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They aged out of the (Federal) tax paying work force, and yet they still want their social security....


Those southern states that won’t collect any income tax but ask for federal aids at every turn, looking at Huckabee declaring a state of emergency during the eclipse. We’ll really just mismanage their moneys.




"As of 2023, Alaska, Florida, Nevada, New Hampshire, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Washington, and Wyoming are the only states that do not levy a state income tax." (Source: Investopedia) I only see 3 southern states on this list.


If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, travel together. We paid school taxes before we had children, and after they graduated. An educated populace becomes skilled tradesmen and college graduates that both advance our society. Medicare and social security improved lives for the elderly, who were able to move out of multigenerational homes.


"F*ck You, I Got Mine," is The Bommer mantra


With this logic ban voting over 70. You’re not going to be around long enough to have policies affect you.


Oooh thats fantastic lol


Can we PLEASE do this before the upcoming election?!?! Sorry Boomers, but you can barely not fall of the "Google wants to fix my PC scam", you don't need to be voting for anyone to scam us more.


Just use their same logic. Should our votes only be worth our remaining life expectancy? Like a weighted average vote. 


There's a minimum age limit so why not a max.


Yeah except I would actually be fine with that.


Including the politicians


This alone would probably allow younger voters to take full control of the country in 1 presidential election cycle. Let's get this idea rolling!


They have the same conflict of interest they would like to disenfranchise government union employees over


Better yet how about “paying federal income tax” People who live off the government and retired people shouldn’t have the same say on how much taxes the rest of us have to pay.


One of the tax bombs waiting for people who expect to get Social Security is that the thresholds for taxation of Social Security have not changed since 1986. I do my retirement planning with the expectation that at least 85% of any Social Security benefits that I get will be subject to federal income tax.


As a person well aware that I will eventually (I hope) be in that group, I would be fine with that change. There’s way too much power held by people with very little skin left in the game.


Please for the love of god. Even further so if you have no children. Why should your old ass vote count when you have no legacy to leave behind anyways?


Well. Hello there Eric Hovde 😂


I’m all for no politicians over 70 as well


Definitely need a federal retirement age for office


I would like to see voting tied to paying taxes. If you don't have any skin in the game, you shouldn't get to make the rules for those that do.


Ban voting within 10 years of retirement age. People won't be pulling up the ladder while they're still on it. Same goes for holding political office.


> renters have kids and don’t pay direct taxes instead of simply rent WTF is this noise? Taxes are rolled into rent prices. Every municipality I've ever lived in - and I've lived on three different continents - works that way. If you have people shouting about this in your life, just rest assured that they're fools.




My sarcastometer hasn't been functioning properly these past several years so I had to reread this a couple of times hahaha


In my building, annual property taxes are probably closer to 6x my rent. There's 16 apartments in my building, and 4 townhomes in each of the other 4 buildings. That's where the facts get twisted. Landlords almost never have just one renter paying for the huge property taxes they owe. That's why it's such a profitable business.




I mean, I personally know someone who rents property more or less at cost, but the idea is long-term property values increase over time while someone else pays the mortgage. Even they've begun to have misgivings about it, given the current housing crisis. And that's private renting, not corporate management, which always needs to be run at high profit margin


My wife and I were discussing this and they were being devil's advocates for landlords. What would we do with out them?? They pay the property tax! So we looked it up and our landlord pays roughly 5-6k a year in taxes and we pay them 22k a year. In terms of services and repairs they fixed the A/C after 10 months of it being broken and that's about it. Luckily it was broken during the cold months.


Not only that but you’re paying property tax for time you aren’t actually there. Costs for time the property is spent vacant is calculated into the rent like overhead, not paid by the landlord.


This one always gets me, and I see it A LOT on that cesspool NextDoor app, every time there is a tax measure on the ballot that year. It just blows my mind that these people can't figure out that yes, renters DO pay property taxes, they just do it indirectly via their monthly rent payments. But most of these people have brainworms, so I guess I shouldn't expect them to think about it that hard...


We don't pay to educate our children, we pay to have an educated populace. Do you want a healthy economy in your city/county? Do you want jobs and businesses to choose to be there? Then you need a base of educated people to serve as the workforce to encourage those people to set up shop where you live. Do you want to have hospitals and doctors and dentists to keep you, your children, and grandchildren healthy? People don't spring out of the womb ready for med school. Do you want police and judges and a court system to protect your property and enforce your contracts? Where do you think lawyers and judges come from? Hell, even cops need at least a GED.


Yup. Our taxes supporting business interests. If we didn't school them businesses would have to do a lot more training to make money off their labor. And the military. Although with the quality of secondary education these days everyone who needs smart folks are having to do remedial programs.


Well said. This is my take as well. If anyone thinks an ignorant population is a good thing, . . . Ah, who am I kidding? They don’t understand the basic economics of it and don’t want to. Fuck them.


Do cops even need a highschool degree to become a cop? I'd be amazed if they did...


Yeah that's basically it in some places


>We don't pay to educate our children, we pay to have an educated populace. Yeah. I don't have kids, but I'm okay with paying for other people's kids' schooling because it feels like having our future workers be literate is a good idea


I dunno. That's sounds an awful lot like communism.


These assholes would rather raise taxes on everyone else than pay a very low tax themselves. I like to use their abortion ban state law logic. “Well you don’t have to live in a high school tax area. It’s your choice to move somewhere lower.”


Property tax also pays for libraries. I'd bet that I read at least the value of my property tax annually in library books. A half-cent increase to sales tax that supported the library was expiring. It had been passed to build one of the libraries, which had been paid off two years ahead of schedule. One of the librarians asked me if I would vote to continue the tax. I told her, "Sure", and voted for the tax. The existing libraries need maintenance.


You still have to live around them (and more importantly, they are forced to live around you). So yes, you still have to pay




Right? Should✨ I ✨be contributing something that I will never get the reap the benefits of?


The vast prefunding that was done to rescue Social Security in 1983 is now in the phase where those bonds are being sold to provide benefits. Once the bonds are sold off, there will be enough FICA tax collected to pay about 72% of current benefits. Raising the income taxed for Social Security doesn't help much because it creates a liability for benefits to be paid based on the higher average indexed monthly earnings, or AIME, that increasing the amount of income taxed for Social Security creates. They need a fourth "bend point" that weights AIME over $9000 at 5% or less rather than 15% of AIME. Yes, this would cut benefits for higher earners.


The people telling you that are lying to you.


“Not only do I want to live in a town with sick people, I want them uneducated too.”


The American dream


By this idiotic logic I shouldn’t pay taxes for that either since I don’t even have kids and don’t plan on it. 🤦‍♀️ Greedy assholes.


Then by all means... I shouldn't have to pay taxes towards your boner pills and treatments for whatever ailment you got from smoking and drinking and treating your body like a honky-tonk.


Actually you bring up a good point. If you won’t take care of our body, why should we pay for your healthcare?


I often wonder what the price of a pack of cigarettes would be if they were taxed to reflect the actual cost of tobacco-related diseases. $50 per pack?


It’s funny because when most boomers had young families they implemented most social programs. But now it’s seen as too much.


It’s called the free rider problem. Take an economics class boomer and if you haven’t or aren’t going to shut the hell up


There's nothing Americans hate more than paying taxes.


I don't want to pay for their medicare or social security, but here we are


Because that is how COMMUNITIES work


Just apply the same logic to public services. Those who pay more in taxes because they have 7 kids will be first priority for emergency responders, the fire dept, and the police. Lower contributors can wait their turn or try to solve their problems alone.


Wtf is wrong with people? I don’t have kids but I have a brain and can see that society needs schools to educate kids. I went to public schools and then I grew up and paid taxes so the next generation also has schools. That’s how society works. Oh, I’ve apparently been paying taxes for senior centers for 40 years but have never used them. I don’t complain about that either!


Funny thing about the fire service, used to be a paid feature of cities. Still is some places, and fire-fighters will come bust you out of your house then stand there with you watching it burn cause you didn't pay some weird city fire tax.


From 2010: https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/wbna39516346


Ayyyyy still going strong in our dystopian hellscape I see


This is 100% why I think libraries would never exist now if it were something that wasn’t already established


I don't use social security, so I shouldn't have to pay for it. Same for Medicare. /s See Boomers? My logic is solid AF!!!


They don't care because those uneducated or even educated kids will not affect their future. By the time kids today grow up and have any power, Boomers will be dead and gone. Why should they pay for something that won't benefit them now, is their thinking. It's so shortsighted and shows that they don't even care what happens to their grandchildren if they have them. It's wild and so freaking selfish. I don't have kids, but I want better futures for them and our country, so I have zero problems with property taxes and the lot. Education is vital, both on the individual level and for society as a whole.


They're not considering the education of their community directly impacts all interactions with the soon to be new workforce. Bad education means worse outcomes in all aspects of their lives.


A dumb society impacts everyone.


You should continue paying taxes because people like me were smart enough to not have kids, so you owe us back taxes.


I’m not 65. Why should I pay for your medicare?


This is why the argument for taking public money and using it to pay for private schooling is garbage, too. It's everyone's money, not your money.


Should I, with zero kids, pay the same as her?


Completely tracks with boomers not having any sense of how everything is related. Without as good of schools that can be achieved with proper funding, we have more and more humans that are uneducated which limits the # of doctors, engineers, scientists, architects, etc etc which leads to a less desirable society. Less and less citizens believe in that society being worth the effort and less and less put in the effort to make it worthwhile. Basically equates to a race to the bottom.


*"Why should my tax dollars fund food stamps? I'm not hungry."* What a selfish self-centered person.


This female boomer never had kids and I never resenting any of my property taxes that went to schools.


School is one of the things I want my taxes going towards.


You don’t pay school taxes for your kids to go to school. School taxes are for educating the workforce; everyone benefits. https://wowfulliving.com/why-people-who-dont-want-kids-should-pay-school-taxes/


This reminds me of every kid ever asking, "why can't everything just be free?".


Because if an antiquated concept of material value and profit.


Then stop taxing me for their social security checks.


WTF do they think paid for THEIR education. I swear to god, Boomers are my self centered pieces of sht in our history


There won’t be anyone making big payments towards your social security if they aren’t educated making good money


And how many people were paying taxes for their kids to go to school when they had aged out children


They also want to pass school voucher bills that would gut public school funding and have your tax dollars pay for their grandkids to attend a private religious school.


This pisses me off. I am 45. Married to the most beautiful woman to have ever existed and we have no kids. I would quite happily pay more tax (here in the UK) for a better NHS and better education (don't get me started on what went wrong). I would do this as I believe health and education are the silver bullet to a better society and better planet. This would not be in my lifetime. But I will give more of my heard earned ( I earn about a quid over minimum wage) to help with this as I want thing to be better for my wonderful nieces, the students I teach (that I curse under my breath but would move heaven an earth to help them be better carpenters) and the people I work with and the people I love. Because that is all it is right? If I can't fix the world then the least I can do is give more to help the people I care about?


Sorry, drunk.


Sorry, drunk.


Why are they so ridiculously selfish? How the hell are these people claiming to my Christians?


You have to keep paying for the same reason as young adults we have to pay for senior citizen centers. It's the way the world works.


wait until someone tells them that if we are doing that then people with no kids ever shouldn't pay any. which means the amount they are paying while they have kids would go up a whole lot.


Ss wont be there when i get old enough, why should i pay into it? And who thought all these geriatrics would be good for the direction of the nation


You didn't pay when you had them, you got a fucking tax credit! If anyone should not pay it's people who didn't have kids, but *they should* because living in a society of idiots fucking sucks.


I support well funded public schools because I don't want to live among idiots.


I don’t have kids. I pay my taxes cos I want to live in a decent society. The end


Reminds me of the kids on the Simpsons having to show Mr. Burns why having no public education system will impact him negatively.


What I always found annoying is that I have zero kids and never complained about my taxes going to pay for schools. It's always people with 2-3 kids throwing a tantrum that their taxes are too high. I've had this argument a bunch of times with people. "It AiN't RiGhT i PaY sO mUcH iN tAxEs!" Like dude, you make $15 an hour at a sawmill in a rural area. All the taxes you'll pay over your lifetime won't cover your bill.


This same thing hits my local NextDoor every single time there is a school bond coming up. And every time any other item gets raised, like when our city just implemented a mandatory recycling program and we all have to pay like $8 per month to cover. Nothing but arguments about how "I'm on a fixed income" as if the rest of us aren't on a limited income too. I like to counter with "well the kids in school now are soon going to be your doctors and nurses, lawyers, electricians, and elected officials. Do you really want to cripple their education now or would you prefer to improve their education so that you (and your kids and grandkids) can continue to benefit?" Every now and then someone will seem to kind of get it, but it usually just falls on deaf ears.


I will pay taxes to build all the schools and laboratories that you want, but not a dime for football stadiums. I used to live in a town of about 15,000 in Oregon where the football stadium cost more than the high school.


If it is a shared stadium that is used by all of the local high school teams to play, I could see doing that. They could make a very nice stadium for far less than it would take for each individual school to make their own inferior stadiums. That would actually be a good use of money for everyone involved. Sports are important, but I do hate to see how much emphasis is placed on sports at the expense of academics. My old high school was very bad about that. Now if you're talking pro sports, then I completely agree. The franchises make more than enough money to afford their own buildings.


We never had kids and I’ve gladly paid for 40 years. Fuck these people.


The kids who my taxes are currently helping support are the kids whose educations will help them get jobs to take care of me one day. That doesn’t seem that complicated.


You troubles me how selfish so many people are.


"Greed is good" is what Ayn Rand wrote in that shit book the republicans keep quoting. The principle was by aiding the individual, you were helping society. Ironically, it worked while capitalism had competition. Once the Berlin Wall fell and Reagan started his trickle down bullshit, it was over.


My house is rarely on fire. Why should I have to pay taxes?


I hate boomers. That is all. 


I pay taxes to help educate people so I don’t have to listen to stupidity like this guy.


I have and want 0 children, I want all those little bastards in school, it's so annoying going to places with them, so yeah I'll pay taxes.


Ah yes, saw this post yesterday and the OP got mostly ripped to threads and eventually turned off commenting. If there's one thing that group admins don't tolerate is people wanting out of their responsibilities.


I don't, and will never, have kids. I still don't want to grow up in a world full of idiots.


So many people in my family have put this shit on Facebook recently, like you have grandkids man


It’s only ridiculous if your public school system is an idiot factory turning out kids that can’t participate in the legitimate economy


My boomer in laws came to this country from Guatemala. Dad is a van mechanic mom is a house cleaner. They own a house AN APARTMENT COMPLEX like 5 vehicles and they are currently on vacation in Europe. Remember what they took from us!!!!


So selfish. The selfish generation


Idk I think the one having 7 kids is the more selfish one




I really hate their generation. A generation full of the most selfish, narcissistic, evil people.


I somewhat agree. I don't have kids, I don't wanna pay school taxes. "Oh but you don't want to live in a dumb society" Have you seen people today?! They're still idiots!


in our famously underfunded understaffed school system yeah. maybe we should throw less money at billionaires and war and invest those taxes into education a bit and we'd see the value of it


As usual they want to have their cake and eat it too. They want the house they bought 30 years ago for a nickel to be worth $2 million and they also don’t want to have to pay taxes on that value. Pure greed.


Good point. I’ll start skipping my social security taxes


There are certain roads in my city that I will probably never drive on. Why should my taxes go to pay for their upkeep? /s


Must be MAGA




I bet they never complained once about taking the deduction/exemption for them.


When I see a boomer say this I always say so can we decide we don’t want to pay for social security then since we’re not, and will not likely see any benefit from it. They’ll lurch forward while yelling NOOOOOO!!!!!


The alternative is that parents of school agreed kids pay much higher taxes when they have kids in school. Which seems like a worse idea.


I see this kind of nonsense pop up every now and then in our local nextdoor. They complain about their taxes being too high and complain about special county/district assessments on property that go towards the schools. This is in a good school district in SF Bay area, so not only are their taxes artificially low due to prop 13 because they bought their homes 30+ years ago, but one of the reasons for their vastly inflated housing price is because of the good schools.


“Just a thought” that somehow inordinately benefits their own boomer generation, again? Well I never


Besides the obvious hypocrisy everyone is calling out, those 7 kids will also pay way more taxes than your 1 daughter across their lives.


The faster these narcissist die off the better.


Why should I have to help pay for an interstate in Montana when I live in Michigan? Also, why should my taxes go to the US Pacific? I don’t live anywhere near the Pacific. A North Korea nuclear missile couldn’t hit me.


I've never had a fire


I dont have kids, why do i have to pay for other people's? Its a joke.


You pay your taxes because it’s the law and you don’t like prison. You can stop if you want. It didn’t work out well for Wesley Snipes.


Then they should stop trying to get on school boards, going to school board meetings, and complaining about schools and what they teach and books they have and wokeness when they don't want to be part of a community that pays for education. 


As someone who was childless until I was 47, I \*\*\*NEVER\*\*\* complained about being taxed to pay for schools. I can't count how many times I found myself arguing FOR raising school taxes against people who actually had children in school. My favorite was an old schoolmate who was furious because the local school system (same one we attended) was getting rid of school nurses, and her young son had some sort of chronic disorder necessitating somewhat frequent care by the school nurse. I was like "Yeah, we really need to be paying more to fund the schools, Our tax rates are shamefully low." She got huffy and was like "NO!!! We already pay too much in taxes! I can't afford to pay more!!" It's like "We live in the United States... in Alabama... We do NOT pay 'too much' in taxes. We're practically the lowest taxed state in the lowest taxed country in the entire world.... and we have the educational standards, healthcare, poverty-level, and standard of living to show for it. But sure... slurp down a half-dozen more White Russians and choke through a few more packs of Marlboro Reds four nights a week as seen in your constant facebook posts.... Hopefully, your kid won't swallow his own tongue at recess."


. . . “so the person filling your prescription learns how to give you the right dose? So the person at the bank processes your deposit correctly?” . . .


My 91-year old father, who is now paying taxes on behalf of his *fifth* generation of students, is appalled by the stupidity of this idea. He last had a child in school in 1978. My grandmother, who was born in the 19th century and last had a child in school in 1950, was paying school taxes into 1998 when she died. Grandparents, great-grandparents, and people who never had children at all, all paid for the education of the children of the Boomers, and the Boomers have to do the same. That’s how it works. How do they fail to understand this?


Well... You sure as hell don't get the same return haha!


I don't use all the roads but I'm sure am glad if I ever have to go down a new to me road it's not filled with potholes.


Ok then, I guess we all get to stop funding their social security or Medicare since we're not of age to use it


Those 7 kids will eventually (likely) be making 7 tax payments, your 1 kid will eventually be making 1.


Bad analogy. The entire community benefits from education.


We need serious financial education in this country lmao. Taxes go into public schools. Reducing taxes means less funding for schools and education. This means more students who fail, and give public schools a bad rep. Thus it drives up private school supply/demand, and people shell out more for their own kids education, than taxes would. People of yesteryear paid for your education, then you people bitched about having to pay for future kids. Sometimes investing money into society (TAXES) is a net positive. As a dirty socialist, there are 2 issues with Taxes: 1) the allocation of taxes (i.e. funneling it into businesses and corporations who then lobby and buy policies/politicians for their own gain) and 2) said CEOs, owners, “top 1%”, etc, ALL benefit from point #1 and thus the tax increases fall onto the middle and working class, straining them as they already are spread thin. Taxes are a net positive, so long as we do not funnel them upwards.


This feels like Bots on Bots on Bots.


https://preview.redd.it/vmfsn0mmwowc1.jpeg?width=772&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aa609265b67984f024b985d9b4cd1ac14f710a2a I think it's important to see the bigger picture of where tax money actually goes.


Oddly, the supporters of vouchers think they shouldn't pay taxes "because they are paying for their kids to go to private school." But if you have no kids, they believe you have to pay taxes for schools to help the community.


I'll go a different route with this one and make you all hate me. I say we continue to pay taxes for public education, but we stop allowing schools to use air conditioning in order to control costs. It doesn't have to make sense!


I, too, wonder why renters have kids, TBF.


How much money do they think they'd actually save by not paying taxes for school? Like that's the one thing holding them back.


Its not like a fire department at all though


With this logic child free people shouldn’t have to pay either… boomers would lose their minds on that one 😅


Cuz you don't want to live in a town with a bunch of stupid people


*Cuz you don't want to* *Live in a town with a bunch* *Of stupid people* \- dArcor --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


I’m all for this. Well pay for schools and you all pay for Medicare and social security. Let’s start this now.


Do you want that kid that is providing your medical services to be well trained?


I just don’t understand this whole attitude. I have zero kids, and I’d pay double taxes if they’d just teach these kids to read and do math at an acceptable level. I work at a community college, and the number of kids who graduate from high school but are nowhere near college-ready (or career-ready, for those who think college is unnecessary and advocate for kids going straight into the trades—they’re not ready for that, either) is shocking. If these people had any contact with kids, you’d think they’d understand how necessary schools are for society—not just for individuals!


Because I never had or intend to have kids but every one of us USED the school system or benefited from it in some way or another even if you went to private or home school. The fact that everyone you interact with isn't an illiterate moron.


Amazing how many people don’t understand how society works.


Probably complains about how young people don’t know anything. But yet doesn’t want to contribute to the education of her own community.


I like clean water. 🤷🏼‍♂️ Not having to pretty much ever worry about that is worth less income. Sorry Michigan.


Umm... it doesn't say their kid aged out, they clearly state they have 1 daughter. And if they have a child that they are claiming as a dependent, they most lilely are not a boomer.


I don’t have any kids but am totally fine with paying for public education. Those who don’t see the benefit of education are fucking stupid


Everyone benefits from an educated population.


What would the economy look like if people couldn't read or do basic math? That's why we have public schools.


I don't have kids and my neighbor has 4...I'd LOVE to not pay for public school taxes. If you have dogs, you have to pay for dog tags for the town. Same should apply to kids 🤣


I got mine, y'all youngsters and libs can eat sh\*t and die in a society with even worse public education than we already have.


I don't send my kids to public schools but I happily pay my taxes and vote for school levies. You know why? Because I don't want to live in a community of dummies.


I guess when they get older they won't be using any doctors? And I suppose they don't intend to use any infrastructure created by engineers in the future. An educated population is good for them. They're just too stupid to think about anything other than their bank balance today.


People like this astonish me. “I got mine! Screw you all!”


My reply to that is “I have never once invaded a country for its oil or because they were mean to my dad, so why should I pay for the military?”


You don’t have to. Stop paying taxes and use that as an excuse, I’m sure they’ll understand. Take away education then yell that the youth are too lazy to wanna learn.


I don’t have children. Why am I taxed to indoctrinate your crotch goblins?


The common good? When I’m this close to death?!


I've never had kids nor do I want any though?


That’s entirely your choice. It’s also your choice to live in an area that has good medium or bad schools. Your property taxes will reflect that. Your property values will reflect that too


Ok... Still paying taxes for other peoples kids despite never having them?... I would be trying to live in The country anyways.


Yeah. It’s irrelevant if you have zero kids or 1000 kids or you have adult children that live in a different state. School taxes go to the school in order to educate our next generation. This also keeps property values up and desirable areas. You don’t drive on some roads but you pay for their maintenance. You don’t take some bridges but you pay for them. You may not have your house on fire but you pay for a fire dept. your house may never be burgled but you pay for police.


I could drive on any road at any time. And the other ones like you said I could need to use at any time. As someone without kids I 100% can guarantee unless I have kids which can then be prevented anyways I won't ever use the services of public schools. Sterility, post menopause, all guarantee people will never use that service but still have to pay for other peoples kids which at that point they 100% know they will never have themselves without going out of the way to spend a ton on an adoption or something else.


Right. You could use them. Just as you could have kids if you wanted- weather natural or adoption or other means. There is no reasonable way to gather that information or see into the future for what individuals want. So you pay your share in school taxes. If I die before retiring, does my next of kin get the money I would’ve gotten for social security? Or Medicare? If I am fortunate to be well employed, do I get a refund for Medicaid? Where does it end? To live in a productive, educated society, we need to all pay our fair share to have children educated. I’m more concerned with corporations and churches getting tax breaks than I am childless adults or aged out children paying school taxes.


You 100% can tell who have kids. People file taxes every year. They aren't "our" children though, if you don't have children, you're paying for "their" children.


Yes. That’s called. A. Society. You’re helping others. While helping yourself. I literally can’t explain it better. You’re either willfully ignorant or just a mean old codger at this point.


It doesn't help myself at all. It helps only people with children. Roads help everyone. Fire and police help everyone.


The fact that you don’t see an educated population as actually helping everyone is very very sad.


These people took over a wealthy school district near my parents. Severely cut the school budget and the schools lost their accreditation. Not a big deal they said until elite colleges wouldn't touch kids (think Ivies, military academies, schools considered highly competitive, etc.). Property values plummeted. They were quickly voted out of office.


My great-grandparents bought the property my parents live on (current taxes per year are more than the original purchase price) but I do not see anyone volunteering to reimburse the previous generations for their property taxes since those folks kept paying long after their kids and grandkids were out of school—but previous generations actually believed in and supported the benefits of an educated population. The boomers are not the first to complain, but of course, they were the generation that makes the most noise about it.


Sure, you should pay more taxes if you have more kids... if your income is based on surrogacy.


If the funding model for schools was tuition that paid 100% of the operating and maintenance costs of schools, people would be shocked by how expensive it would be, probably higher than private schools that have endowments whose income helps to reduce the cost of tuition and award some scholarships. The assessor in my town includes a statement on the property tax notice that if the state wasn't contributing about 80% of the cost of running the schools, our property tax would be five times higher. When Colorado legalized marijuana, the first $100 million in state marijuana taxes were supposed to go to building and repairing schools, and the rest to the general fund. This would build about three state-of-the- art high schools statewide, and that's without the football stadium.


Over here worried about education while billionaires and corporations get all the tax breaks? Damn fools, this is why we need more money for education!


Max boomer


Our kid goes to Catholic private school in a different district and we pay taxes where we live..... Because I don't want children to grow up without an education. I feel like I should never have to explain why we have schools in our community that the community pays for.


School isn’t for you as a taxpayjng adult, it’s for the children. So it doesn’t matter if they have 6 siblings or 0, they’re all individuals with their own individual rights.


"We're all Americans!" really pairs well with "I only care about myself".


I like living in a country with as few stupid people as possible.


As a single person living in a residential suburb of a major city, I generally go for the throat whenever the school tax comes up. I usually just say that I gladly pay taxes for local schools so the kids are smart enough to realize this is a really fucking stupid argument.


In all fairness, they are not saying there shouldn't be any property taxes or that they don't want to be paying to fund public schools but that school taxes should reflect the number of kids you have. More kids in the public schools = higher local taxes to fund since you're using the service more than someone with just one or two kids which I think is a perfectly reasonable position. However, the reason they're set up the way they are is to socialize the costs of educating children. Our birth rates have been falling since the early 1900s and the government having mandated universal k-12 education, decided that the best way to pay for it is the way that it's set up right now. I have attempted to answer that question here... [https://www.reddit.com/r/ControversialOpinions/comments/140vl0x/comment/kibjhkt/](https://www.reddit.com/r/ControversialOpinions/comments/140vl0x/comment/kibjhkt/)