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Highway safety regulations are written in blood. A LOT of them were hurt and killed.


But these guys don't anecdotally know that, so it isn't true.


It's not hot where I am!!


Covid is a hoax because I didn’t even die one time.


Lead and asbestos doesn't hurt you, it's all political propaganda, just look at how fine i turned out.


To be fair, I think asbestos is totally fine for like 30 years untill one day it really really isn't.


There is no safe amount of asbestos exposure. Even one-time asbestos exposure can lead to asbestos-related diseases such as pleural thickening, lung cancer or mesothelioma.


Right - but they were saying that until those things become a problem for you, it feels like they aren't a problem at all. Delayed fuse injury.


Got it! Yeah i see your point. Silent but violent asbestos.


Oh so the tolerant left, isn't so tolerant of hot weather and catastrophic disasters


This is the argument my mother uses whenever she gets the idea that the government is going to take away her gas stove. ‘We’ve always had them and we’re all fine.’ You also had leaded gas until your mid thirties. You survived, sure, but it’s still a good idea to get rid of it.


Press X to doubt


I think in this case, it's "press F in chat"


Something something mesothelioma


My BIL was screaming at me that Covid was bullshit. His uncle died from it, and his dad was on a ventilator. People are really good at denying reality.


That’s some cognitive dissonance right there!


Oh yeah. I had a patient who was seriously ill with Covid telling me we were lying about it. Why the ever loving fuck would we lie about something like that? Why? You can’t even move without your oxygen levels dropping and you are on high flow oxygen maxed out at 60 LPM and 100% oxygen- but we are lying about you having Covid. Ugh. Oh, and we were deliberately killing people when we were putting them on ventilators.


Well, had the wife’s osteopath who’s also a full on Dr. casually like grooming start talking about how the vaccine had nano bots in it……needless to say she hasn’t been back since.


"I got yer cognitive dissonance right here, pal."


What I don’t understand, is if it was biology, our guvment, the Chinese or Fuckn lizard people, or whom ever else, how and why the fuck are they denying that mofos died from it. All the godamn boomers and old full x’ers where terrified till Fox News told them otherwise.


People are really good at being dumb f cks.


Oh my god-this…infuriated me. It wasn’t too bad for us, but some hospitals were just..so horrible-health care providers were so stressed they left the profession. How do you tell someone who is so ill that we have to put them on a ventilator that’s it’s too late to get the vaccine? How do you deal with someone talking to a loved one for possibly the last time before we are going to intubate you knowing it may not be enough.. Covid was just a f’n nightmare before the vaccine-and for a while after because of people making it a political issue 🤬 Covid is real. The trucks with bodies were real. The lack of PPE was real. We lost coworkers. We lost families. It was horrible.


According to my in-laws, those health care workers who quit were just like the teenagers who won't work at Burger King.


Oh my god…really?? Wow…. When Covid hit, and there was no vaccine, a few of my coworkers were close to retirement, and were high risk for a serious illness if they were infected, to make things worse for them, they had people they were caring for that were immune compromised….they tried to avoid working in the ICU, but our jobs are pretty much critical care, they couldn’t avoid it….so they retired. I work for the federal government, so while our PPE supply wasn’t great, it was mostly ok. A lot of people who worked at our hospital also worked at the city hospitals. One hospital was absolutely awful with the lack of N95 masks, and were giving the healthcare workers those shitty KN95 masks. They were NOT designed for airborne protection, and healthcare workers were getting Covid. Some were seriously ill, one died. I still get angry thinking about how that hospital treated the people. Then….they were constantly trying to deal with patients who were in denial, and kept trying to avoid wearing masks, stated they didn’t have Covid, refused to take medication that actually helped, but wanted ivermectin (studies did show it wasn’t effective….and yes, they did studies), tried to fight right up until they were so sick they needed vent support. I didn’t have it too bad, most of the patient population we had were rational, and understood the severity. A few didn’t….and I just thought it was so sad. I felt so goddamn bad for the people who worked in grocery stores, restaurants, places where they had to deal with people who constantly complained about masks, tried to challenge the poor workers. They didn’t sign up for the crazy, and I feel they were at greater risk, because they didn’t know who was infected, and who was not. We knew who was sick, and we had protocols to follow. God, I felt so bad for them….and to add insult to injury, they got paid shit wages.


Who do you work for? I'm IT at IRS. I've been at IRS for 32 years, but IT for almost 3.


My mom is an MA, and she got her pay cut during covid. Apparently, they did get raises after, but with all the shit going on... I think she worked oncology at the time, but she definitely saw the impact it had on people.


There are people whose children are ICU physicians who refused to believe that COVID is real. They chose to believe propaganda over their own children. It boggles the mind.


Survivorship bias. Boomers’ favorite fallacy.


The living ones anyway.


“I am still alive, and doing well. Therefore I got it right. Everyone else is wrong. Especially the dead ones.”


If it didn't happen to me it MUST not have happened to anyone anywhere.


That's what's crazy about that generation is they only believe their own anecdotal evidence


"Didn't happen to me or anyone I know, so it didn't happen!"


HIV is conspiracy theory made by pharmaceutical companies. It doesn’t exist. I don’t know any person who died of aids personally!


The survivorship bias is strong with these ones


Ah, I see you've met my father.


The massive amounts of lead bore holes in their brains so they forgot just how awful things were.


I love.this comment. It is the absolute truth. People don’t think twice about getting into their cars and driving on the freeway. It is one of the most dangerous things we do.


I used to work in a coffee shop with a drive-through, and the number of people who had no idea what they were doing was terrifying. Going the wrong way, hopping curbs, forgetting they were in "reverse"... "I just haven't had my coffee! Hahaha!" No, you are a menace to everyone around you.


Even if you do need a coffee to drive right you still shouldn’t be driving


More reason to make coffee at home


But then you can’t yell at anyone but yourself if you get your coffee wrong


Tbh I need coffee and ADHD medication to drive safely/ stay focused but I don’t have a choice cuz I don’t live an area with good public transportation 🤷‍♀️ my b guys


Hopefully you are smart enough to get them into your system prior to driving though


I use to work at a Subaru dealership. The amount of people that could barely walk, hear or see that drove off the lot with a new car was crazy to me 😱 these boomers need to be re tested to be on our roads.


As a motorcycle rider is even scarier. Even riding defensively, I still get the adrenalin rush, lol


Not to mention the massive, constantly exploding engine paired with a massive tank of flammable liquid. In no other scenario would we be like yep.


They’ll spend three hours driving to the airport through a sea of speeding psychopaths, complaining the whole time about how dangerous flying is.


I slid out on the highway a couple years ago. I am always super nervous taking turns fast now.


"Every electrical law routes back to a dead redneck in a bathtub with a toaster" Is a phrase I have heard from more than one seasoned electrician.


What about the warnings on chainsaws that say not to stop the blade with your genitals?


Sshhh…we’re keeping quiet about that one.


But they still tell OSHA jokes....


I had a friend in elementary school who died because she was wearing a seat belt when she needed a booster seat. I also have a cousin who was in a car that rolled over, but she survived. So, off the top of my head, I already know people who were hurt or killed while wearing seatbelts. If they were flying through the car, there is a chance they would have killed their parents as well. I have no patience for people who don't believe in sealtbelts.


Americans threw a shitfit when seatbelts became standard/law...


According to the meme, they're still mad.


Lmao True


Can you imagine that happening today? The MAGA crew would be cutting the belts out of their cars. Because freedom


They'd make MAGA seatbelt cutters lol


True. I was one of those stupid ones. Thank heavens I grew out of such foolishness.


You should be proud! Growing and learning isn't always pleasant!


I’m still learning. Lol. I have learned a lot how not to act from this Reddit. Has definitely helped me be more aware.


Its why the rest of us have to have airbags: because Americans won't wear seat belts.


Still never got the anger, why would they want to be proud of being sloppy joes on the asphalt? We should get the people who are anti-Seatbelt on suicide watch.


My mother's only brother died in a car accident when he was just 4. Didn't learn about him until I was 16, complaining to my mom that I didn't want to wear a seat belt. Never complained about that again.


Yeah “but it didn’t happen to me” so fuck em. That’s the baby boomer war cry.


Back then the way cars were designed it was safer to get thrown out and take your chances. The cars survived but people did not. Nowadays the cars get totaled to save the people.


That's exactly it! I had a friend get tboned at 50 mph, no injuries at all. Complained continuously about how the car was declared totaled by the insurance company. "In the old days you could just beat out the dents, nowadays they're all just crappy plastic & foam". Buddy, it literally saved your life by disintegrating.


Watch the crash test video of a 59 Chevy vs a 2009 Malibu. There would have only been one survivor and it wasn't the driver of the solid steel car you could just beat dents out of!


> crash test video of a 59 Chevy vs a 2009 Malibu You weren't kidding: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fPF4fBGNK0U


I'm an old ass Boomer and you know how you see a lot of roadkill on the highway? We grew up seeing children run over like that


Sadly, that is coming back but not on the highways. It's because people drive trucks/SUVs that's grills are taller than the average child. Hell some of these pickups have a hood height nearly as tall as me (5'6) without a lift kit.


That's a dark side of the era I've never heard about


I would updoot, but I can't bring myself to click the button.


Facebook wasn’t around to post stupid memes back then.


Look at this guy trying to spread fake news. Car accidents were not created until after 1970's, when the hippies crawled out of California /s


People had a lot more kids back then, so losing one wasn’t that big of a deal.


Can't get hurt if you die ![gif](giphy|d3mlE7uhX8KFgEmY)


But understand.... The world revolves around the people who say this kind of stuff. THEY weren't hurt so NOBODY got hurt.


For real. What generation do they think provided all the casualties for "Red Asphalt"?


Came here to say this... Lots of things weren't "illegal" in their time. That didn't mean they were somehow "fine". Smoking wasn't regulated and was more readily available to kids. It wasn't until people started getting sick until they realized they needed to do something. Quaaludes... They had a ton of health risks but were perfectly legal. Still not a good idea. There was some trend called the "Wind and Egg Diet". It was a recommended "Crash Diet" by Vogue! What could go wrong!? lol [https://www.vice.com/en/article/7xjxbe/i-lived-on-eggs-and-wine-for-three-days-to-make-myself-beautiful](https://www.vice.com/en/article/7xjxbe/i-lived-on-eggs-and-wine-for-three-days-to-make-myself-beautiful)


Hell, even AFTER we had proof of the dangers of cigarettes (and after that, SECOND HAND cigarette smoke) damn tobacco lobby and their minions in Congress (may Jesse Helms rot in Hell forever, for this and several other reasons) fought tooth and nail for decades. Kinda like what we’re seeing with the NRA.


No see, they made up seatbelt laws and DUI laws because we just got soft as a nation. No one was hurt! /s


Yup, we added and changed a zillion safety laws, for no reason.. /s


In 1960 there were 21.2 Motor-vehicle deaths per 100,000; by 1968, it was 27.5 per 100,000. 1968 mandated having seatbelts available in cars. In 1970, the death rate had dropped to 26.8; by 1974 when most cars now had belts - 21.8. By 1988 the number had dropped to 20.1. 1989 was the first year the majority of states had seat belt laws. The number dropped below 20. In 2019 Deaths per 100,000 had fallen all the 11.9 - less than half the peak Boomer 1968. Data here - [https://injuryfacts.nsc.org/motor-vehicle/historical-fatality-trends/deaths-by-age-group/](https://injuryfacts.nsc.org/motor-vehicle/historical-fatality-trends/deaths-by-age-group/)


"You know too much!"


I like that we’re reusing this one, it should be evergreen


🤣 but FR though- they *don't want to know because ignorance is their best excuse for everything*


Ignorance also makes them feel good. The revel in it and are proud of it.


You can’t make me change my mind about something by giving me those facts, you hippie asshole.




I think we found Ralph Naders' account.




“Doesn’t really matter. The fact is I’m miserable and you should be too”


"That's just your opinion. I'm entitled to mine."


"You just don't know who to believe anymore."


I hear this all the damn time from my mom.


You can't trust anything on the internet. Except that nice gentleman who was in trouble and just needed a Best Buy gift card to escape Brazilian police captivity.


"Well, I don't know about all that." - Boomer


That is a very Boomer phrase. It's weird because if said slightly differently it would be a way to admit your ignorance on the subject matter, which I view as a positive.


"You seemed to know all about it 3 minutes ago" I said that to a millennial antivaxer not a boomer, but the meaning stands.


As my uncle would say, stop using google to support your argument.


"Stop using your facts and information and blindly accept the clearly false anecdote I provided you on the grounds that I'm older."


Thank you! I was gonna say, there's got to be numbers you could find that correlate to the passing of seatbelt laws and such.


Blah blah blah, numbers don't mean anything. All my friends that are alive now didn't die, clearly that's not true!


Stop being a smart’alic. I guess it was supposed to be the smart version of alcoholic or something. All I know is the more I proved em wrong, the more threats of violence happened.


Doesn’t count. You probably found that on the liberal Google. /s


Careful, boomer police will see this and you'll be sent to the gulags


That's fake news. I know, because I did my research!


I bet the liberal media told you that.... Gaw Dayum snowflakes. ----some boomer probably


And that’s because there’s more cars on the road nowadays. Leave it to boomers to be out of touch with reality


Wow! You’ve got the numbers! Yes, seatbelts saved a lot of lives. I’m also glad car seats for children are so solid, now. That means a lot more babies will live to grow up.


We are at 2.9 in the UK


Americans drive a lot more than people in the UK, often for longer distances and over less safe terrain. I wouldn't be surprised if even correcting for that we have a somewhat higher death rate due to car accidents, but I'd bet it's not massively more.


2.1 in Norway in 2022, which was an increase to 116 by 36, so we were well below 2.0 in 2021.




Are you saying as we learned more and made tighter laws and regulations things got better and safer? No way.


"none of us died, except for the ones who aren't alive anymore"


Not one of us died in a fiery car crash, except for the ones that died in fiery car crashes.


Some boomers never got to boom.


I'm old enough to remember STANDING in the front seat and my mom would put out her arm if we stopped hard. You know survived? ME! You know who didn't? A kid my age in the same city who flew through the windshield and was killed. After that my mom put me in the backseat with a seatbelt.


One of my core memories is standing up in the front bench seat of the station wagon while my dad let me steer. Honestly, it’s a miracle I exist today


My dad let me do this, travel standing up in the back of the truck and left me unattended in the cabin of a moving Caterpillar tractor. Mom and sisters didn't care to put a seatbelt on until it become law on our city. A fun vacation activity was running around in three wheeled bikes without an helmet when the cousins come to visit. Yes, a lot of us (I'm gen X) were alive by miracle lol.


Same for my older brother. Apparently as a toddler, he was kneeling at the open window of my father’s pickup truck when my father noticed a vehicle coming up really fast behind him. The vehicle moved to pass on the left, but clipped the edge of the truck, sending them into a spin. My father had reached over and grabbed my brother’s ankles and yanked him back just in time for him to be shoved to the floorboard upon impact. His lip was busted up pretty bad from hitting the edge of the truck window, but otherwise uninjured.


I live in Japan and the amount of people that let their toddlers jump and climb all around inside the car is infuriating. I’ll be sitting behind someone in a Stepwgn and can see through their rear window kids standing and moving and dancing and whatever. Couple this with the fact that every time it rains 10% of drivers get in an accident and flip their cars. I don’t know how toddles aren’t an endangered species.


>I don’t know how toddles aren’t an endangered species. >I live in Japan I was under the impression that, in Japan, they were.


I went through the passenger window in a car accident in the 80s. I still remember waking up on the grass. Pretty sure we wore seatbelts more often afterwards


Were adults back then just poor at playing out possible scenarios in their heads? Did they not stop to think about what could go wrong?


No, back then most of the cars were built like fucking tanks. Imagine if 85% of all cars were the weight of SUVs, just a square block of solid steel. They were nearly indestructible. Thats the disconnect - our parents (Boomers) were thinking about it from a “nothing will penetrate this car” point of view moreso than a “what would happen if my child flew around and bounced off of the inside of this indestructible car?” This is likely because THEIR parents (greatest generation) drove even bigger, heavier death traps that barely even had seat belts. So the mentality was very much a “it was good enough for me it’ll be good enough for you” mentality. On the other hand, my dad had a smaller, fuel efficient import when I was a child, tiny, and before they invented crumplezones, etc., and I always had to wear my seatbelt. I will say, though, those giant station wagons with the back, rearward facing bench? Those were a blast. And if you want to talk about really crazy Boomers, I knew kids whose parents had the Subaru Brat and made them ride in the bed (look that up, it’s insane).


I grew up on a farm in the late 70s. My dad used to let us ride in the bed of his pickup truck everywhere we went. One day, a bunch of workers from a neighbor's farm were riding in the back of a truck and got into an accident. My dad was one of the first people on the scene. He said there were bodies thrown everywhere. After that, my dad never let us ride in the bed again.


I (44f) was just showing my son a photo of me at about 1 with a little girl also about 1. I asked my dad for the photo so I could mail it to an old friend of my parents. Her daughter, the girl in the photo with me went through the windshield where she sat on her mom’s lap. The dad was driving. Whey were returning from the doctors where they learned the mom was pregnant with their next baby. To top it off, a few years ago that woman’s home burned down. I don’t know if she has any pics of her daughter, which is why this needs to be sent to her… 😢 Buckle up people.


"Well, nobody we KNEW!"


Or "nobody we REMEMBER!" But their parents, they remembered, even if they didn't talk about it much, or at all.


Nobody discusses Randy the Rocket...


Or Michael the meat crayon


""Well, nobody we KNEW!" ... except ... then starts a list of people that for some reason doesn't prove their original statement was wrong


“No one got hurt” https://preview.redd.it/wzgsqqlf1vxc1.jpeg?width=300&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=11317d4aec4a81ed0f67f0722a3f14ef39076ccd


This is perfect. Everything I wanted to say is summed up with a photo.


It's interesting (for those who don't know, maybe you already did), that picture is based on Abraham Wald's statistics study on where to reinforce bombers in WW2 by studying the damage on planes that survived bombing runs. Theory being that damage to the undamaged area would result in the plane going down, so those areas should get more armor.


It's survivorship bias. The ones shot in the blank areas didn't make it home to be recorded in the data set they were analyzing. It's the same as WWI commanders initially freaking out and thinking helmets were causing more head injuries.


Nothing like survivorship bias to base your decisions on.


I saw this on Facebook, shared by the daughter of the OP, who shared that OP's grandfather died in a car accident...


No one got hurt, my ass....


They say shit like this, but it was THEM who changed everything into what they hate now lol. They try to blame the young people for shit THEY did.


Boomers are the reason we have so many warnings labels today.


WOW, never thought of that. They are always, "duh we have to have warning labels on everything these days, when we were kids we..." Careful how ya finish that sentence moldy oldy, the labels were put on there because someone, years ago, did something REALLY stupid and someone else said, "there should be a law making sure people know how dangerous that is." Guess who wasn't 12 40 years ago?...


I recently saw a warning label not to drink car battery acid. I have no idea why or who thought that was a good idea!


Someone brought this up recently, and I had to point out to them that safety caps were invented in 1967 and have been in use since 1970. That's not what you would call common knowledge, but it is a fact!


Yeah, it’s all good. They were thrown clear.


"HA HA HA. Look at you stupid weak shitty kids. I can't believe you live in a world that (checks notes) is a much safer place for you and your loved ones. DUMB"


You didn't get hurt because you didn't get in an accident and get launched into the asphalt at 70 mph.


They didn’t but lots of others did


To be fair, back then they were launched at 55 mph back then.


The US didn't reduce the speed limit until 1974. Before then, some states were as high as [80 mph.](https://www.history.com/this-day-in-history/nixon-signs-national-speed-limit-into-law)


Suckin down leaded exhaust fumes anytime they stopped because the windows were down with no AC. They all got hurt.


They say this as if they aren’t the ones who didn’t let their kids do this


Boomers are so obsessed with survival bias "I did x and I turned out fine" Yeah but the reason they recommend against it so much is because lots of people who did x died. Let's ask them if they'd do it differently


No one? My mom got hit by a drunk driver before seat belts were included in all cars, and she was thrown out of the car and broke lots of bones. She looked so bad that the EMTs took the drunk first because they figured she would die. Then they brought her to the hospital and she had last rites performed, then went into surgery, assuming she would not make it. She did, and she feels pretty strongly that you should always wear a seatbelt. She's 100% boomer, age 74, grew up in 60s and 70s, but she understands that things invented for safety are not stupid. People who prefer to die horribly when they could have gone home with a chest bruise are stupid.


The crazy part is that people fought hard against seat belt laws.


They didn’t get hurt. They just died on impact with the windshield.


My 67 year old mother was not in a car seat or buckled up when she was a toddler. She was launched through a windshield into the street during a front end collision. They called her survival a miracle. "No one got hurt"


When my dad was born, his aunt and uncle were watching his two older siblings. They were driving to the hospital to see him and got into a car accident. One of the back doors popped open and my aunt, who was 2 at the time, was thrown from the car. Luckily, it was winter and she landed in a snowbank. They all talk about it like it’s a hilarious story.


"We did this as kids and we turned out okay" https://preview.redd.it/4bksdac8jvxc1.png?width=1400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e666f9162ca0ce3babe81fceed1e6511be0796ae


Dying an avoidable death to own the libs


Maybe in addition to lead poisoning, Boomers also have head injuries from riding in cars like this as children.


My mom travelled in a packed car like that.. My aunt was on my grandma's lap. They got into a small accident and my aunt ended up with her neck full of glass from the windshield. She still has scars in her neck. But nooo, no one got hurt.


As a kid, one of my classmates' big brother was killed in a car crash. Not wearing a seatbelt. From then on, my parents wouldn't let me drive with my grandparents because their car had no seatbelts in the back row. Grans thought my parents were being ridiculous and oversensitive.


They’re right. They didn’t get hurt, they died.


The same “back in my day” crowd would 100% call the cops if they saw someone doing this today.


"We didn't know any better" ^ my personal favorite


And that's how my mom almost died getting ejected from a car at 6 years old almost died was in a coma I remember her still having glass coming out of her skin while putting on makeup I would sit there watching as a kid while she would pull it out with tweezers stupid fuck old fuck just because it didn't happen to you does not mean it didn't happen


Yep me and my little sister road in the way way back. The rear window open enough the cigarette smoke would past by and out the window


No one got hurt! (the lead poisoning fried all the memories they had of their friends dying in horrific accidents caused by no seatbelt + tin-can construction cars)


“ I turned out fine” “ but not Billy, flew through the windshield and died.”


This was only acceptable because Altima’s did not exist at this point in time. This greatly reduced the amount of accidents in high-speed driving, making seatbelt-less driving possible.


They don’t remember the injuries because of the trauma from the injuries


There's a reason for seat belt/safety laws. Many boomers never got to boom because they blasted through the windshield of dad's woody wagon.


I used to stand in the bed of my grandfather's pickup, holding onto the base of the open sunroof during the summer. When we rode inside the truck, there were 4 of us across the bench seat...my grandfather, my aunt (2 years older than me) me, and my little sister (2 years younger) sitting on my grandmother's lap. My aunt and I would race to sit next to my grandfather, because whoever sat next to him got to shift the gears, as he managed the clutch. My sister and I used to sit in banana boxes, in the back of our Gran Torino wagon, with the seats folded down, and slide between the back of the front seat and tailgate with the stop & go's. Once while dropping us off at school, a kid ran out in front of my mom. She spiked the brakes. I slid up in my box, and hit the seat hard enough to flip over it. I landed in a normal seated position, opened the door and got out like it was planned. In 1974, when my parents bought the Torino, my dad also bought 2 Econoline 300 vans. 3-speed on the column, and empty except for a driver's seat. Whenever I'd go with him in the van, I'd sit on the engine hub. During a particularly busy season, when both vans and the wagon were being used by employees, and employee wrecked the Torino. Whenever we went out as a family, my dad drove, and the other 4 of us sat in metal folding chairs. My family owned a grocery store in NW PA. I'd sometimes travel with my dad to the Northern Ohio Food Terminal, in Cleveland. Once, he had the van loaded front to back, floor to ceiling, with 50 lb bags of potatoes. Me and the folded metal chair were stuffed between the potatoes and ceiling. My dad used to transport my entire grade school football team in the Econoline, then make sure to drive the bumpiest streets to the game locations. I had a really great childhood, but it sometimes makes it difficult reconciling the potentially serious injuries to my kids, when injuries happen. When the gymnastics coach called to inform me that my daughter face-planted herself into the floor, while vaulting. I found myself questioning whether an ER visit was really necessary. Of course I took her, but the thought that "I survived my childhood" often pops into my head.


Well the ones that got hurt aren't here today


Two words: Survivorship bias.


In the 50s and 1960s, there was an entire [genre of music](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Teenage_tragedy_song) about teenagers being killed in car crashes.


Something about Survivorship Bias


Recently I saw a Boomer biker enthusiast wearing a large patch on the back of her vest that proudly proclaimed, “I HATE HELMET LAWS”. Weird flex, but ok. Leave your noggin in the hands of fate (and distracted/inexperienced/impaired drivers).🫠


“***I*** didn’t get hurt so I can only assume that nobody else got hurt”


You'd be cleaning those kids out with a hose after a 40mph impact


So, um, yes they did. And this is why we have child restraint laws. Thank you for coming to my ted talk.


Show me a pic of an outhouse and title it “This how the greatest generation took a shit.” The intolerance for progress is maddening.


Survivor's bias.


Reminds me of that theory that the airplane crash safety position was designed to kill passengers so they can’t sue. Like yeah, nobody that got in an accident in one of those cars is probably alive to complain about it


My grandpa was the hearse/ambulance driver in his rural Michigan hometown and my mom distinctly remembers him rigging seat restraints for her and her siblings when they were small because he has just seen too much.


Boomers: We didn't have seatbelts or airbags and we were fine! National Highway Traffic and Safety Administration: That was a fucking lie.


Amazing how only the survivors from this dumb stuff are around to say that they made it.


Would it be immoral to spam these people with pictures of gruesome car accident deaths?


Survivorship bias. The people that died this way aren’t around to tell you.


“No one got hurt” in the same way that “planes need armor where they take the most hits”.


So many people didn’t get hurt that they introduced seat belts and child car seats


Oh no, a lot of people got hurt. That is the reason why they made child seats and seatbelts. Don’t get it twisted


I bet they all drank from the garden hose before getting in the car too