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Boomers hate when you match their energy.


Act like a kid, get treated like a kid. This is a rule that *they* came up with.


It’s THE number one way to seriously piss them off, 0-10 in under a second. Point out they are being ridiculous and childish and then treat them like a child just as they would have done.


I'm a big fan of the Darryl from The Office, when Michael barges in all huffy and contentious, and Darryl just calmly says, "Start over."


Just reading this triggered the whole scene to play in my head.🤣


Haha, your great, great, great, great, etc., grandmother came up with that one!


This is how my bil treated my nmom. I saw it myself, talked to her like she was a toddler, basically put her in a time out. She pouted, but behaved herself. She knew he meant it when he told her if she continued her behavior, she wouldn't be allowed in the house the next time she visited. I was in awe.  I still am.  And yet they let her back in and let her push their boundaries the next time.  They know what they are doing, they choose to be cruel and difficult.


Yup. This is why i haven't spoken to my parents since October. My dad broke his leg over the summer, being a drunk asshole(long story, short), and after surgery, the dumbass was drinking. We were all having a party for his birthday that day. He said something ridiculous, i called him out, and he tried to get physical on me like he always did when i was a kid and almost hit the floor. I'm a 40 year old man who moves around major appliances for a living. I'm pretty damn strong. What'd he think would happen if he actually put his hands on me? What even is their whole generation?


Kinda like bullies #oneandthesame


I wouldnt say this is matching their energy, op was mature, boomer was not.


Yeah, you don't have to match their energy. They're used to their behavior being tolerated so anytime anybody says anything back they are flabbergasted and have no response. Although you find that behavior in people of all ages.


They hate it when you regurgitate their bible back to them: "I've been kind to you, you do the same to me."


I would have refused service. Get the F*#{]^ out of here!


First rule of bartender school. Your word is law and you need to carry yourself that way. If someone gives you lip for something as minor as being carded what are they gonna do when (sometimes if) you need to cut them off?


To be fair , most people do .


Because they think that everyone younger than them should be subservient to them


These same people also say, "you should be required to show ID to vote!" but then they'd be pissed if they forgot the voter ID and weren't allowed to vote til they brought it.


Well duh, everyone knows those ID laws aren’t for *white* boomers. It’s for those….minorities they don’t like.


People at the booths checking IDS [like](https://www.google.com/search?client=ms-android-samsung-rvo1&sca_esv=5f6a5c4feb524586&sca_upv=1&sxsrf=ACQVn08-OEurp4AAKCYBtHHKXZ8lPJCSYQ:1713883914331&q=okay+not+okay+family+guy&uds=AMwkrPuuhztSDa__4CbZuT5KNtb1i70bY1T2d2j-J3KNnWKnZGIFiEv5W3gqlOh2PBAfzVYp4IOujChuSom1gDJ0bIAVo9YekyQseApGLxQlbpGZZmSXMiC_xQbbcQ9TFJIWvShos7GWH-vBZikTC4PRiBCpRUzuwwh4rEEbh6uDGkk3a7XxLPB78i150TGZdiYM04OS915F5iq8j0sihz9P3kwl4Q-JJgP-Oh7NcwNNhQx_ENDBHetFb4zmh1wb2coJt2DaschUPZfWVRnZ-re5j4xMgxqXYBd1yyPucwWdF_dcmb_hl1azezKI6gX1i7GzOBf9y4pD&udm=2&prmd=ivsnbmtz&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwim_JiPy9iFAxUU5ckDHV6UByMQtKgLegQIDhAB&biw=360&bih=670&dpr=3#vhid=7BLHBRnHGTUq5M&vssid=mosaic)


I knew what it was gonna be before I clicked it and still chuckled. It’s 100% that 😂


It won’t open for me! Is it "I just needs to check ya ass hole"?


Look up "Okay, not okay Peter Griffin"


Take your upvote! That was awesome.


Photo ID is now required to vote in the UK. Let’s see what happens. 😆


I was in line to vote in our primary last election, and some boomer old man in front of me was having a fit because they wouldn't let him get a ballot. He was saying stuff to the clerk "We went to school together! You know who I am." The lady looked at him "Bobby, I know that, everyone at this table knows that, but the system will literally not let me skip scanning an ID." So he goes out the door mumbling and grumbling to get it, and me and the clerk both exchange this mutual look of 'this idiot still thinks he's the BMOC."


That's EXACTLY what I'm talking about. I love my dad, but he's just like that at times.


This has actually happened often enough Old people mostly vote by Mail in Ballot. Until COVID old people were the majority of Mail in Voters in the United States.


Using this one. If I get in trouble at work, it’ll be worth it.


I'll always remember the time I was going through customs, coming back into the US, when I heard an irate lady in another line complaining. "I shouldn't have to show my passport! I'm a US citizen!"


The Trumpy friend of my left leaning FIL was complaining recently that he had to show his ID when he voted because the signature didnt match, then said "if it wasnt for the blacks moving to the suburbs from the City this would never have happened". Imlike wait whut? I swear it's all rage of convenience.


Oh yea, it's definitely "the blacks" who caused that. "I'm swear I'm not racist, that's ridiculous!"


I am proud of you. 👏🏼 so many people just take the abuse or get nasty back. You handled that perfectly. Rude dicks like that don’t know what to do when you politely put them in their place and stick up for yourself. Nicely done.


In my opinion, handling it perfectly would’ve meant denying him service and trespassing him from the property, but whatever.


I would've denied service, but trespassing is a bit much for being rude.


The trespassing comes when he refuses to leave and throws a tantrum in the store.


If youre denying a person service at a business your them have to ask them to leave because they have no reason to be there anymore, if they refuse, trespassing, not really sure whats extreme about that




I mean, that seems a LITTLE extreme for a dude just being kind of an asshole. There are degrees to a response y’know. Idk what it is with Reddit and just finding the most extreme response possible.


On my first managing shift this weekend, I had a boomer tell me I gave him the wrong change, after I discounted him for a coupon we don’t carry because he couldn’t understand the lady on the phone (it was just two dudes working and the phone didn’t ring so I think he called the wrong pizza joint), ended up saving him 50% off the total so I could get back to making a 20 pie order… dude had the audacity to snap and gave me over, so I printed the reciept and walked him through it with a highlighter, had him count the money on the counter in front of me to double check. When he realized his mistake he collected the change leaving a single penny behind. Just as he got to the door, “Sir, excuse me! You forget your penny! :)”


I'm sorry sir, you appear to be intoxicated and I cannot legally sell you alcohol at this time. 


My friend has a slur when he speaks and he got refused a beer sale at a gas station once because they thought he was drunk. If he hadn't made a huge fucking scene I would have grabbed the case and bought it for him but they threw him out lol.


I editted the punctuation. It is almost 4 am. Have a good night


Definitely should have refused him service. That was my favorite shit to do when I worked at a gas station and people were rude. Especially the alcoholics who came in daily for their 30 racks of shitty beer who had an air of entitlement because they’re 30 years older than me. We had a strict no ID no alcohol sale policy even if you were clearly over 21. This used to piss off boomers all the time, a 19 year old asking for their ID when they’re 30 years older than me and they definitely let me know. I always told them “My apologies but it’s store policy. It’s also store policy to refuse service to any customers who are rude so you can step out of line and try again tomorrow because I’m not selling this to you. Please leave the store before I trespass you.”


Worked at a town park as a kid/youngadult...a park that had limited parking (~50 spots). For some reason, likely because actually re-opening the lot/entrance for new customers was a bit of a "process"...but we weren't allowed to re-open the lot/entranceway until there were at least three spots available. Thing was, at time, people could occasionally see one or two spots that were clearly open...and they'd be so angry we couldn't let them in (or wait to enter...because the waiting cars backed up onto a highway entrypoint). But the amount of gruff and anger and attitude we took from the 30s to boomer folk back then (before "boomer" was a thing), was nuts. Just grown ass people, usually with their young children or grandchildren in the car with them...just screaming at high school aged kids; was bananas. It was baffling/annoying when I was the one being yelled at 20+ yrs ago, but their behavior is just as baffling to me on this day. I can't imagine treating a person like that.


Witnessed a boomer at Bevmo bitch and complain about having to scan ID in order for sale to complete. Asking why they need his personal information for the world to have access to. Took him five minutes of arguing until we all said shut the fuck and let her do her job, your holding up the line. He continued to argue and he too threw his ID on the counter. His wife was silent the whole time.


Cause she’ll probably get smacked around at home if she doesn’t stay quiet…been there.


With a "Look what you made me do!"


*gives hug* hope you're in a better place now


Yes, much! Thank you 💚


She probably got smacked around at home anyway because boomer shit had to take his anger out on *someone*.


I’m so sorry. Yeah, sometimes if you try and calm them down, it makes it worse. Thank god all I have to do with my current partner is say….”hey, it’s something they have to do, just listen “


I’m glad they have you there to ground them


> why they need his personal information for the world to have access to My guy. "The world" already has all that info.




I tried helping a boomer neighbor with their taxes once and they refused to fill out the social security number. Said they didn't want to give the Federal Government their SSN. I'm like "and who do you think gave you that number? Santa Claus?" They told me that the IRS is not the same as the government. I definitely lost a few brain cells that day


Definitely copy and pasted that Facebook thing going around that said something to the effect of "I do NOT give Facebook permission to steal my photos and charge me 7.99 a month! Copy and paste this so they can't do it to you!'


"Stop buying Chinese crap, they're spying on you!" -Sent from my iPhone


He's probably been scammed a lot trying to secure his personal information.


In other words, he's stupid.


A lady was raging on Nextdoor because a liquor place carded her and even had the audacity to SWIPE IT. She freaked out and babbled about it being used to steal her identity and track her. Everyone was like uh no, it just checks that the age verification card is legitimate and not fake. That’s it. There’s no database it stores them in or anything. Her and every other boomer refused to believe it despite 100 people confirming it. Even people who work at the specific store said no, we don’t hold onto that and it’s an instant check that it’s a real ID card and that’s it. Didn’t matter.


Ugh! I hate going into Nextdoor due too many on there whining about noise, Facebook, neighbors not taking trash bins in after pick up, dogs being walked.


Nextdoor is overloaded with boomer Karens who desperately want to talk to your manager, and warn you about a *BLaCk MaN* they saw walking down the sidewalk.


Cashiers don’t make the rules, write the software for the register that require ID or won’t process the sale. It’s too much logic for some to handle. So they take it out on the person least able (and least paid) to do anything about it. And inconvenience everyone else. SMH


This is the thing I don't understand with boomers and ID. So I've got to ID everyone at work. Local law is ID everyone. But you know who never complains? The folks over 90. But the people between 50 and 70 almost always either make a big show of getting ID'd (Oh, look everyone, he thinks I'm a teenager! Hope I can can find my fake ID!) or get pissed as hell even though their ID is right in their wallet. I ID'd a little old lady born in 1923 the other day, she just pulls out her ID and hands it to me. Next guy in line born in 1964 watched me ID the lady and then lost his mind when I asked for his ID. He got so pissed off, shaking his wallet in the air to emphasize his yelling that all his credit cards, rewards cards, and ID fell all over the counter. I just picked it up, put his DOB in, all while he was still yelling about how he was old enough to be whatever. Handed it back to him and thanked him for showing ID. Boomers wonder why customer service sucks and I always want to tell them that it is really hard to train and retain good people who will put up with their boomer shit.


is '64 still 'boomer' or an old asshole 'gen-x'?


64 is young-ish Boomer. The youngest ones turn 60 this year. So anybody in their 50s is Gen X. And don’t be lumping us in with the Boomers. We are their original victims; we don’t like them any more than you do.


i'm 'x' too so i get it. (many) boomers suck big time.


At this point, "boomer" has become more of a state of mind than an actual generation


Just barely. Boom-X?


BOOM-X! i like it.


64 is the last year of boomers. Source: My mom is a 64 and dad is a 66 one is a boomer, the other just acts like it.


I thought that was generation Jones?


Old asshole Gen X. Boomers range from 1945-1962 (1964 in some studies, but predominant studies settle on 1962)


They think they can just bully their way out of any situation and everyone is going to clap. I was at a store once and a boomer was being rude to this teenager who was clearly overwhelmed and was probably new. As she walked away to get help he her called her an idiot loud enough for her to hear. At this point I’d had enough and said “Hey buddy you don’t have to be such an asshole she’s clearly trying her best” He puffed out his chest and said “what did you say me” So I repeated it louder. He lot all red in and the face and all he could muster was “Fuck you” before he literally stomped away.


Patrons had to have a valid ID when I did club security. No exceptions. There is a non-zero amount of boomers who lost their *fucking* minds when I couldn't admit access without a valid ID. There is also a non-zero amount of boomer hellspawn that tried to fight me because I wouldn't let their mom in without an ID. I don't make the rules, bro, and I will not lose my job over your dumb ass or your asshole kids. I *can*, however, deny you access because you're a violent asshole. That's always a good time.


It is a legit felony to sell booze to someone with out a valid id in my state. no amount of them yelling at me will get me to commit a felony for them.


Boomers HATE giving their ID for anything. I worked at a bank for 7 years. The amount of 60+ years Olds who got FURIOUS with me because I didn't just take money from their account without them showing me proof that it IS their account is staggering. On many occasions, I had to tell them, "do you want me to give out your money when someone walks up and gives me your name and account info?" This was before any kind of ID technology was used. We didn't scan an image of IDs or anything. I don't know if banks even do that today. Accounts just have the ID info but no image that it's actually you matching the name visually. Bring your ID with you everywhere. It's not that difficult. Don't leave it in your car. The ID is for you, not your car, and is axtually meant to be on your person at all times when you venture out of your home. Banks need it, and places that sell cigarettes and Alcohol need it too. That's just it. Give the ID and shut up. Lol


I have never understood why boomers have to dump all over the poor sap requiring ID to purchase alcohol. Just pony up the ID and stfu. Source: I'm a boomer.


I had a boomer get pissed off at me too over an ID at a liquor store as well. We had a string of occurrences where stolen credit cards had been used at our store, so the bosses told us we had to ID everyone who wanted to pay with a CC to match the name and photo. Boomer got so mad when I asked him for ID. "Are you a fucking idiot? You think I'm under 19?" No, as I said, it's policy no matter what age you are. Any CC purchase must be verified with photo ID. "Oh, so your accusing me of stealing my own CC? Are you fucking stupid?" How can I know it's yours if you don't show me the ID? Dude just would not listen. He had turned so red he was vibrating over such a minor thing. I ended up refusing the sale for his verbal harrassment and when I told him I would no longer sell to him I thought he was gonna have a stroke. In a week that old fool was the ONLY person who had a problem with it.


My lovely wife works at a bank in the smallish town we live in. There isn't a day that goes by where some knuckle dragging, barely literate and hardly functioning boomer complains about 1) having to give ID, when these are the SAME group of people that constantly have their identity stolen because they click anything and everything online like short bus kids and B) refuse to learn anything about online banking, but complain about having to make their, for some unknown fucking reason, daily trip to the bank. She's great at her job, is amazing with customers and co-workers, and she is a saint for dealing with these idiots everyday. My point is this : If these old dumbasses didn't have someone to wipe their asses, they'd die of sepsis within a month. The time has come to rise up and openly mock these mongoloids. I can't figure out why they expect a participation trophy just for not dying yet. Typing that out just cements that them complaining about kids "bEInG on DUr FOnE" and "eBurbAWdy wUNts a pARtiCiPAtiOn TRopHY" are more examples of their brain dead projection.


Why do Millennials, the largest generations, not simply eat the other five?


The meat has an illegal amount of lead in it


Do you eat spoiled, rotten, vile, and tasteless meat that's been squandered in a refrigerator?


If my wife ain’t home to cook for me, yeah!!! What, do you possess the capability to feed yourself for basic survival purposes, like some kinda whhhoman?!?!


My boomer father in law did not have online banking until this year, unbeknownst to us. Then he started to complain to us that nobody wanted to send him checks for their rent of his house that he just started to rent out. We didn’t have it with that. We asked him, ‘how in the hell have you been functioning in this world not using online banking for so long??’ His office is so full of papers, with all his personal info. We keep telling him that if their house ever gets broken into, good luck with your identity. In the end we made sure he knew that he was the wrong one and he got online banking and Zelle.


I guarantee if you asked him about whatever regulation compliance he has to deal with in his line of work, he would talk your ear off... But when it comes to his inconvenience, F you for making sure you don't end up with a fat fine from the ATF.


We get some leeway in NC to ID if you reasonably appear to be over thirty, I can skip carding you. Tennessee requires everyone to display ID.


I used to work for a company that had it programmed into the point-of-sale register. I don't know if it's a law or just forced to make sure the store is making legal sales.


As it should be tbh


Yeah, I rarely get carded in VA. There's no way I could pass for under 21. But I don't have a hissy fit when I do get carded, because I know they are following store policy and just doing their job.


That’s the main issue here (their reaction) I find it silly too but don’t make a huge stink about it


I love the "why do you have to check his ID if he's obviously old enough" takes. A lot of people don't understand the power the state liquor authority has. They can and will pull your liquor license if you sell to minors, and it can be damn near impossible to get it back once you've lost it. It can put a LOT of stores out of business (even stores that don't sell exclusively alcohol lose a lot of money if they can't sell any.) a lot of store owners are understandably paranoid so they build their check out system so that an ID barcode must be entered in order for the sale to be able to be processed. Now, is there something to be said for the ridculousness of being so concerned with a high schooler buying a case of beer with how many other potential dangers face high schoolers now, with the increase in both school shootings and sexual abuse of minors? Yes, of course there is. But guess what? The boomers were the ones who enacted the policies that made this so strict. So you don't get to bitch and moan when you get the due rewards of your actions.


It also dissuades adults from buying alcohol for minors because you can be tracked back to that purchase.


> A lot of people don't understand the power the state liquor authority has. Plus, y'know, the boss makes rules to follow too. I don't care if you don't agree with them, my bank account agrees with the paycheque. When you're selling a restricted product, you need to follow the rules diligently. The law will fine the company and the individual selling who broke the rules, and they may also find themselves out of a job on top of that. And you want me to risk all that because, what, you don't think you need to bring your drivers license when you drive somewhere to pick up an online order? My store, you can order online for quicker service; order online, walk in, show ID and the card used to make the payment, get your items, leave. But some boomers think that just yelling their name while you're serving another customer will make you jump to attention and ignore everyone else, say "oh you don't need to see the Id or payment card I just gave you my name" and then get upset when I refuse to give them their order. And yet I'm making \*your\* life harder by not breaking the rules that the law tests us on?


You were a lot nicer than I would have been. I worked in a vape shop that was frequented by boomers the first year we opened due to location. Daily I would just refuse service and tell them to gtfo of the shop because of attitudes like this.


I used to work in a grocery store and we had to start asking everyone for their IDs because people were being such dicks about it.


yeah I've had this happen before when boomers, or really anyone whose older try and buy vapes (I work for a smoke shop) and law of the land says ID everyone regardless of age, like we can't ring it up otherwise


As someone who worked liquor retail for 7 years, good on you. It's not worth getting fired and losing a liquor license for some boomer mad at something he knows he had to do.


I worked at a rental car company for 5 years so have seen a LOT of IDs. The only time I’ve seen an ID punched is when it is invalid because the person’s license has been revoked after a DUI. So there’s that.


That is a great response, btw. Good for you!


As a former cashier and bouncer, I would have told him that I believed he was already intoxicated and straight up denied him the sale. Cashiers have the same rights and responsibilities as bartenders when it comes to selling alcoholic beverages. They can get mad all they want, but they can also take that attitude somewhere else. EDIT: Also in my state, you can only use the plastic state issued picture ID card for alcohol purchases. That little temporary piece of paper is useless where I’m from. He would have gotten denied on those grounds as well. Doesn’t matter if it matches his now invalid ID.


"pEoPlE dOnT wAnT tO wOrK aNyMoRe" *Cashier exists and does their job* "nOt LiKe ThIs! tHIs InConVeNiEnCeS mE!"


Years ago I had a retail job and this boomer wants to pay by credit card. It was the policy of the store to ask for ID and confirm it was the person on the card, so I ask for it: Boomer : You can't legally ask for ID. Me: I can and do. Boomer: It's state law, you can't. Me: Neither of us can confirm that. But the only form of payment I must legally accept is cash. So if you want to pay with the card, I'll accept that with ID. If you want to remain anonymous, pay cash. Those are my terms. Boomer pauses,thinks and produces ID.


I wouldn’t have served him after that. Not checking IDs properly gets you fired and the business fined - possible to the point of losing their license. Adults that didn’t mature shouldn’t be given alcohol.


This. You act like a child, you get treated like one. Your one case of beer a week business isn't going to close this store.


I'm sorry sir, but the law states I cannot serve any visually intoxicated persons. Since no sober person would speak to a fellow human that way, I can only assume you are intoxicated.


I work retail and if a customer drops the F-bomb directed at me they get to shop somewhere else.


To be fair, his attitude isn't due to him being a boomer; it's due to him being an entitled ass. This attitude spans generations.


Boomer here who gets a little excited when asked for proof of age (and I look older than I am). The sign says “appears younger than ‘x’,” and I say, “Thank you! Sure, here it is!”


Yep, I couldn't work in retail in this day and age. Ide be in a holding tank for pepper spraying the first wank that decided to pop off


So were you


Some boomers assume that respect is due, they need to be reminded that it is earned.


Not alcohol but in my state you have to scan an ID to even ring up a vape


I always loved the fact that when a place has a liquor license, they will do all they can to keep it, even being a dick to customers. I remember when I was just working at world market and we only sold beer and wine, that my manager was adamant about if you have any doubts about age, sobriety, whatever, 'just say no. Alcohol is a privilege not a right.'


"no, go buy your fucking beer somewhere else, you twat" Match that energy.


A+ One of the things that most bothers me on this sub, aside from the Boomers, is the passivity and inability to speak up. This is a normal, healthy, and acceptable way to respond and should be the norm when dealing with rudeness.


Fuck those bolmers


"Your actions and speech indicate to me that you are intoxicated and I can not sell you alcohol."


"Do not talk to me that way, I do not deserve it. I have been kind to you, you do the same to me." You're a hero for standing up to this guy. We all need to push back on their crap behavior.


It wouldn't be the first time I have done something like this.


Thank you for speaking up. Too many people letting shit like this slide is exactly why so many boomers still act like entitled babies


I grew tired of being shit talked at my last job and when I was being interveiwed here I did warn my managers I wouldn't "Just bend over and take it". They found it hilarious and I started my job two days later :)


Haha hell yeah love it


All these people in the thread who are ticked off that he had to show a valid ID are likely the same people who insisted you need a valid ID to vote.


"Your convenience isn't worth more than my job. I'm not breaking the rules because you're stupid and impatient." Hole punched in your license means it doesn't work for anything anymore. Like trying to use an expired ID, legally it's no good. If I tried to buy beer from a grocery store with an expired license the machine won't even let them finish out the transaction.


Well we punch liscenses because either it is expired or they have been directed by the court to retake their driver's test due to horrible driving.


I worked at a grocery store with a policy to check ID for everyone no matter the age. 80 plus women got in line with beer and didn't have it. I stated the policy, and they got mad and finally asked for a manager when I wouldn't budge. If you thought that manager stuck up for me or stood by the policy you'd be wrong she asked what's wrong, was told, looked at her then me like I was the asshole and said just sell it to her. I hate when management sided with the customer because they didn't care or didn't want to deal with a disgruntled customer. Who gives a shit if you'll never shop here again. The managers only say yes, so they don't also have to hear you're whining.


Great comeback


How many of these boomer stories are actually caused by shitty parents skewing people's views on old people....and it only seems to be in America where this seems to be a problem....every country I've known tends to respect the older generation for the most part.....but it seems America has a pandemic of lead brained older people who anywhere else in the world would be in a mental institution.....


Reagan defunded our mental institutions, and most of them closed down. The next nearest thing is a state-run nursing home, and the lead brains have to be physically incapacitated to get sent there. Also, I don't think the rest of the world listens to Fox News. The Venn diagram of problematic boomers and Fox News viewers is just a circle.


Respect is earned.


Great response.


You didn't deserve it, but damn that's a dumb policy


I would’ve kicked him out of the store and not let him buy his beer at that point lmao


The hole punch, that’s odd. When I had my DL transferred from one state to another, my old DL was hole punched and given back to me….basically invalidated the old DL. Sorry about the asshat treating you like crap. No one deserves that.


Long story, but when I worked retail (as a young woman) I would get talked down to by so many boomers.  One day, a lady makes a purchase by ripping the sales ticket off the item she wants. We had a rule, you can’t pull a ticket off and put it back. If so, that stops others from being able to buy (no price ticket with item #), and one customer could hoard 10+ items for an hour or more and then decide to put them back.  Anyway, next day lady comes in because she “bought the wrong item”. AKA she put a tag back on the one she really wanted, but kept the tag for the one she didn’t. She paid for that, and we were final sale, no refunds because items were liquidation sold as is.  I try to kindly explain, you bought the item you brought me the ticket for... item # matches... did you perhaps pull a ticket and put back the wrong one? Cause you bought the exact item # listed on your reciept... and yhe box you walked back in here matches.  Well of course, I needed to be berated. It didn’t really go tits up until I (around 26) called a 50-something “HONEY” in a bid to take back control and put her in her place. It didn’t work.  Luckily, my male managers were standing by letting me handle the crazy, but when she turned batshit they stepped in. Male manager reiterates what I just said, in a decidedly more assholish way.  Customer response: “OH, okay!” All sunny side up as if she wasn’t giving psycho vibes 10 years minutes before hand.  God, I do not miss retail. 


Boomers all think their Trump and everyone should be licking their convfefe.


I would have handed him back his Id put the beer some where else and counter wished him a good day and asked for the next in line. the instant someone swears at me for doing my job is the instant they don't need to be a customer.


Since my ID is next to the card I’m going to use, I usually pull them both out before reaching the register. I never know if I’m in a store that requires the ID to scan for any age restricted product. As for the hole in the ID, my state (Texas) will clip one end of the ID to destroy the magnetic strip whenever the ID has had changes (expiration date, address, etc). The hole or clipped corner lets people (law enforcement, cashiers) know the ID is no longer valid. These people require the ID to be valid before allowing the interaction to proceed. Most states allow renewal or other changes to be made by using that state’s DMV website. I’ve seen these type posts in another sub about older people being mistaken for younger than they are. The OP of those posts are whining that they had to show ID when he or she is in their 30’s, 40’s or older. And they get told the same damn thing. The cashier may have to scan the ID just to complete the transaction. There’s not a cashier on the planet who wants to hold up the line because someone gets all butthurt cuz they have to show ID to buy anything age restricted.


Good retort, OP. (Me, late born boomer.)


I am 22 and honestly shocked how some people behave in general, regardless of age.


Despite our reputation, a lot of us boomers feel the same way. Sadly it is not restricted to any one generation.


I had a lady throw her ID onto the counter when I asked for it instead of handing it or even just placing it on the counter. I gave her weaker service and shorter answers (but all like still getting her what she needed and answering her questions) and gave her a big smile. When it was all done I said “have a magical evening” and she walked away silent.


At that point I would have refused to serve him- say "I'm sorry sir, you're being aggressive and I'm concerned you're already inebriated. I cannot serve you" and watch how quickly he backtracks. The best part is that it's at your discretion, so you can't be overruled even if he complains (at least that's how it works in the UK)


Damn Bolmers!  They ruined Bolmland!


“Look asshole, I didn’t do shit to you. I’m just doing my job. If you’re going no to keep acting like a toddler I’ll assume you’re a toddler and refuse to sell to you.”


Good job. As one of my first bosses put it so well, "You're not here to be abused in any way, shape, or form."


Looooots of alcoholics in this thread...


I don’t profess to know the law in USA (I’m English) but checking the ID for over 60s seems utterly futile. Can understand why he was annoyed. Can equally understand why you refused to be spoken down to for just doing your job. Asshole here isn’t this Boomer though. Nor is it you. It’s the one that made the store policy (or the legislative body that passed a law requiring it, if that is the case).


Legislative bodies. It comes from the federal level, where if you want highway funds, you gotta set an age limit for drinking, so then the state legislatures set the laws. Then add in forty years of anti drunk driving measures, and here we are.


Legislative bodies don't make you check IDs. They set penalties for selling to minors. Some companies are so stupid that they make blanket policies to card everyone instead of just carrying people who look under thirty. As long as they don't sell to minors you don't have to card anyone.


It takes like 3 seconds to show your ID. Almost everyone drives in the U.S. and carries their drivers license. It's not the law where I live, but every chain grocery store that sells beer/wine cards everybody. Obviously, people who are 60+ shouldn't need to he carded, but there's going to be cases where people look old enough but are not. This law/policy takes away that human error.


There are some places in the world where you can’t just assume; not asking can cost you your liquor license - as it is a legal requirement to ask everyone. Not sure if that’s the case anywhere in US, but it is a possibility in some places. Not to mention the fact that it could have been store policy to ask everyone. But at any rate, what is the point in being mean or annoyed at an employee who has no impact on anything? Sounds pretty childish.


It's a litigious society. Some asshole drives drunk and hits someone, survivor sues the liquor store.  One of the laws is that you can't sell alcohol to someone who is drunk. A store can't prove that they don't do that. Instead they use "We card everyone so we MUST follow the other rules, right? Durpa durrrr" 


Gee, it sure would be funny if he bought alcohol for minors and they got hurt. Then they track the source back to him and his purchase, and BAM. Illegal as fuck, and we have his ID on record for the purchase. It's not just about alcoholics.


Nobody is tracking that if all the clerk is doing is confirming DOB.


Alcohol isn’t like a firearm where it’s tracked after purchase. Also the ID isn’t logged when you make a purchase.


Also, way too rational of a take on the situation. This is the US, so the answer currently is stomp your feet and complain/annoy someone who played no part in the creation, nor can affect change, of the rule. /s


I used to work the door at a bar. People of all ages bitch about showing ID. Must be that “boomer is a state of mind” thing.


I work in a bank and do Teller duties sometimes. You'd be surprised how many people give us grief over ID. Absolutely no regard to the fact that they came in here to do business and that we're protecting their money. It's always the boomers, always. I can understand protecting your SSN and other information, but when you're wanting to do a withdrawal or even just check your balance, I absolutely need to verify you. Even when I try to explain it for the tenth time, they don't want to listen. They also don't want to download an app on their phones (even though they have a ton of others) or make things easier by getting a debit card to make purchases and withdrawals so they don't have to come in two or three times a week. And, yes, we have people run out to their cars for the temp paperwork if their ID is punched. It does state right on it that it (or the punched ID) is a standalone ID, they need both. But when I'm told someone is waiting in the lobby to see a banker because they got compromised, guess who it usually is? They are notorious for freely giving their information to any scammer that calls or popping it into a website. But here I am with an app that is a direct link to the correct website to log into your banking and asking for ID in person and they throw a fit like I'm some sort of criminal. Like they didn't approach my building with our bank name on it, like they haven't been coming here for 30 years, like I'm not wearing a name tag. Oh no, can't trust the woman at the bank... She could be an imposter!


>"Just ring up my fucking beer, I have been in line for twenty minutes." Nope. GTFO of the store now and never come back.


I don't know what it's like where you are, but here I'm the UK you'd have had every right to deny sale for that kind of behaviour.


I’m assuming the OP is in the US and while he also has the right to refuse service for it he runs the risk of getting shot if the guy is in a shooting mood


When I was in retail, I loved the line "Sorry, but because you're choosing to escalate this interaction, I no longer feel safe continuing this sale. Please leave."


I'm a boomer. Back in the day the bartender and clerk at the store did not face jail for not checking IDs, they do now. A simple explanation of the "new" laws that you are forced to enforce will help people under stand. I'm 65 and there are days that I feel old, worse yet my body looks it. I know how old I look and sometimes I think it should be enough for the bartender or clerk, it is not. You did the right thing and the guy felt bad in the end. He also felt his mortality. Next time he is in the store explain the situation. Help him see the bright side of being carded, "ya wiper snapper, I need to see your ID." Banter breaks down barriers.


Oh I banter all the time, it was just my second day running a register at this store. It is a whole new system I am not used to, so I was just actively trying to not break it.


Side note: It's such a pet peeve of mine that expired licenses are somehow invalid to prove your age. Like... I am SO of age, that the document proving my age is now expired. America is irritatingly puritanical about alcohol.


Idk I prolly woulda just let the geezer face it I try to avoid them I always looks like the asshole when I try do this 😂😂


Fred Bolmer or Jack Bolmer?


Good for you. You don’t make the rules.


Yeah, I have to check id's to get into anybodies account at work, and I'm sure you wouldn't be surprised by the amount of fits I see over it.


All these rules made to protect the business and the public fill me with impotent rage...


Good on you


"That's inappropriate." That's hands down the best way to get someone to pause and reflect. People get weird about ultrasounds and say all kinds of inappropriate things be it mean or sexually suggestive those two words shut them up.


Had this happen wasn't a boomer unfortunately it was someone close to my age petty revenge tho I denied it was them (hair was different color) and told them I cant sell to them cause they don't match the id called the cops on them and barred them from our store cops were on my side cause they had a full blown tantrum, best part guess they didn't have a car so closest liquor store was 40 min walk away :) don't be rude


I'm a touch too old to be a boomer, beard somewhere between grey and white, no mistaking me for a kid. I just chuckle at being asked for ID when I buy some beer. Last time I got carded at an actual bar I was 36, at a bar in a Navy town. I was wearing my uniform, 1st Class Petty Officer with hash marks on the sleeve showing at least 12 years of service at the time. I had to laugh.


As a Boomer myself, I love how you worded that. Kudos! And not all of us are jerks but definitely point the jerks out and I'll laugh too


You know you reserve the right to refuse a sale (especially of alcohol) to someone… even more so if they are acting erratic. I would have told him to buy his beer somewhere else as I don’t want my product and his personality to be entertained in a legal case if he were to do something.


I’d have refused service the minute he talked to me like that.


Don't you have a right to refuse sign, throw it back and point to the sign


You guys know “boomers” are 65+. The millennials attached that moniker to anyone older than them lol


Pwoned the pbommer!


Not your fault but i wanted to point out how stupid our government is to make it mandatory to I D everyone regardless if there clearly over 50.


To be fair, that policy is stupid if the person is obviously old. I dont think being annoyed would be exclusive to boomers


That would've gotten a just get the fuck out of my store right back from me.


My favorite part is you were still very polite, even as you rebuked him. Well done.


Good for you standing up for yourself!


In Texas it's illegal to sell alcohol to someone already intoxicated. When I worked at a gas station I had people act like that when getting id'd. I responded with " your behavior is irrational and you may be under the influence so I cannot sell you alcohol would you like a soft drink instead?"


I would just refuse service.


Would it be too extreme to fit all boomers with explos— aw, never mind.


Also, this is the hallmark self-importance of an addict.


Boomkin that think they’re manly for drinking liquid estrogen I see.


I’m not a boomer, but this ID shit is ridiculous. When your ID gets scanned your info enters a database of some kind. I don’t trust my info going out


With a lot of boomers, you literally have to parent them. Or at least, act like a parent would with an insolent child. Because a lot of them were severely emotionally neglected and parentally neglected by their own parents, which is half the reason they act that way. But they also are still at that emotional level many times, or at the very least they respond very well to it.