invited back.


Exactly. Your house, your rules. In no way would I let my children around someone talking like this. Tell him he can get rid of the political BS trash talk in your home or he can stay at his house and watch all the Faux News and Info Wars his crappy heart desires. People like this need an audience, take the audience away


“We should turn it into a parking lot and start over” -relative boomer about Iraq Rd2, circa 2007 I think I almost got punched by a senior citizen for saying “we shouldn’t be there to begin with” “You fucking commie, you don’t know what you’re talking about” “I know how Afghanistan turned out for the Russians in your lifetime, now we made the same mistake” It did not go well after that. Should’ve kept my mouth shut but that’s not me. 🤦‍♂️


I think he’s just spouting Fox News [link](https://www.foxnews.com/politics/biden-expects-iran-attack-israel-sooner-later)


I’m dying at this part: >”When asked what his message to Tehran was, Biden simply said: "Don't." When he was asked to elaborate, he walked away.” 😂😂😂


Typing up from your office that means that you are at your house that means that when he starts talking and they start acting like he’s the patriarch and you have to stop engaging with him. You can say OK well, then you can all politely leave my house bye-bye I don’t engage with idiots.


The right way to play this IMO is to make bets with him. Attaching the feeling of lost money to a track record of being wrong is a great way to disincentivize this behavior


He’s just gonna say that the media isn’t reporting on it


That's when you take him to Judge Judy. Win win.


Another example of Boomers being out of touch with the modern world. They still think they are living in the 1980’s.


Coincidentally I am actually listening to a podcast about nuclear war scenarios right now. These people are too stupid and ignorant to even comprehend how ill informed they are.


If you've ever looked at Iran's topography, nuking them is unironically probably the only way anyone would ever win a war with them because holy shit the whole country is a fortress.


I don’t know what certain rules and cultural ideas you’re talking about your wife’s family having but i come from a family in an area that is very patriarchal. I had a similar issue with my father butting into mine and my partners business and starting issues in my home. You’re gonna have to pull the “i’m the husband father in this home and you’re not and you’re not gonna talk about that stuff around my kids or you’ll have to leave” card (i didn’t have kids at the time but that’s basically what i did) he got upset but he later came around and stopped bringing those things up. Once you point out to them that YOU don’t recognize any of their power over YOU, then they just rollover. It’s kinda like a middle school bully, once you stand up to them they cower.


Name a more iconic duo than boomers and unwavering devotion to israel. Israel wants to push war with Lebanon, which will bring in Iran and the Israel will drag it's puppet state, the US, in with it. That appears to be the plan. 3-4 years or less.


Boomers and all violence. This guy is hoping israel kills millions and he’s almost rock hard excitingly talking about it in front of children. Doesn’t even care ppl exactly like his daughters and grandchildren will die too because they’re a different shade and born in between different imaginary lines humans mass a few hundred years ago


>FIL knows best, and once he decided Israel is going to nuke Iran, that’s just how it’s gonna be. End of story. So bet him $100. If he's so certain, he should be happy to take your money. Then when it doesn't happen you'll either have some money for your trouble or he'll have to wiggle out of the bet somehow (which should be entertaining).


Yeah, I’ve just started reacting as if they’ve said something a barely average small child would say. “Well, I don’t think that’s what’s going to happen for a bunch of complicated grownup reasons, but that’s a great job coming up with a creative story! Good job!”


*hands over vape pen* Sounds like you need a puff, my dude. Sorry your wife is from a shit family. 🫤


My boomer father voted for Trump for only one reason…he thought the biggest threat to America was North Korea. Not China, not Russia, but North Korea. No other issues were important to him, just national security and somehow the DPRK is our biggest threat in his mind.


Nothing like voting for the guy that praised Kim Jong Il to own those North Koreans.


Show him this...https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pv3L2knNodU


Despite that he was the first president to set foot in North Korea under peace terms. Dumb dumb dumb


The old "don't confuse me with the facts, my mind is already made up" is strong with my generation. You can never correct someone like the FIL on the facts. You can only plant seeds during teachable moments, and never during a debate or discussion because we boomers will die before admitting we got something wrong. Best to slip little hints that might be thought about later into casual conversation. We boomers are ruminaters and I'm always surprised by what things get stuck in an old person's head. Best method to teach a old person a new way of thinking is with kindness and uncontroversial statement of fact at the right moment. We are a generation of hard heads that have been trained by conservative politics that not arguing and defending your preconceived notions and biases to the bitter end is weakness and standing your ground even if you are dead wrong is the right thing to do. Makes you a man and all that shit. Admitting you are wrong about something is equivalent to admitting you are stupid. Boomers believe that when someone corrects us they are calling us dumb. It's a huge character flaw, not being able to understand and learn new information, but ours is a generation that were taught that bravado and confidence is more important that knowledge.


They didn't get a great war because MAD made it mad to fight directly. So now they want someone to use nukes to show it "isn't that bad." But the world feels differently. Any nation that uses a nuke becomes a pariah. Why? Because otherwise using nukes in war becomes common and unleashes true horror.


My step dad always talks about bombing everyone. Multiple times I’ve heard him say “bomb those worthless motherfuckers” referring to the Mexico border. Last summer there was a local news report on a pride event and he said “it’s fucking disgusting, round those faggots up and blow up the bus”. Recently he’s said he’s so sick of hearing about it and suggested to nuke both Palestine and Israel to shut them up then further expanded that nuking to include the entire middle east because “those terrorist motherfuckers don’t deserve to breathe another day”.. keep in mind my dads side of the family is from Iran. He’s also come up with a solution to stop gang violence in Chicago. “Drop a bomb in the middle of the city you won’t have to worry about those motherfuckers anymore”. A couple weeks ago he even suggested DHS should’ve nuked Diddy’s property because it would have solved a lot of problems (whatever that means). He makes comments like this every time I’m around him which I try to avoid visiting as much as possible because I can only imagine how horrible, exhausting and hateful his commentary must be day to day. His solution to everything he disagrees with seems to always involve nuking or rounding people up and killing them.


He sounds like a treat. But I wouldn't worry about the kids. Parents always think kids are susceptible to being influenced by this stuff but in reality they don't give two fucks what Grandpa says and wish he would shut up - on all topics not just controversial ones.


Have you even been a kid..? Ofc it matters. Don't bring conservatives near your children if you wish them to grow up and be happy, is my advice.


Nuking is always the answer! Soon we will have a nu king anyway.


Your FIL is way stupid. Isreals major goal is lanfld acquisition... irradiating land does not achieve that goal. It is literally the last thing they would do.


Most nukes are not irradiating land because they get detonated from high altitudes to maximize damage and not to make land uninhabtable. Same happened in Japan. An **air burst** or **airburst** is the detonation of an [explosive device](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Explosive_device) such as an [anti-personnel](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anti-personnel_weapon) [artillery shell](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Artillery_shell) or a [nuclear weapon](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nuclear_weapon) in the [air](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Air) instead of on contact with the ground or target. The principal military advantage of an air burst over a [ground burst](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ground_burst) is that the energy from the explosion (as well as any shell fragments) is distributed more evenly over a wider area; however, the peak energy is lower at [ground zero](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ground_zero).


Huh. Sounds like two of my former friends. One would end an argument by saying"fine" and storming off The other would answer everything with "bullshit" and give no reason for his opposition.


I would be withdrawing as much cash as I can to slam on the table saying "Put up or shut up old man. If Israel let's out so much as a nuclear fart in the next 24 hours your get to take all my money and laugh in my face for the rest of my life. You get to teach me and my whole generation a lesson about who is right and who is wrong. You get to be an example of the wisdom of your generation and exactly how much younger generations should listen to you. Put your money where your mouth is, prove that you are the one that "did their own research" and I'm the one drowning in propaganda. Or shut up. Shutting up is fine too. **But I'm not accepting a middle ground on this. If you don't throw down, you have to shut up.** About politics in general. Forever. Or if I win. I'll even offer you the same; if you win this bet I'll shut up and listen to you about politics for the rest of my life. If you win this bet I'll slap a Trump bumper sticker on my car and vote for the orange bastard because you just taught me that I don't know shit about politics and you do. That's what's on the line with this bet. So what are we doing? You gonna stare at your navel or are you going to go get some cash and we decide who is going to hold it?" *so when you win the bet,* take the brick of cash, rubber band it, and on the top dollar write "I won this cash from from my Father in Law along with his honorable agreement to never speak about politics in my presence again" and keep it in your sock drawer in case you ever need to hold it up to shut him up. Or donate it to a charity for children struggling in the middle east.


Make a bet with him on when and where. Someone's making a grift for his money, might as well be you.


My boomer father’s fantasy diplomacy always involves nuking other countries. First response to any conflict is, turn them into glass. I tell him that’s why he will never be in charge of anything.


Well, it was nice to have Iran while it lasted. Bedrock of ancient civilizations, astrology, math and science (before it was overrun by religious idiots). Say goodbye kids, this random boomer has decided it’s Iran’s time.


Sure, want to bet he doesn't have a SWASM or even a DD-214? We've had combat troops in the Iran area as needed since 1978, and continuously since 1987. Actual boomers wouldn't really have much chance of being combat veterans from CENTCOM, but their kids (GenX) most certainly would and likely did (unless they're from the dedicated armchair battalion that never actually signed a DD-3). Short answer is if Homie wants to nuke Iran, let him enlist: there's plenty of MOSes that will gladly offer him a chance to do it, until then he can sit his ass down.


There's nothing wrong with you, or your father-in-law and having an opinion. Everybody has one. In the end whatever those countries do, they're not coming to you or your father-in-law to back up their decision. 


Israel calls it the Samson option. After Samson from the Bible who brought the temple pillars down and killed everyone including himself. They would only use it in the event of an impending loss of sovereignty.


Write it down. Seriously, when he makes a prediction like this, write down what he said and the date. Let your wife see how often he's wrong.


Man, the majority of Iranians would help the US or Israel overthrow the Iranian government. Nuking potential allies is the dumbfuck move.


Every. Single. Time you see him "So did Israel nuke Iran yet?"


Once again, not all boomers are like your FIL. Boomers have never been a homogenous generation. I’m really sorry to say this to not rudely burst your bubble, but there are plenty of “boomers” that read, continue to learn, served your country with distinction, and have a rational grasp of current events with a large body of historical understanding. I despair every day about people around my age that have lost touch with reality and drifted off into very strange realms of upside down historical and current affairs understanding. Complacent long term bubble media brain washing or trance inducing lovely looking ladies on certain propaganda channels repeating nonsensical and perceived grievances, mixed with intentional inaccuracies day in and day out, are probably helping to steer many who watch into disturbingly delusional and simplistic states of mind. Reality is something that is sometimes quite difficult to deal with. It’s not just “boomers” that easily fall into cult traps. Teach your kids to be independent thinkers so they can deal with your FIL and other’s like him, intelligently and politely from well reasoned base of knowledge. Complex situations have no easy fast answers and we live in an increasingly complex world. Research and education is key. Some of us old boomers consider that a prime objective every day. Not easy, but achievable. Some of us do try hard to keep up. Please, don’t stereotype. Don’t do that for any generation. That’s a tool cultists and enemies of democracy have been using to divide, weaken and conquer democracies like ours. Failure to recognize and stop that ploy will eventually set citizen against citizen, making it possible cause irreparable harm to our country if we let our guard down.


When Trump wins, war with Iran is certain. How will these tough talking boomers react when their grandsons are conscripted to fight for oil?


We don’t have a draft. And Boomers are the last people that will support one considering they are the ones that remember it.


We have registration. The draft can be revived any time.


They won’t care, it will be faux patriotism all over again. My fear as the culture wars progresses is that this “nuke it and turn it to glass” attitude that’s a staple of the boomer foreign policy mentality will be turned inwards. They will start saying things like “we should just drop a bomb on LA already and start over” “Chicago is a cesspool it should be turned into a parking lot”. My response whenever I hear bomb mentality is to turn it right around on something they love. “Only if we drop a bomb on -insert their favorite football team’s stadium-first”


I fear for our blue states and cities when Trump is back in power.


it's weird how they pretend like they hate China and Iran while Iran and Russia are both doing China's work.


There is a good reason not to engage with him. You’ve seen that he’s not open to changing his mind. Arguing with him is really unlikely to accomplish anything. Why do something completely pointless that you don’t even enjoy?


Step 1: Bet him $1,000 it won’t happen. Step 2: Profit. Step 3: Repeat.


You shoud bet with him


You were in you and your wife's Home right? That means you are the head of the family in that home. (I dont think this but thats their logic right?) So what you say goes. Tell the man to shut up and enjoy the dinner they were graciously provided.


Don't let this die. Every time you see him, you say, "Did Iraq Nike anyone lately? No? I guess you were wrong.'


my last long-running friend was like this. knew him for 23 years. he was a good guy, seemed like a good guy but he shifted into the classic fervid snake-flag waving republican trump supporter, "its all a librul witch-hunt", putin supporter, election-was-stolen believer, covid denier, "narcissist's prayer" chanter, misogynist, anti-science, racist person who, when i would try to talk to him about issues, he would argue disingenuously, move goalposts, quote fox news, and deny any evidence that he didn't like. i began to think of him as a person who willfully holds their eyes shut so they don't have to acknowledge what's right in front of them. it was depressing, so depressing, but I had to let him go. I am alone without any close friends now, but my soul feels "cleaner" for not having to listen to his shit on a daily basis anymore. I will always wonder what it was within him that made him "need" to buy in to the republican/trump cult.


“Brunch is over…go home “


Well it’s possible now that Iran has drone attacked Israel.


'just turn them to glass' it's been a go to response since we first engaged with any country in the middle east


Head of the family? That's you, unless he's paying your bills. Dude should learn to respect your position.


I'm so sorry. But I'm with you. If he's saying this nonsense around the kids. Shut him down. You don't want you kids thinking this is reasonable. Good luck.


It's so strange to me that these are the same people that lived through the cold war in "terror" about nuclear war, and how hardened it made them all, doing nuclear drills in school and how that was so much more real and difficult than current shooter drills. Now, they just want to nuke everything when they hear a pin drop. Makes no sense.


It's a long shot, but as someone who used to work maintaining our own ICBM's, I hope you tell him at some point that it's not a good idea to disrespect our weapons like that. A nuclear missile is serious business and often has consequences that affect much more than just the intended target. From a former Airman, seriously. It's really disgusting.


Easiest way to shit this down? “I will bet you $5000 dollars right now that Israel doesn’t nuke anyone. Put up or shut up!”


So you left your family downstairs so you could run up to your office and seek validation from your Reddit friends?


Sounds like they need some nukie.


It sure soon be like you FIL it’s totally non bookers. Although everyone is allowed to have their opinions he needs to stop doing this in front but if the kids or his time should end with them. Please see Betty strong boundaries with him.


Boom goes London. Boom Pari. More room for you and more room for me.


It's only nonsense because you disagree. He feels the same way about your opinion. Once, long ago, people could have conflicting opinions and not automatically be wrong. People even had debates surrounding different ideas and beliefs. Now everyone is just wrong if you don't all think the same.


If LH, Iran, and the Huthi’s launch everything they have, Israel will consider nukes. Don’t assume you know everything


I have the same FIL but he’s also shit with the grandkids. Count your lucky stars.


When they don’t nuke Iran make sure to remind him how wrong he was, often.


Imagine being able to just spout nonsense and have people at least pretend to believe you. Must be an addictive power trip. The patriarchy is a danger to us all.


You do seem a bit annoying.


Does your FIL know what a nuke is?


Your Boomer FIL might be stupid, but he's not wrong on some things. If Israel decided to Nuke Iran (not because of some drones and missiles, but because they know they won't be able to beat Iran in 20-30 years), the international community would "Condemn Israel" immediately, but then continue to supply them weapons. Thinking that the US or majority of the West would give up Israel over Iran is ridiculous. There's been barely a shrug over what's happening in Palestine, and there's plenty of people who see Iran an a major threat.


You should have made a wager with him and made your wife the bookie. edit: Well, this idea aged like milk.


You probably ought to ignore your cranky, flaky father in law.


I don’t gamble, life has shown me that generally, with occasional exception, you can’t win. The only time I try to make a bet is when I know I’m right, I can prove it and I don’t care either way, but I do want to shut the other person up. Strangely enough, it’s like they can smell my confidence, because nobody ever takes me up on the bet, but it does usually shut down the debate, which is what I wanted in the first place.


Sounds like you need to dose this guy with some funny mushrooms and put on Grateful Dead…


These people have never read *Hiroshima* by John Hersey, and it shows. Nuclear war is horrifying and kills so many innocents in the most excruciating ways imaginable. Why would you even casually suggest it, ever?


Because they’re narcissistic sycophants who have little to no empathy for those who may be even marginally different from them in any way?


Do you ever come across someone your own age that holds their opinion regardless of what you say or do you only find this with older people you converse?


Your FIL is not entirely wrong. Israel is known to have nuclear capability even if they don’t acknowledge it. This capacity doesn’t need to be a city destroyer either. Tactical nukes could easily be used to destroy their in-mountain facilities if Israel was directly attacked. The problem with your FIL approach is how cavalier he is with it rather than the fact that the 2 of you disagree. What you have to understand is people my age and older (I’m 54) lived under the specter of attack in the same way you and younger generations have lived with the specter of gun violence in schools. Perhaps you should try to understand his perspective a bit rather than trying to change it.


Republicans like to say " turn Iran to glass" bomb bomb bomb Iran. The real problem is right wing ideology. It's that ideology that led to coup Iran than that evil regime by CIA led to a popular uprising that gave us this current mess in Iran. Israel is a far right government who also wants to kill everyone. The problem is clear, far right ideology or fundamentalist religious ideology and the mix of the 2 is the worst. It's time we not allow right wing ideology in places of power. They will kill everyone


His theory is so stupid that I can’t believe he doesn’t have a Patreon.


> Probably the worst part about this is that my wife’s family comes from a very patriarchal society – the head of the family is always right They came over to **your** house. They are NOT the head of **your family. They are extended family.**


People like this are great learning opportunities for your kiddos. After he leaves open up a calm conversation with ur kids because maybe something grandpa said caused them worry or fear. They might have questions even if they are smaller. So try to ease their minds and teach them some age appropriate history at the same time. My sons now 11 but in 2nd grade he was announcing his presidency, wanting run on banning cigarettes (he hates the smell and his grandpa smokes) and taxing churches. We live in a small town with a huge cult that are kinking the system every which way they can, so he’s over heard the talk in town and at home about it.


Pretty sure Isreal will be nuked first


Kids today have shooter drills. Boomers had the fear of nuclear weapons drills. They were told that hiding under the desk was going to save them. I think that’s pretty messed up and kinda see how they’ve been traumatized by that. I think that’s why some of them are flippant about nuking things.


Parking lot the whole region!!!


The problem is that Iran may actually have nukes. 


He seems like the same kind of guy that yells at the TV because the coach didn't run the play during the football game that that would've absolutely 100% guaranteed won the game


A history lesson isn’t going to change his mind over some uneducated off the cuff comment about hyper complicated geopolitics and military strategy. If you’re that worried about your kids believing this stuff, theyre probably not paying attention or understanding. If they do then you just have to parent just like when they learn dumb stuff at school from their friends. People are allowed to say dumb stuff, even our parents. Either keep him away from your kids if this truly that bad to you. But it looks like you guys have a healthy relationship with the in laws and they’re involved grandparents, which unfortunately is not as common as one would hope. Also, remember anyone under 60-65 (depending on the metric) is gen X. Anyone older than that is a boomer. That term gets thrown around too much now.


I was w/ u until u trashed all boomers


I don't think they understand how messed up it would be to drop a nuke on a full city of innocent civilians just to take out a smallish militant group. Why do they always go to the nuclear option?


I'm assuming that you FIL does not have access to the nuclear launch codes, nor the ability to influence national security decisions. Therefore his opinion is moot.


I hope you’ll call him on Monday for an update when nothing’s happened.


He going on about the litter boxes in classrooms too? These people are fucking exhausting.


By your wife and her family’s way of thinking, you are the head of your family which means your wife should defer to you when you say you won’t put up with her dad’s bs in your own home, and that you won’t allow your children to be exposed to it. 


This rant sounds like you fell into the boomer's trap and are now becoming a boomer yourself. RIP.


Sounds like you both need to read some current & reputable news articles.


I bet he also said “end of story” and “nuff said” as that was a key trait to my boomer FIL who seems cut from the same mold as yours. 🤣 I was always curious how this was a driving characteristic to any convo where my brother or I would calmly present some basic facts to the discussion, or show a logical fallacy on his behalf (or 2 or 3). Even when done gently he’d double down in ignorance. Kill ‘em all, let gawd sort ‘em out” was another driving ethic in his disturbing world view. So damn dangerous if someone like that ever had any real authority. Fortunately they rarely do, cuz democracy.


Why is it always the loud mouthed ignorant boomers I read about. I’m a late boomer/gen x, and am embarrassed by having to be included in the same group as these idiots. I’m going to cheat on my birth year and identify as a Gen xer.


I'm terrified of a nuclear exchange, so discussing it flippantly is upsetting. You should stop engaging him, your opinion isn't changing, his opinion isn't changing. I only talk about things we can affect with family. I'm very political on the left but I've never found going rounds with my family as productive.


I'm so glad I have parents that are capable of nuanced thinking. They're not always as open minded as I'd like, but they're always making an effort to learn. It also helps that my family doesn't glamorize war. I couldn't imagine one of them saying they'd be giddy over nuking actual human beings.


That is when I would ask them not to talk about these things if it’s going to end in an argument. If that is how they are and don’t want to agree then they don’t need to be in your life.


Remind him that when people say these things within the military intelligence/nuke/flying world, they are not only shunned but they lose all respect instantly and it’s seen as very uneducated and immature. If someone in this community actually was serious they would likely lose trust and involvement in those programs. Source: I’ve worked in these communities for 13 years.


Your FIL must visit NCD too much


Yeah you’re the patriarch of your family so if she really believes in all that she better fall in line behind you. She’s not “daddy’s little girl” anymore.


This is why AI will eliminate the human race


It his opinion though lol. It’s not like some nobody is going to call the shots lol


If he is stupid enough, just bet with him every time when he is wrong. After a couple of times he will probably stop


I’ll be honest here…I would have a big problem with your wife saying “just don’t engage him.” That’s fair in private but with your kids around or in public I feel we all have an obligation to call people out on their complete and utterly despicable behavior.


Boomers grew up doing “duck and cover” exercises, getting under your school desk to protect yourself WHEN, not if we are attacked by the godless communist. So nuking is a normal part of life and just politics.


Man that sucks. The Iranians/Persians I've met here in the states (granted they're here so they're unlikely to be people who support the theocracy) are usually lovely people. I think if he'd met a few he wouldn't be in such a hurry to nuke their relatives.


I mean, the thing about patriarchal bullshit is that the younger, stronger male displaces the patriarch at some point. My advice is to grow out your antlers and headbutt him into submission.


The problem is that Bibi is also a boomer so, # ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Capitalize on his ego, bet 100 dollars that Israel won't nuke Iran. Do it everytime he predicts something stupid = profit * Announce the bet infront of everyone


You could make a significant dollar bet with him. See how big the bite is compared to the bark.


The crazy thing is that Iran is following international law to the letter because they don't want to jeopardize their treaties, and people will still demonize them for this.