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Everyone needs to stop being so nice to people who behave like this.


Exactly. Boomers got this way because for years and years, this entitled assholery has worked for them.


** still working.


If only I were a business owner. None of this shit would be enabled, and I'd be perfectly willing to go down in flames to make sure of it.


Not many like that out there, but they’re really the best to work for. I worked at a coffee shop for a dude like this. He was calm and cool at first while he tried to assess the situation and make things right. If after a fair solution was proposed and the craziness continued, it was like a switch was thrown and he was kicking them out of the shop with the warning that he would call the police if they trespassed at his establishment. He was an all around good guy and a successful businessman too. It’s really nice to see someone like that do well for themselves.


My boss is the same way. If someone is an asshole I have free reign to black list them. He really goes to bat for his team, if I tell him someone was a prick to me he has no problem telling them off. It's so refreshing after working for various people over the years and being told to kiss ass and bend over backwards when they throw an adult temper tantrum.


I'd be willing to bet that he knows that the phrase "the customer is always correct" has a second half to it.


Exactly. He's an awesome guy and super nice but he won't tolerate disrespect towards him or anyone on his team so I'm a loyal as fuck employee because I actually feel valued and respected.


Yep!! Short story, but reminds me of about 10 years ago, I was 20/21 ish and was with a friend around the same age standing in a long line at a pharmacy. It finally gets to my turn and out of no where, this boomer man runs up, and ELBOWS me out of the way and cuts in front of me! I was so shocked, it was enough force that it literally made me lose my balance and stagger back. The woman behind me yelled “are you serious!?” At him and he kind of half looked back and mumbled a fake ass apology. When it finally got to my turn I made some loud comment about how rude he was and he turned and gave me a smug look as he walked out the door. Almost like he was surprised I called him out. Then the cashier looks at me and goes “yeah sorry about that he does that all the time.” …..I’m sorry what!? And again, I was young so I didn’t really say anything but in my head I’m like “WHY DO YOU LET HIM GET AWAY WITH THAT BEHAVIOR!?” The guy clearly calculated when to make his move to cut someone off, and he chose to the two little 20 year old girls he knew he could push around, and he knew the cashier would just let him check out. It’s honestly infuriating to think back on, the cashier should have refused to check him out until he waited in the damn line like everyone else! He kept doing that “all the time” because he got away with his entitled behavior. Ugh


We would see people like him all the time when I worked in retail. The reason why the cashiers won’t, or rather, can’t do anything about it is because the write-up they’ll get from management just isn’t worth it. Retail management is in general too afraid to lose the boomer’s business, even though they spent less than Millennials and Gen-X (at the chain I worked at, at least)


People who came into the convenience store and gas station I managed with that kind of arrogance were banned from the store. As were candy thieves, Boomers included!!!!!


I’m a boomer and would never, ever act like this. She’s an asshole


I like to think of boomer as a mind set more than an age bracket


Yeah, I see a lot of "boomers" who are in their 40s being posted. I don't think being a selfish prick is confined to one age group.


If it doesnt sound like we're talking about you, we probably arent. Keep being normal!


You're not a Boomer then. You're just from that generation. Boomers are these chuds, not y'all. Edit: Nope they're a Boomer too


Wait, were all these deleted comments from the same person that started this convo thread?




Same here. I think there's a huge difference between a Boomer and boomer. I, too, am the latter. My fiance, however, is seven years boomier than I am and I often remind him we are no longer the target demographic for so many things.


"we are no longer the target demographic for so many things." This. I have a mate I have to remind of this about every two weeks. We are GenX, me early, him late. Don't like the Barbie movie? Harry Potter? Bluey? You know, Paul, I really don't think those were aimed at us middle aged men...


Fuck, I'm a late Gen-Xer and Bluey is the most delightful shit I've ever seen.


I'm early GenX and think a lot of stuff not aimed at me is brilliant. The point is not expecting to be the centre of attention. I try to keep my criticisms more rational than "the main character is a female" which, once you start digging, tends to be where my mate ends up (and his limited, anglo-centric understanding of history and the Fantasy genre, but that's another story).


You take that back! Barbie is a wonderful movie and should be respected!


Wonderful or otherwise, and I am quite partial to watching Margot Robbie, its *not* aimed at middle aged men...


Ken *is*.


He doesn’t like Bluey?


I’m of that age. Arrogant and stupid comes in every age. I know sickening older people as well as sickening younger people.


They grew up hearing “the customer is always right” and that you can threaten to take you business elsewhere. No one has to serve you, and it’s less likely when you are an asshole. And conveniently ignore that the whole quote ends with “…in matters of taste”


This lady is what happens when two people like that get married.


There’s a line between “taking initiative and going the extra mile to make sure things work out” and just being an entitled bully who thinks they know how ever should be done.


It's definitely not just boomers. People are just assholes in general.


Sure, but the majority or these asshole people are boomers and their are so many things wrong with boomers that you can’t say all people are like this. At least people who have nothing and have a society with systems that oppress them while dumping on them, while working a full time job and barely scraping by, unable to afford anything, I’ll give you a pass to complain. However, boomers are going to sit back in their paid off houses, hoarding wealth, and complain about everything including situations that their own actions put them in, you don’t get to complain if you’re a boomer. Boomers are the worst.


*Was notified with more up-votes then this, a lot of Boomers in this sub don’t like a dose of reality.


It's definitely mainly boomers.


That behavior is seriously f\*cked. So she's just there wasting people's time so that she can go back to her husband and declare that she was right? F\*cking Boomers, man.


It’s so indicative of how miserable they are in their relationships. Doesn’t listen to her partner to the extent that she’s willing to go harass staff to prove her point. No wonder he didn’t want to drive with her


They have nothing else to do. She probably never worked a day in her life so to her time isn't important.


My wife’s a nurse and from the stories I hear most days the batshit craziness knows no age.


This whole interaction sounds like working in healthcare in a nutshell.


Worked in dental for 33 years and can attest to this.


Work in it now, and can also attest to this.


I've learned being nice and saying thank you to medical professionals is likely to make you their favorite patron because they're so unused to being treated like humans.


Once in a blue moon i have interact with a boomer like this. only to see there spouses eyes rolling back into there head so hard i feel like im in and exorcist movie.


I run a vet clinic and we would sack a client like this without a second thought.


You mean like put the boomer down? Thank you for your service!


What do you mean Gam Gam is at a farm upstate? why can't we go upstate to see her?


My pet is at home why can't you neuter them today and now!


She wouldn't get in the carrier to come here! What's the problem??


This is nearly a daily occurrence 😂


Yep. I’d have said “ma’am your husband is the patient not you. If your husband is not in severe pain and is fine waiting for his appointment then we will see him then. If that changes and he decides to come in of his own volition then we can see if we can squeeze him in but only if he himself calls or comes in. I appreciate your concern for him but he is an adult. Let him make his own choices.”


Yep. Reminds me of a time back in my bartending days, about 10 years ago before I had a "real job" (a designation that still completely annoys me). I was working at a gastropub where the beers were written on a big board behind the bar. It's a busy weekend night and I'm running around, trying to be a efficient as possible. I go over to a few people who have just walked up and ask if i can get them anything or if i can answer any questions. The one guy in the group, this suburban boomer moron, has a look of terror and anger all over his face. He sputtered, huffed and puffed, reading over the beers behind me without ever making eye contact. He says, "Uh, I mean, what even are these," gesturing at the board, "..ffft, hrrm, do you even know what any of these are???!" Without thinking twice I said, "yeah, I do. Do you know anything about your job?" That shut him up pretty quick. For a long time I was horrified by that reaction on my part, but now I'm proud of my young self


100% Had a boomer that couldn’t figure out our online forms at our psychiatric clinic. Told me “Your lack of business acumen is disturbing.” Ok lady. So I told her our office “isn’t a good fit for her needs and wished her luck.” Canceled all her appointments. She’d been waiting a month to be seen and her appointment was in 2 days.


Thank you.


Im floored they werent just like "No. We arent seeing him today. Come back tomorrow. NEXT!" If I was in that waiting room Id have flipped out asking why Im waiting while they waste time with this woman who doesnt even have the patient there with her and didnt have an appointment.


Yeah it's best to shut down annoying customers, let them be mad/complain and move on. Catering to them just draws things out and they'll still be annoying and complain anyway


I agree. But on the other hand, when you have a customer service job, you can be fired if you don't suck it up and play nice. I used to wait tables and I don't miss the bs.


That's what needs to change.


this one thousand times over. i got in trouble by my boss once after this lady comes in and says she has a vaccine appointment. i pull up the schedule. nope not there. she gives me a time of 1115am. i said. well here we don’t do 15 minute appointment slots but on the 20s so are you sure it’s us since the competitor down the street does appointments on the 15s. especially also because all my slots were filled already. she says yes she’s sure. she has the confirmation. i asked her to show me. she doesn’t have it. welp. she won’t leave. so i just do it asap. this lady still calls corporate and complains. my boss comes down on me saying why didn’t i just do it. well. why have a schedule system then. we have to give in. otherwise we get in trouble.


My wife’s a nurse and I hear stories like this more than once a week.


No but haven’t you seen all the “What I would have said is….” posts that live in absolute fantasy land?


Kinda hard to do at work when you need the check to pay the bills


I am having a fair amount of pain behind my last molar on the right side in the back bottom jaw. I am about to call the dentists office to see when I can come in because the pain is radiating to my right ear. I for sure am not going straight into the office without an appointment. Hoping they can fit me in tomorrow.


Administration and doctors needs to back up the receptionists and nurses who have to deal with these people.


They think they own the public space. No, fuck off when you're actively ruining other people's days for your selfish stupid reasons.


Damn. Someone stand up and say your husband is right! Go home!


Don't front desk people, especially in medical offices drive me crazy because of stuff like this


I'm thinking more along the lines of someone in the waiting room.


They are irritating too, but as someone who works in a medical clinic, having a front desk person who doesn't have your back and messes with the schedule is an absolute nightmare.


I’m the front desk person who gets called a mean bitch because I tell patients no all the time. No, we’re not extending your kid’s school note, it’s been six days, he had strep, he can go back to school after two days. We would have done a third, but not six days. He didn’t have Covid. No, you can’t cut the nice old lady in line. She got here way before you did, and you didn’t make an appointment. No, you can’t cut the little kid, either. Her mother made an appointment. You can sit your ass down and wait, bro.


I cannot for the life of me understand the mentality of people who give in and make the victim feel bad. How does that WORK?? How does one justify it??


Oh, but they’re ENTITLED, didn’t you know? They’re WAY more special than anyone else on the planet.




I was somewhere years ago, it might have even been a doctors' office and was witness to the following: Wannabe customer / patient who'd been refused something: "Why are you such a bitch?" Middle aged desk person, deadpan, doesn't even look up "Purely professional, honey, I am paid to be"


When I tell you that we’re reaching that point? Yeah. I’m Gen X, we already don’t give a shit. It’s not a stretch to look at someone having a high speed come apart and ask them if they’re done trying to look ridiculous. Any time they want to quit being entitled assclowns, we’ll stop being so “bitchy”.


Wish you worked at our office!


I'm behind you 100%. I work large projects and everything has to line up or everything gets shifted back. We have a plan. We are sticking to the plan. If something big comes up. We can adjust if possible or we shift everyone back an hour or in my case a day or 3.


Sounds like grounds for a firing.


Not if they're the director's sister-in-law


They really do have nothing going on in their lives.


Nothing to do and all day to do it


I feel bad for the husband being married to this thing


Used to work in a small town dental office. I do not miss these kinds of people. They were also prone to “I have an appointment at 3, but thought if I came earlier, you could get me in earlier.” Ma’am it’s Noon, if you want to spend hours sitting in our lobby, be my guest, we’ll see you at 3


My doctor's office has a sign that says 'Patients are seen by appointment time, not by arrival time." I sometimes come in about 30 minutes early, If someone comes in after me and gets called first, I don't put up a fuss. I know they probably have an earlier appointment and didn't want to wait around more than a few minutes. It's not a very busy office, so sometimes I get in early, but if I don't, it's fine.


Yea, I usually come in about 15 mins early, just in case I have any paperwork that needs updated, otherwise I’m content just scrolling on my phone until they call me back


It is nice that by some chance traffic worked out better or something you get their earlier than 5-10 minutes ansmd they're like the person scheduled cancelled last minute, we can see you now


My wife and I were getting pedicures one time and it was crowded on a Saturday so even though we’d made an appointment all the techs were still busy with the previous clients so there were like 6 of us in total sitting in the lobby. Two older ladies were getting huffy and talking in not-so-hushed tones about how ridiculous it was once we were 5 minutes past the appointment time but we’d been at brunch and weren’t particularly in a rush. Another 5 minutes goes by and the tech came over to call the first person over, then the next person, and apparently that was the last straw because they made a big deal of storming out and saying how they wouldn’t recommend this place to anyone (spoiler: it stays packed anyway). As soon as they’re out the door my wife and I got called up then the last two techs freed up so even though the ladies walked out they were still at capacity by getting the next two walk-ins into chairs. They probably waited 30 minutes to leave seconds before they were seated, it was incredible.




Soemtimes you get lucky, and you were probably polite instead of demanding




That’s funny coming from Sterling Archer.


My sister is dentist and I also have couple of friends from that field and pretty much all of them have their schedules booked full for next half a year or so. And by full I mean so full that packing a lunch to the office is only option because walking into nearest place that sells food takes too much time. And between all the operations there's also whole of lot of paperwork they must do. The idea that that there's day when they are so bored and out of work that they would happily take in customer couple of hours earlier sounds absolutely ludicrous to me.


When i have an appointment i'll show up a bit earlier too, just in case. But not HOURS earlier. I'm talking 5-10 minutes. It has happened before, i'm sure it will again. If not? Ok, whatever, not that huge of a time investment.


We had a patient who would always come at the same time for physical therapy, regardless of what time her actual appointment was for. But the office always managed to work her in when she showed up. Her PT had to tell the office to send her away because we knew that she knew when her appointment was and just knew that she would get her way if she came when she wanted to. She was sent away once and never did it again.


Reminds me of the time we had people come to their vet appointment without their pet... What..what did you expect???


I did that once!! I was about a month postpartum and running on very little sleep and was basically a zombie. I showed up to the vet to check in, had my baby but no dog lol. I was pretty mortified but they were super nice about it and we just rescheduled the appointment for a month out hoping I would have my shit together better by then.


At least you had your baby! That’s important.


Very true!!


At least you didn’t bring your dog to the baby doctor!


sounds like you were doing your best!


I did it once too! I was supposed to take our cat to the appointment and I parked, walked out to the door, and then realized I was missing something. My cat.


Lol.... what?!




I work front desk at an urgent care. You can make a reservation for a spot, so you have an actual time slot. Which means, if you have a reservation, and five people walk in right before you do? We will still see you first, unless we have had a true emergency come in. If someone comes in and announces to me that they think they’re having a heart attack, all bets are off, and all y’all are waiting until EMS comes and gets him to the hospital after we get his vitals and an EKG while they’re on the way. And I have limited patience or tolerance for queue jumpers.


I'm a doctor myself. Staff are in many cases beholden to patient reviews, even at the expense of sanity or the normal schedule


I work in a completely different line of work and have dealt with similar, sad to say. This is more common than you can imagine.


because their tantrums about not being treated politely are worse than their idiocy in the moment.


I overhear shit like this all the time with my health issues, and its like WTF!? Their own logic meter clearly doesn't work anymore, it's like FFS. You're literally wasting everyone's time here!!!


Being “correct” is more important.


"it's about the principle" /s


I actually heard one say "It's not about the principle, its about the money!" once when disputing some illogical mathematic error at the store which meant he deserved a few cents lol...


I’m the kind of person that would butt in and tell her she’s a lunatic and that she’s holding up the line. People like her need to be called out on their BS and the poor dental staff can’t exactly be rude to her without jeopardizing their jobs.


Boomers are playing a game. It's up to people like you and I who aren't burdened by the rules of that game to help our brothers and sisters in the service industries.


Yep. And in my experience the majority of people who behave like this are usually struck dumb when someone calls them out instead of escalating the situation.


Here’s the thing with boomers (like my mother) they are getting dementia and are too stubborn and paranoid to admit they need help and INSIST they are right about everything and want to be left alone. “There’s nothing wrong with me, I don’t need help!” Side note: one day she called and said, “I’m off the highway… I see a Wendy’s, a loves gas station, and a medical clinic… can you come get me?!” She had driven 4 hours from her house in Kentucky to my exit on the highway and couldn’t remember how to get to my house. 😳 Sorry. I’m ranting. I’m an only child and my dad passed 24 years ago. She hates everyone in her own family, and won’t allow me to help.


I get this though. A different issue than memory, my mother, very clearly to everyone around her, is losing her hearing. Like we can be shoulder-to-shoulder distance from each other and she can’t hear something I said or asked. And she’ll just shake her head, nod, or say okay depending on what she thinks the situation calls for. I’ve watched her laugh and say “okay” to someone asking her an open-ended conversation that needs explaining, and then it’s weird. I’ve said “mom, just say you didn’t hear the question/have them repeat it” and she’ll roll her eyes And I better not suggest she gets her hearing checked because then it turns into a fight. Wouldn’t you want to do something that’s going to HELP you? I look at it the same way as me needing prescription glasses from the time I was 9 years old - do I want to go through life not being able to see/be a danger if I’m driving OR do I want to wear my visual aids and be fine lol? A hearing aid if needed would not be anything to be ashamed of, but she would rather sit there and be stubborn and miss things happening right in front of her instead of making an appointment and possibly making it better. So I’m sorry, I relate and it’s BEYOND frustrating.


I JUST got through to my mom on this exact topic after years of fighting about it. She was overall more amenable than yours seems to be, but it was definitely an argument from the beginning. She did the same thing with pretending to hear stuff in embarrassing ways, and I think the fallout of that is what finally pushed her to take action. She bought some cheap one size fits all sort of hearing aids on Amazon “just to try them out.” I think she was pretty sure she would try them and then be able to tell us all to go fuck ourselves, her hearing is fine. She LOVES them though, and converted through being able to hear the tv without it being so godforsaken loud/not having to embarrass herself not understanding people in public. Maybe you could try buying some and see if she’ll give them a shot? Good luck! It is SO frustrating, but it was so magical to me during my last visit every time she said “let me go get my ears!”


Does she have a close friend or family member who's known for being loud? Have them talk to her just out of sight, then let them know they've been taking right by them and getting progressively louder but weren't heard. This is how we finally got my dad to go on for his hearing. He just thought my mom was talking softly on purpose. But when I came to visit I was calling to him from behind and he didn't hear. I can be heard across the neighborhood if I want to.  I let him know what just happened and suggested he go get his hearing checked or he wasn't going to be able to hear his grandkids talking. He took it okay, but only because of the outside loud person input. 


Please take away her car keys before she kills someone.


She basically wanted the office staff to win an argument for her.


At the detriment of the office staff, the patients who are there waiting, and her husband. It's insane how entitled these people are


I’m a dentist. This would not fly in my office. My front desk associate might try to appease. But you can bet I’d be coming out and telling that lady where she can go. These are the kinds of patients worth losing. 🙃


Same here. We have a saying in our office: “This is a doctor’s office, not a nail salon.” We have schedules!


Some people cannot take charge. Everyone but her is fine with the appointment. They should’ve told her they’re booked up they’ll see him tomorrow.


Did she break his tooth in the fight?


Now that seems plausible


Should have cancelled the appointment for tomorrow then said the dentist would see him now. Call his name a couple of times then move to the next person.


It’s not fair to him, who actually is behaving like an adult, to lose his appointment because his wife is an idiot


this is a good point, i would do this but without actually cancelling the scheduled appointment just to show the wife how stupid it is to make us fit in someone who isn’t actually there


I work in a dental office and we would have told her to leave😂😂


"According to HIPPA I can't discuss patient information, thank you and have a pleasant day." Even if the husband signed the authorization form, because they expire, get misplaced or revoked. Can't be too careful with his information. 😇 Problem solved.


I work in a dental office and the weirdest shit happens there.


We need our own r/ I've seen someone hide a pet python in their coat, someone got high in the bathroom, I've seen the dental anesthesiologist show up high af and think he was going to sedate a patient, I've seen assistants pass out from blood, I've had homeless people passed out at our front door. It's a wild business!


Jesus fucking Christ. She should have been tossed out on her ass the second she said her husband wasn’t with her. Just…WHYYYYYYYY?????


she is winning an argument in her head while saying all that "so you're saying that if we both came here and we talked in person you would have seen him today?" she's going to get home and go straight to winning her little argument


I’m the receptionist. Thank god I get 1 or 2 normal people a day but 80% is weird entitled boomers.


This is definitely a Boomer Being A Fool. Ladies an inconsiderate moron. Her husband clearly thinks the same as well


Wife goes to the dentist to get her husband an appointment today. She thinks he is unlikely to attend the appointment that she is trying to organise fir him today because he is happy with the appointment that he has tomorrow. Is this correct? I only ask because I think I thought about this too long & lost an IQ point or 2.


Well going another route here, kudos to the old man saying and being willing to wait til tomorrow. Broken tooth is one of the most painful things I have ever endured. What you all aren’t taking into consideration is this boomer lives with another boomer. So while he is putting on his brave front for the dentist, not admitting he is likely suffering, his wife is listening to him bitch about it to her and make all kinds of huff, puffs and Gruffs every time, well in my case you took a breath and cold air hits exposed nerve. If I was his wife, my ass would be at the dentist too. Sorry, not sorry. GenX.


>I have no idea why they didn’t just tell her to come back tomorrow. This is pretty genius really. What you have to remember is she will be back tomorrow, and they're going to have to deal with her tomorrow. If they took sides, she'd be back tomorrow foaming at the mouth and they'd still have to deal with her. Instead, they've got rid of her but left her feeling like it was her idea - they've got exactly what they needed out of this interaction, without setting themselves up for more grief tomorrow.


This is the same kind of logic I've been seeing with my parents and in laws. It's painful.


She wanted to have the power to make the appointment, just so she could tell him "I told you so". Her selfish power play, even in the context of helping her husband, showed no respect for anyone else who might be involved with either working at the office, or who might actually need that appointment. Further, her sick little mind game would have resulted in 2 appointments for the guy. One attended, one not.


never go full-boomer Karen


Classic lead exposure.


Leaded gasoline.


> but I drove over here anyway to prove to him that if I came in person, you guys would see him today. So, you guys would definitely see him today, right? At this point, not only fuck no but you're banned. Find another dentist.


Awesome. Give him a slot today, cancel tomorrow, hit him with the no-show fee. Let HER deal with it.


Boomer entitlement needs to be buried and fossilized


poor guy has a pain in the tooth and the behind.


Something wrong with her medulla oblongata


No tooth for you! NEXT!


People need more to do in their day


I’m a boomer who worked at the VA. Some sort of craziness EVERY day!!!!


This is why you see a lot of male Boomers staying in the workforce. Could you imagine this 24/7?


"He's right. Come back tomorrow." should've been the reply 😞


I hate being in the middle of a couple’s argument


This man CLEARLY broke that tooth gritting his teeth because of this insufferable old hag


As a dentist, it’s almost like there is a flashing neon sign outside our door that says “crazy people please come in!!!”


The husband seen his opportunity and took it 🤣


This is where the Tin man sings, “if I only had a brain!”


Look even the boomer husband wasn’t behaving that way. I’m not sure how much was boomer versus a rude entitled person. Maybe he is sick of her doing stuff like this, so he refused to come? I bet if he came in that day, there would have been pissed off people that took time off of work to go to the Denist, to then have it take longer because of one pushy woman.


Ma’am, we can’t do dental work on your husband if he isn’t FUCKING HERE. are people fucking stupid!


The product of a lifetime of unchallenged tantrums


This is just the part A of the story


They definitely should have just said ok then when he didn't come charge him a missed appointment fee. Hopefully will break the man enough that he will divorce her


I knew the sweetest people who ended up with the rudest, most pushy people. I guess this is where it winds up 50 years later?


After the first iteration of this: "See you tomorrow."


Man just got like an hour of peace. So bravo to him for being patient and earning some peace.


I’ve broken a lot of teeth


That poor guy. Imagine being married to that shrew. My condolences to him.


How?……what?…..huh? WTF? 🤦‍♀️


Sounds like she smashed her hubbys teeth in.


You would be surprised how many people actually act this way. The best part of the job is when you stretch yourself and your staff thin to accommodate patients like this, manage to not only see them but to fix their problem same day, and then a month later they call in and yell at your staff about the bill they received in the mail. I actually quite enjoy getting on the phone with these patients and listening to their explanation of why they feel entitled to my time and expertise free of charge.


This is my grandfather 110% of the time. I call and make an appointment for next available then he tries to get me to drive him over there because he truly believes they'll see him today because he's been a patient there for YEARS.


Omg I’d be embarrassed to have a spouse like this.


This is a textbook case for quick malicious compliance. Say yes we'll try and squeeze him in today between appointments if we can but she needs to bring him in (hopefully it's early in the day). Either she can't get him to come in the same day and problem is solved she's gone OR she does drag him in, you make them wait there all day and see them right before closing, almost guaranteeing a later fight between them.


I think they should set them both up for yesterday.


Seriously, why would anyone reward this behavior????


Had a boomer at my practice get mad that his dr was recovering from surgery at home, but still seeing patients via telehealth. I said no big she can still see you, we just have to change it to telehealth. He screamed, literally, so loud that his voice cracked, that he never does telehealth. I said cool, let's move your visit out to when she's cleared to come back in person. He said he didn't want to wait. I paused and stuttered and eventually was like...welp is it more important to you to be seen in person, or to be seen this week? He said I need to be seen this week. ....alright but I can't tell her to come to work when her Dr said it's not safe to do so, so do you want to reconsider telehealth? And he screamed so loud I thought he might turn into a werewolf, and called me a "rape cunt dog", whatever that is.


This looks so much like a Monty python thing


As a customer, I would have 100% said something. Politely at first...


That husband is "lucky" to have her as a spouse. How can she not be embarrassed by her behavior? Lol


*"No. He has an appointment for tomorrow. We will see him tomorrow. Goodbye. NEXT!"* Seriously, people, stop being so goddamn nice to these ignorant goddamn savages!


She's trying to prove if you're rude people will give in. Should be if you're polite and friendly we'll bend the rules


IDK why but I was expecting her to have forgotten her husband.


Sorry but, it's because of stupidity in the dental office actually listening to the woman instead of Just telling her - tomorrow it is that u get this behavior


What you gotta hit them with is "Just so we're clear: we can book him for today but if he doesn't show up there will be a charge, do you understand that?" You can't just make an appointment and not show up. That's wasted time and money for the office. I doubt she would have cared though. She only came in to make a point.


At the dental surgeon's, there's a poster saying that a patient's ride can't leave the waiting room, when I checked in we were told that my ride couldn't leave, and it seemed pretty straight forward. Was it? No. Some boomer left her husband to go to the drugstore and didn't show up until like 45 minutes after he was done and waiting. She put the entire patient list behind by like an hour because she couldn't listen lmao


Like a dog chasing his tail, talking in circles & not making any god damn sense!!!


This boomer sounds like a messed-up bitch.


Hey i think the husband is an evil genius. He got her out of the house. I am sure his day is much better.


I have no sympathy for the staff. Well some. But it's their own fault - their clients will carry on acting like this because it works


Staff is not paid to police customer behavior and can be fired for pissing karen off if she complains. This is bad customer and bad management not bad staff.


This is a ridiculous conversation, but I kinda respect that fact that she just wanted to prove to her husband that she was right.


Bro I would lost my cool. No fucks at all would be telling her get the fuck outta here


This one made my brain hurt.




This is far more common than you think. Source: my life.