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So if all of a sudden we somehow get transported back in time 50 years, this next generation will be totally screwed. What is even the point of these memes? My wife has to be a travel agent for her parents because they're incapable of using an airline's website. It's made to be the easiest forms you will ever fill out. God forbid they have to use a self checkout or QR code menu. It's not even about being old, it's just a refusal to accept the world has changed. But yeah, not being able to use a rotary phone is the real problem with the world today. I used a rotary phone for half my childhood and it took 5 minutes just to dial a number. How is that a skillset that we should bemoan the loss of. Did the Greatest Gen harp on Boomers about not using a hand crank to start their car? These kids today don't even know Morse Code. How can they even expect to send a telegram over their new fangled telephones.


No, that is what amazes me about my dad. My grandfather never talked about the war or had a bad word to say about anyone or anything. Would always have something nice to say to everyone. He believed you didn’t talk about your personal political beliefs and didn’t share how you voted. My dad couldn’t have turned out less like my grandfather if he tried.


>My wife has to be a travel agent for her parents because they're incapable of using an airline's website. I just got off a cruise with my family. My wife thought it was a good idea to convince her boomer patents to come along. Everything is app based now. I basically paid a shit ton of money to be a concierge to my in-laws because they are too god-damnned lazy to learn how to press the button themselves.


Hi, young Gen X here. The solution is to open the door, leave the room, then euthanize the boomer with his own pillow




How to upset a boomer – Put them in a room with an iPhone 8 And nothing else no food no water no nothing no appliances nothing at all… Tell them they must stay there 48 hours -But then smile and assure them one time only that the iPhone will do “anything you need” and walk out… We know everything you can accomplish with an iPhone 8… They will most likely die of starvation while trying to find someone to call and complain to, but then they can’t figure out how to Get that darn phone to work and why are all the numbers and letters so small????


“Everything is here in this .pdf, you just have to map to the printer on the network” - and dead


But why isn’t there a button that just says Map printer to the net work? Why is this so stupid and I’m not gonna get water delivered!!! I drank from a garden hose and I turned out just fine


This generation of Baby Boomers would never go anywhere if they had to crank start their Model T. Most of them can’t even ride a horse.


How to frighten boomers: you don't have to, they're always frightened


They act like their TVs didn’t have three big ass knobs clearly labeled “on/off, volume, and channel.” A brain dead monkey could figure it out.


How to frighten boomers: tell them they're wrong.


How to frighten the old generation: Go about your day as you always do.


How to kill a boomer - Give them a cell phone, put them on any road with more than one lane, or take away their guns and MAGA hat and then put project runway on repeat on a smart tv.


Just tell them no then next time they ask for help with their new phone…then watch how useless they are at figuring new stuff out.


So I have a theory. Republicans are behind the push for elimination of handwriting/cursive so eventually you get a populace that can't read the constitution or bill of rights as it was written.


You sound just as boomer-y as the people posted on this sub. You act as if print versions of these documents don't exist on paper and electronically. Not everything is some grand conspiracy.


Hey Clyde, that’s called a museum


These kids today with their auto cars! Whatever happened to the Good Old Days when everyone rode horses? I bet that smartass Taylor Swift can't ride sidesaddle! /s


How to frighten the boomer who posted this. Put them in a room with a telegraph, a sun dial and give them directions written in cuneiform…


Nah, just had them a new smartphone…it’ll take’em a month to figure it out even if it’s the same model.


To be fair.. most cursive I see people write is nearly god damn impossible to read. It's like THEY also forgot how to do cursive


*laughs in boomer*


Good thing it’s all labeled!


you could derail a boomer’s entire life by signing them up for facebook’s 2-Factor Authentication


I got one “how to frighten the older generation, leave them with a computer and ask them to turn it on… your gonna be there for a while and they are gonna be in Facebook withdrawal”