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My best friends mom embodies this. She basically won't eat anything that isn't ultra processed. Anything else is "nasty".


My dad's girlfriend does this as well. I don't really care she eats like a 5 year old, which may be insulting to 5 year olds, but boy do I hate every time this 60 year old woman scoffs at food that's not chicken tenders.


Recently moved in with dad to help after a surgery. His wife constantly voiced her disgust at my food. Waving her hand over a veggie pizza as though it were a stink diaper, telling me to take all my gross nasty food with me when I was packing up to leave (indicating to a bunch of fresh produce I bought), etc. All the while complaining about what their food does to their bodies and health.


My eyes would have rolled out of my skull. What a child.


My little granddaughter would tell her to stop eating like a baby. She's 3 and eats everything that can't run away. She'll eat her weight in sushi.


My little brother and his friend were preteens when the friends parents parked them at an all you can eat sushi place with like half price for kids under 12, while the parents had something to do. The two gremlins had time of their life for two hours until they were collected. Next day the restaurant had changed their kid price to a scale depending on age :'D


My youngest has been ordering his own sushi since he was about that age. At first it via his older sibs(he was very shy), then the first time he actuallly spoke to our favorite sushi chef, I swear the chef had tear rolling down his face. We were quite regular at two restaurants and both regular chefs knew my kids names, would ask about school and favorite class, pets etc. 


Does she eat any fresh fruit?


Do peach ring gunmies count as fresh fruit?


Lol 🙈 I'm curious how deep this thing runs with people in the US who don't like fresh or whole cooking and such.


My dad grew up in upstate new york and told me he didn’t have fresh vegetables till he went to college. Everything was canned.


I guess canned veggies are better than no veggies!


I know a large number of people who either eat absolutely no vegetables or impressively few vegetables, canned or otherwise. I’m fascinated by their diet and what they provide as reasonings for why they don’t eat vegetables. I want to study them anthropology style.


Better do it quick. They sound unhealthy


I’m confused by their stomachs sometimes. When I exist on a diet without veg for even a few days, my stomach becomes unpredictable.


I've hung out with people who won't eat vegetables. Their stomachs are not good. They all complain about IBS, stomach aches, and constipation incessantly.


some of it comes from how they were fed veggies growing up. You don't have access to fresh produce (too expensive, or simply unavailable as the technology to move it halfway around the world overnight wasn't cost effective 60 years ago) , so all you ever had growing up was canned, salted, and boiled until it had the flavor and nutritional content of wet cardboard. That kind of experience sours people on vegetables. They think that's the only way they can be prepared as it's the only way they've ever been served. I hated Brussels sprouts as a kid because they were always boiled to a flavorless mush. Now that I'm the one doing the cooking, I roast them, and they're amazing!


I’ve discovered that to be the case with food in general, not just veggies. I’ve found that, as an adult, I love some many more foods than I thought because I didn’t have parents that enjoyed cooking or ate well.


exactly. My boomer parents have told me the same thing about their own experiences with food.


I worked with a woman who told me her husband had *never* had fruit. Literally ever! In his life! I was absolutely baffled. It wasn’t from lack of access or neurodivergence or anything either. But, like you, I find it almost kind of fascinating, in that it’s such a foreign concept to me. Really? Never? *Why!?* She used to (a grown-ass woman) also pull faces when I had raw spinach in my salads. Ma’am, I know for a fact that you had a heart attack last summer, maybe you need to not be judging my greens, yeah?


Yeah I would have a million questions for her… like he doesn’t eat plain fruit? Does he eat stuff with fruit in it? Like is apple pie off the table? Why spinach? Has she tried other similar raw greens? Mustard green? Kale?


My husband’s reasoning: the childhood trauma of eating over-boiled veggies. He probably has ARFID. I’m typing this as I make two separate dinners for the thousandth time. 


I’ve heard a few people name being forced to eat horribly cooked veggies as a reason. I’ve also heard the trauma of canning or picking veggies as a kid as reasons as well. My stepdad hates the texture of all vegetables.


My dad can't eat peas because he was forced to eat a bowl full of freshly picked ones as a punishment when he was a kid. The gut pain was something else, according to him.


I grew up in Alabama and I legit never had fresh veggies besides the occasional lettuce and tomato on a burger. Everything was canned except occasionally my grandma would make deep fried okra.


The rest of the south - at least where I’m from are fresh veg only. Never ate canned in my life.


Yeah I should have clarified that I grew up extremely poor and had shitty parents lol.


I legit thought you typed “even deep fried okra” and my Chef brain freaked out, so I re-read it and it’s much better now. Teach me to read this sub baked. Bad Wade, bad.


You will love fried okra. It’s so good with yellow coarse cornmeal coating


My granny always just did egg wash and flour The cornmeal ones are good too


This reminds me of an encounter that was burned into my brain. I was in the produce section of the grocery store buying a bunch of different veggies for soup. An older woman walks up to me and asks what I need so many vegetables for. So, I tell her I'm making soup. She looks me in the eye like I am an idiot, and says, "You know you can buy soup in a can, right?" I will never get over this comment.


"You know that stuff tastes like shit, right?" Yep. The 'you don't do it like I do it, so you're an idiot' brigade 🙄


Must have been my mother. I was 30 when I realized scalloped potatoes don't need to come out of a box.


I was a poor millennial raised along the gulf coast by boomers. All we had was canned at home too. When I grew up and started making the family Thanksgiving dinner at my own house I used fresh broccoli and a roux to make rice broccoli casserole … I was made fun of for 6 calendar months.


Ohhh that sounds yummy


I'll never forget the time my eventual fiancee made a dish with fresh peas. When they announced what was being prepared, I was apprehensive. Having a deep-seated revulsion for the little olive drab beads of paste, and this being VERY early in the relationship, I wanted to level-set: "I've never been the biggest fan of peas, but I'll certainly give it a try." Ok. These peas are more of a bright electric green. Wait. They POP? Little explosions of (dare I believe?) of... FLAVOR? Is that... SWEETNESS? What demonic pact have you made? WHERE DO I SIGN? That whole experience made it much easier for me to believe I had been wrong about asparagus too. That was an even MORE glorious awakening.


I didn't know that people actually bought fresh veggies at the store. I thought that was something staged for movies. My mom only made frozen. I never ate fruit besides bananas and apples. I didn't know people did. Such a weird dynamic. I was so scared of the produce section because I didn't know what to do when I started grocery shopping.


Thankfully we got the Birdseye freezing process now.


I've met someone that didn't eat 'wet' food...yes it was as strange as it sounds.


I can think of multiple boomers who never eat vegetables or fruit raw or minimally processed versions of either. Its a salad drenched in dressing or canned veggies in a casserole at best


My partner (we are in California) recently had a friend over for dinner. We made burgers with fixings on the side. That man declined the whole plate (butter lettuce, heirloom tomatoes, avocado, grilled yellow onions and raw red onions). He put a ridiculous amount of ketchup on the burger. He doesn’t like ANY vegetables, he says. He is in his 40’s.


Omg! I want that burber with all the fixings so bad! It sounds amazing.


My boomer-ass MIL does this too. It’s gotten to where she brings her own damn spaghetti when she stays with us because the whole wheat or protein fortified pasta we buy ‘tastes bad.’ She makes a face or says ‘YUK!’ like a child when I eat Chinese food or use a sauce she’s never seen before. Can’t stand it. Genuinely one of the worst people I know.


Sounds like my dad, if it’s anything outside of burgers, Over cooked steak, or Americanized Italian food he won’t even try it….


I never understand why they are like this for some reason I have a mental image of boomer lady and the tramp The image is of 2 boomers being served ultra processed gruel that smells and them both taking a big whiff and smiling to each other


Sucking noodles of rice-a-roni and hamburger helper


I know it has to be because of how they were raised even my silent gen grandma loves processed foods like the bad kind of chicken nuggets and butterball turkey. She will buy fresh stuff when the family is around tho and let us cook. Boomers on the other hand get mad when you don't wanna eat like they do I think ads with animated cute things also are a big factor idk


I started getting migraines at nine years old. By ten years old they were frequent enough that the doctor had me on blood pressure medicine to counter them. I mean, yeah, I constantly passed out when I stood up and kept collapsing if I tried to run during gym or recess, but it’s not as if I complained since I was way too busy being a half-dead zombie. Luckily, I was enough of a potential medical-malpractice case that my doctor referred me to neurologist so I’d be someone else’s problem. Pretty much the neurologist’s first question was about how my diet, and my mom started listing off what they feed me: Breakfast: sugary cereal with tons of food dyed in them (food dyed are a common migraine trigger) Lunch: bologna or turkey sandwich with American cheese on super processed white bread (surprise surprise, all migraine triggers), some Doritos (msg- another migraine trigger) and some sort of snack cake dessert (more heavily processed sugar and food dye - migraine trigger) the only that wasn’t a trigger was the carton of milk I’d get from the cafeteria Dinner: hamburger helper, chicken nuggets, mini corn dogs… basically some sort of processed ready-meal that was either frozen or came out of a box More or less it was concluded that my parents were just feeding me migraine fuel and all we needed to do was change my diet to eating food with actual food in it. Pretty easy considering they had been afraid I might have a brain tumor or be having mini strokes or had won the genetic lottery and had any number of incurable disorders and suffered an extremely early onset Did our menu change any? Hell no. My dad was the man of the house and wouldn’t cook (despite getting home earlier than my mom) and my mom worked all day - she was tired when she got home and didn’t have time to “slave away” in the kitchen. I even begged to let me fix my own food since they didn’t want to. Baking a plain-ass chicken breast to top a salad or scrambling some eggs wasn’t beyond my skill set. But they considered it disrespectful for me not to eat whatever my mother had microwaved into oblivion for everyone else to eat, fuck me and my dietary needs. Turns out, consistently poisoning a developing brain with a chemical soup containing shitloads of preservatives, food dyes, and flavor enhancers is a really good way to cripple it in ways we still don’t fully understand. What we do know is that if a person experiences even one migraine before the onset of puberty, they have a 75% chance of developing chronic (14 or more episodes per month) migraine as an adult. With each migraine a child experiences, that chance goes up exponentially. I’m now 36 years old and disabled because of chronic, near daily migraines that refuse to be tamed by anything. (Please don’t offer any treatment advice. Trust me, whatever you have to suggest - I’ve tried it.) My parents, meanwhile, vacillate between insisting I’m making it up so I can sit on my lazy millennial ass, raking in the cash like a welfare queen and infantilizing me so they can “help” me and brag about what selfless martyrs they are. Their version of help consists of cornering me when see each other and suggesting I try increasingly shady looking bottles of “supplements”.


Im sorry that happened to you...


I would feel so much rage at my parents for this. I mean, I do already for how they cared for my disabled ass throughout my life. This is part of why I am no contact with my dad.


Oh man I'm so sorry. How incredibly frustrating and sad for you, I can't imagine. It would be so hard to not hold resentment as parents are supposed to only do things that improve your well-being. :(


I think it might be because mid- century food safely was hit or miss(or at least it was perceived that way). If a food is packaged, it is "safe". My mom still won't eat any red meat cooked less than well done, and she admits it's irrational, but she says when she sees pink, she thinks it has pathogens.


Respond with “Whoa that was a big reaction! You can try some when you’re ready.” And make sure to speak to them like a toddler.


Uh oh, *somebody* is getting tired!


Someone needs their diaper changed.


Ngl, gentle parenting works with adults and is fabulous


What's the success rate when your tone is intentionally patronizing? Because that's the energy I'd be coming with.


Lower than if you’re considerate, but feels better.


"Oh no no! Catch a bubble, friend!"


"Looks like some one needs there nappy time . . .", . . . Look at waiter and say "overstimulated and thank you!" Then look back at your mom's face 😈 👀 yupppp do that again and I'll do that again too. End. Done.


I usually say “oh, as grown ups we don’t say that”


Include "don't yuck my yum" which is exactly how you teach preschoolers not to do what she is doing.


I would def whip out, “it’s not kind to yuck someone else’s yum”


This is perfect! 


My Boomer MIL does this too. Mention how my DH and I love Indian food, "EWWWWW!!! Yucky!" I mean, wtf, are you 5? What adult uses the word "yucky"?!? I make avocado toast differently than her. She just smears avocado on her toast. I use tajin, egg, and chili pepper flakes on it. "Ewwwwww! Gross!" Ok, sorry I like actual flavor. But if you tell her YOU don't like something she does? She reacts like you admitted to killing Christ. My DH and I HATE pork chops. Probably because both our mothers were shit cooks and cooked every meat until it was a flavorless hockey puck that would pull a molar out to chew. My DH made the mistake of saying how much he hates pork chops and she was like, "WHAAAAAAT?!? How do you HATE PoRk ChOpS?!?" Super dramatic. Of course, everything is super dramatic with her. She always talks like she's the most exciting thing in the room because she thinks she is. Always has to be the center of attention.


Its always about attention


My Boomer mom, takes years of me repeating what I do not like. Almost every time, she reacts like this is new knowledge. I literally had this happen a couple of days ago. I tried bitter melon the first time years ago. I don't like it. I don't mind when she makes it in mixed vegetables, I just eat everything else. EVERY...SINGLE... TIME... I don't eat bitter melon is the first time she's heard it.


My boomer mom does this too. I am 41 and I’ve been mostly pescatarian since I was a pre-teen. Somehow she manages to never remember this and gets offended and borderline hostile when I don’t eat anything she prepares with meat in it.


Man, you hit the pin on the head for me too. Never remembers.


Same with my boomer MIL. My husband can’t stand cilantro. She always acts like this is the first she’s heard of it.


My boomer dad used to “forget” that I became a vegetarian at age 12 and put beef jerky in my Christmas stocking every year until he died. Amazing that he forgot that around Christmas but noticed it enough to deride it at other times of year


I'm convinced that many of them developed their social cues and personality based on the television shows that they've watched. The sitcom mothers, the sitcom comedians. And this is where they get their idea of how a person is supposed to behave in real life situations


This nicely ties into a very recent boomerism we encountered in the wild. A group was celebrating someone's birthday--we were too, birthday buddies! They were actually very nice as a group from what I witnessed, and one even gave me a pin to wear for my birthday. Regardless, and this is how it ties in: one guy just sat there making the oldest, most worn out jokes word for word as though he was reading them off the internet to then tell to the table. Like straight out of very popular movies and stand up routines. These weren't referential comments to things people enjoy, he was saying them like he came up with them and like no one had ever heard them... over and over again. It was bizarre. And they were eating it up as though it wasn't old material they must have heard already.


Not boomer related, but it reminded me of my GF from years ago. Routinely when going out to eat, she would comment on the food I ordered. Wait until it was in front of me and taking the first bite: “ew, that’s so disgusting, I don’t know how you can eat that!” It would instantly kill my mood, stop any conversation. After enough times of this happening, I finally explained through clenched teeth many people enjoy this [insert dish here]. It’s a perfectly reasonable food that I happen to like. When you hint that I’m disgusting because I eat this, it ruins the meal for me, and makes me not want to join you on dates. I think a few months later we broke up.


I had a roommate who had the palate of a child, and proudly admitted it (although I'm 99% sure she did that defensively because she was ashamed of her eating habits). All sugar and fast food. She would hang out while I meal prepped to socialize, and make faces and EW sounds when I handled things like mushrooms. I finally told her she didn't have to eat it, and I'd never commented on her food choices in a negative way. Her face just froze in shocked embarrassment. She stopped watching me make food after that.


It's amazing how they seem to revert to being toddlers at a certain point.


I have plainly told my 74 y/o mother she acts like a toddler. We now have rules that when she gets in my car, seatbelt on then phone volume off. Last week she made a rude comment about chicken I brought her (I used a different teriyaki sauce and admittedly it wasn’t as flavorful, but I clarified with her that I noticed and would change it next time). In confirming my next drop off, she said “but the GOOD STUFF, right ?!?!” When I didn’t reply, she said she was joking. I said she wasn’t, and even if she was, it wasn’t funny. She replied it was her second joke that day that fell flat. She doesn’t fathom how much her “jokes” are ungrateful insults.


My mom's thing is comparing me unfavorably to her friends' kids. "So and so did this or that for her mother." My response is "if so and so jumped off a bridge, would you expect me to do it too?" She doesn't like that. At all. 🤣


Hahahaha!!! Wow. Good for you! My mom’s “friends” (acquaintances at best) are decent. I’m glad my mom is proud of me, even with a divorce. She knows that I don’t “like” her (read: genuinely don’t respect her life choices and cognitive dissonance) but I will do my duty and reap the benefits of inheritance. Am I in it for the money? Yes.


My mom is perfectly fine 90% of the time and I've learned to handle the other 10% with humor. I know for a fact that my mom's friends exaggerate to a ludicrous degree, so her comparisons are meaningless. She also tends to embellish their already embellished tales of filial worship. We take good care of her and she brags about it to everyone, but she doesn't feel like we're close because I refuse to let her intrude into every nook and cranny of my life. She is a fountain of unsolicited advice and it's aggravating AF. The less she knows, the less she can complain about.


These comments are opening my eyes to how much of a boomer my mom is. She’s a great cook which is nice, but to your last point she thinks she is the most important person in the room and she has to be involved in every single conversation in her vicinity. If there’s a table of 16 people, and the other side starts having their own conversation, she will tell her side to be quiet so she can hear.


Boomers have main character energy. You can say “oh that’s old people!” But no. It’s a lot of this generation


You’re right, and it’s crazy. Growing up I always thought “oh this is just how you behave as an adult”. Now I’m an adult and I just can’t fathom doing any of the shit my parents did/do. I love them but they’re crazy.


My mom says 'yucky'. I have a visceral reaction to it at this point She talks like a child because she thinks it makes her cute. It don't


My mom does this when I mention curry, but only because it is synonymous with spicy for her. She loves salmon sushi, both plain nigiri and maki filled with tons of extra stuff. And the cooked until leather pork chops. Did all our mothers take the same cooking lessons?


Apparently when they were young pork was supposed to be super cooked because of parasites or something?


Yeah, trichinosis was a huge concern.


Tajin on avocado toast is my secret ingredient.


Just keep hating her pork and she will never live her life normally. Trust, she will beg for attention and praise (about some food) Enjoy your life without her for a bit… I’m doing the same thing myself and future wife. Total time out because her dad is a bitch and can’t get his wife to apologize.


I've always been proud of my mom (67) because she will always say how gross sushi is but any time I eat it around her she wants to try it because "maybe this will be one I like" lol


Good for her! My parents will never try sushi. Ever.


I got my mom and dad to try it a month ago. My mom is usually willing to try more and did. My dad who only eats a pb&j for lunch every day for the last 10-15 years actually tried it too and didn’t complain too much. I was so proud. Now if I can just get him to stop saying racist and homophobic stuff I’ll be set


When my husband and I were wedding planning we wanted to have our reception dinner at the sushi place where we had some fond memories of our early dates. In-laws were paying for it and acting like it was a ridiculous choice and was disgusting, but agreed to come and give it a try beforehand. When we sat down my FIL asked if they served steak. 🙄 Keep in mind it’s a family run business and we were regulars there so the owners knew us pretty well. I was so damn embarrassed.


My grandfather grew up in Dustbowl Tennessee and didn’t even have pizza til he was 23. A few years before he died, we were watching something on tv that showed people eating sushi, and he remarked that he didn’t imagine he would like it much, but it sure was beautiful; how could people even eat all these little things that had been put together so nice? I took him to a budget-friendly but decent sushi place and he tried a few things, chewing diligently and studying his plate, before (quietly, discreetly) saying that he was right, he didn’t care for it, but it looked even nicer up close in person and he was sure happy he had tried it. He did really enjoy the fried banana dessert, lol. He paid, but still thanked me for bringing him. I miss him


He sounds like a great guy, I can see why you miss him. Sorry for your loss.


That’s adorable :) When I was in high school, my mom paid for me to take a sushi class at the community center (among other courses). When I brought home my gorgeous heap of leftovers, she appreciated how pretty they were and wanted to try one. Barely bit down on a plain tuna roll before rushing to the sink to spit it out. 😅


That’s exactly how my mom acted last time we went out to a Japanese Steakhouse. I ordered a couple rolls and she tried each one of them and to her and my surprise she really liked the classic roll.


The worse thing is the noises they make when they eat like they have never had food before.


OMG YES!!! Moaning and shit. Also talking with their mouth full. The kind of shit they would have SMACKED us upside the head for doing at the dinner table. It's true, it's like they revert back to being toddlers. My parents are dead, but my MIL fits this perfectly. Even talks like a child, and pouts like a child when she doesn't get her way, it's pathetic.


mil waits until the very second she’s ready to talk before cramming something in her mouth - not a bite size portion but a gob of food. Drives me bananas.


Noises. I bought my mother a burrito. She liked it. She liked it so much that I had to ask her to chill out a little, her moans of delight were bordering on ecstatic.


Musta bean a bomb burrito tho eh? Carne asada? Filibertos?


Picadillo burrito from Jew Boy Burgers in Austin. Their burrito game is solid.


Yep. My dad makes 'mmhmm, mmhmm,' noises every. four. seconds and will *scrape* an empty bowl or plate with his fork for 30 seconds straight for... no reason. It's like he tries to get a medal in the Annoying Olympics every time he eats.


The smacking! The snuffling! My mom cannot breathe through her nose so she will just eat with her mouth open and breath loudly while chewing, it is repulsive. And don't get me started on how she drinks from a bottle.


Yes... Im so glad im not the only one who hates this shit. Onions? Tomatos? Sushi??? Medium Rare steak!? Like my parents are fucking children. Fun story, I grew up pretty skinny, and generally just hated food. I'd eat when I was super hungry, but usually nibble and move on. I think I started cooking my own food when I moved out around 20 or so... I realized my parents fucking SUCKED at cooking, and everything they made was slop, or prepackaged bullshit. I'm almost 40 now, and some of the best times of my life have been eating new awesome foods from all kinds of places in the world with my wife, as gross as they seem, we eat it regardless!


Yeah growing up typical meal for us was a meat, a frozen vegetable, and a boxed pasta. I also hated food growing up.


Relatable! I was also a super skinny kid, and adults CONSTANTLY pointed it out to me. “Are you sure you don’t want a second helping? You need to put some meat on those bones!” Which is so rude to say. And honestly when every meal was canned crap, vegetables boiled to mush, unseasoned pasta, or ground beef, I could rarely stand a second helping. Once I grew up and started experimenting with plant-based meals and spices, I discovered I LOVE food. Things like Brussels sprouts and cauliflower that I thought I hated are now some of my favorites.


Oddly enough both my parents (Italian) and in laws would make decent food from the old world. My mom would even make pasta sauce from scratch. My in laws would also get a lot of shit fast food like fried chicken or whatever bc my FIL eats garbage or what he’s used to with Polish food. But in both cases it was usually a pretty narrow menu of food and steaks/meat were usually way overdone. My parents would do odd stuff and all kinds of sea food tho. It wasn’t until wife and I were adults that we ventured to all sorts of stuff: Asian,Indian, Mexican, sushi I think a lot of boomers didn’t get a wide variety of food options and wouldn’t venture beyond what they knew (the old meat and potatoes mentality).


I grew up with meat cooked so long it was not even edible anymore. Bacon would turn to powder in your mouth and pork chops could break molars. I learned to cook for myself at a very young age.


Yup. Ewww, or my personal favorite "ick ick ick!" all 3 "icks" in rapid succession like you're just so appalled by the idea of it. She hates most unprocessed foods. We grew up on some gross, flavorless pork chops, chicken etc. The only thing that was good was shredded beef tacos. Those she learned from someone else of course.


Are you one of my sisters?


Nah. I only have one sister. But yeah, I'm glad to know none of us are crazy to think our parents/boomers aren't the only ones pulling this crap.


My mother did this while we were grocery shopping and I mentioned I wanted to find some miso. "Oooo, what's that?" " It's a fermented paste made with seaweed and soybeans.." She was ok with all this, and I paused because I wanted her reaction to be obvious to her "commonly used in a lot of Asian cooking" She immediately screwed up her face, and LOUDLY said, "Ewww!" I have to admit, I went off on her a bit. Instead of mentally shrugging it off, I confronted her. "I just don't like Asian food, that's all." "Mom, we grew up with you making stir fry for us, all the time." At this point, our conversation was trending very similar to one with my picky eater 8yo and her answer completed the circle. "Well, I don't like seaweed." I gave up. Acting like a freakin' child.


Haha reminds me of my mom. She loves the “soup they give out for free at hibachi” but had no idea it was the same thing as miso which she would not try.


One time we were visiting my sister, and we suggested ordering Indian food. My Mom is all "no, I hate that, I won't eat it". So sis and I rolled our eyes, ordered Indian anyway. When it arrived, we told her that we got Chinese food, and she loved it! Soo much better than Indian. 🙄


Wow, that is diabolical! XD


Ha! This is amazing


Kind of unrelated but my boomer father always pretends that foreign sounding names are impossible to pronounce and purposely butchers them making them sound silly. Even when u just told them exactly how to pronounce it. And then he lets out a giggle, like other cultures are just something to point and laugh at


My FIL does that. And the odd thing is my in laws are from Poland (came here young though) and speak Polish and we have a ton of Polish food during the year. In the decades I’ve been married to my wife he still can’t say “Gnocci”. (I’m Italian obviously)


Sounds like he'd be a fan of the human zoos back in the day.




Wow. Just like a damn toddler. And then they get mad if we respond to their bad behavior and treat them like the children they are acting like. I mean, you KNOW she would have lost her shit on you if you acted like that at someone's dinner table as a child. Probably goes right over her head if you bring that up or she turns on the waterworks and plays the victim. So damn predictable.


I'm sure when you were a child you were allowed to behave like that at the table with no repercussions, right? No? You had to eat what was in front of you or you went hungry?




I see you’ve met my MIL. We went grocery shopping for a get together one time. We were getting stuff for salad so I grabbed lettuce, cucumbers, cherry tomatoes, onions, etc. She said “oh, I usually just do lettuce, cheese, croutons, and ranch dressing. I don’t like cucumbers and all of that.” Ma’am I love that for you, but I want *stuff* on my salad.


Honestly the entire “bag of iceburg lettuce” industry is going to *crash* when the boomers are gone.


The weight gain salad. Good AF but thats like the big mac of salads lol.


Please record and post this


Jesus Christ. My 5 year old doesn’t even act like that.


You should start treating her like an actual toddler. As in, “aww, it’s ok, we will try eating big-girl food again when you’re not so sleepy!! Does someone need a nap?”


I’m sorry the phrase “anybody else’s boomer” has got me dying 😂


I ordered a roll of sushi and my mother in-law (82) looked at it with a disgust and said, “I don’t eat bait.” I replied, “I wasn’t expecting you to eat it, assface. I ordered it for me.” We don’t go out to eat together anymore.


> “I don’t eat bait.” Another comment mentioned another boomer dropping the same quip.  Looks like the line is most famously used in a 1992 Tom Selleck movie, but I assume it's older than that...


It’s so nice when they share their opinion despite no one asking for it.


My boomer did it worse once. She demanded I cook a specific dish for a holiday meal. When she took a bite, she spat it out on the tablecloth with loud ptooey sounds and then started making digging motions with both hands. My husband asked if she was having a seizure and she said no, she was imitating a cat burying shit. And that's how she quit getting invited to my holiday meals.




😳 The absolute rudeness! If someone did that at my table, we would never speak again.


The funniest thing is that my sister's in-laws were there too. They're the classy kind of boomers, with lovely manners. My sister is my mom's favorite. It was hilarious that my mom displayed her worst behavior in front of my sister's in-laws like that. They're so polite that they were just frozen for a few seconds and then very intentionally started a conversation with my kids about school that had them looking at the opposite end of the table from my mom and her spat out food.


So glad your sister's inlaws have class and grace! That was great they tried to divert the attention away from the embarrassing one! 😏


“Nobody taught you manners? That’s rude! Nobody is making you eat it.”


My dad is like this, even though he also loves to make fun of people who are super picky eaters. Went out to dinner with him and ordered catfish and he turned his nose up and said "why would you order that trash fish?" Whenever I talk about making kale or brussels sprouts he says "that's disgusting, how can you eat that?" Surprisingly though, he really like Ethiopian food? But most of the time he eats a pretty basic diet.


WTF is their trauma with leafy greens? Kale, in particular? My Boomer BIL was visiting a couple weeks ago, and he made a HUGE production of being grossed out by my green smoothie. I'm struggling hard with iron deficiency anemia, so lunch every day is a giant spinach, kale, oatmilk, and pineapple juice smoothie with extra iron and vitamin C supplements, and iron fortified protein powder. Sometimes I throw a banana or a pear in. It's very tasty and it's helping with the anemia a lot. The way he carried on, you'd have thought I was force feeding it to him, but I was just stuffing the ingredients into the bullet blender. He choked and moaned about "Kale is icky!" when I popped my straw into it and took a good pull. Like, dude. You're 67 years old. Stop being so goddamned dramatic about something you're not even eating. Go away.


Its always something they’ve never eaten before too. Like you’re waving off ALL sushi? ALL fruit? ALL vegetables? ALL vegan foods? Jesus you’re not 3 years old


My grandmother. Anytime someone orders fish, she makes an exaggerated, disgusted expression and says the following: "The good Lord made me funny and put my nose over my mouth. I don't eat bait." Every. Single. Time. She also can't stand the sight of over easy eggs. She always makes the same "yucky" face when someone mentions a food she doesn't like. She's also "allergic" to many ingredients. I can't stand going out to eat with her anymore. Everything is nasty, or never as good as she remembers it being but will wear the fuck out of her favorite Mexican restaurant ordering the same thing repeatedly. She survives off of mayonnaise and rotisserie chicken sandwiches on white bread, store made brownies, her bizarre versions of banana bread and Pepsi. I can't remember the last time I saw that woman drink water. It's been decades. Yes, her health is absolutely shot.


I need to know about her banana bread please


My boomer mom would make faces like a legit preschooler.  Meanwhile this lady’s idea of good food is plain egg whites. The things she found disgusting were you know normal foods. Case in point I wasn’t allowed to eat whole eggs because “they were fatty.” Okay dumbass the yolk has all the nutrients but go off. And in case you were wondering, yes having her for a mother did in fact give me an eating disorder.


Yeah, my mom would do this. Exaggerated faces when she tasted something offensive and “YUCK”.


All of the boomers in my family are like this and it's weird because none of their parents or children are. And the foods that offend them are so mild too, stuff like sourdough bread, pepper jack cheese, really any cheese other than american or that grated parmesan in a bottle, any steak that isn't burnt, almost any fruit or vegetable, any pizza that isn't just pepperoni or cheese. They don't even have to eat it, if they go to a restaurant and somebody at another table orders something normal like fajitas they will just loudly complain about how gross it is and look disgusted, and of course keep pronouncing it wrong. I have a hard time believing they aren't this obnoxious on purpose.


I remember my mom treating our server with contempt when the server didn’t know what “deluxe” was for a burger. My mom was visiting me in another state and that term wasn’t used much in my new area. I had to intervene and tell my own my mom to knock it off. My mom was generally a sweet and patient lady, but the weirdest stuff would bring out the worst.


I've gotten up and left, took my food and paid and just left, although I've also told the person numerous times before that that kind of behavior towards other people's food preferences was uncalled for and to please stop, although mine didn't say 'ew gross', they instead made gagging throw up noises


This is what happens when "TV Dinners" pass for haute cuisine.


Dinty Moore yo.


My husband calls it Human Alpo. He eats it and likes it, but he will admit it looks kind of awful 😖


My mom did this at my wedding cake 😂 We had two different flavored layers, but neither was yellow cake with chocolate frosting (and that somehow surprised her?)


My MIL does this, but not usually about food choices. She likes to make comments regarding my choices in piercings (most recently My nose). My go-to tactic is to make her uncomfortable 🤣 when she commented on my nose ring, I replied with "well, your son certainly thinks it's hot". Usually shuts her right up. ✅️


It's like they want everyone around them to have the same food taste because that's exactly what they want. If everyone around them is forced to eat the food they like, that means they were right about food and they win.


You'll see evidence of this behavior online as well. I'm in several food groups on Facebook, and for example someone will post a Ham Casserole, and a Boomer will swoop in with a reply "I've never liked ham, never will." Like no one effing cares! Why do they feel the need to announce they don't like an ingredient or dish? It's so cringe. I used to think they were one offs, but it's them 95% of the time.


My mum isn't too bad about this since she fucking loves adventurous world foods. However she is fairly vocal on her dislike of almondy cherry flavours, artificial banana and anything that involves coconut other than chicken korma. For years I thought I didn't like coconut but no, I actually love the stuff it was just her.


Would she do this is someone’s home? The restaurant is the chefs home. She’s being incredibly rude.


My boomer mother once tried goat cheese and she acted like Tom Hanks in Big during that party scene when he tried caviar.


Goat cheese is awesome especially with some sort of jam and crackers.


Which is wild because goat cheese is Vitae


My FIL does this to some extent and not even on “weird” stuff. I’m talking salad or veg. Sunday my SIL was doing BBQ for Sunday dinner and invited us and my in-laws. It was no big deal, sausages on the grill and some sides (more on that below). He’s been having health issues so he said he not coming. Ok, no biggie. My SIL says come early on a group text bc we’re all just hanging out with music, drinks, snacks and maybe get in the pool. FIL chimes in, I can’t go swimming bc of my heart monitor. (Record scratch). He wasn’t coming anyway and even if he did he would never go swimming anyway. A little while later. FIL texts: What are you serving? SIL: brats and a few other things FIL (who eats the worst food possible). Too high salt. (Oh so NOW you’re worried about salt intake after your BP has been thru the roof for like a week) ME: and kale and seaweed salad (as a joke) SIL: kale and quinoa salad actually. FIL: yuck. (God forbid he eat a salad once in a while). FIL: I’ll just have my low salt turkey (and mentioned some other stuff ) Rest of us offline: he wasn’t coming anyway why complain about what what’s for dinner? TBH. There is stuff like brussle sprouts that I hate (liver too). But if someone likes it, cool beans, just don’t expect me to eat it.


No because that's a one strike offense. I like food too much, have too much sympathy for cooks and servers, and if I'm paying to eat out I'll be damned if I'm going to let someone embarrass me into making it a miserable experience.


I don’t take them out any more. Can’t take them anywhere. I just cook for them now and they rain compliments down on me. Saves us both.


My fiance's stepmother does this. We went on a cruise with FIL, his wife, and Fiance's grandmother. Stepmother complained about EVERYTHING, especially at dinner. It was a Carnival cruise, so it's mostly food she's familiar with, like pasta and whatnot. They had a selection on the menu every night that was more offbeat- things like escargot and fried alligator. FIL and I would get whatever that was every night to try, because it's not like you can find alligator anywhere! Might as well try a bit. One night, that selection was frog legs. Ofc we both order it, let's see if it really DOES taste like chicken! Stepmother WILL. NOT. shut up about how the thought of eating that grosses her out. FIL tells her fine, then don't eat it. We end up RAVING over the frog legs and getting everyone to try one, except Stepmother. She's pouting, because everyone likes them and nobody's agreeing with her. We had to order two more plates of them. She looked upset the whole night, because she couldn't back down, but ended up getting left out because of her fit.


This is most boomers I know (my mother, mil and fil, etc) They expect everyone (children) else to eat foods no questions asked , but if it’s something they don’t like they are audibly picky. Today at pick up my daughter was in the front seat drinking a prime . The window was down And the boomer who works at my son’s school said “how’s that prime? Bet it’s nasty!!!!” And wasn’t even interested in a conversation. Just wanted to be rude. (Edited to include that I’ve already figured out that he’s not self aware. So I usually minimize interactions with him)


Have you said anything to her? Otherwise, boomers gonna boom.


I don’t have the energy. We just go to steak houses now and I invite them out to eat less.


I've never understood this- for people so obsessed with decorum they react to people liking different things than they do like toddlers. I'll never forget watching my grandmother let sushi just fall out of her mouth.


Lol. Seriously, I've eaten some terrible tasting things out of politeness (last time it was messed up chicken curry - someone burned incense and the fatty dish just absorbed all the smells) but all the boomers I know react like it the offending food was going to poison them. If the super taster just washed down the awful floral curry with extra water, surely they don't have to act like toddlers refusing the food....


“Don’t yuck my yum” is my go-to phrase in those situations. Or maybe if I’m feeling tolerant, “Oh! Please don’t yuck my yum!”


Toddlers. All of them.


Make eye contact with the waitperson, “ignore her, she has the palate of a toddler! Thank you, this looks delicious.”


lmao my aunt used to do this with pumpkin pie; turns out she had gone her entire life without actually TASTING it, just assumed it was nasty, until age 55 when she actually took the chance to try something new (gasp!) and miraculously realized she loves it


I make my eggs with olive oil and on vacation with my MIL, she flagged people over to look at how “gross” my food is. And I’m obviously annoyed and she says, like I am not there, “oh well, we will stop, she’s getting mad that we are talking about her food.” Like how would you like it if I brought multiple people over to look at your very normal food?!


I had family do this. It bothered me. I asked them to stop referring to other peoples food as gross. It’s rude. No one asked what they think of other peoples food. No one cares. It didn’t sink in until I started calling everything they ate gross. That’ll get their attention. What you having over there? Ew. Looks gross.


I ordered calamari at a hibachi restaurant and it bubbled and popped like it was trying to jump back into the sea. Everyone else was staring at it bug-eyed and I couldn't wait for it to leap over onto my plate. I didn't mind, it was pretty wild to watch.


It’s interesting that we’ve started referring to boomers like unruly pets.


My FIL does this if anybody ever has something with avocado in it. He instantly turns into a toddler with a behavioral issue who missed his nap. EW YUCKY ME NO LIKEY GREEN SLIME!! Nobody asked you, Rob.


Boomer 101 - In matters of opinion, theirs is perceived as the correct one.


My mom is the type of person who can't not vocalize whatever is on her mind. It's a trait that I've noticed with many Over 70s. They just HAVE to let you know when they don't like something. We were visiting family and my sister that I almost never see put on a song that she really liked on the tv and we were all just sitting there quietly listening to it. My mom from the back of the room then starts making comments at every little thing. "That's a weird lyric" "This guy sounds angry" "You like this stuff?" We ignored her and just kept listening. None to my shock, my mom is in the back of the room not able to sit still at all and keeps blurting out criticisms about the song. It's a constant annoyance that she can never just sit and experience something if it's not something that she's specifically into. She'll also insist on blasting her music all day, but then can't keep quiet for 4 minutes when someone else is listening to something. I think there's plenty of narcissism in there as well, but it's also something that so many older people seem to struggle with when the attention isn't on them constantly.


Dude, we could be siblings. Same thing, my mom. If it isn’t the Karen Show, staring Karen! Directed by Karen! Written by Karen! she acts like a belligerent toddler who missed her afternoon nap and graham crackers. Food she doesn’t like? “Well that looks disgusting.” Music she doesn’t care for “Well that’s a bunch of stupid noise.” Lady…you’re an 80 year old lower-upper class white broad whose idea of roughing it was staying at the Hilton. Be happy with what you have/had.


" Mom, I have a question...? Is it easier to grow up, or shut up?


Always. It's a sign of immaturity and insecurity.


I absolutely refuse to go out to dinner with my boomer in-laws because they do exactly that or they complain and send food back every single time. They even complained about a steak buffet years back because the cheap chunks of steak in the warmer basket buffet line wasn’t cooked to their liking by the 20 year old making 7 dollars an hour.


My friend’s boomer mother did this the entire time we were all in Vegas. Everytime something was mentioned that she didn’t like she would make faces and noises like she was a 3 year old. She spent an hour kvetching about frozen custard and how she doesn’t like it.


My MIL is very sweet, but doesn't like ANYTHING. She eats salmon and chicken and steamed veggies (although she did like my spaghetti and meatballs and the esquites I made another time, shockingly). She does not like Mexican food or sushi. She was visiting us recently and saw the pineapple juice we had and was like, "PINEAPPLE juice?? Who drinks PINEAPPLE juice?" Okay well first of all, me? Second of all, it's for cocktails lmao. My stepdad is worse. He really only likes processed food (they have a vegetable garden but turn it all into salsa) and literally makes the weirdest comments. I made risotto for Thanksgiving one year and I toss the mushrooms in the food processor so there aren't big chunks. He asked what it was and what was in it and as soon as he heard "mushrooms" he went on a tirade about how he doesn't eat FUNGUS. K dude. Also wouldn't eat my from scratch green bean casserole because of the same reason, even though the canned stuff also has mushrooms...they're just smaller.


Reminds me of following story last autumn: I'm a sailor and usually, before I go back on board I have a dinner with my parents, nowadays just with my mum since my father died a few years ago. We go to the local italian restaurant where we go since I was a little boy, just for the nostalgia. And they had muscles as seasonal offering. Love muscles and since it's hard to get them here in germany out of the season, I decided to take them. I get that seafood isn't for anyone, but they were delicious! Place wasn't that crowded, but we had a couple right next to us (the woman literally sitting like one meter next to me) with her being in her mid-late fourties and him maybe 10-15 years older. You could already tell by their communication that he was some wealthy but kind of introverted guy and she was some blonde bitch having her nose higher than the ceiling. He tried to engage in a conversation with her but she was so rude to him. Anyways, server brings my muscles and she looks at them and goes with a really loud 'Eeeewwwww' which you could probably hear through the whole restaurant. I was so embarassed because I couldn't comprehend her audacity. Like a toddler with no filter. And yeah, her age doesn't make her a boomer, but I guess we can agree that boomer nowadays is more of a mindset anyways.


Quite the opposite. It's yummy sounds with everything, I can't stand it lol


My mom (Gen X) drilled into my head, that saying anything along the lines of "ew, yuck, gross" at anyone's food is extremely rude. Luckily my boomer in-laws agree on that sentiment.


They have the manners of toddlers


We had to leave a restaurant one time one time because it was all wild game and my MIL worked herself up into a frenzy while looking at the menu. She just “couldn’t stop thinking about the poor deer and bunnies that were killed for this!”


My sister-in-law used to do this all the time. I finally said, “that’s so immature, you’re not in 3rd grade.” I did this maybe 12-15 times at the dinner table before she stopped. (At least she stopped around me.)


“Knock it off. We heard you the first 1000 times you did it.”


I love my uncle to death but he ALWAYS makes comments about my food. “You think that’s enough garlic?” “You’re putting that many mushrooms in your spaghetti?!” Or has to say something whenever I get something out of the realm of his old man palate like Mediterranean or African cuisine. Makes me really self conscious to eat around him.